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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 27982 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2019, 11:52:26 PM »
UPDATE 0.321

Some important info about this and coming update:

•   Fixed issue when player could talk with the person in fight;
•   Fixed issue, when houses in AI settlement could be build too close to AI or or players farm, now the distance should be >= 200m (new game needed);
•   Fixed issue when build wall could block AI or players farm (new game needed);
•   Fixed issue when wall colliders were calculated incorrect when generating a wall;
•   Fixed issue when AI or animals could walk through walls;
•   Fixed issue when player could walk through walls;
•   Tweaking roads calculation pop-up window period;
•   Pathfinding grid masks were changed in order to make rocks non-walkable for AI;
•   Fixed pathfinding issue, when AI couldn't pass through gates;
•   Fixed issue, when dialog answer button could appear in incorrrect part of the dialog;
•   Fixed issue, when settlers could have incorrect position in house after loading a save;
•   Hot keys for speeding time now only work in gode mode in order to prevent accidentaly pressing on these keys that can cause bugs;
•   Fixed issue, when player spawned near last visited ruins after loading (save-load needed);
•   Fixed issue when animals position angle could be calculated incorrect;
•   Death notification "You died" added to pause menu to make death more obvious;
•   Fixed issue, when player could accidentally press esc button when crafting or sleeping causing incorrect time calculation (new game needed);
•   Fixing issue when day dyration parameter was loaded incorrect after loading the game;
•   Fixed issue, when townfolks with business didn't do their job at this business;
•   Fixed issue when City Hall members refused do their job even with house and business build;
•   Fixed issue when player camera could start moving after pressing ESC in buildig apply window;
•   Fixed issue when camera could start moving in naming settlement window when accidentally pressing ESC;
•   Pressing ESC (Cancel) in applying building or naming settlement window now stops building process;
•   Fixed issue when exiting sleep/wait window during sleep/wait can cause false day duration calculation and connected bugs;
•   Sleeping or waiting now can be cancelled after pressing pressing ESC;
•   Fixed issue when camera strted moving when pressing ESC in City Management menu;
•   Fixed issue when building model stayed active when exiting building mode;
•   Fixed issue when camera could start moving after pressing ESC in dialog window;
•   Fixed issue when two building models could be on in another when using building mode;
•   Fixed some character controller parameters in order to prevent falling through ground bug;
•   Fixed issue, when settler was chopping an air instead of closest tree;
•   Fixed issue, when closest shop was found by setler incorrect which can cause trading bugs in settlement;
•   Ambient Occlusion was tweaked a bit in order to make indirect shadows more noticable;
•   Spawn menu (f7) is now available in god mode only in order to avoid connected bugs;
•   French translation was updated;
•   Japan translation was added;
•   Fixed issue, when some dialogs lines were missed, when finishing or taking the quest;
•   Dialog camera effect was tweaked in order to avoid graphical glitches during dialog;
•   Fixed issue, when player was unable to jump at some point;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2019, 12:41:47 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2019, 11:22:39 PM »
KINGDOMS [Weekly Devlog]
Tue, 3 December 2019

Greetings, noble Kings and Queens of KINGDOMS!

WAR UPDATE is coming very soon, and i know that many of you are waiting for a very long time. First of, thank you for your patience and support, you're the best, really. To make this waing a little nicer, i started to write daily devlog in game Community. From this devlog i'll know all latest news about development progress, what is being worked at the moment, why update is delayed and what i'm doing do deliver it to you as soon as possible. I really hope that this devlog will bring more transparency to the development and you'll know all latest news about KINGDOMS. Besides i'll post weekly devlog - the progress for past week - here, as sort of news. Sorry for waiting, friends, and thank you for patience and support - as said, you're the best:)


