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Author Topic: Tornado - how to record with DOSBox and how to process the video  (Read 2597 times)

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Offline Frankie

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Tornado - how to record with DOSBox and how to process the video

You can record a video in DOSBox by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F5. However the resulting video file (usually an AVI file) looks very poor in quality. This post will show you how to turn that poor quality recording into a high quality video, worthy of uploading to Youtube.

Here's how I created the video above.

(1) I download the ffmpeg (Windows build) from
(2) I installed ffmpeg to "C:\ffmpeg"
(3) I added the path to the ffmpeg's bin folder in the Windows 10 environment variable via these steps:
3.1 Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, type in control panel in the empty box and click OK.
3.2 At the control panel, select the "large icons"
3.3 Click on System | Advanced system settings | Environment Variables
3.4 In the System variables window, click and highlight the Path row
3.5 Click the Edit button
3.6 In the Edit environment variable window, click the New button to add in the path "C:\ffmpeg\bin"
3.7 Type in "C:\ffmpeg\bin" (without the double quotes)
3.8 Click the OK button to save the new path
(4) Launch Dosbox and record a video with Ctrl+Alt+F5 (rec and stop with Ctrl+Alt+F5)
(5) Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, type "cmd" (minus the double quotes) and press Enter.
(6) Run the below command (or better still use a batch file. Eg., go.bat):

ffmpeg -i flight_000.avi -sws_flags neighbor+full_chroma_inp -s 1024x768 -r 30 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -acodec libmp3lame -aq 2 -f mp4 out.mp4

The resultant out.mp4 file will look like the video above. It is encoded as 1024x768 video dimensions. It looks so much better than the DOSBox recorded video.

Frankie Kam

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