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Offline Asid

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #75 on: June 07, 2018, 02:39:20 PM »
Age of Belisarius is out!

For not by numbers of men, nor by measure of body, but by valor of soul is war to be decided – Procopius

The Western Roman Empire might have fallen, but the fight for its legacy is far from over. In its old provinces, Romano-Barbaric kingdoms are established and, even if political fragile, their ambitions are well known. While the Ostrogoths managed to unite in a single Kingdom Italy and the Balkans, the Vandals have claimed North Africa and have become a major naval threat to Byzantium, the direct heirs of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Under the command of valiant generals such as Belisarius and Narses, the Byzantines will fight tooth and nail to prove to anyone on Earth that the Imperium of Rome is still a force to be reckoned with, and can perhaps be restored to its former glory.

Field of Glory II: Age of Belisarius, the new DLC in the series that is reviving highly historically accurate wargaming, is now available!

This expansion adds 11 new factions, 17 new units, 29 new Army Lists, 4 new historically-based campaigns and more! Eager to see Age of Belisarius in action? Don’t miss our official Twitch Stream at 5 pm CEST! You might win one out of the 5 AoB keys we are offering as Giveaway!

Further, the accompanying free patch adds tons of new features and elements (did somebody say “STEAM achievements“?). Click on the banner below to read the full, massive changelog!

But the good news is not over!
To celebrate this important milestone, Field of Glory II (base game), Immortal Fire and Legions Triumphant are getting a nice discount! Hurry up! You have until June 13th to take advantage of the offer. Click the buttons below!

Finally, if you are eager to give yourself a challenge, the Age of Belisarius Tournament is opening its gates for recruitment! Click here to see the rules, and if you want to join click on the banner below!

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #76 on: June 07, 2018, 02:45:17 PM »
Field of Glory II Version 1.3.9 Patchnotes

Hi Everybody!

Field of Glory II has been updated to version 1.3.9!

This new version brings a lot of improvements and changes, including STEAM achievements!

Version 1.3.9 Patchnotes
•   Some optimisations to improve performance on slower systems.

o   20 STEAM achievements have been added. (STEAM version only).

o   Some mounted unit types can be dismounted as equivalent infantry units at Deployment. This is confined to nations that often dismounted their cavalry, and currently only applies to units in the Age of Belisarius DLC.
o   Massed bowmen without any close combat capabilities now get a negative shooting POA modifier if there are any unbroken enemy non-light troops with close combat capabilities within 2 squares and not facing away from them. This is primarily a nerf because armies with large numbers of these units were found to be overpowered. It is rationalised by them being nervous when enemy combat troops approach closely, as they are too densely formed to evade – this concept is supported by some studies of more modern warfare. (Note: The AI takes this into account and avoids moving non-combat bowmen close to unbroken enemy combat troops, unless these are facing away or it wants to charge something).
o   Additional -1 modifier in cohesion tests for losing close combat for foot lacking any close combat (impact or melee) capabilities. This will make “massed bowmen”, artillery, peasant levies, light archers and slingers quicker to rout in close combat. It applies on top of any “Any one of…” modifier.
o   Armoured cavalry gain additional 12% casualty mitigation against shooting by bows, slings and javelins compared to Protected. (Unprotected cavalry get 0% mitigation, Protected cavalry get 16%, Armoured get 28%, Cataphracts get 49%).
o   Maximum melee POA for armour advantage increased to + 100 vs foot. (It remains +50 vs mounted). This currently only affects cataphracts.
o   Deep units of Offensive Spearmen (with a base unit size of 12 figures or more) can now form square.
o   The permitted (re-)deployment areas for non-light troops in Random Map battles now depend entirely on the width of the map (and the presence of flank rivers or coasts if any), and will not vary depending on the size of each army or whether Autodeploy has been used. Light troops can deploy right out to the map edge. Note that Autodeploy may sometimes deploy non-light units beyond the standard deployment zone. Such units can be redeployed, but only into the standard deployment zone.
o   Chariots can now cross Deep Streams slowly.
o   Tightened up application of rule that units cannot charge targets that were not within 45 degrees of straight ahead at the start of the turn. Previously it was sometimes possible to charge units slightly out of the 45 degree arc by making a 45 degree (free) turn first.
o   G hotkey now toggles map grid.

o   Indian cavalry upgraded to Average, Protected, Light Spear, Swordsmen at 32 points. (At 20 points, despite their previous low quality and absence of melee capability, they were by far the most cost-effective flankers in the game.)
o   Elephants points cost increased to 60.
o   Points cost of the following extra-deep units adjusted: Average Warbands reduced from 63 to 58 points, Superior Warbands reduced from 81 to 75 points, Pictish Spearmen reduced from 58 to 54 points.   
o   Triarii now reported as ”Highly Superior” rather than “Elite”. Note that this is just a UI change, not a nerf. Their numerical quality rating is the same as before.
o   Limitanei will now be promoted to Pseudocomitatenses in campaigns when they have acquired sufficient experience in the field army.