-Working on two-handed wepons animations, the most problem here is to make left hand work properly, tried to use IK pinning for sword object;
-Scales of iron rocks looks to unnatural, changed randomizer a bit;
-Worked on the script responsible for locations discovering, because adding of new types of locations (iron ores on open space) caused several bugs;
-Working on vegetation optimization for trees billboards, tests showed, that rendering billboard caused spikes at certain spots;
-Changed all float.TryParse functions in Save-Load script, because of moving to newer .NET version;
-Testing how two-handed animation works with "Running" layer, seems to be okay, more testing needed with more two hamded swords variations;
-Some rocks are still showing incorrect resource amount of already used rocks, fixed the issue;
-Testing animations for left players hand, used for burning strunctures at settlements and bandits lairs;
-Added some quests written by messpine, "find location" ones need testing;
-Tested caves objects in saves, seems everything is okay;
-Fixed some logical missbehaviour (???) in farmers logic;
-Metal reflection shader seems to be not properly working in the dark, changed it a bit;
-Translated two tutorial articles into English ”Welcome to kingdoms”, ”What to do?”;
-Added several new articles “Travelling”, “First settlement”, “Combat” in Russian;
-Removed all iron ingots from ruins;
-Tested ruins chest gold amount, can’t be randomized anymore;
-Testing block for the player during combat, animation seems to be not to smooth as I want, need more work;
-Testing block timings for player, seems to be okay, need more testing;
-Grass LODs seemed working incorrect, fixed;
-Fixed issue, when NPC bandit fought half in the floor, now it teleports to the entrance when seeing a player, dynamic buildings + navigation grid = pain for developer;
-Changed reflection intensity a bit (again, hehe), metals seem to be a bit better;
-Working on script and animations, responsible for openingclosing city gates during sieges, gates won’t work as intended, spend several hours trying to find out the reason, still bugged:(;
-Added torches to stone gates (still funding for proper gates model for wooden ones, walls are ok);
-Translated yesterday written tutorials to English;
-Tested catapults proper rotation during sieges, seems to be ok, need more testing;
-AI is still won’t march in the lines, tried to fix it (really, “bad-fixing-day” is today)
-Still working on proper two-handed sword animations + testing 10x10 crowd fighting only two-handed swords, look much better;
-Added some new visuals to the map - resources location now have owner label + color of the kingdom;
-Working on global map camera, trying to make its movements move smooth, sometimes it’s still buggy, ie when mouse moves too fast, need more work;
-Testing some stuff in sieges script, there are still some work to be done - some NPCs stay aggressive after taking the settlement, dead ones are listed as alive etc. - fixed most of found bugs, need more testing;
Tried to add new sound effects to forest zones, prefabs are causing FPS spikes for some reason, tired to figure it out - with no luck:( Pitty, because sound are really making environment much more immersive;
-Added some additional sound to swords fights instead, like taking weapon out, tried some screams (just make for now) for NPCs, sounds good;
-Worked in players two-handed block animations, timings are quite ok during testing;
-Tried to add siege tower to the siege script, looks awful:(
-Tested marching mechanics a bit, still don’t like how it look - AI is running during army March, thinking if making it more organized - started to make marching animations;
-Found a bug when some settlers moved to the sea after landing - the reason was change in A* pathfinding script made in September (??) + water collider refused to disable for some reason. Anyway, fixed;
