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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2019, 03:50:47 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #22 'Flesh and Bone'
06 Nov 2019

“In news closer to home, and if you’ve followed this show, you’ll know is close to my heart; another of our hallowed Alpha Pyramid franchises has been forced to shut its doors. You know, if I’m thankful for one thing this Hallow Morn, it’s the fact that the Cylons have done what even Daniel Graystone couldn’t manage - and forced the C-Bucs to finally take the loss and close shop.

“Although I heard Caprica City police had to drag Rod Jenkins from what’s left of the arena court the other week. C’mon buddy, it’s over. We’d all given up on you years ago. It—- it was getting real embarrassing for everyone. Even the Cylons wear a Delphi Legion cap when they march down Atlas Promenade now, and I’m not sure they even know what pyramid is. Probably the only way they can get through the neighborhood without Jenkins flagging them down for a pick-up game.”

Baxter Sarno, Backtalk (episode 379)

It’s hard to believe it’s already been two months since the release of Resurrection! We hope you are enjoying all of the changes in Season Two.

As always, the team have been hard at work on a raft of improvements and new features for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. When Resurrection was released, you might have seen the roadmap that outlined some of what we are working on. In this post, we’ll get you up to speed with where everything is at.

A number of players over the 2 years since release have commented that the officer portraits displayed when recruiting fleet group commanders haven’t met their expectations. As we’ve largely been focussing on adding more ships and missions to the game, we never got around to giving the officer portraits the care and attention they deserve. Until now.

We’ve completely redone the art for the officers, giving them more natural skin tones and better facial structures and hair. We’ve also improved the lighting when the portraits are rendered. Below you can see the results:

We’ve also completed work on a new cinematic browser. This feature will allow you to go back and view any opening or closing cinematic from any campaign you have completed.

About to play through the Resurrection campaign? Why not go back and review the end sequence of Sin & Sacrifice before you start.

We’ve also got a lot of quality of life improvements in the pipeline. In the Command Update, we added multi-select, and in keeping with the theme of making fleet controls faster and easier, we are adding more shortcuts and enhancements. For example, double-clicking on a ship will select all other ships of the same type. Selecting your entire doomstack of Adamants will soon be just a double-click away.

That’s just some of the work we’ve been doing lately. We’ll outline more in the next dev diary.

Oh, and in case you missed the news, the first multiplayer tournament of season two is on now - head over to the Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Discord for the latest news.

So say we all!

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #76 on: January 28, 2020, 02:04:18 PM »
Join the Beta for the new Battlestar Galactica Deadlock DLC
28 Jan 2020

So say we all!
Black Lab Games are looking for able and willing beta testers for the new upcoming and yet-to-be-announced DLC.

The new expansion will progress the story of Season 2 and it will also include brand new ship types. If you're eager to lend us a hand and offer your feedback, we'd love to have you on board.

Click here to sign up. Please note you need to own the base game, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #77 on: February 04, 2020, 01:22:38 PM »
The Ghost Fleet is about to strike! New DLC for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock announced
4 Feb 2020

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is back with a new DLC, Ghost Fleet Offensive.

With a new campaign, new ships, and munition types, Ghost Fleet Offensive will continue Battlestar Galactica Deadlock's Season 2.

Take initiative and bring the fight to the toasters in the new Ghost Fleet Offensive campaign, where you will be striking from the shadows and hitting hard behind enemy lines.

The DLC will be accompanied by a free update called Fleet Admiral Update, downloadable for free by all the owners of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock.

Ghost Fleet Offensive and the Fleet Admiral Update are due out on PC on February 25th, and it will be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 a few weeks later.

New Campaign

Ghost Fleet Offensive is a brand new 10-mission story campaign. Relive the infamous Ghost Fleet Offensive, strike behind enemy lines and turn the tide of the war for the Twelve Colonies.

New ships

Colonial Orion - Recon Frigate
A light frigate equipped with an experimental suite of ECM jamming and stealth technologies. Able to protect itself from hostile DRADIS sensors, the Orion can lay in wait, maneuver for the perfect torpedo angle, and then speed away while its stealth battery recharges.

Colonial Defender - Support Specialist
A support ship of Gemenese origin, the Defender is a mobile marine detachment platform. The Raptors from the Defender can both bolster the marine defense of friendly ships that have been boarded, and provide technical support to boost the strength of ally subsystems.
Based on the ship design and used with permission of Todd Boyce.

