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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #105 on: July 28, 2022, 08:43:45 PM »
Imperiums celebrates its second anniversary. Celebrate with us!
Wed, 27 July 2022

Recap of the last two years with Imperiums and what lies ahead.

July 30th marks exactly two years from the launch of Imperiums: Greek Wars.
It was a big step for us – we decided to strike out on our own and take care of everything from the beginning to the end ourselves, starting from designing, programming, testing, marketing to release and following support. Two years is quite a long time, so allow us to look back and remember some of the greatest achievements.

Imperiums: Greek Wars

-51% £24.99 £12.24

Imperiumshas received altogether 28 major updates since the release of version 1.0.0. and approximately three times as many patches. We publish a changelog with every update to sum up the most important changes, improvements, and bug fixes. The frequency of updates has stabilized on an update every two months or so, and we plan to continue to support the game further on.

Imperiumssupported six languages at launch: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Czech. That in itself was a major achievement, and we bow to our community translators not only for managing such a large quantity of texts but for keeping the quality of translations on a top level. Considering the size of our studio and amount of texts that strategy games usually have, six official languages is an amazing feat! That’s just a beginning, though. Several other volunteers have jumped in after release wanting to have Imperiums in their own mother tongue. With their help, players now can play Imperiums in Japanese, Polish, Italian, and Chinese. Ten localizations was far beyond our dreams when we started few years back, and we do our best to keep all these languages up to date for all campaigns both already released and planned. So once again, thank you to our wonderful translators!

We have unfortunately identified some bugs over the two years that were missed during development. There are over 300 fixed bugs in our internal system, and the simplest ones were not even recorded as they were fixed right away. However, we still cannot say that we are done. :) There are currently approximately 200 outstanding bugs, suggestions, possible improvements, and changes that we go through based on priority and time. Many of the changes both implemented and waiting for realization have been added thanks to your suggestions. We are grateful for such active feedback; speaking to our community is important to constantly improve the game, and we hope you will keep the suggestions coming.

We have published two expansion packs in those two years and another one is almost at the door. Four months after release of the main campaign we published Imperiums: Troy, a small tactical scenario with couple of significant changes to game rules, ideal for a one-evening game or a multiplayer game with few friends. This DLC is free as a thank you for your continuous support.

It took us another ten months of hard work to finish the next expansion pack Imperiums: Age of Alexander, a big DLC with a huge map and several significant new features such as units in reserves, regional centers, emissaries, and more granular economic micromanagement.

Imperiums: Age of Alexander

-31% £15.99 £11.03

Both DLCs have received great reviews and they still score 100% on Steam!

Celebrate with us and get the base game and Age of Alexander for a great price now or get the whole bundle with 55% off!

Complete Edition

Includes 2 items
Imperiums: Greek Wars
Imperiums: Age of Alexander

-56% £40.98 £18.15

And what lies ahead?

You might have already noticed the news about the upcoming DLC Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage. It is shaping up to be the best campaign ever released within the Imperiumsframework. It will include a huge map covering the entire Mediterranean and some of the important neighboring regions. You can try your luck playing any of the 25 playable factions. This expansion pack, like those before, will bring some new elements such as migrating tribes, multiturn events, mandatory objectives, and historical events. We tried with this DLC not to increase the difficulty and complexity of the game but rather expand the existing mechanics and make them more interesting. Our goal was to make the game more alive to increase your immersion and engagement.

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage

Make sure you have the DLC in your wishlist and don’t miss the launch discount!

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthageis not the end of the Imperiums journey, though. We are already working on another small expansion ideal for a few-evenings game or multiplayer session. The topic and era are very interesting even if a bit obscure. More details will be revealed soon after the release of Rome vs Carthage.

And what else is in the pipeline? We have many plans and hope that this smaller expansion will not be the last one. We would like to publish at least one more major DLC similar in scope and size as Rome vs Carthage
, but this is dependent on the interest in the previous DLCs. So, if you want to support further development, get a copy of Rome vs Carthage! :)

What is left to say… Perhaps a simple “Thank you”! Thank you for the support of our translators, community, testers, and all you players who have bought the game and/or any of the DLCs. And special thanks to players who left a review for the base game as well as for the expansion packs. The game will not be alive without you, so please, stay with us!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #106 on: August 06, 2022, 11:21:47 PM »
Faction Highlights – Black Sea
Fri, August 5, 2022

This is where the Hellenic and Persian cultures meet the barbarian way of life - which will prevail is yet to be seen.