-Changed water shader to new one (noticed foam glitching during previous fixing), looking good;
-Changed house setting script a little, previous version has some problems on the beaches;
-Noticed that taking off two handed animation glitched a little, fixed;
-Stones refused to render grass and sand texture properly for some reason, tweaked shader + rocks collider;
-Changed garden veggies spawn algorithm a little making them a little easier to find;
-Thinking of adding animals to the caves (or bandits), dynamic pathfinding grid makes this extremely difficult, tried several solutions to make proper grid in the caves with no luck:(;
-Wrote some long awaited script, that can close all windows (or any opened) by hitting ESC;
-Added a little timer to pause script to fix the issue when player hit a sword after pressing save button, need resting but works good by first one;
-Fixed the issue when roads weren’t rendered properly because of timer error;
-Tweaked common update script timer a little , I think we have no spikes at all even in populated settlements, need testing on various CPUs (hello release);
-Animals script still takes too much of CPU, Update function is removed, Profiler showing Raycasting issue, need deeper profiling + animals pathfinding optimization;
-Tweaked billboards and LODs distance in Vegetation Studio, shows 190fps at empty island at some moments, no spikes (please, please, please) at the moment, I think I’ll leave this so hard found settings for release;
-Tweaked amount of forests a little for at least 20x20 battles, AI is still dummy at war declaration, tried to add resource amount float to the script, still dummy;
-Fixed broken horse hair shader, caused by moving to newer engine version;
-DoF effect on the global map still looks wierd, especially bu close perspective, tweaked a little;
-Added some additrional spring animation to players hands + changed fichting script to cause this animation after enemy hits;
-Fixed issue, when AI send its army to wrong settlement;
-Changed icon of an army on the global map;
-At the moment number of soldiers in the army is visible by default. Thinking to change this by adding some scout units. (Now or after release????)
-Added new icons to army tents in the building menu;
-Tested how AI sets up its tents during sieges, still bugged:( (IMPORTANT!!!)
-Tried to change army moving speed, that depends on Commanders perk;
-Tested "Search for iron" quest;
-AI still won't build mines on the iron chunks properly, tried to fix; (IMPORTNAT!!!)
-Tweaked "Go to place in building" script for better performance;
-Animals Update() still takes a lot ms, reviewed script step by step, no luck:(
-Tweaked position of fallen trees into the forests;
-Discovered that some fire lighting sources have shadows casters, removed;
-Changed default possible height of AI building script to fix the issue when house could be build on the water;
-Tweaked forest LODs distance for better performance;
-Fixed the issue when soldiers unoform was invisible in soldiers management menu;
-Fixed the issue, when ship stopped to bring new settlers (at least i hope it was single one);
-Tweaked lighting settings in caves a little;
-Discoverd that by some reason hands new hands animations speed depended on FPS (Unity 2019 feature/bug???), fixed;
-REturned shadows to NPS, performance is about 140-150 in landing scene;
-Tweaked trees textures resolutions (fron 512 to 2048), to performance issues, need more testing on various GPUs;
-Tweaked the distance for fire effects sounds;
-Tweaked fog effect distance a little, for close distance;
-Making new animation for bannerman, that holds the flag in the army (Add before release???);
-Tested melle fight again 1x1, AI animation smoothness needs more work, tweaked;
-Fixed bug when AI played wrong animation after death;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2019, 02:30:32 AM »
KINGDOMS [Weelky Devlog]
Fri, 13 December 2019