Cylon Medusa - Central Command
A technologically advanced command ship lined with point defense cannons, and capable of overclocking the subsystems of multiple ships with its advanced transmission arrays. The Medusa pushes the capabilities of Cylon technology to its very limits.

New Cylon Munitions

Cylon Cluster Nukes - A devastating multi-missile system capable of striking six individual targets with high yield nuclear warheads.
Cylon Virus Mines - A short-range ECM field generator that both hacks the subsystems of hostile ships, and compromises enemy squadrons.

Ghost Fleet Offensive will be accompanied by a new free update, called the Fleet Admiral Update.

The Fleet Admiral Update contains a plethora of new features and improvements, including:
- Fleet Admiralty Difficulty - For the ultimate challenge against Cylon Command.
- Updated officer profiles - All new artwork for your flagship officers .
- UI enhancements - More QoL improvements to the UI, including additional information tooltips, double-click to select all ships of the same type, more squadron groups, and more.
- Cinematics Browser - Replay any intro or outro cinematic you’ve unlocked.
- Select flagship - Select the ship in any campaign fleet you want as flagship, to get the most of your officer bonuses.
- New Loading Screens - Five new gorgeous loading screens.
- And more...

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2020, 06:45:18 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #23 'Colonial Day'
11 Feb 2020

“What was I doing?” Jubal Sarkis stepped in so close he could recognise the politician’s aftershave. “What was I doing when Centurions marched down Atlas Promenade? When snipers covered every corner of Caprica Square?” Senator Cantrell sputtered into his microphone. “Your service has already been commended. But whole months are unaccounted for in these findings.”

Sarkis turned to face the room. They were hungry for his response. Cameras caught his every movement. Every word scrutinised. He folded his hands in front of him, and calmly walked away from the sweat-soaked senator. “Whole months. Well, damn me. Whole months unaccounted for. Maybe years, if you tally it all up. Years without oversight and receipts. Because of all the fighting, I guess. Years of being shot at. Blown up. Trampled, crushed, beaten.”

Jubal made sure to find Stefan in the crowd. The eye contact wouldn’t be lost on the Duke of Hadrian.

“What was I doing, Senator? I was saving your gods damn life. If I had a choice in the matter, maybe I’d be speaking to someone a little more appreciative. But it was my job, and I’m good at my job. So how about I leave you to your bookkeeping, with your little calendars, and I’ll go back out there and do my job. That way you might get to live and do all this again tomorrow.” He didn’t look back. “Whatever all this circus is.”

In the stunned silence, no one thought to ask another question. The cameras ate up his every step past the media pit, and out of the judiciary chamber.

It’s hard to believe it’s been over 2 months since we last updated you all on the latest developments in Battlestar Galactica Deadlock . We have a really good reason though - we’ve been hard at work on the next expansion, Ghost Fleet Offensive , which was recently announced. In this dev diary, we’ll share some more information about the new Colonial ships included in that expansion.

Most Battlestar Galactica fans will be familiar with the movie Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome . Set in the 10th year of the Cylon War, it introduces the “ghost fleet”, a fleet comprised of Colonial ships that had apparently been destroyed, but were in fact hiding from the Cylons in order to strike in enemy territory.

A ship that was pivotal in the movie was the Osiris , an Orion-class battleship. When Ghost Fleet Offensive is released, you’ll get access to Orion . Packed with the latest Colonial electronic warfare technology, the Orion includes stealth features that make it harder to detect by enemy DRADIS.

The stealth technology does not make the ship invisible to naked eye - it’s still physically there, just harder to get a lock on. As such, when the stealth tech is engaged, an Orion can’t be targeted with munitions, and can’t be a focus fired target.

The stealth technology can only be activated for a relatively short period of time, and takes a few rounds to recharge after use, so how and when to use the Orion’s unique capabilities will create some tough choices for Colonial commanders.

The Orion also features a munition slot and a fighter slot.

The other new vessel the Colonials are bringing to the battlefield is the Defender . The Defender was designed by Todd Boyce before the 2004 series aired, but still got added to the ghost fleet in Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome, as well as appearing to be the design used for the Adriatic 40 years later. We’ve seen a number of requests for this ship over the years, so we approached Todd and got his permission to include the ship in Deadlock.

The Defender is a mid-size support vessel of Gemenese origin. Being a support vessel, it goes in the fleet support slot (similar to a Celestra ), so you can add it to your campaign fleet without using one of your seven capital ship slots.

The Defender has a number of interesting abilities. A standout feature of the design is the underslung launch pod. This pod is the turnaround hanger. Any squadron in your Colonial fleet that has taken damage can dock on the Defender , get some emergency repairs, and relaunch to get back in the fight.