Army Lists:
o   Improvised Camelry removed from Achaemenid Persian 550-546 BC army list, and Achaemenid Persian 547 BC (Thymbra) list added.
o   Added some armoured noble lancers to all three Western Hunnic lists, representing lance-armed noble Huns.

o   AI: Infantry less likely to get “stuck” behind friends in close proximity to enemy.
o   Shooty non-light cavalry, camelry and light chariots are now more likely to evade than previously if the combat chances are fairly close to even but they have a significant shooting advantage against the chargers. In practice this means that they are more likely to evade from non-shooty cavalry or infantry in marginal cases than before. (Note that this only potentially alters the decision to evade when the combat odds are fairly close to even. Also they still won’t evade if cavalry chargers start their move in the adjacent square, because of the high danger of being caught.)

o   It is no longer possible to get a re-rolled map by “force-quitting” the program on the first turn of an MP random map game. Such behaviour was already being tracked by the PBEM system with the ultimate sanction of banning, but now it is simply not possible.
o   Concession disabled during MP replay as it could sometimes cause issues.

o   Manual correction: Melee POA chart. Heavy and Scythed chariots both have +100 POA vs any troops except elephants, light foot, light horse or steady foot who are pike, offensive spearmen or defending an obstacle.
o   Manual correction: Irrigation ditches give +25 POA in Impact and Melee combat to foot defenders if the unit is not missile troops vs mounted and so does not qualify for +100 POA for “Protection”.
o   Manual addition: Shooting POA chart: Massed non-combat bowmen with unbroken enemy combat troops within 2 squares of them and not facing away from them get -70 POA shooting modifier.
o   See also other gameplay changes above.

o   Maximum SideID increased to 8191.

Bug Fixes:
o   Editor UI can now cope with gaps in the list of SideID names.
o   Fixed bug that could sometimes result in newly promoted custom-named campaign units being assigned to unpurchased units on the battlefield during battle setup, their place among the pre-purchased units being taken by an almost identical un-named unit. This caused the name to be lost if the unit was not repurchased during force selection.
o   Fixed bug that could allow player too many troops in campaign “own reinforcements” scenario. (This would show as negative points in the force selection window).
o   Fixed bug that could alter the map size in the MP custom battles setup screen if you lingered too long while setting up an MP skirmish.
o   Fixed bug that could give light foot an Undo button if they evaded through friends in their own turn as a result of an enemy pursuit charge.
o   Fixed bug that showed wrong banner colours for reversed epic battle scenarios with Romans or Spartans as Side0.
o   Fixed issue with banner and texture allocation in Empire of the Huns and King of Kings campaigns.
o   Fixed error in Thracian army list end date in army list file.
o   Fixed general allocation bug in 3rd battle of Third Century Crisis campaign.
o   Improved trajectory of horse archer arrows.
o   Fixed bug in Roman Lancers’ death animations.
o   Fixed some other minor animation bugs.
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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #77 on: July 31, 2018, 12:59:20 PM »
Fall of the West – A Field of Glory II Tournament

IMPORTANT NOTE: Anyone who has Field of Glory II can enter. You do not need to own any of the DLCs to enter. You are all invited!

The Western Roman Empire is crumbling. The central authorities are no longer able to assure the safety of Roman citizens along the borders, or even well inside the Empire. Southern Gaul and most of Hispania are in the hands of the Visigoths.

The clock is ticking, and the fall is imminent. Will you be able to stop the apocalypse in the name of Rome or will you overthrow the oppressors and establish your own kingdom?

We are pleased to announce another Field of Glory 2 public tournament. This will be played using the normal Field of Glory 2 Multiplayer system and our automated tournament system.

To enter, go to the tournament page here:

The general tournament rules can be found here:

The first round will commence on Monday 6th August 2018. No further entries can be accepted after the tournament has begun.

Specific tournament rules:

This tournament will involve three rounds. The battles will be medium-sized custom battles.

Round 1: 458 AD. The Emperor Majorian is attempting to seize back control of Gaul from the Visigoths. Roman (425-492 AD) vs Visigothic (419-621 AD). North European Agricultural.

