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Author Topic: How far are we into the development ?  (Read 6270 times)

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Offline Wiggum

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How far are we into the development ?
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:35:37 PM »
Hi !

How far are you in the actual coding of the game/engine ?
Is the UI coding already in progress ?

Until now we have only seen mockups, and it looks like we are not beyond the concept phase.
The feature list sounds impressive but if we are in such a early stage and with maybe only a few lines of code written its hard to believe this will be the final features of the game.
For example:
16 player multiplayer, is this worth the work ?
Most people will play 1 vs 1.
How will battle results be entered back and processed ?
Why do we already talk about 6 DLCs, this could be done after release.
Why talk about MAC and mobile versions ?
Most indie developers focus on one platform for their first game.

Are the coders you are working with experienced in game development ?
Which engine will they use ?
A existing one or your own ?

Thanks and keep up the work.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 08:40:32 PM by Wiggum »
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Offline A Canadian Cat

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2015, 09:15:44 PM »
Not my project so hopefully Matt will chime in with more but I have a few thoughts on answers to your questions.

Most people will play 1 vs 1.

Actually there is a good chance that most people will play 1 v AI.

Why do we already talk about 6 DLCs, this could be done after release.

Nothing wrong with having a road map.

Why talk about MAC and mobile versions ?
Most indie developers focus on one platform for their first game.

Actually if you want to create a program that is multi platform it is actually much better to start multi platform than to write for one and then "figure out how to make it work on the other" later. 
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2015, 09:35:02 PM »
The game mechanics are ready for beta testing. The programming lags much farther behind. The back end code and the UI is all in progress, we just don't have much to show right now...though we hope to have more to show by late October. Frankly, the mockups we showed wouldn't look much different if it were plugged into our game code, but I didn't want to misrepresent where we are at in the development process.

Programming has been under way since February of 2014, but it has been SLOW. Has anyone ever tried to complete a technically complex project on a purely volunteer effort when you had to go out and recruit those volunteers? Besides constant turnover, varying levels of interest and motivation, not having any leverage (because you aren't paying them), and painfully slow programming (work being done only when they have spare time) it's been super easy...Not! ;) A lot of effort has been put forth, we just don't much to show for it right now in terms of programming. However, 2 programmers have stepped forward and are wiling to work on this as long as they gain enough funds to "keep the lights on". That is why we are going the crowdfunding route.

I have tons to show people with all the spreadsheets, data, and algorithms, but I want to excite people, not put them to sleep.  :) I have consulted with the programmers face-to-face on 2 different occasions and there is nothing on our list of features that concerns them with the resources they have available to them. I have never tried to imply that we were any more than what we are right now: a few guys trying to make a computer game for grognards, so the features may change somewhat with further development. Due to the early stage of programming I have avoided being specific on items that may change fact there are some features I havn't talked about publicly till we see how development proceeds. But you see the core of what we are trying to accomplish.

16-player- may not be worth the effort once we get in to it, but it is the goal. We may bring it back to 8 if we hit the law of diminishing returns. This much is for sure; it will be more than just 2-player capable and be cooperative.

Players will be prompted for specific information based on the OOB they were given from the game when a tactical battle is played out manually. Primarily the game will want to know length of battle, who holds the battlefield, and the casualties to specific units. Once the information is entered the results will be displayed and the game will continue.

6DLC's-Simply put, I had to assign rewards/incentives for different funding levels and if you gave enough money you would earn up to 6 DLC's. There will be A LOT of different DLC's as we hit different theaters and time periods of the war.

Mac-because we are going to have a Mac version! We are using Unity and it will be simple to have both a Mac and PC version, or so the programmers tell me.

Mobile-because my crew includes a guy who does mobile and is interested in doing this game! We are not doing anything with mobile till we have our PC version ready, but once we start generating some revenue it appears that we will be able to start with mobile development. Furthermore I have gotten a fair amount of feedback from mobile users indicating interest, but they are not the primary market at the moment.

Yes, the two lead programmers each have around 3 years of experience in game development. We have other advisors and consultants we affiliate with too with lots of experience.


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Offline choppinlt

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2015, 09:43:35 PM »
The Canadian Cat speaks wisely!  ;) The only thing I will add that the level of funding support will be directly proportional the complexity of the AI. We will be capable of single-player, but this will be an area that will be improved with greater funding support. In summary: more money better AI.
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Offline Asid

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 11:44:54 PM »
Most people will play 1 vs 1.

Single player is a huge market. Not everyone wants multi-player. Some people do not have the time to play when others can. Some simply can't due to geography...and sometimes an angry wife.....Not having single player would be detrimental. I know this sim will have it.

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Offline choppinlt

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2015, 12:40:00 AM »
Agreed Asid, it is a huge market and I would be remiss to exclude it. In fact AI is something I discussed at great length to better understand programming limiting factors, because AI was something that I was concerned with. I was reassured that AI was going to be included, but it would NOT include complex "learning" AI unless we acquired a lot more money to dedicate much more effort.

By the way, when i talk of "resources, advisors and consultants" I am not trying to be vague, or use smoke and mirrors. There are a few people in the gaming industry who wish not to be directly identified, but they want to see the game succeed and will provide occasional inputs. Furthermore, most of my crew are graduates of The Ohio State University, one of the largest research universities in the world. Plus we live near campus. So I am primarily referring to the resources and contacts due to our affiliation and locality with the university. This is where I have developed most of my support.
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: How far are we into the development ?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2015, 02:48:22 AM »
Asid, you reminded me of another important aspect. The WeGo style coupled with any of the following 1) the possibility of a dedicated server 2) probable peer to peer hosting, or 3) probable PBEM capability will prevent the absolute need for all players to be participating at the same time. So when your wife is angry (and mine gets that way often ;)), or when your kids are screaming, or your timing for availability doesn't coincide with others, you can still make decent progress. This is also where mobile development comes in. If you are bored in a meeting at work, stuck in the lou (yes I said that just from my British friends out there), or otherwise away from your computer you could still participate with a tablet, and possibly a smart phone. If that doesn't interest you, I know lots of people who do find it attractive. I am also hoping this helps open a new market that may not otherwise get into this kind of game, but that will remain to be seen.
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