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Author Topic: Wish list  (Read 22728 times)

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Offline Redmarkus4

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2017, 01:58:38 PM »
I just spotted this thread, so I'm pasting in a few points I made to Budd in the MODS thread:

My thoughts so far (bearing in mind the fact that I'm an old RGW and AGW player):

- The UI is a bit clicky, I agree. It feels as though I always need to make one click more than I'd expect. A couple of ideas for streamlining:
  1. When I decide to attack a hex, maybe all available attacking units should be selected by default, with the attack type automatically set as 'Normal' (since that's presumably, um... normal). Then before committing, I can deselect units as needed and change the attack type if I wish. That would cut out about half my clicks for the phase.
  2. Instead of clicking a hex during the Move phase and then selecting the unit, perhaps a single click should auto-select the top unit in the stack and a double-click should select the whole stack. Given the mouse-over feature (which is great) the only reason for clicking the hex is to select the units, so why click twice?
  3. When I select a unit for move to exploit, all possible moves should be shown from the outset, rather than just those available in part one of the move. It would reduce the number of clicks and also prevent me from having to guess about what moves I might be able to make.

- Air units. I would like to be able to EITHER target a hex OR target an area; for interdiction for example. Targeting a hex could have an immediate effect in the Deploy phase, as now, while targeting an area would affect the CRT during the combat phase. Just a thought, given that close air support is generally called in after contact is made and not before.

- Naval units. As above; target a hex immediately or provide support operations along a section of coast during the combat phase.

- The map.
  1. I really hope the mod described here gets made. If I understand it correctly, every BMP image will need to be redrawn individually. I might give this a try at some point if nobody else does, but right now I'm very busy with work. In any case, my standard of artwork isn't as good as the samples shown here...
  2. I'd really love a shaded hex option to show which hexes are still enemy controlled, as in WitE. It's hard to judge what risks I'm taking at present, as shown in the image. How strong is my ZOC by the way? I've yet to find out.

- The AI.
  1. I played the tutorials and the Poland 1939 scenario. The AI seems quite good and it certainly doesn't just flee to the far side of the map like some I could name!
  2. I have seen a couple of examples of AI units retreating away from friendly lines and into the rear of attacking units, which is disconcerting. I wonder if the code can be adjusted so that AI units either retreat towards their supply source or higher HQ, or stand still/surrender when defeated?
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Offline Agent Smith

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2017, 12:42:48 AM »
Request for next patch.
Hex Coordinates on: remains on until toggled off.
When I review reports and the map jumps or references the hex co-ords, it would be great if I did not have to toggle them back on every time I change zoom or the map jumps.
Should be an easy code tweak to check toggle status when refreshing a map.
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Offline gwgardner

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2018, 05:39:53 PM »
So many great suggestions in this thread.  At this time I'll just chime in on the 'clickfest' UI.  Any reduction of clicking should be implemented, such as the suggestions by Redmarkus4.  Adding to what he said, for locked operations such as 'dig-in,' clicking on a hex with left button should do the dig-in for the top unit, right click to cycle the units in the hex to get to the one for dig-in.

- The UI is a bit clicky, I agree. It feels as though I always need to make one click more than I'd expect. A couple of ideas for streamlining:
  1. When I decide to attack a hex, maybe all available attacking units should be selected by default, with the attack type automatically set as 'Normal' (since that's presumably, um... normal). Then before committing, I can deselect units as needed and change the attack type if I wish. That would cut out about half my clicks for the phase.
  2. Instead of clicking a hex during the Move phase and then selecting the unit, perhaps a single click should auto-select the top unit in the stack and a double-click should select the whole stack. Given the mouse-over feature (which is great) the only reason for clicking the hex is to select the units, so why click twice?
  3. When I select a unit for move to exploit, all possible moves should be shown from the outset, rather than just those available in part one of the move. It would reduce the number of clicks and also prevent me from having to guess about what moves I might be able to make.

