(In Development) [ADDED] First pass HOLD support
[ADDED] MAX CLB, MAX END, and MAX DES functionality
[ADDED] APU FIRE support via the default failures menu
[ADDED] Live file refresh functionality to the tablet
[ADDED] Pause at top of descent option via tablet
[ADDED] Playback device control via tablet
[ADDED] Screenshot to tablet functionality
[FIXED] A potential rendering related deadlock
[FIXED] An issue preventing the right MCDU from selecting ECON speed mode
[FIXED] A CTD caused by incorrect loading of the REX WX Advantage Radar
[FIXED] A bug that could cause the tablet to ignore the first input after some time on the documents page
[FIXED] Some L2 alerts not illuminating the master caution
[FIXED] Takeoff EPR not being reached by TAKEOFF ATS under some conditions
[FIXED] Brake cooling rate
[FIXED] P3Dv4 dynamic lighting based nose light shining into cockpit during gear extension
[FIXED] A CTD caused by corrupt aircraft sharing data
[FIXED] An Aircraft Sharing cleanup issue
[FIXED] Improper control centering behavior
[FIXED] Asymmetric reverse thrust indications
[CHANGED] Reduced speedbrake efficacy further
[CHANGED] The mute sound on lost focus option has been moved to the tablet
[CHANGED] Tweaked VMAX slightly in accordance with smoother PITCH/IDLE PROF descent (1 October 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Rapid EGT cooling after engine shutdown
[FIXED] A PROF descent calculation bug
[FIXED] Packs on/off departure setting not being honored properly
[FIXED] Cabin rate measurement
[FIXED] Aggressive cabin rate
[CHANGED] Significantly improved EGT spike during startup (29 September 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] "PACK OVRD" alert
[ADDED] SimConnect event for triggering custom 717 events
[ADDED] SimConnect event to notify external clients of PA, ATTND, and MECH button usage
[ADDED] Event to control PA IN USE and VIDEO IN USE lights
[ADDED] Call reset, attendant to cockpit call, and ground to cockpit call capability
[ADDED] Crosstrack deviation indicator to the ND
[ADDED] MAINT INTPH button logic
[ADDED] VOR TO/FROM indication on the ND
[ADDED] VOR Radial indicator lines on the ND
[ADDED] Strobe on ground functionality (setting via the Addon Manager)
[FIXED] Ability to temporarily unlock reverse thrust handles in flight
[FIXED] Stick shaker audio not stopping during stick pusher activation
[FIXED] Weather radar entering TEST mode off schedule
[FIXED] Reverse thrust authority and display
[FIXED] Backward captain yoke light knob animation
[FIXED] Nose light intensity not varying properly with switch position
[FIXED] An issue causing corrupt VOR/NAVAID frequencies
[FIXED] PLAN mode not displaying without IRS alignment
[FIXED] A bug causing weird waypoint DATA display on the ND
[FIXED] PA button logic
[FIXED] BETWEEN altitude restriction display on ND and MCDU
[FIXED] BETWEEN altitude restriction entry functionality
[FIXED] A bug that could cause the ADIRU to stay on regardless of power
[FIXED] VOR being incorrectly read at unreasonable distances
[FIXED] Missing CALL, PA, and VIDEO annunciators
[FIXED] VOR deviation being incorrectly read and displayed
[FIXED] VOR distance incorrectly using ground distance instead of DME distance
[FIXED] Systems not properly reading if a VOR is set or not
[FIXED] BETWEEN altitude restrictions being treated as AT restrictions
[FIXED] Packs off departure behavior
[FIXED] Active Sky weather radar not displaying properly
[FIXED] Improperly scaled WXR test image at high range settings
[CHANGED] Improved AOA, stall AOA, and G force smoothing to improve systems
[CHANGED] Increased required G force for stick pusher activation slightly
[CHANGED] The fuel system now honors the default UNLIMITED FUEL option
[CHANGED] Weight units and temperature units can be selected independently
[CHANGED] Improved ND message font choices
[CHANGED] Improved weather radar efficiency
[CHANGED] Improved engine startup and shutdown sounds
[CHANGED] Implemented new FMS/MCDU threading model to mitigate laggy display/systems issue
[CHANGED] Minor optimization to avoid edge case high CPU usage scenario relating to the sound engine (18 August 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Faulty magnetic deviation data causing incorrect turn angles
[CHANGED] Improved rendering debugging
