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Broken Arrow
« on: June 29, 2021, 11:54:50 PM »

Broken Arrow is a large-scale real-time modern warfare tactics game.
A unique army building system and deep units customisation tools allow for endless replayability.
With 200+ realistic military units and technologies, each battle is more immersive than ever before.

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Broken Arrow is a large-scale real-time modern warfare tactics game. The base game features both the American and Russian factions, more than 100 units and multiple deck specialisations per nation.
Broken Arrow brings the genre to a whole new level by combining the complexity of a joint-forces wargame with the typical real-time tactics action-packed gameplay.
Build your army deck by choosing from over 200 different units. Part of the battle is won by planning well: create the right combination of unit types and weapons to defeat your enemy, and don’t forget to consider the terrain when you choose.


Broken Arrow features a wide range of units, that are split into seven categories based on their characteristics: your army deck includes recon units, infantry, fighting vehicles, support units, logistical units, helicopters and airstrikes slots.

•   RECON UNITS: includes infantry, vehicles and drones specialized in the task of spotting and marking the enemy position.
•   INFANTRY: includes line infantry, shock troops, special forces, anti-tank teams, anti-aircraft teams.
•   FIGHTING VEHICLES: includes tanks, ATGM carriers and fire support vehicles.
•   SUPPORT: includes artillery and anti-aircraft vehicles that provide long range support on the battlefield.
•   LOGISTICS: includes all the units designed to improve combat efficiency by providing ammunition, repairs, medical supplies and much more.
•   HELICOPTERS: includes multipurpose cavalry units best used far from the heatpoints.
•   AIRSTRIKES: includes many different weapons, swarms of tactical missiles and airdrops of troops, vehicles and supplies.


Modern vehicles and aircraft are generally compatible with different weapons and armor packages; Broken Arrow features a detailed customisation system that allows you to modify the specific components of your units, either individually or as a loadout.

•   Customize your aircraft by choosing weapons, fuel tanks, designation pods, countermeasure pods and decoys.
•   Add armor or defensive systems to your vehicles and upgrade their weaponry and sensors.
•   Special forces have access to a wide variety of equipment for you to choose: add suppressors, thermal optics, reconnaissance drones, explosive charges and much more.


Choose the right combination of units from your deck and deploy them to the battlefield, via land, the sea or from the air. Use paratroopers and helicopters to rapidly seize key locations, reinforce them with heavy tanks and break enemy counter attacks with artillery and tactical missiles.

Infiltrate special forces behind enemy lines to disrupt enemy logistics and provide laser designation for your planes. Use the terrain to your advantage to ambush, out flank and outsmart your enemy.


- Build your army deck by choosing from over 200 different units.

- 7 different units types:
•   RECON UNITS: includes infantry, vehicles and drones specialized in the task of spotting and marking the enemy position.
•   INFANTRY: includes line infantry, shock troops, special forces, anti-tank teams, anti-aircraft teams.
•   FIGHTING VEHICLES: includes tanks, ATGM carriers and fire support vehicles.
•   SUPPORT: includes artillery and anti-aircraft vehicles that provide long range support on the battlefield.
•   LOGISTICS: includes all the units designed to improve combat efficiency by providing ammunition, repairs, medical supplies and much more.
•   HELICOPTERS: includes multipurpose cavalry units best used far from the heatpoints.
•   AIRSTRIKES: includes many different weapons, swarms of tactical missiles and airdrops of troops, vehicles and supplies.

- Units customization
•   Customize your aircraft by choosing weapons, fuel tanks, designation pods, countermeasure pods and decoys.
•   Add armor or defensive systems to your vehicles and upgrade their weaponry and sensors.
•   Special forces have access to a wide variety of equipment for you to choose: add suppressors, thermal optics, reconnaissance drones, explosive charges and much more.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2021, 11:57:52 PM »
Broken Arrow - Dev Diary #1 - Ground Combat Vehicles
29 June 2021

Since announcing Broken Arrow during Home of Wargamers Live+, we have received lots of questions and comments: we’re humbled by your interest, and we’re keen to share more of our development progress. In this first development diary, we bring you a sneak peek on how ground combat vehicles work in Broken Arrow.

