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Author Topic: Armoured Commander II  (Read 27552 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #75 on: March 07, 2021, 12:57:46 AM »
Update 8.0.6
Sat, March 6, 2021

A substantial minor update today, with two new campaigns, a number of new units (bringing the total to 501!) and many fixes and improvements. Changelog follows:

8.0.6 Changelog
ADD: New Campaign: Baytown to the Winter Line (Canada)
ADD: New Campaign: Between Kursk and Bagration (USSR)
ADD: Enemy units' guns upon spawn will be loaded with between 40% and 100% of maximum ammo stores for each ammo type
ADD: Mountain Pass zone type in Italy and North Africa: additional travel time, increased chance of ambush, penalty to move in all terrain within the pass, greater chance of LoS being blocked
ADD: Short music effect to start of day display
ADD: Several new Soviet airplane units
ADD: Some missing unit portraits
ADD: When player is attacked in own zone, very likely that attacking units will be copied from those present in adjacent zones if possible

CNG: Slightly lower base Fog penalty for Area Fire and Point Fire attacks
CNG: No vision penalties (Fog, Smoke, Dust) now apply to overrun attacks
CNG: Overrun attacks now allowed against all enemy units, gun attacks during overrun get a bonus to hit, movement to-hit penalty reduced
CNG: Four of Spades Steam achievement changed to: Destroyed a Heavy Tank while commanding a Tankette or Light Tank (captured tanks are being renamed, so in near future will no longer be possible to destroy exactly the same model as player commands)

FIX: Rivers were being generated between or adjacent to Water zones
FIX: Display colour of Water zones now matches that of rivers
FIX: Time limit for Hold objectives in new map areas now set properly

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #76 on: March 13, 2021, 11:58:01 PM »
Update 8.0.7
11 March 2021

A minor update today, adding two new units, a new mid-war campaign, and a fix for an annoying bug!

8.0.7 Changelog
ADD: Churchill I and II
ADD: Operation Avalanche to the Winter Line (USA) campaign
FIX: Bug where a player commander returning to their tank after a stay in the field hospital would not have their position set properly, leading to an incorrect command list
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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2021, 11:16:38 PM »
Update 8.1.7
13 April 2021

8.1.7 Changelog
ADD: Panzer M3 740 (captured Stuart I), Kreuzer Panzer Mk VI 746 (captured Crusader I), Panzer Mark II 748 (captured Matilda II)
ADD: If Driver is CE, bonus to movement chance
ADD: Sound effect for destroyed gun, unarmoured vehicle
ADD: Random Campaign Day events: lowered support level, new squadmates, landmines discovered/removed
ADD: Target Specialist skills

CNG: Molotov attacks now cause a 10% fire chance when bailing out
CNG: Allied units including squadmates now less likely to do nothing during their activation

FIX: Crash when unit support request is active but no support type has been selected
FIX: Hold objectives can now be failed if time limit passes, improved checks for Hold objectives
FIX: Current crewman command will now only be shown in Swap Position menu if called from within a Scenario
FIX: If player tank is immbolized and then destroyed, final outcome in end-of-day report will be 'TANK LOST'
FIX: Rare crash during player squad spawn

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #78 on: April 18, 2021, 11:37:08 PM »
Update 8.1.8
Sat, April 17, 2021

8.1.8 Changelog

ADD: New Campaign: Bagration to Berlin (Germany)
ADD: Panzer M3 740 (Late) (Captured Stuart III), Panzer Mk VI 746 (Late) (Captured Crusader II), Panzer Mk VI 746 (III) (Captured Crusader III), Panzer Mk III 749 (Late) (Captured Valentine III)
ADD: Panzer T-26 737 M33, Panzer BT 742, Panzer T-60 743, Panzer T-70, Panzer KV-1E 753
ADD: M11/39 (UK), M13/40 (UK), M14/41 (UK), Autocannone da 20/65 (UK), 20/65 (UK), 47/32 (UK), PaK 38 (UK), PaK 40 (UK)
ADD: Belgium nation definition

