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Author Topic: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)  (Read 28193 times)

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Offline Beef

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Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« on: July 15, 2015, 04:01:12 AM »
Started playing this awesome strategy game about Operation Barbarossa the other day. I decided to play the "Road To Minsk" scenario first as the Germans, which has three turns only to achieve the objective of encircling the Soviet army and capturing Minsk and three smaller objectives further to the east on the edge of the map. The following three screen shots are my results after Turn 1 (at beginning of Turn 2). I was able to encircle the Soviets and have reached Minsk and forced the Soviets to withdraw to the east.

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2015, 01:59:46 PM »
Nice one Beef.  :)

Thank you for posting.
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2015, 09:51:30 PM »
Very cool.
Now I feel obligated to get through that scenario as well.

Good job
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Offline Beef

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2015, 10:58:54 PM »
I just finished playing the Road To Minsk scenario, and though I got off to a reasonably good start I was not able to gain a decisive victory at the end of Turn 3. As you'll see in the attached screen captures, I only had a Minor Victory with a final score of 798 to 609. Had I been able capture the towns of Vitebsk and Mogilev. Had I been able to do that the score would have been 1198 to 209. The Soviets lost 338,072 men, 5,020 guns, 3,537 AFVs, and 1,294 aircraft.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2015, 01:06:18 AM »
Great stuff Beef.

More please :)
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2015, 04:12:27 PM »
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 11:07:57 PM »
updated to version 1.08.07

You can download the update from Here (451MB)

Full changelog Here

New features
1. Altered change #25 from previous patch, so that in order to prevent cargo loss during regular air drops, the airbase must be located in a hex that was under friendly control at start of turn (any spent Movement Points are ignored, since they are expended not only by moving, but also by using air groups located in that base).
2. Altered change #35 from previous patch, so that stack points are used instead of number of men (with the exception that corps combat units below 20 000 men are treated as divisional sized units), and the formula affecting defender was changed to ROUNDDOWN(MAX(1,SQRT(MIN(fl-1,mena/(3*menb)))),2) to kick in once the attacker will outnumber defender (in stack points) by 3:1, instead of 1:1.
3. Partially reverted change #41 from previous patch, so that units in city terrain may be again considered as being surrounded. City terrain will also no longer be considered dense terrain.
4. Reverted change #50 from previous patch, so that the number of firing elements will not be affected by dense terrain, only CV.
5. Altered change #83 from previous patch, and decreased Soviet penalty to repairs after movement to -10 (from -20 and -15).
6. Altered change #114 from previous patch, and reduced the chance to regain up to 10% of National Morale, restricting it to a flat 10% chance (disconnected from morale), and only for units that are within 10 MP of working rail net.
7. Made sure that the bonus for the AI to capture Brest Litovsk and Hanko in the early turns of 1941 scenarios is never applied to server games.
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2016, 10:14:18 PM »
Public Beta v1.08.08 now available

Hello Everyone,

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the East, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.
If you have the Steam version you can select the Beta under the games Properties.

V1.08.08 Beta February 05, 2016

    New features

1. Removed the requirement for air groups to have flown 0% miles to participate in airfield bombing, unit bombing and city bombing missions. These missions will now be limited to 3 per hex, with the exception of airfield bombing missions during German June 22nd, 1941 turn. There is still a requirement of having flown 0% miles for air group transfer or move to National Reserve, for air group using non-transport aircraft to participate in a transport mission (as transports, not escorts), and for any air group to participate in a transport mission at night.

2. Made sure that when attaching support units using the “ASSIGN” function, units from higher level HQ are chosen before units from lower level HQ.

3. Reworked aircraft support need, so that fighter and transport types have higher support need (as it is now based on maximum of two values: max load and sortie ammo), but other types have lower support need, as multiplier used to calculate need was reduced from 10 to 4.

4. Updated weather tables, see Appendix A. The rule preventing more than one Snow in December will not apply to Europe weather zone. There will be no mud in July 1941.

5. Increased the impact of experience during combat, so that units with low experience may fire less.

6. Final odds will no longer affect losses in battle, or chance to rout.

7. Retreat losses will be affected by unit’s vehicle shortage, rather than unit’s support squad shortage. The number of support squads in units, and their ratio to other elements, is decided by the TOE and player has no way to affect this, whereas with vehicles there is some measure of control.

8. It will be now possible for the attacker to lose trucks during post-battle attrition, as well as for the defender to capture some equipment from the attacker.

9. Victorious side in battle will also suffer post-battle attrition, where some additional elements can be captured, damaged or destroyed, but it will be very light.

