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Author Topic: Afghanistan '11  (Read 22240 times)

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Offline Asid

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Afghanistan '11
« on: January 10, 2017, 05:51:40 PM »

 Afghanistan '11 is the sequel to the highly praised and innovative Vietnam '65. It enhances and builds on it: Afghanistan '11 changes the paradigm of wargaming and manages to bring Counter-Insurgency and guerrilla warfare to your screen, properly represented thanks to a revolutionary gameplay formula!

The year is 2011, you are commanding the US army operations in Afghanistan.

But contrary to the previous generations of military officers in your family, killing the enemy is only a secondary mission.

Most of your efforts and resources are spent elsewhere trying to grab the Hearts & Minds of the local population. Providing security to the civilians, persuading the local villagers to reject the Taliban and isolating Militia leaders is your main focus.

Counter-Insurgency will have better results in the long run than conventional tactics but a simple incident during a routine patrol can ruin your relationship with the locals and damage your image in the Western newspapers.

The Afghanistan terrain offers a very good cover to the rebels who can easily hide in the mountains and natural caves. Patience and good use of technology can give you the decisive advantage in this merciless game of hide and seek. When you spot an enemy unit or an opium plantation with a drone, you call in air support or artillery to eliminate the target immediately: speed will be crucial!.

But having the air supremacy is not enough to win the war against the insurgents. IEDs, rocket launchers and sneaky ambushes are common threats for your ground units and helicopters.

Casualties weaken the morale and the overall support from the folks back home in the USA, so make sure to keep your men safe and well supplied, and victory may well be yours...

•   A full nation building module, whereby player can affect the hearts and minds of the local population via non-military means (constructing infrastructure and delivering UN aid)
•   An intense 18 battle campaign covering the iconic Afghan war operations from establishing Camp Rhino to the Bin Laden Raid (Neptune Spear)
•   Command the American and the Afghanistan National Army during ground and air operations
•   Drones, multirole fighters and ground-attack aircraft are available to help you to spot and eliminate enemy units
•   Upgrade your bases with specific buildings to offer a better support to your soldiers and military vehicles
•   Afghanistan National elections - affecting the balance of power in the theatre
•   Full US withdrawal and handing over of combat responsibility to the ANA.
•   External political events impacting the local situation.
•   Taliban operations are financed from the growing and harvesting of opium crops. Locate and destroy opium crops to cripple the opponent's resources as these fund the Taliban operations.
•   Full range of modern military units including artillery, mechanized and infantry units, engineers, helicopters, etc.
•   Special forces including sniper and forward air controller actions, offering you plenty of tactical options.
•   An extensive Skirmish mode, allowing players to set all parameters of a game and enabling unlimited replaybility.

Theatre: Middle East
Unit Scale: Brigade
Players: 1
AI: Yes

Forum (Slitherine): HERE

Buy from Matrix/Slitherine: HERE

« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 01:53:49 PM by Asid »
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2017, 05:39:16 PM »
Afghanistan '11 to be released on March 23rd!

We’re really pleased to announce that Afghanistan ’11 will hit your screens on March 23rd!

Afghanistan '11 Trailer

Afghanistan ’11 builds upon the very successful Vietnam ’65 and brings its original formula to the desolate mountains of Afghanistan, where the US armed forces, assisted by the local Afghan National Army, fought for years against an invisible enemy.

Afghanistan ’11 isn’t your standard wargame: if you want to win it won’t just be about eliminating the enemy on the battlefield, but you will need to conquer the Hearts & Minds of the locals by ensuring safety to villages, isolating and eliminating Taliban units, training the Afghan army and building and protecting infrastructure.

Logistics and organization will be extremely important as the Taliban and tribal militias will attempt to thwart your efforts with sneaky ambushes and sudden strikes – the enemy plays hide and seek and could be everywhere and only the most skilled strategist will manage to win the war in Afghanistan and help build a modern nation.

Afghanistan ’11 brings back the extremely succesful formula of Vietnam ’65 and expands on it. The gameplay is now richer than ever! Extend your supply lines with a whole new modular FOB system. It will be the player’s duty to fight the war on drug production – destroy opium crops and deprive the Taliban of their economic sustenance. Oversee dynamic national elections which could affect your whole strategy! React to many unique political events which will add further unpredictability to your game! And much more.

