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Author Topic: The Seven Years War  (Read 46605 times)

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2016, 06:48:13 PM »
The Battle Pack DLC Released


The Seven Years War (1756-1763) Battle Pack
- 6 Additional historic battles
- Build your own custom battles
- Weather effects with influence on the troops' conditions
- Order your commanders to take initiative on the battlefield
- New unit: horse artillery
- Additional unit statistics during and at the end of battles
- New quick attack and retreat orders
- Polished battle goals

Based on the community votes, the new historic battles include:
- Abraham Plains (1757)
- Sainte Foy (1760)
- Zorndorf (1758)
- Carillon (1758)
- Prague (1757)
- Lovositz (1756)
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2016, 01:09:42 PM »
Game improvements
Currently in development queue:

•   Improve way-pointing in campaigns
•   A load/save function for battles (resume game).

But could be November until update...
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2016, 06:41:50 PM »
Pomeranian War - DLC announced!

Available: 25 November


In 1757, with the Seven Years' War raging in Europe and the colonies, the so far neutral Sweden under the political leadership of the hard line Hats -party decides to take advantage of the situation by allying once again with France, joining the anti-Prussian coalition.

- new playable nation: Sweden
- 5 new campaign scenarios for Sweden, where you may attempt to lead the nation from 1750 all the way through the war, or go for historical goals in the two major operations of the war. Or maybe even restore the empire of the era of great power, ”stormaktstiden”, lost in the Great Northern War...
- two new national policies: Naval invasion preparations and mercantilism
- new nation specific historic events and march music for Sweden
- revised and expanded roster of Swedish military units
- bonus scenario for the French, with historical strategic goal of invading Britain in 1759

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2016, 02:50:25 PM »
Today is Gustavus Adolphus Day!

My name is Ilja Varha, and I am the designer of the upcoming Pomeranian War DLC for Oliver Keppelmüller’s strategy game The Seven Years War (1756-1763). During this November, prior to release, I will introduce you to the DLC and the history behind it.

On this date (according to Julian calendar used in Sweden at the time) Gustavus Adolphus day is celebrated in Sweden and Finland, commemorating the death of the king in battle of Lützen 1632, and all things Swedish.

Stormaktstiden - the era of great power

Sweden emerged as a great European power and forerunner of Protestantism in the 17th century. The battles fought against Russia and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the intervention during the Thirty Years War marked the rise of the small nation into a Nordic empire, a rise that was accomplished mainly militarily.

The reformed Swedish army under Gustavus Adolphus was said to be the most modern and best trained in Europe, when the Swedes crushed the Catholic league army in Battle of Breitenfeld, September 1631. For the use of shock tactics, large scale deployment of regimental cannons, drilling the troops to fire close range musket salvos, and fierce charges by the Hakkapeliitta cavalry, Gustavus is commonly acknowledged as one of the fathers of modern combat. He was deeply admired by later great commanders like Napoléon Bonaparte.

King Gustavus Adolphus and his troops after Breitenfeld (1631).

With such a small population, Sweden used an allotment system to fill the ranks in its army. This way of early conscription provided the needed numbers during war without having to pay for a large standing army. But it had its downside as well: for example as much as one third of Finnish male population died in military service during the 17th century. During wars Sweden also employed local mercenaries, as was the common practice.

The warrior king Adolphus defeated the Catholics also in the daring crossing of river Lech in April 1632, his masterpiece as commander-in-chief. He died in the bloody battle of Lützen, leading a cavalry charge against the Imperial left wing. After the costly victory Swedes were decisively defeated in Nördlingen in 1634, but recovered and went as far as to siege Vienna. When the Thirty Years War ended in the peace of Westphalia 1648, Sweden was among the victors. These peace terms were later to be used as casus belli when Sweden entered the Seven Years War.

Sweden’s momentum was maintained in following wars. By 1660s Sweden was at the height of its size and power. During these times Sweden also possessed small colonies in Africa and North America! But by then Sweden had also made a lot of enemies. The end of the era of great power came with the Great Northern War, lasting 21 years in 1700-21. The elite Swedish carolean army, named such for serving kings Charles XI and XII, gained many great victories, like that at Battle of Narva in November 1700, but in the end the opposition was too great. Charles XII died in combat in 1718 and in the end Sweden lost much of its dominions to Prussia, Russia, Hanover, etc. The war saw the rise of Russia as a new great power under Tsar Peter I the Great, while Sweden was diminished into a mere regional power.

