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Author Topic: Strategic Mind: The Pacific  (Read 44379 times)

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #45 on: August 16, 2019, 02:13:08 PM »
Isoroku Yamamoto 山本 五十六
16 Aug @ 1:31pm - Alexandr

Isoroku Yamamoto 山本 五十六

Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians, among whom armchair arguments about war are being glibly bandied about in the name of state politics, have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.
© Isoroku Yamamoto
(prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor)
Isoroku Yamamoto was a Japanese Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet during World War II until his death. He was promoted to Marshal Admiral posthumously. However, arguably the most intriguing part of his personality was that he strongly opposed both the pact with the Axis powers and the war against the USA. He was one of the few people in Japanese high command untouched by the militaristic hysteria, who kept his head cool and thought in a rational and systematic manner.

Anyone who has seen the auto factories in Detroit and the oil fields in Texas knows that Japan lacks the national power for a naval race with America.
© Isoroku Yamamoto
Yamamoto`s reluctance to go to war against the USA was based not on fear or indecisiveness but on good knowledge of the subject. On February 13, 1924, at the rank of captain, he was part of the Japanese delegation visiting the US Naval War College. Later on, he also participated in the Second London Naval Conference of 1930 as a rear admiral and the 1934 London Naval Conference as a vice admiral. He proved to be not only a capable commander but also a talented diplomat.

The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants.
© Isoroku Yamamoto
Yamamoto was one of the advocates of naval aviation and made a huge effort in implementing carrier forces.

In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain, I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.
© Isoroku Yamamoto
His assessment turned out to be the correct one. Upon the initial success against both the US and Allies Navies, the later portion of the Pacific war was predetermined because of the huge disparity in the numbers and resources between the opposing parties.

People who don't gamble aren't worth talking to.
© Isoroku Yamamoto
Yamamoto`s death was a dramatic event. He was always keen on playing games: shogi, bridge, and other card games were among his favorites. Many considered his plan of attack on Pearl Harbor as one more of his gambles but it was only an attempt to equalize the forces with one decisive strike because otherwise, it would have been impossible to combat the US Navy. After the Guadalcanal defeat, Yamamoto decided to visit the frontlines to inspire his troops. His subordinates tried to dissuade him, pointing out that such a visit is too risky due to enemy aviation activity. However, he did not heed their arguments. The US forces managed to intercept the radio transmission with the exact date, time, and route of his flight and sent a group of P-38 fighters to intercept and shoot down his G4M plane. The operation was a success and the Japanese Imperial navy was beheaded.

In Strategic Mind: the Pacific players choosing the Japanese campaign will be putting on the shoes of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto in his role of the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet and trying to outdo what he did historically.
Please, keep following our news updates to learn more about the rest of the characters for the Empire of japan campaign.

Oh, and by the way, there is one detail we have omitted in the text but it can be clearly seen on the screenshot of Yamamoto above. Please, share your thoughts in the comments of what it could be.

Also, our contest “Absolute victory at Guadalcanal”
Strategic Mind: The Pacific Announcement    14 May

Absolute victory!

In one of our previous articles we talked at length about the Victory points and victory types: However, there was one...

after long 3 months is finally finished and we have our champion - Sethlon, who was first to fulfill all of the competition requirements and tell us about his Absolute victory on Guadalcanal.
Absolute Victory Guadalcanal

By: Sethlon

Our team congratulates Sethlon with this achievement. We hope that he along with the rest of players will enjoy playing the full version of the game this autumn.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2019, 11:36:56 AM »
A step towards a colorblind-friendly game
27 AUG @ 10:30AM   - ALEXANDR

The players give us lots of great feedback and suggestions on our Steam community hubs. Several players voiced a totally legitimate complaint that the only difference between Core and Noncore units is the color and it is yellow versus green, which is impossible to tell for people with certain types of color blindness. So, now we addressed this issue and changed the shape of unit strength indicators:

Core units were changed from   to

Non core units from to

Allied units from  to

And the enemy units were left unchanged:

We think this change is not only crucial for colorblind players, but also very helpful for all the players, as it is now easier and more intuitive to find your core units. We felt this change ourselves when we were trying it out. So, we hope it will make the game more convenient and easy to understand.
This is but one of many steps necessary to create a great game. However, it is a good example of how your feedback can change the development process and guide us towards a better result.