CNG: Wording of crew action in bail-out minigame from 'Supressing Fire' to 'Covering Fire'
CNG: Disabled lightning flash effect
CNG: Crewman nicknames can now be cleared

FIX: Minor fixes to several campaigns

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #79 on: April 19, 2021, 11:23:47 PM »
Mon, April 19, 2021

8.1.9 Changelog
ADD: Display of the unit ID of the randomly selected tank portrait in the main menu
ADD: Artillery guns now have a base penalty to hit when firing over open sights, i.e. everything other than artilery support attacks (thanks for the suggestions, KunaMroku!)
CNG: If Hold objective time limit expires and player is in the zone but hasn't captured it yet, the objective won't be failed and player has a chance to capture the zone
CNG: Rocket attacks from airplane units no longer need to score a direct hit to have a chance of destroying an armoured target
FIX: Missing data in the unit definition for Semovente da 47/32, which was causing a crash when switching to this model
FIX: Final to-effect modifiers (eg. Hamada Effect) were being displayed in the AP roll

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #80 on: July 05, 2021, 12:06:33 AM »
Update 8.2.2
Sun, July 4, 2021

A minor but important update today, fixing two issues reported on the Discord. There's also been a number of minor fixes applied through hotfixes over the past few days, which are also listed below.

Update 8.2.2 Changelog

ADD: New portrait for the Panzer II J
ADD: Renault FT (BEL)

CNG: Slightly increased range of front and rear facing on vehicles
CNG: Minor changes to 18 Days' Campaign

FIX: Zone capture VP values in Hold the Line mission
FIX: No longer possible to throw a smoke grenade while BU
FIX: Rare case where friendly and enemy units could end up in the same hex on the scenario map as a result of a player move, usually leading to a crash
FIX: Withdrawing units no longer count for Steam achievements relating to destroying units

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #81 on: August 28, 2021, 11:36:02 PM »
Update 1.0.0
Sat, August 28, 2021

This is a major update and as such breaks saved campaign compatibility.
If you are currently playing a campaign in version 8 and you want to finish it
, please follow these steps:

1.   Open the game's properties in Steam (click the gear icon in its library page, then 'Properties')
2.   Click the "Betas" tab, then in the drop-down menu, select the "legacy_8.x" branch
3.   Close the properties window and make sure that Steam updates the game

Your game will now be restored to version 8.2.3, and you can continue your campaign. When you are ready to update to 1.0.0, simply follow the same steps, but select 'None' in the Betas tab.

This update brings a huge number of changes and improvements to the game, and is intended to be the final major update before the game leaves Early Access. It's not the end of development though, and I intend on continuing to develop the game into the future.

As always, any bugs or crashes please report them on the Steam discussion boards or the Discord. I'll be online throughout today to hotfix any minor issues that pop up. Full changelog follows:

1.0.0 Changelog

ADD: Radio Comms System
- Added a Comms console to the scenario layer
- All AFVs will have a radio by default unless the no_radio tag is in their stats
- Some units will only be fitted with a radio if spawned after a certain historical date
- HQ radio link means less time for resupply on average, having a dedicated Radio Operator decreases this to minimum of 10 minutes
- Possible for player radio to be damaged/destroyed after penetrating hit (minor damage/immobilized/spalling)
- No Headquarters (HQ) radio link means support requests take 10 minutes longer, chance that message will not get through
- No Battlegroup (BG) radio link means that new commands issued to allied units during a battle may not get through
- Radio may break down or get destroyed during a scenario random event
- Damaged radios are automatically repaired at end of scenario or combat day, destroyed radios are replaced at end of combat day
- Any crewman in tank may attempt to repair a broken radio, Radio Operators get a bonus to do so
- Current squad command is displayed in the Comms console
ADD: Deployed/packed-up status for guns, HMG teams, AT Rifle teams, and mortar teams
- these units must pack-up to move, and must deploy to fire; each action takes a roll that is modified by pinned status, unit size level
- teams that spawn as passengers start packed-up, otherwise when these units spawn they will normally start deployed but might be surprised packed-up
- packed-up gun units are more likely to be destroyed by firepower attacks
- once packed-up, infantry teams and small or very small guns can move on their own, anything larger needs a tow from a gun tractor
ADD: Alternate Unit Portraits, selected based on campaign region and current date, stored in subfolders: DES desert; WIN winter; TRO tropical; MAR marines / naval units; LTW late-war
ADD: New console image for the Campaign Records screen, contributed by Engineer Zero
ADD: Many skills now have minimum stat values required before crewmen can add them
ADD: Wind weather effects: ground will dry out faster, smoke more likely to dissapate, dust more likely to settle when no wind
ADD: If player tank takes a penetrating hit during the day, it must be replaced after the combat day is over
ADD: 12x12 pixel font option
ADD: Effects of a position having a large hatch: bonus to spot when CE, bonus to bail out of a large hatch, more vulnerable to FP attacks when CE, bonus to sniper attacks on crewman in position with a large hatch
ADD: Healed crewman injuries can leave scars
ADD: Highlight if crewman current has 1+ advance points to spend
ADD: New Skill: Only a Scratch: Less chance of being sent to the Field Hospital for an injury
ADD: New Skill: Steady Hands: Reduces movement penalty when firing an MG
ADD: New Skill: Fighting Spirit: Chance that crewman breaks out of Field Hospital and returns to duty before minimum period is up
ADD: New Skill: Gunslinger: Small arms attacks from your vehicle are more effective
ADD: Vehicle-Mounted Flamethrowers, if weapon does not have an external fuel tank, increased chance of fire/explosion if fuel is carried
ADD: Campaign Option: May include armoured cars as possible player vehicles if option is enabled and campaign includes them
ADD: Display of vp modifier (if any) for current tank when refitting
ADD: Display of current odds to withdraw from battle
ADD: Display of Standard/Custom campaign to campaign selection menu
ADD: Command in bail-out game for commander to throw smoke grenade, any smoke around the player tank will reduce chance of any incoming FP attacks
ADD: If player is attacked while waiting for resupply, if they survive and don't withdraw resupply arrives after the scenario is over
ADD: Appropriate MG / HE explosion sound effects when using Advancing Fire
ADD: If player attempts to go HD, squadmates will also attempt if possible
ADD: Player can save and apply gun loadouts in the Ammo Loading menu
ADD: Stielgranate 41 HEAT round to PaK 35/36 from March 1943 onward; max range is 1 hex and accuracy is reduced
ADD: CE crewmen can make small-arms attacks on non-vehicle targets within 1 hex during the crew action phase
ADD: Armoured unit support category, automatically generated based on player unit list
ADD: Enemy units that are the last survivors of a battle will be more likely to withdraw
ADD: Rescue units will be less likely to move toward enemy units
ADD: Rear-facing turret CMGs to: T26, BT-5, BT-7, BT-7A, T-28, KV series
ADD: enemy_fortifications tag for campaign weeks, means that enemy units much more likely to be spawned fortified, entrenched, or dug-in
ADD: Possible that air or artillery support spotters reveal one or more enemy units during support attack
ADD: New sound effects: canister ammo hit
ADD: Late-war Soviet infantry now have a chance of being spawned with captured Panzerfausts
ADD: Armoured Cars and other-non tanks as optional player units, thanks to flori2412
ADD: Difficulty levels for all campaigns
ADD: Hearts Steam achievements
ADD: Extra Large size category, applied to armoured train units
ADD: Initial data structures to handle gun tractors and towing guns
ADD: Additional sound effects, including sound for weapon jam
ADD: Display of terrain effects modifier in Reposition menu
ADD: Contextual description for different AI Difficulty settigns in the Campaign Options menu
ADD: During Crew Action Phase, any crewman on a command that requires player input will be highlighted in the crew info console
ADD: Campaign Option to enable RoF for all enemy units
ADD: Now possible to dismiss pop-up messages early using the Tab or Enter key
ADD: New Units: Panzer II D/E, Churchill Crocodile, AMR 33, AMR 35, AMR 35 (Late), Laffly W15T, Renault FT (POL),
Renault FT (MG, POL), R35 (POL), Panzer I A, Panzer VIp, Renault FT (FIN), Renault FT (MG, FIN), T-37A (FIN),
T-34 M40 (FIN), SU-76M (FIN), ISU-152 (FIN), Panzer IV J (FIN), StuG III G (FIN), R35 (ITA),
SU-152 (Late), Ram Mk I, Target units, Hs 123, Sd. Kfz. 10

