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Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« on: August 12, 2018, 12:02:57 AM »
Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane

Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane

Get a complete simulation of the on-board systems, ultra-realistic ground & flight dynamics, a damages and maintenance system and become a better X-Plane pilot.

Compatibility: X-Plane 11
File size: 24.9MB

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Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane 11 Cessna 172

Published on Aug 18, 2017

About Reality Expansion Packs

What it is

The Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane 11 and 10 is an add-on that replaces some internal parts of the sim with custom ones, greatly enhancing the realism.

It replaces and enhances the flight & ground dynamics, the default piston engine, the electrical system, the landing gear and many other aspects of the airplane, adding things such  real world physics, new stereo sounds and extra 3D elements.

REP also provides a damages system, a maintenance hangar and the interactive ground checks.

You learn how o use it and become a better pilot thanks to the in-flight tips: a simple and not invasive way to let you know when you’re doing something wrong to the airplane and how to fix the problem.

How to get it

The package is currently available for the following planes:
•   Default XP11 Cessna 172SP
•   Default XP11 Beech Baron 58
•   Carenado Cessna T210M Centurion
•   Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza F33A
•   Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza V35B
•   Carenado Beechcraft Baron B58

The add-on must be installed inside the aircraft you want to enhance. Once the installation is done, it will replace the default X Plane systems with more complex and realistic ones.

You can always rollback to the default airplane by disabling the package.

We are constantly working to extend the range of available aircrafts. You can find many more informations about it in our blog.

Why should you choose REP?

The reasons are pretty straight away:

1.   Leading technology: REP was the first addon of its class for X Plane. We did to X Plane what A2A did to Flight Simulator and P3D.
2.   Beware of imitations: No one else does what we do. The engine physics simulated by REP have no rivals in the X Plane world. Period.
3.   We publish a ton of resources such tutorials and how-tos.
4.   With REP you really learn new things everytime you fly with the sim.
5.   We continuosly add new features into REP: just check our blog to see how many upgrades we made in the last year.
6.   You upgrade your REP package for free every time we release a new version, adding new outstanding features! Even for major changes!

Main Features

Flight & Ground Dynamics

You will experience one of the most advanced flight dynamics engine ever made for X-Plane. You will be able to plan every single step of your flight basing on the real airplane manual.

Wou won’t see any notable difference from the data provided buy the real life manual and the airplane you’ll fly in the simulator.

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Damages & Maintenance

REP simulates tons of different damages of a real aircraft. Eventually you have to take care of your X-Plane aircraft!

Moreover, the wear and tear is persistent. An error today may lead to a failure tomorrow.

Using the maintenance hangar you can track the status of each system and take action when a part requires maintenance.

Interactive Walkaround

Before and after the flight, you will walk around the airplane and check the external parts.

That is, using the walkaround checklists, you can check the ailerons, the elevator, the rudder, remove the tie-down and make sure that the landing gear is correctly working.

Realistic Complex Engine Logic

This is, no doubts, the most complex and realistic piston engine ever simulated in X-Plane. Period.

It requires you to follow the correct procedures. It may starve, it may flood, it may sput and die.

It’s so complete that you may even use the real world engine manual to fly this sim!

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Realistic On-board Systems

The electrical system, the avionics, the landing gear, the oxygen system, the brakes, the tires and many others. They are all simulated and you will have to take care of them, both in flight and on ground, using the tech report.

Interactive towing

Tow your airplane using the provided tow bar. You can push, pull and steer the aircraft using the joystick.

The more heavy is the aircraft, the more force you will need to move it.

Pay attention to its inhertia!

Simulation state saving

Everytime you shut down the sim, REP will save its state. Once the sim is reloaded, the switches position, the fuel quantity and every other element will be restored as you left it.

For example, the engine CHT and oil temperatures will be restored accordingly to the elapsed time since the last shut down.

Popup Kneeboard

To fly a complex aircraft, you will need a lot of references.

Therefore, in the popup kneeboard you’ll find the checklists, the references tables and the emergency procedure.

They are right there, at the distance of a mouse gesture!

Weight & Balance Tool

Set the passengers weight and the fuel load. The center of gravity  will move and the aircraft behavior will change.

For the first time you will have to care about how many people you’re loading and how much baggage they are going to carry.

Stunning 3D Sounds

REP adds half a ton of new sounds to X-Plane. You will experience, among the others, the propeller wind over the windshield, the different stereo sounds of the tires touching the asphalt and the amazing, always different sounds of the engine roaring up during startup.