This last faction highlight takes us to the Black Sea, another interesting region in the upcoming Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
DLC. It might seem that all of the world changing events are taking place around the Mediterranean, but perhaps the relative distance from the political scheming of the great powers could be the decisive factor in establishing a new ruling empire.

The nations on the shores of the Black Sea have very different cultures and ambitions, which allows players to try different playstyles and provides great replayability value.

The Bosporan Kingdom, along the northern shore, controls the most economically developed areas of the region. They hold lands along the coast but have not yet managed to secure territories further inland, where their colonization efforts met with the sharp swords of the Scythian warriors. These two nations fight each other relentlessly, neither one has been able to gain the upper hand so far. However, the Sarmatian hordes migrating from the east, may yet even unite these old enemies in the face of a new foe.

The straits between Europe and Asia are occupied by Lysimachus in Thrace and Antigonids in Anatole. They carry on an endless war against each other, both wanting to control the domains of the Black Sea.

In their shadow live the smaller kingdoms of Cappadocia and Armenia, both trying to maintain their relative independence without getting too involved on either side.

The Black Sea hides great potential and many dangers. The differences between the states are deep, unorthodox methods will have to be employed to dominate them, peacefully, or by the sword.

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage

Wishlist the new Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC, revive the adventurous spirit within you and unite these seemingly irreconcilable nations.

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #107 on: August 16, 2022, 01:20:46 AM »
Release date of Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
Mon, 15 August 2022

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage to be launched on September 19th.

Hello everyone.

Time to take out your calendars and thick red pen, the Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC will be out on September 19th!

The expansion brings you a huge new campaign map and a number of new mechanics that we talked about in Spotlight articles, such as historical events
, plagues
, floods
, social unrest
, and mandatory objectives
. Two additional Spotlight articles will cover the remaining highlights, migrating tribes and additional features.

Wishlist the DLC and get a launch discount or pre-order it now on our website.

We will stream the "dev-play" of the new campaign map on Twitch. Please subscribe to our channel, we cannot wait to show you all the new stuff in this expansion!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #108 on: August 27, 2022, 02:53:08 AM »
Spotlight - Migrating tribes
Thu, August 25, 2022

Learn how migrating tribes can uproot even the most powerful empires in our last Spotlight.

The last but one Spotlight is dedicated to a mechanic that we consider to be a highlight of the upcoming Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC. Migrating tribes will change the gaming experience into an intense and deep taste of history.

The barbarian tribes that roamed the vast territories beyond the borders of the „civilized“ world were considered primitive savages without any competent leadership. At worst, they could harass border towns, but they were incapable of becoming a major threat to the technically, militarily and economically advanced nations. Nothing is more dangerous than an arrogance that blinds reason.

These people nurture the same desire for a good life and well being as the civilized folk and their leaders are as power hungry as many of the great kings.

Let’s hear from Pavel who will share more details about this new mechanic.

Word from Pavel

    It has always been our ambition to make a strategy game that makes the player think one step ahead and plan his actions carefully weighing all his options, sort of chess in the form of a strategic game. Mindless clicking should be limited to a bare minimum and micromanagement that leads to no strategic advantage, should be obliterated. A player should have less tasks during his turns, but they all require close attention as they are important and could potentially change the course of the game.

    I can already hear some of your objections and I admit that this approach has its pros and cons. On one hand, it intensifies the feeling that your decisions matter and that they do affect the game developments. It forces you to think about your decisions before you take them and that, at least in my opinion, is a great advantage of this approach. On the other hand, the reduction of the micromanagement duties to a bare minimum could create a feeling there is „not enough to do“. It would of course totally break the deep immersion we strive for, so we have to come up with other ways to keep you entertained and „busy“.

    One way is to use a competitive AI that provides a worthy opponent to your efforts, another is the never ending struggle with limited resources. The Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
    DLC will introduce a new challenge, in my opinion, one of the best mechanics in the whole Imperiums
    series, we have called it Migrating Tribes.

    In the Imperiums
    base game, independent nations represented by cities without owners have already been implemented. They cannot engage in political negotiations and do not take an active role as the game develops. We have built on this mechanic over time.

    First, we changed these lifeless cities into communities capable of self improvement and self defense. They improve their settlements as any other player would and build a small defensive military force. Next came what we call internally “mirror development”, an ability of these cities to “learn” from nearby foreign settlements and adopt their technological achievements. This increases the notion of continual development through natural interaction. Another level was the addition of the so called “territorial behavior”, which allowed the independent nation to protect not only the city itself but also the surrounding area by attacking any foreign units if they violated these invisible borders. These cities grow in size similarly to regular cities, which means that the city perimeter also grows, so it creates an interesting natural barrier to expanding factions. As players have already found out, independent cities are definitely not easy prey and they can often require a substantial force to subdue their tenacity.

