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Author Topic: Star Traders: Frontiers  (Read 13883 times)

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2022, 11:57:46 PM »
Update #287: Arc Scanner Contact!
Wed, 12 January 2022

Upgraded ship comparison report, better repair times, new effects on Shielded Barracks

Happy new year and welcome to the first major update, #287. With the huge new wave of captains () joining us in the void over the winter holiday, we've focused this update on one of the major areas tripping those captains up -- with #287, we have a major upgrade for the ship comparison data in ship encounters as well as a few other minor display tweaks to help that screen flow better. We've also made another big step improving repair times and costs, added new effects to all Shielded Barracks and resolved a display bug with Engine fuel / AU shown in game.

Speaking of new, shiny, blaze -- if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. We've just launched the private alpha to over 1,000 players and the wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint
IsometricCRPGCyberpunkTactical RPGStealth
Coming Soon
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Relative Ship Comparisons
Update #287 has simplified the encounter text the top of the screen so it is more easily readable quickly and added the level next to the profession so you don't have to go digging for it, such as Smuggler (Lvl 6). In addition, we've included a note to players to check the ship report if they are considering a fight.

The ship comparison report has been improved to use relative comparisons to give the captain better data about what their ac scanners can pick up about the enemy ship. The comparison report warns about razor-thin margins in dice pools and reminds that a single buff can tip a pool upwards of 25% so even that kind of margin must be considered risky.

Once in combat, the hover over the enemy ship continues to update each turn and considers all buffs, ship damage and crew losses so you can get a continued feel for how things are going and know whether or not it's time to close or retreat and where your buffs or debuffs may be best applied.

Better Repair Cost/Time
Update #287 completes a project started on Update #285. This greatly reduces the cost and time to repair for some of the most expensive components in the game. Their high install cost was previously granting them a very painful repair duration and price.

For the modders, these fields (repair time and cost) from install cost, time and salvage value allowing easier control over these important aspects ship components.

Event Log Abbreviations
We also tweaked the event logs display of dates so that we could always keep all of the relevant data displayed. 3 yrs, 2 wks, 5 days would be "3 Years, 2 Weeks and 5 Days". Before #287, it would have simply dropped the days from the count which was causing confusion.

Improved Shielded Barracks
Shielded Barracks 3, 4, 5 and 6 have all received new bonuses that help protect the ship from Void and Radiation Damage, and some of them have had a small Shield bonus increase. This helps them find a better position within the meta compared to Reinforced Barracks

Engine Fuel / AU
We have made a display change (with no gameplay impact whatsoever
) to Void Engine's display of their Fuel / AU statistic. This has long bothered some captains who are closely watching their Water-Fuel that in real travel conditions, the Fuel / AU is always higher than was being posted. This change makes the Fuel / AU calculation correct and closer to real travel conditions. In most cases, it results in an additional +1 Fuel for the engine. However, there was no gameplay change, only the text in the display.

v3.2.25 - 1/12/2022
- Enemy captain level now visible from the main screen of ship encounter
- Improved ship comparison report (ship encounter, combat hover) to include relative comparison data (toss up, risky, dominant, etc)
- Reduced & Adjusted repair time and cost for many expensive components (high-end bridges, engines, launch bays)
- Corrected Fuel / AU rates for all engines to better match real world travel conditions (display only, no gameplay change)
- Improved Shielded Barracks 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Fixed display bug where reduction of repair time was not properly displayed (but correctly used, per event log)

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2022, 05:38:37 PM »
Update #288: Gather Round
Fri, 21 January 2022

Improved and smoothed out repair time curves and wrapped up some community-reported bugs

Star Traders, gather round the spice hall -- its Update #288.

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?
Earlier this month, we launched Cyber Knights: Flashpoint’s private alpha test for Kickstarter backers, following the same tried-and-true process we used for Star Traders: Frontiers. With a thousand players in the game now, development pace has picked up and we’re on the long march to release on Steam, so make sure you’ve wishlisted (and
followed!), or join us for behind-the-scenes discussion and development snapshots in our Discord.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Coming Soon 2022

Repair Time Rebalance
Over the last few updates, we've been updating the data schema for ship components to give us more fine-grained control over the cost and time consumed by repair. As this backend work has wrapped up, we've now made some wholesale adjustments to these values and rebalanced the time required to repair all ship components in the game. In general, repairs times should feel shorter, more predictable and less "spikey". As components increase in size (small, medium, large) and level (1-8 currently) and complexity (engines, bridges, salvage bays, launch bays, etc) the repair times increase but more within an expected curve than previously where some components simply came with astronomically high repair hours.

We've love to hear your feedback about it and will be returning to look at the credit cost ($$) of repair in a future update but this alone has gone a long way to help make repair a more predictable experience.

Finally, we have also put in a rule that -- regardless of any Talents or faction bonuses -- Repairs must always take at least 1 Turn.

For anyone who was counting Turns and worrying about the pace of story, this should be a boon as well!

Valencia and the Hunter
I don't want to spoil anything, but we fixed a story timing bug where Valencia might leave before "the Hunter" arrives. If you had this bug, you know what I mean. If you don't, good luck!

Fuel Range in HUD
After the fuel cost display adjustment in Update #287, the HUD could display the wrong AU Fuel Range. This has now been resolved and you'll now see a 100% sync between the displayed fuel range and fuel cost per AU throughout the game, engine displays and HUDs. Thanks to everyone pushing on this!

