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Author Topic: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)  (Read 27895 times)

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2021, 11:53:16 PM »
Ready or Not - Team17 Partnership Announcement!
Mon, 22 March 2021

Including a new trailer!

For those of you new to Ready or Not, welcome!

This is the old Ready or Not page.
Please head over to our new page for full details on this update:

If you want the full details on this announcement then please head to the post on the official Ready or Not Steam page:

Here's the trailer from the announcement:

Thanks everyone, see you over on the other community page!

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2021, 12:30:28 AM »
Been waiting for this for ages! We need a game similar to Swat 4...

Enviado desde mi MI 8 Lite mediante Tapatalk

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2021, 11:17:29 PM »
Been waiting for this for ages! We need a game similar to Swat 4...

Enviado desde mi MI 8 Lite mediante Tapatalk

I have this.

Swat 4 with the Elite force mod is still being updated and is a great game  :thumbsup
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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2021, 11:43:41 PM »
Development Update - PvE Gameplay!
Fri, 16 April 2021

Hey community,

Welcome to the Ready or Not Steam Developer Update!

Every two weeks we'll be sharing with you exciting and interesting behind the scenes looks at the development of Ready or Not. These can consist of a wide range of topics, including gameplay, mechanics, weapons, equipment and more!

The chances are you'll also get first looks at upcoming content too, so stay sharp!

Each post is written by VOID Interactive's Community Manager, Guinevere, who then passes it over to myself to share with you all here!

Naturally, a big part of sharing all this information with you includes hearing what you think - So let us know in the comments below, we'll be taking notes!

Now, over to Guinevere...


Hey everyone,

Welcome back to the next edition of our Ready or Not biweekly newsletter. This time around, we'll be taking a look at some more PvE gameplay as players engage A.I. throughout Hotel. Fast moving suspects attack from different angles, civilians run and flee, and every trigger pull has the potential to be lethal.

PvE Encounters

Alarms echo their death throes through regal hallways throttled by smoke. Blood spattered walls and still twitching bodies. There are civilians here: trapped, terrified, traumatized. Looking for a way out. It's up to you to make sure they get out of here safely. It's up to you to make sure order is brought to chaos.

Ready or Not's single-player and cooperative experiences are absolutely its central focus. As such, the game's Artificial Intelligence has been built from the ground up to be intelligent, adaptive, and reactive. Suspects dart from cover to cover, flank sedentary players, and utilize their surroundings and civilians to get the upper hand. Any encounter with a suspect has the chance to be a lethal one, and a lack of awareness, perception, or preparation can mean failing a mission -- or not making it out of one alive.

Above: A confrontation with multiple suspects turns bloody for all involved. Click the image above to watch a video of PvE gameplay.

In the above clip, the player engages a suspect through quickly broken panes of glass. Kicking open the door, he seizes the initiative and shoots a suspect before they can reposition. A second suspect returns fire, causing the officer to panic and shoot from where he believes the shots are coming from, nearly missing a scrambling civilian. Regrouping, a stinger grenade gives the officer a chance to regroup, move from cover, and pursue the second suspect.

Above: Scores of cars and hundreds of angles to watch. Nothing to rely on but the officers at your side. Click the image above to watch a video of PvE gameplay.

A pair of officers move into the Hotel's parking garage, closing in from two angles on an isolated suspect. Though he proves compliant with a bit of coercion, upon moving to secure and arrest the suspect the officers are shot at. They return fire while moving to cover before advancing on the suspect, who sprints from behind the vehicle before being shot. While only one player was injured, this scenario serves as an important reminder to never leave your back open. Only approach surrendering suspects if you know that you're in a position to secure them without having to face a new threat.

Whether facing down a lone suspect with a handgun or several with an arsenal, Ready or Not's A.I. interact with much more than just the player. Civilians, hostages, each other, environmental objects and more can impact the situations you'll go up against. Every encounter should be treated as a unique situation with its own necessary preparations, tools, and risks.


With that, we've concluded the this edition of our development update, featuring PvE gameplay and commentary on elements of suspect behavior. I look forward to seeing you all back in two weeks for the next edition!

Keep your feet on the ground.
Guinevere, Community Manager

Thank you!

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2021, 11:53:11 PM »
Ready Or Not - Development Update!
Thu, 20 May 2021

Hey everyone,

Today we’re sharing with you an update on the state of play for Ready or Not!

