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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #120 on: October 08, 2023, 01:47:14 PM »
Faction Highlights – Roman Galia
Sun, 8 October 2023

The conquest of Gaul is completed but there are new enemies waiting to meet the Roman legions.

The Gallic lands have submitted to Roman rule and a new campaign map still within the Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC takes you to the next phase of the conquests of Julius Caesar.

The great Julius Caesar conquered the whole of Gaul but the pride of its people has not been broken.

Yet Caesar’s ambitions are far greater. The river Rhenus creates a frontier between Roman Galia and Germania. A decisive victory over the Suebi tribes living there would make Caesar a Roman hero forever. The conflict seems inevitable.

The British Isles that sometimes appears out of the mist tickles his imagination. The prosperous coastal cities of the Britons are known to Roman traders but what lies beyond them is veiled in mystery.

Caesar is adamant to fly the Roman eagle above the heads of the Germanic and Briton peoples, but neither of them will give him an easy path to victory.

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Coming Soon Q4 2023 + Wishlist

Add Imperiums: Rise of Caesar to your wishlist and see if you could march in Caesar’s footsteps through the wild lands of Gaul, Germania and eventually the British Isles.

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #121 on: November 12, 2023, 02:01:36 PM »
Spotlight - Time scale
Sun, November 12, 2023

Your resources are limited, no time to take a break, your enemy is relentless.

We have already mentioned some of the changes that will be introduced to the game along with the new time scale. We will no longer operate in years and seasons, but in weeks. This affects many of the existing mechanics but also gives us a chance to introduce some new ones, such as 'Politics in Rome'.

Today´s spotlight will focus on the changes that are less visible but no less important.

Having a long-term strategy is essential for planning a lengthy war campaign. However, once the conquest starts, you need to operate on a much shorter time scale. Taxes that will fill your coffers over a year will not help you pay a group of mercenaries right now. The training of new soldiers takes time and conscripting all able men immediately would cripple your economy. As the campaign starts your most urgent need is men.

Let Pavel explain how citizens have become the most crucial of resources.

Word from Pavel {Game designer)

    A number of challenges and new possibilities appeared when we introduced the new time scale into the Rise of Caesar DLC. We could implement the Weather and Seasonsvmechanic and we had to create an alternative to the classical tech tree by implementing the 'Politics in Rome'. So, what else has changed?

    Let's start with citizens. The population growth mechanic did not convert sensibly to a weekly time scale, because one year in the new DLC could see the population double or even triple. Balancing this mechanic led to an interesting outcome, the population was hardly growing between turns. The natural consequence of this has made citizens the most important resource, more so than even gold, iron or stones.

    Military strategy is affected, armies are made of soldiers and they in turn are recruited from citizens. With soldiers so precious, the more costly and lengthy ways of maintaining armies, such as their healing in cities, need to be planned very carefully as losing soldiers can become a real problem.

    Settlers are also affected by the slowed population growth. The "execution time" of certain actions has been modified to the new time scale, e.g. building a road, constructing a bridge, building a farm and chopping wood. With these actions now taking longer, alongside the fact that settlers cannot be "created" so easily any more, means that the whole development of the map slows down significantly. Careful consideration will be required for construction projects as well as supply lines, essential for any military advances.

    You as Caesar are not the absolute leader of Rome, you are a consul in one of the Roman provinces and obedient to the Senate and the will of the people. You cannot build legions yourself, if you need another legion to boost the four you have, you will have to navigate through a labyrinth of political intrigues. It is possible for you to train inferior units to supplement your battle hardened legionaries and use these troops to somehow get by. After all, part of Caesar's military genius was turning lost battles into victories.

    The changes to the time scale have made the new DLC much more tactical and the Roman Republic a very specific and interesting faction. This DLC will really push your strategic and tactical thinking to the limits, the action has not slowed, you will have to be on your toes and alert from the moment you step into Gallic territory all the way to the Scottish highlands.

Caesar's tactical skills made him an unpredictable and dangerous man, he could always find a solution to an impossible situation. This made him a hero amongst his troops and the people of Rome. Can you follow him with limited resources and move forward no matter how difficult the road seems to be?