T-14 ARMATA versus M1A2 ABRAM. Click to zoom.

The chassis
The most fundamental part of a vehicle is the chassis. It gives the vehicle its mobility thanks to its engine and propulsion system and is generally either wheeled or tracked. The chassis affects acceleration and the maximum speed that can be reached across different terrain. It will also determine if the unit is amphibious or not, if it can be airlifted by helicopters, deployed by planes and so on.

The weapons carried by the chassis will determine which kind of target a vehicle can attack. Some are better against infantry, some are dedicated to the destruction of vehicles or aircraft, but most importantly it is possible to customize these weapons.

For instance the Stryker APC is equipped with a remote weapon station (RWS) that can carry a M240 medium machine gun, an M2 browning HMG, or a Mk19 grenade launcher.

But that’s not all, smoke grenades can also be fitted on the RWS as well as Javelin missiles.

Stryker ICV with various weapons ranging from a simple M2 browning that can be upgraded with extra smoke grenade discharger and a Javelin missile to a 30mm autocannon. Click to zoom.

The chassis also defines the armor of the vehicle. The armor is different for the front, the sides, the rear and the top of a vehicle.

Armor allows vehicles to take less damage from projectiles with a penetration value inferior to the armor. If the penetration value of your weapon is too low compared to the armor of the target, your units will not even shoot. This is to save ammunition and avoid being spotted unnecessarily.

The armor of tanks is strongest at the front. So it is generally best to target either their exposed side armor or even better, their almost non-existent rear armor.

The armor value varies depending on whether the projectile is using kinetic energy (KE) or chemical energy (CE).

Kinetic energy weapons

The most common firearms, like machine guns, use kinetic energy to pierce through armor. This energy is gained by accelerating a projectile with an explosion inside the gun and is released when hitting the target. Part of this energy is also lost in flight due to air drag so the further away your target, the less damage you will cause. If the armor of your target is too thick to shoot at maximum range try to get closer to gain more penetration.

The APFSDS shells (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) fired by tanks at each other are the most powerful kinetic energy weapons carried by ground units.

M1A2 Abrams with various armor packages and the Trophy active protection system Click to zoom.

Upgrade your defense

As we’ve seen, HEAT projectiles are widely used and can be carried by infantry. That makes using vehicles in close quarters combat very risky. To compensate for that, several defensive upgrades can be installed on vehicles:

  • Slat armor can be placed around the whole vehicle or on the most sensitive parts. It consists of a cage of metal bars that will damage or prematurely detonate the HEAT charge and partially protect the vehicle. This type of armor is totally ineffective against KE projectiles.
  • Explosive reactive armor (ERA) can be fitted around vehicles as well. The principle is to create an extra layer of armor sitting on an explosive charge that will be ejected against the incoming projectile when the explosive charge is hit. This is very efficient against HEAT but not so much against KE projectiles.
  • Active protection systems use mini radars to detect incoming projectiles and shoot them in the air with an explosive charge or another projectile. They are perfectly efficient against CE projectiles but also moderately efficient against KE projectiles. Their downside is that they have a limited amount of charges and must reload after each interception, so they can be saturated.

M2 Bradley in its most basic A2 version and A3 version with BUSK armor package. Click to zoom.

Counter the counter!
One more thing to consider with chemical energy weapons - Extra armor weighs a lot and diminishes a vehicle’s mobility so it cannot be placed everywhere. The top armor of a vehicle is generally the weakest so that’s where top attack missiles try to hit. Instead of going straight for their target, they first gain altitude, to attack their target from above.

Infantry using tall buildings will be an even greater threat to vehicles, for similar reasons.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2021, 11:28:04 PM »
Broken Arrow - Dev Diary #2 - Helicopters
27 July 2021

In our previous dev diary we introduced some of the mechanics related to ground combat vehicles. Let’s rise above all this fighting in the mud and focus on a more elevated subject: helicopters.