Caroleans assaulting the Saxons in the battle of Düna in 1701, during the Great Northern War.

The Age of Liberty

After the death of Charles XII, power was taken by the Swedish parliament of estates, the Riksdag, and the monarchs were reduced to mere figureheads. As Sweden had been an absolute monarchy since 1680, the new era was called the age of liberty. During this time two main parties were competing for power. At first power was with the Caps party and a general of the Great Northern War, Arvid Horn. The hard line Hats party was in favor of alliance with France, as it had been in the Thirty Years War. The Hats seized power in 1738 and immediately started a campaign to regain Swedish greatness.

Their first campaign was the Hats’ Russian War 1741-43 fought in Finland to regain lost territory. During this war it became obvious that the Swedish army was no longer the invincible force of Gustavus Adolphus or Charles XII that struck fear all over Europe. Instead the demoralized and poorly lead army was driven back and Finland was briefly occupied by Russia, a period known as Small Wrath in Finland. When the costly war ended in treaty of Åbo (Finnish Turku), Sweden had to cede eastern part of Finland to Russia, and also promised to elect the next king according to Russian will. But if the Hats were not good at making war, their political cunning would allow them to maintain power even after this catastrophe.

The ceded part of Finland also included all the border fortifications, and work to fortify the new border began. The line of forts running from Sveaborg (Finnish Viapori, later Suomenlinna) in the Gulf of Finland, up the Kymijoki -river was never completed due to lack of funds. This along with the strong Swedish navy was taking biggest part of military spending, and the army was again neglected. At the time Swedish army had so called seniority system in use. Also titles could be sold to highest bidder. These combined meant the average Swedish officer was not the most competent one for the task, but rather the one with the money and service years.

The fortification of Sveaborg was built to protect the new border of the treaty of Åbo.

Economically Sweden was following policy of mercantilism, a financial protectionism. Some extra revenue was gained by the Swedish East India Company (SOIC), but the domestic production in Sweden and Finland suffered from small population. Increased profits were made selling tar produced in Finland.

Entering mid-18th century, the Hats held power and prepared the country for another war. The past glory of stormaktstiden was still theirs to grasp, or so they believed…

Mercantilism is one of the 2 new national policies available in Pomeranian War DLC.

The Road to War

Starting the Swedish campaign in 1750 in the Pomeranian War DLC, you can choose whether to follow the historic path into the Pomeranian War, or to try to restore the Swedish holdings in Europe. Either way, there is plenty to do to achieve the goals, and a long and difficult war ahead.

Swedish Road to War campaign scenario requires occupation of Prussian territory in Pomerania and Brandenburg. This was the historic objective for the Swedes in the war.

Sweden had lost majority of their mainland holdings in the Great Northern War. Restoring Past Glory -scenario allows you to right this wrong, but do notice the difficulty level!

As The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) has a deep and complex economic system built in it, along with population management, you will be facing the same challenges as Sweden did historically. The population will not be enough to maintain strong industry and a large military at the same time. Your armies are degraded and but a few officers up to task. You can count on the Swedish fleet though, but the coming war will be won or lost on the ground.

The army of Sweden has only a few standing units when the scenario starts, but thanks to the revised allotment (Swedish “Indelta-“) system your nation’s recruiting potential is high. The Swedish infantry of the time is of mediocre quality, but cavalry has maintained good competence over their foes, and the artillery has good quality cannons. But the main problem will not be the quality of your army, but rather your ability to maintain it in fighting condition! Replenishments are hard to come by, and upkeep and supply costs may prove to be hard to bear, especially so if you choose to engage your arch-enemy Russia in its territory!

The revised Swedish roster in Pomeranian War DLC.

You have time to prepare your nation to the coming war, so make it count! Along the way you may use the Swedish research potential to gain some leverage. There are also a number of historic dilemmas for you to consider, that may help in the war preparations. But remember, for the Hats only military gains will do!