10. It will be now possible for the defender to make a counterattack (when battle was won) or a fighting withdrawal (when battle was lost). In order to execute these maneuvers, average experience of defending units must be higher than average experience of attacking units. The chance to execute a counterattack is then 50 + defender’s average experience - attacker’s average experience, and the chance to execute a fighting withdrawal is 75 + defender’s average experience - attacker’s average experience. If a counterattack is successful, it means attacking forces will suffer losses comparable to normal retreat losses (of course without the impact of rivers, retreating extra hexes, or retreating through ZOC). If a fighting withdrawal is successful, it means defending forces will suffer losses comparable to normal attacker losses (in case of a failed attack, without a counterattack). If such event happens it will be displayed next to “Forces Defending” text, where (C) stands for counterattack, and (W) for fighting withdrawal.

11. Elements damaged in battle will be presented separately in battle reports instead of half of the number of damaged elements being added to the number of lost elements. The only exception is list of battles in Commander’s Report, where the number of damaged elements will be added to the number of lost elements.

12. It will be now impossible to disband Army Group/Front HQs, non-Soviet Army HQs, and rail repair unit (FBD/NKPS). Only Soviet SAD and SAB air bases will be disbandable.

13. Minimum TOE% for HQ units (including air bases and rail repair units) is 50% instead of 20%.

14. Improved ground element conversion/upgrade/swap procedure to optimize huge armaments drain and general slowness of converting/upgrading/swapping obsolete elements to new elements that are built on-demand (especially those of class infantry and mechanized infantry), causing drop in army’s overall strength. Previously, the procedure attempted to add missing elements as well (up to TOE requirements), which had to be built using armaments and paired with free manpower. This reduced the chance for that operation to happen in case of resource shortages. This was done to make “meaningful” conversions/upgrades/swaps, that wouldn’t be reversed soon because of low element count. However, it was not feasible to, for example, convert all rifle squads in German army in July 1943 this way. The army should be already understrength at this point, and there would be not enough free manpower to refill all units to the maximum of their TOE requirements with rifle squads. Only those squads that are currently present in units should be converted, with minimum armaments and manpower expenditure. So the improved procedure does just that - if current element is out of production, it will only try to convert/upgrade/swap ready elements (with increased chance to happen, most in case of conversions, least in case of swaps).

15. Automated air group aircraft swaps will not switch Soviet transport and recon groups to U-2 variants.

16. Building of elements that are expected to be needed will be blocked when there will be more than 100 or more than four weeks worth of production in the active pool.

17. Improved German and Finnish repair of damaged elements in units by 5%.

18. It will be now possible to set air groups to “Only upgrade” aircraft change mode, where swaps will be disabled, but automatic upgrades will be allowed.

19. Super heavy and naval guns will not suffer retreat/withdrawal attrition, and will be repaired with 99% efficiency.

20. Scenario check utility will report possible errors where non-support units have: a) both delay and frozen larger than 0; b) delay larger than 0 and map location set; c) frozen larger than 0 and no map location set.

21. Upon loading a saved game for the first time using this version, the game will attempt to clear frozen status of certain units, so they would be useable as intended. One such example is Italian 8th Army and its subordinate units.

22. Air groups performing transport missions will not lose morale from planes that require maintenance, only from those that perform a crash landing. Such planes will count as reserve now, not damaged.

23. Air groups will now have a chance to increase their morale by actions other than downing enemy planes. Destroying ground elements, planes on the ground (both with 50% chance), damaging factories, delivering cargo without damaging the plane, and performing successful recon missions (all three with 20% chance) may result in morale increase, though smaller than in case of destroying a plane in the air. Please note, if morale is higher than experience, the chance for growth this way is small.

24. Aircraft destroyed on the ground will count as ground kills now, not air kills.

25. Temporarily motorized or entrained units will not be eligible for air transport. Motorized (also temporarily) para units will not be eligible for para drop. Clarification: motorized units were already not eligible for air transport, and loaded para units were not eligible for para drop.

26. Fort units will be able to resupply up to 100% of their needs, even if outside their HQ’s supply range.

27. Unit details window will now display second instead of third (in command chain) HQ next to the “OHQ:” label. It will be impossible to reassign unit by clicking that name (which wasn’t highlighted by proper “link” color, but was clickable). OHQ will not be displayed for high command-level HQs, and for units assigned to them (only HHQ, that is HQ they are attached directly to).

