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Re: Ylands
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2020, 12:32:34 AM »
Dev Diary #123 - Easter Fun
Thu, 9 April 2020

- Big Fixes
- Egg Hunt in Playlands
- New Easter Assets
- Bunnymobile!

Hey there Ylanders!

You might have noticed, that Playlands is looking pretty EGGtastic today…sorry. Anyway, we released a pretty big hotfix with a lot of different fixes, but while we were at it, we also decided to add a few fun things into the game to Easter it up a bit 😊 Especially Playlands experienced a Spring makeover and it’s full of nice new decorations. But most importantly we have an Egg Hunt prepared for you in Playlands. You see, the notorious villain rabbit Rob-It has stolen all the pretty Eggs and hid them all over Playlands. It’s up to you to find at least five of these beautiful shiny eggs to receive a prize!

With the Easter update, we also added some new Easter-themed assets into the game. Most eye-catchingly the Easter Eggs themselves, which will make a great addition to any game (a Fabergé Egg Heist?) but that’s not all. A lot of traditional Easter food from across the world is making its way into Ylands and to round it all up, you can now pick up a new Easter Bunny costume in the Shop too! And he is a cutie 😍

And finally, you can’t have an Easter Bunny without his Bunnymobile! We made a fun little composition of an Easter car, which you can now add to your Custom Games and it is totally crazy. And if you saw our Dev Diary video, it handles…very well…though I might not put all my eggs in that basket. You can find the Bunnymobile here:

And that’s it for now. Check out the Hotfix Changelog and have fun finding all those yummy Eggs Ylanders.

But most importantly stay classy and safe Ylanders.

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2020, 12:58:29 AM »
Dev Diary #124 - Updated Roadmap
Thu, 16 April 2020

Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you enjoyed Easter and our Easter themed mini-update, but we’re still working hard on 1.3 and we are still on track to release Watery Water in June! It hasn’t been easy in this climate, but the team has adapted to the current situation well and we are on our way to release one of the best updates yet.

But that’s not all, we are already working on update 1.4 too! And (if it’s even possible) it’s even more exciting than Watery Water! I won’t give away too much right now, but from the newly updated Roadmap you can see, that we have some cool features prepared for you guys 😉

In the next weeks, we’ll be talking predominantly about 1.3 but we’ll throw in some 1.4 hints in also, so look out for those.

And until then, stay classy, but most importantly stay safe Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2020, 12:36:57 PM »
Dev Diary #125 - Camera Preview
Thu, 23 April 2020

- New Camera Preview Feature
- Check out your camera angles without going in-game
- Animations also previewable

Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you are all keeping well out there. We are hard at work on update 1.3 and one of the many features coming in this update is Camera Preview. This will make working with the camera feature overall much easier and more intuitive because while before you had to go in-game to check out your camera angles, with Camera Preview, you’ll be able to do so in the Editor itself.

So, in the most basic situation, you’ll be able to select your camera and either press the camera preview button or the ‘C’ key to enter preview mode and thus see the camera angle from the proper POV. Another great addition to this is, that whenever you turn on camera preview, it will also set off an Animator test, so you’ll see, how your animations look in-game, or how the movement of the camera will actually look from the point of view of the player.

When the camera is tied to a player, be it side-scrolling, 3rd person, top-down and so on, the preview will also turn on character mode, in which you can try out, how it will work for the player. There will be even more additions to the camera preview that will make life for Creators easier when figuring out their next camera angel and we will all be Sven Nykvists in no time.

And that is all for today, so stay classy but most importantly stay safe Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2020, 01:16:04 PM »
Dev Diary #127 - New Terraforming Improvements
Thu, 7 May 2020

- New Terraforming Improvements
- Flatten will be a powerful tool
- Sandboxers will have more fun

Hey there Ylanders!

We have some exciting news for the terraformers out there, those who want to reshape the land itself to their own image. The terrain tools are getting a major overhaul and many improvements. You may have seen the Major General giving a stellar review of the new tools in the video, but there are so many new features coming, we have to cover them a bit more here too 😊

So first thing’s first. As you might have noticed, we have switched Add, Remove, Flatten and Paint to a 2D brush. This brush will always rotate according to the angle of the terrain it is pointed at. You can really get creative with this brush and it opens up new untold possibilities for terraforming.

Also, flatten is getting a lot of quality of life improvements. So while in the past you had loads of limitations with flattening, like the ability to only flatten horizontally, now you can adjust it to your preferred angle. This makes, for instance, mud house building possible like shown in the video 😁 Flatten has really become a powerful tool to use in the Editor.

