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Offline Asid

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Star Traders: Frontiers
« on: November 29, 2017, 04:42:23 PM »

You are the captain of a starship venturing through a massive open universe. Customize your crew and take command at the helm of your very own ship as you explore an galaxy torn apart by internal strife, alien threats, and political intrigue.

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Command your ship and crew as a space pirate, merchant, bounty hunter, and more in Star Traders: Frontiers – an epic space RPG from Trese Brothers Games. Venture forth into a massive open universe, rich with adventure and the lore of the Star Traders. Choose your path by assembling and commanding your custom crew and spaceship in a constantly evolving galaxy torn by internal strife, political intrigue, and alien threats. Will you fly as a pirate terrorizing shipping lanes, join the solar wars as a military captain, or track targets across the stars as a fearsome bounty hunter?

•   Explore a rich, open universe: Discover endless procedurally-generated galactic maps, meet unique characters, and take on enemies to conquer the galaxy!
•   Become an intergalactic captain: Take on the role of a spy, smuggler, explorer, pirate, merchant, bounty hunter, and more (21 jobs total)!
•   Customize your own spaceship: Choose from more than 300 upgrades and build your very own vessel to venture across the vast reaches of space.
•   Assemble and tailor a loyal crew: Assign talents and equip specialized gear for every spaceship crew member.
•   Experience an ever-changing narrative: Decide to make friends or foes with other factions and influence political, economic, and personal vendettas.
•   No Second Chances! classic roguelike features including autosave, character permadeath (higher difficulties only), procedural maps and extraordinary replay

First there was the Exodus – when survivors of a great war left the ruins of the Galactic Core behind in search of a new home in the stars. Scattered worlds were claimed on the fringe of the galaxy. Each pocket of survivors held on to an isolated set of worlds while trying to rebuild under the great law of Shalun. Three centuries later, technology has brought them back together again. Discovery of the hyperwarp has bridged what was once an unimaginable distance between far-flung colonies, long-lost families, and political factions.

With that reunification has come great economic prosperity. The hyperwarp reestablished the transportation of cargo, goods, and technologies between the quadrants – but it has also brought great strife. Political rivalries have been rekindled, blood has been shed in age-old feuds, and the fires of war have been stoked. Amidst the political infighting, a ruthless revolution is rising – and the fervent explorers of the hyperwarp have awoken something that was better left asleep.

Our very first game, Star Traders RPG, took hundreds of thousands of gamers on an interstellar adventure. Star Traders’ success and overwhelmingly positive reception helped to launch Trese Brothers Games. It was the adventures of our community’s star-crossed captains that put us on a trajectory to share more of our worlds, ideas, and dreams.

We set out to capture the loneliness, bravery, and camaraderie of people living together in a spaceship sailing across the stars. It is with great pride that after releasing four other games in the Star Traders universe, we’ve created a sequel to the original Star Traders RPG.

Step onto the bridge of your starship, take to the stars, and create your own story in Star Traders: Frontiers.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 11:43:34 PM by Asid »
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2017, 04:02:09 PM »
Early Access Dev Roadmap

Two weeks ago, we opened the hyperwarp gates and let the first wave of Captains come rushing headlong into the galaxy. Ever since, we’ve been neck deep in feedback, suggestions, bug fixes and all the high priority things that need immediate attention. While we are still swimming in that soup, we have our heads above water again and are looking forward to the Dev Roadmap we designed for Early Access with all the expansions and excitement.

We are sharing the Roadmap to give everyone visibility into the scale and scope of our Early Access plans and how we intend to turn those plans into game play reality. This Roadmap will help us all focus and look to a bright future for the quadrants!

Relentless Update Schedule
Just as the void is relentless and merciless, so too will we be with updates. Star Traders: Frontiers has been released for exactly 14 days and we have released 7 updates with new content, balancing, UI improvements and fixes. We plan to hammer updates constantly and consistently as we march through our development roadmap. Some projects decide to take a slower-but-larger update schedule, we want to keep Star Traders: Frontiers time in Early Access lively, in motion, and constantly improving. So, post your feedback and watch the updates roll!

