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Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:15:23 AM »
War in the West updated to v1.01.01

In conjunction with the Operation Torch release, we have a major free update for War in the West owners.

The update is available here:

V1.01.01 – 30 September 2015

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. Starting with this version, use of a non-official scenario or data file in a game is noted to the players. If a game is using a modified file, the following message will appear on the Load Scenario, Load Save, and Multiplayer screens when a game is clicked on: ***Modified scenario and/or data files. In addition, all scenario files and data files released with this or later versions may only be loaded with this or a later version. Versions prior to 1.01.00 may not load these newer scenario and data files. Old saves may be loaded with this and newer versions.
2. Multiplayer (section 3.3.9) – There is a new messaging capability now built into Multiplayer. You can use this when setting up a Multiplayer game, to better describe the Challenge and also to communicate with your opponent each turn without needing an e-mail address or other contact information. Messages can be up to 255 characters in length and will be visible to all players in a Multiplayer game. When setting up a challenge, note that you can click on the text box near the bottom right of the screen and enter a message of up to 255 characters. Press enter after completing the message, and the message will appear in the message section of the screen. This will show the most recent messages from all of the players. When you start your turn, you may see a message that you have an unread message from your opponent. F12 will bring up the message interface. When you hit End Turn, you will also have a chance to read messages and add your own message, before the turn is completed and uploaded to the server. Operation Torch users that are able to set up multiplayer games with more than 1 player per side, may also set messages to be sent as public (visible to all players) or private (only visible to players on your side). You can also filter the messages in the list by clicking on the. Players can also filter the messages displayed in their list by player or by turn. There is a maximum of two messages that may be added after loading a save from the server. Any Multiplayer game created while using the 1.01.00 version (or a later version) should only be accepted by a player also using 1.01.00 (or a later version). Ongoing Multiplayer games can be continued. Additional information on Multiplayer features can be found in the Operation Torch Scenario Notes manual.
3. Multiplayer (Torch ground/air commander split) – Air commanders may only compose messages prior to beginning the air execution phase. Once the air execution phase has completed, the game will be uploaded to the server for the next player to download. The air commander will then be placed in Air Review Mode where he will be able to look over the map and view the results of the air execution phase. This is purely a review phase for the air commander since the game has already advanced the turn to the next player. To exit the air review phase and return to the main menu, press the end turn (F12) button.
4. New Feature (section 26.3.6) - Air Weather Forecasts - On the weather screen you will see two dates at the top, the current date on the left and the next turn’s date on the right. When you select the next turn’s date, you will see the forecast air weather for that turn. The Axis have no early forecast information on Polar Maritime, Tropical Maritime, and Polar Continental fronts until they have arrived on the map. The Allies have no early forecast information on Polar Continental fronts. For these fronts without early information, they must already be on the map before they are included in the next turn’s forecast. The forecast is just that, an estimate of where the fronts will go, along with the knowledge of the dominating weather that will exist in each climate zone during the next turn. There are no forecasts for ground conditions.
5. New Feature/Editor - Player Triggered Early End - Any short scenario can have one side designated in the editor so that if that side captures all of the objectives of both sides, the scenario will immediately end. Points will be awarded as if the player held the objectives for all of the rest of the turns of the scenario and will score end game objective points as well. In addition, all units deemed isolated on the side that does not hold an objective will be destroyed and counted in the victory point casualty count. Note that the Victory screen states at the bottom that the game may end early if it is a scenario set up for this. Scenarios that have the possibility of an early end have this noted in their scenario description text on the Load Scenario screen.
6. Support Unit Attachment – Now, independent brigades may attach 2 support units. Other support limits are unchanged, so they are:
a. Divisions – 3
b. Independent Brigades – 2
c. Independent Regiments – 1
d. Division Breakdowns (brigade or regiment) - 1
7. Changes to the Eastern Front Option:
a. East Front APs - In games where the EF option is on (only campaign games), the Axis player will receive 1 additional AP point per turn.
b. East Front air groups that have the potential to upgrade will only do so 10% of the time.
c. East Front air groups that are sent west now only have pilots equal to their number of aircraft when they arrive in the west.
d. (section 25.1.1) The East Front Advance Axis Penalty VPs are now ½ of what they were. The front line differential is now multiplied by 5 instead of 10 to determine the number of victory points scored.
8. Air Battle Victory Conditions – Victory points scored for aircraft losses in Air Battle scenarios are now divided by 10. We found this was needed after the Victory modifiers were added in the 1.00.29 version.
9. Air Transfer (F10) – Changed/improved Air Transfer interface functionality. It is now called the Air Navigation Panel to reflect the increased functionality, although air transfers are still executed from this panel. See OnePageGuide4a for complete details.
10. Changes made to the air game rules that are documented in the OnePageGuide 4b:
a. Added ability to active/deactivate air directives.
b. Added air phase toggle for air superiority and naval patrol ADs allowing ADs to be set to fly in either the friendly or enemy player air phase only, or in both.
c. Added night Air Superiority/Intruder missions.
d. Added code which enables "Wilde Sau" (Wild Boar) tactics for the German JG 300/JG 301/JG 302 groups starting from July 1943.
e. Added detailed info regarding aircraft losses into the supply event log in the air execution section, which is now exported (all air execution data) after air execution into a txt file in the dat/saves/logs folder.
f. Historical pilots are designated on the air group detail screen (pilot tab).
g. Added new airfield fog of war info functionality.
11. Added strategic recon display - You can now toggle the Show Recon button (shift-t) to either show ground recon values or strategic (city) recon values (or no recon info). When strategic recon is toggled on, rollover info will display factory info, and every enemy city hex on the map will be shaded based on the number of turns since the last strategic intel for the city (darker the hex, the longer it’s been).
12. Added how long has it been since the last recon photo in the hex popup when factory location toggle is turned on.
13. Changes to air and flak combat:
a. Max speed altitude bands were not hooked correctly. Now aircraft should perform different on various altitude.
b. Added code which makes harder to intercept fast bombers by slow fighters
c. Made A2A more lethal and AA less dangerous
d. Increased intensity of night combat
e. Tweaked night detection formulas
f. Damaged planes have more chances to participate in the air combat.
g. Made interception numbers less predictable (i.e. not exactly equal to number of bomber).
h. Added unit resupply code during flak fire
i. Adjusted flak ammo usage
j. Added flak ammo usage info to the air execution log
k. During maintenance phase pilot accumulated fatigue is not reduced to zero, but divided by 4, unless group is set to rest or is idle.
l. Slightly reduced air ops losses on landing.
m. Adjusted a2a/flak damage
n. Increased AA bonus for mobile flak guns
14. Air and ground unit HQ attachment flags are now automatically cleared at the start of any scenario so units can change their HQ attachment on turn 1.
15. Air groups which fail to fly out from captured base will show up immediately in the NR with zero planes and pilots.
16. Difficulty levels now have an impact on the air portion of the game as follows:
a. Morale level: impacts air group morale level when calculating available mileage
b. Morale level: impacts air group NM morale level when gaining morale
c. Morale level: impacts pilot skill level in all air combat and air attacks
d. Admin level: impacts aviation support level when repairing AC
17. Editor - Named pilots to specific units in Editor - Added the capability to add "real" pilots to units via editor:
a. Added a pilot list for the air groups. It is possible set some pilots as historical. When set it can be modified by editing name, experience, fatigue and delay. Delay is a new parameter which works exactly as other delays: decreased each turn till 0 when pilot arrives to the group or to the pool. All "historical" pilots appear on the top.
b. It is also possible to delete pilots. If average pilot experience differs from the one set for the group, a new entry appears in the parenthesis displaying average pilot experience. When clicked it will try to adjust pilot experience to match as much as possible the value set for the air group.
c. Also, to change aircraft type for the air group you need to click "Aircraft:". Removed previous string to save a space on the bottom.
d. Made a fix for the CUT/PASTE function for the air groups - it should re-link pilots to the air group's new slot.
18. Editor - Updated pilot CSV/CR list screen:
a. Added new columns: hist, delay.
b. When pilot is attached to the group, you can click his name to open air group detail screen (pilot tab).
c. Added pilot nation filter
d. Added "active" filter with values - all, active (in group), reserve pool, delayed
e. Added historical filter
f. Hooked aircraft type filter (the same as on for the air group)
19. Editor - Make Set All City Control account for the starting location of the EF box by making hexes and cities Soviet controlled based on the start date of the scenario.
20. Editor – The remove all off map units function now sets the delay of off map air groups to 250.
21. Changed sound playback engine to choose generic wave parser.
22. Set map key scrolling to follow preference setting (as scrolling with mouse).
23. Made enhancements to map draw functions (units/air bases).
24. AI Improvements – Improved use of artillery support units.
25. Added ability for all players to load a finished multiplayer game.
26. Rule Correction/Clarification – During the air execution phase, flak support units attached directly to HQs will act as if they are in the HQs hex for firing at air units (i.e. they will only fire at units that fly over or in some circumstances adjacent to the HQs hex). When they commit to a ground combat, support flak units in HQs will fire at enemy ground support aircraft (they will also participate in the ground combat and their CV will be included).