We know you’re all eager for information so let’s breach and clear our way through today’s news…

Beta Access Date Changes

Having been diligently reviewing the current status of Ready or Not the team has made the decision to push back the Beta access.

What does this mean for you? Beta access for Ready or Not will still take place later in the year, but later than originally planned. We know this will be disappointing for you to read, but we will continue to be open and update you with more information as soon as we can.

Why the delay?

Moving back a date, whether it's Beta access, Early Access or ‘full launch’ is never an easy decision, but we know it’s the correct one to make.

Everyone at VOID Interactive and Team17 wants to give you an amazing, unique experience with Ready or Not, and we don’t want to compromise that vision by sharing sooner than it’s ready. We owe it to both the game and to you, our awesome community.

Let’s get on the same page, what is Beta access?

Beta access for Ready or Not is a snapshot of the core gameplay loop. In this loop, you’ll get to peek through the window and glimpse the direction we want to take Ready or Not. We know this will also spark constructive feedback from our core fans, and it’s you the community we want to hear from.

Beta access has always been exclusive to anyone that has purchased Ready or Not through the VOID Interactive site, this has not and will not change.

What happens after Beta access?

For the weeks and months following Beta access, we’ll be taking your valuable constructive feedback, analysing the data and then weaving our learnings into our future production plans. At this stage, we’ll be evaluating what needs to be done and when we’ll be able to deliver on the next stage of our journey: Steam Early Access.

It’s worth noting that there’s a lot to do in-between Beta access and Early Access. We’re aware that the Ready or Not community is more accepting of seeing rougher versions of the game. Early Access will open us up to a wider fanbase, and we must prepare to deliver to a broader audience without compromising our core fans’ expectations.

So, what can I expect when Ready or Not launches into Early Access?

Current plans are for Ready or Not to launch into Early Access with the following –

    A selection of co-op / single-player levels
    A range of authentic weapons and equipment
    A pre-planning mechanic
    And more…

Of course, that’s just the beginning. Once we’re in Early Access we’ll be regularly updating the game with more content including new levels, weapons and characters. During this process, we’ll be talking to and listening closely to you all as we proceed through the Early Access journey together.

Your feedback matters and we look forward to collaborating with you!

Every cloud…

We know today’s news may come as a bit of a disappointment to some, so we’re sharing an early look at what we’ve been working on over the past few months. In the following section, we’ll discuss how we’ve re-evaluated the design of our most publicly shown map, Hotel.

Our artists have done a stunning job of crafting Hotel into what it is today, so we’ve snuck into the designers filing cabinet and acquired some insightful design feedback screens.

Hotel Atrium Level Design Update

One of our bigger goals within Hotel is to improve navigation throughout the map. One way we can do this is by crafting natural breadcrumbs in the form of subtle signs and maps around the level. These have a compounding effect on improving the atmosphere too, and coupled with added environmental furniture like construction safety signage, the scene is brought to life by telling a story about the past of this room.

Hotel Café (Looking to Reception)

Here’s another example of just how much we can add by evaluating how to improve on level design. This has a huge impact on immersion in other ways too. We wouldn’t need to include UI markers or HUD indicators to direct players through the world. Instead, the focus becomes the world, directed by the subconscious and organic methods that we’re all already trained to do in the real world.

Hotel Gym – New Cover and Collision

We’ve also focused more on collision and cover for players. Let’s be honest, there’s always a bit of extra fun gameplay to be found in cover, whether it’s sneaking up on the suspects or getting ambushed. In Ready or Not we also take into account cover density, as we have penetration mechanics through surfaces. In this scene, you can see how much extra value we’re going to add to the level design by going through in this second pass. Lastly, we’re improving the location of suspects and civilians in creative ways so that every playthrough is its own challenge.

Hotel Floor 1 – Flow Map

Here’s a birdseye look at one of Hotel’s floor plans. Let’s break it down further, so skip over this next bit if you want to avoid spoilers...


Ok good, so you'd like some spoilers... ready?

We want players to tackle challenges from different angles. That’s pretty much been the premise and core of what we want for Ready or Not. However, we’d be fools to ignore good design structure for our levels that show the experiences a player will go through as they traverse this floor.

To take a high-level approach, we’ve broken this floor into three sections. Green for safe, and yellow and purple for the two different encounter loops that are available, each with many different encounters. The encounter loops also have primary starting locations that give our art teams better direction with the steps we covered in the paragraphs above.

Encounter Layout and Overview

Here’s a glimpse of how each of the encounters within a loop is broken down. To avoid nesting spoilers in spoilers let's just enjoy the image and know that we’re working hard at improving the user experience and design on a granular level.