All these changes definitely push the Imperiumsvseries another step forward and bring a very different feel to the gameplay. Please take a moment and wishlist the upcoming DLCvand subscribe to our channel. A few more spotlights are still in the pipeline so stay tuned!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #122 on: January 03, 2024, 01:21:51 AM »
What's in The Kube? Small and big news
Mon, January 1, 2024

Read all the news – small and big – about Kube Games.

Hello everyone.

We want to wish you all Happy New Year filled with many memorable moments. The end-of-the-year festivities are over, and we returned to our desks with renewed enthusiasm. There has been a lot going on at the end of the last year although it might not have looked so from the outside.

Most of our time was taken by finishing the long-awaited DLC called "Rise of Caesar". It is going to be a very different expansion from the previous DLCs, and we can’t wait for you to try it out. The more we play it, the more we like it and hopefully you will too.

There have already been few Faction highlight videos and several Spotlights explaining the mechanics of the DLC, and more is about to come. We plan a limited release discount, so wishlist the DLC if you haven’t done so yet. 😊
Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

The next big chunk of our time was taken by our new project. The new game is still at a very early stage but requires more and more attention as it grows. We already got some testing 3D models and music tracks done as well as prototyped terrain. We’re eager to share the first looks with you, but you will have to be a bit patient with us as there are other tasks to be finished first. If you want to support us, please subscribe to our Developer page here on Steam (Steam does not allow regular news about another game posted on different game’s Steam page).

As if there was not enough work already, an early Xmas gift was delivered to Kube Games in December. Our first game, Aggressors: Ancient Rome
, has come back “home” (the rights to publish it were transferred from the publisher back to the dev studio). We needed to prepare an update with some bug fixes and improvements.

If you haven't heard about the game yet, check it out. Even though Imperiums is pretty much a descendant of Aggressors
, Aggressors
has its own charm with a different campaign map and simpler rules. If you want to support us in our indie endeavors, please buy the game, we would really appreciate it

Aggressors: Ancient Rome

-80%   £24.99  £4.99

The rest of our time we spent on preparing a new Imperiumsversion v1.3.3. with a huge number of improvements and fixes.

This is pretty much all from our Kube Games newsroom 😊

Thank you all for the great support we received last year and …Stay with us!

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #123 on: January 07, 2024, 02:25:38 PM »
Spotlight - Scenario transition
Sat, 6 January 2024

The conquest of Gaul opens the way to the mysterious British Isles. The quest for wealth and glory continues.

Today's Spotlight will focus on one of the most interesting new mechanics that will appear in the Rise of Caesar expansion, Scenario Transition.
Given the number of questions and requests we have had on this topic it is clear that it is one of the top additions many players wish to see in the game. We have been considering it for a long time and it is definitely something we want to continue building on.

When Caesar conquered Gaul, he already was a Roman hero. However, as he stood at the northern coast looking across the misty Channel, thinking about the mysterious land and the tribes that inhabited it, he knew that his quest must continue. This next conquest would be the continuation of his life's efforts, using the experience of his legionaries, the infrastructure he built in Gaul, and all the skills and experience he had gathered in the many battles with the Celts.

Let's give the word to Pavel, our lead developer, to tell you in detail how this will work in game.

    Transition between scenarios has been on the waiting list for a long time. It was logical due to our chronological approach to the DLCs and something I personally really enjoy in other games, e.g. in Panzer General where I could take my well trained units into the next battle. However, this functionality is quite difficult to implement (more than you might think!) and many questions had to be answered first, such as:

        What should be transitioned - units, cities, roads, terrain modifications, diplomacy relations, tech tree, or even resources?
        How will the transition affect the game difficulty and still align with the preferred level of the player?
        Should the transition be automatic or player-specific?
        What will trigger the transition?
        Should all factions be allowed to use this mechanic?
        and so on.

    Apart from this, there were a number of technical issues I had to consider:

        The more things you allow to transition, the more "skewed" the scenario will be when compared to the stand alone scenario (with its fixed initial setup and balancing).
        For example, if one faction should struggle with a lack of food in the second scenario but terrain improvements are transitioned from the first scenario, it would instantly solve the food problem and completely change the balance of things.
        Similarly, bringing experienced units into the second scenario will affect the balancing. Things such as this could break the historical immersion.
        How will the cities be transitioned regarding their size, name and improvements? Will Lutetia still be Lutetia in the second scenario if the player renamed it to Paris?

    The list could go on, but you get the idea ...