Last but not least, the Steam page is also now live!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 05:40:49 PM by Asid »
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2017, 06:13:21 PM »
Afghanistan '11 - Feature Video - Hearts & Minds

Published on Feb 17, 2017

In this first Feature video we highlight one of the core gameplay concepts in the upcoming counter-insurgency turn-based strategy game: Afghanistan '11.

Winning Hearts & Minds is vital to your strategy. Will you manage to stabilize the region?
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 08:09:29 PM »
Afghanistan '11 - Preview Stream live on Twitch!

We have the pleasure to announce that we'll be running a very special preview stream of Afghanistan '11!

Our Agrippa Maxentius will tackle the game, show you its many innovative features and attempt to win a war based on counter-insurgency and winning the Hearts & Minds of people! Will he manage to stabilize Afghanistan?

Keith Boschoff, lead programmer of Afghanistan '11 and member of Retro Epic will also be there, ready to answer to any question you might have! The stream will commence at 5 pm CET / 4 pm GMT / 11 am EST on Thursday February 23rd, only on
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 06:46:49 PM »

Interview with the developer!

Today we have the pleasure to publish an interview with Mr, Johan Nagel, game designer and developer of the upcoming Afghanistan '11 and head of Every Single Soldier studio.

He'll talk in detail of Afghanistan '11 - building and innovating on its predecessor Vietnam '65 and set in Afghanistan.

It’s quite clear Afghanistan ’11 isn’t your standard wargame or strategy game. Do you consider it to be unique and different from the other wargames out there? Why?

What makes v65 and A11 unique is that at the core of the game is the Hearts & Minds mechanic coupled and interlinked with the political support system. You can't model modern day COIN wars using conventional wargaming methodology, it simply doesn't fit.

In Afghanistan '11 everything you do has a direct bearing on the local populations view of your efforts and the support your are receiving from the folks back home , which is the ultimate measure as the end game for COIN wars is political after all.

What were the challenges you had to face when you started designing Afghanistan ’11?

As with Vietnam '65, by far the biggest challenges was deciding what to leave out. The COIN model is evolving and there are so many more facets and nuances that we would like to include, for example deeper dialougue with local population, desertions, heat mapping for insurgent AI and more.

Another challenge was to ensure it does the conflict justice and make it relevant and at the same time have cognisance that this is a current and ongoing conflict and needs to be respectful to all those involved in the fight against terror.

The previous title, Vietnam ’65, was highly successful. How have you built upon it? What new features does Afghanistan ’11 introduce?

We leant so much from Vietnam '65 and have not only put all that good learning into Afghanistan '11 but also expanded the game to include elements that are essential to have in order to properly model COIN wars.

Apart from visually enhancing A'11 with full 3D terrain and the addition of a campign mode, we have added multiple new layers into the model. The most important of these are the eventual handover of security operations to the local army, the introduction of game changing elections and the underlying opium trade with its direct effects on the conflict.

Afghanistan offers an entirely different geography compared to Vietnam. How is that reflected in game? What challenges does it offer?

Afghanistan is a country of mountains and deserts, with a little bit green, so contrasted to Vietnam it really is entirely different. We had to introduce 3D modelling into Afghanistan '11 due to the mountains being such an iconic part of the region.

In Afghanistan '11 the mountains play a central role in the decision making especially as the focus from airmobile in Vietnam '65 has shifted to ground vehicles in Afghanistan '11. The player has to now navigate around these giant obstacles which not only limit their tactical deployment but also funnel them into narrow channels perfect for ambushes and IED placement.

One of the new features is the Elections system. How does it work? Could you give us more details?

In Afghanistan '11, elections are periodically announced (usually two to three times in a standard 60 turn game) and the player chooses a candidate to back, then clock starts to tick. Following the announcement, a base case is set with the current Hearts & Minds score of the local population and every event for the following five turns is logged and fed into an algorythm that weighs the events and tallies them until the election point is reached. On the fifth turn following the announcement the result is calculated by adding the base case to the net output from the weighted calculations in the tally, thus determining the result. So, in essence, when an election is announced the player needs to ramp up infrastructure build whilst minimizing any losses and at the same time face a Taliban offensive which is aimed at negatively influencing the election result.

The results of the election have far reching effects so the five turn run up to elections is particularly (and by design) tense.

The war in Afghanistan is still ongoing and is, under many aspects, a controversial topic. What moved you to choose it as subject for a strategy game?

