D.O.W. Wednesday Open Mission 26/10/22 @ GMT18:00This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.
Operation Pathfinder 3 v5 by Apocalypse 31 A Time to Fight
by Apocalypse
a. Enemy. Objective Lion is a critical river crossing site across the Hytee River, and serves as key terrain to continue our advance to the north.
An enemy Mechanized Infantry Battalion, reinforced with a tank company, is defending the area surrounding OBJ LION while it prepares to continue offensive operations to the south.
We can expect to see company battle positions with BMP-3's and dismounted infantry in defensive positions, with T-90 tank platoons supporting them from hide sites. We can also expect to encounter enemy reconnaissance forces on the eastern side of the Hytee River who are providing early warning. They are equipped with ATGM trucks and dismounted scout teams. A friendly recon patrol encountered contact near Tava last night, so we can expect them to fight for the high ground.
b. Friendly. A Swedish combat team is currently in the AO to lead our attack, with elements of a NATO battlegroup following quickly behind them. Your combat team consists of 2x platoons of STRV-122 and 2x platoons of CV9040B's with dismounted squads equipped with NLAWs. You have also been augmented with a scout section of PATGB-360s with dismounted scouts equipped with NLAW ATGMs.
c. Civil. Expect civilians to remain neutral. However, they will protect themselves if provoked. There is a small militia that operates in the area and will quickly deploy security forces, if necessary.
Seize OBJ LION so that we may continue our advance to the north.
Key Tasks:
Preserve Combat Power for follow-on operations
Avoid civilian casualties
4x 120mm Mortars
6x 155mm Guns (180 HE/144 SMK)
2x Munin (Short Range Recon UAV) - with Scout teams
1x Resupply Truck
1x Medical Vehicle
Friendly ID: On
Friendly Updates: Enabled
Overhead View: On
Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)Strv 122: Click hereCV90/40-B: Click hereAMV XA-360: Click here********************************
** Notes **********************************
SB Version: 4.363
Mission Name: Operation Pathfinder 3 v5
Created by: Apocalypse 31
Available at: https://www.steelbeasts.com/files/file/3045-operation-pathfinder/Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: Unknown
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Wednesday Open Mission 26/10/22
Time: 18:00 GMT
Event timeTeamspeak IP:
Room:Steel Beasts Pro
Player Skill/Ability:• Complete at least 1 tutorial for Strv 122 or CV90/40, or read the Wiki page for AMV XA-360.
• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
Open mission, those outside the unit are welcome, previous DOW members contact us.Manning list:A-66 Strv 122:
Strv 122sA-1:
C-1 AMV XA-360s:
Support units:
Any positionMission discussion Click here