    Now, the new Migrating Tribes mechanic takes this whole concept to a completely new level. Independent cities are no longer standalone centers passively interacting with their surroundings. The scattered settlements could belong to a single tribe, although they do not form a state. However, they can act together and have a common goal. As an example, take the small communities of the Helveti or Celtiberian people. They function independently of each other, but may have similar interests and in certain situations they would all follow the same line of thinking. Bad harvests might force them from their current territories and they will migrate in similar directions rather than moving around wildly with no logic. Perhaps if rich lands were found further along the river all of their expansion efforts would unanimously follow this route.

    All of this should create some very interesting tensions in the game. Individual groups push towards certain regions in a coordinated migration, meeting the factions already settled there. They are no longer just defending their bare livelihoods, but they expand their territories with determination. The “empty” areas on the map, where before, you would usually only encounter small settlements with limited resistance, are now suddenly active and potentially dangerous territories. Resource mines in these lands are no longer low hanging fruit but will be contested. The seemingly uninhabited territories are transformed into true terra incognita, holding hordes of dangerous nomads who can come and ravage your nation. What’s more, there is no political dialogue with them, they only know the power of the sword.

    The icing on the cake is the ability of these tribes to establish new kingdoms and hence become a new political faction. For this to happen, a certain predefined number of cities must be associated with the tribe. This number differs based on the tribe and historical cohesion of its members. From mindless standalone cities we have created a potentially dangerous force that bars the way to the expansive efforts of established kingdoms and that also nurtures dormant ambitions that could give rise to a new power capable of winning the game.

    As a game designer, I find this mechanic to be a major addition to the upcoming DLC. It makes the game more engaging and fun, as it faithfully illustrates the historical movements of small tribes. The majority of them slid into obscurity over time but a few entered history with an unexpected force leaving a long lasting legacy behind. I hope that you will love this new feature and that Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
    will make it to the top of your gaming list and stay there for a long time.

If you hear the horns echoing in the forests on your border, light the warning signal fires, because the danger hidden in the woods is mighty and history has a swift way of dealing with those unprepared for the unexpected.
Don't forget to wishlist the DLC ;)

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
4XGrand StrategyTurn-Based StrategyHistoricalWar
+ Wishlist
Coming Soon
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #109 on: September 02, 2022, 01:03:08 AM »
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage Manual
Thu, September 1, 2022

Get familiar with the changes and new features introduced in the upcoming DLC.

Only three more weeks until the long-awaited expansion Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage is released. This DLC does not focus on adding more mechanics to make already a complex game even more difficult, instead we concentrated on improving and building upon existing features to provide you with a truly intense gaming experience. Most of the new features have been covered in the series of Spotlight articles, but for those who want to start planning their strategy, we have some interesting bedtime reading, a comprehensive manual :)

The faction choice will be crucial. Italy is on fire with the prolonged wars between the fledgling Roman Republic, Etruscans and Samnites and at this stage none of them is close to final victory. As if this was not enough, the Hellenic League and Carthage are also both trying to use this conflict to strengthen their position in Italy and Sicily.

Greece and Asia are also a war zone between the successor states of Alexander the Great. The powerful Diadochi mercilessly fight each other which endangers the stability of the whole region. Their wars however could be an opportunity for the lesser kingdoms to gain political and military strength.

Finally, the wild tribes living in obscurity of the further corners of the world are fighting for basic survival, still, even these people have the power to change the course of history.

So, tuck the manual in your sleeve and start the game with a battle cry on your lips. Glory and fame await those who show no fear. Are you the one to rule the ancient Mediterranean?

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2022, 02:50:59 PM »
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage – dev pre-release stream
4 Sept 2022

Faction poll is on on the Discord followed by a live preview stream on September 6th.

Hello everyone.

The release of Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage is just two weeks away and some of you asked if Pavel will stream the game before the actual release. Pavel is still in the middle of his conquest of Persia in the Age of Alexander campaign but the temptation to show you the new DLC is too big :)

So let's do it. Pavel will dive into the "Rome vs Carthage" battle on 6th September at 9PM CEST (12PM PDT - 8PM BST).