All war is controversial by nature, Afghanistan even more so as its a very current and ongoing conflict. I have always had a very deep interest in COIN wars, having served in the South African Bush war in the 80's, and after publishing Vietnam '65 the move to Afghanistan was almost natural. I have followed the Afghanistan war closely and the model employed in Vietnam '65 was a natural fit for the conflict and a perfect opportunity to evolve the COIN model.

I fully understand the sensitivity of the subject and am seriously respectful in my interpretation, but I believe there is a story to be told here and that is what I am trying to capture and do justice to.
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2017, 09:19:55 PM »
This really interests me. I hope it will be affordable, and available.

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2017, 09:52:29 PM »

Saturday, February 25, 2017
By: JC
Afghanistan '11 - Not Your Grandpa's War Game

Article by JC

Read on: Click Here
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2017, 06:24:31 PM »
Afghanistan '11 - Feature Video - Logistics

Published on 2 Mar 2017

In this second Feature video we highlight one of the core gameplay concepts in the upcoming counter-insurgency turn-based strategy game: Afghanistan '11.

Building Infrastructure and managing Logistics will be essential to win the war and stabilize the region. Will you be up to the task?
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2017, 05:15:24 PM »
Afghanistan '11 - Innovations since Vietnam '65

Vietnam ’65 was truly innovative when it first came out: a true counter-insurgency game, fresh and new, and it was extremely well received.

The upcoming Afghanistan ’11 aims at bringing that formula back, but not without plenty innovations and novelties of its own!
Today we’ll give some details on what has been improved from Vietnam ’65.

Campaign. Unlike Vietnam ’65, Afghanistan ’11 will have a brand new campaign with 18 scenarios covering the entirety of the war and making you face very different situations. This will be of course accompanied by a Skirmish mode, giving the game extreme replaybility.

New unit types and abilities. Afghanistan ’11 has an expanded roster of units with more functionalities, focusing on particular on the role of Special forces. Special Forces in Afghanistan ’11 have a number of tactical options at their disposal. They can set a Lookout which will function as a stationary observation post, from where they’ll be able to scout and observe enemy movements. They can also call a special Airstrike to destroy enemy units as well as use a Sniper attack to disperse enemy units or force them to retreat.

New FOB system. Forward Operating Bases can now be expanded with additional Modules and be employed to run a supply network. They now function as proper forward bases from which you can launch missions deep into potentially hostile territory.

Elections. Face ever changing political conditions and directly influence the outcome of elections, by spending Political Points to support a specific candidate. War developments will also have a direct influence on elections, and you’ll find that the turns during the electoral campaign will be critical. The situation is made richer by many new Political events which will happen randomly and make your games more varied, as well as new ways to win Hearts & Minds, such as Delivering UN aid or building Waterworks.

Opium Production. Another aspect that is depicted in Afghanistan ’11. Taliban and the militias will depend on the local production of Opium, but of course you have a say on the matter. By locating and destroying opium crops you’ll weaken your enemy by crippling its resources, but as part of the tradeoff you will enrage the locals as you’ll deprive them of their susteinance. What choice will you make?

The UI. A lot of work has been put into improving the interface. Icons have been minimized in favor of contextual feedback. This is most evident in respect of cargo carrying vehicles and helicopters. Instead of cluttering the visuals with icons, the cargo is visually represented which adds to the overall look and feel of the game. In addition, important contextual, visual cues are used to inform the player of a number of important facts i.e. Supply level at FOBs, Artillery supply, medical evacuations and so on.

The Intel Map. In-game information has been put on steroids, with the player now having Staff Officers (SO) displaying vital information to aid the player as he progresses through the scenario. The INTEL map has been upgraded in general and now forms a vital part of the gameplay.

Graphics. Afghanistan ’11 sports greatly improved graphics, being now fully 3D. This not only adds immensely to the visual aspect of the game but also add real context to geographical decisions.
The maps in Afghanistan ‘11 are also scalable to much larger sizes than seen in Vietnam ‘65. All maps used in Afghanistan ‘11 are around 33% larger than those used in Vietnam ’65.

