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Author Topic: Command Ops 2  (Read 37127 times)

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2015, 04:59:26 AM »
Update Build 5.0.10

Use the 'Update Command Ops 2' shortcut to download and install the patch.

Alternately, you can download the full 5.0.10 installer from your store account:

    Facing issue
    Icon Selection issue
    Group Selection issue
    Intel issue
    Keyboard Focus issue
    Overlays button now cycles back with right click
    CTD on Reattach issue
    New Dialog Management Interface including:

        Removed old Main toolbar
        Dialog buttons now on display toolbar
        Dialog buttons for first force/task edit/task view/crossing data dialogs
        Dialog buttons now toggle between show and dismiss
        Added All Button to show/hide all current dialogs
        Reduced height of task edit dialog to remove empty space
        Force equipment tab now concatenates entire force groups equipment and supplies
« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 02:41:41 PM by Admin »
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Re: Command Ops 2 Limited Time Offer Bundle Pack Coming Soon
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2015, 08:30:39 PM »
Update Build 5.0.11


    Fixed CTD on opening data dialogs (ie Force Data, Task Edit, Task View and Crossing Point) either by selecting the 1TV, 1CP, 1TE and 1 FE buttons or via the context menu.
    Ensure Plan Dialog updates dynamically
    Ensure Crossing Point dialog updates dynamically
    Ensure Commander Message on End Game screen big enough to hold message
    Ensure Autoscroll option checkbox functions properly
    Ensure Force Data Dialog handles multiple selections and de-selections correctly
    Ensure stored dialog positions are still within the current screen bounds on opeing and if not revert them back to 0,0.
    Ensure Rest task shortcut "/" works properly.
    Ensure TaskEdit options for Attack, Bypass etc function correctly
    Fixed CTD on selecting empty Task Edit dialog
    Pending - Ensure current selected force data displayed and not that of the previous selection.
    Modified AI code that was preventing a force from moving if one of its guard sub groups was retreating or routing. Now if the hub or guards are retreating or routing they will be ignored unless Allow Stragglers is turned off.
    Modified AI code that prevented a subgroup from generating a new formation route if its hub/boss was retreating or routing. Now it will develop an independent route if its hub is retreating or routing unless Allow Stragglers is turned off.
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Re: Command Ops 2 Limited Time Offer Bundle Pack Coming Soon
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2015, 05:03:46 PM »
Update Build 5.0.12

The latest available build is: 5.0.12

Effective: 1700 Mon 18 May 2015 Canberra Time (UTC+10)
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Re: Command Ops 2 Limited Time Offer Bundle Pack Coming Soon
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2015, 05:04:03 PM »
The Commander Pack 1 will increase in price after 16 June 2015.
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Re: Command Ops 2 Limited Time Offer Bundle Pack Coming Soon
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2015, 02:39:45 PM »
Command Ops 2 version 5.1.20 of the Core Engine is now available.

Use the 'Update Command Ops 2' shortcut to download and install the patch or download the full 5.1.20 installer from your store account:

* Ensure Organic Unit Type Filter Buttons displayed in OB dialog when structure type is organic.
* Fixed incorrect assert when creating GameWindow - now assert that the mDialogToolbar is loaded.
* Added ability to use '+' character in force icon designations
* Ensure that the only time in the game in which we use D2D drawing is when the game is paused.
* Ensure the RetakePosition flag of the Game Task defaults to true.
* Remove old SideBar offset to the location of the onMap context menu popup.
* Ensure suspended supply routes are taken into account when drawing on map supply routes.
* Reduce supply route suspension duration from 48 to 24 hours.
* Ensure when copying tasks that if the taskType has changed to Defend then it resets the RetakePosition flag to the default.
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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2015, 02:51:50 AM »
Command Ops 2 Westwall Loyalty Discount

Dear Command Ops 2 Customer,

            Lock 'n Load Publishing and Panther Games would like to offer you a 15% loyalty discount on the recent release of Command Ops 2 Westwall.   
            The Westwall series covers the Allied attempts to breach the vaunted Siegfried Line and drive into the heart of Germany in the fall of 1944. Westwall highlights the major battles along the German frontier between Arnhem and Aachen, including the battles around the Peel Marshes, Geilenkirchen, and the Stolberg Corridor. As the Allies, can you breach the Westwall and overrun the exhausted German Army before they can rest and regroup? Or as the Germans, can you hold out sufficient reserves for a lightning strike against the Allied juggernaut?

