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Author Topic: SGS Afrika Korps  (Read 5469 times)

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Offline Asid

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SGS Afrika Korps
« on: September 23, 2020, 01:34:21 PM »

The game recreates the campaigns and battles of Erwin ‘Desert Fox’ Rommel’s legendary Afrika Korps, in Libya between 1941 and 1942. Play the Axis forces to conquer the most valuable prize of all: the Suez Canal. Or command the 8th Army soldiers, the famous Desert Rats, to repel the invaders.

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Game Manual (version 1.0)
PBEM Manual

Single-player, Shared/Split Screen PvP, Remote Play Together

SGS Afrika Korps Trailer


The game recreates the campaigns and battles of Erwin ‘Desert Fox’ Rommel’s legendary Afrika Korps, in Libya between 1941 and 1942. Play the Axis forces to conquer the most valuable prize of all: the Suez Canal. Or command the 8th Army soldiers, the famous Desert Rats, to repel the invaders.

Afrika Korps contains many scenarios, covering different periods of the war in the North African desert in Libya and Egypt, from 1940 to late 1942. Small scenarios cover the famous battles of the Crusader or BattleAxe operations, or the fight for El Alamein campaign. Medium size campaigns deal with the 1940 Italian ‘Operazione E’, the failed invasion of Egypt and the O’Connor counter-offensive. Or a second one with a campaign start in the Spring 1941 when the Afrika Korps first arrives, while the third covers the war from 1942 onwards. Finally the Grand Campaign scenario will allow you to lead Rommel or the Commonwealth forces from El Agheila in 1941 to El Alamein in late 1942.

Scenario durations last from 4 turns (for the smaller ones) to over 42 turns, each representing a two-week period between April 1941 and December 1942 (plus the 1940 months in the Italian Offensive scenario). One player represents the German and Italian units (land and air) of the Axis in North Africa, while the other commands an array of British, Indian, Australian, South-African, Polish, Greek, Free-French troops and Royal Air force units fighting for the Allies.

•   The Axis have numerous but poorly led and badly organized Italian forces at the start of the game, but their German reinforcements, although of the best quality and despite being few in numbers, may prove decisive if used wisely and not exhausted in violent battles.

•   The Commonwealth and Allied troops must hold sometimes desperately against the initial onslaught and vastly superior strength of their enemy, but they will progressively get the upper hand with better equipment, more troops and adequate commanders in the long run. They need to hold and save Suez, then fight back and send the enemy all the way back to Tunisia while the operation Torch will send the signal of the end for the enemy in North Africa.

Be careful of the potential weakness of some quality but small units and, above all, watch your supply lines, as no war can be undertaken in the desert without adequate logistics. The mastery of your supplies and communication networks will be the key of victory…or defeat.

The game's event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 1h00
Favored Side: none.
Hardest to Play: Commonwealth

What is the Strategy Game Studio (SGS)

The Strategy Game Studio (SGS) has been founded by Philippe THIBAUT (see bio below) and other veteran wargame players and designers. They have acquired a license to the source code of a digital game named Wars Across the World (WAW) which gave them access to most base functions for a strategic and operational (not tactical) wargame engine. Most key aspects of that engine were extensively and widely modified, as well as a great number of graphics and UI elements.

The goal is to create a generic but flexible tool, complete with code and game editor, to allow the design and production of games, with a focus on the history years from 1850 and later.
The first game made with the engine, to try the ideas and concept with a real subject, is called Winter War, and covers the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Two other World War 2 games are in the production pipeline (see The Games) and other titles on previous (or later) moments of history are in the plans.

Each game will come as a separate product, because it has its own map, different scenarios and a large enough content to be a complete standalone product.

Philippe THIBAUT is the well known designer of the famous boardgame EUROPA UNIVERSALIS and many other board and digital games (including the Ageod games).

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2020, 01:34:58 PM »

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2020, 01:35:32 PM »

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2020, 01:36:10 PM »
Planned Release Date: 12 November

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2020, 05:40:17 AM »
Video tutorials

Full playlist here

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2020, 04:31:52 AM »
SGS Afrika Korps: El Alamein 1942 Scenario
10 Nov 2020

El Alamein 1942

Short mission.

Ai v Ai Set at "Expert" level

This is the Afrika Korps El Alamein scenario, the attack by the Commonwealth commanded by Montgomery in November 1942.

After the successes of the Axis advance into Egypt, the Commonwealth forces stopped Rommel at El Alamein. Commonwealth forces were then reinforced and prepared for another attack.

• The Commonwealth forces are stronger and led by General Montgomery with tanks that are comparable to German tanks, and the air force and artillery are very powerful.
• The Axis led by Rommel have high morale German troops, but the Italian Infantry still suffers from limited mobility. They must block the enemy attacks, and prevent a Commonwealth breakthrough.

