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Author Topic: Breathedge  (Read 11943 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2020, 12:15:14 AM »
Publisher, dates, news!
Thu, 8 October 2020

Comrades! This is us again, and this is some news about the project again. You’ve probably already raised your left eyebrow in bewilderment with a reasonable question: “What’s up with all this frequent news?” In fact, we would have been silent for a couple of years, as usual, fiddling with the game, if there had not been for some big changes in the life of our team. No-no, nobody ran away with all the originals of the project into the deep taiga, and we weren’t even arrested for terrible jokes.

All right, we won’t keep you waiting, telling you about another one of the scriptwriter's fantasies about vampire socks. You might have already guessed from the title: the Redruins Softworks team has officially and irrevocably found a publisher for Breathedge! Or is it the publisher who has officially and irrevocably found the Redruins Softworks team? We haven’t figured it out yet. In any case, comrades, please meet HypeTrain Digital, an indie game publisher known for such projects as Stoneshard, The Wild Eight, DESOLATE, Police Stories, and other interesting games.

Surely many of you’ve now thought that we’ve chosen the publisher because of the cool steam locomotive on the logo, but we are all adults and responsible people, so we boldly declare that yes, it's all about it — it’s a steam locomotive after all! It can go choo-choo and clickety-clack! Although, to be honest, there were several more reasons for choosing this publisher.
Probably the most important factor is that we, as it’s fashionable to say now, are on the same wavelength. The guys at HypeTrain Digital understand what Breathedge means to us and what we want to create for the players, and we, in turn, understand what HypeTrain Digital wants and how it will positively affect the project. This is how it goes. It could become a real relations triangle, but there are only two companies, and therefore it’s just a straight line.

The second important factor, why we’ve chosen HypeTrain Digital... HypeTrain Digital takes good care of your clothes. It doesn’t spoil the fabric and removes even the most stubborn st... Wait a second, this seems to be from the last news... Ah, here it is: HypeTrain Digital has a lot of experience working not only with PCs, but also with consoles, which we really lacked to be happy. In addition, the publisher will be able to popularize Breathedge in Europe and the USA (greetings to all our English-speaking readers, there aren’t many of you yet, though). What will this give us? Wealth, fame, strength, future projects, thick hair, and other interesting things.

Well, and of course, the third important factor. It’ll be encrypted in the following sentence:
Whoever tells you they decrypted it is lying.

What’s up with the word “dates” in the title? Right, it turns out you’ve noticed it... Okay, we’ll tell you the truth. You probably follow the gaming news and the release dates of projects. In recent weeks, they have announced the exact release dates for Xbox, the Assassin's Creed release will be pushed back from its original release, and even CD Projekt Red has told its employees it will require them to work six-day weeks. Does anyone notice the coincidence that all this happened immediately after our November release announcement? Right, the gaming industry is intimidated by such a rival, so we made a difficult decision: in order not to attract all the attention of the world community to ourselves, not to spoil the releases of the new generation of consoles and the expected great games, we are shifting the release of Breathedge to the first quarter of 2021. You will be able to enjoy Cyberpunk instead of the distress purchase of Man, the industry won’t suffer, the consoles will be sold as planned, and we’ll be able to polish the project and even more.

Right, you get it about polishing the project, but what does “even more” mean? Given that the release has been postponed and we now have a publisher, we’re likely to expand the number of supported languages. We’ll give you more details about this a bit later in our next pieces of news.

Also, the PC release will now coincide with the console releases. There may be delays, but this will depend more on the consoles, and not on the fact that we, with our soapy feathered bottoms, didn’t have time to port anything.

Post-release content. Yes, exactly. If you, together with us, thought that the story completely ends with the last chapter, then we were all wrong. Now, in advance, we can announce a small additional free adventure expansion, in the form of a special separate part of the game, which will be released some time after the release as an update. What will it be: a separate chapter with Man, the story of Grandpa, the Chicken, Babe or the coffinbots? You'll find out a little later.