Major Milestones
We’ve broken the Roadmap down into content expansions and major version milestones. In the content arena we expect continual expansion. For example, we’ll be adding a steady flow of new ship types over the course of development -- we have already added 3 new ones in the first 7 updates. These content adds will be a continual drip of new, fun stuff to enjoy.

The major version milestones are for features released in chunks, generally focusing on hitting each major element or story expansion as a big block. Still, we will be relentlessly adding and not waiting 3 months for a giant bomb of an update.

As we move through these milestones, Star Traders: Frontiers will edge closer and closer to full launch status, which we expect to be version 3.x and beyond.

We’d love you to start discussions on the boards about the features listed on the roadmap -- we’re here and happy to answer questions!

Finally, we’d like to give a big shout out to all of KickStarter backers who supported us and pushed us to create Star Traders: Frontiers! We could not have gotten here without you!

« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 04:15:03 PM by Asid »
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2017, 05:02:16 PM »
Update #9: Platforms and Progress

Calling all Captains!

Another update sings out across the Hyperwarp. Join us!

We talked about our long term roadmap in our last update and tonight we have an important Quality of Life and stability release. We're trying to get these out of the way so we can move on with the UI updates and v2.1 features.

Mutation Updates
A hot-topic on the Steam forums, Trait mutation determines how your Crew's Traits change and drift over time based on the Captain's actions. We've been collecting feedback and metrics about these mutations and v2.0.21 includes some updates you've suggested. This should help improve some obvious problems (too much Merciless!) and smooth out some of the progressions.

We are actively looking for ideas for additional Trait mutations ("Maybe if you Increase Salary in Mutiny it could cause Greedy?") and welcome discussions about anything confusing or not-fun happening with Traits.

Balance and Mechanics
We are grinding away at improving mechanic transparency and improving balance. This update includes a few fixes here like correctly displaying the risk and reward percentages in the Explorer game. This patch also addresses some Talent issues you've pointed out on the Steam Discussions board. Thank you for those!

Platform Support
We are continuing to work towards better support for all our platforms, improved feature parity and boosted performance for all. This release includes some draw optimization and icons for Win32, addition of mouse-hover support in Linux and better pointer / hover performance in Mac OS X.

v2.0.21 - 11/29/2017
- Win32: Improved Taskbar and Window Icons
- Linux: Added mouse hover support, Improved 3rd Button
- Mac OS X: Improved mouse hover performance
- Fixed Merciless Trait Mutation Rate
- Fixed Malcontent + Loyal Trait Mutations
- Improved display of Risk and Reward factors in Explore/Spy/Blockade/Patrol
- Improved balance of Secrets Unbound Talent - now fires on landing
- Balanced cost of Retrain in Credits for Hard, Brutal, Impossible
- Fixed Missions showing multiple options in landing or orbit
- Fixed cooldown issue with Welcoming Conscription
- Fixed issue with repeat completion of Stash missions
- Fixed crew combat duplicate selection bugs
- Reworked Richness Scale on Wild Zones
- Promotions now consume 1 turn (Edict/Rank/Permit)
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 02:30:43 PM »
Despite a little unwillingness, i bought this game.

Unfortunately i've only played it for 2 hours ( i had to sleep )

But my impressions are:

Good game, some RPG and Rogue Like Elements.
Nice 2D graphics (there is no 3D at all, only hand-worked graphics)
You have a decent crew size according to the ship scale.
Lots of good to trade.
Some minigames (luck + cards)
Good lvl of character customization.

Organize your crew uniforms and skills might be a little tiring
The factions aren't interesting and have poorly creative names (IMAO)
The UI is simple, but could be a little more complete with details such as point-to-show-info.
No audio in dialogs
Things seems to be a bit linear if you decide to work more oriented to the factions.
Price seems a bit salty for the game's current level of development.

OVERALL: A nice game, good to buy with some discounts.
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Archtung Panzer!

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2017, 12:57:16 AM »
Hi Selva

As you know, the game is in early access. The devs are very good at listening to the community. They are passionate about there games  :thumbsup
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 12:58:37 AM »
Update #12: Engage Void Engines!

Captains, gather round the spice plate and let us talk. There is much news to share as we roll out update #12: Engage Void Engines! We're picking up pace with the speed of improvements now, hammering out some really good additions, fixes and balances with the growing strength of our community and the incoming feedback.

