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Author Topic: Israeli Theater v1.0.1 for BMS 4.33.1  (Read 9081 times)

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Offline Asid

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Israeli Theater v1.0.1 for BMS 4.33.1
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:13:42 PM »
Israeli Theater v1.0.1 for BMS 4.33.1

We are happy to release version 1.0.1 of the Israeli theater. This release brings 4.33.1(U1) compatibility, as well as bugfixes and adjustments to compliment U1 code changes.

-Detailed terrain with high resolution tiles by Polak. Photo real coverage in selected areas including the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Haifa, Ramat David airport, Tel Aviv and Suez. Realistic elevations based on SRTM data
-All F-16 variants in the region are represented: IAF F-16A/B/C-30/C-40/D-40/I/I-CFT, EAF F-16C-32/42/52+, RJoAF MLU - 20 squadrons in total, with correct skins, models, loadouts and avionic details as much as the simulation allows. Custom cockpit textures for IAF C, D and I models
-Dozens of additional theater specific aircraft and ground vehicles are featured with correct skins, weaponary and systems.
-Israeli munitions including Python-3/4/5 missiles, SPICE bomb and Delilah missile
-Fully functional dynamic campaigns with realistic order of battle
-Training missiles and bombs, and six real life target ranges in Israel. Dedicated training missions, with a comprehensive training guide, are included
-Real world airport frequencies and included airport diagrams + ILS approach charts for realistic operations
-To Hebrew speakers: Hebrew emergency and normal ops checklists are included, based on IAF and LM documents
-Airport name recordings for the ATC comms, and optional fully Hebrew ATC
-TE template with pre-saved IAF, SAAF, EAF and RJoAF squadrons at the correct airports

Original post: Click Here

1.3GB download

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Offline wilso845

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Re: Israeli Theater v1.0.1 for BMS 4.33.1
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2016, 11:07:53 PM »
I loved this map on the old system, I'm glad to see they are working to bring the maps and campaigns upto date and compatible
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