Round 2: 486 AD. Following the murder of Majorian in 461, the Magister Equitum per Gallias Aegidius refused to recognise his successor, and set himself up as an independent ruler in northern Gaul – the so-called “kingdom” of Soissons. It is now 486 AD, and Syragrius, Aegidius’s son and successor, faces invasion by the Franks under Clovis I. Kingdom of Soissons (461-486 AD) vs Frankish (260-495 AD). North European Agricultural.

Round 3: 490 AD. In 476 Odoacer, commander of the Heruli, Rugii and Sciri foederati in Italy, deposed the last puppet emperor, Romulus Augustulus, and declared himself King of Italy. It is now 490 and Theodoric, King of the Ostrogoths, with additional troops supplied by his Visigothic allies, has invaded Italy at the instigation of the Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno. Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD) vs Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD). Mediterranean Wooded.

Games are paired, so each matchup will be played both ways. Each player will be able to choose his forces using the normal force selection system. Random maps are in use, so the two battles in each pair will be on different maps.

First round pairings will be selected randomly, subsequent rounds using the Swiss Chess system. Nobody will play the same opponent in more than one round.

The scoring system is as follows:

·         If a game runs to the turn limit, each side scores points equal to the enemy % routed at the turn limit. If the game times out, adjustments may be made, depending on how far the game has progressed and who took longer over their turns – see below.

·         If one army breaks, the victorious player scores 60 points plus the difference between the enemy % routed and his own % routed. The loser scores points equal to the winner's % routed.


1) If Ben defeats Tamas's army, and has inflicted 45% routed on Tamas, and Tamas has inflicted 15% on Ben, Ben will score 60 + (45 – 15) = 90, Tamas will score 15.

2) However, if Ben defeated Tamas’s army by inflicting 62% routed on Tamas, and Tamas had inflicted 56% routed on Ben, Ben would get 60 + (62 – 56) = 66 points, and Tamas would get 56.

3) If the game is unfinished (or it reached the turn limit) with Ben inflicting 20% routed on Tamas, and Tamas inflicting 10% routed on Ben, Ben would score 20, and Tamas would score 10. (Provided that between them they have played at least 24 turns in all – see below).

Note that this system rewards aggressive play over desultory skirmishing. If you rout an enemy unit then hide for the rest of the game, both players will get extremely low scores - lower than if they played hard and lost.


If an odd number of players sign up for the tournament, one player will get a bye in each round. In the first round this is random. In subsequent rounds it will be the player with the lowest score. The score for a BYE is 75 points for each game.

Round times and timing out:

Each round will last 14 days.

Any battles that are not completed by the end of the round will be timed out. The player who has had the game in his “My Turns” box the longest overall will be the one who is deemed to be timed out. This will not normally incur any penalties, unless insufficient turns have been played: If the timed-out player has played less than 12 turns, his score will be reduced proportionately, and his opponent will be granted the BYE score if it exceeds his current score. If the timed-out player has played less than 6 turns, he will not be included in the draw for the next round. This is to prevent someone else’s enjoyment being spoiled by being drawn against someone who has apparently dropped out of the tournament.
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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #78 on: August 09, 2018, 01:23:49 AM »
Field of Glory II Rise of Persia New DLC is coming! Dont miss the Twitch Preview!

"The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold, / And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;

And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, / When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee."
– Lord Byron

Ashurbanipal, Nebuchadnezzar II, Cyrus II ... these great kings are now covered with the dust of time, but the empires they created and the wars they fought shaped the Middle East irreversibly.

Here, in the cradle of civilization, the Assyrians ruled with an iron fist, until the Medes and Babylonians rose against them and ended their reign of terror. The Babylonians then repeated the cruelties of the Assyrians, razing the Temple of Jerusalem and deporting the Hebrews to Babylon.

At last a new champion arose, King Cyrus of the Persians, who swept away the mighty empires of the Medes, Lydians, Babylonians and Egyptians, and created the greatest empire the world had yet known.

Be ready to relive these events with Rise of Persia, the upcoming DLC for Field of Glory II!

Field of Glory II Rise of Persia brings players back to 681 BC, allowing them to witness the decline and fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the rise of the Median and Babylonian Empires, and the conquest of these and the Lydian and Egyptian Kingdoms by the Achaemenid Persians.

If you are eager to see some action, Field of Glory II Rise of Persia will be featured today on our official
from 6 pm to 7 pm BST time!

Stay tuned for further updates!

Summary of Features

·         12 new factions

·         26 new units

·         20 new army lists

·         6 new Epic Battles

·         35 new Quick Battles

·         Expanded Custom Battles module.

·         Expanded Sandbox Campaign module.

·         4 new historically-based campaigns.

·         Mixed units with front-rank spearmen, back rank archers.