The scenario starts with the Commonwealth forces prepared to attack. Can the Axis hold position? Can the Commonwealth break through? Can Rommel be pushed back?

Be careful of the supply lines for te Commonwealth, as early success can outrun your supply!

The games Cards and Events allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the environmental, diplomatic, military, or political fields.
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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2020, 03:35:12 AM »
Upcoming update
20 Nov 2020

Hi Everyone,

and thanks to the hundreds of players who backed us by purchasing this game.

We are currently working on an update that will come most likely next week, and will include the following (not sorted)

•   Revised map, with enhancement and differentiation of roads and trails
•   A new Operazione E scenario starting in September 1940 (the current one is renamed Compass)
•   A few extra playing cards added for more flavor
•   Events added to make the logistical situation more tense in the grand campaign
•   Grand Campaign AI improvements
•   And the usual minor fixes (bugs, improvements)

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2020, 02:33:04 AM »
Upcoming update
05 Dec 2020

In the coming week, we shall come with a major update on the game. Details will be published and anounced here, ahead of time, so you can get feedback on what is approaching and also have time to prepare for the update (as previous version saves won't be compatibel, which can be an issue in PBEM)

Besides the usual fixes and improvements on the code (like a rare bug ending randomly a PBEM game), we have worked mostly on 3 fields: AI, game balance, historical accuracy.

Without giving all the details, the next update will bring a more agressive AI, especially the air one.
The map has received a few changes (e.g. more sea regions to avoid a trick of shortcircuiting travel distance oversea, or the Halfaya pass, or better visual distinction between roads and trails)
The OOB has been slightly improved (the main addition is the entry of the USAAF in July 42)

The majority changes come to the gameplay balance, with more events accounting for the terrible summer heat of Libya, supply disruption from Malta, reconstruction of destroyed units, orders from gHQ to halt offensive (in exchange of replacements), more cards, etc...

This has been made possible by the many players feedback we received, and those with whom we were lucky to make PBEM matches...

Stay tuned

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2020, 04:15:17 AM »
Wed, December 23, 2020

The game's first major update with many improvements and additions for an improved gameplay

After a little more than a month from launch, the game has received a warm welcome from players. We have taken note of quite a few remarks and suggestions and are pleased to bring now, just before Xmas, this major update to you.

The improvements and additions below are not compatible with the previous version of SGS Afrika Korps, so can’t run saves made in the original version or allow continuation of ongoing PBEM in the older version. Make sure you don’t do the update if you wish to play on with an older game.

•   (UI) Reduced Height of mini map.
•   (Battle Summary) Added tooltip indicating how units were damaged.
•   (Air battle) Implemented Air Supremacy: side parameter + associated effect to enable/disable for the specified side.
•   (Air movement) Added scenario parameter to disable strategic bombing movement for scenarios that don't need it (no economy in AK, so useless here).
•   (AI) Improved calculation of region's AI interest score.
•   (AI) Increased mobility of AI-controlled units.
•   (AI) Reduced chances that an AI-controlled stack retreats on a region whose terrain does not allow supply.
•   (Aerial AI) Much improved assignation of Air Stacks for Attack and Defense moves.
•   (Battle): Added a special Panzer phase, when German armoured units are present in clear terrain, they receive an extra and exclusive pre-battle fire phase (representing better tactical mastery).
•   (Battle) Obstacles units are now destroyed at the end of the main round (will avoid a single barbed wire to delay a whole division in case of bad dice rolls).
•   (Quick battle) Fixed pursuit phase.
•   (Units and DB): revised some units values (e.g. 88mm AA guns) or strength (most Brigades have now less hit points, and those are based on a mixed of number of troops and quality of them). Air units have most of their factors revised, to match with new AI and better usage. Some graphics have been changed or improved.
•   (Localization) Updated Italian localization and added Portuguese localization.
•   (PBEM) Saves that are not playable by the local player are now greyed for better readability.