Important question, which faction should he play?
We set up a poll on our Discord channel five factions you can choose from. We omitted Carthage and Rome on purpose in order not to spoil the fun for you:)

Here is a short description of the initial historical and geographical setup for each faction and a note on what gameplay you can expect:
•   Hellenic League
- interesting and diverse start at three different locations. Many potential threats but none of them critical.
•   Ptolemaic Kingdom
- peaceful beginning allowing sufficient time and options to build economy and prepare for military campaigns.
•   Antigonid Kingdom
- dramatic start with enemies all around. It is all about diplomacy and tactics.
•   Lysimachus
- easy start with clear goals. Diplomacy is key.
•   Samnites
- dangerous situation from the start with all-is-at-stake battles right at the beginning. A bad start can turn into defeat in several turns, a very tactical game.

So, leave your vote and join us on Tuesday 6th on our Twitch channel or alternatively on our Youtube channel

As always, Pavel will be happy to answer your questions during the stream.

Don't miss it!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #111 on: September 09, 2022, 11:33:32 AM »
Version 1.2.6. Get ready for Rome
Thu, 8 September 2022

Hello everyone.
Summer months always fly by too quickly and we hope that you made the best of that time with some great vacation memories in store for the colder months:)

We released the last regular update at the end of June and we have kept ourselves busy since then finishing the new Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC.

As always, we keep working on the base game core and there are many interesting improvements in the new update of version 1.2.6.
called "Get ready for Rome".

Once again, a big thanks to our players and community for their feedback and reports that inspired many of the aforementioned improvements and bug fixes, so please keep it coming.

Let's get to the details:

    Some of the 3D models such as blacksmith, stable and shipyard have been remade, with fort and defensive wall in the making and new city models further in the pipeline.

    Trade routes can now go through unowned territories hidden in the fog of war (previously, trade routes were automatically cancelled when parts of their routes through unowned territories were not fully visible).

    Strategic Overview
    was extended by "grouped map item types". For now, three groups were added - military, mines, and buildings which allows you to get a better picture of the whole economic and military situation.

    Strategic Overview
    in the list view now automatically scrolls to the currently selected map item and highlights it.

    New keyboard shortcut was added to the Strategic Overview
    - pressing Tab now instantly switches between map and list views.

    Brief description per faction was added to the New Game window
    containing information about the initial setup and how difficult the start will be.

    "Tooltip delay" game setting was implemented.

    "Map exchange" treaty importance was increased. It is now one of the most "intimate" treaties (apart from military pacts).

    Set of positions where particular buildings cannot be built is newly defined for all scenarios (this should prevent exploits such as blocking certain straits by shipyards).

    Food production of scrubs was slightly increased.

    Trade loss information was added to the tooltip in the Political Map

    The Research progress bar
    is always visible even when there is nothing being researched. This should make it easier for you to navigate to the Technology Tree
    and draw your attention to the fact that you are not researching anything.

    Report panel
    stops the automatic scrolling when you first click on an item in the list.

    Tooltip comparing governments (when you want to choose a new government) was improved.

    Using "Alert
    " action now also adds dismissed units to the unit loop.

    Rewards received for completed Objectives are now better arranged in the information window.

    When you click on the fake lock when selecting a faction in the New Game window
    , a window with a warning pops up and once you confirm your selection, this particular faction will be automatically checked (previously you had to check it manually again).

The AI was also improved in a number of aspects:

    AI more adequately reacts to certain events happening to other members of its union as well as events related to its master (such as losing the capital city).

    When AI considers how and where to attack an enemy, it takes more into consideration its resource situation and its current needs. If AI is in need of a particular resource, it might redirect the attack to a particular mine(s) or certain producer.

    AI will not build fields/farms anymore on tiles outside of the city range.

    Improved algorithm in charge of newly built units (and their types).

    Improved algorithm for keeping all units supplied.

    Movement of Generals was improved.

Bugs and issues fixed:

    Too loud intros were tuned down (player's game settings).

    Small issue in "Teach technology" action was fixed (you could not teach a technology to your own confederation members).

    An issue with building and repairing a temple causing city damages (in particular, when the number of local citizens was low) was fixed.

    Small fixes in Objectives and Achievements related to your federation members was fixed.

    An issue with Generals deserting when they were in "containers" (like a city) was fixed.

    When two factions join in a federation and the member state already has some confederation members, these member states stay as confederation members also in the newly created federation (previously they all turned into federations).

    The list of unit improvements checkboxes on the right side of the Strategic Overview
    was not positioned correctly when UI scaling was active.

    Strange bug which was creating more factions with the same name and banner in custom worlds was fixed.