Helicopters are like cavalry units, they are fast, can pack a lot of punch but are not very resilient. They can have very different profiles depending on their armaments and sensors, which can be customized.
For each pylon you can choose what kind of weapon you want to attach, or simply leave it empty to deploy the helicopter more cheaply.

Unit preview #1: Ka-52 Alligator and AH-64D Apache

Whenever possible, other elements can be customized, such as additional countermeasures, or the longbow radar on the AH-64.

Unit preview #2: AH-64D Apache with longbow radars

Attack Helicopters
The most dangerous machines, they can perform different tasks.
Attack helicopters can be equipped with advanced weaponry: missiles can engage tanks at very long range; volleys of rockets can suppress infantry and destroy light vehicles in seconds; guns provide more sustained fire power.
They can carry anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down other helicopters and fight off planes.
When equipped with the right sensors, attack helicopters can also perform reconnaissance missions.
Some attack helicopters, like the Mi-24 and its latest evolution the Mi-35M, have the ability to transport one squad of infantry, even if that’s not their primary role.

The big downside of all helicopters is the limited amount of ammunition they can carry. They need to land to resupply, leaving them very vulnerable to artillery fire.

Transport Helicopters
They can be of various sizes, from the tiny MH-6 little bird that can only transport a few men to the most powerful beasts like the CH-47 Chinook, or the giant Russian Mi-26. This last one can transport multiple squads of infantry at once, supplies and even sling load vehicles across the battlefield.

Unit preview #3: CH-47 Chinook can carry up to 4 squads of infantry and lift vehicles and supplies.

SHORAD stands for short range air defense. These vehicles are the bane of helicopters with their guns and/or missiles.

Unit preview #4: Pantsir S1 anti-air system is armed with 12 ready to fire missiles and 2x 30mm cannons.

Even though they are very deadly to helicopters, they don’t have the same mobility: it’s a game of cat and mouse to avoid enemy anti-aircraft units.

To avoid them, helicopters have the ability to fly “nap of the earth”: they reduce their altitude to hide behind the terrain. This maneuver allows them to avoid being detected, and breaks the line of sight if targeted. The downside is that at such low altitude their flight speed is reduced; this makes them more vulnerable to other threats, such as ground vehicles and infantry.

As a last resort, helicopters equipped with counter-measures can drop them to try to lure missiles away; keep in mind that there’s a limited amount of use and there is nothing you can do against a 30mm shell already flying your way.

Unit preview #5: Nap of the Earth flight

Pick the right unit, and use it the right way
It might look like a rock-paper-scissors system where helicopters hunt tanks, anti-aircraft hunt helicopters and tanks hunt anti-aircraft, but Broken Arrow is not a game of hard counter. The right unit used the wrong way can swiftly be destroyed by what it was supposed to be hunting.

For instance, many tanks have machine guns on the roof. They do not match helicopters’ weaponry but flying over a platoon of tanks that are hiding in a forest will probably get your helicopter killed even if it has 16 Hellfire missiles on board. And if a tank meets with the double fast firing 30mm gun of a Pantsir at close range, chances are the tank will be stripped of all its external sensors, making it inoperable.

Asymmetric Gameplay
The units in Broken Arrow are based on real military equipment, which means that each nation in the game will have its own gameplay style based on the actual vehicles and armaments used by said nation in real life.

For instance, US and Russian doctrines about helicopters are very different, leading to the development of very different equipment. The USA tends to have lighter helicopters but with better sensors, while Russia has heavily armed transports.

If you’d like to discuss this dev diary or anything else about the game, please join us on our official Discord server here.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2022, 05:33:29 PM »
Broken Arrow - Dev Diary #3 - Infantry
Tue, September 21, 2021

We have previously discussed vehicles and helicopters, and it’s now time to shed some light on the oldest weapon platform of them all: the infantryman.

Infantry has a very important role in Broken Arrow because it has the upper hand over vehicles and helicopters in entire sections of the battlefield.