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2018, 02:29:06 PM »
Rise of Persia DLC will be out on September 27th

Empires might rise and fall, but their legacy stands forever. Are you ready to fight for the glory of the Old Gods?

If so, mark the date as Rise of Persia, the latest DLC in the Field of Glory II franchise, will be released on September 27th!

•   With 12 new factions,
•   26 new units
•   20 new army lists
•   6 new Epic Battles
•   35 new Quick Battles
•   4 brand new historical campaigns,

Rise of Persia will bring players back to 681 BC, experiencing the last flowering of chariot warfare in the ancient near-East.

If you are eager to see some action, join us today at 6PM BST on our official
for a two-hour stream with Richard Yorke! This will be the first of a regular series of streams featuring Field of Glory II until the release. So, if you want to discover everything about Rise of Persia and its content be sure to subscribe to our channels to receive instant notification of live events!

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #80 on: September 11, 2018, 02:04:29 PM »
Rise of Persia will come with a free update (Praetorian Guard and Peltasts incoming)

Rise of Persia – the upcoming DLC for Field of Glory II – won’t just feature a tremendous collection of Army Lists from the factions of the period. As always, the DLC’s release will come with a free update improving many elements of the entire franchise, ranging from gameplay mechanics to AI behaviour.

But this time, the update is way juicier than ever. Some of you have asked about the lack of any direct reference to Praetorian Guard units and Peltasts in any Army Lists available. Well, your requests have been answered.

Rise of Persia will add - to the regular game and the other DLCs as well – units like the Praetorian Guard, Praetorian Guard (Late), Greek Peltasts, Thracian Peltasts, Massed Thracian Peltasts, Thracian Spearmen, and several other new units for free!  These new units are part of a major army list overhaul affecting Greek, Thracian, 1st-3rd century AD Roman, Sassanid, Parthian, Indo-Parthian, Kushan and Byzantine army lists.

Kudos to the developer for this great work!

Look at the screenshots below!

Get more information about Rise of Persia from its official product page

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #81 on: September 18, 2018, 01:47:55 PM »
AAR published on Wargamer.FR

Here is a story about the famous Battle of Alesia, which allowed Caesar to win the Gallic Wars. Battle epic in Field of Glory II as in reality, very well known but nevertheless unusual in wargames, battle that the game allows to simulate rather well, it seemed to me. Judge for yourself.

Field of Glory II : AAR bataille d’Alésia (1)

Field of Glory II : AAR bataille d’Alésia (2)
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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2018, 12:06:43 AM »
Field of Flory II Rise of Persia is out

The earth will crumble at the sound of trumpets. The Cradle of Civilization will witness the blood of thousands of warriors ready to die for their Kings and their Gods.

Kingdoms rise and fall, only the echoes of their glory remain.

Rise of Persia - the fourth DLC in the Field of Glory II series - is available, bringing players back to 681 BC.

Play with Assyrians, Babylonians, Cimmerians, Cypriots, Egyptians, Elamites – and many other factions – and unleash the power of Heavy Chariots, Guard Foot, Egyptian Massed Archers, Gibborim, along with other units of the time for a total of 32 new units!

Eager to see Rise of Persia in action? Don’t miss our official

Further, as said in a previous announcement, the accompanying free patch adds tons of new features and elements (Praetorian Guard and Peltasts included). Click on the banner below to read the full massive changelog!

But the good news is not over!

To celebrate this important milestone, Field of Glory II (base game), Immortal Fire, Legions Triumphant and Age of Belisarius are getting a nice discount!
Hurry up! You have until October 4th to take advantage of the offer.

Finally, if you are eager to give yourself a challenge, the Rise of Persia Tournament is opening its gates for recruitment!

Anyone who has Field of Glory II can enter. You do not need to own any of the DLCs to enter. You are all invited!

Click here to see the rules, and if you want to join click on the banner below!

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #83 on: October 16, 2018, 01:47:26 PM »
FoG2 Battles and Campaigns list and Steam guide

Just published on Steam By Chema_cagi


- Epic Battles are playable from both sides. Historical winner is marked with +. Please note that this doesn't mean necessarily to be the easier side to play.

- New Quick Battles added with DLCs are a combination of factions/period

- The Fields of Glory II Campaign can be playable with any of the 186 army lists, DLCs provided.

- There are more Army Lists than factions, based on the rules made by the Wargames Research Group

- I'll be grateful for any correction or suggestion.

- Thanks to Byzantine Games and Slitherine for such a gem of game. And thanks to the people of the Wargames Research Group for his contribution to the science and joy of wargaming.