• Bug Fixes

1. Fixed build group function in editor.
2. Fixed CR navigation from air group tab to air base hex when coordinate link is pressed.
3. The SE France Garrison zone only extends to hex column 110. It needs to extend to column 113 (inclusive) for French nationality hexes in order to take in all of France east of Nice. Fixed.
4. EF victory points are listed in the Turn column on the victory screen, but are not being included in the Turn total that is summed up on the victory screen, or in the turn graphs. Fixed.
5. Fixed Reset All City Control so that it works on Air Battle scenarios like Weakest Link to reset the East Front front line at the start of the scenario.
6. Allied AI moved units from Italy through Yugoslavia. Fixed.
7. Eastern map edge is not visible when air navigation panel (f10) is on. Fixed.
8. Fixed EF metric graph for the Allied player.
9. Fixed flak fire reduction when unit is low on ammo
10. Fixed bug when flak fire could cause negative ammo usage (overflow).
11. Fixed flak fire on diving bombing planes.
12. Fixed air campaign VP scoring calculation for a/c losses.
13. Fixed bug where the Channel Islands were being considered as part of a garrison zone and could trigger the "Allies in two garrison zones rule". It should never be considered part of a garrison zone.
14. Fixed a bug that allowed the Axis AI to warp move isolated units from near Reggio Calabria to an area outside of the isolated pocket.
15. Fixed a bug where OKW was listed as having no HQ (should always look as if it is attached to itself).
16. Fixed a bug where enemy armies were being listed as having received freight in the logistics report.
17. Fixed CR navigation to air the air base location when sorting is on.
18. Changing the Min-Fly Weather option causes the Fly Phase to change. Fixed.
19. Fixed shading for off map hexes with air bases in air transfer.
20. Fixed and adjusted air to ground AP attacks (rockets will be much less accurate, chance of destroying entire mech squad with AP weapon much reduced)
21. Fixed VP bar draw function.
22. Fixed text overlap on victory screen.
23. Fixed victory display for the air only scenarios.
24. Short game result is not displayed correctly on server game screen. Fixed
25. Fixed map centering when loading air only and short scenarios.
26. Fixed MP screen refresh when accepting or leaving a challenge.
27. Fixed air directive execution progress bar to account inactive air directives.
28. Fixed unit display when resolving AI turn (several fog of war items not fogged up as they should have been during AI turn).
29. Fixed new air base creation routine.
30. Map art draws incorrectly when loading scenario. Fixed.
31. Off-map airfields should not appear in the unit detail screen for HQs that are in a scenario. Fixed.
32. Fixed range calculation error when creating strike flights.
33. Fixed air ground targeting routine (no fly).
34. Changes to sound playback to try to reduce/eliminate crashes due to sound codec issues. Changed the WitWSoundfxconfig.dat file to fix typos in some of the artillery sound file names.
35. Registry key was not closing correctly when reading game file version. Fixed.
36. Auto upgrades were occurring for aircraft just starting production without the required delays. Fixed.
37. No longer are air orders and air execution allowed after a game ends.
38. Fixed onmap flak display values on water (neutral hexes).
39. Flak values on the map were not including support units attached directly to HQ units. Fixed.
40. Fixed commanding air hq set function during land combat.
41. Fixed ground support flights flying at night after AI air resupply
42. Fixed automatic staging base selection (Malta AD picking African stage base).
43. AFV factory total includes U-BOAT factories in the AD target priority count of factories. Fixed.

• Data and Scenario Changes

1. All Scenarios - Updated scenarios all scenarios to account for the US air profile changes. Minor changes to aircraft factories (Bf109G-6 and Wellington III/X). Changed Skopje and Nis airbases from Bulgarian nationality to German nationality.
2. Several aircraft photos and symbol changes to go with aircraft data changes.
3. Campaign 1943 & Battleground Italy - Added missing Italian Corps Commanders
4. May 1944 - Added small amounts of aircraft to the Allied pool
5. BttR - Bf-109G-10 production was decreased to the maximum, Bf-109G-14/U4 increased to the maximum, Bf-109G-6/R2 increased to the maximum, Fw-190F-8 decreased to the maximum.
6. Westwall – Changed to make the Fw-190A-8 factories identical. Magdeburg eliminated and Marienburg added. Also reduced factories for the Fw-190F-8 and Bf-109G-10 to their maximums. Adjusted the Bf-109G-6/R2, 109G-14/U4 and others.
7. Westwall and BTTR – Changed the Commander of LVIII Panzer Corps from the SS Officer to GENL Walter Krueger (Leader ID #291). Also changed the commander of LVIII SS Corps from Keppler to Heinz Reinfarth. Updated 324th FG in BttR. 1945 Campaign - Updated all FG’s in Italy in 1945 Campaign, and the 324th FG in France. Air improvements and pool adjustments to compensate for imports. Updated with better pilot names.
8. Introductory Scenario – Air Campaign has all aircraft type victory modifiers now set to 10 to offset the change in scoring to divide these by 10 in all air battle scenarios (so net should be no change in scoring for this scenario).
9. General Scenario Updates for all but Westwall and BTTR
a) 31nd and 52nd USAAF Fighter Groups now equipped with Spitfire IX in 1943 scenarios
b) Revised ANR Airgroups
c) Rebuilt all airgroups to utilize the latest naming revisions
d) Added a few missing USAAF Air Groups
10. Cleaned up some bad data in 43 campaign. Adjusted 2 US amphib HQ naval support forces.

More here:
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 08:43:55 PM by Asid »
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Online Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 08:46:36 PM »
War in the West Tutorial Videos

A full Playlist of the Tutorial videos for your viewing:

There's also a walkthrough video here:

There is also an excellent series of videos here:

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Online Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2015, 08:48:49 PM »
Gary Grigsby's War in the West (December 3, 20:00 CET / 14:00 EST) Stream

Published on 4 Dec 2014

Gary Grigsby’s War in the West 1943-45is the most ambitious and detailed computer wargame on the Western Front of World War II ever made. - -- Watch live at
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Online Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2015, 03:56:58 PM »
Gary Grigsby’s War in the West has been update to version 1.01.12!

his is a major update and alongside tons of new enhancements and improvements will serve as the common version for the upcoming Operation Torch tournament!

With over 30 new features – a new way to browse/edit Air Directives on the map has been added and the ground attack and recon AD target selection have been improved – and several scenario changes and bug fixes, this update makes this astounding wargame more realistic than ever!

Remember! The Tournament will start on December 14th! If you are one of the brave generals who have enlisted, make sure you have this update to participate in the contest!

You can download the patch from here (162MB):

Discover the rich changelog below!

• New Features and Rule Changes

1. Updated game engine to 9c DirectX SDK June2010 (latest available)
2. Made several changes to optimize game speed, especially in the logistics phase:
a. Added enhanced loop input check routine.
b. Reduced memory usage by battle data structure
c. Fixes for the path caching
d. Fixed supply movement cost calculation code
e. Fixed supply code bug (Apls connection)
f. Optimized unit scan in various functions
g. Made some CR data structures dynamic to reduce memory usage.
h. Optimized unit draw function
i. Adjusted input polling function
3. Added a new way to browse/edit Air Directives on the map:
a. When you select "show air directive targets" mode (shift-y), it is possible to move mouse over the text which will create selection, by marking text and square yellow.
b. AD name will blink if has no valid targets or no available aircraft/groups.
c. It will display all AD details as live map text, including no fly codes.
d. If show aircraft icons is enabled it will show the active aircraft for this AD
e. When clicking on text in air planning mode it will bring it to the particular AD edit mode
f. When you right click the map in AD edit mode it will exit to the HQ selection screen (in the same way as various detail (ex. unit, air group) screens can be exited)
4. Clicking AD name after air execution will enable AD battle display filter and switch to battle display mode. To disable right click or left click the AD name.
5. Disabled ground the unit box display when show air target is on.
6. Reduced AD text overlapping
7. Reduced lethality of the training flights
8. Increased probability of low exp pilots (<=50) to gain experience when flying training flights.
9. Increased air group mileage usage when flying over 25K (by 10% each 1000ft up to 100%)
10. Added extra pilot fatigue when flying over 25K.
11. Adjusted off rail value calculation.
12. Removed redundant off rail calculation after land combat.
13. Improved ground attack and recon AD target selection.
a. Reduced chance for the reconned empty air bases to be bombed
b. Units shouldn't be reconned when max recon value for the air recon is reached
c. If no valid targets available (units, af, etc.) it should switch to interdiction (terrain) type targets
14. Adjusted unit air recon function.
15. Reduced flight detection
16. Reduced disruption on the single plane flights done by flak.
17. Adjusted air to air combat functions.
18. Increased probability of night intruder attack.
19. Adjusted creation of new AD interface (trying to disable potential access to enemy units).
20. Improved AD display. Inactive ADs appear with black borders and no hex shading.
21. Adjusted air base nationality change code to keep the same unit ID
22. Disabled air/ground exports once end date of the import target item has reached its end date.
23. Adjusted production messages in the supply event log.
24. Static units may no longer be sent to the East Front.
25. Added the map text data to save files, so that future map text changes won’t show up in existing games.
26. Made some changes to the appearance of AD target boxes/names/path line.
27. East Front Option changes:
a. Reduced the chance for losses in aircraft on the Eastern front in air units under 10 aircraft.
b. Units on the East Front will be displayed on the East Front screen in yellow if their TOE is below 70%. They will still be displayed in red if they are unready.
c. Army Group HQs may not be removed from the Eastern Front. Army and Corps HQs cannot be removed from the Eastern Front if that size HQ is currently under the Eastern Front requirement.
28. Disabled map centering when selecting air hq on the list to create a new AD.
29. Disabled map centering when clicking on an unconfirmed AD.
30. Disabled hex shading for non-selected (mouse over) ADs.
31. Added a text button on the selected air HQ when creating an AD, which is used to zoom out and center on the air HQ.
32. Editor - Added ability to insert multiple lines in unit database in editor.
33. Editor - Added a find function for factory types when adding a factory to a location.
34. Editor – When a delayed/damage factory is moved to a different location the delay/damage info will now be copied to the new location if no such factory types already exists. The data in the old location will have these values zeroed out.

