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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Windows DPI vs Game
By 3division

Explanation, understanding of GUI DPI scaling vs game

Windows DPI setting vs game

Some monitors are high DPI, such as laptop monitors or 4K screens... in windows you have then set scaling of GUI 125% or 150% for example in order to you will able to read icons and text in windows.. so everything is scaled up...

If you have for example monitor 1920x1080 with GUI scaling set to 125%.. and you select game to run in resolution 1920x1080, game window will also scale up so you will not see the edges of the screen with important game UI etc..

-You can set lower resolution i.e. 1600x900.. so if screen scale up.. it will not goes outside of screen, but this may be a bad solution , because you would wish to play in the 1920x1080

-You can set Full Screen mode.. instead windowed... this may help.. but may bring also problems with the mouse (that mouse will be unable to access the borders of the screen

-You can set exception for game executable.. that windows will not scale up game window and this guide will help this[/b]
Change game executable GUI setting

(To access executable, open steam client, click with RMB on "Soviet Republic" game in steam library,
click on "Properties", then "Local files" tab, click on "browse local files" button)

Right click with mouse on SOVIET.exe and select "Properties"

-Select "Compatibility" tab
-Select "change for all users"

-Select "Change DPI setting"

-Check checbox override DPI setting
-Select "Application from drop down menu

After this, windows will no longer scale your windows application, so even you will select 1920x1080 as game resolution, you will get correct behaviour... even on 1920x1080 screen with DPI/GUI scale enabled.. in windows..

See here for images:

How to change... RESOLUTION & LANGUAGE

1. Open Steam Library

2. Right Click on Workers&Resources and select "configuration tool"

3. Select the language and resolution you want, (mark windowed solves some problems)

4. Save and play!! Have fun!!

New version v0.7.3.7


First fixes published, more info bellow: - 15.3.2019 20:00 CET
-Default language to auto-detection instead english
-Improved auto detection of language - 16.3.2019 23:00 CET
-Added Support of 4:3 resolutions to Config App
-Removed auto-purchase resources for factories/power plant (seems this not good solution), but this functionality was preserved on shops, pubs and gas stations
-Fixed crash when deleting road
-Fixed another crash when deleting road
-Fixed crash when building a railways with construction train sets
-Various crash during loading fixes, but I'm sure not all, but many...
-If you got problems with electricity, bad/long number at voltage, hold for a moment same time key E+L+C to reset it.. just for hotfix.. I will investigate issue more, any info what need to be exactly done to reproduce are welcome!

I will continue to check all issues, sorry about problems. If something going wrong with this update.. let us know!



Thank you for the clarification about the DPI.


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