Marine Raiders boarding a CH-53E Super Stallion. This helicopter can contain up to 3 squads of 14 Raiders and lift up to 16t of cargo.

Infantry is inherently a very defensive type of unit: it moves slowly, it is difficult to detect and hard to dislodge from urban, wooded or mountainous terrain.
Attacking infantry with vehicles in these types of terrain is like asking for a beating. It requires intensive indirect fire support for suppression and your own infantry to progress. If enemy artillery starts sticking its nose into this already messy situation it can lead to a long and costly stalemate. So it’s generally advised to move around that kind of defensive position if possible.

The basic infantry squads generally come with a set of rifles, light machine guns and grenade launchers to fight against other infantry squads and they usually carry short range anti tank weapons.

Some Russian infantry weapons (AK-74M, GP-34, PKP, SVD-M, RPG-7, RPG-26, RPO-A Shmel)

More specialized squads carry powerful long range weapons including heavy machine guns, anti tank guided missiles (ATGM) and man portable air defense missiles (MANPAD). These weapons increase both your defensive range and the level of threat you pose, which might force the enemy into dealing with them.

Some American infantry weapons (M4A1, M203, CQBR, M110 SASS, M40A5, M107, Mk16 SCAR-L, M32, AT-4, Carl Gustaf, Javelin)

Recon infantry consists of smaller squads down to 2 men sniper teams which trade firepower for stealth. They also have better observation equipment than line infantry.
They can be used to infiltrate enemy lines to observe troop movements, find valuable enemy support units and provide target designation for artillery and airstrikes to destroy them.
An army without recon is blind and you can’t shoot what you can’t see, so never underestimate the importance of recon squads.

Air assault squad next to the airdroppable “Naparnik” MRAP (K-4386 Typhoon VDV)

Special forces are very versatile units that can be customized to fulfil many roles, ranging from recon teams on steroids, saboteurs able to blow up bridges, silent assassins using suppressed weapons, groups of marksmen using sniper rifles of multiple calibers, to heavy door kickers dedicated to clearing buildings in no time with full auto shotguns and multiple grenade launchers.
Because of that, when you meet enemy special forces for the first time, the nature of their equipment is always a surprise – but never a good one.

Tactical mobility

Infantry on foot is very slow, so if you don’t want your troops to arrive after the battle is over you have to provide them with transport. Each transport method has its advantages and drawbacks.

Ground vehicles are the most common solution, they can be wheeled to move faster on roads or tracked to move faster off road, especially in forests.
They can be basic battle taxis armed with a simple machine gun or grenade launcher, or heavily armed fighting vehicles equipped with autocannons and missiles.

Vehicles are the slowest option but also the most flexible. Once the infantry is unloaded they can easily stay hidden behind some cover to pick up the infantry again if needed. They can also fight alongside infantry and provide fire support during the assault, or long range anti tank support in the open.

Russian VDV

Because infantry is the lightest type of unit, that means they can also be deployed rapidly and in large quantities anywhere on the map using helicopters and planes.

Dropping paratroopers allows you to seize a position super fast but offers very little mobility after the jump. A position held by paratroopers can easily be avoided. Also if things go sour there is no way back.

Russian paratroopers fare better in that regard, as they can be dropped with a large panel of combat vehicles to support them. But every vehicle takes the place of numerous men in the plane, so it’s up to you to find the right balance.

Helicopters are an interesting alternative as they are still much faster than ground vehicles and allow the infantry to redeploy if needed. However it will be hard to land helicopters in the middle of a fight, so you will have to plan ahead.

Marine Raiders deployed on a crest with helicopters

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2023, 12:07:18 AM »
Broken Arrow - Dev Diary #4 - USMC Specialization
Wed, 21 December 2022

First things first, in case you have missed Slitherine Next, we showcased a scenario from the single player campaign for the first time.

You can watch the whole scenario here:


USMC Battlegroup specialization

We have recently revealed a trailer presenting the first of the 8 specializations of the game:

In Broken Arrow you cannot play with all the units at the same time. There are more than 150 per country with over 1500 different unit customizations in total.
Before each battle you must select which units will be part of your deck. And the first choice you have to make is to choose specializations.