28. Reworked unit and leader reassignment rules, removing possible exploits, and made sure automatic reassignment will follow the same rules as manual reassignment. It will be now impossible to assign corps sized units (combat and rail repair) to corps-level HQs, as well as to reassign army group-level HQs. It will be now possible to reassign units when having 0 AP, provided that reassignment is free (for example down the chain of command), as well as to assign air HQs to high command-level HQs. It will be now impossible to assign units to, or change leaders of frozen or immobile HQs, with the exception of high command, army group, and air army-level HQs. It will be now impossible to reassign support units attached to frozen or immobile units, with the exception of those attached to fort units, as well as high command, army group and air army-level HQs. It will be now impossible to attach more than 8 air bases to German corps-level air HQs, and more than 16 air bases to German army-level air HQs (also, no more than 8 air bases may be assigned to German army-level air HQ directly). Automatic reassignment will now prefer HQs of the same nationality much more than before, and will try to choose HQs with lowest CP load in case multiple HQs of the same level will be in the same range.

29. Information about air group withdrawal or disbandment will be displayed in hex tooltip, in the same way as for units. To conserve space, information about unit and air group withdrawal or disbandment will be shown only for units and air groups withdrawing or disbanding during the next 30 turns. To compensate, that information will albo be displayed in their respective details windows.

30. Air base aviation support need (AV) will be displayed in Commander’s Report, in the “SupL” column. It will be now easier to find overloaded air bases.

31. Units will now be able to upgrade TOE when more than 30 MP from railhead. Units will get a 5% bonus to the basic 20% chance to upgrade TOE for every full month after TOE start date (assuming 6/41 as minimum possible).

32. When assigning AA unit to Axis-controlled cities, made sure that proper national high command-level HQ unit will be chosen to pull AA units from. For Yougoslavian cities it will be Italian HQ; for Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and Soviet cities it will be German HQ, with the exception of cities that Finland and Rumania can draw manpower from (Karelian and Bessarabian cities).

33. Impassable hex sides will remain impassable even when ice level will reach 8.

34. Added several new checks to the editor: SAD/SAB airbases either existing or reinforcing after 2/42; units where majority of support elements is damaged; units having either supply, fuel, ammo or vehicles below 50% of need (75% in case of delayed units). The last two checks apply only to units having more than 5% of TOE.

35. Added optional ability to the editor’s “Clean Up” function, so that on-map units can be resupplied to 50% of needs (supply/ammo/fuel/vehicles), in the same way as delayed units are resupplied to 75% of needs.

36. Updated national morale tables, see Appendix B.

37. Reduced factory evacuation costs by 20% (rounding up). It will be now possible to evacuate factories from cities in enemy ZOC, but the cost to evacuate will be doubled.

38. Added new ground element type, Heavy Armored Car, with parameters similar to normal Armored Car, but recon value reduced from 4 to 3, CV increased from 4 to 5, and HE as default ammo type.

39. Leader initiative will be increased by 1 for rolls on behalf of Soviet on-map artillery units that have expended no more than 6 MP this turn. Bear in mind that MP are substracted at start of battle, so the net effect should be that the first attack of an umoved artillery unit will benefit from this bonus. Therefore the chance to pass initiative roll shown in supply details window will include this bonus only for units that have not yet expended a single MP.

40. Soviet on-map units destroyed after 10/41 (as well as units other than Rifle, Motorized and Tank Divisions destroyed before 11/41) will return as nearly empty reinforcements in 2 to 4 turns. Such units will keep their name, TOE, corps affiliation (in case of divisions), and component division names (in case of corps). Their morale, experience, and win/loss counters will be reset to default values. This process will cost AP (though lack of points will not prevent units from returning): 15 for Corps, 5 for Divisions and Brigades being part of a Corps, 3 for other Brigades and 1 for other units. Forts, Partisans, Airborne, Mountain, Naval, NKVD Border Regiments, as well as Soviet Rumanian, Polish, and Czech units will not be eligible to return.

41. Destroyed units of Axis allies, as well as all Axis support units will return as German on-map units do. On-map units will be frozen on refit for 3 turns with MAX TOE set to 50. Usually they will be placed in westernmost city having the same nationality. Support units will arrive at their national HQ with MAX TOE set to 50. There will be a message in the logistics log for every such unit.

42. MAX TOE setting will now be visible for frozen or withdrawing units in unit details window.

43. Added new ground element type, Medium Flak/AT, with parameters similar to normal Medium Flak, but not treated as “rear area gun” (which reduces losses, but also the ability to fire on enemy elements), and AP as default ammo type.

