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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2020, 12:57:17 AM »
Skulls for the Skull Throne 4 - Special Khorne-inspired scenario released!
Thu, 28 May 2020

Hi everyone! It's Glenn and Mark here with a couple of news-worthy announcements for Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus!


Yes, the festival of Warhammer gaming that is the SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE sale has arrived!

In celebration of Skulls For The Skull Throne 4, we have not only discounted Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus by a massive 50%, but we've also added a new Khorne-inspired environment and battlefield, featuring an epic set of Chaos fortifications!

This map can now be selected in the new Skulls For The Skull Throne Special Scenario, and it will also appear randomly in your Skirmish and Multi-Player games.

The Skulls For The Skull Throne Special Scenario is our biggest yet, with a whopping 10,000 points for each side!

Because of the much larger scale of the Skulls scenario compared with other scenarios, we'll be keeping a keen eye on our Steam forums in case anyone's PC struggles under the weight of so many Titans all at once, so let us know if you do have difficulties with it. Our internal testing indicates the performance adjustments we've been working on are doing their jobs and keeping performance reasonable, but please do let us know in the forums if you experience difficulties with the increased force sizes.

Thank you!

Glenn and I very much hope you enjoy the new Skulls battlefield and its scenario. We remain extremely grateful to all players in the Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus community for your continuing feedback and support for Dominus as we undertake our Early Access journey. Your Steam reviews and enthusiasm for 40K and Dominus is very much appreciated.

We hope you will continue to add your voices on our Steam Discussions forum, in Discord, on Facebook and on Twitter, sharing your thoughts and opinions with us, and your suggestions as to how we can improve the game and as a team.
— Mark & Glenn

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2020, 01:23:20 AM »
Development Update
Wed, 22 July 2020

What's coming in the next update?

Hi everyone! Mark here with a Development Update news post about what's coming for Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus!

Players who have been keeping tabs on us or chatting with Glenn and me in our Steam Discussion forums already have a good idea of what we're currently working on (and that's definitely the best way to stay abreast of what we're up to), but we know not everyone has the time to hang around and chat with us—and it's been a while since our last formal update—so we wanted to do a Development Update news post to let you know what we're working on and what you can look forward to in the next update.

Parallel works
There are some things we're both working on together, in parallel with things we're working on individually.

Single-player Campaign
The first and foremost of these parallel works is a massive bucket of work that we tend to refer to as the Single-player Campaign work—broadly speaking, Glenn is working on 3D art assets for the campaign while I'm working on delivery of the story elements and mission structure.

The single-player campaign is not yet ready for release. This will be the focus of the next Major Update, which will most likely be the last Major Update before we hit Version 1.

Campaign story and artworks
While we're discussing the single-player campaign, I can let you know our story and script were approved a while back (and we're REALLY happy with how both of those have turned out!). At that time, we engaged a fantastic artist for the campaign story art, Tazio Bettin, who many of you will know from his work in the 40K comics arena. Tazio is an extremely talented artist and we're really enjoying working with him.

We can't wait for you to experience the story and its art when the campaign is ready to play!

Individual works
Final iterations of Reaver and Warhound
One of Glenn's major efforts over the past few months has been in finalising the Reaver and Warhound, in order to bring those models into line with the quality of the final Warlord and Banelord, which have been in the game for a good while now.

The process of finalising Titan models is a painstaking one and not something that can be rushed, so we very much appreciate the patience you have all shown in waiting for these.

The good news, then, is that the next update will feature the final Reaver model, and I know Glenn can't wait for you to see it in all its glory!

The final Warhound model will be featured in a later update—most likely the one following.

Improved Multi-player Lobby
One of the most requested feature improvements we see in the Discussion forums is for an improved Multi-player Lobby system that allows players to choose the battlefield on which they play. For me, this has been a major focus for the next update, and I'm very happy to say that this feature improvement is now in internal release testing!

In the next update, you will be able to set up your game in a New Game dialog, which allows selection of the battlefield from a dropdown list.

User-defined keybindings
Another often-requested feature, particularly for those playing in non-English countries, is user-defined keybindings. This has been my second major focus for the next update, and I'm again very happy to say that this feature is now in internal release testing!

In the next update, from the Options dialog, you will be able to open the Keybindings dialog. In this dialog, you will be able to review default keybindings and re-bind any of them to suit your keyboard layout or just your personal preference.

This feature has been a long time coming (mainly because it was really hard to get right!), so I'm particularly happy that this is included in the next update. For those of you playing in non-English languages, I hope you will accept my heart-felt apology that this has taken so long—I am extremely grateful for the patience you have shown me.