We recorded the sounds from the real airplanes at the local flying club. You will enjoy them during the flight as well during the walkaround.

Moreover, our custom sound engine is way better than FMOD and works in both X-Plane 11 and 10. You can get a glimpse in this video.

In-flight tips

You’re a rookie? Don’t worry. REP will transform you in a pro using the in-flight tips. They are a non invasive way of telling you what you are doing wrong and what can you do to solve the issue.

If you’re experiencing a failure, REP will tell you why and how to not step into it again in the future.

It’s like having a flight instructor by your side!

More stuff every day

Engine Preheater activated Just like in real life, you’ll learn new things every day.

Also, we do push out updates pretty often, carrying out new features. An example? for this winter we published the Preheater and Winterization Kit, to keep your engine warm when you’re not flying. With version 3.4 we added VR support.

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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 12:04:07 AM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.4.5

New update available for all the Reality Expansion Packs. It’s free for current users. Go grab it at the X-Plane store .

New Manuals

The major improvement of this release are the new User Manuals. In fact, we revised them to
1.   Use a better document structure
2.   Provide clear installation instructions
3.   Give informations about the onboard systems and how to use them

Here you can give a quick look to the manuals. You also find them in the package.
•    Carenado Cessna 210 Centurion
•    Default Cessna 172SP
•    Carenado Baron B58
•    Default Baron B58
•    Carenado F33A Bonanza
•    Carenado V35B Bonanza
•    ASDG Piper PA-18 Super Cub

Small improvements here and there

Among other small things, this update improves the static elements management. That is, they can now be toggled all together using a menu entry as well

as a custom command: simcoders/rep/walkaround/static_elements/toggle

It is now possible to fix all the onboard systems using a single command: simcoders/rep/systems/fix_all

The hypoxia at low levels now takes much more time to take effect. You can find a small table with the time it takes to take effect in the user manual.

Last thing, the installer has been improved to be compatible with – virtually – all the mods for the default aircrafts you find around the web. That is, REP is

natively compatible with all of them. Even with those not published yet.

Full Changelog
•   New: It is possible to manage the static elements from the plugins menu
•   New: Command to toggle the static elements
•   New: Command to fix all systems
•   New: REP correctly recognizes the engine failures triggered by X-Plane
•   Fix: Cessna Centurion – The engine did not reach 2700RPM during a static run up
•   Fix: Cessna 172 – The gyros where stuck when the engine was switched off
•   Fix: Cessna 172 – Improved the stall behavior in XP11.20+
•   Fix: Baron 58 – The red box tip was shown too early during LOP operations
•   Fix: In the latest X-Plane versions the in-flight tip messages may have been not shown correctly
•   Fix: Some entries in the tech report were not clickable
•   Fix: Minor typos in kneeboard
•   The installer has been improved to work with all the airplane mods available over the Internet
•   More realistic hypoxia effect at lower altitudes
•   Improved documentation
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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2018, 01:22:32 PM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.4.6

New update available for all the Reality Expansion Packs. It’s free for current users. Go grab it at the X-Plane store .

Automatic updates

REP now features automatic updates! They will come via the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin.

Beware! You still need to download and install v3.4.6 from the store. However, future versions will come through automatic updates.

Our goal is to provide major versions using both downloadable packages from the store as well as automatic updates. Minor versions will be distributed using the automatic updates only.

Automatic updates are not enabled by default. Please read REP’s user manual to find out how to enable them.
To all the Super Cub pilots out there!

Your airplane gets the automatic updates as well. That is, no more waiting for ASDG to update the packages. See here how to activate the automatic updates for the Super Cub.

Improved User Manuals

Manuals improved again basing on users feedbacks. Now they contain:
•   A clearer set of installation instructions
•   A list of datarefs you can use in your home cockpit
•   More informations about the VR usage