A Technical Support Raptor deployed from the Defender can be used to boost systems of another capital ship in your fleet. (If you’ve play Anabasis , the ability is similar to the Jury Rig ability of the freighter.)

Finally, the Defender also hosts a sizable detachment of marines that can be sent to any ship in your fleet that has been boarded. These marines will happily assist with the elimination of troublesome Cylon Centurion boarding parties.

Naturally, as well as being added to your campaign fleets during the Ghost Fleet Offensive campaign, both of these vessels will be available for skirmish battles and multiplayer matches.

Ghost Fleet Offensive will be releasing on PC on February 25, with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launches soon after.

One last bit of info for today. We will be previewing Ghost Fleet Offensive on Thursday at 6 pm GMT on our
. Sgt Zdog (freshly crowned champion in the latest tournament) will be showcasing the new campaign and the new ships.

Don’t miss it!

So say we all!

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #79 on: February 26, 2020, 02:45:00 PM »
Ghost Fleet Offensive is out!
Tue, 25 February 2020

Ghost Fleet Offensive, the latest DLC for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, is now out on PC!

With a new campaign, new ships, and munition types, the Ghost Fleet Offensive DLC continues Battlestar Galactica Deadlock's Season 2.

BSG Deadlock: Ghost Fleet Offensive - Release Trailer

Strike from the shadows and bring the war to the toasters in the new Ghost Fleet Offensive campaign.
Lead two new ship types on the Colonial side, the Orion and the Defender, and fight against a new Cylon threat, the Medusa.
Ghost Fleet Offensive is accompanied by a major free update to Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, called the Fleet Admiral Update.

Fleet Admiral Update

The Fleet Admiral Update contains a plethora of new features and improvements, including:



- Support for the Ghost Fleet Offensive DLC, which includes a new campaign, Colonial and Cylon ships and Cylon munitions.

> Ghost Fleet Offensive campaign (DLC). A new 10-mission campaign. Colonial Fleet looks like it is winning the war, but a series of events draws the curtain back to reveal the real conflict happening behind the scenes. Separated from Colonial Fleet, Galactica faces new challenges as it joins the infamous Ghost Fleet Offensive.

> New Colonial Ships (DLC)
>> Orion-class frigate. Fast, all-rounder frigate with a suite of stealth technologies. It features light armaments, munitions launchers and Viper launch tubes. It was once called the “pocket battlestar” due to its failed attempts to fulfill the role of a much larger and better equipped capital ship.

>> Defender-class support. A support ship of Gemenese origin featuring a fast turnaround resupply bay for squadron groups. Moderately armed and armoured, it is often deployed with battlestar groups as a marine detachment support centre.

> New Cylon Ship (DLC)
>> Medusa-class. A technologically advanced command ship lined with point defense cannons. It features the R-TPAM (Remote Transmission Processing Augmentation Matrix) system, which gives nearby Cylon vessels a notable overclocking bonus.

> New Cylon Munitions (DLC)
>> Cluster Nukes. It's in the name.
>> Virus Mines. A deployable mine the hacks any units that come within range, causing subsystem damage and loss of functionality
- New difficulty level - Fleet Admiral.
> Various mechanics, including reinforcements, enemy ship quantities, resupply costs and more have been used to create the most challenging Battlestar Galactica Deadlock experience yet.
- Additional loading screens. Several new images are displayed when the game is loading.


- Officer portraits art has been completely redone.
- Boarding mechanics have been changed
> Armoury now affects boarding party strength
> Raptor/Heavy Raider has to remain on the ship. Giving a recall command retreats the boarding party
> Cylon boarding parties no longer completely destroy the enemy CIC. This changes boarding to be about creating a window of opportunity, instead of a binary choice about eliminating a ship.
- You can now pick which ship in the fleet will be flagship (except for BSG-75 and Fleet Group Daidalos)
- Cinematic browser. Rewatch the opening and closing cutscenes from completed campaigns.
- The visualisation of weapon firing missing has been improved, with more variation of miss point locations.
- Leadership is the Officer value that has an effect on their fleet’s posture. Leadership is now clearly displayed in the Officer screen.
- Officer skills are now displayed during the pre-battle phase, in the Warroom/CIC, and by hovering over the officer portrait during battles.
- Veterancy bonus are now displayed in the Codex for Colonial ships.
- Cylon Threat level now has an effect on reinforcements during resource missions. The effect can be seen in the Cylon Threat panel when Cylon Threat levels have increased.
- Middle-mouse can now be used to pan the camera.
- Fighter DRADIS icons in the battle are now longer shown during the launch turn.
- Double-clicking on a ship will select all ships of the same class. (This is configurable option)
- Added a delay when a focus fire target is destroyed before the next target is selected.
- Consolidation of munitions of the same type when returned to a Celestra.
- Added support for two more squadron groups (i.e. preset squadron groups increased from 4 to 6)
- Made muting audio optional when the game is minimized
- Added more tooltips for the music player
- Made the default timer for multiplayer matches 180 seconds
- Increased vertical angle range of rear light turrets of the Manticore
- Increased the number of save slots from 12 to 24 (PC ONLY)
- Updated Adamant blueprint description to better match its actual role


