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Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« on: August 18, 2019, 03:52:59 PM »

A fantasy turn-based tactical RPG built on depth and mechanical complexity, featuring classless character building, strategic management, and small unit tactics on a world scale.

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Forged of Blood | Official Trailer 2019


Forged of Blood is pushing the boundaries of depth and mechanical complexity for the modern turn-based tactical RPG. Classless character building, strategic management, and small unit tactical gameplay combine to create a multi-layered experience that puts players in the middle of a civil war in a morally grey fantasy world.

A game of hard decisions and harsher consequences, Forged of Blood will challenge players to make decisions across every layer of the game. On the battlefield, character builds, turn-order efficiency, and positioning will be key to victory. While off the battlefield, your choices on the world map will determine the fate of your kingdom and future of your people.

Key Features:

•   Tactical Fantasy: Take to the field with sword and shield or cast powerful spells in deep turn-based tactical combat against monsters and men.

•   Classless Warfare: With 9 unique weapons and a vast magic system, Forged of Blood lets you build your characters any way you want – without being constrained by the typical tank/DPS/healer roles.

•   Science in Magic: Explore the freedom and mysteries of one of the most complex and unique magic systems ever attempted in video games.

•   Kingdom at War: Command up to three parties of heroic characters on the strategic layer in your fight to reclaim the empire you lost.

•   Meaningful Choice: Your choices matter. From character building to your choices in the game narrative, your decisions will reverberate across the Strategic and Tactical layers of the game.

•   Your ends; your means: In a world of grays and unique perspectives, it is up to you to decide what is “right” and “wrong” for the future of Attiras. Forged of Blood will introduce a new Tri-axis Personality Plot (TAPP) system in lieu of the traditional Good vs. Evil scale common in most RPG settings.

Tactical fantasy, unbound.
Building your own character has rarely been so liberating with 9 weapon types – each with its own ability trees - along with 6 general ability trees. Going into battle, players will be able to take customized parties of up to five characters, each with two weapon sets and abilities to respond to any tactical situation.

Spellcrafting, as it should be.

Few systems will match the freedom of our Magurite Spellcrafting mechanics. Forged of Blood puts players in direct control of the powerful magical forces they can wield in battle, allowing the creation of spells from 6 different “Primordials” each with 8 Effect Classes, that can be individually modified with 12 Effect Modifiers. The spell is then shaped and tuned through 12 unique Global Modifiers. This is spellcrafting the way it should be.

Philosophy in War.
Focusing on player choice, Forged of Blood accentuates the morally grey world of Attiras with a personality trait system that follows the player’s actions on a Tri-Axis Personality Index. With no light or dark, good or bad, right or wrong – actions are judged by three philosophies: Altruism, Rationalism, and Hedonism.

Small Unit Tactics on a World Scale.
Your forces are few, but the world is large. Forged of Blood is a game that will be won on and off the field of battle as players manage 3 parties across the great continent of Attiras. Striking the balance between outright conquest, appeasing conquered territories, and managing your own character's growth will prove that while tactics may win the battle, strategy will win the war.

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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2019, 03:56:30 PM »
Forged of Blood | Official Gameplay Preview - Part 1

Published on 19 Jul 2019
Part 1 of 2. A developer narrated preview of Forged of Blood's main gameplay loop, going from the strategic layer into tactical combat. Disclaimer: parts of the game are not final and may be subject to change.

Forged of Blood | Official Gameplay Preview - Part 2

Published on 25 Jul 2019
Part 2 of 2. The continuing adventures of the developer narrated preview of Forged of Blood's main gameplay loop. Part 2 starts after a cut to avoid some narrative spoilers and covers the party management, recruitment, combat, and endgame objectives.

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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2019, 11:48:14 PM »
Sliding into your Settings, Patch 1.1.4502
23 Aug @ 5:42pm - LittlestCutestBabyBunny   

August 23, 2019 - 1.1.4502

Hello, we’ve got a big update this week as we’ve compiled all the fixes and changes we’ve been working on since the last patch into this one and there is just so much to cover so I’ll stick with the marquee updates that we’ve included here and start with a small disclaimer:

1. With the implementation of so many updates and fixes, there is a minor chance that your main campaign saved games can be corrupted.

2. In order to address the most common cause of game crashes, we’ve had to remove the image loader for the loading screens for the time being. We will be using the default black with three white boxed loading markers, while we narrow down on the issues causing these crashes.

