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Offline Asid

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #60 on: September 20, 2022, 01:55:28 AM »
Now Available: Update 1.9 Public Playtest!
Mon, 19 September 2022

Try Foundation's new content and overhauled systems before they’re officially released

Hello Lords & Ladies,

As promised, we are happy to let you try Foundation’s upcoming 1.9 Update before its official release.

Starting right now, you can opt into the public playtest
on Steam and have a taste of what the team has been working on for the past several months. You will find detailed instructions on how to configure your game further below.

Update 1.9 marks a significant milestone in the development of our medieval city-building game. We encourage you to play on the Clergy progression path
, as it is the most advanced in terms of narrative and unlockables out of the three available Estates in Foundation.

Here’s some highlights from Update 1.9:

    The Monastery
    monument (from the Clergy Estate) has been significantly enhanced. There are plenty of new functions available, including a Hospitum (to host visitors), a Scriptorium (to produce Manuscripts, a new resource) and Nun Dorms to which you can concede female villagers for the first time!

    Monuments can now have sub buildings
    . For instance, you can build a Chapel inside your Monastery, or a Great Hall in your Manor House, both made from multiple parts. You can also switch the functions of sub buildings at will should you require so.

    in Foundation has been completely redone. At the beginning, you will unlock buildings from a common progression path, then you will have to choose which of the three Estates—Labor, Kingdom or Clergy—you want to invest towards.

    The economy
    has also shifted dramatically from being market-centric to now relying heavily on taxation
    . You will have to build a Tax Office, assign a Tax Collector and strike a balance between filling your coffers without tanking your global Happiness factor!

    You will notice that narration
    plays a bigger role in Foundation than ever. Indeed, we’ve added a large number of interesting events and opportunities, ranging from hosting fairs to improving trades with neighbors and much, much more. In that same regard, players will feel they have more of a say as Lord/Lady thanks to the addition of more extensive narrative choices

    Edicts and privileges
    let you bend the rules in your favor. The former are laws you enact for your village, while the latter are special ‘gifts’ handed out by Estates to their most loyal followers.

    quests will help new and returning players alike get their bearings. Of course, you can choose to skip them altogether!

How can I participate in Foundation’s Update 1.9 Public Playtest on Steam?

    Open the Steam client
    Right-click on Foundation
    Click on Properties
    Click on BETAS
    Under Select the beta you would like to opt into, choose preview
    Launch the game

We hope you have fun while you give this update a go! Feel free to discuss the update here on Steam or on our official Discord channel.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #61 on: October 19, 2022, 11:26:22 PM »
The 1.9 Update Is Now Live!
Wed, 19 October 2022

Greetings Lords & Ladies!

Foundation’s Update 1.9 is finally here.

The team has been hard at work to bring you quality content as part of a new and improved gameplay experience.

Here's an overview of what's included.

Village Aspirations

A fundamental aspect of Foundation is the customisation of your experience, which is reflected in the game by the organic growth that makes each village unique. With 1.9, we wanted to go one step further and give you the ability to achieve Village Aspirations: optional objectives that offer different ways to play in order to nab sweet GOG or Steam achievements. Examples include building an Abbatial Church or having 100 citizens in your village

Village Aspirations are another way for us to not only increase the replayability of Foundation, but also to make it a somewhat more challenging experience.

Progression revised from the ground up

Update 1.9 changes several elements of Foundation, including the way you progress into the game. Now, each Estate—whether it be Labour, Clergy or Kingdom—has several unlockables of its own. Investing influence in and thus favouring one Estate makes it more difficult to progress with the others. This dynamic requires more planning on your part and adds weight to your decisions without restricting your ambitions.

In addition to Estate-specific progression paths, there is also a common progression path, which includes quite a few essential production buildings in Foundation, such as the Warehouse, the Stonecutter Camp and the Fishing Hut. In either case, you will need to reach different tiers of Prosperity before being able to unlock some of the most desirable options. This new measure of your success takes into account six factors: wealth, territory size, trade, population, splendor and beautification.

Our next updates will focus on upgrading both the Kingdom and Labor progression paths.

Edicts and privileges

You may have noticed that the progression page has a tab dedicated to edicts and privileges. This is another new feature introduced with Update 1.9. The first case represents what may be described as laws that you enact in your village. The second case represents rewards given by the different Estates to their most loyal Lords or Ladies.