    So what approach have we taken?
    Considering all of the above, it will be possible to transition units, cities, roads, terrain modifications, "Politics in Rome
    " (alternation to the Tech tree in other expansions) and partially the diplomacy relations. Resources on the other hand, will not be transitioned as it would unbalance the whole scenario instantly.

    The transition is automatic, the player cannot choose what will or will not be transitioned, this will be taken care of by the transition balance algorithm. Even though players would certainly appreciate it if they could select the units they want to take with them, it would be near to impossible to balance. In this case, if a player has too many experienced units in the first scenario, only some of them will be transitioned.

    When certain trigger conditions are met, a pop-up window will ask a player if he wants to move to the second scenario. There is no way of delaying this decision, no "ask me later" option. Do you want to move on to the next quest or do you want to keep playing and lose the possibility of smoothly jumping from one scenario to another?

    Transition is only allowed for the Roman Republic faction as it would have been historically very inaccurate to enable this for other factions.

    Very interesting is the transition of diplomacy relations and factions in general. We created a very flexible way how factions are "taken" to the second scenario, allowing for example the transition even before Gaul is defeated. This would lead to the opening of a second front while still fighting the hostile Gauls at the same borders and battlefronts of the first scenario.

    All in all, I am quite happy that we have managed to implement this mechanic and with how it works. It is very flexible, allowing us to build on it in other potential DLCs while being also quite accessible to the modders.

No true conqueror could look into the fog hanging low on the sea and not dream of the next great conquest, especially when the knowledge of what is on the other side is veiled in mystery. Seize the opportunity, earn your glory, or die trying!

The release of the Rise of Caesar
expansion is getting closer every day, so please don't forget to wishlist it and claim the release discount. We would also appreciate it if you subscribe to our company channel. We hope to have news about our next game soon!

Please, stay tuned for more.

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #124 on: January 12, 2024, 12:06:38 AM »
Imperiums: Rise of Caesar Manual
Thu, 11 January 2024

Detailed manual for your bedtime reading.

The release of the new Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC is literally a few weeks away and many of you are already dreaming about great victories in Gaul and Britain. Well, patience is a virtue 😊 but we still have some teasers coming in the following days and weeks to help you with the wait.

The goal of this DLC was to bring something very new and fresh into the series so a number of new features have been introduced. Most of these have been covered in the series of Spotlight articles, however if you want more detail here is The Manual. This secret book will guide your campaign and provide nuggets of wisdom for the greatest military adventure of your life.

The DLC comes with two smaller maps, Gaul and Britannia. The new mechanics, particularly the change of time scale, weather and seasons will have a profound effect on how you plan your campaign. The game is much more tactical and one wrong decision may cost you dearly.

Lead your units well in Gaul and you will transition directly into the British Isles scenario. You will start the Roman conquest of Britain with your state of affairs and units as they were when you finished your conquest of Gaul.

Naturally, you can also try and stop the Roman advance north by playing as a leader of one of the Gallic, Celtic or Germanic tribes. The maps can be also played separately to allow you to experiment with different playstyles.

Can you follow in the footsteps of a legend or will you bury the Roman aquila at the foot of the Alps forever?

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #125 on: January 20, 2024, 12:27:35 AM »
Version 1.3.3. Caesar's legacy
Thu, January 18, 2024

Hello everyone.

It has been a while since the release of the last major update and it is high time for a new one. We have put a lot of work into improving the game experience, hopefully you will see this too.


    History replay can be now exported to GIF directly in game.
    State decisions tooltip shows the impact of the action.
    Affiliation (tribe name) is now being displayed for independent units when they move or attack.
    New attribute called „aversion“ was implemented, this affects how likely the factions are to cooperate, form alliances etc. Further work is planned on this attribute.
    New menu item opening the list of existing DLCs was added to the Main Menu.
    New icon showing what map item (e.g. a city, blacksmith, stable) is busy, was added to the Strategic Overview (in map view).


    Player can choose specialization of a new stable and shipyard immediately.
    Invention tree displaying speed was increased.
    „Agoge Training“ State Decision was improved.
    Loading saved games was improved and it is faster now.
    Confirmation is required now before starting tutorial.
    City demands were limited to one per city.
    Several State Decisions were altered to not upgrade Nomads to Settlers.
    Korean and Portuguese languages were added to the pool of experimental languages (please get in touch if you would like to help with translations and/or proofreading).