And I haven't forgotten about content localisation, by the way—that feature is coming in a future update.

Yes, I have fiiiiiinally implemented localisation, adding German, French and Spanish language support, and this will be an important feature of the next update.

We will discuss our plans for other languages a bit further into development.

Of course, the next update will have as many bug-fixes as I can squeeze into it.

The focus of this update is on Multi-player issues, so the majority of the bug fixes are for that mode; however, there are also fixes for a few of the more serious issues that have impacted single-player games, most notably an issue that was affecting the turn sequence.

Lots to look forward to!
So that's it for this update. We hope you're looking forward to the updates discussed above, and we'll of course be keeping an eye on your feedback.

Glenn and I are always extremely grateful to our player community for your patience and your continuing support for us and Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus through this Early Access journey. We remain greatly appreciative of the feedback you share with us, via your Steam reviews and Discussions forum posts, as well as for your enthusiasm for what Glenn and I are trying to achieve with Dominus. Thank you.

We hope you will continue to add your voices on our Steam Discussions forum, in Discord, on Facebook and on Twitter, sharing your thoughts and opinions with us, and your suggestions as to how we can further improve.
— Mark & Glenn

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2020, 02:30:29 AM »
Fri, 4 September 2020

Hi everyone! Mark and Glenn here with a hefty update that FINALLY brings in localisation, the final of the Reaver model, and numerous multi-player improvements!

We've added French, German and Spanish language support!

You can set your desired language in the Options dialog by clicking on the relevant flag icon.

Final Reaver Model
We have implemented the final iteration of the Reaver model. This update brings the Reaver up to the standard set by the Warlord and the Banelord models, adds a plethora of visual options, and even adds two new close combat weapon systems.

Improved Multi-Player Lobby
An oft-requested feature that we've now added is an improved multi-player lobby experience, where you can choose the battlefield. This new lobby system will also enable you to find your friends' games more easily.

User Key-Binding System
Another frequently requested feature is the ability for players to determine their own keybindings, which we have now added.

Click the Keybindings button in Options to access the Keybindings dialog. You can then click on a key you want to re-bind and press the new key to bind the new key.

Numerous other improvements
This update has other improvements, ranging from significant to minor. Multi-player has particularly benefited in this update.

Thank you!
Glenn and I sincerely hope you enjoy the changes in this update. The next update will feature the final Warhound, and from there our focus will be 100% on completing the single-player campaign.

We remain extremely grateful to all players in the Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus community for your continuing feedback and support for Dominus as we undertake our Early Access journey. Your Steam reviews and enthusiasm for 40K and Dominus is very much appreciated.

We hope you will continue to add your voices on our Steam Discussions forum, in Discord, on Facebook and on Twitter, sharing your thoughts and opinions with us, and your suggestions as to how we can improve the game and as a team.

— Mark & Glenn

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2021, 08:56:30 PM »
Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus Leaving Early Access March 26
Fri, March 12, 2021

Hi everyone! Mark and Glenn here with Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus development news.

The v1.0 release
Yes, the v1.0 release of Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus is almost here. At time of writing, we are on-track to deliver the v1.0 release and leave Early Access on 26 March 2021.

The arrival of the v1.0 release of Dominus will mean the game is feature-complete and ready to leave Early Access. Here's what you can look forward to in the final Early Access update.

Single-player campaign
The single largest new feature is of course the long-awaited single-player campaign. We have been working feverishly over the past months to create and polish up the single-player campaign—with its many, many new art assets—to make it ready for players to enjoy.

You'll be playing as Princeps Maxim, a maniple leader of Legio Astorum. You will complete a series of missions, battling the forces of Chaos to liberate the Forge World of Kalin IX.

We think you'll love the graphic-novel art style of the campaign's story cutscenes, which feature art by Tazio Bettin. Tazo's art has, for us, brought the 40K universe, its Titans and our characters to life.

We think you'll enjoy playing through the story as much as we enjoyed creating it.

Final Warhound iteration
The v1.0 release also brings the in final iteration of the Warhound Titan, which brings that model up to the standard of the other Titans in the game, including the customisation options you currently enjoy with your Warlord and Reaver Titans.

New Cinematic Camera
We weren't happy with the old approach to the Cinematic Camera, which never really gave us what we wanted from it. So we threw that out and started anew with a different approach that is more action-centric. We think you'll like it. :)

A metric ton of bug-fixes and quality-of-life improvements
While the bulk of our time has of course been dedicated to putting the single-player campaign together, we have nonetheless also made great strives in improving many quality-of-life elements within Dominus. We have tightened up key areas like performance, weapons targeting, weapons balancing (we're looking at you, Vulcan Megabolter!), unit selection timing, activation management and multi-player issues, to name just some of the areas that have received significant attention.