• Bug Fixes
1. Aircraft factories appear as AFV in strategic bombing priority selection screen. Fixed.
2. Amphib HQs can't move out of a ground units zoc form a ferry hex. Fixed.
3. Editor: fixed unit cut and paste function.
4. A large number of Allied controlled hexes in France switched to German control for no reason. Fixed.
5. Fixed possible CTD when loading generic data in editor.
6. Fixed possible CTD and bad behavior when clicked on arrived air group in reinforcement screen.
7. Player with FOW on can see enemy AI depot info when the n key is pressed. Fixed.
8. Fixed map centering after loading short/air scenarios.
9. Fixed unit CV fog display (changing values when hovering mouse).
10. Fixed leader rolls for the low level air hqs
11. Fixed distance to HQ display in CR for the air hqs.
12. Naval AD sorties/losses counted as auto naval sorties/losses. Fixed.
13. Inactive pilots are counted on the pilot training doctrine display. Fixed.
14. Fixed CTD when assigning AA units to the city (previous update).
15. Resource requirements were reset during railway point calculation, which was causing continuous resource shortage during next industrial cycle. Fixed.
16. Fixed bad used oil conversion report in the supply event log.
17. Removed roll which could cause supply/resource/oil shipment to quit prematurely.
18. Fixed battle structure save/load routines.
19. Fixed intruder flight reporting in the battle.
20. Fixed intruder flight interception.
21. Fixed fighter combat function.
22. Fixed air directive lines display during air execution.
23. Fixed air directive deletion bug.
24. Air group is not removed from AD correctly when assigned to another AD. Fixed.
25. Fixed intruder battle reports
26. Fixed bug on air losses battle display tab, which could cause a CTD.
27. Fixed bug in game load routine.
28. Fixed AD name overlapping on the map.
29. AD plane/target availability is not updated when air group settings are changed in CR or air group detail. Fixed.
30. Top menu is not refreshed when right clicking the map to disable AD filter and switch to normal mode. Fixed.
31. Fixed a case of the AI moving units in Westwall to a location they could not reach behind Allied lines.
32. Game load init script is resetting AD target/plane availability. Fixed.
33. Map zoom is changing when scrolling air HQs. Fixed.

• Data and Scenario Changes
1. Torch to Tunisia – Set Tunis as the arrival location for the 1/10th Panzer.
2. Several minor changes to Campaign 45 and Bulge to the Rhine scenarios.
3. Added 4 new leader photos.
4. 43 additional air HQs – Added some user names as pilots.
5. Changes to various data files made for WitE 2.0 but also now in the WitW files although it should have no real impact on WitW.
6. Wfdevice.dat - Renamed Device 791, the Mk.IV radar to Mk.VI radar. – Used the latest file from WitE2.0 and made this change.
7. Changes in Wfgtype.dat air profiles:
a. Created new profile for Fw 190F with 60-16-4 in late 44
b. 0003 GE Fighter - renamed GE S-E Fighter
c. 0004 GE Light Bomber - add a size increase in 9/44 from 40-12-4 to 48-16-4
d. 0005 GE Medium Bomber - smallest unit renamed from Schwarm to Kette
e. 0023 CW Transport - Default changed from 72-36-12 to 48-16-4, add 72-24-8 in 1/44
f. 0030 US fighter - February 45 changed from 75-25-4 to 84-28-4
g. 0032 US Light Bomber - Default changed from 57-13-4 to 57-12-4
h. 0033 US Medium Bomber - Default changed from 57-13-4 to 57-12-4
i. 0034 US Heavy Bomber - Default changed from 35-8-4 to 35-9-3
j. Added new profile - 0090 GE M-E Fighter - for twin-engined fighters/night fighters, as S-E fighters but 6/44 increase from 40-12-4 to 48-16-4
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Online Asid

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2016, 05:22:09 PM »
War in the West has been Updated to version 1.01.20!

You can download the patch from here (191MB):

Please check out the enire changelog below


New Features and Rule Changes

1. Hooked Show Air Directive Target toggle functionality (and button on top menu) to show NO AD targets/All AD targets/Only active ADs.

2. Added HQ unit dispersion factor, which is reducing amount of squads and attached units can be targeted and HQ's flak fire ability. Dispersion factor depends on the level of HQ and gets doubled up when it is within 5 hexes of an enemy ground unit.

3. Added freight level for national supply source depot type. This is the amount of freight that the national supply depot will begin with at the start of each logistics phase. If left as 0 in the editor, then it will start with 1 million freight each turn. This will appear as Depot Freight Level in the rollover text for the depot hex.

4. Increased air group limit which can be selected for air transport missions. This was preventing some airdrops of very large units when lots of small transport groups were available.

5. Low level air HQs with no air doctrine entry will try to use higher HQ air doctrine.

6. Modified air doctrine structure to use dynamic data.

7. Slightly increased air combat fatigue at night

8. Reduced NF escort efficiency

9. Adjusted night combat intensity

10. Increased the chance that Axis NF will attack escorting Allied NF

11. Adjusted air base repair/expansion code, so it will allow some reduced repairs/expansion, even if there is not 100% of required supplies. Reduced air base expansion rate from size 2 to 3.

12. Adjusted low altitude flight detection (made fall off of detection chance less dramatic below 10k feet).

13. Restricted on map support units so they will not be auto reassigned to a different HQ.

14. Added more verbose error code display when game fails to load a save.

15. Editor - Fixed city CSV export/import

16. Added new data elements to the unit and group CSV import/export

Bug Fixes

1. Amphibious HQs are not blocking enemy supply lines through their hex and adjacent hexes (for the purposes of isolating enemy units) as they should. Fixed.

2. Italian ADs are not cleared after surrender. Fixed.

3. Fixed interdiction hex selection bug (frontier hexes).

4. Some art files are not loading correctly (missing white pixels). Fixed.

5. Fixed air doctrine init script.

6. AD may not get executed due to the bad air group list. Fixed.

7. Air doctrine weather and intensity values are not copied. Fixed.

8. Fixed potential crash if air hq's air doctrine could not be found. Fixed.

9. AD can switch to interdiction attacks even when valid other type targets exists. Fixed.

10. Allow German-Italian Panzer Army HQ in Africa to have German leaders (Rommel bug).

11. Groups from lower level air HQs reassigned from parent air HQ air directives. Fixed.

12. Fixed supply shipment by truck to cities located off rail, due to which air base repair/expansion can get stuck.

13. Fixed the potential crash due to an illegal access of the battle structure.

14. Fixed bug in the para combat code that could cause strange things to happen to the airbase in the combat hex (and potentially other issues).

15. Fixed bug in Multiplayer when it doesn't translate correctly server string due to the double quotes in the server message.

16. Fixed air doctrine function (possible CTD).

17. Fixed possible corruption when merging ground units.

18. Multiplayer Game. Fixed bug when it doesn't translate correctly server string due to the double quotes in the server message.

19. Air execution detail settings are reset by AI. Fixed.

20. Fixed bug when expanding air hq list in air navigation panel.

21. Fixed scroll bar placement on server game screens.

Data and Scenario Changes

1. Updated Westwall – Made sure Belgian and Dutch Bdes were motorized, and made some changes so German replacement pilots would flow to the fighter arm.

2. Numerous changes to Operation Diadem to the Gothic Line 44 and Breakout and Pursuit.

3. General updates to 1943, 44 (May Start), 44 (D-Day Start) and 45 campaigns as well as Bulge to the Rhine.

4. A few minor leader changes.

5. Changes to ground, device and gtype data as follows (including some new/revised ground element, aircraft and leader photos and symbols):

0024 - HT MG/Mor - renamed HT MG
0036 - MSW tank: changed from Production by None instead of Factories 9 (may not be needed by vanilla game but may be of use in mods)
0037 - Engineer Tank: changed from Production by None instead of Factories 9 (may not be needed by vanilla game but may be of use in mods)
0039 - SP Inf Gun: changed from Production in Factory 8 to Factory 9
0072 - CDL tank: changed from Production by None instead of Factories 9 (may not be needed by vanilla game but may be of use in mods)
0081 - Foreign Assault Gun: adjust combat value to 8 and support need to 10 (to use vanilla assault gun values from #0018)


0085 - HT Mor: split from HT MG/Mor #0024 to separate MG and Mortar carriers
0086 - Super-Heavy Artillery: split from Heavy Art #0032 to separate very heavy guns from other heavies, intended for all railway guns and other 300mm+ guns



cleanup of legacy devices - aircraft engines, parts and assembly
-> deletion of duplicates, grouping them together by type
some minor naming corrections not specifically noted here (double space -> single space, typos, etc.)