Ship Comparison Crash Fix
There was one case -- in which one of the two ships had no weapons installed -- that could cause the new ship comparison screen to crash. We've fixed this bug with #288 and apologies for the delay on that.

v3.2.27 - 1/21/2022
- Rebalanced repair time for all components, especially improving some Weapon Lockers, Railtraks and other peaks
- All repairs must always take at least 1 Turn
- Fixed issue where AU Fuel Range was misreported in the HUD
- Fixed story bug where in some cases, Valencia left before the Hunter arrived
- Fixed some ship designs could cause crashes with new ship comparison

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2022, 11:37:17 PM »
Update #293: Rapid Takedown
Thu, 7 April 2022

Auto-battle for crew combat, Red Badge goes to last resort, more barks!

Update #293 follows on after Update #300 (what madness is this, it's April Fools!) with a major quality of life upgrade for combat captains, a powerful balance improvement for mission runners, new content for the crew barks system and fixes for Blade Dancer and the Templar storyline. We're hard at work again, knocking off the major quality of life and rebalance requests from the community. If you are enjoying the improvements, please take a moment to leave a review, post some feedback or share our game with a friend.

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?
Earlier this year, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint’s private alpha test went live for our Kickstarter backers, following the same tried-and-true process we used for Star Traders: Frontiers. With a thousand players in the game now, development pace has picked up and we’re on the long march to release on Steam, so make sure you’ve wishlisted (and
followed!), or join us for behind-the-scenes discussion and development snapshots in our Discord.

When it comes time for the rapid takedown, we've made a lot of improvements over the last year to help combat captains play faster. An upgraded suite of keyboard shortcuts and the high speed combat option to skip animation and SFX have both helped. But compared to the newest Auto Battle option, these previous improvements are tepid spice beer compared to a heaping spice plate.

Auto Battle --

    Uses the same AI controlling the enemy to control your team
    Uses all your Talents, healing and attacks automatically
    Resolves combats very quickly, especially when combined with Fast Combat option
    Can win easily if you are in a commanding position
    -- if you outclass the enemy or you've already cleared half the enemy team, Auto Battle will help you mop up. If the enemy is a lineup of E-Techs and Navigators, Auto Battle can give you that rapid takedown experience.
    Should be used carefully in evenly matched combats where every decision counts
    . In closely balanced battles, Auto Battle will duke it out but will not be able to use your team's combat builds as optimally as you could.
    Can be quickly turned off - click the toggle to get control again
    Will never Surrender and always fight to the death
    Is not responsible for deaths to your team members -- Use at your own risk!

    Starts disabled with each new combat. To a void mistakes where Auto Battle runs the first few (woops!) turns of a xeno combat, it always starts disabled

Auto Battle always starts disabled and as soon as you engage it your team will take care of the rest. We recommend trying out Auto Battle option in a few safe situations -- when the enemy is down to 2 crew, when the enemy is far lower level than you, when your fighting mostly enemy ship crew boarding -- to see how it feels with your combat crew. The Auto Battle AI uses basically the same AI as the enemy, so it may not be able to use your combat crews optimally, may not buff in the order you like or may heal less than you'd chose to -- etc.

We're excited to hear your feedback -- especially from boarding-heavy captains -- to see how this helps and what we could do to further tune the Auto Battle AI.

Red Badge Priority Drop
With Update #293, Reputation mitigation Talents like the Diplomat's "Adept Mediation" or Spy's "Stealth Op" will activate before the Bounty Hunter's more generalist "Red Badge". This is a boon to captains who specialize in these skill-focused Talents, enabling you to save your Red Badge for a later mission step that might not have Stealth or Negotiation options.

The Bounty Hunter bearing an Edict has always been able to use Red Badge to reduce Reputation loss on any type of mission step in urban zones (not Exploring). Historically, it always went first. Many captains found this to be a disadvantage to the newer Rep mitigation Talents and we've finally caught up with the change that activates Red Badge always as a last resort.

Clarified Ritualized Retreat
We have fixed the description of the Blade Dancer's "Ritualized Retreat" Talent to be much clearer about what Black Market cards it can protect against -- that is, only cards that include "Cargo Lost" in their title specifically. It does not protect against encountering hostile security squads.

New Barks -- Thanks Twitch!
In a recent Twitch stream on our Twitch channel, Cory hung out and chatted and gathered awesome suggestions from the community to improve and add to the already huge set of barks in the game. Another 20 entries were added for specific Traits.

v3.2.37 - Rapid Takedowns
- Enabled hotkey and button to toggle auto-combat in Crew Combat (AI will resolve for you)
- Added button to toggle fast combat in crew combat
- Added 20 new barks for crew Traits
- Adjusted order of Mission Rep Loss mitigation Talents -- Blood Badge will run AFTER other specific Skill (Stealth, etc) Talents
- Corrected description of Blade Dancer's "Ritualized Retreat" Talent to only cover Cargo Lost cards
- Fixed bug allowing reclaiming (and then using) Templar gear

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2022, 11:14:41 PM »
Update #294: Stellar Rogues
Tue, 3 May 2022

Going Rogue Sale 35% off, stronger carrier meta, better dry dock, fixed wild auto-battle bugs

With Update #294, Star Traders: Frontiers joins the celebration of everything rogue-y on Steam with a 35% discount, improved carrier meta, better ship dry dock UI and improvements to the recently added auto battle option in crew combat. Thanks to everyone in the community for posting feedback and suggestions! Check out the full details below --

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?