           Featuring highly accurate, detailed and beautiful maps, these scenarios field a varied force mix, including some with heavy concentrations of armor requiring dynamic, challenging operational decisions. The scenarios range in size from Regimental actions through to Army level operations. Contains 12 scenarios.

To purchase Command Ops 2 Westwall with a 15% off savings please click on the link below and use the code provided.

Command Ops 2 Westwall  Use Code: co2ww15
The code is valid for one customer, one purchased until Saturday, November 14, 2015.

           Should you have any questions, please open a support ticket.  We thank you for your support and more Battle packs should be here before the end of the year. 

Lock 'n Load Publishing

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2015, 04:18:06 PM »
Knock on all Doors (KOAD) Module released

Knock on all Doors (KOAD) is a 12 scenario module for Command Ops 2 covering the momentous decisions in the first 48 hours of the battle of the bulge in Belgium 1944. These are very large scenarios in terms of area and forces. But they are relatively short and allow you to command either the German 7th Army, 5th Panzer Army or 1SS Panzer Korps and make the key initial decisions that will determine the outcome of this famous battle.

There are four sets of three scenarios. The first is the historical O-Tag or Day 1 set that commence on 16 December. The second or “Decision” set allows the player the opportunity to explore the famous “what ifs” faced by the German commanders on the second day of the battle 17 December. The third or “Knock” set works on the basis of employing the original staff plan, developed by General Manteuffel that embodied the concept of “knock on all doors and pour through the ones that open”. The fourth “Big Knock” series takes this concept a little further and employs an augmented order of battle.

One of the joys of KOAD is the sheer scope of these scenarios. They enable you to gain an insight into the operational issues faced by the army commanders; explore options for employing different courses of action and game out the famous what-ifs that historians and analysts have debated.

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2015, 06:11:34 PM »
Command Ops 2: The Commander Pack Discounted

$99.99 $60.00

The Commander Pack includes the following modules:

Highway to the Reich
Highway to the Reich covers the famous 1944 Operation Market Garden. Fought in Holland it saw the Allied First Airborne Corps attempt to capture the cities of Eindhoven, Nijmegen and the ultimate prize Arnhem, which lay on the far side of the mighty Rhine River. Can you lay down a carpet of elite paratroopers to secure Hell’s Highway and drive the British 30th Corps into Germany and win the war by Christmas. Or as Feld Marshall Model can you scramble the mixed bag of German forces, commit your elite SS panzers to retake the key bridges and stop the boldest Allied offensive of the war. Contains 13 scenarios.

Foothills of the Gods
Foothills of the Gods covers the German offensive to conquer Greece in 1941. As Feldmarschall List can you drive your 40th Army Korps hard and fast through the mountain passes, around Mount Olympus and seize Athens to secure the southern flank for the coming invasion of the Soviet Union. Or as the resource strapped commander of the Middle East, Gen Wavell, can you hold the passes with your tough, veteran ANZACs and achieve what no Allied army has been able to do in the war so far and stop the Germans. Also covers the 1940 Italian offensive through the Balkan approaches to Greece. Contains 19 scenarios.

The Cauldron
The Cauldron covers the famous battles in the Mediterranean and North Africa during 1941/42, including the island invasions of Crete and Leros, operations Battleaxe, Brevity and Crusader in North Africa and hypothetical invasions of Malta. As General Student in charge of the XI Fliegerkorps can you pull off the most stunning airborne victory of WW2. Or as Major General Gott in charge of the famous Desert Rats 7th Armoured Division can you prevail over the Deutches Afrikakorps in the desert sands of Libya. Contains 20 Scenarios.

Ride of the Valkyries
Ride of the Valkyries covers Hitler’s last offensive in what became known as the 1944 Battle of the Bulge. It focuses on the northern shoulder. As Obersturmbannfuhrer Peiper can you race your elite 1st SS panzer group and force a crossing of the Meuse river and turn the tide in the West. Or as General Ridgeway can you take charge and shore up the crumbling defences with your XVIII Airborne Corps and use the reinforcing 3rd Armoured Division to drive back the German forces. Contains 12 scenarios.

