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Author Topic: Aircraft Sharing (Shared Cockpit, Multi Crew)  (Read 6384 times)

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Aircraft Sharing (Shared Cockpit, Multi Crew)
« on: January 08, 2018, 03:15:04 PM »
Aircraft Sharing (Shared Cockpit, Multi Crew)

If you are planning on using shared cockpit, there is a little bit of configuration that is required. Whoever is planning on hosting, you will need to port forward the two selected ports in the Addon Manager. You will need to set an up to 8 digit password and click begin session. Configure your name, the IP you'll be connecting to, and the password in the connection options section. Once this is all done, enter the sim and click on the crew page, you can click on Pilot Flying or Pilot Not Flying to take on a pilot role. You can also just connect as an observer, but you will not be able to click anything other than the tablet.

How do I host an aircraft sharing (shared cockpit) session?

The basic steps to hosting an aircraft sharing session are outlined below.

1.Port forward 6881 and 6882 in your router settings (you can find articles on how to port forward with a quick Google search).

Note: You can forward any two ports, however if you use different ones than default, you will need to change the ones specified in the TFDi Design Addon Manager (see continued steps below).

2. Open the TFDi Design Addon Manager and click on the "Aircraft Sharing" tab.

3. Under the "Host a Session" section on the right, type a password that you and others will use to join the session. You can leave this blank if you do not want to password protect the session (not recommended).

4. If you forwarded different ports than 6881 and 6882 in Step 1, change these in the Port 1 and Port 2 textboxes.

5. If you would like users to be able to change their role to something higher than it is when they join (ex. pilot not flying can take control of the aircraft and become pilot flying), check the box next to "Guests can change their role".

6. Click the "Begin Session" button.

7. Click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the window (scroll down if needed) to ensure that these settings will be used next time the Addon Manager is opened.

As the host, you'll also need to join the session yourself (See below)

How do I join an aircraft sharing (shared cockpit) session?

The basic steps to joining your own or someone else's aircraft sharing session are outlined below. If you fly with the same person often, most of what is done in Steps 1-7 will remain fairly the same and only needs to be set up the first time.

1. Open the TFDi Design Addon Manager and click on the "Aircraft Sharing" tab.

2. Under the "Connection Options" section on the left, specify your name. If other users are in the session, they will see this name via notification text at the top of their simulator when you join the session.

3. If the host used different ports than 6881 and 6882, change these in the Port 1 and Port 2 textboxes on the left.

4. Enter the external IP address of the host into the "Host's IP Address" textbox on the left.

5. Enter the password in the "Host's Session Password" textbox on the left. This is the password that you or the host set when the session was created.

7. Click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the window (scroll down if needed) to ensure that these settings will be used next time the Addon Manager is opened.

8. Open your simulator and load the TFDi Design 717. If you had the aircraft loaded before making changes to the Connection Options in the Addon Manager, don't worry, as these settings are checked upon each connection attempt (reloading the aircraft is not necessary).

9. Click on the left or right tablet to activate the screen and click on the "Crew" app.

10. Click on one of the three buttons, "Pilot Flying", "Pilot Not Flying", or "Observer", to join the Aircraft Sharing server as your preferred role.

Note: The first person to join the server will always be forced to the "Pilot Flying" role. You can always change roles after joining by clicking on the role you want.

When you are done with your flight, you can disconnect from the session by clicking the "Disconnect" button in the Crew app.

Hosts External IP?
Type "whats my ip" in google to get your external IP.
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