- There's an astounding number of user created battles and campaigns, even mods adding army lists and factions not present yet in the original game. They can be downloaded directly in-game. The link to the full list of them is at the end of the guide. My most heartily THANKS to all the talented aficionados who are creating all this additional content and share with the community

(First version October 2018)


EPIC BATTLES: Bagradas 255 BC (Carth+ Rome), Trebia 218 BC (Carth+ Rome), Cannae 216 BC (Carth+ Rome), Ilipa 206 BC (Carth Rome+), Zama 202 BC (Carth Rome+), Magnesia 190 BC (Rome+ Seleuc), Pydna 168 BC (Rome+ Macedon), Chaironeia 86 BC (Rome+ Pontus), Tigranocerta 69 BC (Rome+ Armenia), Bibracte 58 BC (Rome+ Gaul), Carrhae 53 BC (Rome Parthia+) y Thapsus 46 BC (Caesar+ Pompeius)

75 Army Lists; 48 Factions


FIELDS OF GLORY II (Random battles for a chosen faction)
HANNIBAL (Carthage)

IMMORTAL FIRE (Dec 2017)   

EPIC BATTLES: Thymbra 547 BC (Persia+ Lydia), Maraton 490 BC (Greece+ Persia), Plataea 479 BC (Greece+ Persia), Cunaxa 401 BC (Cirus Artaxerxes+), Chaironeia 338 BC (Macedon+ Greece), Granikos 334 BC (Macedon+ Persia), Issos 333 BC (Maced+ Persia), Gaugamela 331 BC (Maced+ Persia), Hydaspes 326 BC (Maced+ India), Raphia 217 BC (Ptolemaic+ Seleucid)

24 Quick Battles; 30 Army Lists ; 8 Factions




EPIC BATTLES: Watling Street 61 AD (Rome+ Bretons), Adamclisi 102 AD (Rome+ Dacia), Hormozdgan 224 AD (Sassanid+ Parthia), Emesa 272 AD (Rome+ Palmyra), Argentoratum 357 AD (Rome+ Alamanni), Maranga 363 AD (Rome+ Persia), Adrianople 378 AD (Rome Goths+), Frigidus 394 AD (East Rom+ West R.), Chalons 451 AD (Rome - Huns), Nedao 454 AD (Hun Gepid/Ostrogoth+)

36 Quick Battles; 22 Army Lists; 10 Factions


KING OF KINGS (Sassanids 224 AD)


EPIC BATTLES: Dara 530 AD (Byzant+ Persia), Tricamarum 533 AD (Byzant+ Vandals), Taginae 552 AD (Byzant+ Ostrogoth), The Volturnus 554 AD (Byzant+ Frankish), Bukhara 557 AD (Sassanids+ Bactria), Raith 596 AD (Scots-Irish+ Angles)

37 Quick Battles; 30 Army Lists; 11 Factions


BELISARIUS (Byzantium)
CLOVIS I (Frankish)
KING OF KINGS 2 (Sassanids 483 AD)

RISE OF PERSIA (Sep 2018)   

EPIC BATTLES: Ulai 653 BC (Assyria+ Elamite), Nineveh 612 BC (Babylon/Medes+ Assyria), Megiddo 609 BC (Judean Egyptian+), Carchemish 605 BC (Babylon+ Egypt), Pasargadae 550 BC (Persian+ Medes), Opis 539 BC (Persia+ Babylon)

37 Quick Battles; 21 Army Lists; 12 Factions




As with Pike and Shot Campaigns, there's an awesome amount of high quality user created battles, campaigns and mods, that can be downloaded directly from the game itself.

The full list is in this forum link, regularly updated by rbodleyscott. The list includes a short description, wikilink, sides involved, year, etc:

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2018, 11:17:52 PM »
FOG2 Version 1.5.3 Patch Notes

Spears will clash against shields again, as Field of Glory II has been updated to version 1.5.3.

STEAM and GOG versions will update automatically. You can download the updater for the Slitherine standalone version from here

This new version brings lots of changes, ranging from Gameplay Mechanics (improved push backs), AI (several significant enhancements), Multiplayer (it is now possible to have mirrored MP challenges),  Campaigns (campaign scoring system) and more.


Last but not least, the vanilla version of the game is not the only thing getting updated. The spectacular TT Mod created by Paul Adaway will soon be updated to a new version. The new version includes many improvements including individual faction banners! Take a look at that here

IMPORTANT! Be sure to update the game to version 1.5.3.

This version of TT Mod is too large for the in-game download system, but it is very easy to install. Look out for the update notice with download link and installation instructions on the Slitherine forum very soon.