There are many more innovations. We had to be concise, and we couldn’t list them all. Fans of Vietnam ’65 won’t be disappointed, and will find out that the formula they loved has been greatly improved in Afghanistan ’11!
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Offline Cougar11

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2017, 06:45:58 PM »
Not to much longer, of they stay on launch date

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2017, 07:07:18 PM »
A look at the Skirmish mode and Achievements

Afghanistan ’11 features a long campaign: players can experience the whole length of the war through 18 unique scenarios. Each scenario puts you in very different situations, and you’ll have to employ different strategies to beat the scenario and advance in the campaign.

But there’s more outside of the campaign: Afghanistan ’11 offers a very detailed Skirmish mode.

You can play on randomly generated maps and set several parameters, completely customizing your game to your liking. You can set geographical parameters, starting conditions, victory conditions, as well as disable or enable additional modules such as Political events and Elections.

You can even disable any kind of turn limit, making your game unlimited and you’ll be able to play as long as you want!

You also have the option to start a new game on the same map, if you wish: everytime you start a new game with the Skirmish mode, you’ll be given a specific Mission Key code. By entering that code when starting a new Skirmish game, you’ll be able to play on the same map as before!

Other than the campaign, when playing Afghanistan ’11 you’ll have many different objectives in the form of Achievements. There are 59 different achievements in Afghanistan ’11, fiftynine! Completing them all will be quite the task.

As you unlock them, you’ll see that the uniform in the main screen will gain new medals and you’ll also rise in rank! You can click on it and have a closer look at your medals, as well as the achievements you have unlocked.

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2017, 03:06:13 PM »
A look at features - Recon & Combat
21 March

In this new Feature video we have a look at one of the core elements of gameplay: Combat.

The enemy will be hiding in caves and attack from the shadows. Locating them will be hard, and then you will have to attack with rapidity and precision. Will you manage to defeat them?

Afghanistan '11 - Feature Video - Recon & Combat

Afghanistan '11[] is being released this week on Thursday March 23rd! Afghanistan '11 brings counter-insurgency to your screens with an innovative gameplay formula. Will you manage to stabilize Afghanistan?
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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2017, 02:15:44 PM »
Afghanistan '11 live Twitch stream & give-away announced!

Just a reminder, people: Afghanistan '11, sequel to the highly successful Vietnam '65 is going to be released TOMORROW.

It is a groundbreaking and innovative wargame, bringing counter-insurgency to your screen! In Afghanistan '11 you won't win the war simply by beating enemy forces on the field like in other wargames and strategy games. No, reality is way more complex and deeper, and Afghanistan '11 aims at representing that.

We're going to run a very special Twitch stream the following day, on Friday March 24th on our Twitch channel. We'll show you the game, so show up, watch the stream and you'll get a chance to win a copy of the game!

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2017, 02:32:35 PM »
Will that is crap. I'll have to be at work.

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Re: Afghanistan '11
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2017, 02:33:00 PM »
Afghanistan '11 is released!

Slitherine and Every Single Soldier are once again taking the strategy genre from a totally new angle. After the stunning success of Vietnam ’65, the counter-insurgency gaming system create by Johan Nagel is back in a new setting, with a new look and with a monumental list of new features.

As before, you are faced with the task of destroying an ever elusive enemy while striving to win the Hearts & Minds of the local population. You must juggle spending resources to fight the enemy, while at the same time capitalizing on the opportunity to bring civilians to you cause.

You are facing a barrage of obstacles, from IED's to hidden enemies such as local militia that excel at guerrilla warfare as well as Taliban troops that make their way over the mountains from Pakistan to stifle your efforts. You own casualties can severely damage military progress, while eliminating enemy troops and assisting villages and improving their infrastructure can significantly assist you. You will have many tools to achieve success, from the mighty Apache Helicopter, to Special Forces units which can be used to train Afghan National Army Units, or to hunt down the enemy.

Logistics are also a key factor: defending supply convoys without which troops will suffer and will be vulnerable to ambushes and loss of combat effectiveness is the key to attain a solid victory.

Furthermore a tense political situation grips the country. Unpredictable Political Events can significantly alter the outcome of the struggle and Elections will play a vital role in the mission to stabilize Afghanistan.

With 18 different campaign scenarios starting from the initial actions in Afghanistan to the culmination of American involvement there are tens of hours of counter-insurgency warfare to be played. The game also has an extremely customizable Skirmish mode which allows to consistently alter any parameter of the operation the your liking.

Afghanistan ’11 is available on the Slitherine site and on Steam. Check out the product page for more details.
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