Bastogne covers the southern shoulder of the 1944 Battle of the Bulge. As General von Manteuffel can you win the race to Bastogne with your 5th Panzer Army and achieve the victory needed to stave off Germany’s collapse? Or as General Patton can you drive your 3rd Army north through winter blizzards to relieve Bastogne and cave in the biggest German penetration on the Western front. Contains 12 scenarios.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2015, 04:42:35 PM »
Great AAR by Fishbreath

Breaking Fortress Holland No. 1
Welcome to this year’s wintertime wargame Let’s Play. It’s an audience-participation AAR of Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge and a scenario pack called Brabant Breakthrough. Authored by Matrix Games forum user tukker, it comprises three scenarios covering the mad dash from the German border to the city of Rotterdam in 1940, prior to the invasion of France. They’re loosely continuous, with the option to fiddle with reinforcement and supply schedules to make performances in one scenario affect the next, and we’ll be playing through all three.

I say we, and here’s what I mean. Every eight hours of time on the game clock, or whenever something happens to disrupt previous plans, I’ll post an update, and we’ll decide democratically what to do next. You’ll get to choose among three strategic directions to take for the next eight hours, or until the next major upset to our plans. To simplify things, I’ll distill the full spectrum of potential actions into three options, roughly corresponding to the command personalities of three German generals. To vote, reply to the post with the name of the general: Guderian, von Rundstedt, or Paulus.

Your options in detail

1. Friedrich Paulus
A longtime staff officer and noted battle planner for many years before the war, Paulus has a fine grasp of deception and a distaste for throwing away the lives of his men. He prefers testing the enemy and striking at his weak points. Will his more measured approach cost too much time in this fast-paced operation?

2. Heinz Guderian
A pioneer of motorized tactics, Guderian tends toward breakthrough and exploitation, no bad thing in an invasion. The divisions we have to work with move almost entirely on foot, though. Will his experience with mechanized forces bog down when applied to our infantry-heavy force?

3. Gerd von Rundstedt
A long-serving officer with a history in command reaching back to the Great War, von Rundstedt favors grand plans: vast flanking maneuvers and encirclements covering the whole of the field of battle. He lacks a sense for the finer details of his battle plans, though. Will the battlefield turn into a slaughterhouse as it did in von Rundstedt’s last war?

Read on here:
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 04:02:20 PM by Asid »
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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2015, 04:04:53 PM »
Build 5.1.25 Update

•   CO-8 Cleanup D2D Drawing.
•   CO-10 Refactoring Renderer class hierarchy.
•   Added WaitForRefuel to TaskDoctrine to allow the scheduleing code to determiune if a force receiving new orders should ignore those and hold until it gets refuelled. Modified PlanDoctrine: evelopTaskPlan to call WaitForRefuel() where appropriate. This addresses the SplitForce_LowOnFuel issue.
•   Ensure StandardNightReassessment and StandardFatigueReassessment exclude units refuelling.
o   Replaced Assert inside ScenMissionPlan: etermineSlippageResponse that asumed if the boss task had its HHour set then so too should the objective task. But this is not the case if the player sets the HHour after creating the order. Now it sets the IsHOurSet flag to the same as the boss task.
•   Modified ScenRealForce::ReceiveNewSupplies so it returns true if the force needs to replan as a result of receiving new supplies. Added call to ReplanAllMissionPlans inside ScenSupplyTransportEvent: rocessEvent(). Together these ensure that refueled units will get going again after receiving their resup.
•   Added ScenDepot::GetDespatchedSupplyRun so the Scheduling and WaitForRefuel() can determine if and when a resupply run is on the way.
•   Modified GamePlan::MarkGameTaskAsInactive so it now unsets the HHour when it deactivates attacks after the player deletes them.
•   Modified GamePlan::CalcGameTaskStartAtTime so it calc the STart At time correctly - ie = timeNow + ordersDelay. Ditto inside FGTaskEditDlgPane::OnTaskTimingChanged. Together these ensure we don't double dip and add orders delay to the Start At time.
•   Replaced all calls to MS Sans Serif and MS Shell Dlg with Microsoft Sans Serif

Sorry guys for the coding speak but ran out of time last Friday to translate it into digestible gamer speak. Hows this then:
•   Speed up drawing of unit footprints
•   Ensure a force that is low on fuel does not try and plan a move.
•   Ensure when player deletes an attack that the TaskEdit dialog clears the HHour time.
•   Ensure order start times do not add in orders delay if the user sets the start time past (timeNow + ordersDelay). In other words avoid adding in the delay twice.
•   Standardise font usage in game dialogs to use Microsoft Sans Serif font.