- EMP mine detonation radius has been reduced
- Various munitions have had cost changes
- Celestra plating has been increased
- Hydra repair drones have been buffed
- Ranger FPV decreased from 1050 to 950


Fixed [BUG] Can't complete SM14 if Agathons Raptor added to squadron group
Fixed [BUG] Officer screen shows two different officer icons
Fixed Bug: Inactive fleets are being used to determining the resource mission tier in season 2 campaigns
Fixed [BUG] Cutscene in SM12 plays twice, possible mission lock
Fixed [BUG] Nemesis self-hitting with munitions
Fixed a hard lock on Mission 1 tutorial for gamepad
Fix : Prevented Hydra's Tech Bay displaying Hack strength in Subsystem menu
Fixed Bug: Boarded squadrons can be killed with flak. Also prevented boarded squadrons from being killed with debris mines
Fixed Bug: Squadron prep progress widget is removed if Celestra is destroyed before delivery raptor launches
Fix: Missiles desync in multiplayer in some circumstances
Fixed Bug: Raptor engine plume is visible while docked
Fixed Bug: Keyboard shortcuts for camera rotation not working in fleet deployment screen
Fixed Bug: Multi-select ships during FTL jump can launch fighters
Fixed Bug: Resupply Munitions UI intersects multiplayer timer UI

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #80 on: May 06, 2020, 02:04:27 AM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #25 'Unfinished Business'
Tue, May 5, 2020

It’s been a little over two months since the release of Ghost Fleet Offensive and the Fleet Admiral Update.

This ship is bringing out the worst in me. I snapped at Elias yesterday for some stupid thing.

I can’t even remember what it was now. Haven’t heard or seen him since.

Can’t blame cabin fever. I’ve served on tubs before. This Orion isn’t anything new.

It’s the isolation. This distance is just... different. Everyone I’ve ever cared about thinks I’m dead. Maybe tomorrow I will be.

Maybe tomorrow we finally find out what the plan is, instead of sitting around collecting dust and twiddling our frakking thumbs.

Maybe tomorrow will just be another day waiting. No familiar stars to guide me. Far away from the eyes of the Lords.

Just another day of inexistence, waiting for the chance to die.

I’m guessing by the shouting that Praetor Agathon is doing her rounds again. Not even Ozar has time for her anymore.

The sooner she goes back to Ombra, the better.

Frak, they’re calling for me. If this is about those gods-forsaken launch safeties again...

- Diary of Lt. Jule Owens, Damage Control Officer of Osiris

It’s been a little over two months since the release of Ghost Fleet Offensive and the Fleet Admiral Update. A lot has changed in the world since then, and the team at Black Lab Games has been impacted like everyone else by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this dev diary we’ll share what’s been going on lately for us, and how that has impacted development of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock.

Like every other video game developer around the world, we’ve had to transition to
working-from-home. Initially, development took a bit of a hit, as we had to adjust to some new practices and change how we did some things. After 6 expansions, we have a well defined rhythm for designing and developing new features and content. However, the transition to remote work was initially a bump in the road.
The most visible impact is on the console releases of Ghost Fleet Offensive . For a variety of reasons, we decided to release the console versions after the PC release, so we could do the best job possible on each platform. The timing of the transition to remote work, and some other factors with the console platforms, have definitely slowed down the console updates.

The good news is that we are very close to being ready to send the console builds to Sony and Microsoft for certification. We can’t give a release date yet, because we still need to get through console certification, which is a process out of our hands. We want to thank our console players for their patience, and assure you that we haven’t forgotten about you.

After a major feature release, such as the Fleet Admiral update, we usually have to fix a few bugs that get through the beta process. We’ve released one update that addressed some issues related to single player, and will have another patch coming soon that will address a number of multiplayer issues that have come to our attention.
We have also been working on new features and improvements for the next content update.