Full Changelog
•   New: Automatic updates via SkunkCrafts Updater plugin
•   New: REP is now compatible with the Differential and progressive brakes for X-Plane 11 plugin
•   Improved documentation
•   Improved gyros spin-down behavior
•   Cessna 172SP and Super Cub: The CHT and Oil Temperature now rise faster in warm weather conditions
•   Cessna 172SP and Baron B58 (Laminar): Improved ground steering
•   Cessna 172SP: Improved ground effect
•   Fix: (Cessna 172SP) Corrected the stall warning sound during flare
•   Fix: (Cessna 172SP) the automatic engine start procedure selected the wrong fuel tank
•   Fix: (Carenado B58) the attitude indicator works as expected when the left engine fails
•   Fix: (Carenado B58) the vacuum indicator could not report the proper values
•   Fix: (Carenado and Laminar B58 ) partial fix for a nasty spinning airplane bug
•   Fix: Failures and damages are not triggered anymore while in replay mode
•   Fix: (Carenados) The static elements where not re-enabled after landing
•   Fix: The oil pressure needle could not be visibile if the airplane was loaded with the engines running
•   Minor improvements
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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2018, 12:40:24 AM »
How To: calculate the fuel required for your flight

This How To has been made after a brief discussion at the Reality Expansion Pack Pilots group on Facebook. If you didn’t join it yet, to it now! 🙂

Being a Reality Expansion Pack user means flying X-Plane with one of the most realistic addons around. Have you considered to act as a professional pilot while doing it?

REP is very precise and simulates realistic fuel consumptions throughout the whole flight, thus allowing the simmer to properly calculate the required amount of fuel with no surprises.

Being a professional pilot means two words: Safety First. This article is be about being careful while doing your fuel computations.

How Much Fuel?

The big question. How much fuel should you load in your tanks when at the ramp?

Let’s introduce Block Fuel. That is, the total amount of fuel to have in the tanks when your airplane still sits on the apron.

You calculate your Block Fuel by adding together the following figures.

•   Taxi Fuel
•   Trip Fuel
•   Contingency Fuel
•   Alternate Fuel
•   Final Reserve Fuel
•   Additional Fuel

Let’s analyze each figure alone then make a quick example at the bottom.

Read on

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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2018, 12:46:53 AM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.4.5

New update available for all the Reality Expansion Packs. It’s free for current users. Go grab it at the X-Plane store .

No tricks nor treats! A major update of REP has just been released. The update introduces new features and some minor fixes.
This update is published both through a complete package on the store and automatic updates. To install it just download the entire package again from the store or enable automatic updates as described in the user manual.

Load a worn out airplane

It’s now possible to load an already worn out airplane. Just go to the plugins “ – REP” entry, select “Wear out to >” and choose one of the items listed below.
•   Brand New: this is the status of an aircraft that just left the production line. Its engine is brand new and all the onboard systems work as expected.
•   Privately Owned (new): this is an almost new aircraft. Its private owner handled it with care. The engine as well as the other systems will have some hours logged but no issues are in place.
•   Privately Owned (old): this aircraft was privately owned for years. The engine as well as the other systems will have much hours logged but no issues are in place as the private owner kept the plane with good care.
•   Flying Club: this plane has been in the hands of many pilots, some of them careless. The systems worn out quite much and some gauges are not working as good as you would like them to.

Instruments wear out as well
Now the instruments wear out just like any other component of your aircraft.  After hours of usage, some of the instruments will not be precise anymore and engine vibrations affect their indications.
You can fix/calibrate the instruments using the Maintenance Report.
Below you find a comparison of a brand new RPM indicator and an old one, weathered by more than a thousand of hours of usage.

Brand new RPM ndicator

The same indicator after 1232 hours of usage

The incoming SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 will even let you tap over the instruments (and their light bulbs) in attempt to temporarily reduce the error 

Hobbs Time vs Tach Time
Until now, 99% of X-Plane airplanes just recorder Hobbs time and reported it in the small Tachmeter window. In every aircraft (default C172SP included) the Tachmeter and the Hobbs counter reported the very same value. This is not happening in real life. Let’s see what REP does now and why.
In the Maintenance Report you now find the airframe total time (Hobbs Time) and the engine’s total time (Tach Time). The two value may slightly differ after loading a brand new airplane and then flying it for a while. This is because there’s an important difference in how the two times are calculated.

Hobbs Time
In most planes, the Hobbs starts and stops based on an oil pressure switch. It starts when the engine starts, and stops when the engine is shut-down. While it’s running, it just ticks off a tenth of an hour every 6 minutes, based on “regular wall clock time”. So a tenth of idling on the ramp is the same as a tenth at cruise.