44. It will be now possible to use light armored cars in place of armored cars (and vice versa).

45. No side will call reserve units to join combat if the expected final odds are outside 1:5 to 5:1 range.

Full long list : Click Here
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Offline Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2016, 11:32:03 AM »
WitE Patch Archive

WitE Patch Archive - play the version you like

1.08.08 beta download | thread - current public beta patch
1.08.07 download | announcement | thread - current official patch
1.08.07 beta download | thread
1.08.07 hotfix download | thread
1.08.06 hotfix download | thread
1.08.05 beta download | thread
1.08.04 download | announcement | thread - Steam release
1.08.04 hotfix download | thread
1.08.03 download | announcement | thread
1.08.03 beta download | thread
1.08.02 beta download | thread
1.08.01 beta download | thread
1.08.00 beta download | announcement | thread
1.07.15 download | announcement | thread
1.07.15 beta download | thread
1.07.14 beta download | thread
1.07.14 hotfix download | thread
1.07.13 hotfix download | thread
1.07.12 beta download | thread
1.07.11 download | announcement | thread
1.07.11 beta download | thread
1.07.10 beta download | thread - last patch by the original team (2by3)
1.07.08 download | announcement | thread - earliest version compatible with second expansion

In case I missed a version, announcement or thread - feel free to post corrections, I will edit this post.
Most of old patch installers provided by Manstein63. They are now hosted on my Dropbox.
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2016, 05:03:46 PM »
Public Beta v1.08.09 is now available

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the East, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.
If you have the Steam version you can select the Beta under the games Properties.

V1.08.09 May 04, 2016

New features
1. Disabled promotion to Guards status for Tank and Mechanized Corps divided into brigades, to prevent name loss and TOE issues upon merge.

2. Security units will be able to resupply to 100% and upgrade ground elements without penalties, while being more than 20 MP or 5 hexes away from their HQ, just like Fort units.

3. Airbases will not resupply through HQs, only individually, as if they were more than 20 MP or 5 hexes from their HQ (without penalties).

4. Introduced ground element type-based replacement priority. It is equal to element’s CV, except that all elements useful in a fight and air support have a minimum value of 2 (mostly applies to artillery), while support and labor elements have a value of 1. In case of shortages, reduction is no longer proportional across the board, but based on priority, where elements with higher priority get access to more manpower and armaments.

5. Changed base reassignment cost multiplier for HQ units from 2 to 1.5 (25% reduction).

6. Updated national morale tables, see Appendix A.

7. German HQs named “Motorized Corps” will confer the same bonus to leader rolls as do HQs named “Panzer Corps”, and will be treated as “armor HQs”.

8. Added individual turn limits to armaments export from Germany to Axis Allies. The limits for 1941-1945 are as follows: Finland - 0.5k, 1k, 1k, 1k, 1k; Italy - 0.5k, 1k, 1k, 0k, 0k; Rumania - 1k, 2k, 3k, 3k, 3k; Hungary - 1k, 2k, 3k, 3k, 3k; Slovakia - 0.5k, 1k, 1k, 1k, 1k. There are separate from the threshold below which exports are possible, which remains unchanged. This limits maximum exports from Germany from 25k per turn to 9k per turn in 1943 (and just 3.5k in 1941). These limits will be affected by German and Axis Allies production percentages in smaller scenarios.

9. Added some new tests to scenario check tool, related to unit guards status.

10. Added new ground element type “Medium SP Flak”, identical to “SP Flak”, in order to allow differentiation between 20mm and 37mm SP Flak in TOEs.

11. Changed the limit of allowed air bombing missions (unit, city, airfield) from 3 of each kind per hex to 2 of any kind per hex.

12. Reworked Axis rail supply modifier. Base value is equal to logistics difficulty level (usually 100). It is reduced by 1 (0.5 after 3/42) for each hex east of x=50, except if y is less than 12. It is decreased by 10 before November 1941. It is increased by 10 in 1943, and by 20 in 1944 or later. Resulting value may not be lower than 25 nor higher than 100. Finally, blizzard effect is applied by multiplying that value by 0.9 (this is changed during First Winter to 0.5 in 1941, and 0.75 in 1942) if necessary. In return First Winter effect is no longer applied at an earlier stage of resupply. For Finnish units only the regular blizzard multiplier can affect base value.

13. Added Soviet rail supply modifier. Base value is equal to logistics difficulty level (usually 100). It is reduced by 0.5 for each hex west of x=64. It is increased by 5 in 1945. Resulting value may not be lower than 25 nor higher than 100. Finally, blizzard effect is applied by multiplying that value by 0.9 if necessary.

14. Reduced morale of newly built units and replacements from 80%-100% to 50%-75% of basic national morale.

15. Reduced maximum experience of newly built units and replacements from 100% to 75% in case of non-German elite units and German regular units, and from 100% to 50% in case of non-German regular units. Minimum experience remains unchanged.