But what about the cons? We can’t do without them, for sure. The most obvious one is the postponement of the release. You’ll have to wait for the game much longer, that’s true. What else? We’ll no longer be able to proudly stick out our chests and tell everyone how independent and indie we are. Well, we could, but with a publisher it looks less believable. By the way, we will immediately answer your reasonable question — no, we don’t lose our rights to the game, the development remains on our conscience, and HypeTrain Digital isn’t interested in removing all the humor from the game, introducing microtransactions, and strangling us with incomprehensible contracts. Breathedge remains itself, but it’ll be better and famous. Well, and one more con: this news is so long that it’s already difficult to write it, and therefore, it will now unexpectedly end with the cutting off of the sente

So it goes. By the way, we’ve been talking only about the pros and cons, but what about the development? Did we do anything at all all this time? Yes, we did. In fact, the project is moving towards its completion and is being actively tested, and we will share a fresh screenshot:

And don’t forget, you can safely send your feedback about the project, the news, and this screenshot to us by email or to our Discord channel. We always read everything, even if you praise us there.

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2021, 03:24:41 AM »
Deadline, Prices, New Year!
Fri, 8 January 2021

Сроки, цены, Новый Год!

Greetings, Comrades! First, before telling you our boring news, we would like to say Happy New Year to everyone! The past year turned out to be (*further there’s a standard list of positive and negative things that happened during the year, which you can always listen to in the speech of the head of your country.) Taking such a busy year into consideration, we would like to wish you (*one more standard paragraph with positive wishes of universal values*). Hurrah!

As you may have noticed, we’ve hired an editor to make our texts more diverse. Most likely, you’ve also noticed that after the very first paragraph, where he cut out all our congratulations without even blinking an eye and saved this news as the source file, we wrapped him with electrical tape, rolled him under the dusty sofa, and threw the lead programmer's worn sock there. Yes, it’s cruel. But deleting the words about piety, morality, and positive thinking, and replacing them with generalized text in asterisks is even crueler. All right, enough of that... Before we start traditionally praising ourselves in the news, we would like to share a short video that we managed to intercept from the lead developers, replacing it with a videotape with the Cheerful Pickle. While the developers have been enthusiastically watching this simple cartoon about the green pimply protagonist for four days in a row, we can take a glimpse at what they were hiding from us.

Video: Breathedge Teaser Coffins (ENG)

Well, um… We should have watched an episode of the Cheerful Pickle instead. Although, this video can be linked to the first piece of news very well. This piece of news will be mysterious and blurred, like a blob of weird stuff on the windshield after parking under some trees. You’ve probably guessed that this is the release date. See? There it is, trickling down... So fluid, so blurred... In fact, the release date for the project will be approved a little later, and we’ll definitely notify you about the date in our next piece of news. This is because we need to coordinate the release with all the platforms, media (haha, what media?), and the releases of other large projects that we can interfere with, as we would have interfered with Cyberpunk. But despite this, we can definitely say that the planned date will be closer to the end of the first quarter (end of February or even March, who knows).

The second piece of news we want to tell you about is the final price increase for the game. Yes. This was expected. We promised such a maneuver in the early days of the project, which in those days was cheaper than a plastic cooker. Many of you even complained that the Breathedge was too cheap (all right, not many of you did that, we’ve come up with this to make some excuse). In any case, the price will be increased by about $2 billion. Well, or a little less... We don’t know how Comrade Steam will convert this figure to other currencies, but, most likely, it will be good and honest. The price increase is expected in the very near future, and it may even have already happened. However, what does it matter if there are a lot of discounts now, so you can still buy the game cheaper than a plastic cooker? Nice math, huh?