[spoilers over]

Oh, and for those that aren’t into level design, here’s the Krinkov SBR


We’ll be making the most of this extra time and will continue to keep you all in the loop with our bi-weekly community briefings.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding with today’s news. If you have any questions, feel free to pop them in the comments section and we’ll jump in for a chat.

Thanks everyone!

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive & Team17

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2021, 12:35:50 AM »
Dev Update - Weapon Audio Showcase!
Fri, May 28, 2021

M4A1, M45A1, Python...

Hey everyone,

We're back with Community Manager Guinevere this week who's been raiding the armoury and managed to grab some video audio of some the weapons you'll be getting to grips with in Ready or Not!

Let's lock n' load shall we...

Introduction to Weapon Audio

Hey everybody,

It's time for the 18th biweekly briefing for Ready or Not, the second of a three part series stretching over several weeks covering the game's audio design. In this segment we're going to look at updated weapon audio, with a particular focus on how recognizing gun sounds are an integral part of Ready or Not's gameplay loop.

Weapon Audio Showcase - M4A1, M45A1 & Python!

Over the course of Ready or Not's development we have continued to iterate upon our weapon audio. For a realistic, tactics oriented police shooter, having gun sounds that feel authentic and keep you in the moment are crucial for the experience. As such, we've taken in a lot of feedback about our gun sounds over the course of the last few months and have been hard at work redesigning the ones we didn't feel were up to snuff.

In the below videos, you'll hear the M4A1 assault rifle, M45A1 pistol, and Python revolver in action. For each of these weapons, we recorded them in use both in an external environment (the city streets) and an internal one (in a parking garage).

Updated Audio: M4A1

Updated Audio: M45A1

Updated Audio: Python

Ready or Not's guns play an intrinsic role in the information gathering necessary to prepare for dangerous and potentially deadly encounters. Being able to determine where a gun is being fired from, whether it's several rooms over, on the floor above you, or in the basement will all help you better understand the situation in a level as it develops.


That concludes today's biweekly briefing, the second of our three part series checking out the game's audio design. I look forward to seeing you all in two weeks for more development updates regarding Ready or Not!

Keep your feet on the ground.

Community Manager

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2021, 11:40:02 PM »
Dev Update - Civilians!
Mon, 12 July 2021

Get a look at civilian models & animations!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our latest Dev Update on Ready or Not!

This week Community Manager Guinevere has stopped by with a look at how civilians make up a core part of Ready or Not's gameplay loop, and how the team are working to maximise player immersion when interacting with or playing around them.

Now it's over to Guinevere for all the details...


Hey everyone,

It's time for our latest Dev Update for Ready or Not! This week we'll be taking a look at some of the animations for our Civilian AI as well as the process by which we're able to create them using Unreal Engine 4's MetaHuman technology.

Civilian Models and Animations

A vital element of any police shooter is the role civilians play in it. They are what set police shooters aside from other games in the genre. Having to account for protecting, managing, and controlling civilians in a potentially hostile or dangerous environment with suspects adds another layer of complexity to each mission. Preparation becomes so much more important - breaching a room means minding your shots and acting quickly to ensure that in the chaos of a firefight innocent lives aren't lost. A suspect with a hostage requires an entirely different approach than one who's in a room alone.

Because of the importance of civilians to Ready or Not's gameplay loop, having them contribute to the player's immersion is a top priority. From their animations to their appearance to how they interact with the player, every civilian is crafted with their own background, motivations, desires, and behavior.

Civilian Preview

An essential tool in making sure each character is unique in their appearance has been Unreal Engine 4's MetaHuman technology, which has allowed us to greatly speed up the process of creation for every character in the game. In the images below, you'll see an example of a character that we were able to put together in just a few minutes. By utilizing MetaHuman, we can match the appearances of characters to the descriptions and histories our writing time has made for them.

Above: Examples of a character created using MetaHuman.


This brings an end to our latest biweekly briefing, this time focusing on civilian models and animations within the game. I look forward to seeing you all in two weeks for more development updates regarding Ready or Not!

Keep your feet on the ground.
Guinevere, Community Manager

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2021, 11:40:51 PM »
Dev Update - Suspects!
Thu, 29 July 2021

Know your enemy...

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our latest Dev Update on Ready or Not!

This week Community Manager Guinevere is here to reveal some of the models and animations of various Suspects you'll be encountering in Ready or Not's Hotel level.