We're recently back from Cyber Knights: Flashpoint’s demo stint on the floor at PAX East where we joined the PAX Rising showcase, a group of 12 indie dev's hand picked by the Penny Arcade team. With that exciting show behind us, we're back to the private alpha test for our 1,000+ Kickstarter backers and back on the long march to release on Steam. So, cyberpunk heist RPG lovers -- make sure you’ve wishlisted (and
followed!), or join us for behind-the-scenes discussion and development snapshots in our Discord.

Craft Meta Shift
With Update #294, we have removed the original (and confusing) rule that Skill points from Wing Jobs that involved getting into a craft -- such as Wing Leader, Bomber, Commado and Saboteur -- did not count toward the Skill pools to operate and run your capital ship. While this had some merit in the game's meta and balance, it is overly complicated especially in the case for Officers or Wing Bomber's Tactics Skill. With Update #294, we've removed the rule which is a net positive for carrier crew and craft -- the Skills of your craft pilots contribute to Ship pools like everyone else.

Better Dry Dock
When previewing a ship in Dry Dock or looking to install a new component within the ship starport, a ship now correctly displays its bonuses stack like +Accuracy %, +Escape Dice, etc. This is especially helpful when shopping for ships to get a clear idea of what types of bonuses are coming out of the gate with the hull and its default components.

We also fixed one reported crash while selling ships. Thanks to everyone reporting bugs!

Auto-Battle Fixes
A big thanks to everyone sharing feedback and posting bugs on the new Auto-Battle feature. We've now resolved the one class of bug that was reported -- that various movement Talents could feasibly move your own squad into the enemy ranks and just .... mess *everything* up! With this fix in #294, everything is looking clean for Auto-Battle to ride into the sunset and slay endless enemy combat crews!

Hideout Clarification
We've provided a much needed clarification to the Smuggler's "Hideout" Talent with this update -- specifically that this Talent only protects mission packages, prisoners and passengers and not regular cargo from search and seizure. Based on the discussion around this clarification, we've started looking into how we could add some of the other possibility -- hidden smuggler compartments -- that would actually hide illegal *cargo* from search and seizure. We'd love to hear you thoughts on this one!

v3.2.39 - 5/2/2022
- Boost for Carrier-meta: all Wing Jobs (Leader, Bomber, Commando, Saboteur, Tech) now contribute their skill pools normally to ship
- Ship Upgrade and Ship Dry Dock now correctly lists bonuses like +Accuracy and +Escape
- Fixed Auto-Battle issue with Talents moving your team forward or backward would push them into enemy lines
- Clarified description of Smuggler's "Hideout" Talent to be clear -- only protects mission items
- Fixed bugs with some modal dialogs crashing on double click
- Fixes issues with crash reporting

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2022, 09:52:23 PM »
Update #295: Navigating the Void
Mon, 16 May 2022

Improved tools for your navigation officers to plot routes through the void for missions, contacts and cargo

Update #295 focuses solely on UI improvements around a big part of any Star Traders job -- plotting routes through the void, from one quadrant to the next, sometimes running missions, sometimes seeking grav services and sometimes hunting deals on cargo.

These improvements all stem directly from requests here on the Steam boards, so thank you for posting them. Also, a big thanks goes out to everyone helping us share the game, leave a review or tell a friend.

The Hunna Snakes Rule!
challenge is in mid swing this month, so if you're looking for a new way to play and experience the void, this is a great way to test your limits --
Read on:
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2022, 11:08:29 AM »
Update #298: Who You Know?
Mon, 20 June 2022

Adding 4 new starting Contacts with awesome service and melee recruitment mix

Stemming from an excellent conversation on the Steam forums, Update #298 adds 4 new starting Contacts to help balance out the mix of starting Contact recruits and services. With these 4 new starting options, we've also addressed a number of requests and bugs posted by the community in the last week -- all rolling up into an exciting new release.

A huge thanks goes out to everyone posting on the Steam forums, sharing the game and leaving reviews. Your time and effort helps us keep developing and improving Star Traders: Frontiers as we near an exciting Update #300.

4 New Starting Contacts
Four new unlockable Contacts have been added with Update #298, adding more options for key servicesl like Combat Armor and filling in missing melee recruit options. If you dislike playing with unlocks, keep in mind that you can just play the modded version without any mods and skip unlocks altogether.

The Palace Guard (unlocked by Wraithful Corsair) is charged with defending palace visitors, royals and diplomats and can recruit Bodyguards, offer Introductions and has connections both for Edicts and Military Rank.

Cruising the underground with a pack of ruffians and an eager blade, the Smuggler Rover (unlocked by Salvage Contractor) is likely to rob those they don't respect. If you can earn their respect, they recruit Blade Dancers, offer the Black Market, sell Rare Trade Goods, and have some connections above-the-shadows that allow them to offer low level Permits.

Trained at the academy and hardened in fleet service, the Naval Doctor (unlocked by Pit Fighter V) has returned from their tour of duty and now works within the grav military. They can recruit Combat Medics, SellsArmor, Buy Intel and offer Military Rank as well.

The Retired Blademaster (unlocked by Master Adventurer) was once a deadly duelist or a revered Blade Dancer. Now, retired to their residence or school, eager fighters come to train at their feet or to hear the tales of their warrior days. The Retired Blademaster can recruit Swordsman, Sell Weapons and has their ear to th ground for Recruit Rumors.