Edicts and privileges grant important boons such as reducing a Splendor penalty between two Estates, increasing the market value of certain resources or reducing the maintenance cost of production buildings by half. They are unlocked with coins or influence points. Afterwards, you just have to choose the edicts or privileges you want to activate.

Buildings and sub-buildings

The city-building aspect is at the heart of the Foundation experience, so we wanted to let you expand the capabilities of your buildings. You can now assign functions to a group of building parts (what we call sub-buildings) instead of individual parts. Each sub-building will therefore be linked to a single function (e.g. Treasury) which you can change should you desire so.

In a few words, this means that a Monastery can now be home to a Chapel, a Scriptorium, a Hospitium, a Monastic Garden and so on. The same goes for a Market, which you can expand by adding a sub-building associated with a separate function from the parent building if you wish, such as a Luxury Goods Stall. At any time, it is possible to browse each of the functions of a parent building thanks to the "Parts List" tab.

A glorious Monastery

Progressing on the Clergy path, you’ll soon notice important changes. For starters, there are several new functions available, including a Hospitium that will host visitors, a Scriptorium that will help you produce Manuscripts used to promote your faithfuls or a Cloister where they can meditate while fulfilling a new need. Moreover, you will have the pleasure of building a prettified Abbatial Church: our artists have done a great job upgrading its visuals for your enjoyment!

Taxes for all

Previously, Foundation's economy was largely tied to market stalls. With Update 1.9, taxation replaces the main way to fill your coffers. The Manor House now has a Tax Office function, which is combined with the Tax Collector job. Each house accumulates coins over time, and it's up to you to decide how heavily your village will be taxed. But beware: people are not too keen on having to pay much, so there is a balance to be struck so as not to collapse your global Happiness factor!

Even more modding possibilities

In keeping with our commitment to the modding community, we've outlined several new features that are sure to snowball in the coming weeks. Without getting too technical, the major changes to unlockables, the progression system and narrative choices will certainly result in the creation of mods that we'll be happy to share with you!

Looking forward to a bright future

Foundation’s 1.9 update is multi-faceted and marks an important milestone in our Early Access (EA) journey. We hope you will enjoy how we reimagined some of the existing systems while adding more depth to the core medieval city-building experience.

As for what the future holds, in the short term work has already started on a first patch to fix newly discovered bugs. At a later date, and after focusing a lot on the Clergy progression path—particularly the Monastery—we want to give the other two Estates the attention they deserve. We plan to overhaul the Kingdom and Labor progression paths, in that order.. We will let you fill in the gaps as to what that might entail.

Until then, have fun!
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Re: Foundation
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2022, 02:48:44 PM »
Foundation’s Map Generator Is Here: Try It Now!
Mon, 14 November 2022

Hello Lords & Ladies!

We have a great announcement today about something that has been cooking for a while and that we’re finally ready to lift the lid from.

The first iteration of our random map generator is now available to experiment! To do so, switch to the Map Generator branch on Steam and GOG (see how that works below). Experimental yes, but here to stay

If you start a game using the map generator, you will be able to keep playing it with further updates, as long as you stay in the experimental branch, until we deploy the map generator on the public branch. We won’t remove access to the experimental branch until then. The experimental branch will also benefit from the same updates as the public build. So feel free to move to the experimental branch as you see fit.
Map Generator Highlights

Map Settings

In this first beta version, you will be able to generate random and unique maps based on 3 settings:
•   Hills
•   Fluvial
•   Coastal

Organic Territories

Gone are the days of hex-shaped territories: they now procedurally fit with the topography of the area, like an island, or a promontory, but also with what’s in it. For instance, a territory containing a mineral deposit will be much smaller than one without one.

Note that this is our first take at procedural territories. We plan to improve them in further iterations with the help of your feedback.