We've got some hot topics that are receiving attention tonight! We couldn't do this without your feedback so please keep leaving reviews and posting to the boards!

Rep Visibility and Balance
Your Reputation with other factions has a constant impact on your ability to access key grav services -- fuel, spice, repairs. Throughout the game, we've updated the service icons (blue wrench spice crystal, fuel tank) to indicate when they are at a location where hostile officials will deny the service. In the first screenshot of the update, you can see that the Steel Song will deny my Captain the opportunity to refuel at their starports.

As we continue balancing, we're looking hard at the AI that drives each type of captain type (Pirate, Merchant, etc) as well as how each Faction modifies those AIs and the additional impacts that Conflicts can have. This release includes a noticeable change in the behavior of Smugglers and Merchants, who will no longer dip below -3 Hostile -- meaning they no longer appear with the only option of Fight or Surrender.

Continued Combat Balance
Ship Combat balance is something that will take many iterations. We are improving and testing and improving and testing. This release includes some new rules to prevent Engines from taking multiple hits during a single round of combat -- a possibility that happened too often and is one of the causes of sudden-engine-death.

We've also improved the balance of some of the defensive components, giving each a better defined role with less overlap.

Contact and Atlas Improvements
The contact and atlas screens got major improvements in this update. On the Atlas, you can now see extensive details about any visited zone, including all the resources that it buys and sells. Contacts listing is better annotated and includes the system name where they reside as well as the economy type of that system to facilitate quick trading decisions while visiting allies.

Of course, hovers all around! Another 25+ tooltips have gone into the game across the screens and more will be coming.

We fixed a bug that was hiding the Arbiter storyline as well as some lingering crew combat freezes and odd dot position placement for Talents like E-Suture.

v2.0.31 - 12/11/2017
- Zone Service Icons are Reputation Aware (Map, Hovers, Atlas, Orbit, Details)
- Reduced Merchant and Smuggler Hostility in Ship Combat - no longer attack
- Improved Contact Detail Lists (Zone, Traits, Services, Location, Links)
- Improved Star Atlas: Lists Goods Bought / Sold for Zone Econ
- Improved Star Atlas: Added time since last worldfall
- Improved Star Atlas: Rep Aware Icons, Hovers
- Improved Ship Combat balance to avoid "rolling hits" hitting Engine multiple times in one turn
- Rebalanced Defensive Upgrades: Reinforced Structures, Deflector Array, Armored Bulkheads
- Eliminated Xeno encounters during first approx 500 turns in Orbit, Landing and Travel
- Fixed crew combat freeze when trying to use buff on enemy
- Fixed issue with target position dots for friendly Talents like E-Suture
- Clarified effect of Bandit Trait
- Added 25 new mouse hovers for traits, skills, zones, buttons
- Weak Contact Links (< 10 Power) now have 50% chance to decay
- Fixed issues with Arbiter storyline not appearing
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2017, 01:50:14 PM »
Update #13: Sharpen the Blade

A huge thanks goes out to all of our Captains for your generous feedback, suggestions and bug reports. The lively and engaging community here, on our Discord and across all our channels is dumping more Water-Fuel into our metaphorical Void Engines. Order another round of spice beer, because we've got more updates!

Before launching into the fun, I hope you'll take a minute to share STF with a friend and leave a review. We promised a relentless pace, and we're burning the engines hot to deliver. Many thanks for helping to share the game.

Boarding Talents and Crew Select
A significant balance change is included in this release for Boarding Talents. While in the past, only the Boarding Talents for the 4 crew members who boarded the enemy ship were available on victory, we've opened this up to a wider crew selection if you are at Range 1. In this case, any crew member on the ship can use a Boarding Talent, giving much more utility to the Mechanic and E-Tech Talents. Of course, you do have to close all the way to range 1, so get your Twitch Surge ready, boarders!

You can still board with Talents like the Gunners and Bounty Hunters from farther ranges, you only your 4 boarders can use Boarding Talents.

We've updated the crew selection screen based on player feedback to get the HP and Morale bars visible for the selected crew, making choices to swap out easier when you have wounded among the auto-select set.

