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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2018, 10:56:54 AM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.6.1
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version Patch Notes

•   Increased minimum spawn distance of pirates to reduce "attacked the moment you undock from the station" incidents a little.

•   Fixed a bug potentially causing periodic crashing after a non-player ship is destroyed.
•   Fixed bug where merchants were trying to keep their reactor off sometimes, slowing them down.
•   Fixed a bug where ships could sometimes fly off into the middle of nowhere.
•   Fixed a bug where finishing an intercom call with your comms module disconnected could crash the game if you then tried to hail someone.
•   Fixed a bug where trade prices were not being shown correctly under some circumstances.
•   Fixed a bug where ships with IFF on were not showing motion angle/speed lines.
•   Fixed bug where map zoom level wasn't being reset when starting a new game.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2018, 10:59:03 AM »
What's Next
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Hi everyone!

Here's an update coming from Elissa and Leigh about what will happen to Objects in Space from now until the full 1.0 release. You can see the original post at this link

Hope you like it!

Hi all,

Been a bit quiet on this end as you may have noticed. Elissa and I have been working full-time to add new features to the game and keep the updates coming. We’ve got a few big things coming in the next few months, and wanted to update you all!

The Sandbox Update (late October):

Sandbox mode will become an option which spawns you in a star system of your choosing and never ends.
This will add multiple difficulty settings (which will also be available in story mode) so you can adjust the game to make it super easy or super hard to make money, or super easy or super hard in combat, adjusting the play experience to match what it is you want from the game.
Among other things to be added here or shortly after this update will be procedurally-generated derelict ships, new module configurations (stealth/power/efficiency-optimised versions), more variety of configurations of the three ships available to buy etc.

The Multiplayer Alpha Update (late November / early December):

Multiplayer will open up the existing scenarios (player limit TBC but probably 4-8 players) for LAN initially and hopefully internet play later.

Towards 1.0 (date TBC):

We’ve been adding in heaps more stories which take greater advantage of the game’s mechanics. The ones which are already in there are primarily missions involving you going from A to B because they’re the mechanically easiest ones to do, but expect more which involve ambushes, escorting ships, travelling without being seen, tail jobs, authority ship blockades and much more. The meatiest narrative stuff is yet to come!

Thanks again to all of you for playing the game, giving us so much feedback and continuing to let us know when you’re experiencing crashes and the like.

Leigh and Elissa

Oh and for clarity:

Economic difficulty will affect your income for contract completion, while combat difficult affects your vs enemy sensor ranges and your vs enemy damage taken/given.

Starting finances is self-explanatory as is starting location.

But basically if you hate the trading and just wanna have combat challenges, you can do that. If you want the reverse, you can do that too. If you want to focus on the story and have the whole game be super easy, go for it? If you want no story at all and super difficult settings, that’s cool too.
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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2018, 04:02:42 PM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.7 - The Sandbox Update
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version 0.9.7 Patch Notes

•   Sandbox mode is now a thing - various options for startin a new game are now available, from starting location to difficulty options to disable tutorial or even story content.
•   Second-hand ships are now purchasable.
•   Provided more details on the selected nav map location/object.

•   Fixed a bug where Authority and Military ships sometimes turned their IFF off.
•   Fixed a bug sometimes causing crashes when the player is hit by a torpedo.
•   Made text fields respond on key down rather than key up to make text input feel less laggy.
•   Fixed a bug where selection boxes wouldn't update correctly if the underlying data changed.
•   Fixed a bug where hitting 'Sync' in the comms room when you were already syncing would restart the process.
•   Fixed some issues chatting to people aboard ceres-class ships.
•   Fixed some issues with various story ships not hitting destinations correctly.
•   Fixed a bug where some story ships were not given the right look on the navmap.
•   Fixed various bugs with text rendering.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2018, 01:46:06 AM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.7.1
6 November - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version Patch Notes

•   Shifted descriptions of for-sale ships to a more natural order.
•   Shift-clicking when already in autopilot now simply adds a new waypoint to your existing waypoint set.
•   Re-balanced the amount of damage a second-hand module can contain.
•   Allowed binding of "Full Stop" command to a key.
•   Allowed filtering of module categories when in sell mode.
•   Set component purchases to keep top-left component selected to allow bulk-purchases more easily.