CNG: Decorations
- possible decoration awards are now checked for at the start of a new calendar month and at the end of a campaign
- decorations are awarded per crewman
- odds are based on the average VP per combat day to that point in the campaign, or the maximum one-day VP since last check, player commanders are slightly more likely to be awarded one
- each crewman's decorations are displayed in the crewman menu
- American crewmen will be awarded a Purple Heart for Heavy or Serious injuries (max one per day)
CNG: Crew injuries now start as Fresh, can be Patched Up during a battle or at the end, and then will be Healing for some days afterward
CNG: Injuries once healed can leave scarring, which reduces the chance of future injury to that location, but also reduces a random stat by 1 (won't reduce to lower than 3 though)
CNG: First Aid is now an active command with input from the player during the Crew Action phase; can attempt to stabilize or patch up oneself or another crewman
CNG: Vehicle breakdowns can occur during scenarios, making the vehicle immobile until the end of the scenario
- player vehicle is automatically repaired after the scenario is over
- any squadmate that breaks down will drop out of the squad, but if they survive, they will be repaired and rejoin squad after scenario is over
- small possibility that breakdown is serious and vehicle is immobilized for the rest of the day
- breakdown checks also occur when moving on the Campaign Day map; breakdown results in additional travel time, immobilization ends the campaign day
CNG: Unit portraits now stored in data/unit_portraits; any old duplicate portraits in the data directory will be removed when game starts
CNG: Redesigned Swap Position menu
CNG: Redesigned Assign Position menu
CNG: Redesigned Add Skill menu
CNG: Redesigned Bail-Out minigame so that action descriptions and modifiers are more clear to player
CNG: Player Armoured Cars, Tankettes, Light Tanks, and Tank Destroyers now more likely to be knocked out rather than suffer minor damage, immobilization, etc. on a penetrating AP hit
CNG: Crewman injuries from a knock-out hit in Armoured Cars, Tankettes, Light Tanks, and Tank Destroyers now more likely to be serious
CNG: "Co-Driver" in most units changed to "Rear Driver" to better reflect their role
CNG: Crew skills now correctly modified by crewman condition (stunned, fatigue)
CNG: Knowledge stat now applies a small bonus to all skill effects, no longer modifiers amount of XP gain
CNG: Increased effect for many skills, but increased penalty for using them while BU
CNG: Slightly decreased chance of injury for CE crewmen when tank is hit by FP
CNG: Weapon Names: Co-ax MG to CMG; Turret MG to TMG; Hull MG to BMG (Bow Machine Gun)
CNG: Unit Names: Firefly IIC to IC Hybrid
CNG: Moved skill info data into sessions object
CNG: Weather condition odds now scale based on current date in calendar, no more sharp transitions between seasons
CNG: Now possible to request resupply even if there is no clear path to friendly forces, but if there is no HQ radio connection, will require more time
CNG: Campaign option VP modifier now stored as int rather than float
CNG: Replacement crewmen now have a chance of starting at a higher level, depending on the average level of surviving crew
CNG: Reduced to-hit penalty/bonus for Very Small and Very Large targets
CNG: Removed message displayed when squadmates or other friendly units become Unspotted
CNG: Withdrawing from a battle is now a little harder, but you get a bonus for smoke or dust around the player unit
CNG: If the player has an empty commander position but a trained commander in another position, any replacement crewman for the commander position will only be trained as a gunner/driver
CNG: Main menu can now be closed by pressing key of currently active tab (so one can close the Glossary with F1, for example)
CNG: "Western Russia" region to "Western USSR"
CNG: Unspotted units now only take half FP from incoming attacks (halved just before FP is resolved)
CNG: Slightly increased odds of getting 2 or 3 units from unit support request
CNG: 'First Aider' skill now 'Medical Experience' (thanks stein!)
CNG: Unloaded passengers count as moving for their first turn in the scenario
CNG: Friendly fire air and artillery attacks much more likely to spot targets
CNG: Enemy units outside of LoS now displayed with a dark background to be easier to see on the screen but still clear that LoS is blocked
CNG: When continuing into a new campaign, the campaign options are preserved from the previous campaign
CNG: .50 cal / 12.7mm MGs now indicated as ~MG+
CNG: Battlegroup orders now applied to all friendly units, can be set in the Campaign Day layer and then changed via Commander action during a Scenario
CNG: Reduced effect of fatigue on player rolls
CNG: Overrun attacks always hit side armour of armoured target
CNG: Structure of mod folder is changed
CNG: After a campaign is finished, if the player chooses not to or cannot continue into a new campaign, the saved campaign will be retained in case they want to return to it later
CNG: Increased base chance of spotting for artillery and air attacks
CNG: Moving Target to-hit penalty for Point Fire no longer applies to defensive fire attacks
CNG: Allied units and all MG weapons can now maintain RoF

