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Author Topic: Campaign Player's guide  (Read 2955 times)

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Offline Biondo

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Campaign Player's guide
« on: December 04, 2021, 12:37:00 PM »
In this post I'll try to clarify some "technical" stuff to the players of the campaign.

The idea is to have a post in your section for every turn of the campaign.

For every turn I'll provide the following things:

- a map with the current situation, including what your units/spies saw in the precedent turn and the weather for that turn.

- an updated oob at division level with numbers for the three arms for every division and combat reports if there were battles in the precedent turn

At this point, you can discuss with your team about next moves and write messages for your allies which I'll copy and paste in their turn post.

About this last point, of course only Prussians and Anglo-dutch can exchange messages. I'm still not sure if to enable the possibility to exchange graphical maps or only written messages, or, for example, giving the possibility to exchange graphical maps only twice or three times in all the campaign. I'm open to suggestions on this point.

Now, the CiC can issue orders for his troops. Remember that the order in which you write them will be the order in which they will be executed. So take in account this especially when you have a lot of troops marching on the same road to prevent jamming.

If possible, I prefer to have orders written in the same way for all the players; this will make them easily readable for everyone. I made some examples in the rulebook, so a single row for every unit with its destination and finally the Special Order, if any assigned.

After the CIC has decided the priority for every unit, the subordinates can intervene with a supplemental message to change destinations, add special orders or also detach or reattach units! It's up to them and the CIC has no more possibility to revert the subordinate decisions. In the case of a detached unit, it will take priority immediately after its parent unit.

Now it's again the Master turn: following Initiative, I'll move your units and report back with a graphical map and some text with progress your unit made, if they find enemies and the sighting reports from units and spies.

Now, if two forces meet on the battlefield, every CIC involved will be asked if he desires to fight or not. If at least one of them want to, then a multiplayer battle will be organized, otherwise the campaign move to the next turn.

In the case a multiplayer battle is fought, I ask all the players to not have a look at the statistics and the replays until the battle is over: I mean when one side is beaten or both the commanders agreed to stop the fight.

I'll provide the complete replay file and statistics.

Ok, these are the first "operational notes" that came to my mind.
If I forgot something or you need clarifications just reply to this post and I'll update it. :howdy

Update 7th December
After a battle it would be possible that you have very few men in a battalion or a couple of guns in a battery. I'll merge those few men with other battalions/batteries/squadrons to create units with a certain operative capability.

A commander can specify me which units (from a list I'll provide him) he wants to merge, just PM me or write in the appropriate turn post, otherwise I'll do on my own.

Update 10th December

Reattachments: when a unit is reattached, the Corps stops its movement for the rest of the turn. So a commander as to be aware that he has to move the corps first and then reattach the units to avoid wasting movements points

Detachments: the base rule to not exceed the movement points and to not have more than one unit per hex (apart from the particular situation described in the rules) should be taken as the limit. So a commander can detach a unit and send it forward or backward if there's enough room to deploy, otherwise the detachment doesn't happens and the commander will be informed of it. If the detachment happens at the end of the movement of a corps, then the detached units will be placed behind the corps if there's room, otherwise the detachment doesn't happens.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2021, 11:30:33 PM by Biondo »
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Offline General Sandman

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Re: Campaign Player's guide
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2021, 01:25:33 PM »
That will be a lot of work for you, Biondo.  :notworthy

For heaven´s sake the harvest has been done.  :tractor

If there will be an exchange of maps for the coalition, I say it should be limited - 2 or 3 times, whatever.  :SOS


Will the French Units have to start in or adjacent to villages or somewhere in the French territory?
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Offline Biondo

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Re: Campaign Player's guide
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2021, 02:21:57 PM »
French had some limitations in their deployment. The more advanced units can be placed in the towns closer to the border always with the limit of one unit per hex. They also had the possibility to combine forces as they wanted.

I'll take in account your vote for the limitations on maps exchanges :thumbsup
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Offline Biondo

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Re: Campaign Player's guide
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2021, 07:03:23 AM »
A note about how the wounded and missing recovery are managed:

After a battle it would be possible that you have very few men in a battalion or a couple of guns in a battery. I'll merge those few men with other battalions/batteries/squadrons to create units with a certain operative capability.

A commander can specify me which units (from a list I'll provide him) he wants to merge, just PM me or write in the appropriate turn post, otherwise I'll do on my own.

Updated the first post
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Offline Asid

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Re: Campaign Player's guide
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2021, 11:58:51 PM »
Great stuff. I look forward to this  :thumbsup
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Offline Biondo

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Re: Campaign Player's guide
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2021, 11:29:02 PM »
A commander asked a clarification on how attachments and detachments are managed. This is a part not clear in the rules and it will be addressed soon. Anyway it will be as follow:

Reattachments: when a unit is reattached, the Corps stops its movement for the rest of the turn. So a commander as to be aware that he has to move the corps first and then reattach the units to avoid wasting movements points

Detachments: the base rule to not exceed the movement points and to not have more than one unit per hex (apart from the particular situation described in the rules) should be taken as the limit. So a commander can detach a unit and send it forward or backward if there's enough room to deploy, otherwise the detachment doesn't happens and the commander will be informed of it. If the detachment happens at the end of the movement of a corps, then the detached units will be placed behind the corps if there's room, otherwise the detachment doesn't happens.
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