•   Fixed a bug where some scene extras could be clicked on for a conversation, causing a crash.
•   Fixed bug where jump drive spin-up state was shown incorrectly.
•   Fixed a bug where torpedos could damage your ship while you were docked and not in freespace.
•   Sounds were not playing when changing selections for filters, etc.
•   Fixed a bug which caused AI ships following player to continue indefinitely under certain conditions.
•   Fixed a bug which sometimes caused actions in conversations to trigger more than once.
•   Fixed a bug where having a filter for modules on in buy mode would break being in 'sell' mode until you left it.
•   Fixed some bugs to optimise rendering speed of various trade terminals.
•   Fixed a bug where module types not used by playable ships (or at all any more) were still selectable as options when buying modules at a space station.
•   Removed some extraneous objects from the Ceres-class cabin.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2018, 01:54:04 AM »
The Road to 1.0

Objects in Space has been out in Early Access now since June 21, and both Elissa and Leigh have been working full time since then on nothing but the game, addressing bugs as they've appeared, adding features to make the world richer and more vibrant, tweaking the UI to make the whole experience more user-friendly, and of course adding more stories, characters and quests for players to find and enjoy.

We're currently tracking for a v1.0 and Linux version release in early 2019 - here's a rundown of where it's been at so far:

Since Early Access launch:

- Overhaul of the engineering and power room sections of the game
- Scenarios to test your skill including Escape, Defend, Convoy Attack and more
- Sandbox mode allowing you to disable the story and play indefinitely
- Start options which let you customise how easy or difficult to make the combat or the economy, as well as changing your starting location and cash amount
- Second hand ships, modules and more available at stores
- Increased interaction with NPC ships across the board

Coming between now and 1.0:

- Player-engaged piracy
- Detecting / reporting smugglers, derelicts and pirates to authorities for cash bonuses
- Linux version
- Multiplayer scenarios (similar types to above)

And on day one for v1.0, we'll be releasing ALL of the rest of the game's stories. There's roughly 60 per cent of the total stories in the game currently in there, the ones which weren't in at Early Access launch were left out because we were still working on the mechanics for them (usually more advanced stuff involving AI and NPC ships).

So there'll be almost twice the stories when we reach v1.0.

A note on pricing: the game's special Early Access price will remain until v1.0 launches, when you can expect it to rise by a few bucks. So even if you don't end up playing it until it's done, you're still getting it at a discount if you jump in early.

New Episode of the Podcast in Space

A fan messaged us asking when we were going to do another podcast episode. 'Soon', we said, and here it is! Elissa and Leigh ruminate on the game since its Early Access launch and what the next steps are as we get closer to launch. Check it out.

iTunes or RSS Feed

Episodes: here

Expect some new piracy and smuggling options in the next update...
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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2018, 01:58:12 PM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.8 - Contracts&Criminals Update
11 December - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version 0.9.8 Patch Notes

•   Contracts are now streamlined - taking a contract loads the cargo, and you now deliver the cargo from the destination station's contract terminal.
•   You can now move cargo from your tablet by dragging it from pod to pod, while docked at a station.
•   Added ability for players to engage in piracy by hailing merchants and threatening them.
•   Added ability for players to use their hack modules to find smugglers, and report them for a profit to authority ships.
•   Added ability for players to report possible pirates to authority vessels, who will investigate the area.
•   Added ability to begin with no fog obscuring any point in the map.
•   Added an estimate of time to next waypoint and to final destination on the top-left of the nav map.
•   Added 'skipintro=true' option to config files to go straight to main menu.
•   Removed 'Time Compression Cancelled' message when beginning docking procedures.
•   Re-balanced the emissions rating of all components

•   Added a feature where a hardware_commands.txt file showing the current accessible boolean checks, numerical gets and ship commands (along with descriptions where available) are dumped to a file when the game is executed with hardware support on.
•   Fixed the TOGGLE_ and CONNECT_ commands.