Greetings, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

This week can be really called as "Map's week" because most of the time i was testing, scripting, tweaking, balancing and fixing worlds map. It was quite tricky to combine all old map's elements (Orientation, diplomacy) with new added elements (Troops movemet, taking resources spots, making camps for troops etc.). Initially i made two separate map's modes (after M pressing and diplomacy one), that can be switched, but after endless testing i realised that such design just doesn't work as needed. So i combined these two modes in one to see the whole situation in one place: discoveries, kingdoms, troops movements, resources and diplomacy. And you know what? I'm finally happy with result:)

Also as you know from previous devlog i was making some changes in map's controls and navigation. This week i was polishing all this stuff, spend several days just to make maps look more or less acceptable - added DOF, chaged camera angles during zooming (most tricky part), changed some UI.

This week was really challenging and i really hope that we're closer and closer to so long expected release. Stay tuned, because i really wan't to bring you something special for this Christmas.


•   Thinking of return old map in hand instead of compass, need to know your opinion about this, guys;
•   Map camera transition is now smooth enough when zooming camera in and out, tweaked;
•   Fixed issue when catapult refused to shoot during siege, because of wrong animation transition;
•   Removed dilomacy section from City Hall table, now everything in working on M, the problem is - the purpose of City Hall? The thought is following - staff can be hired with cityhall build, but this causes another problem - small villages can't be at war? Dilemma. Foe now, only large Cities can send armies;
•   Fixed bug when leader didn't hied general before declaring a war;
•   Added some randomness to AI's troops management - AI can change troops equipment in a random way, the problem here is to make smiths, woodworkers and traders to add proper equipment to City Hall chests;
•   Fixed issue, when settlement didn't change color on the map after conquest;
•   Fixed issue when resource location (iron ore) didn't change color on the map after conquest;
•   Added notification whenkingdom declares war to kingdom;
•   Fixed issue when unknown kingdom name was visible in notification;
•   Farms now can be build ONLY at the distance at least 500 m to the settlement - the reason is to make farm part of nearest kingdom;
•   Added backwards shaking animation to block movement;
•   Forest are now visible on the global map;
•   Tried to use unique music when on the global map, sounds good. The problem here is that player can open the map quite often, music change can be annoying;
•   Archers still don't want work as neededduring sieged, spend two days (!!!) trying to make those ... to shoot in the right direction, no luck:( Removed archers from the walls for now
•   Added date and time to maps UI;
•   Thinking to make representional icons for each NPS (CK2 style), tat can be used on the map, need good solution for generator;
•   Finally finished the script that makes UI to close after pressing ESC and NOT causing pausing right after, works fine;
•   Changed issue when player could save during crafting or sleeping (Causing critical save bug);
•   Fixed issue when time scale wasn't chaged properly for moving troops during sleeping or crafting;
•   Tweaked quests a little - only one quest from one person in the day. Imao, quests were a bit annoying at every dialog start;
•   Fixed issue when game time wasn't'returned properly after exiting global map;
•   Added DOF effect to the global map camera, it was quite tricky to make things riight here, because i wanted to make DOF depend on camera zoom parameter. (No DOF from high perspective, DoF at close perspective) + camera Y angle also depends on zoom, was working on proper formula for smooth DoF and angle changing;
•   Still working on issue when attaking soldier can pick up two targets in the city during siege (So some people stay unattacked);
•   Tried to all AI function to K-editor, to make AI leaders burn bandits shaks as well as player, no luck:(
•   Changed nain menu scene a but to match coming update, looks epic:)
•   Fixed issue when wolf could take players HP at larger distnace;
•   Removed some not used colliders NPC, to make pathfinder buld way to destination more proper;
•   Chaged camera tonemapping a bit;
•   Fixed issue when game didn't find saves location in MyDocumants with non-latin and non-cyrillic letters;
•   Fixed issue when road didn't start calculation properly after loading a save;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2020, 01:14:15 AM »
Update 0.414
Tue, 19 May 2020

Lords and ladies, welcome back to KINGDOMS!

Todays update will introduce new types of location spawned on the map - iron banks. The purpose of these will be fully revealed in shortly coming war declarations - iron is one of the main strategic resources and having iron mine will give kingdom great advantage. Iron spawn and gathering mechanic was changed a bit. Cave is randomly generated only once when world is created, so you can't endless farm iron there anymore. Iron is now spawned outside and you can gather it ony with MINER perk.


•   Character controller was tweaked a ittle to prevent accidently sliding of jittering of the player;
•   Fixed the issue when waiting menu could pop-up when wheeling mouse up;

This update is only the first of many to come. The game was moved to latest version of Unity, large amount of work was made:

•   -Large optimosation of performance, including AI scripts;
•   -Visuals were completely reworked;
•   -Many preparation were made on order to introduce you new mechanics and finally (!!) finish the game;

My plan is to make such small updates that introduce new mechanics quite often - every 1-2 days. I hope that such system will be most effective both for players and for me - you'll see updates pratically in real time and can decide what feature is the most important for you to try new update. Update_testing and main branch will be updated at the same time.

1) Please, feel free to use build-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure i have verified game files and started new world, remember KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for new version of tha game. but can't guarantee it all the time.
Thanks for your support and thanks for having faith in my game!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2020, 02:01:10 PM »
Update 0.415
Wed, 20 May 2020

Greetings, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update will bring to KINGDOMS long awaited feature - destryable bandits lairs. To destroy a lair you have to kill all bandits inside, equip a torch and use X (by default) button to burn lair down. Once destroyed lair will vanish from the map once and for all and spot can be taken to establish a settlement or farm if needed. For destroying a lair player will get exp, fame and reputation.


•   Fixed an issue when player location was saved incorrect - near last visited ruins;
•   Fixed issue when player could slide down the terrain while gathering;
•   Fixed issue when AI pathfinding worked incorrect after loading a game;
•   Fixed issue when AI couls stay at place when while fighting;
•   Fixed issue when city wall wasnt bulld due to script error;
•   Fixed issue when AI was rotated incorrect during the fight;

1) Please, feel free to use build-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2020, 11:38:14 PM »
Update 0.42
Thu, 21 May 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

First of all, i want to thank all the players who is participating in bugreporting. Believe me, i really appreciate your passion and effort, and (what is most important!) it really helps the game to move forward. Todays update will bring fixes for some critical, annoying and most-reported bugs.


