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Author Topic: Air Hauler 2  (Read 46576 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2018, 01:40:27 PM »


After months of refinements, updates and new feature additions, the final release version of Air Hauler 2 will be on sale on 21 June! Duncan, the program developer and Airhaulic-in-Chief, has been in touch with Early Access users since its launch and has been constantly improving the software after listening to their opinions and suggestions. We'll post updated specs and a final set of up-to-date screenshots on the Air Hauler 2 page as soon as we can.

The price of the final release version will be £29.99 / €37.95 / $44.99 but the Early Access versions will remain at their current discounted prices until 21 June. All buyers of the Early Access editions will, of course, get a free upgrade to the final release version when it's available and any future updates to the software.

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2018, 04:50:43 PM »
v64 now available (v63 expires on the 30th)
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,
v64 is now available from the JustFlight downloads page - this is just an interim build before the release version in the next couple of weeks with some back end changes, and minor modifications.

Note that the v63 version expires on the 30th June, so please update - the "new version" notification is working in v64 onwards, but you will NOT be notified by the v63 version due to a bug, so please update.

Remember and reinstall to the correct location!

Changes are:
•   Added AI fleet in tracker map so you can see in-flight aircraft on the map - NOTE THIS DOES NOT CORRELATE WITH THE AI Position in FSX (that'll come in a future update).
•   Add Departure time Zulu/Date on the Networked mode dialog
•   Cargo transfer now checks for aircraft being in-flight
•   You can now Book-in a VA aircraft from the Company Fleet screen
•   There's now a slight increase in what passengers will pay for tickets with higher company pax reputations

AirHauler Developer. (Please update your forum profile to your name/handle rather than MJFxxxxxx)

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2018, 02:31:38 PM »
v66 now available
Slopey Global Moderator

Version 66 is now available!
As always, download from Your Orders in your JF Account page, and run twice, once to un-install, then again to re-install - pay particular attention to the install path if you haven't installed AH2 to the default folder.

If you don't see your companies after you update - you've installed to the wrong place!!! Note down your AH2 install path before you uninstall/reinstall if you're not sure, and optionally back up your Company folder and static.db from the AH2 directory prior to updating.

This update adds a Text-To-Speech mode which will announce cockpit messages for those who have issues catching them. You can enable this feature on the Options screen. Also, if there additional voice prompts which may be useful, let me know and I'll see what I can add.

There's a new tab in the flight monitoring window, which logs all messages during the flight. You can right click to copy all the text out to the clipboard. I'll add more information in there as we go along based on feedback and suggestions.
I've also added a "Stock Finder" so you can find which airports trade in which commodities, under the Factories menu. In the next update, I'll be seeding the markets with tier 2 & 3 commodities, so you'll be able to trade in them without requiring a mission.

Also, in this update, VA airline members can now do ad-hoc flights - book out the aircraft, and fly an ad-hoc as normal - the VA will be credited rather than your own company.

There have also been a few changes to AI pilots so they don't get stuck or wander off half way through a multi-trip job.

Full change list is here:
•   Fixed the out of index exception on the map when flight monitoring
•   Fixed issue whereby AI pilots would not travel to collect cargo for a job from an airport which wasn’t the start/end for the job
•   Changed flight monitoring code to hopefully help with some users experience stuttering in the sim while Type Rating training
•   Fixed an issue where phantom aircraft were inadvertently generated in the fleet and assigned tasks
•   Fixed issue where cargo could not be dumped from a VA aircraft for an expired job
•   Booking In a VA aircraft from the fleet screen refreshes the VA Fleet screen if open
•   Unload VA cargo item - if expired, AH2 will now ask if you want to dump it
•   Added Text to Speech option for AH2 in-sim prompts in the General Tab in Options
•   Added log of in-flight messages to the Flight Monitoring window in a new tab on the Map/options tab control
•   Added Stock Finder in the Factories and Items to allow you to search for prices across airports
•   You can now copy the in-flight log to the clipboard (right click on the log)
•   Cosmetic changes to some screens for better UI fit
•   Fixed VA pax sector details not being displayed when selected
•   You can now fly an Ad-hoc passenger flight for a VA. Book out the aircraft, and fly an Ad-hoc flight as normal. The VA will be credited.
•   Fleet icons in the map view should not appear multiple times when in-flight
•   Pilots can only be trained for one type rating at a time
•   Clicking on an airport in the Stock Finder map now selects the entry
•   Added more aircraft to the 2nd hand market, depending on your reputation level
•   Changed the profanity filter rules slightly on the Radar view


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2018, 02:33:26 PM »
v67 now available
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,
v67 is now available which includes the hotfix for v66 and a few other little changes.

