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Author Topic: Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich  (Read 11989 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2022, 01:56:48 AM »
Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich v1.06.52 Now Available!
Mon Jan 17, 2022

Hi Everyone!
We have a new patch version for Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich, you can grab it here!
 v1.06.52– December 18, 2021
 Changes & Fixes:
 •Shuttle missions work much better than before. Added some UI info to show home bases for detachments. detachments will disband if they run out of planes or they end a subsequent turn back at their home base. You can move detached groups back to their original attached HQ bases but there is a delay now with moving groups depending on how far they move. For example, moving a detachment from Africa back to England will delay planes and pilots for about 10 days. If a detachment flies a mission and returns within 200 miles of their home base, they will automatically return to their home base and recombine. Detachments will not get new planes and pilots until they recombine.
 •Did an extensive sweep of the code and fixed several more variable-type classes that were still causing minor issues with some routines, and several other minor bugs that were causing issues with the correct allocation of damage, fatigue, experience, hits, etc. to pilots and planes.
 •Added "add bomber" and "add escort" menu shortcuts to the raid menus to reduce mouse clicking and movement.
 •Damaged straggler bomber groups will separate to single planes on the return trip when the sun starts to go down.
 •“List Targets” menu will automatically highlight map target types. Added UI shortcut to return to the main target types list.
 •Reworked fighter attack/fighter bomber aircraft allocation. Ensured dual-role fighters can perform both FB and escort missions. Ensured AI proper use of FB’s and fighters carrying bombs and/or drop tanks.
 •Added weather forecasting to non-campaign scenarios.
 •More tweaks to help Allied AI form effective raids.
 •Adjusted play balance for Big Week scenario.
 Happy Gaming!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2022, 02:03:11 AM »
Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich v1.06.57 Now Available!
Wed Aug 17, 2022

Hello everyone,

Today we are glad to announce a new update for the game, here is the changelog:

Changes & Fixes:
• Fixed a few more situations where shuttle missions were still not working as intended. Escorts will now follow shuttle bombers if they have enough fuel, otherwise they go back to home base. Stragglers will return to home base or the shuttle base, whichever is closer. Detached groups will not receive new pilots or planes, and their parent groups will only receive replacement planes and pilots very slowly.
• Fixed an issue where the ability for a night raid to stay on course was not considering experience and fatigue, which was causing more night raids to “plow up the fields” instead of hitting their targets.
• Softened that infernal “click” sound when selecting radio buttons.
• Aircraft will now always attempt to climb above balloons to minimize accidental strikes against balloon cables.
• More fixes to “Auto Plan Raids” functionality. There is a method to setting up autoraids; mainly, any fighters you order to sweep will not be available for escort duty so try planning your bombing raids first because the AI only builds bombing raids that can be effectively escorted.
• More minor tweaks to Attacker AI in BoB and BtR.
• Fixed a bug where the AI was selecting non-existent targets for a secondary target.
• Defender groups now display “time to ready” when selected at airbase.
• “Delay” time is now displayed dynamically when adding escorts to raids while setting delay location by the map.
• Reconfigured some unnecessary routines to speed up play a little.
• Defender units Group Display now shows takeoff delay for group.
• Weapons Display will show more information about nightfighter radar and jamming systems.
• Nightfighters won’t lose their systems upgrades when swapping cannons. And replacements enter the game with current technology.
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