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Author Topic: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion  (Read 145735 times)

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #210 on: March 20, 2018, 01:17:13 PM »
CMANO 1.14.2 Update - Changelog
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations WOTY - SlithFox

Hi everyone,

CMANO has been updated to version 1.14.2.

•   FIXED: Steam client running under Windows 7/8 may fail to properly initialize.
•   Lua: Clean up mission types
•   Lua: SetSideOptions - ability to switch to the side
•   Lua: Added hotkey to copy highlighted RPs to clipboard (Ctrl + Z)
•   Lua: Fixed: SetMission for Patrol wasn't setting zones properly
•   Lua: SetUnitSide failing to assign group to the side unit list
•   FIXED: JASSM EMP doesn't fire because the fuel qty calcs cannot determine impact
•   FIXED: Strike-Tutorial campaign mode: Finishing scenario #4 leads to scenario #4 again
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #211 on: April 27, 2018, 03:49:35 PM »
Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision has been announced!

 For decades, the conflict between India and Pakistan has been one of the most dangerous for its ramifications ever occurred. The two countries have always tried to switch the balance of power in their favour, seeking alliances among other nations of the area and increasing their military expenditure steadily.

The clash has reached recently a new escalation as a border incident has caused the death of some visiting British officers. Pakistan’s waffling diplomacy angers the British military and public, and as the subcontinent edges closer to war, London has New Delhi’s back. But Beijing has Islamabad’s as well, with waves of modern Chinese equipment being “purchased” by Pakistan and being crewed by either “Volunteers” or “contractors” that mysteriously “quit” the PLA.

Read the analysis below to get prepared for what is coming!
Get more information about Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision from its official product page!

•   Playable as the India-UK or Pakistan-China alliances.
•   Battle with or against a fleet of multiple aircraft carriers that includes the brand-new HMS Queen Elizabeth and INS Vikrant, along with the Type 45 destroyer.
•   Attack or defend a target set that includes seaport facilities, a deployed brigade, and even an admiral in his personal aircraft.
•   Coordinate the efforts of units that vary wildly in capability. Each side has a mixture of western and eastern platforms that range from fresh and untested to old and obsolete in terms of individual quality. Knowing the strengths and limits of each one is key to victory.
•   Control such potential game changers as the CM-400AKG anti-ship missile, F-35 stealth fighter, Astute-class submarine, and Soar Dragon high-altitude drone.
•   Command a force with fewer resources than a Nimitz CSG or Backfire regiment, making intelligent planning and asset management necessary. 

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #212 on: May 08, 2018, 08:42:00 PM »
Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision out on May 10th!

Will you lead the most impressive Carrier Task force ever gathered after World War II or will you take the opportunity to destroy it?

Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision will be released on May 10th!

Get more information about the game from its official Product Page

The game is also on Steam

Main Features

- Playable as the India-UK or Pakistan-China alliances.
- Battle with or against a fleet of multiple aircraft carriers that includes the brand-new HMS Queen Elizabeth and INS Vikrant, along with the Type 45 destroyer.
- Attack or defend a target set that includes seaport facilities, a deployed brigade, and even an admiral in his personal aircraft.
- Coordinate the efforts of units that vary wildly in capability. Each side has a mixture of western and eastern platforms that range from fresh and untested to old and obsolete in terms of individual quality. Knowing the strengths and limits of each one is key to victory.
- Control such potential game changers as the CM-400AKG anti-ship missile, F-35 stealth fighter, Astute-class submarine, and Soar Dragon high-altitude drone.
- Command a force with fewer resources than a Nimitz CSG or Backfire regiment, making intelligent planning and asset management necessary.
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #213 on: May 10, 2018, 03:38:06 PM »
Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision is out

The redde rationem has arrived. The HMS Queen Elizabeth and its Type 45 destroyers’ escort group has joined the Indian carrier Vikrant.

Together they are ready to retaliate against Pakistani forces, after the recent deaths of several British visiting officers killed by a rocket strike coming from the Pakistani border.


But Islamabad won’t just sit down and wait for the unavoidable attack. Intelligence is reporting that Beijing has been more than willing to provide anti-ship missiles and hardware to Musallah Afwaj-e-Pakistan (Pakistani Armed Forces), specifically conceived to kill supercarriers. 

