The New 717 UpdateApril 02 2020

As many of you know, the 717 has been plagued with the View Switch CTD for a while now, and the SLI flicker has also been reported. As of April 3rd 2020,
both of these bugs are now fixed. This means the CTD when switching views no longer occurs, and the SLI flicker when running two graphics cards has also been fully resolved.
On behalf of everyone at TFDi Design, we would like to thank our small team of affected users and testers with bringing this resolution out as the final update of the TFDi Design 717, version
For People Affected by the SLI FlickerThere are some additional steps that need to be taken in order to support the fix. In the Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\TFDi_Design_717\Panel\LegacyRender folder, there will be a Panel.cfg and 717.dll file. Copy these two items into the directory above, TFDi_Design_717\Panel folder. This will allow the TFDi Design 717 to support SLI.
If there are any problems or you need some additional help, please reach out to the support team here: (2 April 2020) Stability Update • [FIXED] An issue causing crashes when switching views
• [FIXED] A CTD relating to leg indexing
• [CHANGED] Provided "LegacyRender" panel option to natively support SLI