    An issue with very weak Hades Warriors was fixed.

    Several rare CTDs fixed.

How do you like the changes? Are there any which you consider substantial "quality-of-life" improvements? Share your thoughts with us:)

We are less than two weeks away from the release of Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
. Don't forget to wishlist it and get the release discount!

See you in Roma. Or Carthago. Or Alexandria?

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #112 on: September 13, 2022, 02:06:43 AM »
Faction Highlights – Central Mediterranean
Mon, 12 September 2022

The wars to dominate Italy and Sicily may give rise to a new superpower.

We will visit the Central Mediterranean region in this Faction Highlight.
Italy is on fire and larger empires circle around like birds of prey, just waiting for their chance to benefit from the spoils of the war. The Central Mediterranean will be one of the places where history is made in the upcoming Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC.

The Central Mediterranean has for a long time been the domain of Carthage and the Greeks. Italy has been divided among small Latin tribes, none of which managed to unite them under one leadership or usurp power over them by force. Now, it seems that the events are taking a new unexpected course, that could bring many gains to those who can navigate the situation with boldness.

The recently established Roman Republic has managed to alienate all of the other Latin tribes and it now faces a military pact of Samnites and Etruscans supported by Gauls. This alliance could attack Roman lands from many directions simultaneously, if they can only coordinate their actions and subordinate their own interests to the joint plan for a time.

These new developments are followed closely by the Epirean king Pyrrhus, as well as Carthage, both of whom have their own plans in the region. The island of Sicily and Magna Graecia, the southern part of the Italian peninsula, are contested by both sides. Success would provide a firm foothold and strong base for further expansion to the rest of the peninsula.

Standing aside from this central conflict are the Illyrian tribes on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. They are much more occupied with the wars in Greece and Macedon to become actively involved in Italy.

Italy is rich in resources and fertile lands, whoever controls the region can quickly rise to dominate the whole Mediterranean. The whole situation is waiting in suspense for a leader to set the path of victory.

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage
4XGrand StrategyTurn-Based StrategyHistoricalWar
+ Wishlist
Coming Soon
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage

Wishlist the Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC
and be the one to start writing new chapters of European history!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #113 on: September 16, 2022, 12:49:12 AM »
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage – dev pre-release stream II
Thur 15 Sept

Rome vs Carthage is just few days ahead so let's give you a taste of what is coming in another Dev preview stream.

Hello everyone.

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage will be here in just few days so let's give you a taste of what is coming in another Dev preview stream this Friday on our Twitch
and Youtube.

The previous stream was a bit of a surprise even for Pavel:)
Playing Samnites, he was defeated by the Romans in several turns. Well, these things happen. He then turned down the Illyrian proposal to lead them in their own struggles and rather started a new game playing Antigonid Kingdom to show a different play style. It went quite well as he was able to withstand the pressure from all the other Diadochi and even make a small progress against Seleucid Empire.

This time Pavel will be playing Epirus to show you another interesting and very dynamic region of the map. It should be a fast-paced game and definitely not an easy one.

As always, Pavel will be happy to answer your questions and explain in detail new features of the upcoming DLC.

We will stream on Friday evening (16th September) at 9PM CEST (12PM PDT - 8PM BST). Join Pavel who will battle against the odds in the thrilling world of Rome vs Carthage.

Kube Games team.

Upcoming Event Starts Fri, 16 September 2022
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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #114 on: September 21, 2022, 12:26:55 AM »
Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage finally out!
Mon, September 19, 2022

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage DLC is released with a time limited launch discount.

The day is finally here! Almost a year after the Age of Alexander, the first big DLC, you can now start a new grand campaign with the Rome vs Carthage expansion.

We have spent many days and nights testing the game greatly enjoying the twists and turns, often being caught by the „one more turn“ compulsion in the middle of the night:)
You are in for a treat so fire up your machines, the Roman spears are sharp and ready to stab at anyone standing in their way.

Buy from the devs website direct to support them and get a great discount

The background story is probably clear from the title. It is 301BC, Carthage is the ruling power in the western and central Mediterranean. The generals of Alexander the Great, the Diadochi, fight mercilessly among each other in the east trying to restore the glory of the former Macedonian empire. All the while the Roman Republic is gaining the upper hand in Italy and gathers strength for the greatest expansion of all time. Will they succeed and eventually rule the Mediterranean?

Each battlefield requires a different strategy as every faction must react to different needs and face different dangers.