Who will prevail?

Command LIVE: Commonwealth Collision the eighth instalment in the Command LIVE series, has been released! This new episode explores a scenario in which the supremacy of carriers in modern naval conflicts will be put to a decisive test!
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #214 on: May 10, 2018, 04:12:49 PM »
Command Modern Air Naval Operations series has been updated to version 1.14.3

You can download the link from here

CMANO 1.14.3 changelog

•   FIXED: Lua bug that occurs on 1% of intel updates on "The Enemy Below"
•   FIXED: Not being able to progress TSS campaign after reaching the pass-score on scen #4
•   FIXED: Campaign name not showing up for "The Silent Service" when browsing campaign saves
•   FIXED: Torpedo hitting a sub 1000ft deeper
•   FIXED: Deployed RVs from MRV-armed ICBM (not MIRV-armed) are treated as ICBMs, causing a silent null crash
•   FIXED: ASW helos evaluate wrong parameter, preventing them from deploying dipping sonar on ASW Strike missions
•   FIXED: Prevent helicopters from chasing after subs under ice
•   FIXED: Sea Control mission adds and drops targets continously
•   FIXED: Mission Editor Assigned Units display issue
•   FIXED: DB Viewer launch altitude errors
•   FIXED: Submarines operating on the surface were not able to use radar/ESM/periscope at high speed
•   FIXED: Right-clicking on unit, while DB viewer is already open, prevents the context menu from appearing
•   FIXED: When re-selecting the same unit, don't re-load the DB viewer window if it's already open
•   FIXED: Ship condition in dock not being retained between saves
•   FIXED: Campaign description not being editable as HTML
•   FIXED: "Campaign" window slow to show up when numerous campaign-save files are present
•   FIXED: RTB/Called-off problem for helicopters landing on ships
•   FIXED: Repeating POSSUB messages if sub has been destroyed but torpedoes are still present
•   FIXED: SM-6 going autonomous is going dumb because it is targeted at a surface ship
•   FIXED: Winchester/Shotgun check is not evaluating mount damage
•   FIXED: #12303 - "Primary Stores for Loadout Not Available" message when changing loadouts, despite "Unlimited Base Magazines" feature enabled
•   Tweaks to submarine dive/climb rates (they now partially depend on true-water speed, so e.g. a sub at high speed will rise faster)
•   AI tweak: Do not re-check bingo state of members when evaluating slow-down due to Bingo
•   UI tweak: Notify player (through message log) when sub forcefully dives due to threat
•   UI tweak: Added "Filter-out" and "Mark Position" to the Contacts Tool-Strip
•   UI tweaks to ORBAT window:
-   Positioned Group/Mission to top of nodes.
-   Added +/- keys to expand/collapse nodes
•   [Lua] Added method to set the current scenario's date & time (ScenEdit_SetTime)
•   [Lua] Added "GetLoadout" method
•   [Lua] Added .hostFacility property to unit wrapper
•   [Lua] You can now apply a delta template via SE_UpdateUnit (Example: ScenEdit_UpdateUnit({guid='2cd64757-1b66-4609-ad56-df41bee652e5',mode='delta',file='new.ini'}))
•   [Lua] Added property "DesiredHeading" on Lua ActiveUnit wrapper and on AddUnit/SetUnit parameters (This solves the issue where static facilities placed via Lua will always rotate to North even if explicitly placed with another heading).
•   [Lua] Added method GetBuildNumber that returns the current exe build version. Scen authors can use this info to alter Lua logic depending on feature availability.
•   [Lua] Added method "SE_UpdateUnitCargo"
•   SBR: Added any unit damage to the delta template.
•   Allow player to manually force a sub to go over the wire-breakage speed when guiding torpedoes
•   Various performance tweaks
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #215 on: May 15, 2018, 02:09:36 PM »
CMANO Update is Live

Update to 1.14.3 which went live together with Commonwealth Collision.