The FoG II ‘TT mod’ is a comprehensive user-created mod for both Field of Glory II and DLCs. Full details of the original version of Paul Adaway’s 'magnum opus' are given here but the new version includes lots more new or modified army lists. In keeping with its miniatures based inspiration it has many new unit figures e.g. nearly all nations have their own specific pike phalanx, amended Greek cavalry, a plethora of new Spanish infantry units and one of my favourites – the Tarantine Light Javelin Horse.

For those of you would like to try this mod but are unsure about its impact on the game, rest assured that Paul has not amended the gameplay, rules or unit capabilities in anyway – its focus is on giving players a wider range of armies to choose from and units to play with. Installing TT Mod will not alter the main game in any way, and you will still be able to play the “vanilla” unmodded game whenever you want.
Special thanks are of course due to Paul for putting this together and then making it freely available.


Version 1.5.3
Note that some of the changes listed below will not affect games started under the previous version of the game. Such games will still work correctly, but won’t use all of the new features.

•   Gameplay:
---o   Push Backs: In order to more closely match the overall distance infantry units get pushed back in the game with accounts of historical battles, Push Backs will be less frequent. Units facing orthogonally (facing a square edge) will only get pushed back every second time they suffer a “lost badly” combat result, starting with the first time they suffer such a result. Units facing diagonally will only get pushed back every third time they suffer a “lost badly” combat result, starting with the second time they suffer such a result. Overall this simulates the unit getting pushed back half a square-side distance each time they suffer a “lost badly” combat result (instead of a whole square-side orthogonally or almost 1.5 square-sides diagonally, as previously).
---o   Unless they are in Rough or Difficult terrain, or defending an obstacle, Light Foot will now always evade non-light troops.
---o   Light Foot can only charge non-light troops if the latter are in Rough or Difficult terrain. (They could previously charge them in non-Open terrain that was neither of these - e.g. small Streams).
---o   Improved random naming conventions for the generals of some nations. (e.g. Arabs, Hebrews, Picts, Scots and Irish, Welsh).
---o   Made Detailed Unit Information easier to read by using dark on light text and a larger font.
---o   Increased effectiveness of Crossbows vs infantry slightly. (This currently only affects the Silk Road mod).
---o   Various graphical optimisations made to improve in-battle game performance.
•   AI:
---o   Made AI units more likely to move round flanks by reducing their chance of choosing a route through enemy ZOCs.
---o   Made AI units less likely to move into positions where they will block their friends’ break off.
---o   AI now moves all Steady units before Disrupted ones.
---o   Fragmented AI troops will no longer advance, as this is seldom a good idea.
---o   Improved AI for Rearguard scenarios.
•   Screenshots:
---o   Added camera shutter sound effect to accompany the visual flash effect.
•   Multiplayer:
---o   It is now possible to set up paired (mirror) MP challenges. When the challenge is accepted, two games are created. Each player gets to play the same battle from both sides, on the same map.
•   Campaigns:
---o   There is now a campaign scoring system which derives a points score for each battle in a campaign (whether won or lost) and after each battle displays the number of victories and defeats in the campaign so far, the last battle score, the average battle score (which at the end of the campaign is the campaign score), and the player’s previous High (campaign) Score. The scoring for each battle depends on the margin of victory, but is also modified depending on the difficulty level set.
---o   Advance Guard and Rearguard scenarios added to the possible campaign scenarios in Sandbox Campaigns.
---o   Campaign Design:
------   Custom Campaign designers can use the TWEAK tag to adjust the points of the AI army in a particular campaign battle if needed for balance purposes. e.g. TWEAK 10 = AI gets 10% more points than usual, TWEAK -10 = AI gets 10% less points than usual. Note that TWEAK has no effect on the following decisions: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 (should not be used in custom campaign anyway), 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29.
-----   It is now possible to set the player army in the first battle of a custom (historical) campaign to use an allied contingent from another army list (using the usual ALLIES0 format). The allied contingent’s units will be autoselected prior to force selection, and constitute between 20 and 33% of the total force points.
------   Two additional option pairs can now be used in Custom Campaigns.
---------•   Meeting Engagement (Advance Guard) scenario (32) or Reinforcements (Own) scenario (33). The standard strings attribute the choice to running low on supplies. The choice is therefore to advance as fast as possible to engage the enemy before supplies run out, or to advance steadily and send out foragers who may arrive back late for any battle. However, it is possible to provide different reasons for the choice by customizing the strings in the custom campaign folder.
---------•   Outnumbered open battle– enemy has an extra 10% force points over and above the normal differential set by the difficult level (34) or Rearguard Action (35). The choice is therefore to fight the battle at a disadvantage, or to leave a rearguard to hold the enemy off while the rest of the army escape. This is deemed successful if the rearguard holds out till nightfall.
---------•   Note that the campaign victory conditions for Meeting Engagement (Advance Guard) and Rearguard scenarios are different from the standalone version of those scenarios, in so far as the normal army rout percentages apply in addition to the special victory conditions.
•   Modding:
---o   The minimap will now default to yellow for Side 0 and blue for side 1 if the sides’ banner indices are outside the vanilla defined range (currently 1-14).
•   Manual:
---o   Change: Unless they are in Rough or Difficult terrain, or defending an obstacle, Light Foot will now always evade non-light troops.
---o   Change: Light Foot can only charge non-light troops if the latter are in Rough or Difficult terrain.
•   Bug Fixes:
---o   Non-difficult hill slopes should now show correctly in random maps where equal height hills abut at a corner.
---o   Fixed some missing Banner Normal and Spec textures (which nobody seems to have noticed).
---o   Fixed rare MP crash bug.
---o   Group move Undo should now consistently move all of the units in the group back to their starting position. We hope this will fix the bug where units occasionally got extra AP or a second move after a group move Undo.
---o   Fixed issue of disappearing Detailed Unit Info button.
---o   Next Unshot hotkey (B) now works when More Tools panel is not open.
---o   Fixed issue of stray shootable or chargeable indicators on enemy units at the start of a player’s turn.
---o   Fixed overlap in West Hunnic lists.

