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Author Topic: Graviteam Tactics: Changes in armor penetration charts  (Read 5608 times)

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Graviteam Tactics: Changes in armor penetration charts
« on: September 06, 2015, 01:47:17 AM »
Changes in armor penetration charts
4 February 2014 at 11:26

Classic charts will remain only in the encyclopedia. Indication and effect of the slope angle of armor plates will be added.

Real armor penetration chart.

Advanced LOF and automatically drawn tactical diagrams

Now about changes related to line of fire.

An ability to lock LOF on a target was added. Click on the target, and LOF will be tracking it automatically.

Next novelty: automatically drawn tactical diagrams for vehicles.

Tactical diagram is drawn for the vehicle targeted by LOF. It is linked to the main weapon of the vehicle for which LOF is being checked. Stug III F/8 in this case.

Diagram considers all ammunition types, the relative bearing and the slope angle of armor. Projectile color coding is exactly the same as in the statistics: yellow - APCR, green - HEAT, red - AP.

The arrow on the diagram shows the relative position of the weapon in the coordinate system of the diagram. If the arrow is inside petal corresponding to the projectile, the projectile can penetrate armor at the given distance and under these angles. The corresponding petal becomes highlighted (as in the statistics).

If the projectile cannot penetrate, petal remains dark. If penetration can be achieved from more than 30% of all possible relative bearings in the sector, the arrow is colored blue.

Armor penetration can be evaluated by three "slices": the lower and upper part of hull, and turret. Switching is done by right-clicking.

Diagram is drawn dynamically and tracks all movements and rotations.

In case the selected unit acquire a target (vehicle), an inverse diagram is drawn in order to be able to evaluate potential effect on your vehicle.

In this case, we can see effects of the F-34 gun of the T-34 tank (summer 1943 loadout) on Stug III F/8.

Cyan color indicates shrapnel projectile with fuse set on impact. Open petals indicate that armor can be penetrated from distances of more than 1.5 km (the game database contains entries roughly up to this distance).

Range ticks on the diagram: small ticks - 100 m, large - 500 m, concentric rings - 500 m. Radial dashes - 15 degrees. Dashed petals represent projectile effect without taking into account the armor slope.

Tactical diagram is shown both in 3D, and map.

Realworld armor penetration diagrams

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Re: Graviteam Tactics: Changes in armor penetration charts
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2015, 04:42:07 AM »
The attention to details is ... astounding.
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