    AI behavior when it was selling city walls in the Troy scenario, was adjusted.
    Improvements in selecting attack targets.
    Improvements in choosing what to build next.
    Improvements in supply usage.
    Excessive recruitment of nomads was mitigated.
    Algorithm to build less ships on lakes was improved.
    Prediction for absorption was not correctly calculated, this has been remedied.


    Bug in supply calculation was fixed.
    Emissaries not being part of the unit loop in particular cases, was fixed.
    Issues caused by mod not being switched to vanilla when starting a tutorial in one of the DLCs, fixed.
    Missing popup when a city or a unit was captured as prisoner of war, fixed.
    Incorrect resource calculation was displayed when building regional capital.
    Issues with scrolling down to the bottom of the list in the Strategic Overview, fixed.
    Minor issues with triggering Victory Conditions were fixed.
    Several issues in multiplayer (both online and asynchronous) were fixed.
    An issue in Windows 11 causing the intro video not being played, was fixed.
    Bug in „Slander“ action causing malfunction was fixed.
    Several rare CTDs were fixed.
    Many other minor bugs were fixed.

Let’s give Imperiums a try again to test all these changes in action 😊 and to get ready for the Rise of Caesar DLC. This update is called "Caesar's legacy" after all :).

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #126 on: February 09, 2024, 12:05:51 AM »
Imperiums: Rise of Caesar release date
Thu, January 25, 2024

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar will be out on February 15th!

Hello everyone,

The date is finally set, the dice are cast, Roman legionaries are marching towards Gaul for the long awaited conquest of the northern territories - Imperiums: Rise of Caesar will be released on February 15th!

This is a totally new take on the Imperiums games with two consecutive maps of the Roman campaigns in Gaul and Britannia and a number of new mechanics.

A different time scale, changes of seasons and the presence of commanders make the game much more tactical. At the same time the high political games played in Rome and around the Mediterranean make the game more immersive. The transition between the campaign maps allows you to continue the successful conquest in Gaul by taking your Roman aquila to Britannia.

Add the DLC to your wishlist (if it is not already there 😊) and get a launch discount, or pre-order it now on our website.

Pavel will also do a live dev-stream on Twitch and Youtube, so subscribe to our channel(s) to join him on his quest to become a legend.

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #127 on: February 11, 2024, 04:03:43 PM »
Faction Highlights – Pre-Roman Gaul
Thu, February 1, 2024

The Gallic tribes will soon have to choose between freedom and life under Roman subordination.

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar brings two interesting campaign maps. The one that we will introduce today covers the whole of ancient Gaul and all the adjoining regions. It is here where the military and political success of Julius Caesar started.

The wild lands beyond the Alps have drawn little attention from the expanding Roman Republic until now. The new consul Julius Caesar however wants to make Galia the theater of his military and political triumph.

The Roman Republic stretches along the northern coast of the Mediterranean from Rome, past Massilia to Iberia, but very few Romans have ventured further north. The unforgiving land and fierce barbarian warriors have kept them at bay. Julius Caesar however, is set to force the Gallic tribes to bow to the Roman aquilla.

The powerful tribal confederation between the Pictones and Arverni rules most of interior Gaul. Their leader Vercingetorix seems powerful enough to unite the many Gallic people under one rule for the first time in history.

The Aquitani, a lesser Gallic tribe are wedged between this confederation, the Pyrenees and the sea.
The Veneti in the northwest are seamen and tradesmen, taking advantage of their access to the sea and the British Isles in the north.

The Belgae are settled west of the Rhenus River maintaining friendly relations with the rest of the Gallic people. The real danger lies east of the river where the Germanic Suebi seek any opportunity to expand their territories westward.

The slow incursion of the Romans into Gaul unsettles the many clans living there. It has not yet come to an open war but the great ambitions of Julius Caesar leave little chance of a peaceful solution.

Wishlist the Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC
and show your stamina in the brutal war against the fearless Gallic warriors, or gather all the Gallic clans and bury the Roman aquilla at the foot of the Alps forever.

Kube Games team.

