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Author Topic: Creator SPOTREP: Global Mobilization #001  (Read 5896 times)

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Creator SPOTREP: Global Mobilization #001
« on: June 18, 2019, 09:09:00 PM »
Creator SPOTREP: Global Mobilization #001
18 JUN @ 2:33PM   - ROB "HOMESICK"

FROM: Vertexmacht
TO: Arma 3 Creator DLC Users
UNIT: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany
ACTIVITY: Update 1.0.3153
SIZE: ~21 GB

More information in the full changelog:

Global Mobilization v1.0.3153
Content Fixes
•   Added: 100m grid to 2D map of Weferlingen.
•   Added: Adding animation for doors on 2t medical truck
•   Added: Door step animation for door on 2t medical truck
•   Added: East German Medic unit.
•   Added: Empty License Plate preset
•   Added: Zeus Game Mode East and West, summer and winter.
•   Added: Civilian variants of 2t truck
•   Added: Version number now visible in main menu (GM icon tooltip)
•   Changed: Adding tracer ammunition to PKT on all east german vehicles
•   Changed: Penetration values of all hand weapon ammunition adjusted
•   Changed: Removing top 2 stretchers on the Medical Ural 375D
•   Changed: 30 round magazines for 105mm L7 tobe used in campaign
•   Changed: 762 ammo update part 1
•   Changed: Added gloves to danish winter uniform.
•   Changed: Adding Vehicle in Vehicle capabilities for 10t mil gl truck
•   Changed: Adjusting civilian 2t truck tires
•   Changed: Adjusting FFV limits for cargo positions on M113
•   Changed: Adjusting Pzf84 Illum trigger time
•   Changed: Adjusting viewlimits of BMP1 commander's turret
•   Changed: AI-Assist in tank missions
•   Changed: Attribute option to select License Plate type
•   Changed: Border Fence Gate's resistance to vehicles
•   Changed: Border Gates are now unlocked by default. (setVariable ["locked",True] to lock gate again)
•   Changed: Concussion Grenade and Fragmentation Grenade to behave different
•   Changed: DF7X40 and FeroD16 sizes.
•   Changed: Doubled Air Raid Siren audible distance.
•   Changed: Enemy distribution in "All Cats Are Grey by Night"
•   Changed: Increased structural integrity of border fences.
•   Changed: Increasing accuracy of P1 and PM (just a bit)
•   Changed: Increasing MP2 rate of fire (just a bit)
•   Changed: Lowered M35/53 Helmet's position on head.
•   Changed: Missile Safari Coop mission - Some enemy AI paths redesigned.
•   Changed: Moved eye memorypoint of P1 and PM further back
•   Changed: Reducing Armor of TPz1
•   Changed: Reducing IndirectHit and indirectHitRange of the PKM API round
•   Changed: Reducing IndirectHit damage and IndirectHitRange of HEAT rounds
•   Changed: Reducing Supply range of support vehicles
•   Changed: Reducing T55 rotation and elevation speed
•   Changed: Removing Digital GPS and Crew Manifest (right and left display) from driver and all turrets
•   Changed: Removing UN from T55 UN turret texture
•   Changed: Rifle ammunition adjusted to better represent reality
•   Changed: Setting KPz1 XSW Spotlight doors to open by default instead of closed
•   Changed: Storing Turreted weapons now also works when player is under AI command
•   Changed: Structural integrity of structures and small objects increased by 160%.
•   Changed: TvT missions's respawn at MHQ
•   Changed: Uniform-Updates are now fully local, no longer needlessly global.
•   Fixed: Version Number only visible in local Development build
•   Fixed: Floating branch on Summer picea 03
•   Fixed: Explosives and mines no longer have a muzzle to be switched into
•   Fixed: Mirrored mirror on type 1200
•   Fixed: Adding exhaust effect to second exhaust pipe of Type 1200
•   Fixed: Adding medical capabilities to ACEI and ACEII containers
•   Fixed: Adding missing placeable objects for Binoculars
•   Fixed: Adding missing Repair ability to BPz2
•   Fixed: Adding showWindow = 0; to all Take and Store weapon useractions
•   Fixed: Advanced Turret Eden editor turret double occupation issue
•   Fixed: Ai Driving component
•   Fixed: Bad PhysX Geometry Lod on railroad objects.
•   Fixed: BMP1 commanders hands not following the optics when rotating
•   Fixed: BMP1 gunner and commander get in animation issue
•   Fixed: BMP1 Maljutka disappearing when gunner is turned out
•   Fixed: BMP1 rear left foor opening the wrong way
•   Fixed: Boardwall animations not working in lower lods on 2t truck
•   Fixed: Boardwall animations not working in lower lods on 5t trucks and 10t truck
•   Fixed: Borderfence when destroyed removes SM70 along with it.
•   Fixed: BPz2 Commander Hands not following MG3 movements
•   Fixed: BPz2 commander proxy position is too low
•   Fixed: Branches and Tree Stump clutter objects now render correctly in foggy weather
•   Fixed: Bridges had wrong Z-Bias.
•   Fixed: Broken Nation Insignia in lower lods of BRDM2UM
•   Fixed: BT11 and BT6 rooftop collision issues.