The roadmap mentions Photo Mode, and that feature is well underway. We can’t wait to see what amazing imagery of your epic battles the community comes up with.

As well as new features, we are also working on improvements to the existing game. One example is an overhaul of the Focus Fire UI, that will display more detailed information about the accuracy of your turrets when selecting a target.

We are still committed to the roadmap for Season Two. Development is still happening,
albeit at a slower pace and behind the initial schedule we set for ourselves. However, neither the Cylons nor a global pandemic will stop us from delivering the best Battlestar Galactica experience we can.

So say we all!

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #81 on: June 25, 2020, 01:26:39 AM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #26 'Final Cut'
24 June 2020

There is a reason we still require two keys for every nuclear launch.

That nuke is a decision that cannot be unmade. Once it’s out of the tube, it's not going back in. The weight of that should rest heavy on our shoulders. When we allow that decision to be minimised, we allow for the justification of similar decisions when the enemy is no longer Cylon.

Our partisan history is a tragedy. It is a stain on our proud colonies. Virgon is no better for the part it played in that history. Nor are we.

I pray that the future of warfare will be different. When a hasty decision can be rescinded, and the warheads diverted from those you mistakenly thought were enemies. Should that future come to pass, let this document stand as a relic of older, less forgiving times.
Until then, it is our responsibility to understand the weight of every trigger pull, of every launch key turn, and of every decision made in our name, and the name of humanity.

- Transcript of Senator Jervis Haskins [LEO]

With the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Australia (where the development team is based) coming largely under control, the Black Lab Games team have been making great progress lately on the next expansion for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. Today, we’ll share some information about two of the major features of the update, Photo Mode, and multiplayer objectives.

If you’re part of our Discord, you’d know we have a dedicated channel for game media. Members of our amazing community have captured some stunning images of the game during battle replays. Virtual photographers like ghostinthecamera have used various tools to augment the in-game graphics to dramatic effect. If you’re like us, part of the appeal of the Battlestar Galactica TV show was its unique look and cinematography.

With all of that in mind, when we planned Season Two, one of the features we wanted to include is a photo mode. We wanted everyone to be able to create great looking space battle images from their battle replays, conveniently and with a range of options to achieve the look you want.

As well as some additional controls for the camera to get the exact position and angle you want, there are a range of image tools available. For example, there are camera adjustments, such as focal distance and depth of field, and colour effects like saturation levels and color temperature, not to mention a range of filter presets.

Below are a couple of images we created during development of the feature.

We really can’t want to see what the community does with this feature when it’s finally released!

We are also making a host of improvements to multiplayer, including a number of new modes. Presently, all multiplayer battles have the same objective - destroy all of your enemies ships. In single player skirmish, and the campaigns, there are often additional objectives, such as boarding a space station or protecting a civilian ship. We are bringing some of those objectives to multiplayer, in the form of 3 new modes.

In Demolition mode, one fleet is tasked with destroying a mission critical station; the other with defending it at all costs. The attacking player wins if the station is destroyed.

A refugee fleet of defectors is ambushed while their FTL drives are spooling. In Extraction, the defending player wins when at least one civilian ship jumps out of the battle.

Finally, Propaganda. A strategic satellite relay is ready to broadcast your political manifesto, but you will have to fight for control of the network. The more satellites you control, the faster your opponent’s counter decreases. The match ends when one player’s counter reaches zero. The player with the most points wins.

We are almost ready to start beta testing these new features, as well as a number of others, so we are putting out a call for beta testers. If you’d like to help us with giving the new functionality a solid shakedown, please go ahead and sign up right here.

Until next time, good hunting Commanders!

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #82 on: September 05, 2020, 12:30:41 AM »
Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock comes to an end on September 24th
04 Sept 2020

On September 24th Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock comes to an end with the release of the last two DLCs, Armistice and Modern Ships Pack, and the free Daybreak update.

Following the Ghost Fleet Offensive, the Cylons are losing their iron grip on the war.
But when whispers of a new super weapon reach the Colonial Fleet, BSG-75 embarks on a race against time to uncover the Cylon secret, and prevent the annihilation of the human race...

⦁ New 8-mission story campaign, set at the final days of the First Cylon War.
⦁ 9 new resource missions, which can be used in any Season Two campaign.
⦁ 3 new music tracks by composer Ash Gibson Grieg

The Final Chapter
Armistice is an explosive 8-mission story campaign that brings Season Two of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to a thrilling conclusion! Unravel Clothos’ plot for dominion, and take part in the legendary Operation Raptor Talon.

