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Author Topic: Summary of Keyboard Commands for Modded Tornado in Year 2022 (NEW!)  (Read 7053 times)

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Offline Frankie

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  • From Dogs of War to Pipes Of Peace
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Tracking View (F1)
  • Key 1 raises the height of the camera.
  • Key 0 lowers the height of the camera.
  • Key F1 followed by the Key i- activates a cinematic automatic panning view. Note: You can also hit Z, X, Shift+Z and Shift+X to further shift the panning along.

Reverse (Check Six) (F2)
  • Key F2 shows the reverse view. Hit it twice to toggle the two different heights.

Full Screen HUD FLIR mode (Pilot and Navigator)
  • Key Shift+D enables the full-screen HUD. First hit Home or PageDown.
  • Note: when in Navigator screen, Key ] cycles through various TV-TAB modes (upper right screen of full-screen HUD)

Cloud types
  • Key Alt+C - toggle cloud type

Enhanced Pause (Matrix Bullet-time effect)
  • Key Shift+P activates the enhanced pause.
  • Key Ctrl+Q quits the enhanced pause ands returns you to the simulation's external (tracking) view.
  • Use the mouse and the 1, 0, 2 and Shift+2 keys to pan around while in Enhanced Pause mode.

Enhanced Pause Mouse controls
  • move mouse forwards - pitch up (climb)
  • move mouse backwards - pitch down (dive)
  • move mouse right - roll right
  • move mouse left - roll left
  • move mouse forwards AND click the left mouse button - increase speed
  • move mouse backwards AND click the left mouse button - decrease speed
  • stop dead -- click both the left mouse button AND  right mouse button

Enhanced Pause Keyboard controls
  • Key 1 - pitch up (climb)
  • Key 0 - pitch down (dive)
  • Key Down arrow - dive around
  • Key Up arrow - climb around
  • Left arrow - rotate left
  • Right arrow - rotate right
  • Key 2 key - yaw left
  • Key Shift+2 key - yaw right
  • Key Plus (+) key - speed up
  • Key Minus (-) key - slow down
  • Key P key - stop
  • Key 5 numeric keypad - stop
  • Key 4 - toggle clouds on/off
  • Key 5 - toggle horizon gradient on/off
  • Key m - toggle mouse control on
  • Key k - toggle keyboard control on

Thrust Reversal (THR) Indicator Switch
  • Key Control+Backspace toggles the THR on and off

Floating gauges toggle keys in the Tracking View (F1) and in full-screen FLIR (Home, followed by Shift+D) view
  • Key `  (Grave Accent)[/b] toggles RWR on and off
  • Key / toggles the Stores Management Display on and off
  • Scroll-Lock toggles the Central Warning Panel on and off
  • Key 3 will cause any TV TAB-based TIALD view to go full-screen.
  • Key 5 shows the EScope Terrain Following Radar profile at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Key Shift+7 shows the Altitude Direction Indicator (ADI) display at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Key Shift+9 toggles the Route Plan Display ON and OFF.
  • Key Shift+8 toggles the half-screen-HUD view ON and OFF.
  • Alt+T toggles the TV-TAB on and off.
  • Alt+M toggles the MFD on and off.
  • D cycles through the various modes of the MFD and/or TV-TAB. This key also activates these floating gauges: Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) and Secondary Control Surfaces Position Indicator

Weapon View
Hit Key V key for the weapon's POV. Hit Key V again for the external view of the weapon launched. Hit Key Z or Key X or Key 1 or Key 0 to pan/swivel the camera view angle of the weapon. Hit Key V for weapon's POV. Key V again - the camera angles from previous swiveling are retained. The original TORNADO didn't have this feature.

Pilot View -or- Lookup View Toggle options (Home)
  • Key 4 toggles the clouds on and off
  • Key 6 toggles the ironwork on and off

Navigator View (PgUp) shortcut to full-screen
  • When in the Navigator's station (PgUp). pressing Key Shift+D toggles the full-screen TIALD and FLIR

Kneepad View Toggle options (NumLock)
  • Key 3 toggles between Knots and Mach readouts
  • Key Shift+4 toggles between Heading and Roll readouts
  • Key Shift+5 toggles between Fuel and VAPP readouts
  • Key 6 cycles among Allied/Enemy Airplanes and Ground Unit drones
  • Key Ctrl+~ (i.e., Ctrl and Tilde key combo) toggles between level and tilt perspective in the external view
  • Key 8 toggles among No Sound, Engine sound only and Engine+Effects sound
  • Key 9 toggles between the Main Status Bar and the Drone Status Bar
  • Key 0 toggles the Unlimited Flares on and off
  • Note: The virtual kneedpad also shows the gear (undercarriage) and flaps speed limits - for your convenience!