Quality Updates
With Update #298, we've also ensured completed a few more tasks for the community:

    Hitting ESC and then clicking to go to the Main Menu always works, it only worked sometimes before
    The Hunna and Templar factions are always visible in the faction list
    The new Caliga Vindex (if you buy a new one!) has a better setup with the correct number of officer cabins.
    Fixed position of engine burner for some ships during Hyperwarp jumps -- we appreciate the reports!

v3.2.47 - 6/21/2022
- Added 4 new unlockable Starting Contacts
- Palace Guard (unlock Wraithful Corsair) recruits Bodyguards, offers Introductions, Discounts Fuel, Rank, Edict
- Smuggler Rover (unlock Salvage Contractor) recruits Blade Dancers, Black Market, Rare Trade Goods, Permit
- Naval Doctor (unlock Pit Fighter V) recruits Combat Medics, Sells Armor, Buys Intel, Rank
- Retired Blademaster (unlock Master Adventurer) recruits Swordsman, Sells Weapons, Recruit Rumors
- Hunna and Templar factions are now always shown in faction list
- Fixed issue with ESC > Quit to Main Menu not working in ship or crew combat sometimes
- Repositioned engine burners for some ships, including Longbolt, during Hyperwarp jumps
- Fixed too many Officer Cabins on Caliga Vindex
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2022, 07:29:34 PM »
Save 50% on Summer Sale + Update #299: Carrier Update
Sun, 26 June 2022

Summer Sale! And new starting carrier comes with Interdictor + Bomber, new Spice Hall Presser Contact type and more

It is a hot time of the year for sales, so sit down in the cool captain's chair in your air-conditioned bridge (you bought the AC upgrade, right?) and command your ship and crew across the icy void. Come one, come all, join us in Star Traders: Frontiers for the Steam Summer Sale. This is the best price you'll see
until Cyber Knight's: Flashpoint launches, so don't miss this one.

Update #299 is a major carrier update, releasing the first and only starting carrier, the mighty Shizari Huntress. This also opens the door for modders to add their own starting carriers if they please. We've also added a new contact, improved the orbital UI to make spotting Contact's easier and fixed a small pile of other things suggested by community members.

If you're enjoy the game, the pace of updates and all the free (299 updates ... no DLC ... wut?) updates, please remember to share the game with a friend and leave a review!

Our upcoming heist RPG is on the way!

Right now ~1,000 of the Kickstarter backers for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint have access to the game’s private alpha and are giving us great feedback as the game gets closer to Early Access. We also have some public demos on our roadmap for events coming up this fall. Make sure you’ve wishlisted and followed Cyber Knights for news and a special discount when it’s released!

Starting Carrier
When setting up a new captain, you can now start your game directly with the Shizari Huntress, a light-service carrier that bristles with long range weaponry as well as auto-cannons to augment its launch bay and dual hangar bays. This new priority (A) ship requires the challenging "Hunt the Hunter" unlock (or, you can play the modded version of the game without mods to skip unlocks entirely) but comes with an extra $60,000 of valuable craft installed in its hangars. The default configuration is a Wing Leader flying a Interdictor and a Wing Bomber flying a Bomber.

For modders, ship components have also gained a new field "defaultCraft" which can be used to indicate what craft a component should slot when its being used for a starting ship, and the matching crew will join the ship as well.

Spice Hall Presser
Hanging around the spice hall, the presser is an unforgiving type of Contact, rounding up potential Pilots and helping them find their way to a captain who needs more hands. The Presser offers Pilot recruits, discounts on Spice and direct access to the Black Market. With the 4 new Contact types added in the last update, this latest push has greatly expanded the ability to get access to all the different recruit types you might need directly from Contacts, where the highest recruit levels and best Attribute bonuses are available.

Contact Hover
When visiting a system's orbit screen, you can now hover over the Contacts icon over either of the zones to see exactly which Contacts are there. This can be especially useful on systems with 2 zones and multiple Contacts to avoid landing at the wrong spot.

More Fixes
As usual, we've got a pile of other fixes thanks to everyone posting daily here on the Steam forums:

    Resolved the text overruns that were showing up on some resolutions for the new starting Contacts added in #298.
    Fixed an unlock image for Specialty Acquisitions which was actually a ship but just showed a big ?.
    Improved the screen flow for selling Intel / Scientific Intel to match other Contact services (subscreen closes on use).
    Adjusted more engine burners to be bettered centered.
    Improved spawn rates for 4 new Contact types added in Update #298.

v3.2.49 - 6/25/2022
- Added new starting carrier ship Shizari Huntress (unlock "Hunt the Hunter") to (A) priority
- Light service carrier packs long range weaponry, auto-cannons and dual hangars
- Added new Contact type "Spice Hall Presser" who recruits pilots, offers spice discounts and Black Market access
- Contact hovers in system orbit screen list all Contacts by type and name
- Fixed text overruns for new Starting Contacts on some screen resolutions
- Fixed missing unlock image for Specialty Acquisitions
- Screen flow when selling Intel or Scientific Intel to Contacts matches pattern for all services
- Adjusted visual engine burners for Galtak and other ships during Hyperwarp jumps

-50%  £11.39  £5.69

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2022, 12:01:25 AM »
Update #301: Trader of Record
Thu, 25 August 2022

Rack up some huge profits with new trader and black market scores, visit new beautiful locales

Update #301 follows closely on the release of Wing Commando profession to fix 2 small bugs with the new Captain job as well as adding 6 new fun and competitive scores tracking your skill as a trader, a new option for easier play on laptops and PC tablets and 6 new art backgrounds for wilderness zones to make your time out of the void even more beautiful.