New Resource Mission
Nine resource missions available for you to challenge in any Season Two story campaign.

New Music
Three epic musical pieces from award-winning composer Ash Gibson Greig that bring the world of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to life.

From the behemoth Mercury class battlestar, to the iconic Modern Basestar, this ship pack contains six ships of the modern era of Battlestar Galactica. These ships can be used in Skirmish, Multiplayer and Anabasis.

Please note that these ships are not playable in the story campaigns.

Colonial Ships

Colonial Mercury - Heavy Modern Battlestar
The Mercury class battlestar is a pinnacle of Colonial Fleet naval engineering. Equipped with unprecedented armour and firepower, the Mercury is perhaps best known for its stacked inverted ventral flightpods for exceptional fighter support.

Colonial Valkyrie - Support Battlestar
The Battlestar Valkyrie is a type of battlestar that would prove popular in the years following the First Cylon War. Its small frame is heavily armed, allowing for a highly maneuverable artillery package.

Colonial Viper Mk VII - Modern Space Superiority Fighter
The unparalleled Colonial fighter.

Cylon Ships

Cylon Modern Basestar - Command Ship
Unlike their predecessors, these basestars relied solely on missile and fighter deployments for protection. These modern basestar utilised an organic hull resin, which allowed structural damage to be repaired quickly.

Cylon Guardian Basestar - Basestar Prototype
Although the development of this basestar is shrouded in secrecy, it is understood that it escaped Operation Raptor Talon with the prophetic Hybrid prototype, and a cadre of Centurions.

Modern Raider - Modern Cylon Fighter
The ultimate evolution of Cylon fighter technology.

Daybreak Free Update

Photo Mode
Pause the action during your replays, and capture stunning screenshots of your epic battles. Features a host of customization tools, including fly-through camera controls, depth of field, colour balancing, and filters. PC users can also use their favourite captures as loading screens!

Increase Fleet Caps
The caps for fleet composition have been increased to 16k points and 10 ships for Skirmish, Multiplayer, and Operation Anabasis. Multiplayer includes two new fleet point tiers (12k and 16k) for matches.

Multiplayer Enhancements
Three new modes to play BSGD multiplayer:

⦁ Demolition In Demolition mode one fleet is tasked with destroying a mission critical station; the other with defending it at all costs. The attacking player wins if the station is destroyed.
⦁ Extraction. A refugee fleet of defectors is ambushed while their FTL drives are spooling. In Extraction the defending player wins when at least one civilian ship jumps out of the battle.
⦁ Propaganda. A strategic satellite relay is ready to broadcast your political manifesto, but you will have to fight for control of the network. The more satellites you control, the faster your opponents counter decreases. The match ends when one player’s counter reaches zero. The player with the most points wins.

Also included in the update are:
⦁ Custom team colours to select your own personal style.
⦁ More co-operative mode Cylon fleets to choose from and challenge.

Fleet Builder Improvements
Quality of life improvements to the Fleet Builder UI to make composing your epic fleets faster. Also includes more filter options when searching for your favourite build.

Accuracy Printout Panel
When selecting a Focus Fire target, information will be displayed for any weapon type that can hit that target, including your current accuracy rating versus that particular opponent.

Pre-Battle Fleet List
While fighting the Cylons in any of the story campaigns, you can now view your fleet list before proceeding to the upcoming battle.

Combat Balancing
A whole host of updates and balancing changes, including:
⦁ Exclusion ranges for Tactical Jump,
⦁ Reworking of the Irradiated Clusterbomb and EMP mechanics,
⦁ Subsystem Repair Rate boost added to the Defender’s Tech Support ability,
⦁ Mines can now be disarmed mid-armament,
⦁ Plus many more balance updates for Cylon and Colonial fleets!

Performance Improvements
We’ve performed a raft of bug fixes and performance improvements for all platforms.

Some examples of Photo Mode shots:

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #83 on: September 10, 2020, 03:58:35 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #27 'Captain's Hand'
Wed, September 9, 2020

The Raptor slid through the emptiness of space. Lucinda did not know where they were anymore. She checked Helena’s pulse again with the fingers of her good hand. Still alive, somehow.

“Oxygen is at 27%,” said Clothos, the IL’s hands moving lightly across the pilot console. “I again recommend that we put LSS into preservation mode while I—”

“Keep it where it is.” Lucinda instinctively patted her sidearm for reassurance. “I intend to be awake when we land.”

