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IL-2 Sturmovik


Author Topic: IL2: Join the fight!  (Read 6967 times)

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Offline Longknife

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IL2: Join the fight!
« on: December 01, 2016, 04:31:44 PM »

Hey guys,

Last night I discovered a dedicated server for IL2 BoS I thought I would let y'all know about. Its called Wings of Libery. While I have very little experience on it thus far the group flying it seem to take their flying seriously & have a mature attitude. The server is full real with the only cheat/helper being turned on is the player location on the map. Server limit is 84 players, there were around 60 on when I was playing & the connection was stable. I didnt see any warping.
There are daily missions to be flown with strategic gains to be had. Cooperation is almost mandatory.

Here is an except from their website.

Wings of Liberty is a dogfight server. It combines both playability and historical accuracy. The missions represent various episodes of WWII. Every mission has its unique plane set, combat tasks, and victory conditions. We are doing monthly tournaments on the first day of every month. The winner is the team that wins the most missions in a month.

The purpose of Wings of Liberty is to provide a comfortable environment for pilots from different countries.

The motto: Virtual pilots of the world unite!

Server TeamSpeak

Server Rules
1. Personal insults, excessive rudeness, vulgarity, all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, inciting ethnic hatred are not allowed and will result in a ban.

2. No friendly fire. It is prohibited to destroy friendly units. Systemic violations will result in a ban.

3. No cheating. It is prohibited to use any software which gives a player an unfair advantage.

Violations of this rule will result in the following: first offense – kick from the server or a ban, second offense – ban on entry for 7 or more day.

Another neat thing about their server is they have a scoring system in place. You can see how your efforts stack up against other pilots. There is also a provision for squadrons with its ranking as well. Personally I would love to see a DoW squadron flying there!

Here is a link to my scoring page. As I said I only just discovered it & only made 2 sorties. 1st resulted in a ground loop that damaged the propeller & the 2nd I was acting as a Jabo on a SEAD mission on a rail yard. Unfortunately as I was pressing my attack on enemy AAA a round went through my windscreen & brought the issue to an abrupt end.

I intend to become a regular on this server & hope to see y'all on there as well. I am Longknife on this a & will be on their TS channel. Give me a shout & I would love to link up & fly with you.

Oh & on this server from what I have heard the Russians seem to usually win so I will be flying for the Luftwaffe.  I love a challenge 8)
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Offline Stardog765

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2016, 05:40:36 PM »
Ok so I read that there are no longer unlocks for planes that is a positive but I do have a question about the editions.

If you do not have the Premium Edition do you still fly against pilots in the  La-5 Series 8 and Fw-190 A-3?  Am I flying online against boom and zoomers in 190s without a plane that can combat that because I did not want to spend the extra money to get the Premium Edition?  And specific to this server are the enemy plane locations also visible on the map? Just curious.

I don't want to come off negative here as I appreciate your post about this and very happy you are enjoying yourself but in full disclosure this company, 777 Studios are notorious for bleeding people dry on planes and addons and looking at this one they seem to be stepping that up even more unfortunately.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad - Standard Edition - $50

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Moscow - Standard Edition - $50

Total - $100

AND YOU STILL DON'T GET ALL OF THE PLANES?  You still do not get 4 of the best planes in the war.  La-5, Fw-190 A-3, P-40 and MC.202.  If you want these planes too its another $60!

Again Longknife I hope you don't take this personal as I assure its not but I feel its important we are honest here about this sim and what it takes to really get all of it.
Now if you can get all of it in a good sale cool and that would be my recommendation.  If I am missing something please let me know and I will gladly re-evaluate my view of this company and their sim. Honestly.

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Offline Longknife

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 06:57:38 PM »
Dont worry Brah, I have never been offended in my life. As I said before I prefer plain talking. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion.

About your questions.

Do you fly against premium planes? Absolutely!
Are all planes on the map? No, Just yours. They have it set that way as an aide to navigation.

About your concerns of B&Z versus premium planes.... Once again I have very little experience on this server but I am pretty sure my experience on other MMP flight sims will remain true here*. The ppl flying the uber planes fall into 2 categories. 1) Dweebs: guys who are trying to make up for their lack of ability by flying the "best" planes in the game. Said dweebs always end up burning up their E in short order & are then dead meat. 2) Killers... These guys are going to get you no matter what you are flying.  ??? You might be a killer yourself & if thats the case then you know how to deal with a disparate E state. Extend... What I do is dive & extend towards friendly lines. This drags the fight into the horizontal & puts you into a nearly Co-E state. Sure you are in a defensive posture but thats better then where you were before. At least now you have a chance to maneuver for a shot  when you are ready to take the fight vertical again. Also by dragging him towards friendlies he will either be prudent & break off or you might just get some help from your team mates. Which brings up another important point. DONT fly alone! You are just begging to have someone sneak up on your 6 low & smoke you! From what I saw nearly everyone is eager to link up on TS & fly together.