  • Backslash \ shows the Digital Integration credits (names) screen
  • Key 8 toggles Soundblaster Tornado theme music on and off

  • Hit Key F1 first to show the tracking view.
  • Key ] cycles forwards to the split-screen, then to other views.
  • Key [ cycles backwards through the various views.
  • Key Ctrl+Tab clears the mini-windows, leaving just the Tracking View view
  • Key m shows the half-screen map, corrected centered within the half-screen itself
  • Key Shift+1 raises the horizon of the upper-half of the screen.
  • Key Shift+0 lowers the horizon of the upper-half of the screen.
  • Key Alt+z pans to the left of the landscape
  • Key Alt+x pans to the right of the landscape
  • Key 6 key will clear the make the bottom-half of the screen to go full-screen. This is basically Tracking View TR6. Hit the 6 key again to return to the previous Tracking view immediately! You can do this without having to cycle through the various tracking views with the [ or ] keys.
  • Key 9 will make the upper-half of the split-screen go into full screen.
  • In the bottom-half of the screen, you can raise/lower the horizon with 1 and 0. You can also pan left/right the landscape with keys z and x.
  • Key M shows the half-screen map in the lower-half of the screen.

Night Vision Colours
  • Shift+TAB toggles the green night colors on and off.

Tracking View
  • Press and hold F1 to adjust the Tornado to a higher perspective
  • Press and hold Alt+F1 to adjust the Tornado to a lower perspective
  • Press 1 to shift the horizon down so that more sky is seen
  • Press 0 to shift the horizon up so that more ground is seen
  • Press 2 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of vehicle shifts leftwards
  • Press Shift+2 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of vehicle/airplane shifts leftwards

Drone View
  • Press 1 to shift the horizon up so that more ground is seen; drone perspective will shift up
  • Press 0 to shift the horizon down so that more sky is seen;  drone perspective will shift down
  • Press 2 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of drone shifts leftwards
  • Press Shift+2 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of drone shifts leftwards

Other External Views
  • Key F2 shows the rear, "Check Six!" view
  • Key F2 pressed a second time will show a lower "Check Six!" view
  • Key F3 gives the flyby view of the Tornado after every 6 seconds
  • Key 7 temporarily raises the viewpoint of the flyby view
  • Key Ctrl+7 temporarily lowers the viewpoint of the flyby view
  • Key F5 followed by Left-Square-Bracket shows you the drone's position in relation to the mission flight path
  • Key 7 toggles between two Satellite 'looking down at the Tornado from above' views - one higher than the other

Full-screen HUD and TV-Tab views
  • Key Shift+D in Pilot cockpit view (Home), will toggle between full-screen pilot HUD and the Pilot's cockpit
  • When either the left or right Navigator's TV-Tab is in TIALD view, press Key 3 to toggle between full-screen TIALD view and normal sized TIALD views
  • Key Shift+D will activate the full-screen FLIR and TIALD views when in the Navigator cockpit view (PgUp)

ZRK-Romb (Gecko) and ZSU-23-4 (Shilka) views
  • Key F11 shows the ZRK-Romb-to-Tornado tracking view. Non-rotatable
  • Key F12 shows the ZSU-23-4-to-Tornado tracking view. Non-rotatable
  • Combo Keys Shift+Ctrl or Ctrl+Alt activates the rotatable individual vehicle view, < or > keys to zoom in/out to the vehicle to see the vehicle better.
  • ...which must be followed up with Alt+Shift to display a ZRK-Romb or ZSU-23-4 that has probably already locked onto your Tornado
  • Press and hold Shift+Ctrl see the vehicle from a higher angle (e.g. imagine being higher than the vehicle, looking downwards)
  • Press and hold Ctrl+Alt see the vehicle from a lower angle (e.g. imagine lying on the grass and you are looking up towards)
  • Key 1 to shift the horizon down so that more sky is seen
  • Key 0 to shift the horizon up so that more ground is seen
  • Key 2 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of vehicle shifts leftwards
  • Key 9 to shift the view point right-wards, perspective of vehicle shifts leftwards
  • Key Alt+Shift  to toggle between a ZRK-Romb (Gecko) and ZSU-23-4 (Shilka) view
  • Keys z, x, Shift+z and Shift+x to rotate around the ZRK-Romb (Gecko) and ZSU-23-4 (Shilka) vehicle

New command line parameters to simulate component failure

For example, if you use the below command line parameters of /pm and /e1, this means your Tornado will start with Pilot MFD failure and one engine is K.O.'ed.

Full list of command line parameters:
/ab airbrakes
/pm pilot MFD
/ad ADC (autopilot)
/rd ground/air radar
/e1 engine 1
/rw RWR
/e2 engine 2
/ec ECM
/sw wing sweep
/fl flaps
/to navigator TAB1
/gr gear
/tt navigator TAB2
/hd HUD
/tr thrust reversers
/nm navigator MFD

End of list

« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 03:18:21 PM by Frankie »
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