Curve Smoothing
In a few areas with this release, we've smoothed out the curves or cut down on RNG. Travel events in the early game have been smoothed out to be significantly less impactful. We've also removed RNG from the healing Talents, which were causing some reports that they were not working.

Polish til It Shines
We've rebuilt the dialog showing details on a Quadrant in the Quadrant map as well updating the main status screen in prep for the upcoming ship component and upgrade UI rebuild. The on-going war for tooltips continues, and we've pushed in 16 new ones into the status screen stack. We are moving on toward new game now and will be annotating those screens to the dickens.

v2.0.33 - 12/13/2017
- Boarding Talents of any crew member can be used at Range 1, not only Boarding Combat Team
- Health and Morale visible while selecting crew for combat
- Improved presence of alert dot on Spice Hall, reliably there when spice is needed
- Improved Quadrant map dialog UI
- Fixed bugs with Terrifying Extortion Cargo
- Added support for 1280x720 windowed mode
- Smoothed balance curve for travel events in early game
- Removed RNG from Talent-based sources of Crew healing
- Fixed issues with "Treat Wounded" Ship Combat Talent
- Fixed issues with multiple instances of "Rough Interrogation"
- Fixed issue with Sharp Counter Talent allowing player or enemy AI to take back-to-back turns
- Increased Shielding for Fidelis Cutter, Paladin Cruiser
- Fixed bug preventing Ship Shielding from displaying correctly outside of combat
- Fixed issue with Armored Bulkheads 3 and 4
- Improved main status screen, added 16 new hovers
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2017, 01:51:58 PM »
Update #14: Unchain the Ships of War

In the first month of Early Access, our understanding of the balance of combat, the ships of war and the captains who command them has come forward by leaps and bounds. Seeing saved games, analytics, watching streamers, chatting with players and discussing on the Steam forums has -- as we knew it would -- helped us hone in on a series of major combat balance updates!

Before hitting the specifics below, let me ask that if you like our relentless pace of updates (14 meaty updates in a month!), please leave a review and tell a friend about how the Star Traders: Frontiers early access!

Without further adieu --

Enemy Captain, Officer and Crew
With the Unchained update, we have released all new enemy strategies into the game and updated all of the existing routines. This includes the enemy ship building engines as well as the AI to build captains, their officer corp and their crew. Captains will build more focused officer sets around their profession, as well as driving better crew allocations for their type of ship. Overall, we've rebuilt the foundation of what makes up an enemy crew. From here, we will be continue to work on improving the AI's ability to perform better at a variety of ranges, make more challenging tactical decisions, use a better variety of Talents and stop repeat stacking certain Talents.

On top of adding new smarts, variety and tricks to the enemy AI builder, we've added some rebalance, improvements and increased variety to the cargo holds of other ships traveling the Quadrants. Rumors relating to Merchant Fleets have been majorly increased as well.

+5 New Ships!
With new ships launching across many of the major Mass thresholds, this update almost increases the ship catalog by 30%. Including 3 new ship visual designs, these new models expand both the player and enemy captain's ability to build unique, different vessels for war, trading, spying or more.

We are continuing to work on our plan to add further differentiation to the ship hulls. More on that will be coming a bit down the line, but for now we're getting this new bevy of ships out to both your Captain and the AI's Captains!

Rumor Boosts
An equal number of risk and reward rumors have been buffed up for this release. Watch out for storms of all sorts, but revel in the riches of Artifact Find and Merchant Fleet.

In other news, we've added new wiki pages, fixed a bug that was causing Suppressing Fire and other knock-back Talents to steal turns, fixed the update routine for the service icons on the map and resolved all the reported crashes in the last release! The two man team here is working around the clock for big updates -- so enjoy and thanks for your feedback, reviews and shares.