16. Reduced base chance for counterattack to 25%, and for fighting withdrawal to 50% (both by 25%). Maximum chance capped at 95%.

17. Removed extra protection from German and Finnish AFVs in combat, it is no longer required with the introduction of combat events.

18. It will be now possible to disband air bases as long as the number of air bases is greater than number of army HQs+2 (+7 in case of Rumania). Panzer Groups do count as armies, but RHG Commands do not. German army air bases are exempt from this rule, and all may be disbanded after 1942 (but none earlier).

19. Soviet infantry repair modificator for 1941 was reduced, but all Soviet repair modificators will be increasing slowly each year. German AFV repair modificator was slightly reduced, and all German repair modificators will be reduced in 1945.

20. Percentage of German production going East changed from 85% to 75% for 1941, and from 50% to 65% for 1945.

21. Scrapping elements that require vehicles to produce or tanks with CV 9 will result in vehicle production, roughly equal to 75% of the number of scrapped elements.

22. Reduced protection of all elements when light post-combat losses are resolved (in case of fighting withdrawals and failed attacks without a counterattack), especially vehicles. Element’s reliability will now play a role in this as well. Protection of all elements when very light post-combat losses are resolved (in case of victorious side in combat, be it attacker or defender) was kept at previous level.

23. Increased Soviet Union ability to repair vehicles in bad weather from 15k to 20k.

24. Replaced 5% chance for Snow in North Soviet Zone during May-19th June with Mud (so now there will be 55% chance for Mud, and 45% chance for Clear).

25. There will be no automatic Blizzard in December 1941 and January 1942 in Europe Zone.

26. Made ports and manpower harder to damage by bombing (less than oil and resource, but more than heavy industry, railyards, armaments, ground element and aircraft factories).

27. Made CAP missions against city bombing easier to execute, just like CAP missions against airfield bombing.

28. Combat events (counterattack, fighting withdrawal) will not happen if there is Mud, or if the largest (in number of men) defending unit is affected by First Winter. Weather is checked for the hex in which battle occurs (defender’s hex).

29. Reduced effectiveness of night bombing by 50%.

30. Adjusted resolution of post-combat losses, enabling ready element loss with crew surrender, ready element damage, and damaged element loss with crew surrender for units with morale greater than 54. At the same time reduced chance for damaged element loss with crew disabled or returned to pool.

31. Added the ability to set air groups to operate during both day and night. This will allow to reduce micromanagement, and to retain flexibility of having some fighter cover active during enemy turn, regardless of conditions chosen by enemy player (who can switch his air groups between day and night missions at will), even without dedicated air groups set to night missions (which was difficult in case of Germans having low number of large air groups, and no night fighters during first half of the war). Bear in mind that intercepts at night are usually done by small number of aircraft, so they are not as effective as intercepts during the day, but this is offset by lack of enemy escorts at night.

Bug fixes
1. Fixed a bug where old supply sources were still used instead of new ones. Because of this some cities were incorrectly marked as not linked to supply grid, and were unable to participate in transportation of all types of resources.
2. Fixed a bug where Panzer Army was not treated as “armor HQ” for the purposes of automatic reassignment, while Panzer Group was.
3. Fixed alignment of text in scenario description, so that lines generated automatically start in the same column as lines from externally provided text.
4. Fixed a bug in the editor where “DOWN” button was not showing in some circumstances, preventing scrolling the list of units attached to a HQ.
5. Fixed a bug in counting percentage of guard units of the same type for rifle, cavalry, and mountain units other than divisions.
6. Fixed a bug that caused guard unit limit to be 1 point higher than desired.
7. Fixed a bug where rail modifier was calculated based on unit location, instead of railhead location.
8. Fixed a bug in calculating average experience of each side in combat (for the purposes of combat events), where each unit had a weight of one instead of weight based on the number of elements in that unit.
9. Fixed a bug where FoWed unit on-counter CV was not refreshed fully after logistics phase, and the game used values from before logistics phase, which resulted in, for example, defensive CV not including the impact of forts built during that logistics phase.
10. Fixed a bug where incorrect amount (near zero) of ammunition and fuel was expended by planes performing a CAP mission.
11. Fixed a bug where factory evacuation wasn’t working for cities other than ports, when enemy unit was adjacent, as well as some interface bugs related to this.
12. Fixed a bug where AI could evacuate factories in June 1941.
13. Fixed a bug where routing reserve units, units retreating to a hex in enemy ZOC, and units retreating across unfrozen rivers could benefit from fighting withdrawal losses reduction.
14. Possibly fixed a bug related to HQs relocating during the logistics phase due to invalid links between map hexes and units. All such relocations will be logged (not shown to players) to assist with proving the patch worked, or showing which routine is responsible for that unwanted behavior.