Here are the fixes:
* FIXED: Sub at periscope depth unable to snorkel due to a rounding error
* FIXED: [B998.8] Submarine at 0 speed unable to rise to surface
* FIXED: Event unit filter not filtering by target type for specific unit
* FIXED: Possible null-reference crash at startup if the \Config folder is not present
* FIXED: Navigation waypoints of selected unit do not display selection caret
* FIXED: Spratly island facilities in COW#11 (Air-Sea Battle) cannot be attacked because they are considered underwater
* FIXED: EA-03 Soar Dragon altitude
* FIXED: Slow-climb issue for large-size aircraft (requires rebuilding with v474 DB)
* FIXED: Possible Error: F-15E Strike Eagle, USAF 2016 AIM-120D

* UI: If a secondary form is outside (or almost completely so) of the visible desktop area, re-center it
* Includes updated terrain elevation data for the Chinese artificial reefs/islands.
* Includes the v474 versions of the DB3000 and CWDB databases.
* Includes updated versions of "Commonwealth Collision" and "Black Gold Blitz" rebuilt with DB3000 v474.
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #217 on: June 22, 2018, 06:25:25 PM »
SirAndrew's tutoprials now available for all!

Hi all,

With SirAndrew's kind permission, his new tutorials for Command are now available to all CMANO users! (Until now only owners of the full game could use them).

Download from here:

Unzip to your [CMANO]\Scenarios\Tutorials folder to use them.

The tutorials include:
* A full tutorial series on modern air-to-air combat
* A tutorial to the evolution of air combat from WW2 to the present
* A tutorial for cargo operations
* A tutorial for ASW operations
* A tutorial for mine-laying and mine-sweeping operations

Have fun!
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #218 on: July 30, 2018, 06:12:42 PM »
Command v1.14 update - Build 998.10


To apply: Unzip into your existing CMANO installation folder.

(This update should also become available through Steam and Matrix-Updater after a few days).

Build 998.10 Release Notes (changes/additions from B998.9)

* FIXED: Weapons with datalink + TSARH guidance (e.g. SM-2/Aegis) evaluated their illumination/blind status throughout their flight instead of just on terminal mode. This rendered all but the very first weapons in an AAW salvo blind, as in this example:
* FIXED: ARMs fired in BOL mode dive straight into the ground upon reaching the seeker activation point
* Fixed: #12451 - Sub under AI control not recharging battery
* FIXED: Timed events not triggering when game runing exactly 24 hours
* FIXED: Sim-freeze if unit cannot find a suitable place to move for cargo mission
* FIXED: AI-controlled platform not taking kinematic-range torpedo shots when relevant doctrine option is enabled
* FIXED: Can take control of cut-wire torpedo by an indirect GUI trick
* Added: Check for IR sensors when evaluating submarine mast sensors
* Added: Submarines only use "Mk1 Eyeball" when on the surface (ie. not on periscope depth)
* Lua: Added 'remove' option to SE_SetEvent()
* Lua: Added weapon causing damage to Event_Damaged/Destroyed
* Lua: Added property 'classname' to unit wrapper
* Lua: Clear Lua.UnitY on Damage/Destroy Event
* Lua: Fixed event crash due to invalid object
* Tweak: #12427 - Add feedback to cargo mission

* Includes the v475 update for the DB3000 database.

* Significant DB3000 database update: Added discrete sensors for submarine periscopes & masts, including 50+ periscope and photonics mast types and components; Mk1 Eyeball is now only available when submarines are surfaced.

Other DB additions/changes:

Added floating wreckage and debris entry
Added generic UAV launch truck
Added invisible ship marker
Corrected abnormally fast fuel consumption for certain UAVs
Corrected entry for Long Track [P-40] 1S12 radar to 3D Air Search
Corrected explosive (and therefore damage point) values for AIM-9 and AIM-120 warheads
Corrected signatures for buouys
Improved RCS for stealth UCAVs
Implemented Supreme's renaming suggestions
Added anti-surface capability for RIM-116 RAM
Added generic C2/C3 vehicle
Added generic sector controle vehicle
Added generic UAV mobile control station

Added retirement date for Australian S-70B-2 and Squirrel helicopters
Updated Australian Oberon class SSKs
Updated in-service date for Australian P-8s
Corrected loadouts for HAWK 127 to reflect ADEN 30mm as gun pod, not mount
Added G550 SIGINT
Added GBU-53/B SDB II loadout for F-35A