Tar is needed to keep the fleets afloat, and demand in Europe is high. Nationalizing the profits will not please the producers in Finland, but they’ll get over it, right?

Unleash the Swedes! Pomeranian War DLC will be released November 25th. In the meantime, why not write up a review if you enjoy the game!

Make Sweden great again! Do you have what it takes?

PS. Notice anything new in the main menu? Resume -function allows continuing battles too! The game will receive a major free patch prior to release of the Pomeranian War DLC.

On Steam: Click here

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2016, 03:03:07 PM »
Ilja Varha is known to us Steel Beasts players as Zipuli. ;)
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2016, 04:36:52 PM »
Ilja Varha is known to us Steel Beasts players as Zipuli. ;)

Nice to see our project covered here as well! Stand by for more information later this month. And yes, because I have been busy with the Swedes, I have not been able to get much turret time lately. Cheers! =)
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2016, 04:44:09 PM »
Good to see you here Zipuli. Welcome to our group.

I do try and keep people up-to date with Seven Years War. Feel free to give us as much info as you can...Don't forget the details... We love details :)

Again welcome.

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2016, 05:14:52 PM »
Will do, stand by ;)
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #53 on: November 13, 2016, 05:42:02 PM »
Update 1.334 released

Game enhancements:

- added resume game function to continue campaign games and battles
- improved pathfinding in campaigns
- polished: Changing of Fredrik Axel Fersen image to better quality one
- enhanced manual (adding features of DLCs)

Game balance:

- rebalanced: Native relations now lose value continuously
- rebalanced: AI repairing industries after looting or upgrading industries during game.
- rebalanced: Cavalry get huge amount of experience in autoresolved battles most of the time
- rebalanced: Sweden has no loam mines in start of game (the road to war)
- rebalanced: Autocalculated battle results are not considered as victories in campaign goal accomplishment.
- rebalanced: Swedish commander training level from 0,35 → 0,5
- rebalanced: fleet size and positions
- rescaled some ingame images to add game stability

Fixed bugs:

- fixed: Campaign start: Sweden has a mine that is not near a resource
- fixed: A coal resource in Stockholm is so close to map edge, that it cannot be utilized
- fixed: The west Stockholm iron and coal resources are partially so close to map edge, that mines built in the campaign economic progression (automatic) can be left outside the map
- fixed: Stockholm is so close to map edge, that when you zoom in, the city will not fit in screen.
- fixed: embarking and debarking topics
- fixed: Forced recruits show wrong info (tooltip when cursor over button)
- fixed: Recruiting growth now better linked to population growth
- fixed: Harbor window: “minimum crew missing”, even when there are a lot of recruits available. Also if ship is moved from fleet to harbor, it cannot be moved back!
- fixed: Native qualities (population, trade, strength (number of guns), range (horses)… (but not relations!)) carry over from previous game, if a new game is started during same session.
- fixed: Enemy army surrendered (message shown, prisoners shown in diplomacy), but the army still remains in field.
- fixed: Prisoners carry over from previous game, when a new scenario is loaded during same session.
- fixed: GUI: When saving game, using a hotkey like “5” will open up the tab and mess up the save menu.
- fixed: although wayrights of Poland are active, crossing Russian division is automatically repulsed to own terrain
- fixed: Fleets not always penetrating fog-of-war, but are hidden in it, only accessible via fleet overview window.
- fixed: carry over of building variables of old games in same session (concerning mostly build progress)
- fixed: carry over of recruiting times of old games in same session
- fixed: BUG: Loading more than 1 division into same fleet causes does not work
- fixed: Units in forts/garrisoned in towns don’t recover morale
- fixed: Disperse fleet -function does not work at harbours at all times.
- fixed: Carryover of siege information in ongoing game session.
- fixed: Disbanding army with units with 0 men leads to memory access violation
- fixed: If campaign fog-of-war is OFF, units embarked into fleets will get bugged
- fixed: Custom battle: Artillery weapons in 1760 may get wrong weapons
- fixed: All forts’ garrisons disappear when trading or losing provinces
- fixed: sieges are now broken up if peacy trady is negotiated

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #54 on: November 13, 2016, 07:13:32 PM »
Beat me to it :)

But here's Oliver's response to a popular request, which is how to save and resume battles later, see images!

