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Author Topic: BFSGSimCom TS3 Plugin  (Read 3651 times)

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Offline Rinix

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BFSGSimCom TS3 Plugin
« on: October 27, 2018, 04:52:30 AM »
A TS3 plugin that supports moving between channels through tuning of flight simulator radios

BFSGSimCom was originally written for members of the Bristol Flight Simulator Group (BFSG) after we'd migrated from TeamSpeak2 to TeamSpeak3 only to find that functionality that we'd previously enjoyed with the earlier version was no longer available to us.

That functionality was to be able to automatically switch between TeamSpeak channels through tuning the radios in our simulated aircraft.

The program was born from work originally undertaken by ATC_ROO which offered the basic channel move functionality on the 32-bit version of TeamSpeak only.

From there it grew such that it was possible to offer a degree of control over which channels in the list were to be considered for tuning (the BFSG has three separate groups which maintain their own channel set on the same server - we didn't want people moving between those channel sets), multiple modes of operation (Disable, Manual - where it is possible to manually move oneself between channels as well as tuning stations, and Automatic - where the only movement between channels is controlled from the cockpit), the behaviour of the plugin when no station is tuned, the consideration of range as a factor in whether or not a station may be tuned through to most recently allowing more than one frequency to be assigned to a single TeamSpeak channel.


The plugin should work with any simulation that provides an FSUIPC style interface. It has however only been tested with FS9, FSX, P3D (I don't know which versions) and X-Plane 10 and 11.

In it's simplest mode of operation, all that is required for setup is for the COM frequency to be associated with the channel to be included in its name, its topic or its description and these are searched in that order for information.

For more advanced operation where range is to be considered, the Lat/Lon may be specified in any of the above fields in the format Nxx.xxxx Exxx.xxxx (obviousy S and W may be used).

The plugin ships with a global database of stations, the ID of which (such as EGGD_TWR, or KLAX_APP) may be provided in place of explicit frequencies and location specification. Where an ID is provided along with frequency or location data, the user supplied data overrides that derived from the database. The client log shows what the plugin has extracted and from where.

How the plugin works for a given user is controlled by that user though - presently it's not possible to force all clients to do the same thing.

Whilst I'm happy to consider suggestions for improvement, I make no promises that I'll be able to include them.
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Offline Asid

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Re: BFSGSimCom TS3 Plugin
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 12:37:22 PM »
Thanks for posting this Rinix.

There are various radios like this for Arma3 and DCS.

I have an unfinished radio i was working on for Steel Beasts.It did not use TS. It would also allow the use of a cheaply constructed physical button box for immersion and ease of operation. However I decided I did not want to pursue it for SB.

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