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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #128 on: February 11, 2024, 04:08:14 PM »
Spotlight - Commanders
Thu, February 8, 2024

Learn the story of courage, determination and self-sacrifice that changed history

The moment we started working on the Rise of Caesar expansion, we started looking for a way to bring the figure of Caesar into the game. We didn't want to just mention him in texts, but we wanted to come up with a mechanic that would help a player understand the importance of key historical figures who changed the course of history.

It was not only Caesar who was a great hero of his time, his opponents, the Gaul Vercingetorix and the Briton Cassivellaunus were just as cunning, powerful and bold.

Caesar led four legions of battle-hardened troops with strong economic support from Rome. The tribes of Gaul and the British Isles had no trained armies of their own, however what they lacked in organization and equipment they made up for with courage and ferocity.

Vercingetorix managed something that no other Gallic leader had achieved, he united all of the Gallic tribes and led them in the most significant rebellion against the Romans. When their attempt failed, he gave himself up to save the lives of his tribesmen. Similarly, Cassivellaunus took the lead to defend his land and people against the Roman invasion and it was only after the defeat of many allied tribes and the devastation of his territories that he surrendered.

There is no doubt that all three of these military commanders were skilled warriors, courageous and bold. Was it the strategic genius of Caesar or the power of the Roman war machine that tipped the balance?

Pavel, our lead game designer, will explain in detail how we incorporated these three great figures into the game.

    The initial plan was to create one unique unit with remarkable abilities that could not be recreated and whose loss would have significant consequences, similar to the Trojan Horse in the Troy DLC

    When we implemented Caesar as a special unit we realized a number of things:

        The unit is a very powerful tool and without a counterpart all opponents are at a big disadvantage.
        It would not be fair to ignore the remarkable abilities of other generals in these conflicts, particularly the Gaul Vercingetorix and the Briton Cassivellaunus.
        The abilities of these units must be implemented very carefully and the AI must use them with great care.
        They should be used in important battles, but their safety must be of top priority, so as to avoid the destructive consequences if they were lost in battle.
        To provide these units with a strategic importance there should be at least two different ways they could be used (just one use would make them very static i.e. just moving them a couple of tiles back and forth along the battlefront).

    We called these special units "COMMANDERS
    " because the name "general" was already taken.
    However, commanders are in fact an extension of generals, they share similar abilities but with a number of differences:

        Commanders cannot be recruited or hired.
        Once a particular commander is dead, he cannot be recreated. He is lost for good.
        Commanders can encourage units and influence cities similarly to generals but with greater impact.
        Commanders cannot be killed at the player's will.
        Commanders boost the units' morale with their presence on the battlefield.
        Commanders will not rebel or desert.
        When they spend a turn in their capital, it brings more influence to the owner (the commander is lobbying at his court).

    The last difference was implemented for two reasons. Firstly, we wanted to give the commanders two way importance, so players have to decide how they want to use them. Secondly, the movement between battlefronts and the capital is in line with history, Caesar usually left his troops in their forts over winter while he went back to his province to deal with political issues.

    When your commander is killed, it is a turning point in the game. It will often force you (at least temporarily) to withdraw from the battlefronts to manage the deteriorating relations with your allies.
    In summary, once your commander is killed, it considerably lowers your army morale against your enemies, it decreases morale and loyalty in all your cities and it decreases morale of all your units.
    After the loss of a commander the total destruction of your armies and enemy breakthroughs on all fronts are more likely. It would be wise to withdraw from your current positions and start preparing a new defensive line deeper in your territory, this will give your units time to get back in shape and to increase morale.

    Caesar and Cassivellaunus are present in the scenario from the beginning. Vercingetorix appears later (when certain conditions are met), he was not that significant at the beginning of the Gallic wars and we wanted to be as historically accurate as possible.

    I am quite curious about what reception this new mechanic will get from players. For us, it is a small step in the dark in a number of ways.

    If you like it, we might build on it and come up with even more interesting unique units in a future expansion.
    I personally find it quite an entertaining new aspect within the game that increases the immersion. I hope you will see it the same way.

It is incredible how much these three men influenced the course of events. Cassivellaunus and Vercingetorix tried to preserve the freedom of their people, while Caesar wanted to be the greatest general of Rome and for his personal benefit as well as the political glory of Rome, he was willing to sacrifice a great deal.

The series of Spotlights is now completed. The release is just around the corner so please wishlist the DLC
as the discount will be limited to a few days
after the launch.