FIX: Replaced the old flashing screen lightning effect with a new animation for the Campaign Day and Scenario layers
FIX: Summer weather conditions used to end on September 31st(!)
FIX: Was possible for a 'you rejoin all your old crew' message to be displayed when none of your crew survived
FIX: Japanese Type 92 Battalion Gun was too long to be displayed in game, shortened name and added a check upon load for unit IDs longer than 25 characters
FIX: Unit Name correction: Breda Ba.65
FIX: Mladshiy Serzhant rank no longer used prior to 1940
FIX: Some unit descriptions were too long to be displayed on screen
FIX: Bug where it could be possible to change game settings from other tabs in the main menu
FIX: Minor issue with the shift key not being handled properly
FIX: Roads and rivers now correctly generated/extended when moving into a new map area
FIX: Targets of artillery support attack now correctly moved to top of stack before hit resolution
FIX: Now possible to input punctuation marks into the text input field
FIX: New crewman would never have their Morale stat randomly increased
FIX: Weapons being blocked by vehicle hull in some directions not being applied properly
FIX: AI units will no longer use AP gun attacks on an unspotted unit (they shouldn't know it's an armoured unit)
FIX: Effective FP no longer displayed when attack misses due to Hull Down
FIX: Better handling of game window being minimized or focus being lost during animations or other automatic actions
FIX: During bail-out, crewmen can pull unconscious crewmen out of the tank as long as there's an open hatch somewhere in the same location as the unconscious crewman
FIX: Looping animations no longer affected by animation speed setting
FIX: Bridges were being spawned across rivers linking land and impassible zones
FIX: Weapons that jam or break will no longer display 'Maintained Rate of Fire' and the F to Fire Again command in the attack console
FIX: Units that are pinned or reduced immediately stop moving
FIX: Campaign Options menu now uses improved key inputs, can cycle between different AI difficulty settings
FIX: Bug where friendly support units might withdraw from the scenario
FIX: Campaign Records now display three lines per entry, enough to display longer campaign names
FIX: Game will now check for mod folders and skip if folder is not present
FIX: No longer possible for crewmen to operate 2+ weapons in the same turn, even if they are in different weapon groups
FIX: Longer crew commands will now be truncated when displayed in the contextual info console
FIX: AI bug where units might sometimes not be able to pivot/rotate their turret in the same turn
FIX: Bug where the info displayed in the Final Report screen would be that of whatever crewman was currently in the commander position, rather than the Player Commander
FIX: Crewmen injuries not being cleared properly when returning from the Field Hospital
FIX: Crewmen in Field Hospital not being copied over correctly when continuing into a new campaign
FIX: In bail-out, when trying to carry an unconscious crewman to safety, if there's no eligible crewmen left to save, game will still do a roll to move to a safe location

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #82 on: September 11, 2021, 11:53:35 PM »
Update 1.0.2
Sat, September 11, 2021

This is a minor update that includes several additions and fixes that had already been added as hotfixes over the past few days.