0070 - RS-82 rocket: Penetration -2 to 6, Heat penetration halved to 40 (way overpowered)
0074 - RS-132 rocket: penetration -4 to 12, Accuracy -2 to 6, Heat penetration halved to 62 (way overpowered)
0145 - 9mm vz.42 SMG: renamed 9mm ZK383 SMG, rate of fire changed from 30 to 35
0163 - 8mm Schwarzlose HMG: renamed 8mm Schwarzlose 07/12 HMG
0173 - 6.5mm Type 96 LMG: deleted as unused duplicate of #168
0230 - 8mm Breda AAMG: range +500, accuracy +250 (to be in-line with other HMG/AAMG)
0247 - 37mm 61-K AA Gun: RoF -10 to 40
0257 - 8mm Breda BMG: deleted as unused duplicate of #279
0275 - 8mm Danuvia CMG: renamed 8mm Gebauer CMG, rof +15 to 45 (was in 800 rpm range)
0278 - 8mm Danuvia BMG: renamed 8mm Gebauer BMG, rof +15 to 45 (was in 800 rpm range)
0298 - 20mm 36M gun - rof reduced to 20, penetration increased to 38 (Solothurn S18-1000 AT-Rifle, fed by 10-round clips)
0299 - 20mm M35 Gun - remove Anti-Air value
0300 - 20mm KwK38 L/55: renamed KwK30
0303 - 37mm KwK36 L/46.5: L/46.5 -> L/45 (no difference from PaK variant)
0306 - 37mm vz.37 L/40 Gun: L/40 -> L/47.8, data sync with 37mm KwK 38(t) L/47.8 #0316 (minus HVAP)
0309 - 37mm vz.34 L/40 gun: data sync with 37mm KwK 34(t) L/40 #0310
0323 - 47mm M37 L/32 Gun - renamed 47mm Boehler L/32 Gun
0324 - 47mm da 47/40 L/44 Gun - remove wrong L/44 part, the correct L/40 is already part of the Italian name
0337 - 75mm KwK40 L/43 Gun: penetration changed from 125 to 130, hvap changed from 166 to 170
0338 - 75mm StuK40 L/43 Gun: penetration changed from 125 to 130, hvap changed from 166 to 170
0339 - 75mm KwK40 L/48 Gun: hvap changed from 185 to 180
0340 - 75mm StuK40 L/48 Gun: hvap changed from 185 to 180
0341 - 75mm PaK39 L/48 Gun: hvap changed from 185 to 180
0343 - 75mm PaK40 L/46 Gun: penetration changed from 135 to 140, hvap changed from 185 to 190
0344 - 75mm KwK42 L/70 Gun: penetration changed from 172 to 175
0345 - 75mm StuK42 L/70 Gun: penetration changed from 172 to 175
0354 - 75mm 75/34 L/38 Gun: renamed 75mm da 75/34 Gun
0355 - 65mm da 65/14 L/17 Gun: renamed 65mm da 65/17 Gun
0357 - 75mm da 75/17 L/25 Gun: renamed 75mm da 75/18 Gun
0383 - 90mm da 90/53 L/58 AA Gun: renamed 90mm da 90/53 AA Gun
0391 - 105mm da 105/25 L/28 Gun: renamed 105mm da 105/25 Gun
0398 - 105mm StuH42 L/28 Gun: deleted as unused duplicate of #390
0401 - 100mm vz.14/19 Howitzer: range increased to 10900
0402 - 100mm 100/17 Howitzer: range reduced to 9100 (same basic gun as 401 but shorter barrel)
0442 - 300mm M-30 Rocket: Accuracy from 1 to 50
0567 - 105mm 31M Gun: renamed 105mm 31M L/40 Gun
0568 - 240mm K4 Gun: renamed 240mm Naval Gun
0575 - 155mm MLE 1917 Howitzer: renamed 155mm Mle 1917 Howitzer
0610 - 15mm Triple MG151 - penetration +10 to 28
0622 - 210mm M35 Howitzer: renamed 210mm da 210/22 Howitzer
0628 - 75mm 75/18 Howitzer: renamed 75mm da 75/18 Howitzer
0631 - 47mm M35 L/36 Gun: renamed 47mm Boehler L/32 Gun, range to 7650, accuracy to 250, penetration -4 (Boehler as Infantry gun)
0633 - 90mm da 90/53 L/58 Gun: renamed 90mm da 90/53 Gun
0648-0668 - add some missing data, especially ceiling
0668 - 20mm Triple MG 151 AA Gun - type changed to AA Weapon

The following devices have their Effect value reduced from anormal values to 5:
371, 374, 375,

The following devices have their Effect value reduced from anormal values to 6:
372, 373, 577,


0563 - 105mm Mle 1936 Gun: French Schneider Field Gun in Romanian service
0564 - 20mm KwK38 L/55 gun: as #300 but with new name, had actually higher Rof
0565 - .303 Vickers K MMG: for use in British Recce section (SAS, LRDG), higher RoF than water-cooled Vickers
0566 - 75mm Vickers AA Gun: for Romanian use
0567 - 105mm 31M Gun: is in use by HUN ground element 0466 but device was invalid