•   Underwater shader was rewritten in order to remove visual artifacts when using it;
•   Fixed iisue when well was painted red after establishing new settlement by the player;
•   Fixed issue when houses interriors weren't loading peroperly due script error;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't build in some cases after exiting to main menu and creating new world;
•   Fixed issue when AI combat anumations were totally broken when AI was attaked with torch, box or log in hands;
•   Fixed issue when players couldnt build new buildings after manually cancelling previous building;
•   Fixed issue when player couldnt build new structure after destroying carcas of previous one;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for new version of tha game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2020, 11:26:34 PM »
Update 0.421
Mon, 25 May 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


Todays update will bring to us new Diplomacy UI. The map in Kingdoms has two ways of use - the one for exploring (pressing M) and diplomacy one (City Hall table). You can use movement keys to navigate, and mouse wheel to zoom. When using diplomacy map you can choose any discovered settlement to enable diplomacy window. Awailable info depends on player knowing settlement owner, possible diplomatic options as well. There are some new ones, like "Marriage proposal", "Send gift", "Send spy", "Send assassin" - my plan is to make them functional in nearest updates (Ideally - during this week). Old options are working as before - trading, road building and ambassador.


•   Fixed issue when plauer could accidentally use weapon when using various in-game menus;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't calculate rocks properly when using pathfinding;
•   Fixed issue when loading bar could stop when creating new world;
•   FOV was tweaked a little (75 instead of 70);
•   Pathfinding grid was reduced a bit in order to increase performance on low-end PCs;
•   Fixed issue when AI chopped tree at wrong coordinates;
•   Logs physics was tweaked in order to fix "infinite roll" bug;
•   Fixed issue when AI could walk into the sea when calculating pathfinding;
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   Fixed isssue when kingdom color was choosen incorrect sometimes because of script error;
•   Fixed issue when settlement icon was created incorrect on the global map sometimes;
•   When building holding "Run" button (Shift by default) will change rotation speed by 5x;
•   Fixed issue when save was unable to load, when AI choose incorrect kingdom color;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for new version of tha game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!


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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2020, 12:23:15 AM »
Update 0.423
Wed, May 27, 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


We're finally came to making of feature i'm sure most of us were waiting for a very long time - wars. Of course, i just physically can't put all war mechanics in one daily update, so we'll do it step-by-step. Todays update will teach AI how to declare wars to eachother. For now there are 3 reasons for AI to start a war:

1) territorry (In example retake previously conquered city);
2) strategic recources (that's where recently added iron banks locations are used);
3) Personal ambitions (depends on AI perks and personality);

Each kingdom can declare up to 4 wars at the same time. Also, new option was added to new world creation - "Days between wars" - that's the interval then AI can declare new wars (1 to 100), so player can choose this interval according to playstyle.

Okay, AI can declare wars, depending on various reasons, but the player? That's the next step in forming fully functinal war mechanics, for now i have to be sure, that AI war-logic works fine. The closest step will be adding army-gathering mechanic alongside with war-camp building and management. Then we'll finally come to raids and sieges.


•   Changed scripts stripping level when compilig in order to fix various errors: missing interriors, glitchable UI and problems at world generation;
•   Central message was improved a bit - section for war messages was added, main one now may show 2 important notifications at the time, i.e. levelling up and new settlers arriving;
•   Fixed issue when pathfinding wasn't creating proper grid on the height above 500m.
•   Wooden floor texture used in most houses was changed a bit in order to make it less shiny and more wooden like;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
Thanks for your support, see you very soon!