v2.0.35 - 12/16/2017
- Reworked enemy Officer generator and Captain builder
- New Ship Artwork: Predator - Gold
- New Ship Artwork: Dreadnought
- New Ship Artwork: Warcruiser
- New 3400 Mass Ship: "Strikecruiser"
- New 5000 Mass Ship: "Solar Predator"
- New 5000 Mass Ship: "Paladin Defender"
- New 6000 Mass Ship: "Vengence Class"
- New 8000 Mass Ship: "Warhammer Class"
- New Ship Components: Hull Shielding, Battle Prow, Reinforced Officer Cabin
- Repriced Ship Components: Bridge, Cargo, Defensive
- Rebalanced Ship Components: Medical Chamber, Medical Bay, Hospital
- More Cargo Variety for Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Pirates, Explorers, Xeno
- Adds support for more variable types and quantities of looted cargo
- Map markers (contact, mission, refuel, etc) now refresh
- Fixed issue with knock-back crew combat Talents (Supressing Fire, etc) stealing enemy's turn
- Rumors: 100% Increase in impact of 'Merchant Fleet' on cargo generator
- Rumors: Artifact Find Boost Increased by 50%
- Rumors: Better modifies power of Radiation Storms by difficulty (+30% on Impossible)
- Rumors: Boosted power of Ion and Meteor Storms on all difficulties
- Talents: Fixed issues with Ion and Radiation Storm Talents
- Fixes some bugs with score keeping on 'Crew Killed' scores
- Adds Wiki page for 'Contact Traits'
- Fixed issue with Retrain pricing
- Fixed issues with System counts in Galactic Map
- Fixed Crashes with Rumors, Contacts, Atlas Filters
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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2019, 12:58:21 PM »
Battling the Jyeeta Carrier

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2020, 01:42:05 PM »
New desert art
19 May 2020

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2021, 11:22:29 PM »

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2021, 11:45:28 PM »
Update #279: Lucrative Risks
Sat, 18 September 2021

Improved confiscation rules, better Battle Barracks, easier to spot Trade Bans and more

Update #297 brings another round of improvements directly from the community as we continue our patch and improve drive following the big Steam Workshop mod release. After we clear this backlog of balance, QOL and improvement issues we'll be moving back to larger chunks of content and story additions. For now -- buckle up, more coming!

Next up from Trese Brothers
You may have heard our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is on its way to Steam in 2022. A turn-based cyberpunk RPG, Cyber Knight's features XCOM-like combat and a unique heist system for missions ... you don't need to hear more? Okay, just smash that Wishlist button!

A tactical heist RPG, in an original cyberpunk setting ten years in the making. Build your team of hackers, mercs and thieves wisely; their stories will become interwoven with your own. Use powerful cyberware, shady connections, stealth, hacking and more to rise in the neon-soaked future.

Trade Ban Visibility
With Update #279, we've adjusted the ordering and text color for Trade Ban and Trade War warnings to ensure that they are front and center and your merchant captain can't miss them when making decisions about going through with a trade. As always, a huge thanks to the community members helping to post feedback and improve the game.

Ship Encounter, Bribes and Confiscation
We've updated the rules for surrendering to military ships that may check your cargo holds for illegal goods and confiscate if you fail to have valid permits. There is now a possible small Reputation loss if you are carrying goods that will be confiscated. This loss can be offset if you are carrying goods that *are* legal with a permit. No matter how much you might be carrying, the Rep penalty cannot exceed 2.

We've also fixed the Bribe offering for Independents which had been lost in the latest update -- including the key fact that Indies have no stored Reputation and therefore you can never lose Rep with them.

Game Menu Ship Combat Additions
We've enabled the ability to pull up the game menu with during the major screens in ship combat -- including during a ship encounter and mid-ship combat. This can help you drop out of the main menu without killing the game completely. Notably, Options and Save Slots are not available in these contexts. We'll keep working to make this menu access global and getting it into key places where it is still missing (crew combat).

New Shiny: Battle Barracks
The Battle Barracks line has received an upgrade to help encourage ship combat captains to consider them worth their price (which has also gone up!). With new Armor, Shield and Void Res, these protected crew quarters are even more valuable to captains willing to pay the price and longtime cost to jump cost.

More Balance and QOL
For those Salvage cards that included double combats, we've adjusted the language to be clearer, stating "back-to-back" combats to be sure you know just what you are risking when you make the roll.

During and after the Jyeeta Era, we've retuned the appearance of the feared Jyeeta Maeledictor to make sure it retains its boss status among other Jyeeta enemies.