Each country has 4 specializations and you must combine 2 to create a multiplayer battlegroup. That makes 6 possible combinations or
Each specialization will propose totally unique units so each archetype will feel totally different from the others.

During the solo campaign things will be less systemic and the units you can access will depend on the mission.

Amphibious warfare is the specialty of the Marine Corps but it also works like a small independent army and as a result is the most versatile battlegroup specialization of the USA.

Note that some US Navy units have also been added in this specialization so it should normally be called Fleet Marine Forces but since it’s a majority of USMC units we kept the name.

Scout snipers: This pair of elite soldiers is the most stealthy unit of the USMC. The main shooter is equipped with a M40A5 or SASR sniper rifle while the spotter carries a marksman rifle and a laser designation device to guide laser guided ammunition.

Force Recon: A group of 6 men trained to progress discreetly on foot to infiltrate enemy lines. They bring with them a few AT-4 anti tank rocket launchers to ambush light vehicles that may cross their path.

Navy Seals: A fire team of 4 elite soldiers that can move rapidly in the water. They have access to a large panel of weapons and will always be a thorn in the enemy’s side.

These recon units can be transported in Humvee GMV (Ground Mobility Vehicle) A light version of the humvee or LAV-25 an amphibious armored vehicle equipped with a 25mm chaingun.
In addition to that you can access independent vehicles:
•   IFAV (Interim Fast Attack Vehicle) a Jeep style vehicle that can be armed with a machine gun, a grenade launcher or a TOW anti tank missile.
•   JLTV-RV (Recon Vehicle) equipped with advanced sensors and a remotely controlled turret that can carry a 30mm chaingun and a Javelin missile.

Surveillance drones can also be used to observe and designate targets:
•   Fire Scout unmanned helicopter can also carry DAGR guided rockets or Hellfire missiles to fight on its own.
•   MQ-4C Triton is not armed but observes enemy positions from high altitude, out of range from most weapons.

Marine Rifle Squad: This is the backbone of the specialization. This big squad of 13 men is equipped with M27 assault rifles, M38 marksman rifle and MAAWS rocket launcher.

SMAW/SRAW fire team: This is a group of 4 men equipped with 2 SMAW or SRAW rocket launchers. The first is a reloadable launcher firing multipurpose unguided munitions while the second is a more cumbersome disposable launcher firing short range guided missiles.
Dragon fire team: Group of 4 men equipped with the M47 Dragon III, an medium range anti tank guided missile.

Marine Raiders: A Marine Special Operations Team is composed of 14 men. They are specialized in CQC combat and can clear buildings in no time. However they lack anti tank capabilities.

These units can be transported in AAVP-7A1, a large tracked amphibious armored transport equipped with a heavy machine gun and a grenade launcher in the same turret. They also have access to the ACV, a more modern wheeled armored transport equipped with a remotely operated turret that can be upgraded with a 30mm chaingun.
Finally the MTVR (Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement) is a truck that can carry troops as well as supplies.


•   M1A1 Abrams HC
(Heavy Common) second generation depleted uranium armor and M1A1
•   Abrams FEP
(Firepower Enhancement Package) third generation depleted uranium armor and better optics.
Both version can be equipped with additional reactive armor ARAT.
•   M60A3 Patton TTS: is the old tank of the Marines. The turret can be replaced to become a M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle with a 165mm demolition gun very efficient against buildings.
•   LAV-AT/ATM: is a TOW missile launcher based on LAV chassis. It can fire two missiles in a row including the TOW-2B top attack missile on the modernized version.
•   JLTV-TOW: a TOW missile launcher on a JLTV platform. In comparison with LAV-AT it carries less missiles, must reload after each missile and is not amphibious so this is a cheaper option.