Our upcoming heist RPG is on the way!
Speaking of new, new new -- if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

New Exchange and Black Market Scores
With Update #301, we're prepping for an upcoming community challenge and so added 6 new exciting scores for traders and smugglers. Your Captain Scores page will now report on the number of trades you made in the Exchange and Black Market that were up to the $50,000 and $500,000 thresholds in value. Rack up a couple of those and feel like a rich any mighty trader.

In addition, the game is now tracking the value of your highest value trade in both Exchange and Black Market. Bragging rights activated -- make some hard earned credits and post up your scores!

Touch Screens Option
For those players who have a touchscreen where right click is not easily accessible -- such as those using Microsoft Surface, ultrabooks, or PC tablets -- we've now added a new option to make the game easier to run with only a touchscreen. In the options menu, you can enable "Touch Screen" option and then make sure that the "Touch to Navigate" option is set and you should be able to play with a stylus or a finger more easily.

Mountains, Wild and Remote
Update #301 adds another 6 new wilderness backgrounds for dangerous and remote environments -- desolate deserts, forgotten jungle clearings and towering mountain ranges. As you travel and explore the void, enjoy the new views.

Wing Commando Fixes
Wing Commando profession launched with a few small bugs! Sometimes, they were not allowed to take command of a shuttle and the game just kept insinuating that they lacked the training to handle the high g-force. Insulting! Now fixed.

Also, the Attributes from the Profession Trait were wrong, now also fixed!

v3.3.3 - 8/25/2022
- Added 6 new environment backgrounds for remote wilderness
- Added new Captain Scores to track highest value Exchange and Black Market trades of your career
- Added new Captain Scores to track Exchange and Black Market trades over $50K and $500K
- Added new option "Touch Screen" for desktop platforms with touch screens (Surface, etc)
- Fixed bug preventing Wing Commando from being put into a shuttle
- Fixed wrong Attributes for Wing Commando's Traits

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2022, 11:34:04 PM »
Update #303: Patchwork
Wed, 19 October 2022

Warming up with a small patch: new environmental artwork and tweaking Contact rules for better simulation

After a short break, we're back warming up the update train with Update #303 Patchwork. With a new environmental artboard and some adjustments to the Contact simulation, this minor patch gets things moving again with more to come.

The last community challenge -- Merchant Mogul -- has wrapped up and the team is prepping the next exciting chapter of those challenges, so stay tuned.

Thanks to everyone for the on-going support, sharing feedback and sharing the game!

New Art Board
We've added a new planetary artboard for the icy vastness of iceworld outposts. We've also tweaked and adjusted some of the recently added artboards for color and improved cropping.

Starting Contact Influences
WIth this update, we've tuned a number of Contact starting points for the betterment of the Contact ecosystem. The Retired Bodyguard and Racketeer Contacts have both had their starting Influence values reduced and their action pattern adjusted so that they are better at building Influence over time. On the other hand, we have increased the starting Influence for all Templar Contacts, including the Templar Militant, and also applied an additional Templar-only rule that slows their Influence pace changes, to reflect their Zendu ways.

v3.3.7 - 10/18/2022
- Added new 'Ice Outpost' planet artwork
- Fixed bug with 'Zendu Lineage' Trait
- Adjustment base influence for "Retired Bodyguard" & "Racketeer"
- Revised influence equations for Templar / Templar Militant

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2022, 11:20:53 PM »
Update #304: Sensor Array Seeking
Fri, 4 November 2022

New garden world outpost artwork, multiple new rank 5 components, ship repricing

As Update #304 installs itself into your local starport with some important component rebalances and a host of new high-level components to shop, we're also excited to share the November community challenge - it's a Pirate's Life (For Me!)

Check out the full details of the update below and a huge thanks to everyone sharing the game, leaving a review and posting feedback and suggestions onto the Steam boards.

Our upcoming heist RPG is on the way!

Right now ~1,000 of the Kickstarter backers for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint have access to the game’s private alpha and are giving us great feedback as the game gets closer to Early Access. We also have some public demos on our roadmap for events coming up this fall. Make sure you’ve wishlisted and followed Cyber Knights for news and a special discount when it’s released!

New Garden Outposts
The worlds of the Star Traders scattered across the quadrants are many, and we're excited to add two more art boards for landing zones to Garden world outposts.

Sensor Arrays Rebalances and Gain Lvl 5
With Update #304, we've revisited the catalog of Sensor Arrays and made some adjustments to ensure their progression is clearly expressed. Sensor Arrays provide more consistent bonuses across their progression from rank 1 to 4 and their installation and repair times are also correctly aligned with other small slot components.

In addition, a new 5th rank Sensor Array 5 has come online granting best in class Navigation and attack bonuses as well as and matched Electronics with Sensor Array 4.

The requirements for starports that can install Signature Dampeners have also been increased a bit as part of this rebalance.

Orbital Scoop 5
The estimates for all Orbital Scoop components were slightly too high and have been adjusted for this update. This should help prevent players from expecting more during fuel returned during Orbital operations. A good thing, now there is an Orbital Scoop 5 component that can provide the best in class scooping for your reduced fuel cost. Install a few of these for free ops!

Small Slot Medical Options
A new small slot Advanced Medical Chamber has joined the family and offers a superior +3 Medical Rating though it comes with neither Armor nor Shielding bonuses. The Shielded Medical Chamber now adds +2 Jump Cost to help keep it balanced within the small slot medical component options and keep it fairly weighted against the Reinforced Medical Chamber.