Now, on the good stuff.

Attiras at war, your sandbox.
Let’s start with the biggest and most requested feature: the sandbox mode. One of the most highly debated topics in our game is the presence of the timers that drive the game narrative and pacing. While I remain steadfastly behind our design and narrative decisions to have them there, I also recognize that it is not for everyone and have taken measures to address it via the implementation of our sandbox mode, titled: the Attiran Conquest.

The new Attiran Conquest mode is a new mode that players can enjoy free from the narrative and time restraints that are present in the main game. Upon completion of the first act, players can start a new campaign that jumps straight into the war without any preamble. For this mode to work, all faction and character arcs have been removed and while certain events will remain in the game, no additional events will happen past the main game’s end date - but the player is free to continue questing and conquering the world until the end. This also means that this mode will only have one outcome: outright victory or death.

Note that this mode is not the original intent of the game or the narrative, and thus certain aspects that remain in this mode may feel out of place.

Through thick and thin.
Our second biggest implementation is in direct response to many players who found the rigors of command to be particularly taxing and were plagued by desertion. Of course, our intent with this system to highlight those exact challenges faced by those in leadership positions - constantly on the razor's edge of your own personal ideals and that of those who follow. To that end, the implementation of a slider that allows players to enlarge the Philosophical Distance Threshold in their game empowers them with the choice to set the challenge they want. And yes, for the masochists out there you do have the option of reducing the threshold as well.

The future that awaits.
Now I’ll leave the myriad changes for you to browse below as they are a bit of a mouthful and I would like to address some of the things we have in the pipeline.

The codex is top priority and the sheer bulk of all the systems, mechanics, and lore that we are compiling for it is rather staggering - so, know that it is coming but it will take some time. As always, we are pretty active on the community hub and Discord if you have any questions, that remains an open line of communication for those who are keen to talk to us.

We are also working on a new mechanical feature that would allow players to play the game with our balanced settings but not be too severely punished for their philosophical choices. This will also take a hot minute to implement and test, but it should provide a lore friendly way to alleviate our player’s frustrations.

Finally, I am very happy to confirm that achievements are coming. We will have over eighty in all and we are awaiting final implementation and testing for the triggers.

And with that, I’ll end it there. Thank you so much for your patience and continued feedback. This patch is a long time coming and we’re thrilled to push it out tonight.

- Igor

[EDIT] P.S. We also added an extra regional quest that can be randomly triggered once a region has been as a thank you to some of our fans out there!

1.1.4502 - Patch Notes:

Removed: Images in the loading screens that have been causing crashes during loading to and from combat until further notice.
Added: Cinematic audio volume is now affected by the master volume
Fixed: Quest objective that causes game over is now evaluated first
Changed: FactionXSurvive objective no longer main objective for SP_Girond quest
Added: Separated scene mouse input with scene keyboard mouse input in strategic so that panning with keyboard still works when the mouse hovers over UI elements
Fixed: Bug where dead creatures are looted at the end of battle
Fixed: Bug where aura effect from active ability doesn't applied immediately
Fixed: Display bug where staggered value in spell text is multiplied by 5
Removed: "Increases Fortitude" tool tip text when you hover over the Endurance label in character sheet
Changed: Max cover value bonus increased from 50% to 65%
Added: Preliminary Codex Prep
- Enables codex button in tactical
- Remove economic overview button in tactical
- Change the hovered texture for both codex and ingame-menu button with the proper ones
- Added: UI sound effect for codex button in both tactical and strategic
- Added: Codex UI assets
Fixed: Description for Executioner Training
Fixed: Aura effects from another character’s aura will not be removed properly when Character is out of aura range
Fixed: Tactical character sheet aura syntax
Improved: UI Lag in character sheet panel
Fixed: Sandbox Epilogue cinematic now will change active map to an empty one
Fixed: Quest option, burying the dead miner in AridClaimingQuest3 now cost 200 gold instead of giving 200 gold
Fixed: Enemy loot not dropping if dropped by the last enemy killed
Added: Additional Gold rewards for creature quests (250)
Improved: Reduced delay after battle result from 1.5 secs to 0.5 secs
Updated: Screen capture 2D to update every time strategic map is opened and every time a region color is updated.
Refactor: Removed PAX folder
Fixed: decals and corrupted RebelGeneric4 map.
Fixed: LoreArchive map floor.
Fixed: Choices with negative gold now will no longer appear if player has insufficient funds
Added: No stop battle delay for retreat and end tutorial
Added: New quest: In Their Defense
Added: "Attiran Conquest" label to save game that is saved in the Sandbox mode
Added: Gold condition check in In Their Defense quest Post Battle Dialogue
Changed: War Worn Wretches map from TM_RebelGeneric4_Night_Primary to TM_RebelGeneric4_Dusk_Primary because TM_RebelGeneric4_Night_Primary is corrupted
Changed: Initial character level at the start of ActSandbox is 5
Added: 1 of each weapon in castle inventory at the start of ActSandbox (Attiran Conquest)
Added: Fully Implemented BracatiEvent for ActSandbox
Internal: Exposing GenerateItemForGenerator to blueprint
Added: Disclaimer at the start of sandbox mode (Attiran Conquest)
Fixed: Additional and correct quest lifetime timing
Updated: Characters and Items for the quest In Their Defense
Fixed: null reference at the end of battle
Added and reorganized Male and Female Battle Cues
- ClaimantTaunt, DefaultMale, 2, 3, 4
- RebelTaunt, DefaultMale, 2, 3, 4
- FemaleClaimantTaunt, DefaultFemale, 2, 3, 4
- FemaleRebelTaunt, DefaultFemale, 2, 3, 4
- Female Rebel + GenericAction Cues, Default, 2, 3, 4
- Female Rebel + GenericAction Cues, Default, 2, 3, 4
- Loyalist, Female HitReaction - DefaultFemale (for all)
- Loyalist, Female TurnStartNotification, DefaultFemale, 2, 3, 4
- Loyalist, Female MoveConfirmation, DefaultFemale, 2, 3, 4
- Loyalist, Female WoundedTurnNotification, DefaultFemale, 2, 3, 4
- Male DeathReaction and RebelTaunt Cues
Updated and remixed Male and Female, WoundedTurnStart and FDeathReactoin
Added: Leivan and Quintes non-essential marker in sandbox mode
Base implementation for sandbox mode:
- Sandbox Act
- Button to start sandbox in both main menu and test menu
- Player can not start sandbox if he has not finished Act I
- Player can, however, play sandbox if he played the older version of the game
- Sandbox starts in day 1 with the same party as in act I
Fixed: null reference in behavior tree check archetype decorator
Added: new LoreArchive map.
Fixed: Changing GoldIncomeModifier from the dialogue doesn't work, now the GoldIncomeModifier value will be saved
Changed: FixCover related variable from WITH_EDITOR into EDITORONLY_DATA
Refactor: Remove some unused assets and variables related to tactical game mode and session
Added: Balanced the amount of gold in dialogue
Fixed: localization key name conflicts in the code base
Refactor: Remove unused assets, mostly related to PAX
Fixed: Switching between general and weapon ability tree via the header title in the strategic menu is now using the same procedure as switching it via navigation button. This fixes the bug where up arrow notification is not affected by switching via header title
Fixed: Incorrect archetype check for thermal, spirit, and arcane mage archetype variations
Refactor: Remove old Game Prime related assets
Fixed: Stop turn order from going to the next character when the battle ends
Changed: Quest lifetime will continuously count down during journey
Fixed: Character effects (buffs and aura) carried over through subsequent battle
Fixed: Bug that collapses the loot panel when the player selects 'Takes all' in the battle result's screen
Fixed: Typo in Antihalus Claiming Quest
Fixed: Conquest win now show Leivan as king if Tavias never fight him, instead of Tavias
Changed: the PDT slider label to 'Personality Distance Threshold'
Added: a new gameplay option : Personality Distance Threshold slider
Added: A functionality in grid manager to detect overlapped covers (covers that has the same index)
Removed: Overlapped cover in TM_AttirasLibrary_Primary.umap
Fixed: Finish quest from dialogue at the start of battle will stop the battle without delay (this fixes the bug where such thing will sometimes makes the game stuck)
Fixed: bug where camera can still be controlled by player in tactical battle finish delay
Fixed: finishing the quest doesn't trigger the Finish Quest Event
Changed: If multiple quest objectives are completed/failed at the same moment in tactical battle, the worst one is chosen
Fixed: Spellcasters will no longer target any character that has been vanished
Fixed: Bug where Tactical Finish Battle is triggered triggered multiple times when more than one character died at the same time and at least two of them triggers end battle
Added: A delay of 2 seconds before the result is shown in battle
Fixed: All units will face nearest enemy at the start of battle
Added: Screen capture 2D in strategic map has been changed from capturing per tick to capture on request
Added: Balancing gold in Rebel arc
Fixed: Foros' equipment bug fixed
Fixed: Choices that give money, item, or characters in dialogues that is not part of the quest wouldn't show in the dialogue result (although said rewards are still granted to castle inventory/garrison)
Improved: Spellcaster AI now only targets friendly unit and not neutral unit for healing and defensive spells
Improved: Balancing gold in Act 1 and Act 2 Loyalist arc
Fixed: Explorati report post-Coalescence now change depending on whether Rebel/Claimant faction still exists
Fixed: Strategic main panel is now scales to fit the screen, so there's no cropped information anymore for resolution scale 16:10
Changed: Reverted the minimum resolution scale back to 16:10
Fixed: Bug where party is still going to its target quest node even though the quest in that node has finished (either by story or timed out).
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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2019, 11:37:27 PM »
Achievement testing going live
Mon, 9 September 2019