Now it's over to Guinevere for all the details on who you'll be going up against...

Suspect Models and Animations

Hey everyone,

In Ready or Not, every encounter is defined by the presence or lack of a suspect beyond the next threshold. Is there a suspect in the next room? If so, is he armed? What weapon is he using? Does he have a hostage? Does he have friends there waiting for you? Managing your squad members and the behaviour of civilians both play a large part in the core gameplay loop, but the majority of decisions that a player makes in a level will revolve around when and where they find suspects.

In the video below, you'll be able to see a brief preview of suspect models and animations.

Because suspect interaction is vital to a police shooter like Ready or Not, the game's suspect A.I. has been crafted with immersion and variety foremost in mind. A suspect's background, experience, and motivation will determine the equipment they have as well as how likely they are to surrender or respond to force. More experienced suspects will put up a harder fight and might have gear designed to counter the tools you've come to rely on: gas masks for tear gas, welding masks or goggles for flashbangs, body armour for beanbag rounds and bullets, and more. Lower tier suspects simply staging a robbery, by contrast, will likely be far less prepared and surrender when the pressure gets to be too much.

The challenge that suspects pose is not just in their potential lethality, but in how they force the player to react and make choices. It is in the hands of the player to determine when getting a suspect to surrender is unfeasible and when lethal force is a necessity. As preservation of life is of the utmost importance, deciding how to handle potentially dangerous and volatile suspects will be a cornerstone of Ready or Not.


This brings an end to our latest biweekly briefing, previewing some of our suspect models and animations. Let us know what you thought about what you've seen and read today in the comments section, we all look forward to hearing what you think!

Keep your feet on the ground.
Guinevere, Community Manager
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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2021, 01:17:03 AM »
Ready or Not Early Access Announcement
Sat, 11 December 2021

An Update Regarding Ready or Not's Launch on Steam Early Access

To the Ready or Not Community, Present and Future

As you may be aware, we have been working alongside Steam to secure more game keys for the Supporter Edition of Ready or Not, but we hit a roadblock. While unfortunate, we hope that this will result in welcome news for many of you. We can no longer generate new Steam Keys unless we also go live on Steam, and since we absolutely depend on pre-sale income to continue developing Ready or Not, we have decided to go live on Steam Early Access by the end of 2021.

Why have we been so hesitant to go live on Steam?

Simply put, while Steam is an excellent platform for indie developers, it is also a very crowded marketplace, with tens of thousands of titles all competing for limited attention. To really stand out on Steam, we believe that we have a responsibility to deliver a solid product that speaks for itself. We did not want to risk launching a game that we felt wasn't up to snuff for our audience. However, under present circumstances, we feel that the best course of action is to transition to Beta (albeit early stage), so that we are able to resume providing Supporter Packages to our backers and secure the resources necessary to continue the game's development. This will also allow Steam's large audience to have the opportunity to experience Ready or Not sooner than they would have otherwise.

Many AAA Studios have incredibly deep pockets and spend tens of millions developing their games, a luxury that VOID Interactive does not have. We live and die by the support of our community, and we are extremely grateful for those of you that have followed and continue to follow us on this journey.

What can you expect in the near future?

We plan to Go Live on Steam Early Access before the end of this year.

To Our Supporters
– You will receive a new key to load the game into your Steam library. This build will essentially be the same as what you have now, including recent patches, and it will represent a transition from Alpha to Beta.

Owners of the Supporter Edition who purchased Ready or Not via our website will continue to have access to the game's Alpha Branch to test new and upcoming content. We are working with Steam in order to make this available for those who purchase the Supporter pack on Steam as well.. Supporters will also continue to get exclusive access to the dev team through monthly live Q&A sessions, community polls, and playtests on the Supporter Discord. These new benefits are in addition to what is already included with the Supporter Edition. Upon going live on Steam, the Supporter Edition and upgrade option will continue to be available for purchase through our website
, and will also be available for purchase directly on Steam.

Standard Edition Buyers
– Access to the Beta build will finally be open to you upon launch on Steam Early Access. If you purchased the game through our website, Xsolla will be emailing you your game key to the email address on record. With this key, you will gain access to the game as you currently see being streamed, which includes cooperative and single player action.