Ground Elements
0004 - Panzer IIL Lynx: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0036 - Marder III: Front armor raised to 21 (same chassis as Grille K and Flakpanzer 38 which all have 21)
0039 - Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer: remove "(t)" as that wasn't used anymore in 1944
0040 - Flammpanzer 38(t): remove "(t)" as that wasn't used anymore in 1944
0049 - Flakpanzer 38(t): remove "(t)" as that wasn't used anymore in 1944
0053 - sIG33 Grille: renamed sIG33 Grille K
0054 - SdKfz-221 Armored Car - extend to 12/1941, add build limit/expansion of 1/1, upgrade to SdKfz-223 Armored Car #463
0057 - SdKfz-234/1: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0059 - 234/3 armored car - main gun changed to 75mm K51 gun
0060 - SdKfz-234/4 Armored Car - remove self-update upgrade path
0061 - SdKfz-250/7: type changed to HT Mor
0064 - SdKfz-251/2: type changed to HT Mor
0073 - 88mm Flak: Crew/Rifles +1 to 9
0079 - 7.92mm Machine Gun: MG 34 version extended to 8/42
0080 - 7.92mm Machine Gun: MG 42 version delayed to 9/42
0119 - 240mm Howitzer - negative RoF modifier removed, cost +220 to 497, end date extended to 6/42
0120 - 210mm Howitzer - negative RoF modifier removed
0121 - 355mm Howitzer - negative RoF modifier removed, type changed to Super-Heavy Artillery
0122 - 305mm Howitzer - negative RoF modifier removed, type changed to Super-Heavy Artillery
0123 - 170mm Field Gun: remove -2 rof modifier
0126 - SdKfz-251/9 Halftrack - ends 12/43, scraps after 1945, upgrades to new SdKfz-251/9D Halftrack
0130 - Karl 600mm Siege Mortar - negative RoF modifier removed, type changed to Super-Heavy Artillery
0131 - 240mm Siege Gun: remove -4 rof modifier
0144 - 37mm Anti-Tank Gun: ends 6/42 - all received by then, local production of the other 37mm gun (Bofors)
0158 - 75mm Infantry Gun: 75mm ->76mm, gun to soviet M27/39, -1 crew/rifle, data adjust, available 1940 - Finns did not use the German gun, they had lots of soviet-based 76mm guns
0172 - 280/320mm Nebelwerfer - extend to 6/43, upgrade to 300mm Nebelwerfer #173
0176 - BA-10(F): uses own symbol, available far earlier in 12/39 (multiple BA-6/-10 captured in Winter War)
0183 - Semovente L40 da 47 - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun
0184 - Semovente M40: speed +2 to 22, fuel use + 16 to 38 (most based on M14/41 with more horsepower and similar weight, heavier than M13/40)
0187 - Autoblinda Armored Car: renamed AB41 Armored Car (Autoblinda = wrong form of Autoblindo which translates to Armored car)
0192 - 47mm anti-Tank Gun - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun
0208 - 210mm Howitzer: extended to 9/45 (production continued under German supervision)
0210 - SdKfz-7/2 SP Flak - ends 2/44, upgrades to updated 7/2 #452, crew reduced to 7, symbol changed to light flak #72
0216 - Panzer 38(t) Aufklarer: renamed Aufklaerungspanzer 38
0217 - Pz 38(t) Aufklarer: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0218 - sIG33 (SdKfz-138): renamed sIG33 Grille H
0220 - SdKfz-251/2: type changed to HT Mor
0225 - OA vz.30(R) Armored Car - Fwd 7.92mm vz.26 TMG [263] changed to 7.92mm vz.26 BMG [662]
0228 - CKD-R2 - MGs changed to vz.37 (same gun, different name)
0229 - R-35 - MGs changed to vz.37 (same gun, different name)
0226 - CKD-R1 - MGs changed to vz.37 (same gun, different name)
0231 - T-38E(R) - MGs changed to vz.37 (same gun, different name)
0242 - 0244 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0243 - 37mm Anti-Tank Gun: main gun changed from wrong L/47 to correct Bofors L/45 gun - there was no L/47 variant of this gun
0244 - 47mm anti-Tank Gun - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun, acc reduced to standard value of 100
0245-0246 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm vz.24 Rifle
0247 - 0249 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0250 - 8mm machine gun - renamed 7.92mm machine gun, HMG changed to 7.92mm Schwarzlose, rifles to 7.92mm vz.24, ends 6/41, upgrades to ZB53 MG
0251 - 0252 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm vz.24 Rifle
0252 - 7.92mm Quad AAMG: -Aircraft -> -aircraft
0256 - Assault Squad: symbol changed to #84
0258 - 0259, 0262 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0263 - 100mm Howitzer - main gun changed to 100mm vz.30, Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0264,265,268,269 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0269 - 149mm Howitzer - main gun changed to 149mm vz.37 gun
0271-0273 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm Mannlicher Rifle
0273 - 75mm Anti-Aircraft Gun (ROM) - main device changed to new Vickers gun
0276 - Rifles changed to 8mm 35M Rifle, ammo use -6 to 900, Crew/Rifles -1 to 4 (as German version #113)
0277 - CV-33 - renamed CV-33(H), twin 8mm Breda replaced by two 8mm Gebauer, uses its own symbol
0278 - Toldi II: RoF from -13 to -10
0281 - T-38E(H) - MGs changed to vz.37 (same gun, different name)
0282 - Panzer IIIh: renamed Panzer IIIm(H), symbol change, data sync'd with German Panzer IIIm #10
0283 - Panzer IVf(H) - build cost reduced to 278, imports reduced to 20
0288 - CSABA Armored Car: RoF from -13 to -10
0290 - 47mm anti-Tank Gun - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun
0296 - 8mm MG: main gun changed to 8mm Schwarzlose 07/31 HMG
0297 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm 43M Rifle
0298 - main Rifle changed to 7.92mm 43M Rifle, LMG to 7.92mm Solothurn LMG, LMG ammo -200, ammo use -2
0299 - LMG changed to 8mm Solothurn LMG
0300 - SMG changed to Danuvia SMG
0301 - LMG changed to 8mm Solothurn LMG
0304 - 100mm Howitzer: main gun changed to 100mm vz.14/19 Howitzer
0311 - 105mm Howitzer: main gun changed to leFH 18, data adjusted to reflect this
0330 - 88mm Flak: Crew/Rifles +1 to 9
0331 - OA vz.30(SL) Armored Car - Fwd 7.92mm vz.26 TMG changed to 7.92mm vz.26 BMG
0336 - Marder III(S): data sync with Marder III #0036, remove stray build limit
0337 - 7.92mm ZB53 MG - remove ZB53 from name, extend to 9/45, remove upgrade
0338 - 240mm Theodor Gun: remove -4 rof modifier, type changed to Super-Heavy Artillery
0339 - 128mm Twin Flak: Crew/Rifles +11 to 21
0343 - R-35: main gun changed to m.37 version
0340 - 128mm Flak: Crew/Rifles +2 to 12
0347 - Panzer IIIn: use symbol from #11
0348 - Panzer IVg L/48 - use symbol from #221
0349 - SdKfz-250/9: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0351 - Stug IIIg: use symbol from #31
0352 - 88mm Flak: Crew/Rifles +1 to 9
0353 - Toldi I: use own symbol, RoF from -13 to -10
0354 - LMG changed to 8mm Solothurn LMG
0360 - Rifles changed to 7.92mm vz.24 Rifle
0370 - 122mm Field gun: change to Heavy Artillery, analog to soviet setup + Germans treated it as heavy too
0371 - 87.6mm Artillery - use Axis Standard symbol
0372 - 25mm AT-Gun - use Axis Standard symbol
0393 - Panzer 35H: main gun changed to m.37 version
0393 - Panzer 35R: main gun changed to m.37 version
0402 - GW 39H(f) - use own symbol
0406 - Stug M42: speed +2 to 22, fuel use + 16 to 38 (most based on M14/41 with more horsepower and similar weight, heavier than M13/40)
0410 - sIG33/2 Hetzer - add missing +50 accuracy modifier
0422 - SdKfz-8 Halftrack - scrapping to 1943+, use AT-Gun symbol
0450-469 - symbol/photo links fixed or photos added, reliability adapted to WitW standard (where required)
0451 - Stug IIIf/8: use symbol from #30
0454 - SdKfz-222B: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0455 - SdKfz-232: main gun changed to 20mm KwK38
0457 - T-34B: type change to Foreign Medium Tank
0458 - T-34D: type change to Foreign Medium Tank
0459 - 88mm Flak: Crew/Rifles +1 to 9
0460 - 47mm Infantry Gun: main gun changed to #631, main gun accuracy +50, rifles to 7.92mm Mannlicher
0461 - SdKfz-251/9D Halftrack - build limit reduced to 2 (650 produced in 44)
0465 - 75mm Anti-Tank Gun: Rifles changed to #155
0465 - 105mm Field gun: Rifles changed to #155
0729 - 107mm Mortar: ends 12/41 (production stopped, capacity required to increase production of 45/76m guns), scrapping disabled
0730 - Flamethrower Squad: Type changed to Flamethrower
0731 - SU-76M - main gun changed to 76mm ZIS-3 gun
0738 - T­38 M1937 - 7.62mm DT TMG [296] changed to 7.62mm DT TMG [259]
0739 - T­40 M1941 - 12.7mm DShK TMG [297] changed to 12.7mm DShK TMG [260] TMG
0764 - Churchill IV: reclassify as Heavy tank, was issued to heavy tank regiments
0765 - SU-76 - main gun changed to 76mm ZIS-3 gun
0773 - GAZ-AA-37 - add -20 rof modifier to be in-line with similar vehicles, use light flak symbol
0775 - BA­64 Armored Car - 7.62mm DT TMG [296] changed to 7.62mm DT TMG [259]
0779 - BA­20 Armored Car - 7.62mm DT TMG [296] changed to 7.62mm DT TMG [259]
0787 - 37mm Anti-Aircraft Gun: -Aircraft -> -aircraft, RoF modifier from -25 to -20 to correspond with RoF reduction in device
0816 - BM-30-4 Rocket Launcher: renamed M-30-4 Rocket Launcher (was not self-propelled, -10 build cost (simple launcher, may justify further reduction by 15 points)
0823 - 280mm Siege Mortar - production disabled (production ended 1940)
0840/841 - reliability adapted to WitW standard
2058 - Humber Armored Car - 15mm Besa TMG device changed to #256 (duplicate device)
2067 - 40mm Anti-aircraft Gun: Medium Flak -> Light Flak
2105 - Bren Mortar Carrier: type changed to HT Mor
2111/2112 - Crusader III AA tank - standard negative RoF modifier added (half of device rof rating)
2119 - SM-facing Vickers HMG changed to new Side-facing Vicker K MMG
2122 - Morris SPAA - add standard -20 rof modifier for main gun, symbol change to light flak
2130 - 47mm anti-Tank Gun - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun
2508-2511 - M3 Lee and variants - AAMG changed from Turret to SM
2526 - M26 Pershing - CMG from Fwd to Turret
2533 - T30 75mm HMC:use symbol from 2128
2551 - M4 Mortar Carrier: type changed to HT Mor
2552 - M4A1 Mortar Carrier: type changed to HT Mor
2553 - M21 Mortar Carrier: type changed to HT Mor
2560 - 37mm Anti-aircraft Gun: Medium Flak -> Light Flak
2561 - 40mm Anti-aircraft Gun: Medium Flak -> Light Flak
2587 - 155mm Howitzer: symbol changed to standard artillery
2625-2639 - rifle armament changed back to standard 6.5mm Mannlicher Rifle
2627 - 47mm anti-Tank Gun - main gun back to 47/32 gun #323- there was no L/36 version of this gun
2628 - 20mm Anti-aircraft gun - use the same -38 RoF modifier as the Italian counterpart
2633 - 105mm Howitzer: main gun changed from 105/28 Gun to 105/14 Howitzer (wrong main gun in WAI version, sync with ITA #206)
2672 - 155mm Howitzer: symbol changed to standard artillery
3008 - R-35: main gun changed to m.37 version
3010 - H-35: main gun changed to m.37 version
3013 - FCM-36: main gun changed to m.37 version
3524 - 12in naval gun - facing changed from fwd to turret

0448 - 47mm Anti-Tank Gun: as #244 but with French main gun which Romanian received and built in license, in use by independent Bns, cav/arm div and selected inf divs
0449 - 210mm Howitzer: Hungarian license-built version of the Italian gun #208
0470 - 105mm Field Gun: French Schneider Field Gun in Romanian service
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 05:29:59 PM by Asid »
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2016, 06:47:00 PM »
New 1.01.31 Public Beta Now Available!

Hello Everyone,

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the West, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.

This updates the base War in the West and the Operation Torch expansion.

Change History:

V1.01.31 – 9 April 2016

New Features and Rule Changes

1. Interface change - Changed the way map zoom works. It will zoom around a mouse cursor position, not around current hex.

2. Interface change - Made the HQ unit selected when going to HQ from right panel.

3. Interface change - Lower level air HQs (ex. Fliegerkorps) will be listed after their parent air Hqs (LF) in air transfer mode (F10).

4. Rule Change - Allow regimental size non-support units to attach 1 support unit.

5. Rule Change - Added an extra delay for overrun air groups. They are put back to the national reserve in 3 turns (was immediate).

6. Rule Change - Withdrawing units are now set to supply priority 4 and this is not adjustable by the player. This is the one case where a combat unit can have a supply priority different from its HQ. This is necessary to allow the unit to build up to the 75% strength required for withdrawal.

7. Rule Change - Air Superiority AD’s now always execute before Naval Patrol flights.

8. Changes to Naval Interdiction missions:

a. Reduced efficiency of non-naval air groups for NI

b. Reduced efficiency of GP bombs for NI

c. Increased efficiency of mines/torpedoes/ASW weapons for NI

d. Improved automatic naval load out selection

e. Made it easier to reach lower NI and harder higher NI values

9. Changes to air game:

a. Increased high altitude fatigue gain.

b. Reduced flight altitude evade on very high altitudes.

c. Adjusted air flight altitude impact on air combat.

d. Adjusted flak code.

10. Fixes and improvements for the air navigation panel. (Mouse clicking should be faster in F10 mode.

11. Rule clarification - Units in the East Front box require less vehicles to carry supplies/fuel/ammo. Rebuilding units in the editor with a delay of 2000 (units starting in the EF box) will reflect this and will have a lower vehicle need.