The third piece of news will be of interest to those who cannot read our news. Yeah, we're talking about new localizations. Breathedge will have additional localization of the subtitles and all game assets (textures, inscriptions, interfaces, and other stuff) into these languages at its release:

•  Spanish
•  Portuguese (Brazilian)
•  Polish
•  Turkish
•  Korean
•  Japanese

Breathedge is the only project where you can find a pack of dumplings translated into 11 languages! (although we have not tested this).

The fourth piece of news… Or is it the ninety-ninth piece? We don’t remember and we won’t bother to count again. Let’s just round it up to one hundred. So, the one-hundredth piece of news will be short, and it’ll be about consoles.

As a matter of fact, we’d like to tell you in detail about the porting process, show you some unique screenshots (which we don’t have), and the niceties of the console versions of the game, in the next piece of news about the exact release date, otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to write about in it. The order of the releases should be also known — maybe the game will be released on all consoles at once, maybe some of them will be the first. In any case, Breathedge has been ported successfully and is now trying to break through negotiations and checking. Let’s wish it luck (or let’s not, if you hate the project).

With the one hundred-first piece of news, we’d like to remind you about what we’re all waiting for. We’re waiting for the release of Breathedge that will consist of three new chapters, one of which is long, the second of which is short, and the third is who knows what it is. As we’ve said before, the new chapters will tell you the final parts of the story about Man, the Green Universe, сoffinbots, and space junk. In the new chapters, traditionally, you can collect a whole sea of junk, break something, blow something up, listen to the annoying monologues of the spacesuit, and realize the uselessness of this pastime. Untraditionally, you will be able to fly on Normandy and shoot some flying objects with its weapons. What for? It’s a strange question — it’s quite obvious that we have no idea.

If you successfully completed the first three chapters of Breathedge, the new chapters will seem to you to be more about the story, to be more high-level, and to have less craft. It’s the real finale of the game which will be mostly focused on the story, and less on Man’s flying back and forth between the airlock and space debris.

By the way, those who managed to complete the first three chapters will be shocked by the fact that Man’s oxygen level has been increased. It seems he was sick with the coronavirus from the start of the game, but now his right lung has expanded and now he can hold his breath 25 seconds longer!!! (!!!!!!1№»»;%*()*?:%; and some more emphatic symbols). New players will be able to complete the game with less frustration and will hate us less, and veterans of the game can put an imaginary medal “Real Hardcore Gamer” on their chests because you guys won’t see the difficult Breathedge you used to play anymore.

And one more small piece of news: Breathedge Constructor ceases to exist and will soon disappear. Surely most of you have no idea what it is and why you need it. In fact, we no longer remember what it is and why it is, so we’ll just press delete. Well, in fact, this constructor has long lost its relevance and has no game value, and therefore there’s no need for it to clutter your Steam account.

So it goes. And don’t forget, if you have any questions, and especially if you have problems with the game (it doesn’t start, crashes, doesn’t work on your grandma's abacus), feel free to email us or send us a message via Discord. Or ask Santa to deliver your message to us. However, you surely understand, it would take a long time for the letter to reach us. A very long time. A very very long time. An incredibly long long time. It will be as long as reading this paragraph about how long it will take.

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2021, 02:28:23 AM »
Coming out February 2021
Thu, 4 February 2021

Comrades! The announcement of the release date is almost there, yes indeed, we’re about to tell you when it will happen, we even left some hints here and there for you to find, but nothing too precise, we’re shy like that...Well, it doesn’t matter. What does matter, is that we’re finally almost ready to release our game! It will happen this month - in February. The Man hasn’t suffocated yet, and what we want to do is share this little teaser with you. Check it out!