1.0.2 Changelog

ADD: Additional command in bail-out procedure to push an unconscious crewman out of the vehicle
ADD: Additional command in bail-out procedure to swap positions with an unconscious or dead crewman
ADD: Vichy French nation definition, now possible to continue into Free French or (future) Vichy French campaigns from the France campaign
ADD: Display of unit TEM if any in unit info console

CNG: Updated description of Vickers 6-Ton Mark F and added hull-mounted SMG
CNG: Enemy units outside of LoS no longer count for withdraw checks
CNG: Armoured unit support will only spawn 1-2 units rather than 1-3
CNG: Artillery guns with a calibre of 40mm or lower are no longer subject to the 'Firing over Open Sights' to-hit penalty

FIX: Various minor fixes to the bail-out procedure
FIX: Bug where crew could disappear after the bail-out procedure, if it ended before all rounds were completed
FIX: Bug in bail-out procedure where it was not possible to carry unconscious crewmen to safety
FIX: Vehicle flame throwers consuming fuel when jammed
FIX: Incorrect message when an immobilized vehicle unit is forced to withdraw
FIX: Bug where gun units would just withdraw rather than move in the scenario layer
FIX: Units that deployed could still count as moving afterward
FIX: Possible display overlap in unit info display if unit in smoke and dust
FIX: When continuing into a new campaign, if current vehicle model is not included as a player unit in the new campaign, player must choose (or be assigned) a new model; check is skipped if the 'ahistorical' campaign option is active
FIX: Bug where it was not possible to swap places with a dead crewman during bailout

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #83 on: September 19, 2021, 11:59:58 PM »
Development Roadmap
Sun, September 19, 2021

It's been just over two weeks since Armoured Commander II left Early Access, and the response from new and old players alike has been really positive. As I mentioned in the release announcement, I'm not done developing the game quite yet, and still have quite a bit of new content planned. Below is my current roadmap for where I want to take the game next. All of this planned content will be free to owners of the game.


Ongoing: Bugfixes, crash fixes, minor Quality of Life and interface improvements
Near-term: Create modding guide, add Workshop and Nexus integration
Near-term: Add new air and ground units 1939-1945
Near-term: Minor improvements to existing campaigns
Medium-term: Spanish Civil War units and campaigns
Medium-term: Pacific and Southeast Asia units and campaigns
Medium-term: Second Sino-Japanese War units and campaigns
Long-term: Korean War units and campaigns

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #84 on: September 29, 2021, 11:42:12 PM »
Trading Cards, Badges, Emoticons, and Profile Backgrounds Now Available
Wed, September 29, 2021

A set of Steam trading cards for the game is now available. These can be crafted into five levels of profile badges, and there are also emoticons and profile backgrounds available as well.


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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #85 on: October 03, 2021, 11:21:02 PM »
Update 1.0.6
Sun, October 3, 2021

A minor update fixing a few issues. Please note that if you have been using mods, they should now be added to the ArmCom2/mods folder within your user folder. A Vortex extension for the game is also coming.

1.0.6 Changelog

ADD: Kingdom of Greece nation definition (not used yet)
ADD: Mods menu with list of loaded mods and any modded files that failed to load
ADD: Recon support units have a chance to spot concealed enemy units before the battle begins
ADD: Summer camo portraits for Finnish units by chri and cjprince

CNG: Recce units now have increased chance to spot, and decreased chance to be spotted
CNG: VP bonus for Enemy RoF increased to +20%
CNG: If player is ambushed in own zone before a move action, any active support requests are cancelled
CNG: Mod folder now located in user folder

FIX: Minor issue with skill selection in Add Skill menu

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #86 on: October 10, 2021, 11:36:51 PM »
Update 1.0.7
Sun, October 10, 2021

A minor but significant update with a number of additions and fixes, including quite a few flame-thrower tanks!