Full list:: Click Here

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Offline Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2016, 03:24:07 PM »
WITE Public Beta hotfix 1.08.10

This is only for those using the 1.08.09 Public Beta version. Unzip this into the Gary Grigsby's War in the East directory (this is just an exe update). Sorry for the inconvenience. The changes are:

Bug fixes
1. Fixed a bug where units could receive more replacements than asked for if there was a surplus of resources (all were used and dispatched to units).
2. Fixed a bug where units could retain more matched equipment than desired. They will now immediately return enough not to exceed 125% of TOE needs (this limit scales with MAX TOE down to 100% for MAX TOE set to 80% or less).
3. Fixed a bug where formation inventory was not displayed correctly if the list of units in the first tab was sorted.
4. Fixed a bug where self-propelled weapons, armored cars and self-propelled artillery were displayed in the infantry tab of formation inventory, even though they were included in the AFV totals.
5. Fixed a bug where an empty unit details window was displayed after closing Commander’s Report in some circumstances (only when using regular exit button).

Download (1.6MB): Click Here

Original post:Click Here
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 03:27:52 PM by Asid »
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2016, 06:29:46 PM »
WITE Public Beta v1.09.00 is now available

ello Everyone,

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the East, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.
If you have the Steam version you can select the Beta under the games Properties.

V1.09.00 June 01, 2016

    New Feature
        1. Scenarios and games saved under this version will not load under older versions of the game.

    Bug fixes
        1. Fixed a bug where it was possible to gain access to enemy units and alter some of their parameters.
        2. Fixed a bug where units could receive more replacements than asked for if there was a surplus of resources (all were used and dispatched to units).
        3. Fixed a bug where units could retain more matched equipment than desired. They will now immediately return enough not to exceed 125% of TOE needs (this limit scales with MAX TOE down to 100% for MAX TOE set to 80% or less).
        4. Fixed a bug where formation inventory was not displayed correctly if the list of units in the first tab was sorted.
        5. Fixed a bug where self-propelled weapons, armored cars and self-propelled artillery were displayed in the infantry tab of formation inventory, even though they were included in the AFV totals.
        6. Fixed a bug where an empty unit details window was displayed after closing Commander’s Report in some circumstances (only when using regular exit button).

Previous changes -
Hot fix changes -
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2016, 03:56:56 PM »
Gary Grigsby's War in the East has been updated to version 1.09.00!

Please check the changelog below.

You can download the update from here (458MB):

Version 1.09.00 Patchnotes

New Features
1. Scenarios and games saved under this version will not load under older versions of the

Bug fixes
1. Fixed a bug where it was possible to gain access to enemy units and alter some of their
2. Fixed a bug where units could receive more replacements than asked for if there was a
surplus of resources (all were used and dispatched to units).
3. Fixed a bug where units could retain more matched equipment than desired. They will
now immediately return enough not to exceed 125% of TOE needs (this limit scales with
MAX TOE down to 100% for MAX TOE set to 80% or less).
4. Fixed a bug where formation inventory was not displayed correctly if the list of units in
the first tab was sorted.
5. Fixed a bug where self-propelled weapons, armored cars and self-propelled artillery were
displayed in the infantry tab of formation inventory, even though they were included in
the AFV totals.
6. Fixed a bug where an empty unit details window was displayed after closing
Commander’s Report in some circumstances (only when using regular exit button).
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2016, 09:19:23 PM »
WITE Public Beta v1.09.01 is Now Available!

Hello Everyone,

We have an new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the East, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.

v1.09.01 November 24, 2016

New Features
1. Optimized the speed of searching for common air army and army group/front HQs for the purposes of launching air missions.
2. Moved the “unit is reorganizing at x,y” message about understrength withdrawing units from “ARRIVED UNITS” to “UNIT WITHDRAWAL” section of the Logistics Phase Log.
3. Relocation of “Military District” and “Defense Zone” units is now allowed, even if frozen and/or insupply.
4. Voluntary relocation of units that are within 5 MP to rail will no longer cause retreat attrition and/or the possibility to lose a leader.
5. Updated and shortened text describing leader command restrictions.
6. Increased garrison multiplier for security units from 2 to 2.2, so a single regiment would be enough to garrison a city hex (two - a light urban hex, and full division - a heavy urban hex), without the need to add extra units, and with some margin for losses. A 41 Security Division has 5967 men, which was usually a few percent short of the desired value (4000 for a city hex, 8000 for light urban hex, and 12000 for a heavy urban hex).
7. If there is damaged rail in a working port, and no enemy units are adjacent, the rail will be automatically repaired during the logistics phase.
8. Changed efficiency of ground element repair after movement:
a. reduced base efficiency from 25% to 15%,
b. reduced penalty from weather (from -30% to -25% for mud, from -20% to -15% for blizzard, and from -10% to -5% for snow),
c. reduced AFV class bonus from 10% to 0%,
d. changed 0...25% bonus from reliability to a -25...0% penalty from unreliability,
e. added 0...25% bonus from movement left percentage,
f. added -5% penalty from failed admin roll,
g. added 75% reduction of final efficiency for isolated units.