There are very interesting new features apart from the huge map with 25 playable factions:

    Migrating tribes will challenge anyone daring to explore the wilderness beyond the borders of the civilized world.
    Multiturn events such as plague, revolts and floods allow you to change the outcome through prompt actions.
    Mandatory Objectives will make strategic decisions even more important than before.
    Historical events provide more immersion and an authentic feel.

And much more!

You can now purchase the DLC on its own or in a Complete edition bundle together with the vanilla game Imperiums: Greek Wars and the Imperiums: Age of Alexander DLC or newly in a Complete your set bundle. All have a limited launch discount.

You can also purchase the DLC separately on our website; by doing so you will support the dev team directly and be able to get a better price!

We would like to thank you for the support and encourage you to leave a review of the DLC on Steam. Feel free to share your ideas, suggestions, and opinions with us on our Steam forum and Discord.

If you like the game, tell your friends, a personal recommendation is worth a hundred reviews!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #115 on: November 09, 2022, 11:52:35 PM »
Version 1.3.1. Color Schemes
Wed, 9 November 2022

Hello everyone.

The latest expansion Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage was released almost two months ago and we are very happy to see how popular it has become. We are also grateful for all the feedback on our Steam forum and through reviews.

The positive reception of the DLC gave us the boost we needed and we are now full at speed working on the next expansion pack, but as always we dedicate substantial time for updates, improvements and bug fixing based on your feedback and suggestions.

The next update called "Color schemes", a version 1.3.1. brings many interesting improvements. Details in the changelog below:


    Birth rate support mechanism was improved by adding a grant limit based on city size. This allows you to set a maximum size for a particular city (on local level) or all cities in general (on global level) and limit the birth rate support for cities that exceed the set size. It should make the management of birth support easier, especially for bigger empires. (This improvement was suggested by Guirai in Steam forum)

    Terrain color schemes were implemented. You can now choose from several different color schemes the one that best fits your taste. Go to Game settings -> Player settings -> Advanced settings -> Color scheme. We would appreciate your thoughts on the various color palettes, which ones do you like and why?

    Terrain textures and overall readability of the map was improved, including changes in terrain textures, tweaking a number of static geometry objects (trees, bushes) and other.

    Mandatory objectives were implemented in the Age of Alexander, Ancient Greece (vanilla) and Peloponnese scenarios. It is an optional mechanic that will have impact on new games only.


    Ambiguous mandatory objectives have been removed from the mandatory objectives list but stay in as generic objectives (per suggestion from MiyabiSFG).

    Impact of the "Influence" action of a General has been tweaked by taking into account how far he is from his country. The odds of him successfully initiating a revolt in a foreign city, resulting in the city changing ownership to your faction decrease with the distance he is from his motherland. The actual chance of a revolt stays the same but could result in a city becoming independent or joining another nearby faction (based on feedback on Steam forum).

    "Center on preset position" functionality was added. It is an extension of a "center on unit" functionality allowing you to center the camera on a selected map item in the exactly same angle and height. This way, you can make nice time lapse sequences taken from the same position.

    New kingdoms established by the migrating tribes are now more prone to quick collapse at the beginning of their existence.

    The ability of Heroes and Emissaries to survive an attack and cause considerable damage to an attacker was reduced. These units are now very vulnerable to any attack.

    Proposal offering to lead another country (when the player is defeated), was improved to reflect the historical relations and current proximity. The loading of a save game was accelerated. Number of improvements to lower the memory consumption were implemented. Rome vs Carthage DLC was further balanced, especially Macedonia faction setup (based on feedback from Steam forum).

    Error report tool was further improved. All the city names and territories were translated to Japanese.

    Updated translations for Japanese and German.


    AI stops proposing trade deals when the demanded amount of food is near the limit of the player's capacity.

    AI proposing unions of any type (confederation, federation or absorption) was further improved.

    Rare bug showing an empty field where a reason for the AI rejecting certain diplomatic proposals (like accepting treaties) should have been, was fixed.


    Roman basic units - Milites - were able to cross rivers. This is not possible anymore.
    The flag pole for Generals in "incognito" mode was still showing faction color (even if it shouldn’t) was fixed.
    Quickload and quicksave in multiplayer games were disabled.
    Loading the game for the first time (when vanilla and DLCs are purchased together) was loading the new DLC straight away. This was fixed so that the vanilla mod is loaded first to allow the player to go through the tutorial.
    Bug when a player could not recruit a new unit in a particular situation, was fixed.
    Cancelled federation or confederation leading to incorrect owner changes for units such as Emissary, Sage and General. This is now fixed.
    Bug allowing a unit placed in reserve in a city to perform the "influence tiles" action, was fixed.
    Bug allowing a General to incite unrest while still aboard a ship, was fixed.
    Bug allowing stables to have multiple specialization was fixed (thanks to Altruist and his forum post)
    Very specific and rare "deadlock" in AI algorithm was fixed.
    Couple of rare CTDs were fixed.