Added A 140 Atlantico (Ex UK Ocean class)

Added AK-630 x 2 to stern of Type 818 CGV
Added CH-5 UCAV for China
Added CH-500 helo-UAV with Blue Arrow-9 (BA-9) ASM for China
Added Chinese SF Units
Added Wing Loong II UCAV
Added Z-11J unarmed utility helicopter
Added Z-11W light attack helicopter
Added Z-11WB light recon helicopter
Added Z-18G for People's Liberation Army
Added Z-20 for China
Corrected altitude parameters for Soar Eagle ELINT drone
Increased hangar size for Chinese Type 055
Updated name and pennant number for new Chinese 901 AOE
Corrected excessively high speed for DA42 variants

Added 2014 version of Kfir C.10 (I-Derby, GBU-49, new radar, DECM and ELINT)

Added FIM-92 Stingers for Finland

Updated cargo data for DHC-5 Buffalo

Added Puma Pirate gunship
Added Cougar Horizon helicopter
Added Patroller UAV for France

Added CH-47D for Hellenic Army
Added OH-58D for Hellenic Army
Added F-16V for Hellenic Air Force

Added MQ-9B Guardian UAV for India

Added Nimrod Missile for Israeli CH-53s
Added Yasur 2025 [CH-53C]
Added Yasur 2000 [CH-53C]
Added retirement date for F-16/B Netz
Added GBU-31 loadout for F-16CG/DG Blk 40 Falcon [Barak]

Renamed Type 74 SPH
Added C-2 SIGINT mod

Added Hainan Class subchaser for Myanmar

New Zealand
Added P-8s for New Zealand

Added P-8A Poseidon for Norway

Added JF-17B and Export Designations

Updated F-16A/B engines, also added AGM-65 and CRV-70 loadouts

Added Beriev A-100 "Premier" AWACS for Russia
Added Borei-II class SSBN for Russia
Added cockpit and engine armour for MiG-23B/BN and MiG-27
Added extra armour for Su-17s in Afghanistan
Added Iron-Bomb loadout for Su-27SM3
Added Khabarovsk-class submarine (Project 09851) for Russia
Added An-71 Madcap AEW (Hypothetical)
Added MAWS for Su-35
Added retirement date for "Kerch" (last of Kara-class CG)
Added Uragan-1M dual-calibre MLRS
Added Yankee Notch ability to launch SS-N-21b (Hypothetical)
Corrected an issue with the Kh-58/AS-11 Kilter missile
Corrected number of R-77/AA-12 channels for Su-27SM/SM3 Flanker B
Corrections to various Russian radar mast heights (40V6MT Universal Mobile Mast)
Improved KAB-series reliability
Improved SA-20 PoK
Improved USET-80KM
Implemented Sharana's Russian aircraft loadout updates
Updated armour values on various Russian helicopters
Updated entry for Yankee Notch submarines with new info
Updated Kanyon/Status-6 warhead
Updated sensor data for Bull Nose MGK-355EM Zarya-3 sonar
Updated sensor data for Slot Back [V-004] radar

Saudi Arabia
Added LCS for Saudi Arabia
Added MH-60R for Saudia Arabia

South Africa
Added paratroop loadouts for South African C-47s
Added Valkiri MLRS

South Korea
Corrected Boom Refuelling for South Korean MRTT

Updated in-service date for Spanish S-80 submarine

Added retirement date for Taiwanese S-2T Trackers

Added Anka-I SIGINT UAV for Turkey
Added Bayraktar Tactical UAS for Turkey
Added Bayraktar TB2 UCAV for Turkey

Added Ukrainian Frogfoot (Su-25M1)

United Arab Emirates
Added Wing Loong II UCAV for UAE

United Kingdom
Added Gurkha Infantry for UK
Added Protector UAV for UK
Corrected excessively high speed for DA42 variants

