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Author Topic: AAR SOW online session last night  (Read 6196 times)

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Offline Asid

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AAR SOW online session last night
« on: November 23, 2016, 04:48:08 PM »
Beef, Stardog and I played a co-op against the AI in Scourge of War Waterloo.

We were allies (red) against the French (blue). Division v Division. HITS.

Beef was "Le Beof.

I took the role as commander. We had quite a distance to travel. We started in the NW corner. Village De Cahalane was the objective in the south approx 4.5Km away.

We travelled in column formation using the roads.

At la Traversee de Martin I decided to split the forces. Stardog followed the road west.

Beef was sent to the east so we could have a 3 pronged attack. At this point we did not know what we faced. I mad my first error here. I sent 50% of my artillery to aid Beef. Then I changed my mind and called them back. I then changed my mind again and sent them to Beefs area. This lost precious time.

Beef got engaged very quickly by seasoned enemy infantry. My plan was to come through the woods and behind the enemy attacking Beef.

My plan did not work. The enemy engaged me as soon as they saw me breaking through the tree line. I suffered terrible losses and my men fell back. They never truly recovered. IMy remaining troops assisted Beef in a desperate battle. A battle we realised could not be won. It did not always feel that way. We thought on many occassions that we had gained the upperhand, only to be smashed again.

Stardog was tasked with neutralising the artillery threat next to the village.

He chased away the enemy artillery. This gave us some respite. However the enemy brought in infantry...Lots of infantry. Stardog was constantly fighting them back while trying to deal with the ever present artillery.

Beef and I withdrew to Chateau De Timpko. Our troops were exhausted and demoralised.The enemy immediately started to pound at our gates. Stardog was still in a major engagement to the South.

Final outcome. We were defeated. Notice the damage the French Artillery did.

Lessons learned:

Keep some fresh troops in reserve. We did not do this as we committed everything early on. Our troops tired and when the enemy fell back we could not take real advantage as our troops were exhausted.

Artillery can be key. My use of artillery was poor at best. I need more experience using it. The French killed hundreds of our troops from distance and demoralised us before we could get close.

Plan better. We should have been more cautious and moved slower. I did not have a fall back position or plan.

Great battle. Early days as we are getting to grips with HITS but it is definitely the best way to play this in my opinion.

Download Replay file Click here

To play the file. Download and extract it to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\SowWL\Saved Games\Replay folder. Only place the ".rep" file in the folder.

Single player > Load Replay > Select file > Press "Load replay"
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 05:20:12 PM by Asid »
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Offline Asid

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Re: AAR SOW online session last night
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 05:20:33 PM »
Added the replay file
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Offline Stardog765

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Re: AAR SOW online session last night
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 05:47:42 PM »
Nice AAR bro!

That was alot of fun and I learned alot from it.
We obviously got our asses kicked but we gave em hell for a while and it was more about learning how to play together than winning it.

We get em next time!

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Offline Beef

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Re: AAR SOW online session last night
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2016, 09:40:28 PM »
Awesome AAR. Thanks for doing that Asid. I thoroughly enjoyed the battle, even if we did suffer a bitter defeat!
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