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Author Topic: D.O.W. Wednesday Open Mission 28/09/22 @ GMT18:00  (Read 1294 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Wednesday Open Mission 28/09/22 @ GMT18:00
« on: September 28, 2022, 04:41:43 PM »
D.O.W. Wednesday Open Mission 28/09/22 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

The Smell of Cordite and Kahwes in the Morning 2.1.0 by El_Chacho

   a) Enemy:
   The Syrian Army is setting up blocking positions along the Suran-Hama Highway. One such defensive position is getting assembled near the towns of Barissa-Sarjah. To protect ENY engineers, a Company of T-72M1s plus a Company of Motorized Infantry is operating in the area. The ENY's likely course of action is to take hasty defensive positions in order to deny our forces from access and control of the Barissa-Sarjah area of operations. Due to the early stages of the defensive effort, the ENY has no indirect or air support to conduct operations in the Barissa-Sarjah area.
   b) Own:
   You are in command of Company A of a Russian Army Tactical Battalion Group. Your forces are composed of one platoon of T-72B3s and two platoons of BTR82As.

   c) Attachments and detachments: Some elements of a reconnaissance platoon have recently arrived and are at your disposal. Their assets include a reconnaissance drone and one Swingblade loitering munition. A battery of 2S3 Akatsiya can provide HE, ICM and smoke indirect fire missions. 2 FASCAM missions are available from Battalion HQ.

Control OBJ Buratino and OBJ Tarhun in order to keep the operational tempo and to create favorable conditions for follow up forces moving towards Hama via the Suran-Hama Highway.


   a) Concept of Operation:
   Upon a thorough reconnaissance of the OBJ areas, the tank platoon (aided by indirect fires from the 2S3 battery) is to support the infantry attack on OBJ Buratino and OBJ Tarhun.
      i) Maneuver:
      The tank platoon is to neutralize armored threats to the infantry platoons by means of attack by fire missions. After such threats are neutralized, the infantry platoons assault OBJ Buratino and OBJ Tarhun with the tank platoon providing support by fire.
      ii) Fires:
      Indirect fires can be called by the player-controlled units only. There are no restrictions on targets located within built-up areas.

      iii) Additional assets:

   b) Tasks to Maneuver units:
   At the player's discretion.

   c) Tasks to Combat Support Units:



This is version 2.1 of the scenario. Thanks to Apocalypse31 and Mirzayev for their feedback and suggestions. A special thanks to Apocalypse31 for mission edits (randomization of ENY forces initial deployment and courses of action, conditions for mission's end and map unit's symbology).

What is new in version 2.1:
-New unit symbology and an extension of the original maneuver graphics
-An area of deployment (TAA Chernogolovka) for increased flexibility in initial own troops disposition
-Variable initial deployment of some of the ENY forces to increase replayability
-Additional variable ENY courses of action for some of the maneuver units to increase replayability
-Messages will appear when OBJ areas are under control
-The mission will end when OBJ Buratino is under control and ENY forces are not in contact. SPECIAL NOTE: the mission will end if OBJ Buratino is under control and ENY forces are not in contact elsewhere. For example, the player may control OBJ Buratino and not be in contact with forces at OBJ Tarhun or elsewhere and the mission will end. This simulates the high tempo of operations demanded from a Russian tactical battalion group. In this case, the player will earn a victory without controlling OBJ Tarhun, but will earn a lesser score

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

T-72B3 m.2012: Click here

BTR-82A: Click here

Tigr-M: Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.363
Mission Name: The Smell of Cordite and Kahwes in the Morning 2.1.0
Created by: El_Chacho
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: 90 minutes
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Wednesday Open Mission 28/09/22
Time: 18:00 GMT
Event time
Teamspeak IP:
Room:Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial for T-72B3, or read the Wiki page for BTR-82.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   Open mission, those outside the unit are welcome, previous DOW members contact us.

Manning list:

T-72B3 m.(2012)s



Support units:

Any position

Mission discussion Click here
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