As for the overall development process, we are working hard to get everything ready for full release. So, keep following the news updates to learn the exact dates of full release as soon as they are announced.

With best regards,
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #47 on: September 28, 2019, 01:30:17 PM »
Personalities in Strategic Mind: The Pacific. His Majesty Emperor Hirohito
Fri, 27 September 2019

You can't imagine how much more work I had when I was a god. (с) Emperor Hirohito

The Emperor of Japan (or His Imperial Majesty) was not only the head of State, but also the highest figure in Shinto religion. Before and during WW2 the Japanese government was actively propagating both the cult of the Emperor and Shinto, portraying the Emperor as a living God.

I discovered freedom for the first time in England. (с) Emperor Hirohito

Hirohito has started his reign at the age of 20, first as a regent and later as the Emperor. Before the start of his reign, however, he went on a 6-month tour in European countries.

The fruits of victory are tumbling into our mouths too quickly. (с) Emperor Hirohito

The level of involvement of the Emperor into the military affairs remains a controversial and murky theme even today. Let us put it this way: he did influence all the processes, but rarely interfered directly. It was likely a thought-through way of conduct so that in case something goes awry, the Emperor could not be taken responsible and his direct involvement could not be proven.

Thus, all responsibility for war crimes and other atrocities would be put on Prime minister, who had an actual power and the other high ranked officials.

It is according to the dictates of time and fate that We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is unsufferable. (с) Emperor Hirohito

After the war, the Emperor had to renounce his “Godly nature”, but otherwise remained in power and became a cornerstone on which the country was rebuilt. Americans understood that in order to avoid chaos, they have to leave Hirohito in power and allow him to escape all sorts of prosecution.

Several big announcements are coming up in the weeks to come, so stay tuned not to miss any important news.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2019, 12:48:56 AM »
New screenshots of Strtegic Mind: The Pacific
Mon, 30 September 2019

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2019, 02:04:31 PM »
Over 150+ hours spent at a sound recording studio!
Fri, 4 October 2019

This time we stepped up the game big time in terms of voice over. Lots of time and effort were put not only in writing and proofreading all the texts but also in recording the voiceover for all the texts and all the characters.

We have several types of voiceover in Strategic Mind: the Pacific:

•   Voiceover for cinematics
•   Voiceover for in-game messages from all characters
•   Campaign introduction
•   Character lines in headquarters before each operation
•   And one more thing we will tell you about in more detail in one of the future announcements. (For now, you are welcome to post your guess in the comments below).

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the voice acting as much as we enjoyed working on it!

Strategic Mind: The Pacific full release is just around the corner, so stay tuned.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2019, 02:04:59 PM »
Attention! Full price will be set soon
Sun, 6 October 2019

As the full release approaches and literally knocks on our door, we applied for price change from Early Access to the Full release one.

The game will cost 29.99$ in the US on release and that price will be applied soon. Right now you have the last chance to grab the game at 50% discounted (Early Access) price!

We do not know how long you have before the price will change, so do not waste any time if you want to get our game at a lower price and still have not done it. Good luck!

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2019, 11:51:56 PM »
Strategic Mind: The Pacific full release teaser is out!

Here is the Strategic Mind: Mind The Pacific full release teaser video.

Stay tuned not miss the full release.

With best regards
Starni games development team
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #52 on: October 12, 2019, 03:21:29 PM »
Strategic Mind: The Pacific full release teaser #2
Fri, 11 October 2019

Here is the second Strategic Mind: The Pacific full release teaser.

With best regards
Starni games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2019, 11:46:02 PM »
Tue, 15 October 2019

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2019, 11:37:51 PM »
Full release 25 October 2019!
Wed, 16 October 2019

We are proud to announce that Strategic Mind: The Pacific will be released on 25 October 2019!

Thus we are about to fulfill our promise to deliver the game within 6 months from the beginning of Early Access (which started on 30 April).

Our team was working very hard to deliver you the best game we can, so now we are proud to present you with the results of our efforts.

There is not much time left before the full release. Yet, you can pass the time by watching our latest release trailer which contains scenes from our in-game cinematics:

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2019, 12:53:25 AM »
Available in 6 languages!
Tue, 22 October 2019

Strategic Mind: The Pacific will be available in 6 languages!