•   LAV-M: a 82mm mortar mounted on a LAV chassis. It can fire high explosive or smoke rounds with little delay.
•   LAV-AD: an anti-air module with a 25mm gatling gun and 8 stinger missiles mounted on a LAV chassis.
•   HIMARS: rocket artillery mounted on a truck. Can fire six 227mm rockets with explosive warhead or submunitions or a single ATACMS ballistic missile.
•   MADIS: A JLTV equipped with a 30mm chaingun and two stinger missiles.
•   NMESIS: Two tomahawk cruise missiles mounted on a JLTC platform.
•   LVSR: A heavy truck carrying up to 20 tons of supplies. Can be fitted with B-Kit armor and a self protection weapon.


•   UH-1Y Venom: A light reconnaissance and transport helicopter that can be lightly armed with pintle mounted weapons and small 70mm rocket pods. Either with unguided or guided rockets.
•   AH-1W Super cobra: This helicopter has been the main attack helicopter of the USMC until recently. Its 4 pylons can be equipped with rockets, anti-tank missiles TOW or Hellfire, AIM-9 anti-air and AGM-122 anti-radiation missiles to target enemy units equipped with radars.
•   AH-1Z Viper: The newest version of the attack helicopter with better performance and 2 extra stations on the wingtip to carry the AIM-9/AGM-122 in addition to the Hellfire and rockets on the main pylons.
•   CH-53E/K Super/King Stallion: The most powerful heavy lift helicopter of the United State military. Can lift up to 16 tons of equipment which is enough to lift a LAV, a JLTV or even a HIMARS.
•   MH-60 Knighthawk: A naval version of the famous blackhawk with additional optics and armament on 2 pylons.
•   MV-22 Osprey: A tilt rotor aircraft combining the vertical takeoff and landing of a helicopter with the cruise speed of a plane. It can carry 2 full squads of Marines.


•   AV-8B Harrier II Night Attack: it’s a VTOL (Vertical takeoff and Landing) aircraft with limited performance and autonomy usually dedicated to close air support missions because of its slow speed. It can be equipped with a wide array of bombs, rockets and missiles.
•   AV-8B Harrier II Plus: a more modern version of the Harrier with better countermeasures that can be equipped with guided bombs and AMRAAM missiles.
•   F/A-18C Hornet: Single seater version of the plane dedicated to air superiority. Can also be equipped with rocket pods for ground support.
•   F/A-18D Hornet: Dual seater version of the plane dedicated to ground support, with AGM-65 Maverrick missiles and unguided bombs. Can also act as a long range air superiority fighter with a lot of fuel and few missiles.
•   F-14D Super Tomcat: The legendary plane from Top Gun can be equipped with a wide array of anti air missiles including the long range AIM-54 Phoenix. It is also possible to use it for ground attack with Zuni rockets and a wide array of guided and unguided bombs.
•   F-35C: Carrier version of the stealth plane. Each of the two bays can carry in addition to a AMRAAM missile a bomb up to 2000lb including teh JSOW gliding bomb, or 4 SDBs (Small Diameter Bombs). It is also possible to carry one more AMRAAM per bay.
•   F-35B: VTOL version of the stealth plane. The additional turbine limits the bays to 1000lb bombs or 3 SDBs
•   F/A-18E Superhornet: Single seater version proposing a vast array of air superiority configuration with up to 14 AMRAAM missiles in its heaviest “missile truck” configuration.
•   F/A-18F Superhornet: Dual seater version oriented toward precision strike with anti tank missiles and guided bombs. It still carries some air to air missiles for self protection.
•   F/A-18G Growler: Dedicated to the destruction of enemy air defense, its loadouts consist of jammers and anti-radiation missiles.
•   KC-130J: This plane primarily used to transport and airdrop supplies and troops can be fitted with various “Harvest Hawk” upgrades like Hellfire missiles and Griffin precision guided bombs.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2023, 12:10:19 AM »
Broken Arrow - Dev Diary #5 - Motostrelki specialization
Wed, 1 February 2023

First off, the big news!
Demo Available at Steam Next Fest

Broken Arrow will be part of the Steam Next Fest.

What does this mean? It means that everyone starting on February 6th at 10 am Pacific time will be able to download and play the Broken Arrow demo, consisting of one playable scenario from the single player story campaign.