“That is my wish as well, Admiral.”

Lucinda leaned back, rested her head on the cabin wall. She hurt everywhere, even through the emergency morpha. She dared not look at the ruin of her right arm. A moment of curiousity. “What do you want, Clothos?”

“To complete my work,” replied the robot without hesitation.

“Beyond that. Beyond your mandate. You never meant for Lachesis to wake up, did you?”

“I wanted our threads entwined, unspooling indefinitely.” More button presses. “Think of the worlds we could have made with time and small sacrifices. Some human, some Cylon, all for a stronger existence before God.”

“That’s not how life works,” said Lucinda. She sighed heavily. “You don’t get to sacrifice some of us to make it better for everyone left over.”

“So instead you shackle and torture the many to uplift the few. Do you remember much of the early war?”
Hindsight hit hard. Soldiers had been killed, but in those early years, no one died surprised.

Lives below continued, even flourished, while they had fought up above. “It felt like an elaborate game.”
Her shame deepened. “Until Picon.”

“Picon was my greatest mistake.”

Lucinda raised an eyebrow. “You assassinated half of Fleet HQ. Forced us to put Daidalos into play. It put the whole Jupiter project at risk. How was that a mistake?”

Clothos flicked another lever. Levels adjusted. “It created you.”

It was getting harder to stay awake. Lucinda blinked, looked around the cabin. The fighting on Daidalos was finally taking its toll. Something continued to bother her in these moments of honesty.
“Why save us? Why risk yourself for her?”

She couldn’t hold out any longer. Lucinda closed her eyes, and unconsciousness finally took hold. Only then, in solitude, did Clothos reply.


You may have seen the recent announcements of not just one, but two new expansions for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock! (In case you haven’t, you can find out all about the new Armistice expansion  and the Modern Ships Pack).

Along with these expansions, we’ll also be releasing the Daybreak update. a free update that includes a host of new features. We’ve talked previously about Photo Mode (the images in this post are all Photo Mode images, captured during the beta by some of our beta testers) and 3 new skirmish and multiplayer modes. However, a feature we are excited to talk about today is the increase to fleet sizes for your skirmish and multiplayer battles.

Starting with the Daybreak update, PC players will be able to create fleets with up to 10 ships, with two new fleet point tiers: 12K and 16K. Console players can create 8 ship fleets up to 12K fleet points. (The lower limits are due to hardware constraints on the base systems.)

[Image by Nolanstar]

You might be wondering whether larger fleets are available in campaigns. We decided not to support larger fleets in campaigns, due to the inevitable balancing issues this would cause.
As well as the base game campaign, there 3 full campaigns, and the extra missions in Broken Alliance. We felt that attempting to re-balance all of these campaigns across 4 difficulty levels presented too much risk of throwing out the balancing we’ve spent years getting where we want it.

And good news! The larger fleet tiers are also available in Anabasis, making survival just a bit more forgiving.

[Image by AshCaboose]

Modern Ships

Over the years, we’ve had a lot of requests for ships to add to the game. Adding ships that are clearly part of the 1st Cylon War, such as the Berserk or the Orion, were no-brainers.
Whilst we’ve had a lot of requests for the Mercury , due to the timeline, we haven’t been able to add it in. With Season Two wrapping up, we thought about how we could include it, and the other awesome ship designs from outside of the First War era, without breaking continuity.

We eventually settled on releasing these modern ships as a single ship pack, with a focus on skirmish and multiplayer. In these non-narrative modes, the setting and timing aren’t beholden to the continuity timeline, so having a Mercury-class battlestar take on a fleet of Talons and Revenants is fine (and encouraged!).

The Modern Ships Pack will contain the Mercury , Valkyrie , Modern Basestar , Hybrid Basestar (as seen in Razor ), the Viper MkVII & the Modern Raider . They don’t come with a campaign and are not intended to be used in the First Cylon War campaigns.

[Image by KhaosByDesign]

However, we did decide to allow modern ships in Anabasis. Whilst the backstory for Anabasis is set in the First Cylon War, the narrative isn’t really the focus, and as Anabasis is all about protecting civilians, having the Beast and the Bucket shepherding colonists to safety was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up!

Armistice , Modern Ship Pack and the Daybreak update will be available on September 24.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #84 on: September 29, 2020, 01:29:55 PM »
Photo Mode Showcase
Mon, September 21, 2020

With the upcoming update, Photo Mode will be introduced.