[CHANGED] Optimized RealLight rendering slightly
[CHANGED] Improved RealLight debugging messages (15 August 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release)
[CHANGED] Reverted recent FADEC changes to eliminate instability/oscillations (14 August 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release*) [CHANGED] Improved time system and improved FADEC time sensing to attempt to mitigate FADEC freeze**
[CHANGED] Improved rendering surface update system to attempt to mitigate black displays
*New installations of this update were suspended held due to issues with the FADEC/throttle response. It was fixed and released as (11 August 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] RealLight - brand new cockpit night lighting technology for Prepar3D v4
[ADDED] Yoke light
[FIXED] Black spot on right-side center window frame when the overhead flood light is on
[FIXED] Flashing "INSUFFICIENT FUEL" message
[FIXED] Night lighting textures on right fire handle
[FIXED] Parking brake lever not always matching the parking brake state
[FIXED] ATS not setting throttle to the correct setting under some conditions
[FIXED] A magenta line drawing issue
[FIXED] Untimely TOO LOW GEAR and TOO LOW FLAPS warning
[FIXED] Landing gear extension sound volume
[FIXED] Missing night lighting on jumpseat and left stick pusher inhibit button
[FIXED] Poor response from flaps axis*
[FIXED] Jumpseat not having night lighting
[FIXED] Left STICK PUSHER PUSH TO INHIBIT button not having night lighting
[FIXED] START AIR PRES LO warning not causing amber manifold pressure outline
[FIXED] FLAP SET not working with a hardware controller
[CHANGED] Tweaked AIR SYS L/R PRES LO and amber manifold pressure outline logic
[CHANGED] Removed ugly shadow from cockpit window frame at night
[CHANGED] All hardware interactions now comply with the published SDK ranges**
[CHANGED] The default elevator trim functionality now works more normally
*Due to how the dial-a-flap system works, a hardware flaps axis may struggle with certain dial-a-flap settings, but it should always be able to reach the regular detents.
**In some cases, ranges that were supposed to be -16383 to 16383 were treated as 0 to 16383 or vice-versa. They are now correct. (31 July 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Flight plan resetting/advancing waypoints too early
[FIXED] Reverse thrust not behaving as an axis properly
[FIXED] Reverse thrust authority
[CHANGED] Reduced spoiler effectiveness
[CHANGED] Reduced vertical speed delay (31 July 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Strange throttle response (28 July 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] Amber box for low manifold pressure and associated alert
[FIXED] "INOP" label staying on ADF buttons despite being functional
[FIXED] Manifold pressure and temperature simulation
[FIXED] Engine start with PACKs on being possible
[FIXED] PACKs not consuming manifold pressure properly
[FIXED] Strange NAV behavior when approaching a waypoint
[FIXED] A scenario causing the tablet to not update
[FIXED] A magenta line drawing issue
[FIXED] An issue allowing ALTN fuel to be displayed as -1
[FIXED] ETA not displaying on the PROG page
[FIXED] A possible edge case CTD caused by the revision leg index not being set by default
[FIXED] ISOL valve logic
[FIXED] Certain flight plan routes will exhibit a hit to the responsiveness of the aircraft
[FIXED] PFD Flight Path Director and "birdie" incorrect drawing
[CHANGED] LAT REV/VERT REV index control
[CHANGED] Implemented custom time system (to fix the instant reply bug)
[CHANGED] Performance optimizations should result in much better FPS and less stuttering
[CHANGED] Improved AFS altitude capture behavior
[CHANGED] Improved Flight Director vertical bar behavior (28 June 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] TERR to Prepar3D v4
[FIXED] Flight plan legs skipping ahead*
*There is a bug with the NAV system that may cause it to miss a waypoint or oscillate the yoke. DIR TO the next waypoint will resolve it - this is being worked on. (26 June 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] ADF simulation (optional)
[ADDED] Selected NAVAID geometry
[ADDED] Remaining "FINAL/TIME" and "EXTRA/TIME" functionality
[ADDED] Flight save persistence functionality (saving a flight saves the system state as well)
