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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Nice pics, at this game our city can be connected to other world, like SimCity?

General Sandman:

--- Quote from: KlausVarna on March 15, 2019, 02:58:46 AM ---Nice pics, at this game our city can be connected to other world, like SimCity?

--- End quote ---

According the presentation it is not only a city building sim, but one about building a whole socialistic republic.

Watching the tubes, you can see transports like trucks and trains moving overland. The economic sytem is supposed to be connected to the global markets and dealing with flexible prices according the market mechanisms.


--- Quote from: KlausVarna on March 15, 2019, 02:58:46 AM ---Nice pics, at this game our city can be connected to other world, like SimCity?

--- End quote ---


Watch the developer videos.

It is as General Sandman said.

Released! (Early Access)


Finally the day and the hour we were all waiting for is here; the Soviet Republic game releases as an Early Access title on STEAM!

Thank you all for your support, thanks too for the guys who helped me put Soviet Republic together and bring it to you - the players. Thank you to all the influencers who played the game and helped promote it. I just hope you will like the game.

Remember! This is just the start of the journey. We plan to continue developing and will implement many more features in Soviet Republic (with the next content update - due in a few weeks - you should expect personal cars, a car plant factory, and more!) And also improve or fix existing features!

Let us know in the STEAM forums if you experience any issues, or (please!) leave us your feedback and opinions. Let us know everything even the negative, and even if we can't answer everything, we will be reading! Sorry in advance if you experience any issues, we will do our best to fix them ASAP!

Have a nice weekend while playing the game! :P

Peter Adamcik

Great game and today -5% i bought it  ;D


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