You can get it from your Just Flight Orders page as usual - REMEMBER to run it twice - once to uninstall, once to reinstall - and if you didn't install to the default path before - ENSURE you install where you installed it last time, or your companies won't show up.

Changes are:
•   Distance column on Stock finder now formatted correctly
•   Fixed issue with AI pilots not travelling or undertaking type ratings.
•   Fixed issue preventing the VA Pilots screen from being re-opened
•   Fixed issue with 2nd hand aircraft not updating correctly after the recent changes
•   AH will now check the Pax Schedule for updates before letting you fly a sector, in-case it's in progress


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2018, 02:34:28 PM »
v68 now available
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,

Just a quicky - v68 is available which fixes the VA Jobs error :)

Get it as normal from your JF account - see the v67 notes for install hints if needed.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2018, 02:35:35 PM »
v69 now available
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,
Update 69 is now available for AH2 - you can get it as normal from your JustFlight "My Orders" page on the JF website.
Download the new version of AH2 (which is under the same link as usual), then run it twice - once to uninstall. And again to re-install. Please do ensure you install it to the correct place when you reinstall it if you did not install to the default location originally.

Patch notes for this update are:
•   Adjusted AI aircraft cruise altitude to counter reported level change issues
•   Fixed issue with transferring in-progress jobs to VAs making extra cargo items-
•   AI pilots now benefit from the cost reduction for repairs carried out at a base
•   New default office image added -
•   Disabled airports grid - cosmetic changes
•   Manage co-located airport screen - icon updated
• is now the default rather than for the office layout
•   Options page - cosmetic changes
•   Changed Humanitarian Aid dialog wording for consistency
•   Humanitarian Aid mission count refreshes when new missions available
•   Network mode loading message now includes pax/luggage in cargo value (+ 170 for pilot)
•   Humanitarian missions - achievement now fires correctly
•   After landing in FS - job generation updates the 'all available' jobs screens
•   AI pilots will no longer un-assign themselves from their aircraft when they complete a job
•   VA Reputations adjusted to percentile (100% is the max)


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2018, 12:55:38 AM »
v70 - Now available
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

AirHauler Towers has been infested by spooks, gouls and gremlins, and they've messed up the next update for AH2. I did plan a much larger update, but due to some demonic bugs, I've had to roll it back - so this current update purely resets the beta timeout.

The current v69 version expires at midnight on the 31st October, so please download v70 without delay.

There are no patch notes for this update, except for:

•   VA Founders now receive an email when someone applies to their VA.


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2019, 12:48:02 AM »

Air Hauler 2 is coming out of Early Access and the full release
version will be available on 11 January 2019!

After the addition of numerous new features and countless updates and enhancements during the Early Access period, Air Hauler 2 will soon be ready for release!

When the full release version is available on the 11th January, the price will increase to
£29.99 / €37.95 / $44.99, but buy either the Early Access Upgrade version (for owners of the original Air Hauler) or Air Hauler 2 Early Access (for new buyers) before that date and you'll
only pay the prices shown below.

All owners of the Early Access version will be able to download the fulll release version free of charge as soon as it is available!

Air Hauler 2 Early Access
Upgrade for owners of Air Hauler £19.99 / €24.95 / $29.99
Upgrade offer only available until 11 January 2019
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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2019, 03:13:47 PM »
v71 - AH2 1.0 Release Candidate now available
Slopey Global Moderator 29/12/18

Hi All,

AH2 will shortly be properly released in January 2019. As JF are on their holidays (as am I), if you'd like to try out the next update, you can download it from here:

Note this is DIFFERENT from the usual JF updates, and consists of a zip file which contains the updated AirHauler2.exe.

You need to EXTRACT the AirHauler2.exe and the other 2 files from the zip file, and copy them into your AirHauler 2 program directory replacing the existing file. Double clicking on AirHauler2.exe won't install the update, you'll just get an error - this is a PATCH build only - it replaces the existing file.

Included is a new version of the online help which is now available from the Options menu, and also a PDF version of the full AH2 manual.

This will come out as either an update early January, or as the full AH2 v1.0 release (or both). If you'd rather wait until then, feel free, otherwise, if you'd like to play with it meantime, enjoy!