12. Editor – Now allows the TOE OB upgrade to be set to 0.

13. Editor – Added a few elements of data to several of the CSV files.

14. Editor - Added ability to rebuild air bases based on aircraft located at the base.

Bug Fixes

1. Overrun air groups which fail to evacuate go to the national reserve with wrong pilot number setting, which is causing all planes to stay in reserve. Fixed.

2. Unit with insupply value of >=100 is not routing and surrendering instead. Fixed.

3. Fixed leader assignment bug where Germans saw Allied leaders in their list of leaders when replacing one of their leaders.

4. Fixed unit box display function.

5. Fixed factory filter bug.

6. Fixed inactive nationality names in editor.

7. Fixed unit box display function that could cause corrupted data.

8. Fixed unit selection bug in unit bar.

9. Fixed bug involving AD management features with r-click conflict with return path setting.

10. In some cases a units would not receive replacements in certain ground elements due to conflicts between the normal ground element upgrade function and the ground element swap out function (used when stockpiles are low and another element has high stockpiles of equipment). Case reported involved Canadian units not getting rifle squad or armored car replacements when they should have. Fixed.

11. Unit box items are not drawn in air directive setup mode. Fixed.

12. Fireback ground elements don't appear correctly on detailed combat screen. Fixed.

13. Fixed counter text overlap bug.

14. AFVs with build limit of 0 can get "produced" automatically out of ARM. Fixed.

15. Made a fix for the rail display in n-mode.

16. Editor CR screen - Resupplying airbases in Editor via Commanders Report "Editor functions" changes them to motorized
status. Same happens to FBD units. Fixed. (Resupply function won't alter motorization status)

17. Flights can be intercepted by planes with insufficient max altitude. Fixed.

18. Bombing from extremely high altitude can get unexpected accuracy boost. Fixed.

19. Air group fatigue is not recalculated after air execution (display issue). Fixed.

20. The value being shown for “vehicles from pool” in the unit supply detail screen was being divided by 2000. Fixed.

Data and Scenario Changes

1. General changes: Fixed damaged railyards spammed by existing depots, some invalid WA rail hexes in Bulgaria/Yugoslavia, neutral rail hexes in Soviet area, some ownership/control issues in soviet area, some locations with zero population and zero manpower fac (both set to 1), a polish location with pops but no manpower fac, addition of 3 railyards to Bratislava, Riga and Lvov. Also fixed Switzerland hexes in some scenarios to become Neutral again.

2. Many continuing general improvements, especially to production and to ground units, for the 45 Campaign, Westwall, Bulge to the Rhine, Op Dragoon and Breaching the Gothic Line scenarios.

3. Additional 1945 Campaign changes:

11th Army: set arrival hex in Germany

XII Corps: set arrival hex in Germany

XIII Corps: set arrival hex in Germany

XXXIX Pz Corps: set arrival hex in Germany

Barwalde Grenadier Div: renamed Baerwalde

Hermann Goring Panzer Div: Goring -> Goering

Koslin Inf Div: renamed Koeslin

2nd Hermann Goring PzG Div: Goring -> Goering

2nd Mountain Div: set arrival hex in northern Germany

34th Inf Div: fix links to parent unit

44th Grenadier Div: remove duplicate partial units

167th VG Div: set arrival hex in Germany

303rd Doberitz Inf Div: Doberitz -> Doeberitz

325th Jutland Inf Div: renamed plain 325th

III/1st Sturm (90th) SP Light Flak Bn: renamed to 90th SP Light Flak Bn, change to motorized

III/2nd Lehr Light Flak Bn: disabled, could not verify existence, likely duplicate of II/Lehr Light Flak

III/2nd Sturm (80th) SP Light Flak Bn: renamed to 80th SP Light Flak Bn, change to motorized

III/3rd Sturm (84th) SP Light Flak Bn: renamed to 84th SP Light Flak Bn, change to motorized

79th Light Flak Bn: change to motorized

87th Light Flak Bn: change to motorized

88th SP Light Flak Bn: disabled as duplicate of 88th Light Flak

95th Light Flak Bn: change to motorized

98th SP Light Flak Bn: change to motorized

99th SP Light Flak Bn: change to motorized

4. Breakout and Pursuit 44 changes:

1st US Infantry Div: changed to temp motorized with 34 movement points

Certain locations have damage removed from railyard or an undamaged size-1 railyard placed

5. Fixed two Allied air units in Battle to Tunisia scenario.

6. Ground element changes: M12 now upgrades to M40, German 105mm Flak load cost reduced from 9999 to 50.

7. Artillery type ground elements (generally those from 105mm to 155mm) have their combat value weight factor set to 1
(previously incorrectly set to 0).

8. Fixed the HT Mor (halftrack mortar) description and stats in the wfgtype.dat file.

9. Fixed weapon class of device 163 in the device file.

10. One revised photo.

11. Some updates to photos to be used by different equipment.

12. Aircraft data changes:

Most german Bf 110s and other multi-engine german fighters/night fighters changed to 'GE M-E Fighter' air profile

0002 He 111H-11: invalid weapon positions in unused slots removed, change F5W torpedo to F5B

0004 He 111H-16/R1: invalid weapon positions in unused slots removed

0006 Bf 109E-4/B: air profile changed from light bomber to S-E Fighter

0028 Do 17P: air profile chaned from Tac Recon to Strat Recon

0053 He 111H-6: invalid weapon position in set 2-4 slot 2, change F5W torpedo to F5B

0085 Ju 88A-17: delay F5W weapon sets to 9/43, invalid weapon positions in unused slots removed

0221 Potez 63 (RU): maxload up to 884, crew -1 (two-seater), fuel and speeds adjusted

0457 Ju 88C-6a - add Mine layouts

0459 Ju 188A-3 - some weapon set changes

0460 Ju 188F-2 - add another Mine layout, invalid weapon positions in multiple sets/slots

0473 He 111H-20: invalid weapon positions in unused slots removed

0569 Mustang I - maneuver +1 to 35 (undervalued)

0570 Mustang IA - maneuver +1 to 35 (undervalued)

0571 Mustang III: cruise speed -5 to 260 (sync with P-51B-10)

0613 Boston IV/V: delayed to 1/44

0614 Marauder III: delayed to 4/44

0618 Marauder I: add 19 more imports, upgrades to new Marauder II, ends 12/42; fwd guns to 1x .303, rear guns to 1x .50, side guns to 2x .303 in BR

0619 Mitchell II: delayed to 10/42, extended to 12/43, imports increased to 500 (all were at least initially used in ETO)

0620 Mitchell III: imports increased to 250, ends 1/45 now

0639 Halifax GR.II: remove imports from Halifax II

0664 Dakota - renamed Dakota III, delayed to 3/43, ends 8/44, upgrades to new Dakota IV, max alt down to 24100k feet, cruise speed +5 to 180, endurance +55 to 575

0666 Mustang I (PR): maneuver +1 to 35 (undervalued)

0686 P-38G: available 9/42, build limit -5 to 25

0687 P-38J: build limit +2 to 37

0689 F-5C Lightning:imports +200 to 600

0693 P-47D-25: ends 7/45, build limit +8 to 40, expansion +2 to 3

0694 A-36A: build limit -3 to 17, expansion -1 to 2 (reduced by in-unit aircraft arrivals)

0699 F-6A: invalid weapon positions in unused slots removed, maneuver +1 to 35 (undervalued), maxload increased to 1800

0700 F-6D Mustang: delayed to 6/44

0701 F-6C Mustang: delayed to 10/43, extended to 5/44, imports +50 to 130

0707 A-20G/K: ends a month earlier in 8/44, build limit +3 to 21

0709 B-25C: extended to 1/44, build limit +6 to 20

0710 B-25J: build limit -10 to 26 (main use in PTO), expansion -2 to 1

0712 B-26B/C: extended 4 months to 1/44, expansion +1 to 2, build limit +10 to 25

0713 B-26F/G: ends in 3/45 now, build limit +3 to 21

0715 A-26: available a month earlier, build limit +6 to 32

0717 B-17F: expansion -9 to 1 (slowly rising production reaching peak near end of run)

0718 B-17G: extended a month to 6/45, build limit +4 to 75, expansion -9 to 1 (starts at B-17F level, slowly rising to reach peak in ~12/43)

0720 B-24D: extended to 5/43, build limit -2 to 25, expansion -4 to 1

0721 B-24H/J - delayed to 6/43, build limit +6 to 50, expansion -4 to 1

0725 P-38F: available 5/42, ends 8/42, build limit +4 to 12

0731 C-47/53: renamed C-47A Skytrain, upgrades to new C-47B Skytrain, ends 5/44, endurance +55 to 575, cruise speed +5 to 180, max alt -1900 to 24100

0748 F-8 Mosquito: remove date from weapon set 3, set 5 had just one cam instead of 5

Minor updates to some french potez aircraft

xx NEW xx

0605 Marauder II - 123 B-26C imported in later 43

0665 Dakota IV - C-47B in CW service service, 350 imports

0732 C-47B Skytrain - C-47A with two-speed-supercharged engines and better alt performance albeit lower maxspeed

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2016, 07:10:47 PM »
I got a mail from Matrix to thank me for being a customer for 10 years (! already?) and it included a discount coupon for 50%. I ordered WitW and the expansion.
Haven't put in any time yet, but I am sure I am going to have several hours worth of fun once I do.
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WitW Living Manual
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2016, 09:34:13 PM »
WitW Living Manual

Download: Click Here

Thanks to the efforts of a few members of the WitW community, we can provide you with a pdf living manual (attached zip file, eventually we will get this into future updates of the game). We have reviewed all of the New Features and Rule Change items in the readme notes and placed those that impact the manual at the end of the relevant sections of the manual. In addition there is an addendum (new section 28) with all the New Feature and Rule Change items listed. We are not able to provide screenshots within this manual, but it does have a TOC with jump links to each of the items in the TOC. You can use this living manual as a reference if you have a question about whether a particular rule has changed.