For the Modders
With Steam Workshop being quite busy, we're still working to expand the possible footprint of mods. With this update, we've added some key new capabilities, allowing modders to start to adjust specific limits in the game -- raising max character level, job level. Also, we're enabling adjusting important combat rules and thresholds -- allowing for the change of Init cost to move, morale break or being Stunned as well as the maximum Armor and Shield ratings you can achieve with components and buffed. We're very excited to see what the community will cook with this new support!

v3.2.5 - 9/17/2021
- Improved Trade Ban warning (location, icon, red text)
- Lose up to 2 Rep when illegal cargo is seized, offset by legal permit-protected cargo
- Fixed Bribe option text for Independents to be more clear
- Added a Game Menu in Ship Combat, Combat Preamble
- Reduced spawn rate of "Jyeeta Maeledictor" in mix of Jyeeta ships
- Increased Price of Battle Barracks, Added Armor, Shields and Void Res
- Clarified "Xeno Assault" Salvage card to be clear it is 2 xeno combats back-to-back
- Better differentiated stats for the Trident DX9 and Blackhall Ultra Small Craft
- Modders can now change max character level, job level, Init costs of Stun, Morale Break, Move and Max/Buff Max of Shield/Armor

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2021, 11:59:33 PM »
Update #285: Two Day Shift
Wed, 8 December 2021

Quick results from our end of year survey brings a wave of Quality-of-Life

As we've gathered input from all our players in our year-end survey that we put out last week for Star Traders: Frontiers, we've pulled together a quality-of-life release to address some of the community posted issues and rough spots. Thanks to everyone posting reviews, feedback, for filling out the Google Form survey and for helping us share Star Traders: Frontiers!

Speaking of good things coming-- if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. The wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Furthered Armor Meta
We've further improved the power of the armor meta with Update #285, allowing the component types like Hull Plating and Armored Bulkheads to continue to use their high hit percentage to soak damage even after they have crossed the 60% damage threshold. This means your armored components continue to provide that extra layer of protection even after they have drawn the first waves of damage to themselves.

Exact Job Rank Bonuses
In the Jobs screen, it has always taken a little bit of math to figure out the exact bonus granted by a new rank of a Job -- you had to look at the new (total) bonus and find the difference from the current (total) bonus. We've updated the screen to specifically list the bonus from the Job rank in isolation as well as the total bonus.

Star Atlas Rumors
The Star Atlas can now search System Rumors as well as Planet Rumors by name -- so searches like "Pirates" or "Ion Storm" or "Medical Station" will turn up results. We've also fixed the logic on the searchable objects to prevent Rumors you don't know from being searchable (sorry!)

Scrolling Issues
We've fixed some longstanding bugs that were preventing mousewheel scrolling in the Mission Offers and Missions List screens. If you see other screens in the game that are resistant to scrolling please report them and we'll get them fixed right up!

In the Jyeeta Brood Era we've added a few clarifications to the dialog in the final mission -- specifically some notes about healing Templar mechs and fixing the dialog that could be confusing about when the boss fight is about to occur.

We fixed 2 exploration missions -- Survey Tour and Forgotten Secrets which had issues with the order of steps you could complete.

We fixed a big typo ... Phase Infectors is now Phase InfLectors :D

For the Modders
We adjusted the default values read from the data.ShipEffect table so that the new Radiation Bonus and Void Bonus fields always come out at 0 instead of -1. Up next for modding, we're going to be making the rules for starport repair times and the new armor meta available to mod and see what modders want to spin up!

v3.2.19 - 12/7/2021
- Armor/protection focused components increase chance of being hit even when over 60% Damage, increasing their value to soak component damage even more
- System Rumors are now searchable from Star Atlas, hidden Rumors no longer search
- Improved Job screen to list the exact bonus from next job rank (+1 Tactics) as well as total (+3 Tactics, +4 Gunnery)
- Added note in dialog that Templar Mechs cannot be healed by your healing Talents
- Clarified story dialog in Avengent storyline that confused a penultimate battle for the final boss fight
- Fixed mousewheel scrolling in Mission List and Contact Mission Offers screens
- Fixed typo where "Infector" => "Inflector"
- Fixed "Forgotten Secrets" and "Survey Tour" missions

- Ship Effect values all default to 0, such as new Void Bonus and Rad Bonus (reduces need to update)

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2022, 11:46:07 PM »
Quick Patch
Wed, 5 January 2022

Fixing one crash with missions and odd hull repair times

Happy New Year and welcome all new captains! We're pushing out a quick patch today to fix a crash with pinning the mission list and an oddity causing the repair times of hulls to be near random. Both bugs were accidentally introduced in release .19 and .21 and we wanted to get them fixed as so many new captains are piling in this week.