The same has to be said about Paint, which used to have a lot of the same limitations as Flatten, but these have been removed and the tool has been significantly improved. Now you can paint pretty much any surface without any limitations.

Another great addition is the Direction lock, which locks in your brush, once you press down the mouse and keeps it at the same angle, making consistent terrain much more easier to create. This function can be turned off any time, but it is a really cool addition to your terraforming arsenal.

We are also looking into making objects connect to the new terrain type, so you don’t have floating flowers above your new canyon, but we are planning that for 1.4. But it is in the works 😁 All of the above though also applies to sandbox and the terraformer gun, so you sandboxers out there will have great fun also 😊 The tools aren’t so complex in Sandbox mode and so versatile, but they’ll be a great improvement to the past version.

So overall some great additions, that I think all of you will have loads of fun with and I can’t wait, what you’ll create with them 😁 But until then stay classy but most importantly stay safe Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2020, 02:30:11 AM »
Dev Diary #128 - Underwater Adventures
Thu, May 14, 2020

- Underwater Adventures
- Scuba Diving Gear
- New Random Encounters

Hey there Ylanders!

Your adventures on land are going to get even better with update 1.3 with the new rideable mounts letting you explore Ylands like never before, but there is yet another frontier, that will need proper exploring: The deep blue Sea!

With update 1.3 being called Watery Waters we would be amiss not to add a ton of new adventures into the beautiful blue waters of Ylands. For that you’ll need proper equipment though. That’s why we’ve created some under water scuba diving gear. There will be three types: Leather, Iron and Zirconium air tank. Each will hold a different amount of oxygen. You can always refill the tanks when you’re above water, but beware the meter, when you’re below, because you don’t want to be caught out exploring an ancient ruin underwater when your oxygen runs out!

And there will be plenty to discover underwater, with loads of new Random Encounters to be featured in update 1.3, that will take you on many an adventure. I don’t want to spoil much, but let the pictures talk for themselves 😊

There will be plenty more to do with water, but let’s keep something for other Dev Diaries 😁

So until then, stay classy and stay safe Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2020, 12:03:16 AM »
Dev Diary #129 - New AI Features
Thu, 21 May 2020

- Editor Improvements in Update 1.3
- Tell your AI where to go and who to attack
- More features coming in later updates

Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you are all doing well and are in good health. Things are getting a little bit back to normal here in the studios and we’re working full on to bring update 1.3 to you as soon as possible 😊

There are a lot of improvements coming in 1.3 in Exploration, Sandbox mode and Playlands, but we’re also working on some new Editor features. And one of these is added functionality to controlling the AI. You might have seen the video, where the Major General is being chased by a stampede of NPC’s. Well, this was made possible with the new Editor puzzle piece tile called “Move to position”. "Move to position" allows the AI to move to any position specified by the creator. You can set up at what speed and with what behaviour the AI moves. So whilst before you could set up AIs to loiter around or Patrol certain points, now you’ll be able to send them anywhere at whatever speed and with any behaviour towards the player you wish.

Another great addition will be the "Attack player" puzzle piece, which allows the AI to attack according to entities. So, for example, you can set up a trigger zone and when a player enters it, the selected AI attacks him while leaving other players alone. Or you can set, that a creature will attack just someone, who pulls a lever, whilst the others can watch while giggling slightly under their breaths 😄 For the future, we'll also make it possible for a certain group of players all belonging to one team being attacked by certain creatures and AI's so look out for that in a future update.

So some really exciting tools to play around with in Update 1.3: Watery Waters and a lot of AI shenanigans to be had 😀 And that’s all for today, so stay classy, but most importantly stay safe Ylanders.

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2020, 12:35:47 AM »
Dev Diary #130 - Compass
Thu, 28 May 2020

- New compass for Exploration

Hey there Ylanders!

Put your Exploration hats on, cause we're off on adventures today! We talked in an earlier Dev Diary, that we'll be adding quite a few new Random Encounters, especially in the water, but some of us may ask, how do we find all these exciting locations! Well no need to worry, we are adding the cool new compass into the game. This handy fellow will do, what every compass does and show you, where North, East, West and South is but also if you get close to a Random Encounter, it will show you the right direction to get to it. You can craft a compass at a blacksmith station by combining an iron ingot, a needle and you'll need a hammer of some sort (which is sound advice for many a situation in real life as well). Additionally, we have updated the ship's compass to show Underwater Encounters, so you can find those sunken mysteries when you build yourself a proper ship 😉 For now, you'll also have the compass on a raft, but we'll be removing this in Update 1.4 to make the ship a bit more valuable and the raft experience a bit more authentic 🤩

The Compass will be available in the Editor as well and we are planning to give it some cool functionality in a future update for Creators to play around with, so something to look forward to.