Continuing support
Don't worry, we're not going anywhere—the transition from Early Access to Full Version release is an important milestone on our development journey, but it is not the end. We'll still be here, working on any fixes that might be needed, any improvements we think are worthy, and any new content we want to add. :)

Price rise
In-line with our stated pricing adjustment policy in the Early Access section of our Steam store page, we are increasing the price for Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus to US$29.99 upon exiting Early Access with the v1.0 release.

The previous price during Early Access was commensurate with the amount of content available in the game at that time. We feel that raising the price upon the v1.0 release of Dominus appropriately rewards those gamers who have joined us on our Early Access journey—and we are particularly happy that it rewards those of you who joined us from the very beginning. :)

We want to again say thank you to all of our players. We thank you for all the support you have shown for us and Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus throughout our Early Access journey—and beyond.

We thank you for your feedback, your Steam reviews and your enthusiasm, which has always been a fantastic motivator for us and very much appreciated. It's been a very hard road on occasion, and it was more than once that your kind words, constructive criticisms and general awesomeness helped us keep going. We could not have achieved what we have achieved without you—thank you so much.

We hope you will continue to add your voices on our Steam Discussions forum, in Discord, on Facebook and on Twitter, sharing your thoughts and opinions with us, and your suggestions as to how we can further improve Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus now and into the future.
— Mark & Glenn

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2021, 11:46:13 PM »
Version 1.0 Build 9121064CB8108934474DA4EC16207021 Update Notes
Fri, 26 March 2021

Hi everyone! Just a small update to fix a couple of things that players picked up in the first couple of hours after launch. :)


•   Fixed tutorial text that was still discussing the Early Access phase of development.
•   Fixed the Simple Skirmish battlefield, which was not rendering correctly.

We'll be watching closely for any other issues you may find, so please do post about them in our Discussion forums and we'll fix them as soon as we can. :)

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2021, 11:48:27 PM »
Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus v1.0 and future updates
Fri, 26 March 2021

What's next for Dominus?
Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus v1.0 is available now, ending the Early Access phase of our development journey. Glenn and I thoroughly enjoyed the process of telling the story of your liberation of Kalin IX from the forces of Chaos—including the privilege of working with artist Tazio Bettin!—and we very much hope you're enjoying playing through the single-player campaign. :)

This is not where the Dominus development journey ends, though—Glenn and I are already working on the first set of free content updates!

Here are some of the additions you can look forward to in the near future:
•   New weapon systems!
We'll be adding weapon systems like the Gatling Blaster and the Melta Cannon, to expand on the arsenal available to you in the Maniple Builder. (We will also be updating the army lists used by the single-player campaign and scenarios from time to time in order to incorporate these new weapon systems, and in so doing the challenge of those modes will be refreshed for you.)
•   New Skirmish/Multi-Player battlefields!
We'll be adding new battlefields to expand the available roster for both Skirmish and Multi-Player games.
•   New environments!
The single-player campaign has several additional environment types from which new battlefields will also benefit—including high-density urban environments, which is something many of you have requested!

Thank you playing Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus. We are grateful for your feedback, your Steam reviews and your enthusiasm for what Glenn and I have tried to achieve with Dominus.

We hope you will continue to add your voices on our Steam Discussions forum, in Discord, on Facebook and on Twitter, sharing your thoughts and opinions with us, and your suggestions as to how we can further improve Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus—now and into the future. :)
Finally, a call to arms! Glenn and I have many, many other things planned for Dominus downstream—most of which hinge to a large extent on our initial success.

So if we can ask one favour from you, our players, it's that you, if you like Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus and want to see us add more and more content, please tell your friends about it!

In this day and age, word-of-mouth and social media (including Steam reviews!) are by far the best ways for prospective players to learn about our game, so we hope you will consider sharing your opinion—hopefully positive!—of Dominus, and Glenn and me as developers, with your friends.

— Mark & Glenn

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2021, 11:31:49 PM »
04/8/21 Build 1 Update Notes
Thu, 8 April 2021

Hi everyone! A small but important update today.

•   Update dialogue to fix an error.
•   Updated Cinematic Camera to improve brightness.
•   Improved text displayed at the start of Scenario battles for greater clarity.

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus: Dominus
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2021, 11:31:57 PM »
04/20/21 Build 1 Update Notes
Tue, 20 April 2021

Hi everyone! Another small update to fix something I missed for the last update. I apologise for my idiocy. The Maniple Builder screen's Unit Data weapon "specials" icons are now working as correctly. :)
— Mark

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