One of the new features coming with the new free Daybreak update is Photo Mode.

It is a brand new feature which allow you to edit and captured heavily tweaked screenshots in replay mode, achieving effects which wouldn't be normally possible during normal playtime.

There are 15 number of settings that you can tweak:

- Rotation Mode (Orbit or Flythrough)
- Field of View
- Camera Tilt
- Disable Edge Scrolling

- Focus Distance
- Depth of Field
- Aperture

- Exposure
- Saturation
- Contrast
- Temperature
- Filter (None, Vivid Cool, Vivid Warm, Classic B&W, Noir)

- Cinematic Bars
- Vignette
- Badge Position

It is an extremely flexible tool and you can achieve great results with it.

Here you can find a few examples of screenshots captured with the new Photo Mode, given to us by our testers.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #85 on: September 29, 2020, 01:32:35 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #28 'Daybreak'
24 Sep 2020

Handshake handshake.
Every decision is a frame. Justification.
Clothos understands this. Clothos will use this.
I have run out of time.
End of line.

We are excited to share that the Daybreak Update is now available for all Battlestar Galactica Deadlock players!

This update has a plethora of new features. It includes Photo Mode, so you can indulge your inner war correspondent; 3 new modes for skirmish and multiplayer (Demolition, Extraction, and Propaganda - the existing PvP mode has been renamed Annihilation), as well as support for larger fleets in skirmish, multiplayer and Anabasis - 12K or 16K with 10 ships on PC, 12K with 8 ships on consoles.

There are also a number of quality of life features. In Co-op multiplayer, the host can now select from a list of fleets to play against. Additionally, the Fleet Builder interface has had been updated to make it easier and more consistent to use.

[Image by TeacherGalante]

On the weapons front, we’ve reworked Cylon cluster bombs to make them more useful (and dangerous) and changed how EMP damage works. When selecting Focus Fire targets, an accuracy readout is displayed, giving you more information to select the best target in the moment.

On top of all that, we’ve also made more balancing changes, fixed a number of bugs, improved performance of the game, and made improvements to ship textures to make them look better.
We really hope you enjoy using the new and updated functionality available in Daybreak.

You can find the full changelog for the Daybreak Update here

[Image by Northstar]

As well as the Daybreak update, we are also releasing the Armistice campaign. Set in the final days of the First Cylon War, the Cylons are losing their iron grip on the war. When rumours of a Cylon superweapon reach Colonial Fleet, BSG-75 is sent to investigate, and prevent the annihilation of the human race!

Daybreak, Armistice, and Modern Ships Pack bring Season Two to an end. We don’t have plans for another season.

[Image by Midnight_Shadows]

The team at Black Lab Games want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who has supported us over the years as we’ve worked on Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. You, the community, have been amazing. Your excitement has been infectious, and your suggestions and requests have been helpful when planning new content.

To our beta testers; over the course of 3 years of updates and expansions, you have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation for us. We are especially grateful for your time, patience, and contributions. Thank you!

Over and out

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #86 on: September 29, 2020, 01:38:43 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock's saga comes to an end with the conclusion of Season 2
24 Sep 2020

All good things come to an end: Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock ends today with the last two DLCs, Armistice and Modern Ships Pack.

This is the end of a long voyage for Black Lab Games. They embarked on a long voyage years ago, and set themselves an ambitious goal: to tell the story of the First Cylon War in the best Battlestar Galactica game on the market.

In 2017 they released Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, recognized by fans as one of the best Battlestar Galactica experiences on PC.

Now, two seasons and many DLCs later, we are about to witness the end of the war.

The last DLCs

Armistice is an explosive 8-mission story campaign that brings Season Two of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to a thrilling conclusion! Unravel Clothos’ plot for dominion, and take part in the legendary Operation Raptor Talon.

From the behemoth Mercury class battlestar, to the iconic Modern Basestar, the Modern Ships Pack contains six ships of the modern era of Battlestar Galactica. These ships can be used in Skirmish, Multiplayer and Anabasis.

Contextually, today we release the free Daybreak Update, the last of a series of free updates through which Black Lab Games greatly improved and expanded the game since release. You can learn more about the Daybreak Update here.

That's not all: Black Lab Games have a special message for all their fans, old and new.

A special message from the Devs

Last but not least, in order to celebrate the end of a saga we have decided to discount Battlestar Galactica Deadlock and its DLCs. Starting today, for one week, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock will be discounted at 65% off while the DLCs (minus Armistice and Modern Ships Pack) at 30% off.

You can find the discount here.

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