Advanced Hangar
In another win of a long run of wins for carriers, the Advanced Hangar Bay is now for sale in Thulun starports across the galaxy. Built for those captains looking to take an aggressive stance, the Advance Hangar Bay provides a place for a craft, bonus fuel and aggressive bonuses against enemy craft.

Ship Repricing
With the changes to components and all the adjustments to costs over the last few months, we've taken a moment to correct some ship prices. The Caliga Vindex has been raised to $2.1m credits and the Shizari Huntress has gained a much needed bump to $1.2m. These changes match up to the components installed on the hulls and ensure prize ship and resale prices provide fair values in the starport market.

v3.3.9 - 11/3/2022
- Added two new "Valley View" Garden World outpost images
- Added new component "Advanced Medical Chamber" (Size 1)
- Added new component "Sensor Array 5" (Size 1)
- Added new component "Orbital Fuel Scoop 5" (Size 2)
- Added new Thulun component "Advanced Hangar Bay" (Size 2)
- Added Hyperwarp Jump Cost to 'Shielded Medical Chamber'
- Rebalanced Sensor Array 1-4
- Fixed issues with Orbital Fuel Scoop Estimates
- Adjusted ship prices for 'Caliga Vindex' and 'Shizari Huntress'

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2022, 11:26:00 PM »
Update #305: Science to the Stars
Tue, 15 November 2022

New landing zone art work, new late-game story event with attached ship components, new unique Contact type

Welcome to Update #305, which adds new planetary artwork and a new set of late-game story events that further reward your story choices, show technological advancement in the factions and introduce unique components and Contact types.

We're also excited to share the November community challenge - it's a Pirate's Life (For Me!) - join in the fun and the silly hats!

Want more Trese Brothers sci-fi?

We always love seeing how many of you have pieced together the lore of Star Traders from the stories within, and enjoy the flavor of this universe your Captain is a part of. In our next game, we’re telling a very different sci-fi story but with the same depth we bring to all our worlds. Check out the dark-future feel of our upcoming cyberpunk heist RPG, and wishlist it today!

Post Consolidation / Dissension Tech Progress
On the far end of the Consolidation / Dissension Era, there is already a story event in which a specific faction -- based on your actions or inaction -- gains a new technology that enables a powerful and unique ship component. As the years grind by and you continue to ply the void, these research advances are now allowed to further progress and in time, a second story event will occur which further improves the ship component category where the faction focused their advances -- Alta Mesa on the Battle Bridges, De Valtos on ECCM Screen Matrix and Thulun on Interlocking Sensor Matrix. Each component is the pinnacle of its chain of components and worthy of their high price tag.

I'll skip further spoilers about the Era and the involved choices, but it is a new story event, ship component and even -- a new Contact type.

New Research Lead Contact
A new unique Contact will appear with the story event -- and this Research Lead has a great set of services, makes for a very powerful ally in a starport and recruits Pilots and a powerful secondary Job depending on the faction they are due to story choices. As some of the factions continue to develop their power centers around the Coalition, their research arms continue to break out ahead of the competition.

v3.3.11 - 11/24/2022
- Added new "Distant Glacier" Ice World outpost image
- Added story event post Consolidation / Dissension, further research progress for factions
- Meeting unique and powerful contact "Research Lead"
- Gain access to new high-level component based on Era choices
- Added new component: Alta Mesa stands to gain Battle Bridge 4
- Added new component: De Valtos can gain ECCM Screen Matrix 6
- Added new component: Thulun can gain Interlocking Sensor Matrix 6

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2022, 11:35:44 PM »
Update #306: Zucho Mil
Thu, 24 November 2022

New story event adds triple military alliance, raises Syndicate-House tensions, introduces new craft and orbital card

What better way to welcome a 30% off deal for Autumn Sale than to launch update #306! Yes, that's update 3-0-6. A huge thanks to the community on Steam and Discord. for all the feedback and help improving the game and welcoming new captains to the void. If you're enjoying the game and the pace of updates, please take a moment to share it with a friend and post a review!

With Update #306: Zucho Mil, we've added a new story event that will usually occur in the second half of the 3rd century AE and makes a new grade of craft available as well as adding a new orbital operation card.

What’s the latest on Cyber Knights?
Earlier this year, we launched Cyber Knights: Flashpoint’s private alpha test for Kickstarter backers, following the same tried-and-true process we used for Star Traders: Frontiers. With 1,000 in the game now, development pace has picked up and we’re on the long march to release on Steam, so make sure you’ve wishlisted (and
followed!), or join us for behind-the-scenes discussion and development snapshots in our Discord.

Zucho Mil-Accords & Grade 8 Craft
Following on other major Trade Alliance events, the Zucho Mil-Accords features a triple military Alliance event and usher in an era of grade 8 craft. These most powerful new craft to hit starports are available through Syndicate channels only as these factions harden their stance against the Great Houses and Clans late in the third century AE.

Visit De Valtos for the newest Frostburn VX6 interdictor, Cadar with the Poseidon heavy bomber and Rychart with the Swordbreaker XV shuttle for daring boarding operations.