And that's it for today Ylanders, short and sweet 😊

So until next time, stay classy Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2020, 01:37:59 AM »
Dev Diary #131 - Water Editing
Thu, 4 June 2020

- New ways to edit water
- Wacky water features to play around with
- Creators can make in-land water for their players

Hey there Ylanders!

So Update Watery Water is coming ever closer and yet we haven’t talked about the water too much yet. Well that’s about to change! We have some really cool new features coming into 1.3 that’ll let you really explore your creativity with our liquid friend. So first thing’s first, there is a new tool next to the terraforming tools, which will let you add water blocks. Now, these you can then extend and expand to your heart's desire, as long as they’re not too close to the sea (we don’t want that saltwater mixing up with the freshwater 😉). Now, this water works the same as seawater, you can swim in it, float in it, even put ships in it! 

You can also envelop the water in a specific type of terrain, so it makes a kind of pool, which is pretty neat, and also it will make sure there isn’t a box of water floating somewhere in space. And while we are still working on possibilities to make water flow (since mobile devices still aren’t powerful enough to render anything like that), the water now makes countless possibilities...well possible, like the pictures below 😊 I can already see Ship Parkour, where you have to sail and jump from one “Water Tile” to the next 🤩

Finally, there is also a possibility now in the Editor to regenerate water, so while you are in the Editor and digging near the sea, you can simply press this button and the sea will regenerate to compensate for the loss of land. We are also working on this happening in the game in real-time, but that will be for another update sometime down the line.

And that’s it for now Ylanders, so until next time, stay classy and safe!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2020, 01:37:00 AM »
Dev Diary #132 - UI Community Improvements
Thu, 11 June 2020

- Polishing planned for 2020
- Suggestions about UI
- Next week vote

Hey there Ylanders!

We are putting the finishing touches to Update 1.3 and are looking forward to our other updates and what we’d like to do for the rest of this year. Apart from bringing you cool new features and improvements, we also want to concentrate on some serious polishing and fixing. And in this, we need your help. So, in the coming weeks, some of our Dev Diaries are going to be focused on your suggestions and concerns. And this week we’d really like to hear, what you have to say about the games UI.

For instance, what do you think about the Main Menu? The way games are organized in the games section? Or what do you find needlessly complicated or time-consuming in the Editor’s UI? Are there too many buttons to press to get to an essential tool, that you’d like to have more readily available? And what about in-game? Anything you’d change on the HUD or in the Inventory section? And anything else that bothers you concerning UI in Ylands? We will go through all your answers and in a week, we’ll make a poll here and on our Social Media to find out, what bothers you the most so we can concentrate on that when we polish up the UI. We will take your feedback (all of it, not just the most voted on) and act on it where we can and where it is possible. It will affect the future of the game and future updates.

Now don’t worry, if this isn’t the subject you’d want to talk about, we’ll be going through many more aspects of the game in the coming months getting your view on it and how it could be improved, but If you have a pressing problem or a suggestion, always feel free to write about it in our Suggestion section of the forums, which we check regularly and from which we take great inspiration.

And that’s it for now, so stay classy but most importantly stay safe Ylanders.

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #54 on: June 16, 2020, 01:19:14 PM »
Update 1.3: Watery Water
Tue, 16 June 2020

Let's make a splash!

- Major New Update
- Water Adventures
- Water Editing
- Animal Riding
- Much More!!!

Summer is fast approaching (or departing, depending on your location) - so we would like to invite you for an unforgettable seaside adventure, in our latest update: Update 1.3 Watery Waters.

Dive deep into the sea of content we have stuffed this update with, ranging from deep-sea exploration to Editor improvements, additions and overall fixes. Whether you are a die-hard exploration fan or a renowned Creator - there is something for everyone in this update.

So grab your swimsuits and snorkels - let's dive in!

Update 1.3 - Watery Water - major features

•   Brave the depths: strap on the new scuba gear and explore the many random encounters we have sprinkled the sea floors with. Discover wreckages of old cargo ships (and alien saucers), monuments from a bygone era or a secret botanical facility.