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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #85 on: February 05, 2019, 04:35:27 PM »
Field of Glory II New Tournament - Will you be the ultimate Horse Lord?

If Infantry has often been called the “Queen of Battles”, Cavalry should have been declared “Infantry’s worst enemy”.

For centuries in Ancient Times, large cavalry formations constituted one of the most dangerous threats to professional and non-professional armies alike.

Ferocious and merciless, the semi-nomadic peoples of Ancient Times were led by powerful chiefs and kings, the most feared among them listed amongst the world’s greatest conquerors.

Will your destiny be “to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women”?

We are pleased to announce another Field of Glory 2 public tournament. This will be played using the normal Field of Glory 2 Multiplayer system and our automated tournament system.


Anyone who has Field of Glory II can enter. You do not need to own any DLCs to enter.

To enter, go to the tournament page here:

The general tournament rules can be found here:

The first round will commence on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 10.00 am GMT. No further entries can be accepted after the tournament has begun.

Specific tournament rules:

This tournament will involve three rounds. The battles will be medium-sized custom battles.  Note that the Parthian, Sassanid and Kushan lists were all given a significant makeover in the v1.4.7 patch.

Round 1: 167 BC. Parthian invasion of Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom. Parthian (250 BC-225 AD) vs Graeco-Bactria (250-130 BC). Middle-Eastern Agricultural.

Round 2: 225 AD. Sassanid invasion of Kushan Empire. Sassanid Persian (224-349 AD) vs Kushan (130 BC-476 AD). Middle-Eastern Agricultural.

Round 3: 582 AD. Avar invasion of the Balkans. Avar (558-631 AD) vs Byzantine (579-599 AD). Mediterranean Agricultural.

Games are paired, so each matchup will be played both ways. Each player will be able to choose his forces using the normal force selection system. In each round, all players will be playing on the same randomly generated map for both games.

First round pairings will be selected randomly, subsequent rounds using the Swiss Chess system. Nobody will play the same opponent in more than one round.

The scoring system is as follows:

·         If a game runs to the turn limit, each side scores points equal to the enemy % routed at the turn limit. If the game times out, adjustments may be made, depending on how far the game has progressed and who took longer over their turns – see below.

·         If one army breaks, the victorious player scores 60 points plus the difference between the enemy % routed and his own % routed. The loser scores points equal to the winner's % routed.


1) If Ben defeats Tamas's army, and has inflicted 45% routed on Tamas, and Tamas has inflicted 15% on Ben, Ben will score 60 + (45 – 15) = 90, Tamas will score 15.

2) However, if Ben defeated Tamas’s army by inflicting 62% routed on Tamas, and Tamas had inflicted 56% routed on Ben, Ben would get 60 + (62 – 56) = 66 points, and Tamas would get 56.

3) If the game is unfinished (or it reached the turn limit) with Ben inflicting 20% routed on Tamas, and Tamas inflicting 10% routed on Ben, Ben would score 20, and Tamas would score 10. (Provided that between them they have played at least 24 turns in all – see below).

Note that this system rewards aggressive play over desultory skirmishing. If you rout an enemy unit then hide for the rest of the game, both players will get extremely low scores - lower than if they played hard and lost.


If an odd number of players sign up for the tournament, one player will get a bye in each round. In the first round this is random. In subsequent rounds it will be the player with the lowest score. The score for a BYE is 75 points for each game.