New Risks Arise in Orbital
Late in the third century, it becomes more and more common for the factions to illegally deploy anti-ship mines in orbit to prevent piracy, protect salvage sites and try to ward off spies. Even those valiant militants patrolling to protect the void are at risk. The most famous of all types is the Zucho Anti-Ship Mine which begin to appear after the triple Alliance during certain types of Rumors including Terrox and Jyeeta Xeno rumors, Pirate and Solar War Conflicts.

In additional, some types of Rumors -- both good and bad -- have become less likely to be ended early during Conflicts. The chance of any card that reduces Rumor duration such as Salvage or Blockade of cards that can reduce Salvage and Quarantine Rumors is now reduced during Conflicts.

We've also addressed the recently reported crashes so a huge thanks goes out to everyone helping surface these issues.

v3.3.13 - 11/23/2022
- Added new story event -- Syndicate Zucho Mil-Accord -- which creates a triple military Alliance and releases grade 8 craft
- New Interdictor: Frostburn VX6 (grade 8; De Valtos)
- New Shuttle: Swordbreaker XV (grade 8; Rychart)
- New Bomber: Poseidon Heavy (grade 8; Cadar)
- After Zucho Mil-Accord, Zucho Anti-Ship Mines appear as Orbital Risks during Xeno, Jyeeta, Pirate and Syndicate Wars
- During Conflicts Orbital Rumors will draw 50% fewer Rumor Duration Reduction cards
- Minor performance improvements, fixed reported typos & crashes

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2022, 11:38:38 PM »
Update #307: Far From Home
Wed, 30 November 2022

New positive Trait Orbital Salvage card, rebalanced ship Meshes, Weaves, Coatings, rebalanced Water-Fuel Reclamation 4

Update #307 follows on the Zucho Mil-Accords with an addititional positive Trait reward card for Salvaging, updated rules for all Trait cards from Salvaging, rebalances to key components like Water-Fuel Reclamation and a new useful bonus for all Meshes, Weaves and Coating ship components.

Thanks to everyone sharing the game, posting to the forums and leaving a review as we drop this newest update.

Speaking of new, new new -- if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Extended Pirate's Life Challenge
We've been thrilled by the number of captains jumping into the Pirate's Life Challenge and have decided to extend it through January of 2023. To keep it spicey and dicey, we've added two new wrinkles for you to try out if you want to -- or just play it under the original challenge rules!

    Be a pirate against only a single faction. Pick one and be merciless.
    Be a pirate against everyone. Be an indie pirate and go after every faction. How will you make it when everyone is turned against you?

New Salvage Card: Far From Home
A new +5 Salvage card has appeared in Update #307, the "Far From Home" card grants a rare chance to gain a positive Trait from a short list of Traits that all improve Death Save, such as Durable, Lucky, Revenant and Life-Spark.

Also, for all other cards that add Traits, we have improved the rules for how they seek and find crew to give those Traits to as well as ensuring that in the case that Traits can't be granted (everyone has all the Traits!) then large XP bonuses are granted instead and the result text is more clear.

Coating, Weaves and Meshes
With Update #307, we've improved the position in the meta for 3 wide categories of ship component types: Coatings, Weaves and Meshes. These components now help buff either Radiation or Void Resistance, making them more useful to a wider variety of ships.

Water-Fuel Reclamation 4
A number of components have been repriced and rebalanced in Update #307 as we are taking a moment to sweep the ship component catalog, improve balance, pricing and progression as we prepare for future adjustments.

Water-Fuel Reclamation 4 now adds +18 more Water-Fuel (up to 48 now), costs 4 more fuel when jumping (up to 16 now) and adds +2 more Navigation skill pool (up to 4 now). It is a significantly more appealing component and a more viable step up from WFR 3 now.

Late Era Stories
Update #307 also fixed an issue that was identified by the help of some highly experienced captains. In games with far advanced dates that had completed the final story Era, a bug introduced by modding support could prevent certain sets of new storylines from starting in the game. This bug did cover the recently added Zucho Mil-Accords and the follow-on story event we added for Consolidation / Dissension in Update #305.

We also fixed a bug with the Research Lead contact added in Update #305 to fix the useless "Special Service" to a service offering Specialist Wing Gear.

v3.3.15 - 11/30/2022
- Improved trait-granting rules for "Impactful Expedition" Orbital Card
- Added new rare trait-granting card focused on Death Save Traits (+5 Salvage Reward Card)
- Hull Coating, Weaves and Meshes now grant some Radiation & Void Resistance
- Completely Rebalanced "Water-Fuel Reclamation 4"
- Repriced & rebalanced "Ferrochromium Plating"
- Repriced & rebalanced "Iridlaentine Weave-Coating"
- Fixed dead-end "Special Service" in Research Lead Contact to be Wing Gear
- Fixed bug preventing new stories from proccing into very old saved games beyond the last Era
- Minor platform support patches, fixed report crashes & text issues

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2022, 11:44:16 PM »
Update #308: Economics of Cloth
Tue, 6 December 2022

New Salvage gear, improved flows for clothing merchants, improved rules for Salvage Cards affecting Rumors

Update #308 adds 4 new pieces of gear you find in early-game Orbital Salvage and rebalances the life of the clothing merchant -- both regular Clothing and Luxury Clothing and increased the risks of Salvaging while Radiation Storms hover over the quadrant.

Thanks to everyone posting feedback, reviews and sharing the game with friends this wintery season. The Pirate's Life Community Challenge is still on-going so be sure to join up and we'll see you on the boards --

Early Game Salvage Loot
With Update #308, we've expanded the options for lootable items while Salvaging. These new items focus on survivability builds, increasing Armor, Fortitude and Initiative and are great starters but will likely be phased out by future purchases and discoveries during Salvage or stories.