How to Generate a Map

Generating a unique map is done quickly. Here’s how:
•   Click on New Game
•   Under Procedural Maps, choose your topography
•   Click Generate to see a preview of your random map
•   When you’re satisfied with the preview, click Confirm

How to access the experimental branch

Opting into the experimental_mapgen branch to test the map generator’s experimental release is quick, here’s how:
•   Open Steam
•   Right-click on Foundation
•   Click Properties
•   Click BETAS
•   Opt into the
branch. This will initiate an update of your game files
•   Launch the game

What’s planned for the future
•   We know that many of you will ask for more customization options, and in time, we plan to give you these options
•   More map types will also be added over time

We hope you enjoy this first iteration of the map generator. Feel free to discuss this new feature and share your own results!

-The Polymorph Games team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2022, 12:02:57 AM »
The 1.9.1. Update is now available!
Thu, 15 December 2022

Greetings Lords & Ladies!

Update 1.9.1 has just been released. Here’s what you need to know:

The Map Generator is Now Public!

First and foremost, the experimental map generator is now part of Foundation’s public build. Everyone can now discover the joys of building a village on a procedurally generated map. Choose from one of the three available topographies (Hills, Coastal, Fluvial), roll the dice and jump into an infinite number of maps, each with their own unique landscapes.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the players who helped us with the map generator’s initial release in the beta branch about three weeks ago. Also, quite a few things you asked for are already planned down the line! One such case relates to overly hilly maps, something we plan to mitigate with flattened “plains” clusters.

Resources Tooltip: Now With More Details!

As part of our continued efforts to improve your medieval city-building experience, we added a detailed breakdown of each resource’s physical location in the resources tooltip. For instance, hovering over the wood icon will show you how much of that resource is currently available in storage, in production, in stalls or in transit. In a similar vein, if you have wood which is already in use, the tooltip will clue you in: it may be in production, in construction or in transit.

Delivery quest changes

The delivery quest window now clearly shows how much of the required resources are accumulated in your warehouses. Furthermore, reserved resources from your warehouses are now included in the calculation of the delivery quests. We also made it so reserved resources from your warehouses will now be cancelled in order to complete delivery quests.

Loading Screen Tips

You may have noticed new loading screen art, which has been added as part of the 1.9 update. From now on, this loading screen will be enhanced with easy to understand tips about some of Foundation’s best kept secrets. Our first batch includes 5 of them, with more to come.

Update Notes

    New: the map generator is now available for everyone! Three topographies are included in this beta version: hills, fluvial and coastal
    New: resources tooltip details
    New: loading screen tips
    Balance: Monastery parts
    Balance: traded resources
    Fix: mineral deposits were sometimes unreachable
    Fix: mineral deposits were sometimes falling into the ground
    Fix: crane storage was sometimes displaying wrong values
    Fix: the bonus effect of a Masterpiece only affected the sub-building it was built in. If it was built in the root of the parent building, none would benefit from the effect
    Fix: when any privilege that modifies an upkeep cost was applied, the modifier only applied to the parent building’s parts and not the sub-buildings’
    Fix: Lord Manor (Stone Office) had negative Desirability
    QOL: delivery quest changes
    QOL: added a yellow highlight when hovering another sub-building from the EDIT tab in the builder window
    QOL: Bell Tower sound improvement (some large bell towers had the small bell tower sound effect)
    QOL: updated localizations
    Modding: couldn’t override TRADE_SETTINGS

That’s it for today. Stay tuned for further update news coming up in 2023.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #64 on: January 12, 2023, 11:57:40 PM »
Patch is now available!
Thu, 12 January 2023

The first big patch of 2023 has just been released.

Here’s what’s included:

Balance: increased frequency of certain Towntale Events
QOL: the audio cue from the Sawmill was a bit too loud
QOL: disabling the visitors' tracking won't hide Traders, Envoys and Newcomers anymore
Update: localization
Fix: a number of buildings and monuments had increased or decreased resource requirements upon reload
Fix: Wheat wouldn’t appear when planted near water sources on generated hill maps unless the player loaded or reloaded the game
Fix: the upfront cost of a movable building part was applied each time players went into Edit mode
Fix: bridges weren’t working properly on some generated maps
Fix: the ‘Show the Zoning Areas’ visibility layer objective from the Fulfilling Villager Needs advice was unticked if players hid zoning areas again
Fix: special taxes were displayed over some buildings even if players didn’t activate them in the Book
Fix: interactive locations under workplaces were all considered as work stations
Fix: the “Dedicated to the Kingdom (Hard)” aspiration wrongly counted how many swords were being traded towards its objective
Fix: while following the onboarding (tutorial), players could select the “Revise one Estate Privilege”, “Revise one Edict” and “Gain influence with one Estate” mandates from the Manor House even if progression paths weren’t accessible yet
Fix: hedges were causing pathing issues for the Bailiff, preventing him or her from prospecting mineral deposits when placed in proximity of the Manor House
Fix: sub-buildings could have no parts if players reloaded their game with an active sub-building window
Fix: saving the game while a part was selected would cause it to become unselected and in an unbuildable state upon reload
Fix: the public room and public lounge capacity displayed the game object’s name instead of the building part or the building name
Fix: the "Minimum number of non-decorative parts (including Masterpiece Parts)" from masterpieces wasn’t taking into account sub-buildings’ parts
Fix: happiness exploit
Fix: the Modest Hall (Monastery) anchor points from the Monastery were bugged for doors
Fix: the Rustic Gate - Elevated wasn’t being attached properly on the Rustic Passageway and the Rustic Quarters from the Monastery
Fix: various English typos
Modding: expose the Die function
Modding: expose the weapon list
Modding: PROMOTE_VILLAGER_MANDATE_TYPE and GAME_RULE_STATUS_PROMOTION are no longer dependent on each other
Modding: replacing the Village Center with a custom BUILDING_PART function could cause crashes or spawn villagers at the corner of the map
Modding: modded mineral deposits that produce resources with resource layout types that are not "CRATES" or "MARBLE" were not producing anything
Modding: Markets that produced resources had infinite capacity
Modding: House Addition V4 was crashing in certain circumstances
Modding: Monastic Life crash caused by a game rule modifier applied at the wrong moment
Modding: assemblages’ description was duplicated after their creation

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #65 on: February 16, 2023, 11:35:52 PM »
Participate in Foundation’s 1.9.2 Public Preview Today!
Thu, 16 February 2023

Hello Foundation players!

Update 1.9.2 is now in public preview! This is your chance to get a first hands-on experience with the new features before they’re released!

Here’s the key features included in this update:

    Overhauled budget breakdown
    Added construction steps to the Monastery
    Right-click to close panels
    Improved ESC key behavior to bring up or close the systems menu

And here’s how to gain access to this public preview on Steam:

    Open Steam
    Right-click on Foundation
    Click BETAS
    Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into:’, choose preview_1.9.2

    Once the update has completed, relaunch the game

A full changelog will be shared once the update goes public. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments here or on Discord.

Thanks and have fun!

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2023, 12:02:36 AM »
Quality of Life Update Preview Now Available
Tue, 21 February 2023

Hello everyone!

A new version of the preview build ( is now available.

Here's what's changed:

Improvement: added a construction step between steps 0 and 2 of a part without tiling
Modding: Mod custom type properties weren't deserialized

We will keep you informed about future developments of this update. Thanks!

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2023, 12:06:11 AM »
Our Roadmap Update Is Now Available!
Fri, 24 February 2023

Greetings Lords & Ladies!

We have some important news to share with you about Foundation's next steps. The team is pleased to unveil an updated roadmap!

But first, a 2022 Retrospective

2022 was a big year for Polymorph Games, but also one of transition.

First and foremost, we have worked on our biggest update so far, Foundation 1.9, that has added the remaining systems and bound all of them to shape the core experience we intended for Foundation. We also have included and expanded the monastery gameplay, with a revamped visual, representing our work on the final Art Direction (see:

Another major feature that we were happy to deliver was the first iteration of the map generator, allowing you to have more maps to play with.

The second important change that happened last year was the expansion of our team, with the addition of team members filling important roles, such as an Art Director, a Lead 3D Artist, an Engine Programmer and a Narrative Designer. This is allowing us to work on multiple aspects of the game at the same time: improving our visuals, the game content, as well as the procedurally generated content like the map generator.

Roadmap Update

In the last couple of months, we’ve made the delicate and thorough exercise of reviewing and completing our game design. Every idea and planned feature has been discussed and questioned, and we aimed to leave no stones unturned. This process had us recenter on Foundation’s strengths, and the result is a better defined feature list.

Today we are pleased to share our updated roadmap – a glimpse of both our major and minor updates left to be released.