Fixes and changes in this version are:
•   Resolved an issue with pax satisfaction after resuming a flight
•   VA Hiring BBS now has a loading indicator
•   ICAO now forced to upper case on the Remove airport functoin
•   Renamed the "Remove airport" button from the disabled airport screen
•   Flight plan cruise altitudes now set to more sensible numbers based on MTOW
•   VA Founders are now notified of new member applications via email
•   The touchdown hero skill description now reflects the STOL bonus
•   Buying commodity stocks now doesn't reset the spin field value
•   Commodity stocks now updated over time
•   Fixed issue with coordinate conversion when creating flight plans
•   Fixed issue with runway heading incorrectly imported during scenery import
•   Zero width runways are now automatically added to the surface damage exclusion list during a scenery import
•   Modified the chance of a failure occuring immeadiately after take off rather than in flight
•   Passenger seat configuration changes now price accordingly rather than a fixed fee
•   Fixed issue whereby aircraft cost new value was not populated correctly
•   Available Jobs screen will now autoselect the first job entry on load
•   Resolved issues when opening the stock finder screen
•   Ferry fuel dialog - fixed rounding on lbs
•   Resolved issue with commodity trading skills, discounts/bonuses now applied correctly when a pilot with the skill is at the airport
•   Commodity stocks now shown
•   Aircraft Part generation is now based on arrival at an airport, rather than from the Overview Map
•   Sorted the radar tick box positioning on the VA Company Info Screen
•   Added BBS option to VA create new dialog
•   Added Ability to put the FLT in a specific directory rather than the default sim directory
•   Fixed issue with very slow refresh on Universal jobs
•   Fixed issue with crash on VA Hiring Bulletin Board refresh
•   Fixed issue where AH2 would crash if transferring cargo job to VA with VA accepted jobs screen open
•   Resolved issue with Mission Clients not gaining reputation beyond 86%
•   Fixed the edit/delete option on VA Pax Flights Context menu
•   Added AH2 Help to the Options menu
•   Different colouring for inbound/outbound jobs on map view
•   Resolved issue with Available Jobs grid and multiple row selection when highlighting routes on the map

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and hope you have a very Happy New Year! Best Wishes for 2019!!


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2019, 03:32:36 PM »
Air Hauler 2 released

Compatibility: Flight Simulator X, FSX: Steam Edition, P3D v4, v3, v2, v1
Home page

Fly jobs between bases, buy or lease aircraft and create your own virtual airline. Recruit pilots, build routes and look out for special humanitarian missions. Trade cargo commodities, open factories at your airports and buy parts - the possibilities really are endless!

Building on the immersive and addictive Air Hauler, the new Air Hauler 2 puts you in complete control of your own freight and passenger company - take charge of operations both in the boardroom and in the cockpit. You can also 'go global' and create your own Virtual Airline and recruit other AH2 pilots to fly for you with attractive payouts, or you can join another pilot’s booming airline and fly for that alongside your own company.
The limitless possibilities and flexibility of Air Hauler 2 will let you immerse yourself totally in every operational detail of your company - each crucial flight will have an effect on the reputation and reach of your expanding empire.
The level of complexity is up to you - simply fly jobs between bases and buy or lease aircraft, or carve out a career in the air freight or airline industry by hiring AI pilots and risking everything on loans to fill up your dream hangar.
Air Hauler 2 tracks all your financial activity, whether you're buying aircraft or air bases, fuel or repairs, or paying for landing fees or even loans and leases. Take out insurance if you think the part-time pilots you've hired might let you down when you can least afford it.
As the pilot charged with delivering the goods or passengers on time, you can decide to fly a job in multiple legs, or stop anywhere en route for refuelling or maintenance. Create your regular passenger routes and look out for special humanitarian missions. Contend with real-world weather conditions if you want the extra challenge and keep a watchful eye on your fuel economy - the price of fuel in Air Hauler 2 can vary with the real-world price of aviation fuel for added realism!
Trade commodities for delivery on your cargo routes, and open manufacturing plants and factories at your bases to create parts for manufacture into more precious commodities. Travel around the world to meet new contacts and fly missions for them individually to boost your company’s reputation and income!
If your management skills are needed in the boardroom, recruit other pilots to fly jobs for you and keep track of them all with the AI pilot system. Detailed Map views showing all the airports in Flight Simulator will help you keep tabs on available jobs and the locations of your bases and fleet, and you can also view the live locations of other online Air Hauler 2 pilots.