•   Renewable resources: for those brave enough to conquer the depths, these new encounters provide a source of renewable resources - eliminating the late-game resource deficit.

•   Water is your playground: use the new water volume tool in the Editor to create your very own puddles or lakes.

•   My other horse is an ostrich: almost every existing creature can now be tamed, ridden and some even harvested. Not only these beautiful new beasts of burden are marvellous to look at, some of them can be "persuaded" to part with their home-grown, organic milk & wool.

•   The world is your tapestry: mould the land to your liking with our brand new terraforming tools - making it easier than ever to sculpt the landscape.

•   You're basic: you don't have to be remarkable to get recognized. Unlock your true building potential with our new basic shapes - available in the Editor.

•   V for Visual: Visual Scripting received a visually pleasing visual overhaul

•   Just the tip of the iceberg: we've also added a host of other new features, improvements and bug fixes to the game - please refer to the changelog for a detailed list or just discover them while playing the game!

So there you have it Ylanders! It certainly is pretty exciting and we can't wait, what you'll think of our new Watery world 😁 There are still many improvements in the works, but we have to keep something for future updates 😉


So have fun and stay classy Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #55 on: June 19, 2020, 03:14:57 PM »
Dev Diary #133 - UI Suggestions
Thu, 18 June 2020

- Looking into transparent inventory option
- 4 suggestions up to a vote
- Visit our forums to vote

Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you are enjoying the new update and having loads of fun with the new Water features and Animal riding (jumping Ostriches are the best!). But our eyes have already turned to the next challenge and one of those is making the UI better. You had some great suggestions and they really inspired us, so thank you very much. One of the most requested changes was the transparent Inventory and we are going to specifically look into this, how we could solve the issue. We’re not even going to put it to a vote and start working on a solution right away 😊 The problem is, we have to figure out if different text and pictures will be legible enough in different environments. We will also look into options to make the transparent inventory optional too.

But now to the crux of today’s Dev Diary, you have come up with some really cool ideas and we wanted to put them to a vote to see, which one we should concentrate on the most (though we’ll probably get to all of them eventually). Use the reactions on our forum post (here: to vote. Here are the options:

More intuitive exporting for beginners + Export Local button (instead of text command)

A favourite category in All Games, where favourited games from the Workshop show up

Short Description of game, when hovered over thumbnail in All Games

Summary of Player armour and weapon stats in Inventory

Don't forget to vote on our forums here:
We will be asking for more suggestions from you guys very soon, so keep a lookout and whenever you have a suggestion of your own, don’t hesitate to share it with us in the Suggestions section of our Forums here:

And until next time,

Stay classy Ylanders!
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Re: Ylands
« Reply #56 on: June 26, 2020, 01:27:28 AM »
Dev Diary #134 - New Goodie Packs
Thu, 25 June 2020

- New Goodie Packs
- Free Stuff!!!
- Pump-action Corngun and Banana Pistol
- Smiley Stickers and art objects

Hey there Ylanders!

We are happy to announce our first Goodie Pack which is coming very soon! Since we decided to take a little more time working on updates making sure everything is working as it should and that everything is top-notch, we also decided so as not to leave you hanging, to release these small Goodie Packs in between updates. These will always contain some urgent hot-fixes but also Assets for Exploration and the Editor, that you can play around with while waiting for the major update.

And this month we really turned up the Random factor 😃 Cause our designers came up with the much-needed Banana pistol and Pump-action Corngun! You'll be able to construct these two spectacular weapons using the trusty banana and fearsome corn and they'll be easier to construct, then later weapons. They will be able to fire your ordinary bullets and though they are made out of corn and bananas and thus aren't as powerful as other non-vegan weapons, they are better than bear fists...especially against bears 😬 Or as Major General's grandma used to say, Nana General, better a pistol made out of a banana in your hand, than a Zirconium Rifle in your plan. She was very wise.

But that's not all, we also have some goodies for the Editor crowd! We have added some wacky stickers into the game for the lighthearted Creator, though a weird grin on a creepy statue can also be pretty...creepy...

So simply choose a sticker you want to use and position it unto your creation for that quality comedic value. And there are even more fun things coming in the Goodie Pack, so loads to look forward to.

And that's it for now, but you have plenty more Goodie Packs to look forward to in between other updates, so look out for that and of course, update 1.4 is also currently underway, so a lot of exciting stuff 😊

And until next time, stay classy Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #57 on: July 03, 2020, 12:01:52 AM »
Dev Diary #135 - PINEAPPLE GRENADE!!!
Thu, 2 July 2020

- some music stuff

Hey there Ylanders,

Our first goodie pack update is nearly here and so it is time to unveil the most epic feature I think we ever had the honour of making. The...PINEAPPLE GRENADE!