In Conclusion

Please remember that the Beta build that will be available soon is still an incomplete version of the game. It will still have bugs and quirks, and will require lots of additional content before it is ready for full release. Because of our Supporters and with your help, we will continue to push Ready or Not, adding more content (new maps, missions, characters, weapons, etc.), and further refining it to get the game up to the standard that you deserve. We ultimately want you to be able to turn the lights out, crank up the volume, and be immersed in the action – bringing order to chaos.

We encourage you to pre-order Ready or Not from our website located here. If you haven't already, please make sure to wishlist and follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Until next time, keep your feet on the ground.

Community Manager

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2021, 01:27:27 AM »
Ready or Not Early Access Tutorial (Dec 2021)

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2021, 11:50:18 PM »
RON is availabe EARLY ACCESS on Steam:

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2021, 11:43:51 PM »
Ready or Not January Content Pipeline
Fri, 31 December 2021

A list of what players can expect to come to Ready or Not in the first month of the new year.

To the Ready or Not community,

It's hard to believe that 2021 is almost gone. For VOID Interactive, December alone has felt like a whole year! We are incredibly humbled and grateful for all the support and attention Ready or Not has received.
We've been fortunate enough to spend some time with our families this holiday season, and the team is excited to continue working on our next update. In the short run, we expect to release a content update onto the Supporter Alpha sometime in January, and after a period of testing and validation, launch it onto the main Early Access branch for all players.

5 Game Modes Added to Existing Maps

- Raid on 213 Park Homes, 'Twisted Nerve'
- Bomb Defusal on Port Hoken, 'Hide and Seek'
- Hostage Rescue on Caesar's Cars Dealership, 'Buy Cheap, Buy Twice'
- Active Shooter and Hostage Rescue on Wenderly Hills Hotel, 'Checkin' In'

New and Improved Voice Lines

- New voice actor for Tactical Operation Command(TOC).
- Removal of outdated legacy voice lines.
- More voice line variety for civilians.

New Weapons

- R7: magazine fed, highly customizable pepperball gun.
- MK.16 SCAR L: 5.56 assault rifle.
- Krinkov SLR: Powerful and compact carbine.
- MK1 BCM: 5.56 assault rifle exclusive for Supporter Edition owners.

Improved Weapons and Equipment

- Improved weapon descriptions in the Loadout Menu.
- G19 model upgraded to Gen5.
- M9A1 new model.
- CS Gas, Stinger, and Flashbang new models.

Other Improvements Include

- Alpha testing for other language localization: German, Korean and French(More to come later)
- Application of Vivox for improved in-game comms -- better clarity and volume, ability to change input devices.
- Improving and reworking Rules of Engagement/use of force penalties.
- Adjustments to Civilian A.I. morale and likelihood to surrender.
- Improved Voting and Player Control: Server admins and ability to kick players as host.

Along with these new additions, we will be releasing patches and bug fixes as often as we can. Once again, we would like to thank you all for the tremendous amount of support we have received. If you are enjoying playing Ready Or Not, we encourage you to leave a review and follow us on Steam.

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2022, 11:41:29 PM »
Ready or Not Alpha Testing Branch Clarification
Mon, 17 January 2022

To Our Community,

We wanted to take a moment to elaborate on Ready or Not's Alpha testing branch and how it relates to the live Early Access branch. While it is easy to understand why our players want access to new alpha content, we did not make this decision lightly or without reason.

As a new video game developer, we have managed to survive and bring Ready or Not to life thanks to our Supporters. Not only was their financial commitment a critical lifeline for us, the feedback and criticism they provided throughout the game's Alpha has also helped shape the game into a better product. Currently, we wish to continue to test content in a Supporter only Alpha branch prior to launching for all players, giving us the opportunity to correct as many errors as possible. In addition to showing Supporters our appreciation for believing in and backing Ready or Not, this allows our limited staff to more easily receive, evaluate, and assimilate feedback into the game.

By creating a short 1-2 week evaluation window, we create a much needed space to test things prior to releasing onto the live Early Access branch. For instance, we are currently testing foreign language localization and have discovered several omissions or errors caused by software glitches. As another example, we discovered a bug that merged every player
currently playing the game into one voice channel together. The extra time afforded to us by this Supporter exclusive testing period is invaluable for the purpose of managing our limited resources to fix game breaking or exceptionally tricky bugs before being released to everyone.

With this method, we are not promising that the content released onto the live Early Access branch will be bug or error free, but we do believe it will be the cleanest version possible given a short window to resolve pertinent issues. We will continue to take feedback from all of our players and are taking steps to enhance our feedback mechanisms to make them more robust and easy to utilise.