United States
Added MQ-9B Guardian UAV for US Customs
Added Multi-Mission Launcher (MML)
Added Hypersonic Air-launched Weapon Concept (HAWC) HCM prototype
Added Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW) HCM prototype
Added Search & Rescue loadouts for MH-60S
Added SH-3G and UH-3H cargo/utility variants
Added Davit (Small) x 4 to LPHs
Updated USS Ponce entry to reflect out of service 2017
Updated cargo capacity for UH-1N Huey (USMC) Marines x 4 and Hydra loadout
Updated cargo capacity for LCP
Added JASSM-ER loadout for F-15E
Added capability for Mk6 Patrol Boat to be carried by larger ships
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #219 on: August 13, 2018, 02:46:24 PM »
CMANO 1.14.4 update is out - Gurka inside!
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations WOTY - SlithFox

Excellent news! CMANO 1.14.4 update has been released!

For the first time, UK can deploy its fearsome Gurka as infantry unit!

See above post for changelog

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #220 on: September 05, 2018, 11:21:49 PM »
Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise announced

An almost forgotten conflict is on the brink of erupting dramatically. The dispute over the Kuril Islands, claimed by the Japanese but held by Moscow since the end of WWII, is turning hot again thanks to an increased presence of nationalists and populists on both governments.

The JGSDF has traditionally been concentrated in Hokkaido already, but airborne and amphibious units have moved there, ostensibly for exercises.

The Russians, familiar with that excuse to concentrate forces, have become more suspicious than ever. Not helping the situation is raucous demonstrators on both sides sailing towards either the Kuriles or Hokkaido in small boats. Several have been killed and dozens more detained.

The situation is getting critical hour after hour.

Get more information about Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise from its official Product Page

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #221 on: September 24, 2018, 12:44:34 PM »
Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise out on October 11th!

Recent frictions over the Kuril Islands seem to have bolstered the extremists in Tokyo and Moscow alike and now Russian and Japanese forces are mobilizing! 

Our team dispatched to the area has just sent a news report on the situation

Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise will be released on October 11th!

Get more information about the game from its official Product Page
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #222 on: October 11, 2018, 12:50:10 PM »
Command: Modern Air Naval Operation Updated to Version v1.14.5

Hi everybody!

CMANO has been updated to version v1.14.5!

You can download the update from here

Read the full changelog below:

v1.14.5 Patchnotes
•   Added: Lua method to retrieve onboard Cargo from unit/group
•   UI Tweak: Don't show 'Un/load cargo' button if unit can't do cargo ops (This helps users knowing if cargo operaration can be performed on unit)
•   UI Tweak: Suppress Load/Unload button if cargo unit wont fit
•   UI Tweak: cargo limited type check - overstated
•   Fixed: Autonomous ARH weapon, without active datalink, automagically being cued to its target without having detected it itself
•   Fixed: Editing mounts on a docked platform fails
•   Fixed: Exception on un/load when a/c has no cargo
•   Fixed: #12392 - [Lua] ferry behavour error
•   Fixed: #12419 - Cargo disappears in airbase group
•   Fixed: [Lua] SE_UnitY() - failing if no sensor used on contact (unusual but valid)
•   Fixed: [Lua] DEPTH keyword is not handling 'FT' or 'M' ; not making value below
•   SL
•   Fixed: #12426: Cargo mission -add to issue list when no availbe carrier for cargo
•   Fixed: Unload cargo not transferrring from target.
•   Fixed: Anti-torpedo torpedoes base PH
•   Fixed: Submarine depth oscillation
•   Fixed: Color-coded cargo items that won't load
•   Includes support for the new Command-LIVE scenario "Kuril Sunrise".
•   Includes a full import .inst) set of Italian cities, installations and units by Roberto Mezzi (Roby7979).
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #223 on: October 11, 2018, 02:47:46 PM »
Command LIVE - Kuril Sunrise is out

Product page here

The populist wave that has swept across the world has reached Japan. With a jittery economy and scandals in the previous government on the minds of the public the government that emerges following a set of snap elections is more nationalist and populist than ever. The new prime minister has set his eyes on the long-disputed Kuril Islands, repeatedly claiming them for Tokyo in numerous speeches.