Upcoming Major Releases

We are planning five major releases until Foundation’s end of Early Access.

1 - Residential Density and Safety Concept

The next Major Update we are working on is about adding Safety, a tool players can use to control the density of housing in specific zones. Safety is also something that will be used and extended by the Castle in the Kingdom progression path. This will also integrate the walls into the construction flow. We will provide more details soon.

2 - The Castle (Kingdom Progression Path)

We know you are eager to get your hands on this one, and we are already working on it. In addition to the new Castle monument, expect more gameplay options from overhauled military missions (including squads!), and more interaction with the new safety concept.

3 - Labor Progression Path

This update will round off the final Estate gameplay and its visual overhaul. It will focus on giving the tools to improve happiness and taxation capabilities.

4 - Environment Rehaul

As you may know, we are working to revamp our building and environment visuals: environment biomes, skyboxes, lighting, map edges.

5 - End of Early Access Release

This one will have all the completed game content, with the improved residential zoning, and tier 3 housing.

Along the way toward Foundation's full release, the team will continue to add minor features, to include new quality of life (QOL) changes as well as game content.

Some Planned Minor Releases (not in release order)

    Continuous Monument Experience Improvements
    Continuous Map Generator Improvements
    Continuous Quality of Life Improvements
    Continuous Accessibility Improvements
    Continuous Modding Improvements
    Continuous Balancing Improvements
    New Productions Buildings and Production Building Extensions
    Scalable Quests
    New Mandates
    New Information Layers
    Job XP Implementation
    Paved Roads

Some shelved or on hold features

As mentioned earlier, the process of reviewing and completing our game design had us focus on Foundation’s strengths. But that also means that unfortunately, some features we have added to the roadmap during the Early Access won’t make it to the full release, as we realized that they will not add any significant fun to the game and will create more micromanagement than we wish to push on the player. We are thus shelving housing decay, aging and families, and graveyards from the roadmap. The disease feature and vehicles are also postponed, meaning they might become part of the game at some point, but not before the end of the early access. Steam Workshop Integration has also been dropped as we continue to focus on and its cross-platform modding capabilities.

We know some of you will be disappointed about this news, especially the aging and family, but the average village size in Foundation has a higher population count than first anticipated, and having a feature like this would have brought us on the path of survival, micromanagement and overcomplexity.

We have reasserted our inspirations - Pharaoh, The Settlers and Anno - all games that don’t feature aging and death, but are still unique in their own ways and most importantly, great city-building experiences. With that in mind, we are confident that we are on the right path with Foundation’s design plans.

Putting an end to the Trello and to Mantis Public Bug reporter

As many of you may have realized, the Trello board was not being updated often. It has shown to be a lot of work to maintain, and it also creates a divergence with our internal planning tool. Hence why we are closing the Trello, and will instead share updates and progress on the roadmap on posts such as this one.

We are also closing our Mantis Public Bug reporter. We realized that the most efficient way to track bugs and get feedback is through Discord or right here on the Steam forums. It is also a better way to filter what is a bug and what is not, because the community usually provides help as well. So don’t hesitate to join our Discord server to share your bugs and feedback!

Experimental Builds

In 2023 we also want to give you access to experimental builds. Their goal will be to test new features and progression changes before they're applied to the live version of Foundation. This is a way for us to get important feedback from you, that will help us deliver polished updates. The first experimental build will be the next minor update that changes a lot of the early/mid game balancing.

When are the next updates planned?

As of now, we are currently working on multiple updates:

    1.9.2 is about an improved budget breakdown and multiple Quality of Life improvements, like the ESC and right-click handling (Estimated Release Date: February 2023)
    Minor Update: We are preparing an experimental build that changes early progression in the game (In Progress, Experimental in March 2023)
        Taxation will be moved to the Labor progression path
        Tavern will become a need for the commoners
        The early and mid game progression will be reviewed
        Trade revenue will be more generous
    Minor Update: Plains terrain type (flatter) will be introduced in procedurally generated maps (In Progress, Estimated Release Date, March 2023)
    Major Update: Residential Core + Safety (Being prototyped, No ETA yet)
    Major Update: Castle (Kingdom Progression Path) (In Progress, No ETA yet)

Note that this planning is subject to change along the way.