*** FIXES ***
•   (Mouse cursors) Fixed some mouse cursors that appeared scrambled on some systems.
•   (UI) Fixed mini map overlapping with phase windows.
•   (UI) Fixed issue where opening Structure info window would block the rest of the UI without allowing to close this windows.
•   (Summary phase) Fixed bug where regions won would keep green stripes on subsequent phases.
•   (Cards) Fixed bug where the move range of a stack was not immediately updated after playing a card that changes it.
•   (Cards) Fixed game freeze due to cards being simultaneously deactivated and drawn.
•   (Cards) Fixed bug in card play conditions that resulted in some cards never being playable.
•   (Cards) Fixed the ‘Nuke’ effect on the Massive Air Raid Commonwealth card.
•   (Aerial interception) Fixed issue that resulted in a very low probability of aerial interception/discovery test success.
•   (Aerial interception) Fixed issue where an interception stack was incorrectly supposed to have radars.
•   (Air combat) Fixed bug where air combat modifiers were not removed from units after battles.
•   (Camouflage) Fixed bug where structure units where not taken into account when deciding what happens if a an enemy unit removes its camouflage and no allied stack is in the region itself.
•   (Movement) Fixed issue where regions were incorrectly inaccessible through automated movement (right-click on stack).
•   (Auto Move Mode) Fixed bug that missed a part of Regions accessible to the selected stack.
•   (Auto Move Mode) Fixed bug that allowed to perform auto-move while still playing cards in the movement phase.
•   (Battle) Fixed freeze while units are shooting (often happening with Elite units).
•   (Battle) Fixed bug affecting all SGS Games where the first battle dice was always 0.
•   (Retreat) Fixed bug where land and air units could be merged in a single stack, causing the destruction of air units because they cannot retreat with the others.
•   (Retreat) Fixed bug that could cause retreating units to be destroyed although they had valid retreat destinations.
•   (Retreat) Defender cannot retreat through enemy lines anymore (e.g. retreat in or behind a region from which attackers came).
•   (Localization) Added missing localization in unit tooltips.
•   (PBEM) Fixed a bug that prevented the "Send save" button to be displayed at the end of the turn, the game would continue as if normal and not PBEM.

The main focus in scenario content was brought to the 1941 and 1942 Grand Campaigns, although all the above new code and database changes also apply in all (other) scenarios.
•   (Scenarios) Added a new Operazione E scenario starting with the Italian Offensive in September 1940. The former scenario of same name starting in November 1940 is now renamed Compass (from the British operation name)
•   (Map) Added quite a few extra sea regions (will help AI and also prevent using short-circuit travel over seas). Added the famous Halfaya Pass east of Sollum. Improved visual distinction between roads and trails.
•   (OOB) Added new units (e.g. Desert forts, some Italian artillery, more AA units, USAAF units in 1942)
•   (Events) Added weather events to cover the extreme heat situation in the Summer months of July and August (with extra losses in deep desert)
•   (Events) Added Supply Disruption events against Axis to better represent the key role of Malta (will immobilize units on the Axis side, will give more Malta-related cards to the Allies). In the same spirit, more LRDG cards are regularly drawn by the Allies.
•   (Events) Added Offensive Halted events, where in exchange of severe limitations in movement your side receive a larger influx of replacements.
•   (Events) Added more historical events, such as extra defense to Tobruk, the Axis recapture of key Cyrenaica locations, or the Pedestal Operation. Fixed some of the already existing events, with a more historically-realistic timing.
•   (Cards) Convoys for the Allies, more defensive cards, various improvements and fixes. Cards offering advantages in land battle now usually require a minimum of 3 lands units to be involved to be playable.
•   (AI) Improved Strategic AI for the campaigns, in particular helping it with better relocation of air forces. Major work effort from our main Historical Advisor and Playtester, Lodilefty.
•   (Game Balance) Added more events for a better flow of replacements, and extra free draw of useful cards (repairs, new units, rest, etc…). Added also events that will reconstruct over time some useful units lost in combat (mostly Armor units) to avoid unbalancing the campaign.

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2021, 03:15:50 AM »
Minor Update
Fri, January 8, 2021

•   A quick fix to solve the 'Nike' effect on the Massive Air Raid card of the Commonwealth.
•   Other cards effects improved, and localization texts changed.
•   Improved AI on the defensive air phase (might be slightly longer in proceedings now)
•   Minor scenario fixes (setups, cards in hands)

Save compatible.

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2021, 01:53:10 AM »
Minor Update (February 10th)
Wed, 10 February 2021

•   - (AI) Added animation when AI is computing aerial movements

•   - (General) Fixed game hanging on certain aerial rebase events
•   - (Cards) Fixed bug where some cards were not playable while they should be
•   - (Cards) Fixed bug where all units were inflicted damages instead of only the units located in selected region(s)

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2021, 11:56:41 PM »
Minor Scenario Update
Mon, 22 March 2021

Minor update to the main 1941 Campaign to make the initial German move easier (removed or displaced some Commonwealth obstacles on the way to Benghazi)

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2021, 11:46:51 PM »
Minor Update - Cards Play bug fix
Tue, 20 April 2021

Following ongoing PBEM and other games matches with our players, a few cards play bugs where identified and, hopefully, fixed. This in particular solves the issue where many cards, when drawn a second time in a campaign, became no longer playable.

It also solves the case where some battle cards where never playable.

This is in anticipation of the major update that will come in May, when Halls of Montezuma
is released.

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2021, 11:44:12 PM »
SGS available in Polish Language
Mon, October 25, 2021

Game localization update

The game engine, as well as SGS Afrika Korps, can now be played in Polish.

Thanks to our translator Marcin Kolbuk.

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Re: SGS Afrika Korps
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2022, 09:12:48 PM »
Italian translation update
Thu, February 17, 2022

Update and proofreading of texts.
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    AFRIKA KORPS VERSION Of my Hex&Chit game

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