The JGSDF has traditionally been concentrated in Hokkaido already, but airborne and amphibious units have moved there, ostensibly for exercises. The Russians, familiar with that excuse to concentrate forces, have become more suspicious than ever. Not helping the situation is raucous demonstrators on both sides sailing towards either the Kuriles or Hokkaido in small boats. Several have been killed and dozens more detained.
The Russians have been slipping troops in, but an improvised convoy has been readied at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to carry much heavier forces to Kunashir and Iturup. Should it reach the islands safely, the Japanese goal of taking them without excessive casualties will be impossible. On the other hand, if it's sunk, the Kuriles are Japan's for the taking. The stakes are thus extremely high.
Due to the (previously) anti-invasion nature of the JSDF and the traditional Soviet/Russian defensive doctrine at sea, both sides have an impressive array of sea denial weapons.
The question is which shall prove superior?


•   Playable as Russia or Japan.
•   21st Century convoy warfare. Using advanced aircraft, ships, and submarines, face the challenge of either escorting or attacking a convoy of civilian ferries. Which previous tactics will work and which ones will not in a new era?
•   Control advanced submarines. The nuclear vs. diesel dispute is on as the Yasen and Akula II submarines on the Russian side face the Soryu and Oyashio SSKs on the Japanese side. The strengths and weaknesses of both types are on display.
•   Fight the air battle with upgraded F-15s and Su-27s alongside classics like the F-4 and MiG-29.
•   Plan carefully. Each side has its own technological or logistical weakness the other can exploit.

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #224 on: November 08, 2018, 11:21:38 PM »
Command v1.14 Update - Build 998.13


To apply: Unzip the zipfile to the CMANO installation folder (back up the existing Command.exe, just in case).

Build 998.13 Release Notes (changes/additions from B998.12)

* MAJOR FIX: Resolved the long-standing issue of "blind AMRAAM shots":

- Units firing AAW ARH weapons (e.g. AMRAAM) must now actively detect the target on their own radar before being able to fire the weapon (ie. it's no longer enough to receive offboard contact from e.g. AWACS and fire based purely on that). This makes it much more challenging to employ AMRAAM-class weapons against stealthy targets or in a heavy-OECM environment.

- After launching an AMRAAM-class weapon, the unit must still keep detecting the contact in order to provide mid-course guidance to the missile. If radar contact is lost for more than 5 seconds, the missile goes into a "blind" state and flies stright ahead (similar to SARH weapons who lose guidance). (Appropriate AI/EMCON logic has been added to encourage this).

Note that CEC-capable weapons can still be launched and mid-guided by a suitable outside datalink-parent platform, as before.

* FIXED: Text on checkbox controls not aligned vertically with checkbox
* FIXED: No space between aircraft name & class when refreshing aircraft hosted on air-facility
* FIXED: #10799: [B845] Ships overland
* FIXED: Contact recent detections not persisted on scenario save/load
* FIXED: Jitter when ship is constantly turning
* FIXED: Sub drives across island in its way
* FIXED: Mine Laying mission - Ships don't RTB when out of mines
* FIXED: Wrong tab-key order on controls on "Edit AC"
* FIXED: Freeze in weapon fuel re-calculation
* FIXED: [B1018] "Weapon impact" icon persists
* Fixed: Event trigger cloning - not getting a new oblect for target Filter and Area
* Fixed: Color-coded cargo items that wont load
* Fixed: Exception on un/load when a/c has no cargo
* Fixed: #12543 - Don't reset Ready time if no cargo moved
* Fixed: Allow ship Ferry missions (via Lua) Part 1
* Mission Editor UI addition: Buttons to re-order list of strike targets
* Tweak: Don't show 'Un/load cargo' button if unit can't do cargo ops
* Tweak: Cargo Ops Control - user-friendly changes
* Tweak: Suppress Load/Unload button if cargo unit wont fit
* Tweak: cargo limited type check - overstated
* Lua: "embarkedUnits" and "assignedUnits" properties for unit wrapper
* Lua: SelectedUnits() returns a table of unts selected on the map
* "Load Scenario" window UI tweak: make it clearer to user if a matching DB is missing
* Added "DBVersion" field to scenario container XML (read-only)
* Allow cargo to be unloaded direct from a base
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