Great news for people all around the world who would like to play Strategic Mind: The Pacific in their native language. We finally announce all languages that will be available on the launch of the Full release version on October 25.

Note that full voice over will be only in English, however, all the texts and subtitles are translated into 5 other languages.

The full list of languages for Strategic Mind: The Pacific:

•   English - all texts + full voice over + subtitles
•   German - all texts + subtitles
•   French - all texts + subtitles
•   Russian - all texts + subtitles
•   Chinese (simplified) - all texts + subtitles
•   Spanish - all texts + subtitles

Our community asked us to add more languages on our community hub:

So, as you can see we listen to your feedback and wishes for the game as much as possible.

Leave your comments and do not miss Strategic Mind: The Pacific Full release on 25 October.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2019, 11:13:28 PM »
It is Pacific time!
Thu, 24 October 2019

Strategic Mind: The Pacific will be released on 25 October 2019!

For those eager to try out the game we list the time of the release:

•   7:00 PDT (It is Pacific time!)
•   10:00 EST
•   16:00 CEST
•   17:00 EEST

Please join us for the release!
We worked long and hard to get this game delivered to you and we sincerely hope that you will enjoy it!

With best regards
Starni games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2019, 11:28:02 PM »
The Full release date has arrived!
Fri, 25 October 2019

Strategic Mind: The Pacific has just been released. So, do not hesitate and go try it out yourself!

When the Early Access was launched on 30 April we promised you to deliver the full game within 6 months' time. So, here it comes!
It was a long and laborious journey for our development team, but exciting at the same time. We did do the best we could and sincerely hope that you will enjoy our game. However, it is not the end of this journey. We will keep improving the game, and hope that it will become even better with time.

We would like to thank our community of Early Access players who help us a great deal to deliver you the better game, and without whose constructive criticism and smart suggestions that game would have definitely been at a disadvantage. We fixed the problems you located and added features you suggested, and we will keep doing so after the release when a broader audience shall join our great community. We firmly believe that when our team and the players' community put their creative power together - there are no impossible tasks.

We also would like to thank all the media and content creators on various platforms who make it possible for people all around the world to get acquainted with the game and decide for themselves whether they would like to play it.

There is much we could tell you right now, but we do not want to distract you from the just-released game. So, stay tuned for future news updates.

Good luck, Admirals!

Starni games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2019, 11:36:54 PM »
The Battle of Midway gameplay!
Sun, 27 October 2019

Let's Play Strategic Mind: The Pacific United States | USA Campaign Battle of Midway Gameplay Part 1

Gameplay video by Praetorian HiJynx. In this video you can see the first half of the Midway operation, as well as preparation of your naval forces before the actual battle. As many of you may know, the Battle of Midway was a turning point in the flow of the war, when the US Navy has finally turned from defensive to offensive actions. We think this video is both interesting and instructive and provides fairly good overview of the game, without spoiling the whole operation. Let us quote the communique of Admiral Chester William Nimitz, given after the victory in the Battle of Midway: “Pearl Harbor has now been partially avenged. Vengeance will not be complete until Japanese sea power has been reduced to impotence. We have made substantial progress in that direction. Perhaps we will be forgiven if we claim we are about midway to our objective!” With best regards, Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2019, 02:55:51 PM »
Update 2.01
Wed, 30 October 2019

In today’s update 2.01 we addressed the most urgent issues which have arisen after the launch (version 2.00).


•   Added animation of torpedo attack for torpedo bombers attacking with torpedos. (So, you can now easily differentiate visually between a bomb and a torpedo aerial attacks)
•   Fixed problem with Carriers' count in the 4th operation of the Japanese campaign. (You have to restart the 4th operation for new changes to apply)
•   Fixed problem with Battleship count in the 7th operation of the US campaign. (You have to restart the 7th operation for new changes to apply)
•   Fixed crash when attacking trucks with captives in the 3rd operation of the Japanese campaign.
•   Reworked some models’ renders.
•   Fixed US helmets models on some units.
•   Fixed some of the localization issues.
•   Fixed various other minor issues.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the community members, who reported most of these issues and thus helped us fix them as soon as possible and make the game better.

With best regards,
Starni Games development team

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