We have no plans of dividing our playerbase in any way, and this brief testing period is meant to ensure when new content rolls out that it is ready to play and enjoy with your friends. Any hotfixes or patches to outstanding issues will, of course, be sent out to the live Early Access branch as we are capable of doing so.

We look forward to fully releasing the content currently on the Alpha testing branch to all players within the next week or two, and hope that we can continue to showcase our desire to communicate earnestly, honestly, and with the best of interest of all players in our hearts.

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2022, 11:52:09 PM »
January Content Update
Sat, 29 January 2022

Ready or Not's first major content update, including new maps, weapons, and more.



    Added 3 Test Maps: Valley, Fast Food and Penthouse (Heavily WIP!)
    Working Mirrors
    Vivox Integration


    New Weapon Descriptions
    Interaction ranges and icon sizes in Lobby


    Fixed a rare bug causing you to get stuck on the loading screen
    Fixed rare bug where trap wires would look incorrect (when doors were fully opened)
    Fixed broken lightmap UVs
    Fixed team view cam sometimes going to pre-mission planning level (viewing SWAT truck)
    Fixed Optiwand mesh not appearing in Team View Cam
    Various bugs and crash fixes
    Depreciated SWAT command decal markers and outlines



    Sight swapping/toggling for new optics
    Free Look (with option to activate through a hold or toggle). Also has a wider horizontal range of movement
    Alarm traps


    Better weapon offset for super wide monitors
    Grenades now have a more centered throw trajectory
    Improved melee system for players and AI
    Improved melee hit detection


    Reduced max Flashbangs and Stingers per player to 4
    Start match time reduced to 10 seconds (previously 20 seconds)


    Fixed loadouts occasionally resetting
    Fixed bug that could cause the arrest target to teleport



    AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution graphics option
    Options to disable world decals or modify their density and fade distance (significant performance improvement for some hardware)


    More items now visible in mirror/team view
    NVG visual overhaul
    Several tweaks to reduce blinding the player
    Re-enabled NVG spotlight with extremely low intensity to take care of fringe cases where there's not enough light data
    New LUTs for green and white phosphor options (coming soon)
    Updated overlay material to show inner screen reflections/lighting
    Tweaked exposure curve for better "auto-gating" in extreme light conditions


    Fixed some clipping issues at high FOV and low aspect ratio
    Fixed clipping when player was in Low Ready but playing a blocking animation
    Fixed crash on some GPUs running low settings on DX12




    Allow arrested AI to move
    Increased AI step angle so they don’t get caught on small props, causing them to be stuck in place
    Significantly improve AI enemy detection reaction time (SWAT especially)
    Fleeing Improvements
    No fleeing to outdoor areas
    Reduced occurrences of AI running into you


    Any AI can set off traps
    Increased default number of Roamers to 3
    Increased morale loss from SWAT bash/melee attacks
    Tweaked Rules of Engagement


    Fixed roamers so they don't try roam where they can't go (e.g. through locked doors)
    Fixed surrender exit bugs
    Fixed bug with instant snap aiming
    Fixed bug causing AI that are getting up to 'pop'
    Fixed AI being able to see through pixel perfect gaps in geometry
    Fixed bug causing AI to be less aggressive than intended



    SWAT will fire back when sensing damage (fixes SWAT getting shot and not returning fire, also allows Suspects to fire back if they they take damage through walls/doors)
    SWAT will abort arrest if target is not surrendered, or is already arrested
    SWAT now use door interactions from the center (reduces issues in tight geometry spaces where the point on the navmesh will end up on the wrong side)
    SWAT now checks if enemy is fake surrender/drawing/picking up a weapon for engagement checks (with a small buffer of time to simulate delay)
    Improved SWAT navigation for all maps


    Reduced time spent with weapon up on suspects so they can shoot quicker
    Stack 1/1 on door if giving a single team command (red/blue)


    Fixed crash if you collect evidence while giving 'Collect Evidence' command to SWAT
    Fixed several issues causing stalls when breaching and clearing
    Fixed giving two commands in quick succession leading to SWAT not executing the first commands
    Fixed issue where giving quick commands to different SWAT teams could have them execute on the wrong contextual data (e.g. previous door/location)
    Fixed bug that could cause the navmesh to break after using 'Shotgun and Clear' on a door
    Fixed SWAT executing 'Breach and Clear' command early.