Video: Breathedge - Teaser (PC)

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2021, 02:35:14 AM »
February 25, The Release. v. 1.0
Wed, 10 February 2021

Comrades! After reading the headline of the news, you’ve probably thought it will be about the upcoming release of the game. But... no. It won’t be about that. There’s nothing much to talk about the release. The PC release will be on February 25th. The end. Can you even call it news? Where’s the pile of meaningless text, where are the silly jokes, and pictures of Man floating against the background of low-poly rocks? That’s what we think, too. Therefore, this piece of news will be dedicated to the rare Atlantic fish "Pisces Terebro", also called the Drill Fish. Its nose has a universal drill that can function as a jackhammer and twenty-five drills for various types of surfaces. Its built-in flashlight, ergonomic grip, and its removable and rechargeable battery make this fish a unique underwater repair tool. And its slimy scales and nasty temper will keep you busy, for sure. Drill Fish – available in all Atlantic stores! Get one now and never read any news from our team.

All right, it's time to stop all this subtle hidden advertising in the news and get back to the main topic. On February 25, 2021, Breathedge will exit Early Access and will receive an update to version 1.0.

Breathedge - Launch Trailer

Yep, that’s right! Breathedge won’t be an endless Early Access project anymore. It will receive a completed game status, end credits, and a finished story. We all dreamed of endless development, promises, promises to promise promises, and so on... But, unfortunately, when our programmer started hitting the scriptwriter with the keyboard again, he accidentally finished developing the game. Well, it happens.

For all those who didn’t have the opportunity to buy Breathedge, play 10 minutes, and get a refund, we would like to briefly tell you that this game is about space, a suffocating Man, an immortal chicken, coffins, collecting all kinds of junk, and a world conspiracy. Of course, it has many other useful things for humanity, such as indecent inscriptions on the hulls of ships, strange humor, linear locations, and bad game design decisions, but we’ve deliberately omitted these details so as not to spoil your first and last 10 minutes in the game.

For those who bought the game, but didn’t have time to get a refund, because their spouse/mother/grandmother called them to eat some soup, we would like to remind you that the future release update will add three new, final chapters to the game. We tried to make them as dynamic and rich in terms of the storyline as possible, but things turned out as usual. In the new chapters, you will be able to fly in a spaceship, shoot into the void of space from large turrets, break something, blow up something and, if you're lucky, fix something. As a gift, in addition to the infinity of empty space, as usual, there will be a handful of collectible junk, a couple of new tools, a couple of new resources, and some joke about games.

By the way, this piece of news is translated into all the languages that will be in the game on its release. We are obliged to remind you that the project will have full text and voice English and Russian localizations, and full text localizations (textures, texts, captions, UI) in the following languages: German, French, Polish, Spanish (LATAM), Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean. And yeah, someone has covered our office walls in graffiti with the Brazilian flags because in our previous piece of news we showed only a Portuguese flag. Good thing we don’t have an office at all, but we’ll add the Brazillian flag anyway.

For those who are waiting for the game on consoles, we have some good news and bad news. The good news is that we have finished porting the game to consoles. The bad news is that we have finished porting the game to consoles. Oh, wait, something’s not right… Anyway, we’ve completely finished porting the game to consoles, but we’ll inform those of you who are interested about the release date later. It’s quite possible that the release dates on consoles will differ from the PC one due to long checkups, but we’ll still let you know what the dates are.

And the last thing: those who follow the project saw the information that Breathedge will have a small story expansion — absolutely free and, we could say, given to you by force. So, we’ve started working on it, and you can try to guess what it will be about and what it’ll have (and while you’re at it, we’ll steal your ideas).

So it goes. Anyway, if trying to be real serious, the release of the game is a big and important thing for us, and we’re glad that together with you we’ve walked this long way from the first small location to some other small location, and we even didn’t die. It was awesome, but we’ll try and make it even more awesome.

And as always, you can send all your wishes, your hurt feelings and disappointments, together with bug reports and questions, to our Discord and email. We try to read them all, and we even have some success in it.