In 2023, we are full speed ahead to deliver consistent and substantial updates that will keep improving the overall quality of the game.

We thank you for your continued support, we are lucky to have such a loving and dedicated community!

—The Polymorph Games team
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Re: Foundation
« Reply #68 on: February 28, 2023, 12:10:00 AM »
The 1.9.2 Quality of Life Update Is Now Available!
Mon, 27 February 2023

Hello fellow city-building enthusiasts!

Update 1.9.2 has just been released. This version of the game focuses on four key points: improving the budget breakdown, adding new construction steps to the Monastery, using right-click to close windows and hitting ESC to close (or open) the system menu. But that’s not all: we took this opportunity to introduce some quality of life (QOL) changes as well as fix multiple bugs—including one where villagers would trek far and wide to find the most comfortable benches!

Here’s more details of what you can expect in this update:

Budget breakdown

Understanding Foundation’s economics makes all the difference between running a thriving or a struggling medieval village. For this reason, we now offer a more in-depth budget breakdown. It should help you plan better, but more importantly, get a clearer picture of your expenses and income as they roll in.

Here’s an overview of what’s been added to the Budget tab:

Quantities for resources bought and sold
Upkeep costs per buildings’ categories and types, each with their respective quantities
Territory costs, including those purchased and maintained
Taxes per type, including how many villagers and/or buildings are affected
New categories for data previously displayed under Miscellaneous
Tooltips for all categories

Every single feature mentioned above will work with previous Foundation saves. You will also notice some quality of life changes included in the budget breakdown such as the possibility to collapse/expand data either individually or globally and better category grouping and visibility. On a related note, save files have been considerably shrinked thanks to the compacting of budget data.

Modders will be happy to learn the new, detailed budget breakdown leaves room for custom upkeep costs, i.e. something not called coins.

New construction steps for the Monastery

Last year, one of the biggest changes to Foundation was how players would progress through the game by specializing in different Estate paths. Clergy in particular was completely reworked with the addition of several new building functions and events. Back then, our art team laid out the groundwork for a new and improved vision of what the game should look like, previewed first with the Abbatial Church.

It’s not just about raising the visuals bar either: adding construction steps to the Monastery is something we had planned for a long time, which better reflects the evolution of this prestigious monument and helps bring it to life—complete with scaffoldings for all of its variants!

What you see from the Monastery in this newest update sets a new benchmark for the future of architecture in Foundation. In time, our goal is to apply the same principles to other buildings and thus bring them to higher quality standards.

User experience (UX) improvements

Part of being game developers is taking the pulse of what the community wants so we can deliver a frictionless experience. An oft requested quality of life feature has been added in Update 1.9.2 with the ability to close windows by simply right-clicking on them. In the same vein, we have added the expected behavior of opening (or closing) the system menu when pressing the ESC key.

This concludes the core features added or improved upon with Update 1.9.2. For more details, read the full patch notes below.

1.9.2 Changelog


Budget breakdown overhaul
Monastery construction steps
Right-clicking on panels will now close them
ESC key will bring up the systems menu or close it if it’s already open


The Daily Average Balance now displays more accurate information about whether you are making money or not
Save files’ size have been considerably shrinked—up to 70% less!


Housing help topic
Editing buildings help topic (refund)


The special panel style for buildings now only applies to the parent building, which should help distinguish them from sub-buildings
Added a confirmation pop-up when unassigning a slot with stocked resources (example: Warehouse)
Improved the resource refund feature when destroying parts to be more consistent across the board
Wealth calculation from the Book will now display a score after the first month regardless of your income status positive or negative)
Improved performance for densely populated villages


In some circumstances, the game wouldn’t properly close on exit
None of the shortage events (except for service) were displayed in the Happiness tooltip
Villagers trying to fulfill needs spread too far from each other on the map would get stuck in a needs loop, which led to further issues
Added a distance limit so villagers won’t be traveling far and wide to use benches
Destroying a monument before its completion refunded too many resources
While a game rule that modified the trading price was active, the “Buy from village” price was rounded before calculating the quantity available for purchase
The Rustic Gate – Elevated part from the Monastery snapped inside the model, which blocked entry to the location
Multiple scrollbars could be displayed when building a Cloister


The Unlock Trade Route button wasn’t displayed when mods added new resources for trade. The GUI now handles up to 5 resources rows without a scrollbar
Switching a sub-building function in the Fuel mod (1.9+) crashed the game
Exposed the Hospitium, Monk Dorms and Nun Dorms functions for the Monastery

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #69 on: March 21, 2023, 02:49:06 AM »
Patch Is Now Available!
Mon, 20 March 2023

Hello Foundation community!