We hope that you enjoy all these improvements. Keep the suggestions coming!

If you like the game and particularly the new DLC, we would be grateful for a review. Players usually don't write reviews on DLCs which is a bit of a shame because other players might definitely appreciate your opinion.

Enjoy the fall and stay with us:)

Kube Games

P.S. First news about the next DLC should be ready soon, so stay tuned :)

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #116 on: January 02, 2023, 12:03:50 AM »
New DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar
Wed, December 21, 2022

A new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar in the making.

Xmas is coming and with it a small gift to our faithful community :) You've probably heard the rumors that we are working on the next DLC, so here is the official announcement of what is coming to Steam next Spring!

Imperiums: Rome vs Carthage shifted the focus from the Greek and Persian wars to the central Mediterranean, where the young Roman Republic was trying to dominate the Italian peninsula in the endless tribal wars against its neighbors. However, it’s path to hegemony did not end there, the scene is set for another interesting era, the power struggle between the Senate and the consuls, among which one name stands out, Julius Caesar!

The Imperiums ancient series simply will not be complete without the conquests of Caesar in Gaul and the British Isles.

The new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar brings you TWO campaign maps, Gaul and the British Isles. After your legions complete the invasion of the Gallic territories you can sail across the channel to enter the mysterious British Isles. Alternatively, you can defy the Romans by playing one of the Gallic tribes and try to change history as we know it.

The maps are smaller than in Rome vs Carthage, being much more tactical and the new mechanics will test your tactical prowess to the limit. Weather and seasons will complicate the planning of military offensives, the recruitment of new legions has to be earned by the completion of tasks or through political scheming in Rome, Caesar can be used in the front lines as a general, and key political decisions will affect the course of events.

The Gods of war are unleashed!

Add Imperiums: Rise of Caesar to your wishlist now, not only you support our team but you can be sure not to miss the launch discount!

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Q2 2023

Kube Games team.
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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #117 on: March 29, 2023, 12:43:28 AM »
Version 1.3.2. Defensive structures
Tue, 28 March 2023

Hello everyone.

The days are getting longer and nature is waking up again, so it is time for a new build, version 1.3.2. called "Defensive structures".

We are also working hard on the new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar
so if you haven't added it to your wishlist yet, do it now to claim the release discount.

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

What has been improved in the new version:


    Terrain look was improved.

    New models and icons of forts and defensive walls were added.

    New window added when you start a new game, summarizing the changes of that particular DLC.
    Tutorial button is now present in all the official mods, making it easier to come back to it.
    Slow convergence of Army Morale as a result of government changes (instead of instant change) was implemented (based on Kaysoky's suggestion on Steam forum


    Preventing misclicks when a unit has moved but the unit selection has not yet switched to the next unit.
    The list of potential improvements and trainings is now sorted per availability.
    Text of the tutorial has been updated to explain some actions more clearly.
    Performance improvement from fine tuning of bitmaps.
    When joining a PBEM game, a tooltip notifies you that you haven't filled in the email address.
    Updated Russian, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Czech and Chinese.
    First Korean translations added. We are now looking for volunteers to help with proofreading!


    AI is now capable of building forts and defensive walls and actively uses them.
    Neutral factions can build boats and disembark units.


    An issue with default birth rate support (per city) when a confederation is revoked.
    An exploit when a player was selling a unit.
    An issue when a General declares a new state based on a member of a current confederation (General is NOT at war with neither the original faction, nor its master).
    An issue with birth rate support in cities that are trading posts when a player has not enough resources to support such a grant.
    Further logging of a couple of issues added.
    Couple of rare CTDs were fixed.

We hope you will enjoy the next game, let us know how you like the improved terrain look and 3D models.

Enjoy the Spring!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #118 on: May 20, 2023, 11:12:55 PM »
Spotlight - Weather and Seasons
Sat, 20 May 2023

Ancient Gaul is a dangerous place in itself and its extreme weather can add further complications.

We are back with our Spotlight series, with each article focused on one new mechanic that appears in the new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar. Today, we will talk about Weather and Seasons, a new concept that greatly enhances the tactical dimension of the game.