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2021, 03:35:46 AM »
Game release reminder
Wed, 24 February 2021

Comrades! We gave you the previous piece of news such a long time ago, it’s likely you’ve forgotten about the upcoming release by now. We sure did. And thus, we would like to remind all of you (and notify all those we didn’t know in the first place) that Breathedge will release under version 1.0 on February 25th. The game release includes 3 new story-concluding chapters, 2 new models, 1 new music track, and 50 hours’ worth of title screen fodder text (or maybe not, we’re not sure).
Besides this arch-important reminder, we’d also like to specify the release time by your place of residence:

That’s it, folks. And of course, don’t forget that you can report this low-effort piece of news with the release date and the image it contains straight to our email address or our discord server. We’re monitoring incoming queries all day long with our fatigued, red eyes (and that, for once, isn’t a joke).
See you, space comrade!

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2021, 02:30:07 AM »
The Release!
Thu, 25 February 2021

Comrades! This long-awaited moment, when we can blame all of you for this, has finally come. Yes, comrades, it’s a straight fact— there would be no Man without you! During the development of the game, you’ve been by our side, you’ve been helping us, criticizing us, giving us advice, and breaking the game. You’ve taken an integral part in the development of Breathedge, and we hope that we’ve met your expectations at least a little (and if we haven’t, then we don’t know anything, never heard of anything, and we’ve got nothing to do with it). Anyway, starting from today, Breathedge is officially a completely finished, full-fledged game. Yes, we’ll add a tiny bit of gameplay as post-release content. Maybe some hotfixes will be needed because instead of v. 1.0 we’ve uploaded 3 GB of the scriptwriter’s private photos, but it’s not that important right now. What’s important is the fact that the release has finally happened. In honor of this, we even recorded the longest trailer in human history (according to our artist, and he usually lies).

ReleaseTrailer Breathedge (ENG)

Overall, we could finish our news here, but we’d like to tell you about the project in numbers a little. If you don’t like numbers, you can imagine cute little turtles instead of them. Turtle-based math is more friendly than the usual one.

The first number that is worth mentioning is the date of the beginning of the development: August 9, 2017. On that date, the very first document with the ideas about the future game was created. It consisted mainly of the programmer’s stream of consciousness. Quote:
“A berry gatherer, a quantum burp, hero destabilization, eversion of mackerel, a big mansion, a wild dog, a train of wind, red loafers, hoof health, a chicken’s sorrow, a mother’s leash, Stalin’s glade, a local historian prophet, a voodoo bard, a water fly, pigfall, a peach crutch, mitten sales, an enterprise of courage, products of sorrow, a head valley, drill the shrimp in, sales palm, a crowd of ronins, banning of thyme, creatures have fallen asleep, romance frigate, the miser and the flea»

Phew, so many brilliant ideas. You can take any of them for your projects if you like — we don’t mind.

After a brainstorm session, dull work on the analysis of trends, genres, ways of monetization, and counting the amount of detergent needed for inspiration, slowly but surely we came up with a survival game in space. So, on August 20, 2017, Breathedge had its very first concept, which marked the beginning of the entire visual part of the game, as well as Man’s appearance.

At first, Breathedge was intended to be a serious game in a strict Soviet visual style about a man who gets into a space catastrophe and wants to get to his quarrelsome wife who was flying with him. But then we slept it off, and we got what we got. We’re sorry.

Anyway, let’s get back to numbers. So, what have we done with our team of 5-8-15 people? (We can’t count all those who had something to do with the game.) Let’s take out our colorful plastic toy abacus and see...