Tach Time
The tach clock isn’t really a clock at all, it doesn’t actually measure time, it really measures engine revolutions. But it’s calibrated such that a tenth of an hour of tach time is clicked off when the engine is at cruise RPM for 6 minutes. In other words, if the plane is at cruise RPM, the tach clock will be clicking off tenths of an hour at the same rate as the Hobbs clock. But if the engine is idling at an RPM speed that’s half of what cruise RPM is, then the tach clock will be running at half the speed of the Hobbs clock.

Move the point of view when in Walkaround and Towing modes
This feature has been requested a ton of times. Now you can move your head in walkaround using the default commands from X-Plane. To pan the view using the mouse you should map a key over the simcoders/rep/view/pan_with_mouse because, at this time, we didn’t find a way to detect the default mouse right-button click.
This will not work in VR. Sorry guys. Still the SDK is missing the basic tools to allow us to make this simple thing work in VR. It sucks…

The static elements are managed during the replay
The system now restores/removes the static elements, such the chocks and the tie-downs, during the replay, accordingly to your actions during the flight.
This is brought to all the planes except the Piper Super Cub, where the static elments are managed by ASDG’s SASL code.

Bonus: upgraded documentation
Some time ago we introduced a lot of automation in our way to produce our documentation (aka User Manual). Therefore, our writing process is now very quick and simple. The User Manual is growing with tons of new information about REP and its systems.  Make sure you read it!


This is the list of other features/fixes brought to you by this update
1.   C172 Fix: Corrected a typo in the checklists
2.   C172 Fix: the radios did not correctly save the stored frequencies
3.   Carenado B58 Fix: better C.G. behavior
4.   Under certain conditions, the fuel pump sounds where not stopped with the pump itself
5.   A bug prevented the cylinders to fail properly and to report their compressions in the Maintenance Report
6.   The hypoxia was shown even when hypoxia was disabled in REP’s settings
7.   The oil filter doesn’t clog as soon as it goes past TBO
8.   A change to the weight and balance during autostart broke the autostart algorithm
9.   F33 and C210 XP11 Fix: By default the Carenado Panel is not used to control the static elements anymore. A specific setting is now available to activate it in the Settings window.

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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2018, 02:59:40 PM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.4.6

New update available for all the Reality Expansion Packs. It’s free for all the current users. You find the new update at the X-Plane store .

Automatic updates
REP now features automatic updates! They will come via the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin.

Beware! You still need to download and install v3.4.6 from the store. However, future versions will come through automatic updates.

Our goal is to provide major versions using both downloadable packages from the store as well as automatic updates. Minor versions will be distributed using the automatic updates only.

Automatic updates are not enabled by default. Please read REP’s user manual to find out how to enable them.
To all the Super Cub pilots out there!

Your airplane gets the automatic updates as well. That is, no more waiting for ASDG to update the packages. See here how to activate the automatic updates for the Super Cub.

Improved User Manuals
Manuals improved again basing on users feedbacks. Now they contain:
•   A clearer set of installation instructions
•   A list of datarefs you can use in your home cockpit
•   More informations about the VR usage

Full Changelog
•   New: Automatic updates via SkunkCrafts Updater plugin
•   New: REP is now compatible with the Differential and progressive brakes for X-Plane 11 plugin
•   Improved documentation
•   Improved gyros spin-down behavior
•   Cessna 172SP and Super Cub: The CHT and Oil Temperature now rise faster in warm weather conditions
•   Cessna 172SP and Baron B58 (Laminar): Improved ground steering
•   Cessna 172SP: Improved ground effect
•   Fix: (Cessna 172SP) Corrected the stall warning sound during flare
•   Fix: (Cessna 172SP) the automatic engine start procedure selected the wrong fuel tank
•   Fix: (Carenado B58) the attitude indicator works as expected when the left engine fails
•   Fix: (Carenado B58) the vacuum indicator could not report the proper values
•   Fix: (Carenado and Laminar B58 ) partial fix for a nasty spinning airplane bug
•   Fix: Failures and damages are not triggered anymore while in replay mode
•   Fix: (Carenados) The static elements where not re-enabled after landing
•   Fix: The oil pressure needle could not be visibile if the airplane was loaded with the engines running
•   Minor improvements

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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2018, 03:02:05 PM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.5.5

The automatic updates bring you now v3.5.5 with tons of fixes for all the REP aircrafts.

Make sure you install the SkunkCrafts updater plugin as stated in REP’s user manual.