Forged of Blood achievements will be live for testing, but cannot be earned yet.
Hey everyone,

We have a short update today to announce that the 87 achievements we currently have listed will be going live for a short period this week while we do some final testing. This means that you will be able to see the listed achievements but you will not yet be able to earn them via in-game actions.

After we have made sure that the achievements are triggered properly we will be including them into our upcoming patch.

There will be a lot of fixes and additions coming up, in addition to the big addition of our achievements and codex features. We thank you for your patience and continued support throughout the last few weeks.

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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2019, 02:30:16 PM »
Expanding on the World of Attiras, Patch 1.3.4613
September 14, 2019

New Codex, Spell Save/Load system, Bribe mechanics, and Achievements

September 14, 2019 - 1.3.4613


We’ve been fairly quiet in the last few weeks as we focused on implementing a number of big features that pushed our game out to 1.3. While we would have liked to push out the 1.2 patch earlier, some of the systems are already tied together so we had to power through and make sure everything works together in our latest patch, and here we are, so on to the big updates.

The Codex

One of the largest features we’ve implemented in this patch is the inclusion of the Codex - a repository of lore, mechanical definition, and tutorial entries that are searchable and interlinked. This was a pretty massive undertaking as it required the implementation of a new system and complete overhaul to much of the lore text to fit our intended format, as such this is something we will continue to edit, expand, and refine as we go along.

In this patch we’ve included a bit of the ancient history of Attiras and provided some additional lore context to the creatures, factions, and our main protagonists. We’ve also entered in a pretty comprehensive list of definitions and mechanical explanations of the many features and mechanics in the game along with the main tutorial slides from before. As mentioned, we will be adding on to it in the coming patches, and while we have our own backlog, your comments will help us prioritize what entries need to be put, edited, or elaborated on.

Spell Saving and Loading

Having implemented a spellcrafting system as massive as ours, one of the most requested quality of life features has been the ability to save a spell that you have crafted for use on other characters. This was a bit tricky but we’ve managed to make it work with the caveat that saved spells can only save that particular instance of the spell; which means that you will still need to manually level up your customs spells, and if loading the spell into a character with a lower magurite control stat, you will need to adjust the levels accordingly. This is of course due to the custom spells being custom to each player’s making.

For returning players, you will note a slight change in the Spellcrafting UI with the Save/Load section being added on the bottom. Spells will need to be crafted and confirmed as before, once the name is confirmed, clicking the Save button with the spell selected will open the Spell Save menu. This will function just like the game’s Save/Load function from here on out. Loading a spell will overwrite the selected spell, and saved spells will only be available to the appropriate energy type. Once saved, spells can be used across multiple characters and campaigns as they will function much like a saved game. Happy crafting!


Now, to address the many concerns that have been expressed by players regarding the brutal nature of our Philosophical Index and the Distance Threshold for each character, we’ve been working on a couple options that are more in line with my lore and game design intent. While we work on the much larger and time consuming feature we have planned, this patch adds a couple “bribe” options to the warning dialogue that pops up when you followers are unhappy. You will now have the option to respond, and with enough gold in your treasury you will also be presented with two tiers of bribes to alleviate your follower’s discontent over your decisions. As they say: money talks - even in Attiras.