[FIXED] Missing light splashes in P3D v2, v3, and FSX
[FIXED] First leg ETE displaying incorrectly
[FIXED] A display bug with PLAN mode
[FIXED] ETO not displaying when it should
[FIXED] ETE/ETO number shortening
[FIXED] Cooling fan logic
[FIXED] An issue preventing the BELOW G/S logic from being reset
[FIXED] VOR/ILS CDI inaccuracies
[FIXED] Various minor persistence loading issues
[FIXED] Speed FMA displaying incorrect number when V2 is not set and the aircraft is on the ground
[FIXED] VSI disappearing during approach
[FIXED] Active Sky weather radar integration in Prepar3D v4
[FIXED] THRUST LIMITS page not allowing arming/preselection of thrust limits
[FIXED] ATS CLAMP functionality
[FIXED] Freezing fuel temperatures
[FIXED] "ADDL APPRS" appearing when it shouldn't
[FIXED] A scenario causing the FD pitch guidance bar to drift into numerical infinity
[FIXED] Crash relating to MCDU index updating when powering the FMC on/off
[FIXED] "ENGINE COOL" alert logic
[FIXED] Several display bugs on the THRUST LIMITS page
[FIXED] THRUST LIMITS not working when accessed via the GO AROUND page
[FIXED] VOR pointer heading issue
[FIXED] Scrolling issue on DUPLICATE NAMES MCDU page
[FIXED] Scrolling issue on COMPANY ROUTE selection MCDU page
[FIXED] Several edge cases causing flickering waypoints in FPLN page and line drawing
[FIXED] Error in cruise performance calculation algorithm possibly leading to wrong cruise fuel flow calculation
[FIXED] Possible fix to descent phase triggering prematurely
[CHANGED] Improved "Cold and Dark" scenario
[CHANGED] Improved NAV RAD auto-tuning selection logic
[CHANGED] Improved speedbrake non-linearity
[CHANGED] Effect file location (to hopefully mitigate the effect loading issue)
[CHANGED] Loading a persistence that was saved in air with the landing gear up while on the ground will no longer leave the landing gear up (8 June 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] P3D v4 dependency issue (7 June 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Tablet documents not displaying
[FIXED] Logo light always being on
[FIXED] A display issue relating to "ADDL TRANS" on the MCDU
[FIXED] Blinding landing light during gear extension (6 June 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Duplicate waypoint detector deleting waypoints loaded via company route
[FIXED] "L" not toggling the ground flood lights
[FIXED] Tablet documents not loading correctly
[CHANGED] Persistence is off by default (In Development) Maintenance Update
[FIXED] RTE RSV fuel always being treated as pounds when entered (Release Candidate - Expected 5/31/2017, Available to Community Opt-in Beta) [FIXED] Fixed "
" on circuit breaker panel
[FIXED] Normal maps on exterior model
[CHANGED] Minor improvement to data loading from navigation data (30 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Force persistence save function not using correct file name
[FIXED] Terrain radar display range bug
[FIXED] Down range speed restrictions not applying during departure
[FIXED] A scenario that could cause negative/erroneous predictions
[FIXED] Crash relating to attempting a VERT REV/LAT REV on an ALTN leg
[FIXED] Ability to have adjacent duplicate waypoints
[FIXED] SID/STAR/Airways inserting duplicate waypoints when a shared waypoint exists
[FIXED] PRESELECT performance numbers not being updated
[FIXED] Landing weight always displaying in pounds
[FIXED] "DRIFT RAGE" typographical error on the IRS STATUS page
[CHANGED] Updated "cereal" serialization library (24 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] Default Lights Toggle, Panel Lights Toggle, and Landing Lights toggle functionality to L, SHIFT+L, and CTRL+L
[FIXED] "Send to Sim" not working properly on the Addon Manager under some conditions
[FIXED] Fuel levels not loading properly from persistence under some conditions
[FIXED] Handling of altitude based speed restrictions during cruise
[FIXED] Prediction errors in cruise when DIR TO is executed in climb
[FIXED] FMS Performance database tweaked for more realistic initial climb out predictions
[FIXED] Legs Bypass logic (for when way points are too close) further enhanced
[FIXED] Display of cruising altitudes below 10,000
[CHANGED] Tweaked AFS and ATS behavior for improved performance.