Changelog (cumulative from version 3.5.1 to 3.5.5)

•   Fix: In some cases the plugin was unable to recognize if the sim was paused or not. This could lead to some major issues, such airplane crash after leaving replay mode
•   Fix: the prop governor did not react correctly when controlled using a joystick axis
•   Fix: minor fixes to the sound engine
•   Fix: in some cases the engine temps were not updated correctly if the airplane was loaded in flight, causing the oil pump to seize
•   Fix: in some cases the liveries status were not loaded properly when changing from a livery to another of the same aircraft
•   C210 XP10/11 Fix: the throttle system was triggering the engine monitor to pop up when not necessary
•   C210 XP11 Fix: the cockpit was not using the new REP custom datarefs
•   SF260 Fix: under some conditions the flaps sounds was played when not necessary
•   SF260 Fix: the KFC225 autopilot did not follow the set NAV course properly
•   SF260 Fix: artifacts in livery registration (SF260_Matricula.obj)
•   SF260 Fix: the Bendinx/King KR87 did not apply the ADF mode properly
•   SF260 Fix: the Bendinx/King KR87 and KX165A timers did not properly format the elapsed time when counting hours
•   SF260 Fix: artifact on Night illumination with Nav1/Nav2 and Avionics label switch
•   SF260 Fix: left disappearing of Nav2 vor indicator.
•   SF260 Fix: F260 ICAO designator missing in the acf file
•   SF260 Allow GNS430 Popup touching the screen (it will popup 2 GNS430 in RealityXP option)
•   SF260 The “Toggle all batteries” command does not affect the Emergency Avionics switch anymore
•   Super Cub Fix: it was not anymore possible to switch panel type
•   Super Cub Fix: it was not possible to move the flaps when the battery was off
•   It is now possible to disable the advanced steering algorithm
•   Minor fixes

•   Cessna 172 and Laminar B58 Fix: the vacuum system may have reported a false LOW VAC warning
•   Cessna 172 and Laminar B58 Fix: the electric system may have reported a false LOW VOLTS warning
•   Carenado B58 and Laminar B58 Fix: the LT/RT ALT warning was triggered even when the alternators worked properly
•   Minor Fixes

•   Fix: fixed a compatibility issue with the sound engine
•   Fix: the parking brake lever was not properly set when parking brake was toggled using X-Plane default commands.
•   Cessna 210 XP11: Improved flap pitch moment

•   Fix: the new OpenAL equalizer showed some incompatibility with 3rd party plugins. This update will try to work around them and prevent crashes. A better fix will be provided in future releases.
•   Fix: the parking brake lever was not properly set when parking brake was toggled using X-Plane default commands.
•   C210 XP 11 Fix: the gear warning horn sound was missing
•   C210 XP 11 Fix: roll/torque behavior was not 100% correct during cruise
•   C172 Fix: the steering is now working properly in XP11.30+
•   C172 Fix: the installation files were not updated in v3.5.0

•   Super Cub Fix: The 180HP version crashed on load
•   Fix: the flaps handle did not move when the battery was off
•   Fix: the flaps motor sound was heard while checking the flaps during the walkaround
•   XP11.30 new hypoxia effect is now overridden and REP’s more precise hypoxia effect is used instead

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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2018, 03:04:08 PM »
Reality Expansion Pack v3.5.8 update highlights

With the introduction of the SkunkCrafts Updater, REP now gets faster updates than before and it’s easy to ship fix and small new features with a little testing.

The Reality Expansion Pack gets its updates with a very simple policy:

1.   Small updates are shipped via the automatic updates about once per week
2.   The store updates are shipped when there’s enough “material” to constitute a new base version for new users that buy REP

Here’s the changelog of the last three updates shipped between late November and early December. Yesterday the store got v3.5.8 as well.

1.   Minor fixes

1.   SF260 New: It’s now possible to switch between a GNS430 and No-GPS avionics layout.
2.   Fix: the state loading could load incomplete data on some systems
3.   Minor fixes