Finally, we have also put in the achievements many have been waiting for! There are 87 achievements in total for you to earn in-game.

Known issues:

Random dialogue threads leading out from the PDT warnings may trigger a null response with the wrong portrait and character name, but the chosen shift will still take effect. You can verify this by checking the character PP position in the Tri-axis Philosophical Index once the dialogue is over.

PDT warning values are still undergoing testing internally and may be subject to change in future patches.

Certain achievements that only need a specific numerical checks will be earned when loading a saved game (e.g. Number of territories or gold amount in treasury). Other achievements that require a specific event will require that event to be triggered again to earn (e.g Finishing Act 1, or completing a specific quest). Also, most achievements can be earned via the War of Claims and Attiran Conquests, with specific exceptions called out in the descriptions.

With this patch focusing on implementing the biggest new features we’ve been working on for weeks, we will go through and deal with the litany of smaller bug fixes in the coming week. The addition of new features will also bring a small chance that older saved games may be corrupted - our internal testing has proved otherwise but we would be remiss in not accounting for that possibility once the patch is out en masse.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will enjoy everything we’ve put into this patch. It’s been a few weeks of non-stop work to get everything together.


1.3.4613 - Patch Notes:

Fixed: Deleted empty rows in the codex
Updated: Codex Entry with new 'Tutorial' section, along with pictures.
Fixed: Wife achievement check related function
Change: Updating Codex/CodexEntries.uasset
Misc: Fixed achievement ID typo
Updated: CodexEntries for Attiran Lore
Added: GF_GotCaenicanSword flag to the SP_Teonas BattleWon dialogue
Added: Icons for 'Lore' section in the Codex.
Added: Icons for 'Weapon Ability' section in the Codex.
Added: Icons for 'Character Statistics' and 'Status Effects' sections in the Codex.
Added: CodexArt Batch 2 and 3
Removed: Empty codex entries
Misc: Achievement checkpoint
Updated: Weapon Ability Icons for the following: battle Axe, Dagger, Great Axe, Long Sword, Long bow, Maul, Short Sword, Short bow, and Warhammer.
Fixed: Bug where adding a character to a full party makes that characters to be also present on the Garrison list
Fixed: Spell achievement effect modifier and global modifier checks
Fixed: Weapon ability achievement value checks is now being done sequentially
Fixed: Weapon ability point achievement is now checking the distributed points instead of the total available points
Changed: Ability names in in the ability trees are now wrapped at max 160 px to prevent overlap
Fixed: Hardiness general ability [Hog's Grit] name
Added: Spell save system
Added: achievement id in DefaultEngine.ini
Implemented: ACH_W_LongSwordTree
Implemented: BeastCompendium Achievement
Implemented: QuestBeastCompendiumCheck
Implemented weapon tree achievement
Added: Codex art batch 2
Changed: Formatting style in Codex fixed
Changed: Codex font reduced to 16
Implemented ACH_ComethAndGone
Implemented ACH_Alright
Implemented ACH_AttiranConquerer
Implemented ACH_PoliticalAdept, ACH_BirdsofaFeather, ACH_BloddlineEneded, ACH_BloodlineRenewed, ACH_TheWarClaims, ACH_LoyaltoTheEnd, ACH_ALongApprenticeship, ACH_AGildedLily, ACH_ThreeisaCrowd
Implemented ACH_Hoarder, ACH_Hoarder, ACH_HomeAgain, conquest related achievement
Implemented spell related Achievement
Implemented ACH_MonHun
Updated: Steam Achievement check
Implemented spell related achievement
Added: Level 25 and 26 hire cost to the MarketplaceData
Added GF_GotKanara, GF_GotHanur, GF_GotClodia game flags
Implemented Hoarder
Implemented ACH_TheLittleBrother
Added GF_GottAnnus game flag
Implemented ACH_TheSistersKeeper
Added GF_GotTissia game flag
Implemented: ACH_ThePridefulMage
Implemented: ACH_TheShieldmaiden
Added: Codex entries, tags added, and formatting
Added GF_GotYventha game flag
Added GF_GotVanir game flag
Added ACH_TheCaenicanLegacy
Added GF_GotCaenicanSword game flag
Implemented ACH_Kingslayer
Implemented ACH_BirdsofaFeather
Implemented ACH_TheThorneInYourSide
Implemented ACH_TheFinalWord
Implemented ACH_ThatOldRuin
Implemented OnPersonalityChanged Event Dispatcher
Implemented ACH_TheBleedingHeart, ACH_TheHedon, ACH_TheColdScholar
Implemented ACH_PoliticalAdept
Implemented creature, claimant, and rebellion kill tracker
Implemented ACH_LiveTo
Implemented ACH_FightAnotherDay
Added Achievement Checker
Changed: Fixed size for Codex Entry buttons now allows for wrapping and has no max height
Added various achievement handlers
Added: Character Stats text and formatting.
Added: Characters that doesn't have an ID will be automatically pre-generated and assigned an ID
Fixed: Tutorial prologue C 03 image edge glow.
Added: Action point tutorial images to codex entries
Fixed: SetCommonID in DialogueController
Added: Followers warning dialogue options added
Added: Bribing mechanic recheck
Updated: Staggered delay marker to match spell type delay marker
Changed: Codex Hyperlink formatting in Consts
Fixed: Eviction by Force quest: Tempest location stuck fixed
Added: Missing Hyperlink assets

