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Naval Action


Author Topic: ***IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Actions to take in order to secure XP and CXP!!!  (Read 4460 times)

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Offline Don_prince

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Fellow Naval Action owners.

I know some of you spend some significant time in Naval Action and have some progress. Read the folowing quote:


This is a very important announcement and must not be ignored.

XP Synchronization will be removed from the game in the next patch that will come with the asset wipe.
Due to these changes we recommend the following flow of action.


 Login to all servers you were not active and check your rank.
  -> If your rank is good enough for you you don't have to do anything.
  -> If your rank is for some reason lower than on your main server go on and sink one ship (which ship does not matter). This will update your character XP to your current max level on the servers you were not active.
  -> You don't have to do it on the main server.
repeat procedure for all servers that are not your main server.
Notify your friends who are not playing, but plan to return to game to do the same.
Wait for wipe

During the wipe day, your current XP and Crafting XP will be provided on all three servers as a redeemable (usable item)
Each server will have 2 separate redeemables: one craft XP and one Battle XP (6 in total if you have characters on each server)
Deletion or creation of new characters does not remove redeemables UNTIL you use them
If you are not sure about your nation choice or the future - DO NOT USE THE XP REDEEMABLES until you are absolutely sure about your nation choice.
Use of redeemables is FINAL and cannot be reversed
DO NOT USE THE XP REDEEMABLES until you are absolutely sure about your nation choice
You can keep the XP redeemables for as long as you want.


It is STRONGLY ADVICED that REGARDLESS of this, MAKE a profile on EACH server and PLAY one battle.

This is the only way to secure you keep your XP and Crafting XP.

Good luck and sail on!
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