Round times and timing out:

Each round will last 14 days.

Any battles that are not completed by the end of the round will be timed out. The player who has had the game in his “My Turns” box the longest overall will be the one who is deemed to be timed out. This will not normally incur any penalties, unless insufficient turns have been played: If the timed-out player has played less than 12 turns, his score will be reduced proportionately, and his opponent will be granted the BYE score if it exceeds his current score. If the timed-out player has played less than 6 turns, he will not be included in the draw for the next round. This is to prevent someone else’s enjoyment being spoiled by being drawn against someone who has apparently dropped out of the tournament
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Re: Field of Glory II
« Reply #86 on: May 11, 2019, 12:01:11 AM »
    Field of Glory II - The Wolves have arrived

    "Horses ramp high and rock and boil / And break their golden reins,

    And slide on carnage clamorously, / Down where the bitter blood doth lie,

    Where Ogier went on foot to die, / In the old way of the Danes.

    "The high tide!" King Alfred cried. / "The high tide and the turn!

    As a tide turns on the tall grey seas, / See how they waver in the trees,

    How stray their spears, how knock their knees, / How wild their watchfires burn!"

    G. K. Chesterton – The Ballad of the White Horse

    A new installment for Field of Glory II is coming and it is “darker” than ever. Wolves at the Gate depicts the epic struggles that newly forged European kingdoms had to face for their survival during the “Dark Ages”, a long period of recurrent conflicts that eventually gave birth to Europe.

    This age was marked by the volcanic expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate and its fights against the Byzantine Empire, the last bastion against the Islamic advance in the middle-east. In Europe, Charlemagne, King of the Franks, and then crowned Emperor of the Romans, built the foundations of the Carolingian Renaissance and the beginning of the Translatio Imperii in the West.

    But no-one was prepared for the endless waves of ruthless and merciless raiders and warriors that from the end of the eight century onward ravaged almost the totality of the Continent and the Mediterranean. Christendom’s towns and holy places were in constant danger from the depredations of the Vikings and Magyars, as well as the on-going Saracen threat.  The Vikings were to carve out colonies in Ireland, the Danelaw in England, Normandy in France and the Kievan Rus in Russia. The Magyars were eventually to cease their raids and become the Christian kingdom of Hungary.

    The Wolves have arrived. Is this end of Christianity, or is it just the birth pangs of a new world order?

    Get more information about the product on its Product Page

    Summary of features:

    • 19 new factions
    • 55 new units
    • 76 new army lists
    • 6 new Epic Battles
    • 74 new Quick Battles
    • Expanded Custom Battles module.
    • Expanded Sandbox Campaign module.
    • 6 new historically-based campaigns.
    • New Allies feature added in accompanying game update.
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    Re: Field of Glory II
    « Reply #87 on: May 23, 2019, 12:16:36 AM »
    Field of Glory II: Wolves at the Gate out next week

    "A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine" (From the fury of the Northmen deliver us, O Lord)

    Wolves at the Gate is coming soon! The latest DLC for the acclaimed tactical wargame Field of Glory II will be out on May 30th!

    With 76 new Army Lists, 19 new Factions, 55 new Units, new historical-based campaigns and Epic Battles, Wolves at the Gate will be massive!

    Are you eager to see the game in action? Then don't miss our preview on our official Twitch Channel on Friday 24th at 6 pm BST!

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    Re: Field of Glory II
    « Reply #88 on: May 23, 2019, 12:21:47 AM »
    Field of Glory 2 Allies Feature Explained

    By popular demand, Update 1.5.12 adds a major new feature to the game – Allies.

    It is now possible to choose to have allies from a different army list in SP and MP custom battle armies. The main army list provides the majority of the troops available for selection, the allies provide a smaller proportion.

    The permitted allies for each list are based on known historical alliances. Hence some army lists can have as many as 12 possible allies, others may have none. Altogether, well over 400 allies are currently specified, which, together with the 281 single nation army lists, makes a total of more than 700 pure or mixed army lists in the game. This in turn means that, including “what if” games, the number of possible matchups is now over 500,000! And that is before unit selection.

    For example, here we are setting up a custom battle representing an episode from the Third Samnite War (298-290 BC) in which an army of allied Samnites and Gauls meets a Roman army with Lucanian allies.

    The army list previews show an asterisk in front of the allied units.

    The two armies arrayed for battle:

    Here we can set up a situation similar to the battle of Clontarf in 1014 AD, in which an Irish army with Viking allies fights a Viking army with Irish allies:

    Stay tuned for further information!

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    Re: Field of Glory II
    « Reply #89 on: May 24, 2019, 06:47:24 PM »
    Now streaming

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