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Author Topic: RGW Patch v1.5  (Read 3920 times)

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Offline Asid

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RGW Patch v1.5
« on: May 27, 2016, 10:32:45 PM »
Russo-German War 41-44
Patch  v1.5
Released: 30 July 2002
Size: 331 KB
Download: Click Here

Changes (from v1.4)

1.  The Play by Turn optional phase sequence has been replaced
    by the following sequence.  The sequence can be used for
    either standard play or PBEM.  PBEM File transfers are shown.
    Note PBEM file transfers #5 and #6 can be skipped, if a trusted
    player performs the supply check without looking at the
    opposing player's units.  Note #7 is necessary to ensure PBEM
    sequence is maintined if initiative changes.
    I = Player with initiative.  NI = Player without initiative.      
    Turn Deployment (NI)
    Air Ops (NI)
          PBEM File Transfer #1
    Turn Deployment (I)
    Air Ops (I)
    Ground Ops (I)
    1st Combat (I)
      PBEM File Transfer #2
    Ground Ops (NI)
    1st Combat (NI)
      PBEM File Transfer #3
    Exploit/React Move (I)
    2nd Combat (I)
       PBEM File Transfer #4
    Exploit/React Move (NI)
    2nd Combat (NI)
       PBEM File Transfer #5
    Turn Completion (I)
      PBEM File Transfer #6
    Turn Completion (NI)
      PBEM File Transfer #7

2.  Reserves stay allocated until the Turn Completion phase,
    where RGW returns the reserve to the HQ unit.  In previous
    RGW versions, reserves were returned at the end of the
    1st Combat phase.  Air CAP is determined in the second
    Air Phase regardless of Phase sequence selection.  Also,
    enemy air units are not visible during Turn Deployment and
    Air Phases.

3.  The Tikhvin-Leningrad-Oranienbaum Supply rule now works
    for all scenarios, if the Scenario Unique optional rule
    is chosen.
4.  The defense modifier for each unit in a city is now equal
    to the number of city points divided by two, then plus one.
5.  The Hold Ground defense modifer now allocates double losses
    for the defenders as well as the attackers.

6.  The time delay for RGW to display valid hex detinations for
    a unit move with MF of six is now less.  This speeds up
    Strategic RR moves, AI plan and execution of Strategic RR
    moves, and Supply checking during the Turn Completion Phase.
    About one second for a 700 MHz PC.  "Your mileage will vary . . ".   

7.  A new CRT has been implemented.  The sum of two die rolls
    are used in determining combat results.  Both die rolls are
    displayed. The 3 characters shown are r = retreat, followed
    by attacker losses, followed by defender losses.

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12
1-3   r11   -11   -20   -20   -20   -20   -30   -30   -30   -40   -40
1-2   r02   r12   -21   -21   -20   -20   -20   -20   -30   -30   -30
1-1   r02   r02   r12   -11   -11   -20   -20   -20   -20   -30   -30
2-1   r03   r03   r03   r12   r12   r11   -11   -20   -20   -20   -20
3-1   r04   r03   r03   r03   r12   r12   r12   r11   -21   -21   -20
4-1   r05   r04   r04   r03   r03   r02   r12   r12   r11   -21   -21
5-1   r06   r05   r05   r04   r03   r03   r02   r02   r12   r11   -21

8.  All cities are considered to be garrisoned with a unit based
    on the current control of the city.  This means that supply
    tracing stops at these cities as if an enemy unit was present
    if the unit is in enemy control.

9.  The RR Conversion map segment boundaries and time periods have
    been changed:

    Zone   y coord   1-5   6-20   21-44   45-72   73-125   126-176
    Fin   0-9      3,2   3,2   2,2   2,2   2,2      2,4
    AGN   10-40      15,2   10,2   4,3   8,4   5,6      4,8   
    AGC   41-67      20,2   15,2   4,3   8,4   5,6      4,12
    AGS   68-99      20,2   20,2   4,3   8,4   5,8      4,12
    Black   100-135   8,2   8,2   4,3   12,4   5,8      4,15

    Also, The Status screen now displays the number of RR
    conversions remaining under Limited Operations.  The
    five numbers displayed correspond to the 5 Zones from
    Finland to the Black Sea.

10. All units are set to normal defend mode at scenarios start if
    Advanced Combat option is not selected.

11. Naval Supply ops cause a temporary supply source hex to be
    setup, including supply trace and RR converted.  Trace and
    RR conversion are removed on the next supply check in the
    Turn Completion phase.   

12. Fighter air units are now allowed to perform air interdiction ops.
    Previously, fighter air units could perform air interdiction,
    but no supply losses would result due to the operation.

13. The MF of the supply truck can now be set to 4, 5 or 6.  The
    higher the number, the longer supply checking will take during
    Turn Completion phase. Setting can be done using the Menu,
    under Options/Supply Truck MF.  The default is 6.

14. Historical Replacements is now an option.  Choosing this option
    means the historical number of replacements will be available
    regardless of the city point control currently in the scenario.
    Setting can be done using the Menu, under Options/Historical

15. The AI method has changed slightly. A message is displayed in
    the Status bar at the bottom of the screen (instead of a dialog box),
    that informs the player that "Feldmarschall/Comrade General is
    planning".  The cursor is a wait hourglass.  When the AI has finished
    planning, a message (instead of a dialog box) is displayed "Plan
    Complete, Next Step".  During AI operations, keep pressing the AI
    Next Step button, until RGW takes you to the Next Phase.  Pressing
    the Next Phase before the AI plan has been fully executed results
    in an error message.  RGW will take you to the Next Phase when the
    plan has been executed.

16. The AI plans for Strategic RR moves up to the maximum divided by 2
    for each ground phase, but no longer plans for more than the
    maximum allowed.  This speeds up AI planning and execution, since
    execution previously included moves past the maximum.

17. All combat losses incurred by the attacker during combat are
    allocated, even if they cause elimination of the attacking unit. 
    Previously, attacker losses that caused the attacker to be
    eliminated were ignored.

18. For attacks at less than 1-1 odds, the remainder can cause a shift
    to a lower odds, not to a higher one as previously done.  e.g. If
    the die roll divided by 7 is less than the attacker remainder divided
    by the attacker total, then the odds are rounded down by one.
    (e.g. 1-2 odds become 1-3 odds).

19. The AI plans and executes RR Conversions.

20. The bug responsible for replacements of about 1000 or 2000 in one turn
    has been found and fixed.

21. The following hexes have been fixed in the terrain array:
       59,51      53,81      53,82      83,96      89,50   
   62,46      61,49      62,33      63,33      60,43   
   94,24      105,72   107,59   151,132   23,110
   23,111   12,52      20,130   1,87      94,58      
   103,63   133,87   140,99   39,107

22. Once you have installed patch 1.5, it is necessary to download
    all of the scenarios.  This is due to the terrain array fixes
    that affect initial supply conditions.  Also, several OOB changes
    have been corrected.  Scenario 1, 7, 8, 10, and 51 have changes.    

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 04:20:24 PM by Asid »
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