[CHANGED] Smoothened IAS and IAS trend inputs to rid of control twitching from ASN induced turbulence (18 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Range ring inconsistencies
[FIXED] Reverse thrust not working properly when ATS is on (16 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] EFOB updating issues during flight
[FIXED] CTD relating to the "Resync" button via Aircraft Sharing
[FIXED] Incorrect initial NAV turn after takeoff under some conditions
[FIXED] Top of descent showing during descent
[FIXED] PROF missing T/D or descending excessively under some conditions
[FIXED] Erroneous magenta line under some conditions
[FIXED] Some conditions resulting in CTDs and extreme VAS usage (15 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] Duplicate SID/STAR/APPR legs under some conditions
[FIXED] ETE displaying incorrectly as time between legs
[FIXED] Inability to enter negative OAT on TAKEOFF page
[CHANGED] Removed default autobrake (11 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] LEG BYPASS logic
[ADDED] Overfly triangle on FPLN/DIR TO page
[FIXED] STAR legs not being inserted correctly when only a runway is selected for approach
[FIXED] Reverse thrust interaction (see this video for an explanation)
[FIXED] Ridiculous reverse thrust authority
[FIXED] Selected heading bug appearing on PFD and ND when it should not
[FIXED] MCDU logic refresh rate
[FIXED] AFS heading selection choosing wrong turn direction (8 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [FIXED] A possible edge case CTD scenario
[FIXED] A CTD when importing improperly structured company routes
[FIXED] Inability to enter negative slope/wind on the TAKEOFF page (7 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) [ADDED] Crash handler/minidump generator
[FIXED] A scenario that could cause flickering T/D
[FIXED] Inability to activate EDIT speed with a mach number during cruise
[FIXED] Fuel predictions
[CHANGED] Optimized code slightly (5 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) Ongoing community update
[ADDED] Function to force a persistence save to the MAINT page for debugging
[ADDED] RETURN functionality to the MENU page
[FIXED] "BANK ANGLE" warning at very low altitudes
[FIXED] T/C or T/D disappearing under some conditions
[FIXED] Cruise level and cost index not resetting when the flight plan resets
[FIXED] Derates being reset when switching between thrust limit modes automatically
[FIXED] "TCAS FAIL" display logic
[FIXED] Some weight inputs/displays not honoring the weight unit setting
[FIXED] Scroll acceleration requiring too much to initiate
[FIXED] Missing EXTRA= display on VERT REV page
[FIXED] B not resetting standby altimeter (3 May 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) The MCDU and community feedback update
[ADDED] Additional functionality to FMS SPD button
[ADDED] Additional functionality to INIT page
[ADDED] EBOF functionality
[ADDED] Fire FAULT TEST functionality
[ADDED] PRED TO functionality
[ADDED] Several missing alerts
[ADDED] Several missing annunciations on the ND
[ADDED] T/C to the ND and MCDU
[ADDED] T/D to the ND and MCDU
[ADDED] Deviation indicator circles to ND APPR mode
[ADDED] "VERT ALERT" annunciation and associated logic
[ADDED] MCDU annunciators
[ADDED] REF system
[ADDED] CO ROUTE support
[ADDED] "CHECK BALLAST FUEL" message when applicable
[ADDED] Localizer DME distance indication
[ADDED] Additional PROF functionality
[ADDED] Yaw damper turn coordination functionality
[ADDED] "CDU MSG" annunciation to ND
[ADDED] Independent FMC emulation
[ADDED] MCDU standby functionality
[ADDED] Support for latitude/longitude entry as a waypoint
[ADDED] Support for place/bearing/distance (PBD) waypoints
[ADDED] Proper functionality of landing lights and nose light with respect to gear handle position
[ADDED] Option to synchronize both altimeters when not flying in shared cockpit
[ADDED] Ability to synchronize the minimums when not flying in shared cockpit
[ADDED] Option to accelerate mouse scrolling for various knobs
[ADDED] Chocks and cones
[ADDED] Vertical deviation display to DESCENT PERF page
[ADDED] Proper handling of early and late descent to PROF
[FIXED] Inability to LAT REV to NEXT WPT via the FROM leg
[FIXED] Missing wipers in external model
[FIXED] View finder
[FIXED] Missing approach transitions under some conditions
[FIXED] Speedbrake behavior
[FIXED] FCP drawing bug relating to PROF status
[FIXED] Missing alerts and annunciator statuses during GPWS test
[FIXED] PROF altitude drawing bug on PFD relating to very low altitudes
[FIXED] Vibrations not displaying at the correct time