Regards pricing. Is what it is Brah. I feel ya though,  I hate how we get nickle & dimed by these software companies but its becoming the way of the world. Many new titles have some premium content. Some have ALLOT.
I bought BoS Premium 2 weeks before it went on sale full price and was absolutely delighted with it. I was planning on getting BoM at full price as well soon as I finished the SP campaign (still havent btw) but it went on sale & able to get BoM, the C202 & P40 for 50% off I think it was. Honestly I think it was worth every penny. The depth of this sim is awesome! I am truly enjoying myself in just SP. MP is just the icing on the already staggering cake.

I have read the forum posts on ppl that are nay sayers about BoS & am here to tell you "most" of their bitches are either unfounded or unwarranted.

 * when I was taxing the 110 for take off I saw 2 guys in La5's ground loop them several times until they crashed. These planes are challenging to taxi but I could just tell these guys had no clue what they were doing. They are probably used to the easy setting "fly now" that has you start in the air at altitude in SP.
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Offline Stardog765

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2016, 07:33:35 PM »
I appreciate your thoughts and the lesson in E management but that wasnt really my point.
Yes I do know well how to handle fighting BnZ planes in a lesser plane but actually I was just referring to the point that there is a level of pay to win there and just wanted to make sure everyone understood that.  If you have a pilot at alt in a FW190 and he allows you to drag him down into a horizontal fight that is on him, he doesn't understand the plane he is flying or the plane he is likely flying against.  I can promise you this if I was flying the FW190, God forbid!  There is not a plane in that standard edition that SHOULD be able to get up to me so I have a very real advantage because I spent $30 more.  If there are planes in that standard edition that are getting up to the FW190s that are flown by experienced FW190 pilots then thats a whole other conversation that isnt about price at all :)

Like I said I am very happy you are loving it and please dont take my issues with it as me slamming the product. Just want members here to be clear on what they are getting should they decide to fork over that kind of money.

Happy flying and keep the blue side up!
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Offline Longknife

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2016, 07:47:00 PM »
I get what you are saying but I dont think the scenario you are envisioning will present itself. At least not if what I have been hearing about how things are going on that server.

If you hang out at altitude you are going to be by yourself. The Russian planes perform better at low altitudes so that is where they are staying. The idea behind what you are saying has merit but in practice I dont think its the case.

A video was done by a guy very active on this server talking about why the Russians are wining. I think if you watch it you will have a better grasp of why I say this. Assuming what he says is true then you arent paying to win because you are forced lower where the Wulf doesnt perform as well. The Wulf just becomes another plane that happens to have sharper teeth then most.

[yt] [/yt]

As an aside, if someone wants to pass on this title because of a perceived "pay to win" not only are you missing out on a good time but the point of this sim as well.
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Offline Stardog765

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2016, 07:58:59 PM »
Ha well the idea behind BnZ is to stay up there but only for the reason of booming and zooming so the idea isnt to just sit up there and have tea.
Coming down is part of the plan as is going right back up AFTER killing a poor defenseless pilot dead.

Anyway carry on!
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Offline Tuna

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2016, 03:46:12 PM »
Definitely could be interested in some IL2 MP. I think Nefariousk would be as well. Hoping to get myself some rudder pedals for Xmas, so I can succeed taxiing and taking off.
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Offline Longknife

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2016, 04:14:56 PM »
Great! I hope to see you up there!

Yes rudder pedals are pretty well mandatory in IL2 & even with them taxi & takeoff are challenging.
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Offline Frankie

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2016, 06:33:13 PM »
Hi Longknife
I see your early stats ... and that you fly the BF-110 E2. Hmm...why not the BF109 ala Hartmann?
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After the Dogs of War are let slip, let us smoke the Pipes Of Peace.

Offline Longknife

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2016, 07:34:03 PM »
Hi Longknife
I see your early stats ... and that you fly the BF-110 E2. Hmm...why not the BF109 ala Hartmann?

Hiya Frankie,

I really like the 109, I like the FW190 even more but it boils down to 2 reasons mainly. I like to be different & go against the norm & I like the challenge. It will be flown primarily as a fighter but it is nice to have the added punch for the occasional jabo mission. I plan to fly it for this whole month just to see what kind of score I can amass. Next month I will most likely fly something different.
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Offline Longknife

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Re: IL2: Join the fight!
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2016, 06:24:27 PM »
I have not really been able to fly the last few days. I have been sick & flew 2 sorties while sick that did not end well. Out of curiosity I just looked at the stats & was pretty surprised by some of the results.

Top 20 pilots & their chosen mounts.


Amazingly enough 9 of the top 20 scoring pilots fly the Pe-2 with the top 3 slots being filled by Peshka pilots. These guys arent just blowing stuff up. The top guys is on a 30 kill streak without dying. The moral of the story, you see a Pe-2 be worried!


Number 2 slot of most favored rides amongst the top 20 is the venerable Frank. 5 pilots call it their favorite mount. One pilot has a pretty impressive kill tally. A true budding Hartmann.


4 Pilots prefer the Yak which coincidentally is my fav Soviet fighter as well.

Fw190 A-3

One pilot is flying the venerable Focke Wulf.


Just edging into the top 20 in 20th place 1 pilot is flying the La-5.

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