This really, for many of us here in the Ylands team realized a long-held dream of making Pineapples explode. Because it is a very fine piece of fruit. Sweet with a lot of vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants, but what always was missing is that satisfying explosion, when you throw one. I remember the first time I held a pineapple in a post-soviet world of Czechia and the disappointment I felt when I threw it and it didn’t explode. Well, no more childhood disappointments!!! Now you will be able to chuck a slightly enhanced pineapple in Ylands and get that fulfilling BANG!

We are also adding a new piece of music into, Ylands as you can hear in the Dev Diary video, which will be available for Creators to add to their games to add a more light-hearted feel to it. We will be further expanding this ‘playlist’ of music for Creators and we are hoping to make a whole library, from which you’ll be able to pick and choose, what you want for your player’s experience. 

And that’s it for today, so until next time, enjoy pineapples responsibly and stay classy Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #58 on: July 10, 2020, 12:03:17 AM »
Update 1.3.5: Goodie Pack #1
Wed, 8 July 2020

- New Update up
- Goodie Pack #1 for all
- New Weapons
- New Items for Creators

Hey there Ylanders!

Today we are releasing our first Goodie Pack! As we have talked before, there are some really cool things included in this and we will try and release a Goodie Pack between major updates to keep your Creative and Exploration juices flowing. And this time it really has a reason to flow, cause of the crazy items we packed this pack with 😁

So first off we have the weapons! Now you already saw the awesome Pump-action corn gun and the devastating Pineapple grenade, but we’re also introducing the magnificent Banana pistol. So having a banana as your only form of defense will no longer be a cause for alarm and you can even hunt yourself a bit of rabbit or other small critters with a modified banana 🍌

But that’s definitely not all, so while the Explorers out there will be collecting Pineapples to surprise an unsuspecting Wendigo, Creators will have something to play around with too! We’ve added some cool stickers you can decorate your games with, such as the Smile sticker, Angry smile sticker, Crazy smile sticker, and the Moustache sticker. We’ve also added some other items you can arrange around the map, such as Star glasses, Crazy glasses, and Alien glasses and we’ll be adding items such as these in future Goodie Packs too. Also, Jenda (our audio fellow) has come up with a new music track for you to use in your games, so look out for that as well 😁

And finally, we are also including some bug fixes in this mini-update and so hopefully now you shouldn’t have any more trouble with Entity labels, On attack range events and quick uploading your creations 😉

Check out the full changelog here.

And that’s it for now, so have fun and stay classy Ylanders.

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2020, 02:12:42 AM »
Dev Diary #137 - Future Editor Improvements
Thu, 16 July 2020


- New improvements for the editor
- Editable pivot
- Custom Controls now a game logic
- Importing of external spreadsheet data
- Much more!

Hey there Ylanders!

Hope you’re enjoying your Pump-action corn guns and Pineapple grenades, but it has been some time since we told you about some news on the creating part. It might not be flashy, it might not be sexy, but a lot of creators I’m sure will find the improvements coming in update 1.4 quite exciting.

So first off this is a huge time saver for a lot of you out there, we have made a function to edit the pivot in a group or weld. So, this means you can always pick, where the center of the weld and group is without making overly difficult changes to your creation. This will be a great help to scripters but also to just creators, who like to make custom assets and want to have the best possible control over them when placing and rotating them.

Another neat improvement we’ll be adding is the transformation of Custom Controls into their own game logic, so you can create multiple sets of control and then switch between them on the fly in-game. This means, that you can for example, seamlessly create a cinematic sequence with an animated camera and disable controls or you can even share controls as a composition!

Also, we’ll be implementing a new database game logic, which will let you import external spreadsheet data into the game. This will come in handy especially when designing a large-scale RPG for instance or anything similar, that needs a lot of static data.

We are also constantly improving visual scripting and aspects connected to it, so for instance we are working on speeding up the search panel to shave off waiting time for creators. We’re also making the terrain tools better with a few tweaks you might enjoy and we’re implementing an Advanced Script profiler, which will help you to identify, which script is especially taxing on the game.

And that’s it for now. It does sound like a lot of technical mumbo jumbo, but believe you me, that these improvements will give creators the necessary tools to create ever greater and more impressive games.

So until next time, stay classy Ylanders!

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