Patch has been released and fixes a number of issues in the game. It also introduces some improvements and other minor changes. Here’s the full details:


Game Balance
Newcomers will be now be taxed progressively instead of to the full extent of your taxation settings


The ‘Purchase this territory’ tooltip now features an easier-to-read ‘contain minerals’ string
Wealth factors were outdated and now take into account the following elements:
Taxes balance
Trade balance
Building upkeep balance


Villagers were so enthusiastic to cook they were using the blacksmith sound effect in the kitchen!
Auto-assign could demote monks and nuns to a lower status
Promoted villagers adjusted the taxation debuff to their previous status over time
Crash related to the Fuel mod after switching a function
Some workplaces could become unavailable on reload under specific circumstances

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Offline Asid

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #70 on: May 17, 2023, 11:36:41 PM »
Patch Is Now Available!
Wed, 17 May 2023

Hello everyone!

Patch has just been released.

Here are the details:

Game Balance

    Butcher and Fishing Hut’s output was modified:

        Increased Butchery’s output from 4 to 5 meat
        Decreased Fishing Hut’s output from 8 to 7 fish


    The following workplaces now clear grass under their position:

        Coal Hut
        Iron Smelter

    The Map Generator’s sliders tooltips will now be displayed when hovering over the icon in addition to the name label
    The advanced onboarding linked to a lack of tools will now trigger if:

        Tools are not set to be purchased nor assigned to a Warehouse
        Tools are set to be purchased but not assigned to a Warehouse
        Tools are not set to be purchased but assigned to a Warehouse


    The Promotion Mandate was greyed out in the mandates list on older saves despite its cooldown being over
    Deleting the Berry Brew sub-building while tracking Berries caused a crash
    A modded Great Hall sub-building prevented players from promoting individual villagers
    Reaching a Prosperity of 10 triggered a notification players should only see a bit later
    Clicking on the confirmation button to destroy a building or part after dismissing its window (backspace, right-click or close all windows) caused a crash
    Clicking on the confirmation button to switch a sub-building’s function after dismissing its window caused a crash

Thanks for playing and see you soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #71 on: November 09, 2023, 12:10:06 AM »
Important Changes to Our Release Plan
Wed, 8 November 2023

Hello everyone!

We have some important news to share with you today about the ongoing development of the game.

The final gameplan and core game is now at a stage where we can work towards a full release of the game. All of the major features still to come are being worked on simultaneously and are in most cases intertwined. Due to the way these features are reliant on each other it no longer makes sense to continue with our previous plan of releasing smaller updates that ultimately won’t work well as standalone features.

Due to this we have decided that the next major release will be the full release. This will allow us to focus on integrating all remaining features into the game and delivering a more polished, higher quality game. It will also have the added benefit of reaching the full release sooner so that you can get the best gaming experience and enjoy Foundation to its fullest.

We know you will all want to know how soon, however, we don’t have a release date to announce at this time as we still have plenty of work to do, but do know that development is progressing well. Foundation is an ambitious game, and we will of course keep you updated with any news as soon as we have more to share.

Early Access Adopters

For all our Early Access backers, this doesn't mean we won’t be releasing any updates before the full release. On the contrary, we will continue to work on bug fixes as well as Quality of Life (QOL) features and improvements, based on community feedback, so that we can improve on the core game experience in preparation for the final release. With this in mind, we will be announcing our next QOL update soon!

A BIG Thank You!

Foundation’s development journey has been an unbelievable experience made so much better by all of you, the fantastic community, that has helped us along the way. We would like to thank every Early Access adopter for supporting us and helping us deliver a high quality game that we wanted to create and also one that you want to play for many years to come. We continue to welcome all feedback from the community and we can’t wait to unveil the full release of the game for you all to enjoy!

The Polymorph Games Team

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