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Author Topic: How to compile and link the Tornado source code to create a new FLIGHT.EXE file.  (Read 6849 times)

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Offline Frankie

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At the end of this post, you will be able to compile the source code of Tornado and create your own FLIGHT.EXE. Meaning, if you are able to edit the code within any of the *.ASM source files, then you should be able to create your own version of Tornado FLIGHT.EXE.

Steps as follow.


1. Here is the GoogleDrive link: <link has been deleted. 29/8/23>

Inside this Google Drive folder named AAA_Tornado_Dev, you will find these files:
(a) TORNADOO.ZIP - the original 1993 Tornado simulation source code. Where 'O' stands for the word 'Original'.
(b) TORNADOM.ZIP - Frankie Kam's latest modded version of the Tornado simulation source code. Where 'M' stands for the word 'Modded'.  European colours.
(c) TORNADOMD.ZIP - same as (b) but with Desert colours.
(d) TORNADOMW.ZIP - same as (b) but with Winter colours.
(e) TORNADO.ZIP - The Tornado 1.0E full game itself. To run TORNADO, extract to C:\TORNADO and double click on the Jump Jet Harrier shortcut file. The folder
C:\TORNADO\TORNADO\FLIGHT will contain a file named FLIGHT.EXE. which is also the same file found inside the TORNADOM.ZIP file.
(f) Tornado Game Full Manual - you can also download it from link is
(g) dosbox-0.74-3.conf  = My DOSBox configuration file in case you are curious what settings I use for Tornado to run on my Dell i7 laptop.

These are the exact same files as the ones in my Desktop PC.

You also need to download and install DOSBox 0.74-2.


2. Make sure you have installed DOSBox 0.74-2 installed.

If you have a D:\ drive then follow steps 3a and 4a.  However, if you don't have a D:\ drive, then just use the C:\ drive and follow steps 3b. and 4b. 

3a. Download and extract TORNADOO.ZIP to your D:\ drive. The folder D:\TORNADOO will be created.

4a. Add these lines to the end of dosbox-0.74-2.conf configuration file:

Related video (may be some differences between the video and this post details, but you'll get the idea.

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.

mount c d:\tornadoo
cd tornado

3b. Download and extract TORNADOO.ZIP to your C:\ drive.

4b. Add these lines to the end of dosbox-0.74-2.conf configuration file:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.

mount c c:\tornadoo
cd tornado

5. Launch DOSBox.

6. In the DOSBox command prompt, you should be in the TORNADO folder.

7. To link all OBJ files and to create FLIGHT.EXE, first make sure you are inside the TORNADO folder. If yes, then type L to link all *.OBJ files. The L.BAT batch file will be executed and the file C:\TORNADO\FLIGHT\FLIGHT.EXE will be created.

8. To compile a single ASM file, for example TAB.ASM, simply type masm tab and press Enter. TAB.OBJ will be created.

9. To compile all ASM files inside a subfolder, for example TORNADO subfolder, make sure you are inside the TORNADO folder and type PAL and press Enter. The PAL.BAT batch file will be executed and all the *.ASM files in the subfolder will be compiled one by one.

TO COMPILE AND LINK THE FRANKIE KAM'S MODDED VERSION 1993 SOURCE CODE, follow the same steps 2 to 9, with these differences:
When you download and extract TORNADOM.ZIP to your D:\ drive. The folder D:\TORNADOM will be created.
In the dosbox-0.74-2-conf file, depending on whether you have a D:\ drive or not, use
mount c c:\tornadom
mount c d:\tornadom   

« Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 06:33:36 PM by Frankie »
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