•   Fixed a bug where spinning up your jump drive or having your IFF off were not responded to by authority ships escorting you back to a base.
•   Fixed a bug where torpedos were not being saved sometimes in campaign mode.
•   Fixed a bug where clicking 'hail' on certain NPC ships would cause a crash.
•   Fixed a bug which could cause a crash while moving about in some derelicts.
•   Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a crash when undocking from space stations.
•   Fixed a bug which caused text clipping errors on the cargo screen while docked with some derelicts.
•   Fixed an exploit where a ship with no pods would re-load with two new ones no matter what.
•   Fixed a bug which could sometimes cause duplicate authority or military ships to appear in a sector after loading game.
•   Fixed a bug which caused custom graphic signage to not appear correctly on windows sometimes.
•   Fixed a bug where quitting back to menu would leave cargo from previous sessions there, allowing cargo duplication.
•   Fixed a bug where mooring with a cargo pod didn't re-set your currently selected pod on the moored object.
•   Fixed some visual glitches with the cargo/pod screen.
•   Fixed a bug where loading game on a space station sometimes made the UI appear the wrong colour.
•   Fixed a bug where hack and grappling modules incorrectly showed the percent-complete when in use.
•   Fixed a bug where PDA Note about Aya Grant contract remained indefinitely if you failed to get to the contract in time
•   Fixed a bug where colour was not being used correctly in the hack result emails.
•   Fixed various rendering issues with the waypoint ETA part of the nav screen.
•   Fixed a bug where a ship's own torpedo will count as a 'threat' when determining AI behaviour and detecting whether time compression should be allowed.
•   Optimised debug print routines to speed up game on machines with lower hard drives.
•   Fixed a bug where sometimes a contract could be taken when your cargo hold could not hold all the required goods.
•   Fixed a bug which sometimes caused non-steam versions to not run on Mac.
•   Fixed a bug where the tutorial notes still appeared in sandbox mode sometimes.
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Black Annie Bolan
•   Temporarily removed an extraneous conversation with Sheng Xu which was causing crashes
•   Fixed a bug where a PDA Note to hack a ship for Avelina Dembo would stay indefinitely if you failed the hack
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Mary Devlin
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Jackson Farlane
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Liam Ong
•   Fixed a freeze in the second conversation with Sharmilla Singh
•   Fixed a crash in the conversation with Marchelline Smith
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Marie Marks
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Angela Reddy
•   Fixed a freeze in the second conversation with Jinghua Wong
•   Fixed a freeze in the conversation with Sylvia Garcia
•   Fixed a bug where Tuisin Brown would appear constantly at any given airlock even after you'd already completed his mission

•   Fixed the hitbox issues with the Proxima's airlock buttons.
•   Fixed the camera position on the comms room's computer terminal.
•   Fixed the screen in the airlock and the bug when you click on it.
•   Fixed the lack of sound bug with one fo the proxima airlock doors.
•   Fixed a camera angle bug when using the component & terminal screen on the proxima.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2018, 01:59:45 PM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.8.2 and v0.9.8.1
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version Patch Notes

•   Fixed bug where ships would sometimes hail you in EMCON mode and carry out conversations as if you hailed them.
•   Fixed a bug when attempting to moor with cargo pods using autopilot with very slow ship configurations.

Version Patch Notes

•   General speed-up of in-space private comms.
•   Added ability to look at buy prices when hailing space stations.

•   Fixed a bug when loading player armanents.
•   Fixed a bug where selling an old module could sometimes erroneously disconnect a replacement you had previously bought for it.
•   Fixed a bug where final waypoint ETA was not being calculated correctly on the nav map.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2018, 01:05:32 PM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.8.3
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version Patch Notes

•   Commerce menu now highlights selections if they have items in them - for instance bounties, licenses, contracts...
•   Set up factions so licenses can be bought for "narrative-only" trade factions while in sandbox mode.