    Hesitation Mechanic
    Reaction animation to heard gunshots
    Suspects investigate trap stimulus when trap goes off
    Suspects lower weapons against walls and doors


    Tweaked suspect accuracy for better engagements
    Suspects are more likely to surrender if you yell at them before they've targeted anybody


    First 3 bullets that a suspect fires have an accuracy penalty
    Suspects in Hostage Rescue now execute hostages after spotting an enemy instead of when hearing aggressive noises.
    Reduced shotgun fire rate to 1/sec (We will miss you, shotgun John Wick)
    Beanbag shotgun removed from suspects on Hotel
    Patrols can only end up inside (but can traverse outside)


    Fixed Suspects using trapped doors when they had been peeked open
    Fixed Suspects spam firing
    Fixed patrols sometimes not working



    Halved civilian morale



    Use (Only) key bind
    Added Toggle Secondary Sight key bind. Default is bound to P
    Added Free Look Toggle and Hold key binds
    Advanced mirror options (anti alias, decals and dynamic shadows. disabled by default)
    Mouse inverted options for Optiwand


    Fixed Reload, Tactical Reload and Mag Check binds



    Implemented crouch animation for 'Paper Doll' health indicator.


    Changed heal prompt to ‘Press F to Stop Bleeding’


    Fixed NVG Paper Doll icon not being displayed sometimes



    Added Performance Profiler (to capture and send performance issues to VOID)


    Reduced VRAM usage by ~2GB
    Loading screen improvements
    Significantly improved Beanbag and Pepperball particle performance (especially when spammed in a small area)
    Flashbang post process effect
    Beanbag impact particle
    Team View & Optiwand render performance
    Significantly improved team view/optiwand memory usage (was using 16x more memory than needed)
    Main Menu performance
    Mirror performance
    Rain particle FX performance
    Potential stutter improvements
    Performance on levels with many AI


    Fixed frosted glass (causing major performance hits)
    Fixed stinger post process effects severely affecting game performance by ~50%
    Fixed stuffer when team view/optiwand are active



    Host Migration
    Only attempt migration on Connection Lost or Connection Timeout
    World state is saved from client perspective at the time of disconnect (getting you back into the game seamlessly)
    Host admin game controls


    Join random session within desired ping instead of always joining lowest ping (allows people with slightly higher ping to receive players / spreads players over more sessions)
    Greatly optimized network performance


    Allow joining of servers using Find Sessions running different mods if checksum is turned off(and server has checksum turned off), option available in settings.
    Modded games can now always join any server that has checksum disabled regardless of their own checksum state (vanilla games will only join modded games if this is turned off)
    Change session state in pre-login if server is full (may help with finding full servers)
    Sync movement for physics props placed in the world
    Stagger the initialization of the world over the full time to help reduce bandwidth load when starting a level


    Fixed 'Time Until Bomb Explodes' on Bomb Threat only showing for the host
    Fixed occasionally not being able to join sessions
    Fixed quit to main menu not going back to main menu if not a listen server
    Fixed being kicked when restarting the mission
    Potentially fixed some issues causing disconnections (and added further logging to determine any other causes)
    Fixed other SWAT appearing in truck for clients
    Fixed issue where light/laser could fall out of sync if used outside of network relevancy range



    R7 Launcher, a magazine-fed customizable pepperball gun.
    MK.16, reliably accurate 5.56 assault rifle.
    BCM MK1, weapon skeleton with new audio/model/mesh exclusive to Supporter edition owners. No statistical advantage over other 5.56 ARs currently in game.
    SLR 47, modernized Eastern carbine boasting compactness and power.
    Added ATACR and SDR optics to M4, SBR-300, SA58, BCM MK1, Mk. 16, SR16, and HK416


    G19 Gen5, updated model/audio for the G19.
    P92X, updated model/audio for the M9A1.
    Reduced camera shake when shooting SA58
    Significantly lowered UMP45 Recoil
    Shortened the SBR-300's barrel significantly
    'Thumb over bore' combat grip now used for HK416, SBR-300, and SR16
    New Stinger Grenade model.
    New Flash Grenade model.
    New CS Gas Grenade model.
    Increased fire rate of AR-pattern weapons to be more realistic
    SRS optic now uses risers for HK416, SBR-300, and SR16 (if you had the SRS equipped before this change, you may have to re-equip on the workbench)
    Corrected laser rotation when right up against an object


    Fixed M4A1 socket for M600V
    Fixed double sound playing for MPX, UMP45 and SBR-300
    Fixed brake scaling for SR16
    Fixed shotgun accuracy
    Fixed P92X(M9) pistol using wrong inertia values
    Fixed G19 backplate not moving with slide
    Fixed G19 slide plate not actually disappearing when an optic is attached