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Offline Red2112

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2016, 04:24:36 PM »

Just found out about Command Ops 2 a few days ago which Iam happy for as I used to play Conquest of the Aegean, which is also from Panther Games but discontinued now, still have the CD somewhere. So the game mechanics are the same and I don´t have to go through the learning curve again, just a refreshment or so. I might even have the printed manual somewhere!

As some of you know, the core game is free, which include 3 missions.  I find this very nice from Lock and Load as this gives you a chance to try it out, and find it a good selling point.

My question is...

Is it worth buying a additional module for the core game? Asid. Beef?  It seems that there are close to the final version so Iam quite interested in Command Ops 2.  I sort of like it more then Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm. I do wish they got into the cold war era but good enough for me as it is.

Thought´s, opinions, pizza, cold drinks?



If this thread is to old to revive, sorry for that.  Just trying to keep things where they are.

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2016, 04:42:52 PM »
If this thread is to old to revive, sorry for that.  Just trying to keep things where they are.

lolol no such thing as thread necro here. It's good to keep info in the right place :)

As for purchasing a module? The issue is the cost. When there is a major update to the engine then you have to by the updated modules to use them in the new engine..........

Get the free engine with scenarios and see how you get on with it first. I think it is a great system. You send the commands and your subordinates follow them. It works quite well.

I am sure one of the other guys will jump in.

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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2016, 09:34:09 PM »
Great game. Get the commander's pack, 5 modules for $99 less than twenty a module for a ton of gameplay. The commander's pack is the first 5 modules, doesn't include Westwall( which has huge maps) or Knock on all doors(high unit count , short scenarios, should be bloody) I own all except Westwall, and haven't played Knock on all doors yet, still working through the original modules. A slight correction you don't have to buy the major feature updates for your games,  your game will play just fine but if you think a new big feature will add to your module then you have the choice to buy it. For example there working on mounted ops, meaning troops can mount and dismount, I probably wouldn't buy the update for the market garden modules as I'm not sure it's that big of a game changer for that module but i mght consider it for some of the other modules.This only applies for major features, not bugs or small enhancements, it hasn't happened yet so imagine nothing is written in stone. The game was greenlite on steam so there getting the game ready for a steam release soon.
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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2016, 11:07:22 AM »
Great game. Get the commander's pack, 5 modules for $99 less than twenty a module for a ton of gameplay. The commander's pack is the first 5 modules, doesn't include Westwall( which has huge maps) or Knock on all doors(high unit count , short scenarios, should be bloody) I own all except Westwall, and haven't played Knock on all doors yet, still working through the original modules. A slight correction you don't have to buy the major feature updates for your games,  your game will play just fine but if you think a new big feature will add to your module then you have the choice to buy it. For example there working on mounted ops, meaning troops can mount and dismount, I probably wouldn't buy the update for the market garden modules as I'm not sure it's that big of a game changer for that module but i mght consider it for some of the other modules.This only applies for major features, not bugs or small enhancements, it hasn't happened yet so imagine nothing is written in stone. The game was greenlite on steam so there getting the game ready for a steam release soon.

Thank you Budd for your feedback.  Will take this into account  :)


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Re: Command Ops 2
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2016, 03:04:09 AM »
Pricing Model

With Panther's change in publishers to Lock 'n Load we have decided to embrace a new business model where we give away the core engine and sell the data modules.

•   Core Engine = the Game app and editors plus the three scenarios currently in the Core
•   Data Modules = the Scenarios, maps, estabs and other data packaged in a module format
•   Minor Build = new version of the Core designed to address bug fixes
•   Core Update = new version of the Core that ad new features
•   Module Update = new version of the data modules designed to work with a particular Core Update

1.   The Core Engine is free, including all future minor builds and core updates.
2.   The Data Modules (including bundle packs) you pay for. There will be a fee for the initial purchase and then there will be an optional fee to update the data so that it may be used with a Core Update.
3.   You are not required to update your data and can continue to use it with an earlier version of the engine. That is completely your choice.
4.   If you chose to update then there will be an update fee that will be determined at the time of the release of the core update based on the extent of the new features. It will not be more than 50% of the initial purchase cost.
5.   We will offer generous bundle deals to update your existing data.
6.   There will be no fee for conversions of data if these are necessary for a minor build.
7.   We hope to release one and possibly two core updates each year. This is an aspirational target.

Forum Discussion
For more details and to follow or contribute to the forum discussion on our new pricing policy please go here:
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