1.   Better fuel flow at startup
2.   It’s now possible to paste the text in the licence box (Win and Lin only)
3.   Fix: saving a state file could have caused a crash on some specific system configurations
4.   Fix: the static elements are better managed after leaving the replay mode
5.   Fix: in some cases REP was unable to retrieve the correct system time
6.   Laminar B58 and C172: Improved compatibility with X-Plane 11.30
7.   C172: Improved flaps pitch moment in X-Plane 11.26+
8.   SF.260 Improved user manual: added the Limitations section
9.   SF.260 Improved user manual: added the aerobatic figures entry speeds
10.   SF.260 Improved checklists
11.   SF.260 Improved fuel pressure behavior
12.   SF.260 Improved carburettor icing behavior
13.   SF.260 New commands are available to control the fuel selector
14.   SF.260 Fix: an X-Plane bug could have let the engine run with no fuel in the tanks!
15.   SF.260 Fix: the stall buffeting sound was audible at the outside
16.   SF.260 Fix: Correction of inverted manipulation of Flaps at certain angles of view.
17.   SF.260 Fix: Changed order of Time and DME in switch to not produce mistakes.
18.   SF.260 Fix: Shorten ADI pointers to allow better reading of numbers that where behind the arrows.
19.   SF.260 Fix: Corrected Fuel selector gauge labels of I-LELM and Stormo70 New liveries
20.   SF.260 Fix: the propeller animations broke other aircraft’s animations
21.   SF.260 Fix: Added Night illumination to 15 CB
22.   SF.260 Fix: Corrected reference card label speeds to actual SF260D
23.   SF.260 Fix: Added Landing Light illumination in non-HDR mode.
24.   SF.260 Fix: Added with files with better compatibility in VR mode. Joystick won’t hide with hands controllers and REP menu hit point in base of 3D Joysticks.
25.   SF.260 Fix: minor fixes to the Bendix/King KX165A Nav/Com radio
26.   SF.260 Fix: better fuel flow behavior
27.   SF.260 Fix: corrected the turn indicator dataref
28.   Laminar B58 Fix: Improved drag curve at 10.000ft
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Re: Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2019, 12:18:18 PM »
Reality Expansion Pack 4 – Economy System is here!

This is a major update of the Reality Expansion Pack, and guess what? It is free for all the current users and it works with all REPs airplanes (even those not on sale anymore).

To get this update you can either download your favourite REP planes from the store again or just use the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin as described here:

This update brings new features to REP but the main one is the new Economy System.

What is the Economy System?

The Economy System is a way to make flying REP much more fun. It rewards your flight time and your landings with virtual dollars. The dollars are then stored in your REP’s bank account.

You can spend your money for the fuel, the everyday maintenance of your aircraft or repair/replace the broken parts.

How does it work?

Beware that the Economy System is not active by default. Nonetheless, activating and using it is really easy. Just open the Maintenance Report and scroll to the latest page where you find the activation button.

Once activated, the Maintenance Report is resized and, together with the normal actions, you see their price and required time to completion.

Click the “Action” cell to select the actions you want to be done on your aircraft. This will add them to the quotation.

Scroll to the latest page of the Maintenance Report to review the quotation and accept or decline it.

Each quotation provides two totals:

•   Normal Price: it will start the maintenance process and each maintenance task will take real-world time to be completed. You can close the sim (the mechanics will work while you’re away) or just sit and wait until the work is done.
•   Quick Fix Price: this option costs more but it will do all the maintenance actions in an heartbeat.
Buy and sell fuel

The Economy System manages fuel as well. Every time you add fuel using the Mass and Balance window, a certain amount of money is drained from your bank account.

The fuel price is different from airport to airport and from country to country. It is possible to check it using the airport’s ICAO code thanks to a dedicated “plugins” menu entry.

If you live in eastern Italy, you will find it useful to refuel in Croatia! 🙂

If you need to unload fuel to make more room for passengers, the local airport will buy it at a slightly lower price than the sale one. Therefore, be sure to plan your fuel ahead to not loose money!

More than that

The Economy System offers a lot of insides. You find them all in the user manual of your favourite REP airplane.

For example, the bank account is shared among all REP airplanes. That is, you can fly with an airplane to raise the funds to fix/upgrade another. 🙂

Also, if you crash your plane and/or you go bankrupt, you can always reset the system and restart from scratch with a brand new airplane.

You can also disable the Economy System temporarily and fly with the same aircraft without corrupting your Economy System status/history because the Economy System state is saved as a separated file.

Is it compatible with FSEconomy?

You can use REP’s Economy System together with FSEconomy but the two won’t talk to each other at the moment. That is, your REP’s bank account and your FSEconomy bank account are two separate systems that are not able to communicate to each other yet.

We’re working with FSEconomy though, to work to interface our systems. This means that in the near future you’ll be able to use your FSEconomy funds to pay for your REP maintenance.

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