Far north beyond the Alps, the weather is not as mild and pleasant as around the Mediterranean. The often harsh conditions make the lands inhospitable and its people tough, they are used to living on the edge of survival. There are no roads to make traveling through the dense forests and boggy swamps easier. The tribal settlements are often hostile, so the building and guarding of military camps is a matter of survival.
Spring comes with rain that turns the few paths into muddy slides, while the air in hot summers buzzes with mosquitoes. Autumn brings early snow and the freezing temperatures of the winters can leave the most resilient of men weak and exhausted.

Pavel, the main developer and game designer, will share his views on how this mechanic is incorporated into the game.

    Previous campaign maps have turns lasting a month, a quarter or even half a year and as such, it made no sense to implement more tactical mechanics. Perhaps with the exception of a „battle view“ and even here the possibilities would be quite limited. Besides, this is not a direction which we want to go in right now.

    The Rise of Ceasar
    DLC has a different time scale and turn length compared to previous campaign maps, which was a major factor in shaping our decisions about what changes to implement.

    The fact that one turn in the Rise of Caesar
    DLC equates to one week dramatically changed our options for adding more tactical elements to the game. The most important one is Weather and Seasons.

    The mechanic has 3 elements – rain and snow, snow cover and temperature. Let’s dive into each of them now.

    Rain and snow (depending on temperature) lowers the mobility of units and reduces the effectiveness of supply lines. Both phenomena move across the map with the wind. Tiles where it was snowing the turn before will be covered with a snow crust (this also reduces the mobility of units and the effectiveness of supply lines but to a lesser extent than snowing itself). The snow cover stays on the tiles until the temperature rises above 0°C.

    Temperatures change over the seasons. Most of the time you will not need to pay extra attention to it, however it will become an important factor when it gets to more extreme levels (above 30°C or below -5°C). In such cases, all units not stationed in or close to a city will be affected by the extreme weather.

    In hot conditions their battle readiness is temporarily reduced (the men are exhausted), but it will return to its original level when the temperature drops. The health of units exposed to freezing temperatures below -5°C is negatively affected with every turn the situation lasts. This is a more permanent effect on health that does not automatically recover when the temperature rises, any units affected will need healing before they reach full battle readiness again.

    A new Weather panel above the Map Menu has been added, this indicates the weather for the current turn and a forecast for the coming turn. It shows the temperature, the weather and the wind direction for the current turn (wind direction is important to give you an idea of how the weather will develop for the coming turn). Forecasts are only indicative and should be viewed accordingly.

    Special warnings are displayed when snow, rain and/or extreme temperatures are forecast for the coming turn. This notification can be disabled directly in the Weather panel if so desired.

    I consider this mechanic to be the most interesting new concept in the DLC. It greatly expands the tactical dimensions of the game and forces you to plan your campaigns as well as any backup plans to account for the effects of winter and the actual weather. Caesar himself had to plan his conquests in a similar way, winter was too unpredictable and campaigning too risky.

It is said that you might lose a battle but still win the war, but in Imperiums: Rise of Caesar one lost battle could be the end of your military career. It requires a true tactical genius to balance the risks. The Gallic bogs are full of Romans who will not return home.

If you haven’t done so, please add Imperiums: Rise of Caesar to your wishlist.

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Q3 2023

Thank you for the continuous support!
Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #119 on: September 02, 2023, 12:23:29 AM »
Faction Highlights – British Isles
Thu, July 6, 2023

The British Isles have not yet been contested by a foreign power but that is about to change soon.

The second campaign map of Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC is focused on the conquests of Germania and the British Isles. The Romans have already taken Gaul but the great Roman general Julius Caesar will not stop until he triumphs over all the northern barbarian tribes.

The British Isles are a remote corner of the known world, largely isolated from the world’s political and military turmoil.

The south of the British Isles is inhabited by Britons. Although densely forested, the coastal areas are fertile lowlands with a number of prosperous cities, while the highlands hide rich mineral deposits.

North of the Isles is true wilderness, only scarcely populated by Caledonians, tough and unforgiving people used to life at the edge of survival.

The island of Hibernia is equally undeveloped, supporting only small clans vaguely related to the Caledonians.

The Britons are aware of the Roman conquest in Gaul but care very little about the developments in Germania east of the Rhenus River.

The remoteness of the islands has kept them safe from any foreign invasion so far, but the ambitious Roman general Julius Caesar wants to bring Roman culture here with the tip of his sword if necessary.

Kube Games team.

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