1.   The game’s script is 43,621 words. Most of the words are obscene. But that’s nothing. This is how the scriptwriter sees it.
2.   We voiced 1,377 lines for different characters in the game. 1,253 lines belong to the Spacesuit. The longest line lasts 76,833122 seconds, which can put even the most patient players into a coma. So be careful.
3.   In addition to all the characters’ babbling, the game has 497 sound files, from the sound of footsteps to the "Tachanka" song.
4.   The game contains 2,722 models (Man, the Chicken, debris, food, tools, a planet, etc.). There is a possibility that some of these models are just junk that was not included in the game. But we tried to keep the project clean, so there aren’t many directories like "New folder — New folder 2 — Delete on release — New folder 3” in the project.
5.   Apart from the models, textures are also an important part of the game. There are 4,129 of them. You might ask, why are there so few textures, considering that usually, one model requires at least three texture maps, and 4,129 - 2,722 ≠ 3 (sort of)? Well, that's because... Well, yeah, just because. In fact, for the sake of optimization, many models contain the same set of textures, where the most important texture is a field divided into colored squares. Almost every debris in the game world, all buildings, vehicles, ships, and interiors have such textures. At the same time, a very large part of the textures relates to various icons and inventory items. Therefore, in fact, 2,722 models in the game have at best a quarter of the project’s textures.
6.   Of all the richness of textures, the game has 146 textures localized into 11 languages. We tried to localize various newspapers, screens, packages, calendars, and, in general, any objects containing text. It is difficult and time-consuming, but now you can complete Breathedge in the unfamiliar and beautiful Japanese language, having an unforgettable experience and a complete lack of understanding of what is going on. Isn’t it wonderful? (for our readers from Japan, we advise you to mentally replace part of the previous sentence "... beautiful Japanese" with "... beautiful ________ language”, substituting any unfamiliar language from the list of available ones in the empty field).
7.   In Breathedge, you can find 107 different effects (particles), from explosions and projectiles to explosions and other projectiles. We have no idea where exactly are these 107 effects, but they are there.
8.   We are also proud of our set of 380 unique and weird animations. Any complex hand movement is a unique animation, and, usually, two people (an active and a passive animator) worked hard to make it. You can’t find such job positions on any job search sites, but we have them in our studio.
9.   There are 442 blueprint classes in total. Anyone familiar with Unreal Engine 4 knows that blueprints are simplified rendered pieces of game code. A module, as a building element, consists of several walls, ceilings, floors, and light sources. At the same time, each of the walls is interactive and has its own logic of interaction in the game. All this is collected in one blueprint. Whoop-dee-doo, our long years of work are described in just one ridiculous sentence. Apart from blueprints, there is a lot of C++ code in the game, but it’s impossible to count all the handwritten lines.
10.   Instead of counting the lines of code, we decided to test the programmer's work in another way. We took a grinder, some pliers, and a magnifying glass, and calculated that the programmer had 1,071,020,491 dead neurons. Stress, comrades, and a lot of work.
11.   So many numbers. But what about our sales, popularity, money, and shares? Where did we get the money to buy a cruise liner for $79,411,764? Everything is much more complicated here. Nobody, especially our pride, will allow us to tell the exact numbers, but you can find this data in open sources. The range will be as thus: from 100 to 400 thousand players got the game in one way or another. In general, this range is quite close to reality, but it’s already difficult to calculate our earnings even for us. How many copies of the game were distributed to streamers, testers, and the media? How many were sold, in what period, at what price, and at what discounts? How many players requested a refund? How much in taxes did we pay? What were the stores’ fees, technology royalties, bank commissions? How much did we spend on advertising, programs, development, people? Who knows? Let's just multiply 400k players by $25 per copy and get $10 million and be happy rich guys! Woo, let's have a party! (By the way, even this is not enough to buy a liner =( )

Well, that's all. So much useless information. We’ve released the game, calculated all the numbers, so what's next? Well, now we have to complete all our work on porting the game to consoles and the release on them (we will announce the date of this separately), make the promised add-on to Breathedge (it’s free, small, and beautiful, like a ripe wombat), and perhaps, something else, but that’s not for certain. So it goes.

And as usual, you can send all your wishes, doubts, and demands, including more accurate calculations based on our incomprehensible figures, by mail or discord. We always read everything and draw our conclusions.

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Re: Breathedge
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2023, 12:02:27 AM »
Breathedge and the New Year
Wed, 27 December 202

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We have written a short news item and invite you to read it using the link below. Thank you very much.
Greetings, dear citizens. With this introduction we would like to mark a new milestone in the development of the world and our team.

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