•   Fixed a bug which caused sporadic crashes when a pirate vessel lost contact with its intended piracy targets.
•   Fixed a bug which sometimes made authority vessels not fire on a belligerant.
•   Fixed a bug where sometimes merchant or authority ships might run with their IFF off.
•   Fixed a bug where Authority vessel weapons would show as blue (player-launched).
•   Fixed a bug where the number of contracts for a given faction could be incorrectly calculated for a trading station.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2019, 11:00:02 AM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.8.4
Objects in Space - [505 Games] Taikobo

Version Patch Notes

•   Stealth meter in ships is now more granular.
•   New emails ready to be downloaded prompt an audio tone.
•   Number of unread news articles displays on the messages/new screen on the bridge.

•   Fixed a bug where removing ships that had been destroyed caused a crash under certain conditions.
•   Fixed a bug where either the player or an NPC pirating from another ship could sometimes cause a crash.
•   Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when getting hit by a certain type of torpedo.
•   Fixed a bug where a pirate could steal cargo you are moored to and cause a crash.
•   Fixed numerous bugs with invalid characters causing issues displaying certain news items.
•   Fixed similar issues with several conversation trees.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2019, 12:43:14 AM »
[Update] Mod Support, LAN Support, and Linux

Objects in Space v1.0 is coming 1st March!

Right, so, time for a big update.

January was spent completing a lot of tasks that needed to be done before the single player content of 1.0 was ready, plus the usual collection of bug fixes.

0.9.9 is coming out soon, and it's got some big stuff.

It will likely sit on the beta branch for a bit, but here's what's coming:

1) Mod Support

This is quite simple, and will need some testing, but people who have been modifying the game's raw .txt configuration files or replacing .png assets can now do so we stand-alone mods. Much like you'd expect, a mod folder will take priority when loading files.

There is no in-game scripting language so just what can be done is a bit limited for now, but new scenarios, new sectors, new stories, new modules, new components - more or less anything that's done purely with data - can be put in place.

Other features for mods will be coming soon.

2) LAN Multiplayer

This is a big one. We've been working on it for months, testing it and ensuring all the important aspects of the game data is accessible via a network protocol.

It is built for co-op, adversarial and even complicated scenarios, but we've tried not to lock ourselves out of any potential future use, so depending on its popularity and how people play it, other features may come.

It runs with a dedicated server (for now at least) which works at present on Windows and Mac, and gives you a direct connection screen (a LAN server browser is coming soon).

It's still early days, but anyone who wants to jump in early will be able to do so from the next build on with a simple configuration file command.

For the inevitable question: it could in theory work over the internet, but due to the complex nature of how the simulation syncs data, there's no latency compensation at the moment, meaning it might be a bit slow over a high-latency connection of any sort.

So for now we are calling it LAN play.

And, finally...

3) Linux

We've almost got linux binaries working. We hope to have them fully tested by 1.0, but at the very least native binaries will be in open testing soon for folk who up to this point have had to run it through WINE wrappers.

4) And finally...

So, for the rest of this month those features will be tested, and we'll be on bug fixing and polish mode.

And as a final note: development is not going to stop at 1.0.

We still have a HUGE list of features we'd love to add, including a lot of great suggestions by players we've received during early access, beyond what we've been able to implement so far.

Before then:

If anyone wants to jump in and play the new stories early or try out work-in-proress multiplayer stuff, we're going to push an update out very soon which will have the ability to toggle them on and off ahead of time by editing a text file (we'll release instructions in the build notes).

Gotta be really clear that we can expect that much new stuff at once to be invariably quite buggy, hence locking it in a text file edit - but we do want people to be able to play early, so the option will be there.

Pricing Note: ​The game will go up by a few bucks when it gets to 1.0, so if you've got it on a Wishlist and have been waiting to buy it, grab it before 1st March to get it cheaper.

Thanks to everyone who's played so far!

And now, back to more working on this next update...

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2019, 01:57:14 AM »
Version 0.9.9 - Beta
11 FEB @ 2:48PM - [505 GAMES] TAIKOBO

Hi everyone!

The 0.9.9 version of the game went live on the beta branch a few hours ago!

The two biggest additions that are included in 0.9.9 and are coming to the game as soon as they leave beta are Mod support and LAN multiplayer scenarios.

It's a big update, so it will stay on the beta branch for some time for testing reasons.

If you can't wait to try the new features or want to help with testing, you can always jump on the beta branch and see a preview of how they'll look like: check out this topic by Elissa with further details on how to do so.