9. Ground element repair after movement will be less random, so that at most one element’s repair result (in each slot) will be determined by a random roll.
10. There will be no “to hit” bonuses for dive bombing and fighter sweeps at night.
11. Increased accuracy of flak at night (from 10% to 25% of daily values), and reduced accuracy of bombing at night (from 33% to 25% of daily values).
12. Support units attached to HQs will gain protection from terrain and fortifications when bombed or defending in battle, like all other units.
13. HQs and support units attached to them will gain a bonus to protection from terrain and fortifications when bombed, to take into account that they are dispersed over a large area.
14. Level bombers will be eligible for being attacked by flak when bombing units, in the same way as tactical (dive) bombers, fighters, and fighter-bombers. However, they now get an extra bonus to evade all flak.
15. Increased bonus for tactical (dive) bombers to evade all flak.
16. Adjusted bombing effectiveness, to take the same set of parameters into account for different plane types.
17. Added new ground element type: “Motor-Engr Squad”.
18. Made it easier to destroy, damage and/or disrupt elements that should be doing most of the fighting, by reducing their resistance against ground HE attacks (XM stands for eXperience Modifier, and is equal to element’s experience-70; final value may never be less than 20, and higher than 100):
a. to 80+XM% of the original value for elements of type Rifle Squad, Cavalry Squad, SMG Squad, Ski Squad, Security Squad, Partisan Squad, and Naval Rifle Squad,
b. to 85+XM% of the original value for elements of type Infantry-AT, Machinegun, Motor-Inf Squad, Engineer Squad, Airborne Squad, and Air Landing Section,
c. to 90+XM% of the original value for elements of type Mech-Inf Squad, Airborne Engineer, Carrier-Inf Squad, and Motor-Engr Squad,
d. to 95+XM% of the original value for elements of type Mech-Engr Squad, Special Forces, and Marine Commando.

19. Adjusted “too many attackers” penalty formulas to be more consistent as fort level changes. This penalty will never be applied in battles against partisans, and during hasty attacks the number of attacking stack points will be halved. For the purposes of this penalty, tank and mechanized corps combat units will count as having a size of 9 (like a division), while other corps combat units will count as having a size of 27 (like three divisions).
20. Support units will no longer protect brigade-sized (and smaller) stacks of on-map units involved in combat (including reserve units) from having greater chance to rout or shatter in combat. However, support units themselves will never have greater chance to rout or shatter in combat (as if on-map units involved in combat were larger than a brigade).
21. The tooltip about interdiction attacks will display the number of MP lost (if greater than 0) by the targeted unit.
22. The “WANTED” column in the replacement phase report table will now display true need of units, before it was reduced by MP to rail penalty.
23. Improved TOE matching, so that duplicate elements have a chance to be merged, instead of being sent away.
24. Improved sending back matched elements, taking into account possible shortage of their type and/or group in the whole unit.
25. Improved requesting new elements, taking into account possible abundance of their type in the whole unit.
26. When merging units, morale will be weighted by number of men rather than TOE%.
27. Number of men lost in combat will no longer be calculated as number of men in destroyed elements, rather from the actual number of men killed and captured from destroyed elements (as shown on the losses screen in the “Recent Battle & Non-Combat Casualties” column). Number of men “damaged” in combat will no longer be calculated as half the number of men in damaged elements, but more accurately according to the percentage of men that become disabled when damaged elements are lost or returned to pool (so 30% for the Axis, and 40% for the Soviet), as well as the actual number of men from destroyed elements disabled immediately.
28. No Axis attack on June 22nd 1941 will turn into a scouting attack.
29. Reworked experience and morale changes for partisan units recruiting new squads or receiving supplies from air. As for other units, influx of new elements will result in experience reduction, not increase. However, successful resupply or adding a ground element will always result in small morale increase, up to NM.
30. Updated “CDL Tank” ground element type, to be like “Engineer Tank” type, rather than a weaker version of “Medium Tank”.
31. Updated matching groups to better represent elements fulfilling the same role.
32. CV Mode will be now a game option, rather than a scenario parameter, so any of the six modes will be available for use in any scenario. “Alternate CV” means the value shown on counters will be a more accurate representation of the final CV in combat (it will show non-random, expected, value of randomly determined final CV, as usual without the impact of forts and terrain on the attacker’s CV, when outside actual combat). CV Mode also allows to decide whether artillery and support elements should have a small impact on unit CV value, or not. The modes are:
a. Default: combat value of artillery elements is 0, combat value of support elements is 1, normal CV,
b. Better CV Math: combat value of artillery elements is 0, combat value of support elements is 1, alternate CV,
c. Art. 1, Sup. 0: combat value of artillery elements is 1, combat value of support elements is 0, normal CV,
d. Art. 1, Sup. 0, Better CV Math: combat value of artillery elements is 1, combat value of support elements is 0, alternate CV,
e. Art. 1, Sup. 1: combat value of artillery elements is 1, combat value of support elements is 1, normal CV,
f. Art. 1, Sup. 1, Better CV Math: combat value of artillery elements is 1, combat value of support elements is 1, alternate CV.