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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2020, 01:12:41 AM »
Update 0.425
Fri, 29 May 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

0,425 Today if friday, that means - it's time for massive bugfixing! I think it's a good idea to turn each friday into "bugfixing day". During the week i'm gathering quite a lot bugs from your reports (i'll never stop to thank you for that!), so friday would be ideal choise. Your reports help me to uderstand what bugs are the most reported - so i can plan the whole bugfixing by putting most critical ones at the top of to-fix list. That's very important for Kingdoms development and i really appreciate every single bug-report from you.

Fortunately, fetures that i've added this week are working fine, so i could pay more attention to bugs, that require large amount of time for fix to be made. In example, this week i finally fixed "empty" houses issue (most reported one), and it took quite a lot.

•   Fixed issue, when players position was saved incorrect, when saving in the cave more than once;
•   Accidentally fallling under terrain in cave or outside won't teleport player outside the map anymore;
•   Character controller skin width was tweaked a little in order to prevent player from falling under terrain;
•   Fixed issue when AI rotation wasn't calculated properly when doing various animations;
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   Fixed issue when items stayed visible in players hands after save/load;
•   Fixed pop-up message when discovering iron banks;
•   Fixed issue, when player could sart to build without needed resourves in inventory;
•   Fixed issue when AI used wrong animations when fighting two-handed swords;
•   Fixed issue when aI stood still after save/load sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when interrior in some houses gone missing sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI could fall under terrain without being able to get out;
•   Fixed issue when some AI got stuck at spawning right after landing;
•   Fixed issue when AI model blinked when spawning in the ocean;
•   Pathfinding grid was tweaked a little in order to fix bug when AI stopped moving after building a wall;
•   Fixed issue when AI farmers didn't build gardens and mills on their farms;
•   Fixed issue, when screen could went black after creating pipulated world;
•   Fixed issue when AI could get stuck after fight;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2020, 11:49:33 PM »
Update 0.43
Mon, 1 June 202

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

0.43 I hope, you all had nice weekends! This monday update will add some new tweaks to wars mechanics: i've taught AI to attack eachother when two settlements are at war. Settler will automatically attack their enemies when noticing. Also, an option to disable wars was added - for those players who just want to build. Also, AI now can add near by iron banks to their settlements.
The next thing on the plan is adding army gathering both for AI and player, i hope for adding it in nearest patches.

•   Fixed issue when AI body becomes invisible at close distance sometimes;
•   Settlers "join" radius was tweaked a little in order to finally prevent overpopulated settlements on the map;
•   Changed AI behaviour a little in order to make more farmers to spawn across the map;
•   Fixed some typos in eglish translation (thanks a lot for reporting these!);
•   Fixed issue when AI continued to move even when game was paused;
•   Fixed issue when AI could move instead of playing animation at place;
•   Fixed issue when AI stood at place when trying to build shop or manufactory;
•   Fixed issue when settlers without having management buildings refused to visit and use manufactories of other settlers;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2020, 12:53:54 AM »
Update 0.433
Wed, 3 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

0.433 Todays patch will add some new mechanics to players interaction with global resources. Now player can (as well as AI) declare iron bank as part of Kingdom. Also when using global map player can see info about location owner.

•   Fixed issue when save couldn't be loaded when player crafted swords previously;
•   Fixed issue when notice board and diplomacy table showed different info about settlement population;
•   Added icon of equipped items in players hands in order to make their use more obvious for new players;
•   Torch recipe was added to players crafting list;
•   Fixed issue when AI stood still after using interrior animation place;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't place house properly sometimes because of script error;
•   Fixed issue when container UI was impossible to close sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI rotation and position was calculated incorrect when game was loaded inside buildings;
•   Fixed issue when contatiner gold slider was impossible to sue sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when "gold in ruins" parameter didn't affect final gold amount;
•   Fixed issue when settlement leader was loaded incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when kingdom name transparency was calculated incorrect when using global map;
•   Fixed issue when player could send ambassador to other settlement when no ambassador was hired in kingdom;
•   Pop-up message was added when player tried to send ambassador without having one;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2020, 03:41:35 PM »
Update 0.435
Fri, 5 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

0.435 It's friday and bugfixing is coming! There were quite a lot bugs whis week, but i really hope that with every such patch game is moving in the right direction - less bugs, more joy from playing. Thank you very much for every single bug report - every one is really matters, so feel free to use in-game bug reporter (f11). And here we go:

•   Fixed issue when AI speed during fight was too low;
•   Settlement establishing was tweaked a bit - now player can establish only one settlement. The idea is to prevent the player from spawning whole map with empty settlements. Plus this will balance coming war mechanics when city can be taken during war;
•   Settlers "join" behavoir was tweaked again in order to finally get rid of overpopulated settlements on the map:
•   Start overview point on the global map was changed a bit;
•   Fixed issue when AI could continue moving when game was calculating roads;
•   Fixed issue when farmers or bandits could travel far away from their home for no reason sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when player was unable to use the map after destroying of bandits lair;
•   Fixed issue when player was able to move when using garden or windmill;
•   Player now can close manufactory UI by pressing ESC (by deafult);
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't take iron bank after destroying bandit lair;
•   Fixed issue when pathfinding grid calculated obstacles borders too thick and animals/couldnt use pathfinding properly when many obstacles were around;
•   Fixed issue when settlement was unable to establish sometimes right after building a farm;
•   !!!Build compression method was changed in order to reduce final game size and increase performance a bit;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2020, 12:25:49 AM »
Update 0.436
Sat, 6 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


I know, it's Saturday and there shouldn't be update today, but i found free time between family stuff and made some bugfixing + optimisation, that stucked in my head since friday, so here we are. The main thing in this update is optimisation work i made for large settlements - when testing today my Fixed settlement with about 70+ settlers hit 100-110 FPS, which is much better than previous 60-70. Also, some bugfixing was made (was planned on Monday), so i'll have more time for work on new feature that comes in mondays update.

PS. Don't expect it to be regular though, weekend is still family time, as somewhere was mentioned before, but today i just couldn't resist.

•   Fixed issue when settlers spawned in the building floor sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when settler spawned half in the terrain during playing static animation;
•   Some changes were made in AI and structures scripts in order to increase performance;
•   Some changes were made in pathfinding scripts in order to increase performance;
•   AI visual scripts were changed in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when player was unable to build a settlement right after exiting previous world with already build settlement;
•   Fixed issue when AI spawned in incorrect position after loading when playing static animation;
•   Fixed issue when items sold by AI weren't stacked properly;
•   Global avoidance script was optimiswd in order to increase performance in large settlements;
•   Skinned mesh renderer was optimised in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when AI continued fighting when game was paused;
•   Fixed issue when AI speed offscreen was calculated incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't exit interrior properly without using exit coordinates;
•   Fixed issue when items prices were calculated incorrect because of incorrect stacking;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2020, 01:26:01 AM »
Mon, 8 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

New week - new features are coming. I know, that start of the game was difficult for some of you because of limited learning points (Only 20 by deafult). It was unbalanced in terms of gaining money for learning and finding right teachers - it was discussed many times in the community. Todays update is the first step to find the right balance for early game - now player can choose how many LP will be available at characters creation (10-40). The slider was added to "Additional parameters" section. Besides, i've added an option many of you have been asking for for a long time - FOV. I hope, that these little changes will make KINGDOMS more enjoyable for us:) And of course, bugfixing is coming as well.

•   Fixed issue when player "return" position was calculated incorrect when falling underground;
•   Players gravity midifer was tweaked in order to make falling and jumping more realistic;
•   Fixed issue when player could instantly falling under terrain when on horse back;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stuck near building entrance;
•   Pathfinding parameters were tweaked a bit in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when AI could take same animation spot after loading;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stuck at place when trying to go to home;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stuck at place right after leaving building with animation place;
•   Tweaked AI behavoir settings in order to smooth AI spreading across the island;
•   Fixed issue when AI could reset animation position after pause on/off;
•   Settlers icon position was tweaked a bit when looking for a settler using message board;
•   Fixed issue when player reached pinned object icon reamained active;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't mine iron or stone even when pickaxe was equipped;
•   FOV slider was added to controls settings;
•   Fixed issue when players hands ciuld become invisible sometimes;
•   Fixed exploit when player can gain extra LP when creating world and exiting to main screen;
•   Fixed issue when prosperity and settlers gold were shown incorrect;
•   Russian localisation was updated;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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