The new items include the Tarbax Plate (+Armor, +Debuff Res), Penta Scale (+Armor, +Dodge, +Fortitude), Galbreth Bright (+Resilience, +Debuff Res, +Deflection) and Memret Scale (+Armor, +Init).

Economics of Cloth
The life of a cloth merchant has gotten more interesting with Update #308 as the flow of both regular Clothing and Luxury Clothing has seen overhaul.

There are minor and major changes to demand and production -- Farming zones are now major producers of Clothing while Industrial and Hi-Tech Orbitals have had minor increases to Luxury Clothing production. Population and Tradeway demand for clothing has increased. The voracious Luxury Population zones want Luxury Clothing even more than before.

And there are some new vectors altogether -- Hi-Tech Orbitals no longer manufacture Clothing and Tradeways are now interested in Luxury Clothing where they were not before.

And remember, all of these demand factors are scaled by the zone's Population, so the highly populous Lux Pop zones -- so seek out those large pop worlds for the best trade triangles.

Dangerous Salvage
Salvaging under dangerous conditions -- with disastrous Radiation Storms threatening on the horizon -- has become even more risky. Now, the "Reduce Duration" card which will slash the durations of other positive Rumors in the area savagely are even more likely to appear when you have Radiation Storm Rumors in the Quadrant. This is another way that the risk in Salvaging ticks up and that the local context is even more important to your choice of when and where to take these risks.

v3.3.17 - 12/6/2022
- Economy adjustments for Clothing, Luxury Clothing to improve trade flow
- During Quadrant-wide Radiation Storms, Orbital Rumors will draw 50% more Rumor Duraction Reduction cards
- Added 4 additional early-game Salvage loot items focused on combat survivability
- New Military Gear: Tarbax Underplate
- New Relic Gear: Penta Scale
- New Medical Gears: Galbreth Bright, Memret Scaling
- Minor performance improvements, fixed reported typos & crashes

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #29 on: December 25, 2022, 12:09:17 AM »
Update #309: Flashing Signals
Sat, 24 December 2022

Faster visibility into ship combat dice numbers, improved Garner Favor, more profit from Prize Ship Talents and more

Hey all, hope your quarters are cozy and your cargo holds full this season. For all our captains in the void, our gift to you is a fresh update, #309: Flashing Signals. This year, we've taken a trip through the community suggestions and feedback and cherry picked a number of great quality of life suggestions and balance improvements to help us prepare for the new year.

Thank you all for your support, feedback, posts, shares and reviews. We would not be here without all of you, so thank you, happy gaming and happy holidays!

Inline Combat Dice Results
Update #309 follows up on a great player suggestion to include the results of the dice rolls for movement, attack and boarding rolls inline in the on-screen display for each ship combat action. While all of this data is available in longform in the ship combat log, it is very helpful and educational to be able to see the numbers for the different actions flashing by. It immediately makes it far easier to get a sense of the tip of the balance and the sudden changes that a powerful buff or critical hit can have on the dice pools.

While the numbers flash by quickly, you can get the sense of the combat situation in a single series of salvos, seeing your own firing crew piling up 34+ successes on each attack and then enemy ranging from 19-28 gives you a strong sense of your own ability to land hits without having to dig through the full report of the combat log.

Merchant's Garner Favor
The Merchant's Garner Favor has long been a power Talent which yielded outside results rapidly -- granting a Reputation bonus up to your Negotiation Skill (!!) for a trade over $5,000. Previously, the balance on this power Talent was to cap its Rep gain once you hit positive 80 which reduces the overall usefulness of the Talent and targets it for Respec once it has outlived its usefuless.

With Update #309, Garner Favor has been rewritten to be useful more broadly. Now, featuring a 10% + Negotiation Skill chance to granting a Reputation bonus on a $5,000+ trade it no longer needs a cap and can be evergreen beneficial. In addition, the possible Reputation bonus is based on the size of the trade, with each extra $2,500 in profit yielding a potential Rep bonus point. While this can cap out around 20 Rep per trade, the low level Talent now has room to grow and be useful in the Merchant's long-term kit.

Prize Ship Talents Improvements
With Update #309, we've rebalanced Prize Ship Talents to improve their profitability. The spread of Talent results has increased allowing a wider range for more profit balanced against more Reputation damage. In all, the profit %s are up and the Reputation damage numbers are down, so Prize Ship Talents are more competitive even as we widen their results range within the set.

Ship Components Flagged
Those ship components which are faction specific now have their faction origin displayed prominently in ship status and in the starport screen when you are considering replacing components. This can help you differentiate between icons with the same component, remember which specialized components you have and generally speed up shopping and ship analysis. Thanks to the players suggestion this one!

v3.3.19 - 12/24/20222
- In Ship Combat, results of dice rolls for move, escape, boarding and attacks are shown in results
- Rebalanced Merchant's "Garner Favor" to use 10% + Negotiation chance to gain Rep Bonus, removed cap on Rep
- Improved balance and profitability of prize ship talents, wider range of results enabling high profit or no Rep loss
- Faction flags are now shown over ship components in all instances (ship status, starport ship layout, etc)
- Clarified that reductions in Hyperwarp Jump time can never exceed 50%
- Fixed crash in Auto-Battle for crew combat if character carried Sniper Rifle and trained AOE Talent
- Fixed HUD overlap issues on iOS devices with white bar

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