Expand your company into an online Virtual Airline where other pilots can fly passenger routes and cargo jobs for your new venture – select jobs from a global shared job board and allow users to help you manage your virtual airline and fly, expand and maintain your fleet!
Air Hauler 2 puts you in charge every step of the way - from landings to leases, flight plans to finances, and repairs to recruitment!

Detailed Description

In-flight menu system – manage your company and accept jobs without leaving your host simulator.
Cargo jobs – more variety, better paid jobs, and much, much faster generation than in Air Hauler.
Passenger operations – fly single passenger jobs between any airport you choose, or set up a schedule and routes for your airline to fly. You can let your AI pilots fly these routes or you can fly any of them at any time.

Missions - take missions from new contacts you meet as you travel to new airports and destinations.

Virtual Airlines – create your own Virtual Airline and recruit other AH2 pilots from around the world to fly passenger and cargo jobs!  Advertise your airline on the Air Hauler 2 Hiring Bulletin Board. Accept and fly jobs from the Global Job Board and compete with other airlines for the best hauls.

Humanitarian missions - respond to real-world disasters by manufacturing and delivering relief supplies to local airports.
New AI pilot skills tree system – AI pilots can now be ‘trained’ in over 18 different skills which bring benefits to your company. As the AI pilots improve, they ‘level up’ in rank which gives them more skill points to spend. There is a skill tree which has five different tracks with individual skills in each and these can be unlocked by spending points. So, for example, an AI pilot who has five points in ‘Bungee Warrior’ will be subject to less in-flight cargo damage as a result of rough handling than one who has less (or no) points in that skill. Other examples are ‘Rocketman’, which provides a more efficient cruise (lower fuel costs), and ‘Short Stripper’ which lowers the runway landing requirements for AI pilots.
Take missions from clients at airports – supply them with rare commodities or perform photo recon flights or private charter flights.
Commodity trading – buy and sell commodities rather than just move them for clients. Make your own fortune trading between airports!
Upgrade your bases – upgrade them with fuel depots and commodity storage facilities, allowing you to hedge fuel prices and store commodities long term.
Factories and production – build factories at your bases and use them to produce desirable commodities which can’t be bought on the open market.
See full airport charts in Air Hauler 2 itself – charts are provided with the kind permission of John Allard.
Find aircraft parts from vendors – find these at larger airports and use them to repair your fleet or build new aircraft yourself rather than buying them!
New type rating system – get qualified on aircraft before you or your AI pilots can fly them.
Buy and fly aircraft in your personal fleet – you can also transfer money from your company into your own personal account.
Buy new aircraft direct from the manufacturer, or buy second hand – have the aircraft shipped to you or go and collect them yourself and fly them home.
All-new Map views with great circle routes – several map tile choices are available.
Create ‘custom airports’ – create an airport which will be recognised in Air Hauler 2 for any scenery which doesn’t create a ‘proper’ airport in Flight Simulator (i.e. the Orbx series and other airport add-ons).
Included database of common aircraft – designed to populate the stats while importing – no more searching for fuel burn figures!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2019, 01:39:01 PM »
Air Hauler 2 Changelog v1.0.0.1
Latest Update: 15/01/2019



- Resolved a possible issue which occurs if a custom Flt/Pln path doesn't exist
- Accepted jobs now refreshes after job completion after cargo un-loading
- Remove "EA" from the forum button
- Added "Draw Jobs" option to Accepted Jobs map
- Fixed issue with Supply missions not updating when commodities delivered
- Single job doesn't populate details on overview map?
- You can now set the in-menu shortcut key combination from the options page (Shift+F5 is now the default)
- Resolved with pax sectors being completed before they should be flown on the next cycle
« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 02:09:11 PM by Asid »
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Offline numavirte

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2019, 01:57:05 PM »
will it be possible to use also helicopters or only airplanes?
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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2019, 03:03:45 PM »
will it be possible to use also helicopters or only airplanes?

Yes - they work without issue. There are no limitations, except that for AI pilots, they need a runway with sufficient length to allow them to depart - there's no flag for heliport in the scenery so AH classes them as aircraft, and depending on their weight they need a certain min length of runway for AI flights, but aside from that they work without issue.
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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2019, 02:11:18 AM »
I have the original of this . It's pretty awesome tbh when you feel like flying Civ stuff . Busy with military stuff atm but will definately pick it up at some point .
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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2019, 12:55:58 PM »
It has a good multiplayer system built in as well, which is not too demanding on players.
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