There also are two new pinned topics if you want to leave your thoughts and feedback about any of these two features specifically:

•   Mod Support
•   LAN Multiplayer Scenarios

Thank you for playing Objects in Space!

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2019, 01:58:17 AM »
Patch Notes for v0.9.9.1
25 FEB @ 9:39AM - [505 GAMES] TAIKOBO

Yesterday version went live!

Here are the patch notes for the update (sorry for the delay):

Version Patch Notes

•   Attack logic altered to open the AI attack ranges a bit more.
•   Attack logic altered to make AI attack patterns a bit more variable and intelligently chosen.
•   AI vessels react better to being fired upon when they are stalking a target.
•   Characters turn to face you when you talk to them.
•   Nerfed the Ceres MkIII a tiny bit in its stock variation.

•   Fixed a bug where optimised modules were cheaper than they should have been.
•   Fixed a bug where commodities would sell for 0c at the lowest rather than 1c.
•   Fixed a bug where having multiple modules of the same sort and disconnecting/reconnecting them could cause problems in the engine room.
•   Fixed an issue where the bearing to a target would flicker when close to 0 degrees.
•   Fixed a bug where airlocks would sometimes appear invisible.
•   Fixed a bug where sometimes the top few jump buttons did not appear when you had a working jump drive.
•   Corrected the colour of cones on green and blue tone navmaps to match the main display.
•   Fixed a bug which meant ads would always be fading in when you enter a room.
•   Fixed some text rendering bugs in the module sales screen.
•   Fixed a graphical glitch in the "Sell Module" button on the module sales screen.
•   Many clipping and graphical glitches with space station rooms fixed.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2019, 01:58:55 AM »
Objects V1.0 is OUT NOW!
1 MAR @ 10:02AM   - LEIGH

The game has finally reached 1.0!

We want to thank everyone who played Objects in Space during its time in Early Access.

When we think about the game on 21st June last year to the game on 1st March this year, there’s light years of difference, and in large part that’s thanks to people jumping in early and taking a chance on a new and strange title.

We’re at 1.0 as of today, with all major features and content in the game.

That said, we don’t plan to stop there.

While we’re sure there will be many small housekeeping and quality-of-life fixes which will come to our attention as we launch, here’s a short list of the things we know we’re going to add ourselves in the coming weeks and months:

We’re going to release our wiki – The Objects in Space internal wiki is a massive sprawling history of the Apollo cluster, a vital tool for anyone looking to mod the game
Achievements and Trading Cards – They’re already in progress. 😉
Construction guides for Arduino enthusiasts – For those wanting to build their own bridges at home
Procedurally-generated derelicts – Ships adrift in space which can be raided for spare parts and leftover cargo
Merchants in uncharted systems – Piracy is currently very hard to engage in, what with so many authority ships all over the place. This will ensure you can prey on merchants who are a little more off the beaten track
Extra multiplayer stuff - we'll expand the existing scenarios and add new ones, possibly increasing the player count
Components adrift in space – Loot which directly benefits your engineering room
Bounty Hunters - so more devious players don't get a free ride, they'll now pay for their crimes
Rebalancing effort – We want to add a much harder difficulty setting for those who want a real challenge
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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2019, 01:59:59 AM »
Patch Notes for v1.0.2 and v1.0.1
6 MAR @ 3:01PM - [505 GAMES] TAIKOBO

Between yesterday and today, two updates were pushed to the game. Here you can find the patch notes for both of them.

The latest update should also fix the pirates-not-attacking bug that has been reported by some players. Should you find it still occuring in your game, please refer to this topic by Elissa to report it and let the team know it's still happening.
Version 1.0.2 Patch Notes


•   Fixed a bug with mods.
•   Fixed a bug with the in-game InfoPedia.

•   Fixed a bug where authority and pirate ships sometimes didn't respond to a player after loading game.
•   Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a crash when the player was threatened by a pirate.
•   Fixed a bug which caused a crash when moving your mouse over a weapons module when your ship is destroyed.
•   Fixed an issue causing changes to the ad shells on space stations to sometimes crash.
•   Fixed an issue where bounties wouldn't clear when going back to main menu.
•   Rolond Consortium can now be exited
•   Rolond Consortium no longer appears until it's narratively meant to during mid-November
•   Altered the welcome email from the Developers
•   Fixed a bug where you could accept the contract from Mahuika Ngata and it wouldn't appear on the Orai Contracts terminal.

Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes

•   Made the tablet-in key force the tablet to move back into position if you are mid-conversation.
•   Darkened the default conversation font colour.
•   Fixed a bug causing a crash sometimes when you die in a scenario.
•   Fixed a lighting bug on the Remora-class shuttle from the tutorial.
•   Fixed a bug where the power draw/generation metres were not showing correctly on Remora or Enceladus class vessels.
•   Fixed a bug causing problems rendering ads on space stations periodically.
•   Fixed a bug where the delivery bonus for contracts were not shown correctly in the Notes section of the PDA.
•   Notes app on the tablet were incorrectly listing old contract features no longer relevant.
•   Fixed a bug where the EMCON and Main Engine lights on the Christmas Tree on the Proxima were reversed.
•   Fixed a bug where having an advanced new game pane open and selecting a save game did not show the correct scenario text.
•   Removed erroneous mention to VASIMR drives.
•   Fixed a bug where an SOS beacon and tow could drag you to a non-commercial station with no repair facilities.
•   Fixed a bug where number of the seconds taken after a scenario was sometimes incorrect.
•   Removed erroneous 'Time taken' text at the end of scenarios.
•   Fixed an NPC rotation issue on Intel-GPU based macOS machines.

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Re: Objects in Space
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2019, 02:04:04 AM »
Patch Notes for v1.0.3
11 MAR @ 9:08AM - [505 GAMES] TAIKOBO

Version 1.0.3 Patch Notes

•   Hitting escape when zoomed in on a monitor now simply takes you back to the main view, and does not bring up the tablet in case you press it again.
•   Changed the repair functionality so if you repair any part of your ship's hull, any broken/damaged monitors are also fixed, instead of only when you repair the bow.
•   Moved the emergency alert messages to the top third of screens.


•   Fixed a problem where the game would sometimes honour extremely low valid resolutions for the game.

•   Removed 'tab' menu option which could crash the game.
•   Permanently hide dock and menu bar when fullscreen is selected from options.

•   Fixed a bug where transitory star bases were appearing in the PDA map when they shouldn't be.
•   Fixed a crash when being hit by a torpedo with an empty / destroyed module in place.
•   Fixed a bug where an intercom message while using a station BBS could freeze up your comms terminal.
•   Fixed a bug where completing a contract would sometimes result in the wrong contract being completed instead.
•   Fixed a bug where you could crash the game by clicking repeatedly at the precise point your ship is destroyed.
•   Fixed a bug causing issues when you jumped out of a system while a torpedo was flying in the sector.
•   Fixed a bug where probing the moon of Alm wouldn't complete Mirza Susic's mission.
•   Fixed a bug where Betty would remain standing on the space station where you drop her off indefinitely.
•   Fixed a bug where Betty would remain on your ship indefinitely after you complete her mission.
•   Fixed the PDA Note in Betty's story so it gets removed properly when you take her out of the Union.
•   Moved the January Hernandez and Black Annie Bolan missions to take place later in the game so it syncs up with the Rolond Consortium being opened.
•   Fixed a bug which caused a crash whenever the player tried to interact with Mariska Howarth.
•   Fixed a bug causing some story ships to not appear more than once after dying.
•   Moved the SS Platypus to be more likely to intercept the player during Hilary Tempkin's mission.
•   Altered the game logic so players can deliver Gursharan Cass even if they never encounter the Platypus.
•   Fixed bugs in the interaction with the SS Platypus.
•   Decreased the difficulty of the mission to destroy the SS Hammerhead.
•   Allowed players to buy/use as many weapons as they want during the SS Hammerhead mission.
•   Changed position / orientation / hailing range of the SS Hammerhead to increase the likelihood that it'll interact with the player.
•   Fixed a bug where Qingqi Farr would sometimes congratulate you on a job well done before you'd completed his mission.

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