And please, if you enjoy the game, why not drop a review @Steam to spread the word! =)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2016, 07:24:41 PM by Zipuli »
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2016, 04:10:25 PM »
More info on the upcoming DLC, ahoy:

This date in 1758 saw another small scale combat of the Pomeranian War, in town of Güstow, between Swedish forces under general von Lingen and Prussian detachment from the army of general von Manteuffel. By then the Swedish campaign, started in spring 1757, was already showing signs of turning into another disappointment.

The Invasion of Prussian Pomerania

During mid-1750s, The power of the Riksdag (Swedish parliament of estates) was being undermined by the Queen of Sweden, Louisa Ulrika. The new king Adolf Frederick was kept under control by the Hats party, but the cunning queen had plans to restore absolute monarchy in Sweden. The attempted coup was revealed in June 22nd 1756 and this tightened the political grip of the Hats party, now under Axel von Fersen. With the gained momentum, the Hats were free to steer Sweden to their liking, even more than ever.

When the Seven Years’ War broke out in August 1756, Sweden remained neutral. But as the great alliance against Frederick II seemed to inevitably win, the Swedish ambition to regain the territories lost to Prussia in the Great Northern War was growing in the Hats party. Early 1757 Sweden mobilized the field army and started hastily transporting them to Stralsund, the Swedish outpost in Pomerania. The plan was to gather an army 20.000 strong, and with the backing of French coin attack Prussia while their focus was still in Austria.

Internal fight for power before the Pomeranian War: Queen Louisa Ulrika, sister of Frederick II of Prussia, and Axel von Fersen the elder, in command of the Hats party. Louisa is said to have been portrayed masculine in the paintings of the time to discredit her.

The army was in no way ready for an operation such as this, and the movement to Pomerania was shadowed by confusion. Regiments from Finland and Sweden reinforced the mainly German garrison army of Pomerania, and the created force was placed under command of marshal Mattias Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg. At the time the army had no magazine, commissariat, pontoon, or light troops, all which would have been needed for a proper military operation to succeed…

The initial invasion of Prussian Pomerania in 1757 was aborted by von Ungern-Sternberg and he returned with his army to Stralsund and Rügen, where Prussians laid siege on them. Only an intervention by the Swedish arch-enemy Russia in June 1758 saved the campaign. After this the Swedish commander-in-chief was replaced by Gustaf von Rosen and soon after by general Hamilton. The command would change two more times during the war; such was the crisis in leadership.

The first real success in the war was the capture of fort Peenemünde, guarding the mouth of river Oder, by Augustin Ehrensvärd in July 1758. Later this commander of fortification works in Finland was to become the commander-in-chief in Pomerania. After the limited success, Swedish army tried to march out to support first their Russian, then Austrian allies, but were stopped by Prussians in Brandenburg. After losing battle of Tornow and stopping Prussian advance in Fehrbellin, Hamilton marched back to Stralsund, suffering increasing number of losses to attrition and disease.

The siege of fort Peenemünde. The fortification was seized by Ehrensvärd in July 27th 1758, after which Hamilton with 16.000 men attempted to march to support the Russians at Küstrin. The same Russians were soon defeated in the battle of Zorndorf.

On November 18th Hamilton was eager to revenge the setbacks. He ordered general von Lingen to attack town of Güstow. The assault was repulsed by a small force of Prussian grenadiers, taking cover behind a stone wall, and the Swedes were forced to withdraw. The Prussian commander general Heinrich von Manteuffel had reserves available in a camp close by and an attack by Prussian dragoons and hussars almost routed the Swedes, before the situation was stabilized with use of canister by Swedish cannons. The battle itself saw no more than a few thousand participants, and the Pomeranian War became increasingly characterized by lot of back and forth movement, sieges, attrition and indecisive engagements. Returning to Swedish Pomerania, Hamilton was forced to resign.