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Offline Christolos

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2018, 05:06:26 PM »
My wish list items:

1) I would like to see artillery units afforded a more important roll befitting an operational level war game.

If anyone is interested in my perspective re artillery, see my post (and related posts/discussions that can be found in it) here:,3089.msg12079.html#msg12079

My general feeling is that artillery is somewhat underrated in terms of what could otherwise be an interesting added value effect in the context of combined arms...

2) I would like to see the ability of the AI to choose different attack modes. If this is too difficult to implement, then perhaps a change to the combat results table, together with getting rid of the different attack mode choices, as a simple solution, could be implemented to circumvent the issue.

I have to also say that I haven't given up on this great game...but I have put it on hold while I wait to see what Ron will come up with to improve it in terms of artillery effects and the ability of the AI to choose different attack modes. If you are interested on my perspective on this, see:;area=showposts;u=193


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Offline schwerpt

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2018, 03:33:41 AM »
Appreciate all of the suggestions.  Obvious that I can't include all of them in v1.0.11, but will study and pick some of them for this version.  I want to get v1.0.11 out for Christmas.

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Offline Zovs

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2019, 02:48:42 PM »
Zovs (Donald’s) Wish List for future consideration (part one initial observations)

1. Larger fonts/bold fonts/optional icons

At the low map (zoomed in all the way) level it’s hard to read all the values on the counters (this counters the old traditional style that was implemented successfully by Redmond Simonson in the 1970s while he was at SPI and set the standard for board war games and overflowed into computer war games). Essentially a bolder font on the counters to make the combat, movement and other factors stand out more would help and at least in my case squinting to read the values.

Also some modern computer war games (The Operational Art of War and Gary Grigsbys War in The East come to mind) use icons to display information like supply status, losses, and TEM using things like small squares filled in with various colors that represent various states or small triangle on the top right or left that is colored in based on certain values and situations. Once the placement and colors are know then the player can tell at a glance with the help of a visual aid what the status or condition for that unit is instead of reading black numbers and recalling the placement at the top of the counter.

2. Variable Initiative

This would be the ability for the initiative to switch, some ideas are from the board game from AH called Third Reich (and Advanced Third Reich). And from the computer war game The Operational Art of War.

Essentially this would be most effective in larger scenarios or campaigns where the initiative switched from one side or the other with the ability for the side that gained the initiative to move first and can sea-saw back and forth throughout that campaign.

Another play on this is to also adjust up/down the number of attacks each side would receive.

Another one of my favorite board games which was never popular it it had some great game mechanics but the player with the initiative could determine who did the turn first.

I’ll add more later as I gain more experience with this system.

The game will need a basic political system probably similar to SPIs War in Europe (which is also an operational level game).
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Started playing board war games around 1975 or so and computer war games around 1995 or so.

Offline schwerpt

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2019, 03:40:32 AM »
I added the bold font to my wish list.  The game already allows the initiative to shift from one player to another.  I also added the political system idea to my wish list.

I have been making progress on the #102 file, but it is going slower than desired.  I hope to pick up the pace this month and still deliver a file to everyone so we can get a good list of rules to be added for this scenario.  I may just deliver the file for gamers to download, rather than making it an official release (that will save time).

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Offline Zovs

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2019, 02:41:01 AM »
I did not see the initiative switch in the rules maybe I missed it.  Can you provide a reference or give a explanation on it?

Sounds good on #102.

Will some of the other missing 15% scenarios also be included?
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Started playing board war games around 1975 or so and computer war games around 1995 or so.

Offline Mere Nick

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Re: Wish list
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2019, 01:54:37 AM »
I'd wish for being able to scroll through the various pages in reports.  Page Down doesn't seem to work in windows 10.  Also, a double check of all of the units to make sure they are already attached to their hq units because in some scenarios there are so many hq units nearby the appropriate hq unit will not appear in the screen of hq units to attach to. 

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