33. Partisan unit’s morale will never drop below 20 as a result of being attacked by an Axis units.
34. Expected, instead of random, CV will be used when determining whether a hasty attack should turn into a scouting attack (just like for determining the need for air support during a battle).
35. Added manpower statistics for every active country on given side to logistics phase log. They show active manpower pool, transfer manpower pool, disabled manpower pool, actual number of men in units, number of men that should be in units according to their TOEs, and a difference between those two numbers. German totals include Hiwis. Those values are calculated at the end of the logistics phase, after replacements were dispatched.
36. Fort units will be treated as static units when calculating resource (supply, ammo, fuel, vehicles) needs.
37. It will be now possible to resupply support units to 200% of resource (supply, ammo, fuel) needs via air drops, if all units involved are above 100% of needs.
38. HQs will be resupplied via air drops just like other units, they will no longer accumulate supply and fuel dumps. HQ and attached support units will receive all resources directly.
39. Scrapped heavy tanks and heavy cavalry tanks will be no longer converted to vehicles. Scrapped light tanks, flame tanks, MSW tanks, engineer tanks, airborne tanks, and CDL tanks will be converted to vehicles.
40. Construction and fort units will be no longer eligible to get extra resources due to no movement in previous turn.
41. Increased German vehicle repair capability from 10k to 15k during mud turns after 1941.
42. Added the ability to navigate from unit to leader, and from leader to unit in the editor.
43. Added detailed information about frozen status to map mouse-over information, similar to the one presented for withdrawals and disbands. While in the editor, all three kinds of information will be always displayed, even if more than 30 turns remain until the event.
44. While in the editor, fog of war will be no longer applied to mouse-over information for units of the other side.
45. It will be now possible for reinforcing air groups to arrive at a predetermined air base unit, rather than to National Reserve. The specified air base must be present on the map, be of the same nationality as the group, and contain less than 9 air groups to be a valid target (at the moment of arrival). If those conditions will not be met, air group will arrive to National Reserve instead.
46. Added the ability to export some stats and data from the game to a csv file (tab separated). This function is accessible by clicking “Export” button, found in the lower right corner of Commander’s Report in the Units tab. This function creates a file Stats(Turn nnn yyyy-mm-dd ss).csv in Dat\save directory with data based on current game state. The data consist of a header (scenario name, turn, date, active side), army strength (per country), losses (per side), manpower details, vehicle details, resource details, unit details, air group details, leader details, city details, ground element details, and aircraft details.
47. Units in reserve mode will have their construction points reduced to 25%, and will get no construction support from HQ. Applies only to human player.
48. Updated a lot of leader, aircraft, and ground element images.
49. Reduced base chance for fighting withdrawal from 50% to 10%, and for counterattack from 25% to 20%. This base chance is still affected by the difference between average experience of combatants, and requires defender’s experience to be higher than attacker’s experience.
50. Increased the number of disabled men killed each logistics phase on the Axis side from 0.05% to 0.25%. This means returns will be reduced from 0.95% to 0.75%. Soviet ratios remain at 0.5%.

The long list continues Click here
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War In The East (WITE)
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2016, 10:36:07 PM »
  I have this game Spent a week trying it and only got migrains and a whole bunch of notes to myself to remind me what I wanted to do and what I had to do,,Truly is one monster of a game..Kinda reminds me of the old  SPI game War In The East..Damn beast of a game we usually played as teams..but no body has any interest in that type of gaming now days,,Sometimes we would get in bigger fights than what was in the game..
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