The Final Attempt

Year 1759 started again with the Swedish army retreating back to Stralsund, losing garrisons on the way. Only another intervention by Russia freed Swedish Pomerania, but the Swedes were unable to continue campaigning until fall. The army moved out again towards the main goal, Stettin. Covered by this move, the Swedish coastal fleet Skärgårdsflottan moved up to Oder lagoon and defeated the small Prussian fleet in the battle of Frisches Haff. The Swedish navy once again proved its worth, but the Swedish army was unable to siege Stettin and returned to winter quarters, followed by Manteuffel’s Prussians.

The battle of Frisches Haff in Oder lagoon September 1759. Swedish archipelago fleet (Skärgårdsflottan), specialized in coastal combat in the Gulf of Finland against Russians, defeated the small Prussian fleet.

In January 1760 Manteuffel attacked Swedish Pomerania, but got repulsed and was himself captured. The Swedes saw a chance to exploit the situation, as Prussian attention was elsewhere. But the final attempts to realize the war goals during 1760-62 were to prove unsuccessful, even when the leadership problems started to get solved under Augustin Ehrensvärd, and light troops under Jacob Magnus Sprengtporten, the so called “Sprengtporterna”, gained small victories against the Prussians.

When Elizabeth of Russia died and the new Tsar allied himself with Prussia, the Swedish leaders realized all was lost. The war ended in the peace of Hamburg 22nd May 1762, where status quo between Sweden and Prussia was restored: Sweden gained nothing from the war. The combat losses may have been low, only a few thousand, but the total loss of life due to sickness and attrition was far greater. And even more so was the popularity hit on the Hats party, who eventually lost their power in 1765. Swedish Pomerania was later lost during the Napoleonic Wars, along with Finland.

The Pomeranian War

These are the conditions and realities you will find yourself in the later scenarios as Sweden in the Pomeranian War DLC. The 1757 campaign starts with transporting the army to Stralsund, numbering 20.000, and opening the hostilities with Prussia. If you are slow, the Prussians may strike the first blow!

In March 21st 1757, Sweden enters the Seven Years War, attacking Prussia without a declaration of war. Maintaining army of 20.000 in mainland Europe may seem like an easy task, but with battles and attrition eating away and insufficient replacements available, you need to choose your battles carefully!

Defeating the Prussians in field battle is possible, and you have the numbers to engage in prolonged sieges, but the state of the army and quality of leadership is alarming. This leads to high desertion, especially so if losing battles. The real challenge is resupplying and replacing losses. Go in too aggressively in the beginning and you may find yourself with a combat ineffective skeleton of an army, with the hopes of victory fading. There simply are not enough people to press into service, to fill up gaps left by poor generalship. On the other hand, time is working against you…

But the situation may not be as dire as it may sound. Even though diplomatic relations are not great with the allies, you may gain support from them in coin and military involvement. Being able to draw away the strongest Prussian armies elsewhere may open up a possibility for a surprise strike. The Prussians are dependent on their economy and allies, so using the navy to blockade naval trade and armies to devastate the Prussian countryside may provide leverage in the long term!

In spring 1760 the Swedish army in Pomerania is in bad shape, thanks to poor management of the war. Can you turn the situation into your advantage?

Remember that tactical victories need to be expanded into strategic advantage, and this will require skill in both combat and management of your nation: The Seven Years War (1756-1763) takes into account supplies, recruitment base and morale, as well as attrition, desertion and upkeep of soldiers. A successful commander will need to harness the nation’s economy too to support the war effort. There is no tactics without proper logistics!

Some of the 14 new historic events in Pomeranian War DLC will provide relief in the appalling state of the army, but in the end it’s up to you to manage the war and prevent history from repeating itself.

Pomeranian War DLC will be released in just a week, on November 25th!

On Steam: Click here
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 09:37:45 PM by Zipuli »
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #56 on: November 18, 2016, 04:15:47 PM »
lol...I was just about to publish this post when I got the message you posted :)

Thanks for posting. This title just gets better and better.
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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2016, 04:19:43 PM »
lol...I was just about to publish this post when I got the message you posted :)

Thanks for posting. This title just gets better and better.

My turn to beat you to it  8)

Also check out the new guide about army management in the game.
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Offline Asid

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2016, 04:30:58 PM »
Great guide Zipuli. This should help quite a few people.

Thanks for taking the time to make it.

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Re: The Seven Years War
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2016, 07:08:58 PM »
Battle of Prague by Zipuli

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