    Fixed lowered shield reloads with Python revolver
    Fixed A-Pose when killing arrested AI
    Fixed wrongly assigned animations for m45A1 speed reload
    Fixed arrested death poses


    Re-enabled physics prop interactions (Increased push force so you cannot get stuck on/behind them)
    Fixed collision with thrown items (Chemlights and Grenades)


    Scores will no longer save if game is modded
    Traps no longer impact scoring


    Removed loading screen percentage when going back to main menu (as it's a blocking load)
    Fixed mission select not working if two inputs were sent at the exact same time
    Fixed 'Finding Session' text not showing on the menu



    TOC Voice
    New set of generic female voice lines


    Removed unused voice files
    Removed legacy/placeholder voice lines


    Only agender Judge lines play when ordering arrests
    Updated female civilian voice lines


    Footstep tweaks for 3P Civilians / Suspects
    Bump sound size for pistol melee so it doesn't pan as player moves
    3P weapons slightly sidechain bullet impacts now
    Lowered volume for certain sidearm melee foleys
    Tweaks to certain 3P weapons for better parity
    Slightly lower bullet crack chance, removed EQ
    Added updated taser assets and updated taser shot / hum
    Lower trap cut volume
    Many tweaks to existing events across the board to minimize sound drop out
    Updated Mk. 16 / SBR300 / SA58 / Stinger sound events
    Disabled auto activation for many sound sources to prevent leaking
    SWAT voice lines can be heard in headset at range



    'Fast Food' restaurant song(It's a bop)
    'Penthouse' music


    Added Korean, French, German and Czech translations
    Korean text now uses Numan font


    Fixed spelling/grammar misteaks
    Added Discord Supporter Code in settings (for Supporter server verification purposes)
    Crash reporter now displays a simple error message (ie. Crash, GPUCrash, Assert) and the reason, if possible


    Shoothouse target mini-game (Shoothouse timer is now operational)
    Coffee machine in Lobby (with speed buffs for certain drinks)
    Updated Shoothouse trigger box range to get out of forced Low Ready at the first door

Wenderly Hills Hotel -- 'Checkin' In'


    Active Shooter Mode
    Hostage Rescue Mode
    Raid Mode
    Hotel's lobby and first floor areas now available for new modes
    Added Chef models

213 Park Homes -- 'Twisted Nerve'


    Raid Mode
    Second house has been opened up.
    Added destructible lights
    TV now plays static sound(spooky)
    Sewer area now plays dripping sounds(yucky)


    Environmental Updates
    Incapacitated Minor score penalty increased to -350 (previous penalty was erroneously -15)
    Adjustments to Meth tunnel ambience
    Tweaks to Meth audio
    Additional sounds added to sewer
    TV on floor in main house now plays sound
    Chime sound added to main house side
    Additional sounds added to spawn garage
    Additional sounds added to street light near spawn
    Rat / debris sounds now play around main house
    Added volume to Meth front door so outdoor ambience plays in near it
    Child's radio on Meth now has event cone parameter so player can't hear it behind wall
    Female suspects on Meth now use female suspect lines


    Fixed popping of certain Meth sounds
    Fixed some navs in meth
    Fixed out of bounds areas
    Collision fixes
    Lighting fixes
    Fixed some Meth spawns where AI wouldn't be able to move
    Fixed AI not being able to navigate the hole in the fence on Meth

Caesar's Cars Dealership -- 'Buy Cheap, Buy Twice'


    Bomb Threat Mode
    Added rockin' radio track courtesy of a legend


    Max attenuation for barrel fire reduced
    Increased distance of Dealer car passerby SFX
    Slight volume tweaks to outside Dealer outside quake SFX
    Minor Dealer artwork changes

4U Gas Station -- 'Thank You, Come Again'


    Adjustments to certain Gas ambiences
    Huge overhaul of ambience volumes to prevent leaking
    Certain room tones changed for better parity
    Certain spatial sounds moved
    Flies now fly around poor Mudasir

Port Hoken -- 'Hide and Seek'


    Bomb Threat Mode
    Added creepy auction music to auction room
    Added blocking volume to certain area so players can't go for a swim


    Tweaked Raid AI count


    Fixed drip sound from stopping and starting, remove second sound for better consistency with location

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2022, 11:55:29 PM »
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