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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2019, 02:49:29 PM »
Setting your own path, Patch 1.4.4672
October 3, 2019 - 1.4.4672

Added new "Persuasion" mechanic and preset difficulty and game settings.

Hey everyone,

This update brings a lot of small fixes and some quality of life additions to the game and has been in testing for a few weeks now. With player agency in mind, this patch introduces preset difficulty settings that are accessible at the start of a new campaign or in the settings menu and along with a Persuasion mechanic on the Tri-Axis Philosophical Index (TPI).

Our game, your way.

While we’ve offered sliders in the settings menu since launch, we’ve had numerous requests for recommended difficulty settings. We’ve now put the presets for the basic difficulty settings front and center for both game-modes, while also providing a couple examples of how the sliders can be used to adjust Forged of Blood to the game you want. For example, those looking to experience the story can choose the “Relaxed” settings while those who want to experiment and abuse the wonders of magurite can choose the “High Magic” settings. If you so desire, you can also make the game more tactical by lowering player and AI health while increasing accuracy, or you can also invert those settings for an experience that is focused on character building. Forged of Blood is built to be a robust and expansive game, and we’ve designed these settings to allow each and everyone of you to tailor the experience to your desires.

Seeing it your way

The new Persuasion mechanic allows players to spend gold to move characters towards or away from the three philosophies in the game, giving them a more cost-effective way to manage their followers than the bribes. Additionally, the TPI field can now be zoomed in and out for greater control over your followers’ placement. Note that only follower characters can be “persuaded” towards one philosophy or another - Tavias and Leivan can only be moved via dialogue decisions.

A big thanks goes out to players who have reported bugs and issues relating to the achievements and stability since the last patch, patch 1.4 brings a much smoother and more stable experience throughout and we're thrilled to share it with you.

Known Issues:

•   Achievements will only trigger one at a time, but the achievement data is saved. So trigger a similar action or loading the game to before the trigger point will activate the achievement on Steam. This is due to how our checking processes cannot be tied to our tick intervals as those have been used heavily for the many quest and event triggers.
•   Updated quest timing and quest locations will cause previously saved games with triggered events to trigger over and over; the only fix is to start a new game.
•   Increasing Magurite Control limits and casting extremely large spells can cause crashes and decreased performance, do so at your own risk. Stability will vary on the power of your rig. (Magurite performance and balance is based on our standard settings)

As always, we’re watching and listening to feedback and we owe a big thanks to everyone who have stuck with us since launch; Forged of Blood has been made better by your support.