This manual is up to date through the most recent Public Beta 1.01.31. Since each item is listed with the version number and date when it was added to the game, a player using the 1.01.20 official version can use this document and ignore any items listed as 1.01.31 changes.

We want to thank Bob Pendleton for doing the bulk of the work in putting this together, as well as dereck and ReadyR for their help in identifying where some of the readme items should be placed in the manual. In addition, thanks to Marco at Matrix for providing us with a text version of the final manual in a format that we could work with, and Erik for helping us with some of our formatting issues.

We will try to periodically update this manual as additional changes are made to the game. If you see any items that you feel would be better listed in a different part of the manual, please let us know what the item is and where you think it should go and we'll look into correcting it in a future update.
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New 1.01.37 Public Beta Now Available!
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2016, 09:52:01 PM »
New 1.01.37 Public Beta Now Available!

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the West, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.

This updates the base War in the West and the Operation Torch expansion.

Change History:

V1.01.37 – 25 May 2016

New Features and Rule Changes

1. Added a new Living Manual that contains New Features and Rule Changes since the initial release of the game.

2. Added Optional City VP item to the Options screen. This impacts campaign games if toggled on. When on, the victory screen lists that the Allies start with -1200 city victory points due to this option. However, they can earn up to 1600 city victory points in total if they occupy the cities listed in the victory screen. When the cities are captured by the Allies, the points for the city are added to the total Optional City VP total, and this amount is also reflected in the Campaign column of the City Points. For example, at the start of the 1945 campaign, Paris (worth 400 points) and Antwerp (worth 200 points) are occupied by the Allies. Thus, the Optional City Points is equal to -600 (-1200+400+200), and this amount is reflected in the City Points Campaign score. The intention of this rule is to provide additional rewards for the Axis player to accept casualties and advance into Germany. While we recommend this game option for all games, we strongly suggest that this game option be turned on when not playing with the East Front Option. This prevents the Allies from accepting a Soviet takeover of Germany, while striving to maximize bombing points and minimize casualties. This was not politically acceptable to the Allies.

3. Display Change - Adjusted unit names on counters. Removed suffixes - st,nd,rd.

4. Display Change - Unit name is shown on counter of enemy units with detection 5 or greater.

5. Display Change – Added new elements to the battle report to provide more information regarding fort destruction.

a) Added combat intensity (CI) value (when relevant) to the battle report (small infantry symbol with number). If CI is over 15 and engineer value is >0 or if over 30, then it is relevant (per clarified fort level reduction rules below).

b) Added artillery fort reduction value to the battle report (small artillery symbol with number). This indicates the number of fort points reduced due to artillery fire (each point is 2% of a fort level).

c) Engineer value in battle report is the number of fort points destroyed by engineers (combined pre and post-odds destruction per clarified rules).

6. Improved map current hex cursor (should be better aligned with hex).

7. Formula Adjustment - Slightly reduced night air combat intensity.

8. East Front Option - We are now dealing with German air groups when using the East Front option the same way we deal with ground units. Added code to remove the duplicate air groups at game start when the EF option is selected, and disabled withdrawals (leaving withdrawal choices to the players as it is for ground units). This should remove some duplicate German air units in games using the EF option.

9. East Front Option - Made tweaks to East Front combat, offsetting the impact of other changes, to improve East Front balance.

10. Restricted OB upgrade if it is pointing to an invalid slot (ob type <1).

11. Editor - Added ability to mark/unmark units.

12. Manual correction/clarification (section – Forts can be reduced during combat in these ways:

a) From artillery fire during fire combat, with heavy artillery weapons causing the greatest reduction. These reductions are generally small fractional reductions.

b) If the attack was not halted, the full engineer value is applied prior to the odds calculation and may reduce the fort levels.

c) Once the final combat odds and intensity level of the combat is calculated (defined by the unit size of the attacking force where a division equals 9 points), forts may be destroyed if;

i. Odds are >= 1.5 or combat intensity is > 30 - automatic 50 point fort reduction (one full fort level reduction) and possibility of additional fort reduction based on the engineer value similar to part b) above but with the AE value divided by 2.

ii. Odds are >=1 and <1.5 or combat intensity is higher than 15 - 1/4 of engineer value attempts to reduce forts as in b) above.

d) Minesweeper and MSW Tanks count as two engineer squads for purposes of determining the engineering value.

e) This sentence in the original manual is void: In addition, if the attacking force is unable to force a retreat on the defender, but has a combat value ratio between 1:1 and 1:1.99, there is a chance that the defending fort level will be reduced up to one additional level, with fractional reductions once again possible.

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a memory leak (that could eventually cause the game to crash).

2. Fixes for the game load/save routine.

3. Fixed late war (1944) night fighter detection issue in the late war.

4. Fixed some text in logistics report where values reported in tons were not being divided by 4 (internal values are in 1/4 tons, so they need to be divided by 4).

5. Fixed bug where Support units in rail HQs were not getting supplies.

6. Some units that should not have been buildable (very high build limit) were being built. Fixed.

7. Vehicles lost in the supply phase due to enemy air interdiction were sometimes getting listed as lost without the vehicles actually being removed from the depot or pool as they should have been. Fixed.

8. Fixed map flicker in WITW after unit movement.

9. Rail path cache is now reset whenever rail usage in the hex is going up to the next “cost” level. The impact of this is that when rail capacity usage has altered the cost of continued use of a rail hex, the system will update and future rail paths will account for the added costs properly. This wasn’t always happening as often as it should have.

10. Fixed crash bug when browsing map near eastern border.

11. Fixed land combat bug that in theory might cause unintentional friendly fire (in practice we don’t think this bug impacted WitW).

12. Fixed possible CTD when swapping the planes during logistics.

13. Commanding HQ is not selected when very weak unit is taking part in the battle. Fixed.

14. Assault engineer value is not displayed in case of halted attack. Fixed.

15. Fixed issue when game options could be cleared by server game.

16. VP are not cleared when loading new scenario. Fixed.

17. Fixed option screen display in MP(Server) game.

18. Adjusted code to fix image scaling.

19. Fixed blinking text appearance (faster map draw).

20. Added fix for the potential player's access to enemy units.

Data and Scenario Changes

1. Updates to all scenario files. All files were scrubbed to fix issues with units that were incorrectly listed as temp motorized or motorized when they should have been non-motorized. The net is that in most scenarios the vehicle needs of units have dropped, but so have the number of vehicles in units.

2. Made corrections to the Build Limit of WitW artillery weapons that should be set to a build limit of 9999 (so they aren’t produced).

3. P-47D-5 and P47D-15 150 Drop Tank weapon set now available 2/1944.

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2016, 01:51:07 AM »
Gary Grigsby's War in the West has been updated to version 1.01.37!

You can download the update following this link

Check the Changelog below!

Version 1.01.37
New Features and Rule Changes

1. Added a new Living Manual that contains New Features and Rule Changes since the initial release of the game.

2. Added Optional City VP item to the Options screen. This impacts campaign games if toggled on. When on, the victory screen lists that the Allies start with -1200 city victory points due to this option. However, they can earn up to 1600 city victory points in total if they occupy the cities listed in the victory screen. When the cities are captured by the Allies, the points for the city are added to the total Optional City VP total, and this amount is also reflected in the Campaign column of the City Points. For example, at the start of the 1945 campaign, Paris (worth 400 points) and Antwerp (worth 200 points) are occupied by the Allies. Thus, the Optional City Points is equal to -600 (-1200+400+200), and this amount is reflected in the City Points Campaign score. The intention of this rule is to provide additional rewards for the Axis player to accept casualties and advance into Germany. While we recommend this game option for all games, we strongly suggest that this game option be turned on when not playing with the East Front Option. This prevents the Allies from accepting a Soviet takeover of Germany, while striving to maximize bombing points and minimize casualties. This was not politically acceptable to the Allies.

3. Display Change - Adjusted unit names on counters. Removed suffixes - st,nd,rd.

4. Display Change - Unit name is shown on counter of enemy units with detection 5 or greater.

5. Display Change – Added new elements to the battle report to provide more information regarding fort destruction a. Added combat intensity (CI) value (when relevant) to the battle report (small infantry symbol with number). If CI is over 15 and engineer value is >0 or if over 30, then it is relevant (per clarified fort level reduction rules below). b. Added artillery fort reduction value to the battle report (small artillery symbol with number). This indicates the number of fort points reduced due to artillery fire (each point is 2% of a fort level). c. Engineer value in battle report is the number of fort points destroyed by engineers (combined pre and post-odds destruction per clarified rules).

6. Improved map current hex cursor (should be better aligned with hex).

7. Formula Adjustment - Slightly reduced night air combat intensity.

8. East Front Option - We are now dealing with German air groups when using the East Front option the same way we deal with ground units. Added code to remove the duplicate air groups at game start when the EF option is selected, and disabled withdrawals (leaving withdrawal choices to the players as it is for ground units). This should remove some duplicate German air units in games using the EF option.

9. East Front Option - Made tweaks to East Front combat, offsetting the impact of other changes, to improve East Front balance.