•   Fixed: Bumpy bicycle ride (Thanks Lexx!)
•   Fixed: Cargo animation issue for 3rd passenger on Post p601
•   Fixed: Church Door Opening wrong way
•   Fixed: Commander RTT view not following the rotation on BMP1
•   Fixed: Damper compression on type 1200
•   Fixed: DDR Crew was unable to throw grenades or place mines.
•   Fixed: DK infantry groups factionclass
•   Fixed: Dozer blade named selections in lower lods and shadowlod
•   Fixed: Driving behaviour of zsu234 to avoid locking up of tracks
•   Fixed: Engine getting turned on when loader turret is moving
•   Fixed: FlakPz1 Groups faction class fixed
•   Fixed: Floating wooden boards in lower lods on Ural Transport and Ural Ammo Truck
•   Fixed: Friendly AI "All Cats Are Grey by Night" not reacting to commands.
•   Fixed: Grenades bounced off an invisible window glass on gm_euro_office_01 and _win
•   Fixed: Hatch closing logic ignoring if the cargo seats
•   Fixed: Indirect hit calculation
•   Fixed: InitSpeed for MP2A1 magazines is configured too high
•   Fixed: Issues with some weapons having laser range finders enabled
•   Fixed: K125 Speedometer needle animation
•   Fixed: Launcher + Binocular in IWP had wrong IK mode enabled.
•   Fixed: M113 cargo would not seat back down correctly.
•   Fixed: M113 Command Antenna Mast not animating
•   Fixed: M35 Helmet Netting always visible on last lod.
•   Fixed: Mass of PKM
•   Fixed: MG3 belt not being present in 1st person view on KPz 1a1a1
•   Fixed: Minor terrain object placement adjustments.
•   Fixed: Misaligned Geo Lod for big steel frame mining tower.
•   Fixed: Missing author for GC insignia.
•   Fixed: Missing Author for GE voices.
•   Fixed: Missing shadow lod for optics holder on Pzf44
•   Fixed: Missing smokeshell effect classname
•   Fixed: Misplaced exhaust smoke effect on the p601
•   Fixed: Misplaced particle effects on BPZ2 front machine gun
•   Fixed: Badly positioned P1 pistol
•   Fixed: Mixed up animation names in the customization dialog on the KPz1a1a1 and 1a1a2
•   Fixed: P1 and PM having cartridge ejection on the wrong side
•   Fixed: Practice grenade no longer behaves like a normal grenade
•   Fixed: Propellers on TPz not rotating to the back when in swimming
•   Fixed: Rifle animation for when magazine is shot empty
•   Fixed: Script error when undo button is used after replacing a gm vehicle with another gm vehicle
•   Fixed: Second fuel pump indicator on the 5t fuel truck not having its indicator
•   Fixed: Skeleton mismatch for winter DEST building. Thanks Dahlgren.
•   Fixed: Smoother reload anims for MP2 and G3 when running.
•   Fixed: Some bridges no longer slow down bikes.
•   Fixed: T55 commander clipping through hull when turret is at 10
•   Fixed: Terrain issues with bridges
•   Fixed: Terrain issues with rails
•   Fixed: Terrain issues with rivers
•   Fixed: Texture of 5t refuel truck fuel tank
•   Fixed: Texture underside of FlkPz1 turret hatch
•   Fixed: Towing hooks not being in ramp named selection on m113 versions
•   Fixed: Turret Switching system no longer working after respawn
•   Fixed: Unit remains prone when exiting LATGM and Fagot launchers
•   Fixed: Weapon mass macro producing proper results
•   Fixed: West German Field Cap had minor head-clipping.
•   Fixed: Weird glass issues with East German grocery shop.
•   Fixed: Winter church using wrong replace-damage model.
•   Fixed: Winter Highway Bridges used non-winter textures.
•   Fixed: Wrong flag for German voice in virtual arsenal.
•   Fixed: Wrong getin/getOut position for TPz1
•   Fixed: Wrong isEmpty animation on PM pistol
•   Fixed: Wrong number of doors displayed in 3Den for office_01.
•   Fixed: Wrong proxy indexes for cargo position in fireGeometry and wreck lod for 2t truck
•   Fixed: Wrong smoke effect direction on all mounted MG3
•   Fixed: Wrong speed indicator indication of URAL 375D
•   Fixed: Wrong speed indicator indication of URAL 4320
•   Fixed: Wrong user action in stables building
Campaign Fixes
•   Fixed: Campaign "Never Say Never" : Return-To-Group Warning disabled for cutscene
•   Fixed: Campaign "Republikflucht" - Added more equipment to military bases
•   Fixed: Campaign "Republikflucht" - Carrying over persistent bridge damage
•   Fixed: Campaign - No more Frozen AI units in Papenrode
•   Fixed: Campaign - Player no longer has duplicate compass and watch
•   Fixed: Campaign mission "All Cats" - Enemy Movement patterns
•   Fixed: Campaign mission "All Cats" - Second Infantry Platoon no longer required to end mission
•   Fixed: Campaign mission "First Impressions" - Black Screen bug after loading autosave.
•   Fixed: Campaign mission "First Impressions" - Reworked M113 behaviour entirely. May that driver someday pass his driving test...
•   Fixed: Campaign mission "No Smoke" - Extra Autosave at beginning.

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