1.4.4672 - Patch Notes:

Fixed: ACH_Alright (Tutorial fight victory) bug
Fixed: Several typos in dialogues throughout Act 1 and other quests
Updated: Party and Garrison TPI Icon textures.
Revert: TPI circle marker
Fixed: Several typos in dialogues throughout Claimant Arc
Fixed: Turn order portrait for Leivan's Faction
Fixed: Tavias PDT is not cropped anymore when you zoom it out in the TPI graph
Changed: Change max scale for region nodes to two and for character nodes to 1.5 in the TPI graph
UPDATED: Party, Garrison, and Regional TPI Icon textures
Changed: Bastard's End dialogue to fit the marker's new location in Devorras
Changed: Bastard's End marker placement moved to Devorras
Added: Zoom functionality in the personality map
Fixed: Unlocking Friends in Low Places FILP_Lord(sided with lord) won't increase the number of regions requirements by one for Home Story to better reflect the in-game objective text
Added: PP shift to A Beast by Any Other Name dialogue
Added: PP shift to several Claimant Arc dialogue options
Change: Corrected Spellbook Spell Data
Fixed: Achievement checks for characters also checks whether the character is still alive in garrison, party or caravan
Fixed: Scaled spell parameters: effect modifier name lookup was using global modifier function
Added: Overflowed MC check in Scaled Spell Parameters will now also checks undervalued MC entries
Changed: Updated Spell Data
Updated: Codex added spell and spellbook information.
Added: Change "fix magurite control cost" to "Check Overflowed MC" in spell preset (Scaled Spell Parameters), it doesn't fix mismatched mc anymore, it just dump information of overflowed MC entries to the output log
Added: Reintroduce MC fix for scaled spell parameters
Fixed: Duplicate inventory bug when you purchase item and there's a party in the castle and you look into the inventory in the character sheet
Changed: Codex: Added information concerning the Spellbook Spells.
Added: Codex tutorial image
Added: Tutorial image for Codex.
Added: Codex Tutorial event trigger
Added: Codex Tutorial entry
Added: Codex Tutorial image
Added: Apply changes dialog confirmation window will appear if player switches out to another skill tree while having unconfirmed changes in weapon ability tree and general ability tree
Fixed: Spell crafting layout
Added: Descriptions for new Difficulty settings and modes.
Revert the removal of the duplicate bad luck from the codex entries
Removed: Remove duplicate entries in the codex: Bad Luck
Update: Additional mechanical Codex Entries
Changed: Default difficulty settings.
Fixed: Lock/Unlock event for brothers no more quest. The main arc story won't progress after brothers no more has been finished
Changed: Adjust persuasion UI layout
Added: Difficulty Presets
Changed: Starting a new game will now open up a difficulty setting menu
Misc: Battle line concurrency is now stop furthest and prevent newest
Misc: Changed config files
Fixed: Tutorial section in Codex entries
Added: Personality persuasion mechanic in the TPI screen
Fixed: Common Dialogue flag in Common_WarningMonologue
Changed: Limit sound concurrency settings: number of concurrent voice to 1

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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2019, 01:18:57 PM »
Patch 1.4.4686
Fri, 22 November 2019


This small patch is one that we've spent a lot of time tinkering with and will be one of our final updates for the game. As of 1.4 Forged of Blood has incorporated most the new features our small team is able to put together. From the new achievements, expanded difficulty settings, and conquest mode, the team and I are extremely happy with evolution our game has taken with your feedback and continued support.

For this update, we will be removing the Lady's Man and Lady Killer achievements from Steam and the game. We've discovered an error in the implementation and trigger points and have spent last few weeks trying to trace it back to the source, but to no avail. The decision was then made to remove the achievements entirely to avoid any further issues that the failed triggers may cause. All other achievements should be working as intended, hard as they are to achieve.

Additionally, we've updated many of the tavern and town interior maps that have had issues with our cover objects. Thanks to the reporting from many of you, we've also updated some of the quest timing triggers for a few of the regional quests and they should be easily reached in time. Finally, we've wrapped up the weeks of testing with some minor bug fixes and performance improvements on the back-end.

The team and I are very grateful for all the support and feedback we've received since launch. Forged of Blood 1.4 is a game we've grown together with your direct input and we hope you are all enjoying the game!


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Re: Forged of Blood : Tactical RPG
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2020, 03:24:18 AM »
Minor Patch: 1.4.4690
Fri 15 May

Hey everyone, we've been working these fixes on and off for a few months now. A big thank you to all those who have helped in finding and reporting these issues.

Changelog and Update List:
- Added new steam integration code
- Fixed Beast compandium sacer quest can't interact with interactable object at the exact tile location
- Fixed Taroeii dialogue spam (from Act 1, the continued Lord dialogue / character spawn should stop)
- Fixed Act2 save flag for various variables
- Various stability improvement
- Removed unused djikstra implementation
- Fixed undefined headers, compile and toolchain test

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