1.0.7 Changelog
ADD: New campaign skill for Belgian 18 Days' campaign
ADD: Flammpanzer B2 F, Flammpanzer II, Flammpanzer III M, L3 Lf, M3A1 Satan, M4 Crocodile, Matilda Frog, OT-34 M41, OT-34 M42, OT-34 M43 (early), OT-34 M43 (late), OT-34-85 (early), OT-34-85 (late), OT-130, OT-133, OT-133 (FIN), StuG III Flammpanzer, Type 91 SS-Ki, 76.2mm obr. 42, 122mm obr. 31/37, Hawker Tempest
ADD: HE FP increased in Urban Combat missions, unless another modifier (such as Airburst or Snow) applies instead

CNG: Gun Maintenance skill now also available to Gunner/Loaders
CNG: Guns that are spawned in enemy or neutral territory will always start packed-up
CNG: Units that are spawned in enemy or neutral territory can no longer start dug-in, entrenched, or fortified
CNG: References to 'Tank Exterior' changed to 'Vehicle Exterior'
CNG: Belgium now has unique decorations
CNG: Improved descriptions for HE FP modifiers, but modifier won't be displayed for unspotted enemy targets

FIX: A number of typos and minor mistakes
FIX: Rotate Turret command now only active when a crewman in thr turret is on an Operate weapon command
FIX: End of Day screen was being displayed briefly when loading a game saved in the scenario layer, and where the time of day is later than the end of the combat day
FIX: Enemy nations were being selected during weeks when they should not be available
FIX: Recon unit support spotting could happen even if support did not arrive

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #87 on: October 19, 2021, 11:52:42 PM »
Update 1.0.9
Tue, October 19, 2021

1.0.9 Changelog

ADD: Panzer II A (late), replacing the Panzer II F in earlier campaigns
ADD: Tutorial slide for when support attacks destroy all enemy units before first turn

CNG: Slightly reduced "Firing over Open Sights" to-hit penalty
CNG: Improvement to poppy ascii art on main menu

FIX: Overrun command not being available if an enemy unit was spotted by Recon support units
FIX: Penetrating hit on player tank was not immediately resolved if player was sent to Field Hospital

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #88 on: January 02, 2022, 03:54:53 AM »
Update 1.1.3
Sat, January 1, 2022

Some important fixes and changes in this update:

1.1.3 Changelog

CNG: List of crew skills in Add Skill menu now ordered alphabetically
CNG: AI units can no longer Surrender if they've already performed 1+ actions that turn

FIX: Possible crash due to unit support menu not returning proper result when support request is cancelled
FIX: AI units can no longer attack targets in the 4th hex ring of the scenario map
FIX: Road depictions now run through fields rather than under them
FIX: Player unit types being incorrectly identified as obsolete when moving into a new campaign
FIX: Possible that no battle was triggered upon moving into a zone with a Rescue objective
FIX: Fully implemented bogging down and unbog attempts for AI units; bogged-down AI units can no longer move until they unbog

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Offline Asid

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Re: Armoured Commander II
« Reply #89 on: April 03, 2022, 04:53:01 PM »
Update 1.1.5
Sat, 2 April 2022

This is a minor update fixing a few bugs and adding some helpful features:

1.1.5 Changelog
ADD: Much improved Field Hospital console image by Allie
ADD: Tab key can now be used to cycle through active tab in in-game menu
ADD: Pop-up message in bail-out when trying to rescue an unconscious crewman but they have no hatch or their hatch is shut
ADD: Ultrawide fullscreen option for 21:9 displays
ADD: Command to delete a campaign record

CNG: New/old sound effect for recon action

FIX: Extended characters now displayed properly in crewmen memorial menu
FIX: Purple Hearts now correctly awarded for Heavy or Serious injuries
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