I hope you like the new DLC. In many ways it is different from the previous ones, so even those who know Imperiums
well might find something new and fresh here. We will be happy for your feedback. You can support us by spreading the word and writing a Steam review.

As always we will be on the Steam forum and Discord ready to answer your questions, hear your suggestions and of course consider any criticism you might want to share with us.

Kube Games team.
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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #129 on: February 12, 2024, 12:10:57 AM »
Imperiums: Rise of Caesar – dev pre-release stream
Sat, February 10, 2024

First dev pre-release stream of Rise of Caesar DLC on Feb 10!

Hello everyone,

The clock is ticking, the new DLC Imperiums: Rise of Caesar is only a week away! To whet your appetite while waiting for the release Pavel will be doing a pre-release stream of the Gallic campaign playing ... yeah, the Romans, on 10th February at 9.30PM CET - 12:30 PDT - 8:30 BST

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a first glimpse of the maps and more importantly all of the new mechanics that make the game a totally new experience.

So, join Pavel on our Twitch channel or alternatively on our Youtube channel, to see if he can make his mark on history and be able to ask all of your important questions 😊

Developer stream - Preview of Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar preview played by the dev himself!

See you there!

Kube Games team.

Past Event Started Sat, February 10, 2024
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Re: Imperiums: Greek Wars
« Reply #130 on: February 16, 2024, 12:01:11 AM »
Imperiums: Rise of Caesar RELEASED!
Thu, 15 February 2024

Buy the newly released Imperiums: Rise of Caesar DLC today and claim the discount!

A great day for all the Imperiums fans who can’t wait to make their mark in history – Imperiums: Rise of Caesaris out! Although we kept you waiting longer than we had planned because of other work commitments, we are sure that what we have created here will entice you in for many enjoyable hours of gaming.

Imperiums: Rise of Caesar

-10%  £16.99  £15.29

This will be a true test of your military skills. Thanks to the new mechanics, this will be a totally different gaming experience to what you know from previous Imperiums games, so start your conquests carefully with a clear mind. You will need good stamina to fight your way through the Gallic and British interiors. Planning two steps ahead of your opponents will be also crucial because your opponents are fighting for their very survival and are desperate to survive.

There are two consecutive maps, Gallic wars and the British Isles. You can either transit from the first one to the second by completing a particular victory condition to continue your conquests or you can play them separately.

You enter the game at a time when the consuls in Rome are trying to usurp more power from the Senate and Caesar has been appointed the governor of Transalpine Gaul. To advance his political career he will need victories in Gaul.

Of course, if you are daring enough, you can lead one of the Gallic, Celtic or Germanic tribes and try to stop the invading Romans. Beware though, the Romans are hard to beat and their power-hungry general is ready to pay the highest cost to make Gaul, Germania and Britannia the new northernmost Roman provinces.

The new mechanics make the game more tactical bringing a fresh breeze into the series:

-    Two consecutive maps that allow transition from one campaign map to another.
-    Time scale reduced to weeks, slows down citizens birth rate and that in turn limits recruitment options. Some building actions (e.g. building roads, bridges, etc.) last longer (think in weeks!) which greatly affects the extension of supply lines (this is THE most important thing to keep in mind).
-    Romans can only build 1st and 2nd tier units, new legions can be only obtained through Objectives, decisions made in Politics in Rome, or State Decisions.
-    Weather and seasons affect the battle readiness of the units as well as the range of supply lines which has a profound effect on your strategy.
-    Commanders (Caesar, Vercingetorix and Cassivellaunus) hike up the morale of your warriors but they can be a liability. Guard your commander at all costs!
-    Politics in Rome brings the greater arena of the events of Mediterranean into focus and forces you to take decisions that might affect your current campaign, both in positive and negative ways.

You can now purchase the Rise of Caesar DLC separately or bundled in the Complete edition with the vanilla game Imperiums: Greeks Wars and the two previous DLCs (Age of Alexander and Rome vs Carthage). You can also use the Complete the set bundle. All have a limited launch discount.

You can also purchase this DLC on our website and by doing so directly support the dev team.

Please leave a review on Steam to help get the game more visibility. If you like it, tell your friends and maybe even try the conquest in a multiplayer setting!

We are pretty excited about this DLC so do let us know what you think on our Steam forum
and Discord.

Thank you for your support. Let your endeavors end in great victories 😊

Kube Games team.

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