[FIXED] Display error on DESCENT PERF page
[FIXED] Circuit breaker light not functioning on "DIM" setting
[FIXED] Engine indications during startup
[FIXED] Some missing legs on SIDs and STARs
[FIXED] "WXR ON" only showing in WXR mode when WXR is on during ground operations
[FIXED] Distance based leg naming
[FIXED] An issue preventing approaches/runways from being listed
[FIXED] Some altitude restrictions not displaying properly
[FIXED] VMIN being way too high (preventing proper approach speeds)
[FIXED] Deleting the CLB THRUST altitude improperly resetting it to 1500 above the departure airport
[FIXED] ATS "RETARD" mode during non-autoland situations
[FIXED] MCDU scratchpad resetting when 24 characters are entered
[FIXED] PPOS displaying incorrectly on the PROG page
[FIXED] MCDU resetting to the start of the STAR if the runway is changed
[FIXED] AFS speed selection during departure
[FIXED] Missing information on DUPLICATE NAMES page
[FIXED] Erroneous FLAP DISAG with certain flap settings
[FIXED] Erroneous BANK ANGLE warning
[FIXED] Graphic issue with left master warning
[FIXED] Observers unable to pop out displays or hide yoke
[FIXED] Engine sound spooling down during takeoff
[FIXED] 2D popups appearing black until resized in FSX
[FIXED] Various MCDU operation improvements
[FIXED] A display bug on the IRS STATUS page
[FIXED] A bug that could cause pitch oscillations in HOLD and VS AFS modes
[FIXED] Landing light splash staying illuminated incorrectly
[FIXED] Data display on ND showing some characters too large
[FIXED] Data display on ND showing incorrectly at certain headings
[FIXED] Reversed animation on left aileron tab
[FIXED] Nose gear gravel deflector sticking through nose gear doors
[FIXED] Ability to interact via scrolling where it should not be possible
[FIXED] Pushing/pulling FCP speed knob engaging ATS
[FIXED] Several FMA related issues
[FIXED] Several VERT REV related issues
[FIXED] Speed of wing landing lights extend/retract animation to match real world speed
[CHANGED] Improved magenta line tracking
[CHANGED] Improved DRAG messages on MCDU
[CHANGED] Optimized rendering pipeline
[CHANGED] 2D popups can now be closed by clicking in the center
[CHANGED] 2D MCDU popups now honor click/release behavior similar to the 3D MCDU
[CHANGED] The default "reset altimeter" function (B by default) now works
[CHANGED] Improved 2D popup default sizes and positions
[CHANGED] Improved ATS response
[CHANGED] Middle clicking the nose/landing lights on the overhead now toggles them all
[CHANGED] Increased initial ground drag friction slightly
[CHANGED] Various minor interaction improvements
[CHANGED] FPLN and DIR TO page now display " when the previous the prediction was the same
[CHANGED] Fuel flow rate
[CHANGED] Brake depressurization time (30 January 2017 - Community Opt-in Beta Release) Various improvements and fixes
[ADDED] Marker indiciation on PFD
[ADDED] Ability to hide yoke
[ADDED] Display popup functionality
[ADDED] 2D MCDU panels
[FIXED] Course from fix to distance RNAV legs being flown incorrectly
[FIXED] Rendering bug on AIR SD flow lines
[FIXED] Rudder tab not unlocking with low hydraulic pressure
[FIXED] Takeoff AFS guidance
[FIXED] Fuel not burning correctly under some scenarios
[FIXED] A scenario that could cause flaps and/or slats to remain extended despite retracting the handle
[FIXED] "NO LOC" and "NO G/S" not displaying correctly
[FIXED] PFD indicating FMS-managed VS instead of PROF during descent
[FIXED] Takeoff AFS heading selection
[FIXED] Left throttle visually controlling both throttles via Aircraft Sharing
[FIXED] FMA annunciating "NAV2" when NAV mode was active but AFS was disconnected
[FIXED] PROF using AT/ABOVE waypoints as AT restrictions during descent
[FIXED] Runway related SID/STAR legs not being included properly
[FIXED] Gross weight not updating properly throughout the flight
[FIXED] Incorrect ATS thrust engagement on the ground
[FIXED] "Plus hundred" callout not working
[FIXED] Wind display setting not working
[FIXED] Map symbology setting not working
[FIXED] Rudder trim green band appearing in air
[FIXED] MCDU PROG UFOB always displaying in pounds
[FIXED] FSUIPC gear up/gear down assignments not working properly
[FIXED] Autoflight overtrimming aircraft
[FIXED] Minimums color
[FIXED] Improper alignment of GS text on ND
[FIXED] Jerky flight director pitch movement in PITCH speed mode
[FIXED] Improper handling of cruise altitude changes in flight
[FIXED] Right side of left reverser handle being black
[CHANGED] FADEC and engine response time improvements
[CHANGED] Localizer engagement and tracking improvements
[CHANGED] MCDU keyboard input is now indicated.