We'll be back to regular updates in a week or two, we've just launched the private alpha for our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint and are getting that going before returning to the ST:F roadmap.

v3.2.23 - 1/5/2022
- Fixed random, long repair times with ship hull
- Fixed crash with pinning Mission list

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Re: Star Traders: Frontiers
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2022, 11:30:45 PM »
Update #286: Arc Scanner Contact!
Wed, 12 January 2022

Upgraded ship comparison report, better repair times, new effects on Shielded Barracks

Happy new year and welcome to the first major update, #286. With the huge new wave of captains () joining us in the void over the winter holiday, we've focused this update on one of the major areas tripping those captains up -- with #286, we have a major upgrade for the ship comparison data in ship encounters as well as a few other minor display tweaks to help that screen flow better. We've also made another big step improving repair times and costs, added new effects to all Shielded Barracks and resolved a display bug with Engine fuel / AU shown in game.

Speaking of new, shiny, blaze -- if word hasn't trickled down from the tippity top of the New Boston spires, leaked below the streets and drip-drip-dripped into your safehouse, we're here to tell you about our upcoming turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG. Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be coming to Steam in 2022 and mixes stealth, hacking and tactical combat with deep RPG elements and a unique heist system for missions. We've just launched the private alpha to over 1,000 players and the wishlist button is calling your name, Knight.

Relative Ship Comparisons
Update #286 has simplified the encounter text the top of the screen so it is more easily readable quickly and added the level next to the profession so you don't have to go digging for it, such as Smuggler (Lvl 6). In addition, we've included a note to players to check the ship report if they are considering a fight.

The ship comparison report has been improved to use relative comparisons to give the captain better data about what their ac scanners can pick up about the enemy ship. The comparison report warns about razor-thin margins in dice pools and reminds that a single buff can tip a pool upwards of 25% so even that kind of margin must be considered risky.

Once in combat, the hover over the enemy ship continues to update each turn and considers all buffs, ship damage and crew losses so you can get a continued feel for how things are going and know whether or not it's time to close or retreat and where your buffs or debuffs may be best applied.

Better Repair Cost/Time
Update #286 completes a project started on Update #285. This greatly reduces the cost and time to repair for some of the most expensive components in the game. Their high install cost was previously granting them a very painful repair duration and price.

For the modders, these fields (repair time and cost) from install cost, time and salvage value allowing easier control over these important aspects ship components.

Event Log Abbreviations
We also tweaked the event logs display of dates so that we could always keep all of the relevant data displayed. 3 yrs, 2 wks, 5 days would be "3 Years, 2 Weeks and 5 Days". Before #286, it would have simply dropped the days from the count which was causing confusion.

Improved Shielded Barracks
Shielded Barracks 3, 4, 5 and 6 have all received new bonuses that help protect the ship from Void and Radiation Damage, and some of them have had a small Shield bonus increase. This helps them find a better position within the meta compared to Reinforced Barracks.

Engine Fuel / AU
We have made a display change (with no gameplay impact whatsoever
) to Void Engine's display of their Fuel / AU statistic. This has long bothered some captains who are closely watching their Water-Fuel that in real travel conditions, the Fuel / AU is always higher than was being posted. This change makes the Fuel / AU calculation correct and closer to real travel conditions. In most cases, it results in an additional +1 Fuel for the engine. However, there was no gameplay change, only the text in the display.

v3.2.25 - 1/12/2022
- Enemy captain level now visible from the main screen of ship encounter
- Improved ship comparison report (ship encounter, combat hover) to include relative comparison data (toss up, risky, dominant, etc)
- Reduced & Adjusted repair time and cost for many expensive components (high-end bridges, engines, launch bays)
- Corrected Fuel / AU rates for all engines to better match real world travel conditions (display only, no gameplay change)
- Improved Shielded Barracks 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Fixed display bug where reduction of repair time was not properly displayed (but correctly used, per event log)

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