10. Restricted OB upgrade if it is pointing to an invalid slot (ob type <1).

11. Editor - Added ability to mark/unmark units.

12. Manual correction/clarification (section – Forts can be reduced during combat in these ways: a) From artillery fire during fire combat, with heavy artillery weapons causing the greatest reduction. These reductions are generally small fractional reductions. b) If the attack was not halted, the full engineer value is applied prior to the odds calculation and may reduce the fort levels. c) Once the final combat odds and intensity level of the combat is calculated (defined by the unit size of the attacking force where a division equals 9 points), forts may be destroyed if; i. Odds are >= 1.5 or combat intensity is > 30 - automatic 50 point fort reduction (one full fort level reduction) and possibility of additional fort reduction based on the engineer value similar to part b) above but with the AE value divided by 2. ii. Odds are >=1 and <1.5 or combat intensity is higher than 15 - 1/4 of engineer value attempts to reduce forts as in b) above. d) Minesweeper and MSW Tanks count as two engineer squads for purposes of determining the engineering value. e) This sentence in the original manual is void: In addition, if the attacking force is unable to force a retreat on the defender, but has a combat value ratio between 1:1 and 1:1.99, there is a chance that the defending fort level will be reduced up to one additional level, with fractional reductions once again possible.

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a memory leak (that could eventually cause the game to crash).

2. Fixes for the game load/save routine.

3. Fixed late war (1944) night fighter detection issue in the late war.

4. Fixed some text in logistics report where values reported in tons were not being divided by 4 (internal values are in 1/4 tons, so they need to be divided by 4).

5. Fixed bug where Support units in rail HQs were not getting supplies.

6. Some units that should not have been buildable (very high build limit) were being built. Fixed.

7. Vehicles lost in the supply phase due to enemy air interdiction were sometimes getting listed as lost without the vehicles actually being removed from the depot or pool as they should have been. Fixed.

8. Fixed map flicker in WITW after unit movement.

9. Rail path cache is now reset whenever rail usage in the hex is going up to the next “cost” level. The impact of this is that when rail capacity usage has altered the cost of continued

use of a rail hex, the system will update and future rail paths will account for the added costs properly. This wasn’t always happening as often as it should have.

10. Fixed crash bug when browsing map near eastern border.

11. Fixed land combat bug that in theory might cause unintentional friendly fire (in practice we don’t think this bug impacted WitW).

12. Fixed possible CTD when swapping the planes during logistics.

13. Commanding HQ is not selected when very weak unit is taking part in the battle. Fixed.

14. Assault engineer value is not displayed in case of halted attack. Fixed.

15. Fixed issue when game options could be cleared by server game.

16. VP are not cleared when loading new scenario. Fixed.

17. Fixed option screen display in MP(Server) game.

18. Adjusted code to fix image scaling.

19. Fixed blinking text appearance (faster map draw).

20. Added fix for the potential player's access to enemy units.

Data and Scenario Changes
1. Updates to all scenario files. All files were scrubbed to fix issues with units that were incorrectly listed as temp motorized or motorized when they should have been non-motorized. The net is that in most scenarios the vehicle needs of units have dropped, but so have the number of vehicles in units.

2. Made corrections to the Build Limit of WitW artillery weapons that should be set to a build limit of 9999 (so they aren’t produced).

3. P-47D-5 and P47D-15 150 Drop Tank weapon set now available 2/1944.
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2016, 01:24:38 AM »
V1.01.44 Beta Patch

Hello Everyone,

We have a new update ready for Public Beta. If you have registered your copy of War in the West, you can download the latest beta update from our Members Club.

This updates the base War in the West and the Operation Torch expansion.

New Features and Rule Changes
1. Editor - Added the ability to see insignia art in the editor for ground units (like the air units).
2. Improved function which cleans plane structure.
3. Clarification – It’s been noted that a motorized unit can have a greater percentage of its max MPs than it has a percentage need for fuel. This is not a bug. Since units can be refueled during movement, this is possible. The unit will get an emergency resupply of fuel if it runs out of fuel as it moves. The shortage of fuel (and vehicles) can impact the unit’s starting MPs, but if it has MPs, it will get the emergency resupply if needed.
4. Added warning/confirmation message when trying to rebuild air groups with all zero ready/damaged/reserve percentage.

Bug Fixes
1. Fixed a movement calculation bug that was preventing players from being able to move units to some hexes they should be able to reach (had to do with movement over rivers).
2. Fixed EF screen appearance.
3. EF box units weren't getting replacements under some conditions (till first invasion or splitting of some units). Fixed.
4. Fixed unit supply bug in EFB where EFB units were not getting supply.
5. Fixed air group CR screen (duplicate All in filter removed, East Front units properly listed).
6. Scenario check utility in WITW should now ignore Soviet units.
7. Fixed air group CR screen.
8. Fixed several air group transfer bugs: a. incorrectly calculated transfer distances b. incorrectly calculated mileage c. source and destination air bases could be the same.
9. Units in refit mode were getting full replacements when in any depot hex (that had enough freight). This should only happen in national supply source depots. Fixed.
10. Available air groups for each model of aircraft are not displayed correctly in production screen. Fixed.
11. Editor - Build Size % and Build Ready % functions in the Editor/Ground unit menu are buggy. Fixed.
12. In limited production scenarios 100% of fuel of consumed. Fixed.
13. Fixed replacement bug, when empty items in non-native OB slots are not receiving replacements.
14. Fixed unit/OB slot selection routine.
15. Fixed small ground element replacement bug.
16. Fixed CR unit tab/received supply sorting display bug.
17. Game hangs up during Allied AI movement phase. Fixed.
18. Fixed map factory icon appearance in air planning and city recon display modes.
19. Fixed CR air group type filter ALL/NONE buttons.
20. Adjusted OB-Unit mapping system and hooked it to the replacement code.
21. Fixed air group load out display.
22. Unable to access map editor in some earlier versions. Fixed.

Data and Scenario Changes
1. Corrected 9 of the generic data files that had been corrupted. These files are only used when modding so they had no impact on scenarios.
2. Changes in ob and ground data files: a) Moved the introduction date of the Commonwealth Pioneer Section from 1/44 to 7/43. b) All Sherman IIC Fireflies have been replaced with Sherman IC Fireflies in the TOE file. c) Corrected Motor Section in British Armored Car Regiment to earlier section. d) Corrected Scout Section in Free French Commando Battalion to earlier section.
3. Fixed some Allied unit OBs that were using the wrong nationality support squads. In addition, the Gurkha brigade is now an Indian Brigade with Indian support.
4. Changed 3 aircraft photos and added a new aircraft photo.
5. Changes to Scenarios: a. Some mismatched nation support squads fixed across all scenarios b. 1944 campaigns, Breaching Gothic, B&P, Op Diadem: added two missing german SP Flak factories to Frankfurt/Main and Cottbus, producing either 10/4, 251/17 or 251/21. c. In certain scenarios the air unit Stab/JG 5 was changed from wrong Staffel size to correct Schwarm size d. Some invalid HHQs fixed in campaigns e. Some organization changes to German StuG units to ensure some get a special organization and others don't f. 4th Supreme Command adapted to new ground element/OB files, some minor HHQ issues fixed g. 540 RAF Rec Sqn was mistakenly set up as naval-only in GC 43 and 4th SC h. GC45 - Invalid Sherman IIC Firefly replaced by IC in some units, most changed to VCI.(Pzj)/SG 9: disabled, formed from multiple existing units i. Changed/Added depots to ensure Freight deliveries to distant/island bases
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2016, 01:28:23 AM »
Public Beta hotfix 1.01.48

At the base of this post please find a hotfix for the 1.01.44 public beta. For those playing the 1.01.37 version, you should stay with that. For those interested in the public beta and thus using 1.01.44, you should download this hotfix. The hotfix is a zip file that contains an exe file. Extract this file to the Matrix Games/Gary Grigsby's War in the West directory so that it overrides the .exe file (if you have Steam, you would need to find the folder that contains the exe used by Steam and extract it there). This fixes the Multiplayer bug that prevents creating a new game, and also makes the game playable on XP systems once again. There are some other changes as noted below. Given the full production queue at Matrix at this time of year, it's likely that it will be at least several weeks before a full public beta installer goes out with this version.

1.01.48 Hotfix Changes

1. Game should once again function on Windows XP.
2. Game code optimization and performance improvement (map drawing, path calculation, etc).

Bug Fixes
1. Air Directive staging base is not recalculating before air planning. Fixed.
2. Fixed air group flying path weather calculation.
3. Oil in Marseille went negative. Fixed.
4. Fixed MP game crash.
5. In recent versions, the disabled pool was killing off 1% of its contents each turn. This should not have been happening. Fixed.
6. City detail screen text can appear with wrong font. Fixed.
7. GS/RAD/OT engineers are not repairing airbases/depots/factories. Fixed.
8. Game fails to find depot for the player 2 (WA/SU) engineers when they repairing rails. Fixed.
9. Fixed Editor bug when rebuilding air bases.
10. Disable automatic air base removal for the airbase units with no HHQ.
11. Fixed City editor scroll refresh when searching for the city.

Download (2.2MB):
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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2016, 05:30:44 AM »
Results after Operation Husky on NORMAL difficulty. Up to then I had done a few rounds at EASY and was able to take Messina. The Herman Goering Div held onto the city in this last go around, but still had a "victory".

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2016, 01:11:32 PM »
Very nice dude!
Do you have to have units on the victory locations to get the points for them or just control the area?

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Re: Gary Grigsby's War in the West
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2016, 01:17:31 PM »
Nice one brah

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