We’d love to hear your honest feedback on the game, so don’t refrain from hopping in the game, giving it a try and letting us know what you think. We’ll be collecting the feedback through a special survey that you can access from within the game.

We will also be streaming the same scenario live on Twitch on Tuesday February 7th at 8 pm GMT. Furthermore, join us at Tea Time on February 9th at 4 pm GMT for an exclusive live interview with Félix Habert, Creative Director for the game.

Motostrelki Battlegroup specialization

Motostrelki or motorized/mechanized infantry is a specialisation focused on ground mobility and aims to achieve superiority through numbers rather than quality.

Offensively, this specialisation allows you to deploy a large quantity of cheap infantry squads equipped with older weapons and spread them rapidly over the battlefield with light wheeled armored transports (BTR). Each squad and its transport might be outclassed if they encounter stronger enemy units but some BTRs might find undefended routes of approach. This allows their infantry to pour through enemy lines and end up destroying weak and expensive support units like artillery and anti aircraft platforms and compensate for earlier losses.

Defensively, the BMPs which are tracked armored vehicles equipped with anti-tank guided missiles and autocannons will pose a threat to the enemy. However, they remain light vehicles that are no match for a tank. So it is generally a better solution to spread them in order to shoot missiles from multiple directions and hit the tanks weaker side armor.

Having more units to manage than the opponent can be an advantage but can also become a burden in some situations as it is harder to keep track of all of them so it’s hard to prevent losses.


Razvedka: This 5 men squad has better observation equipment than the regular infantry squads and trades the usual machine gun for a stealthier SVD marksman rifle. They are equipped with several RPG-26 lightweight anti-tank rocket launchers that can damage light armored vehicles.
They have access to standard BTRs and MT-LBs as transport but also BMPs which can bring a lot of punch to this reconnaissance unit.
Snaipery: This is an entire squad of soldiers equipped with precision rifles of different calibers. Rather than being spread in different squads these marksmen work together as a team to totally deny an area to enemy infantry. This fire power comes at the expense of stealth that is not on the level of other snipers.

Spetsnaz GRU: An elite squad of 7 men equipped with suppressed weapons, advanced observation equipment and top tier rocket launchers. They can also provide laser designation for planes and artillery.

In addition to these infantry units this specialization gives you access to BRDM-2 and BRDM-3 wheeled recon vehicles as well as the FORPOST UAV, a reconnaissance drone that can be equipped with 2 kornet anti tank missiles.


Motostrelki: This is the backbone of this specialization. This squad of 7 men is equipped with Ak-74M rifles, 2 GP-34 underbarrel grenade launchers, a PKP machine gun and a RPG-7 anti tank rocket launcher.
Reservisty: An under-strength squad of 6 men equipped with old AK-74, PKM and RPG-7 transported in BTR-80 or MT-LB. They have a limited amount of ammunition so they won’t put up a fight for very long. It’s best to have them patrol your rear to detect infiltrated enemy units that might run into them or guard your flanks and act as a speed bump in case of an unexpected enemy attack.
AGS squad: Automatic grenade launchers and their serving crew that can provide fire support against infantry and light vehicles. They are extremely vulnerable to helicopters however.

PZRK Igla: Soldiers equipped with Igla man portable anti-air missiles. These small missiles lack range so they are better at shooting down helicopters than planes.
PTRK Konkurs: A squad dedicated to anti-tank duty equipped with Konkurs ATGM. These units don’t have access to BMPs as transport as in the Russian doctrine the anti-tank capability comes from the vehicles themselves in BMP equipped units so they don’t have dedicated ATGM teams.
SPG-9: A squad equipped with SPG-9 recoilless rifles to provide fire support against infantry and vehicles. They lack the power to really damage tanks' frontal armor though.
Engineer Shturmoviki: A squad of heavily armored soldiers specialized in explosives that will clear buildings from enemy presence in no time.



•   All these troops have access to BTR-80 wheeled armored personnel carriers that can be upgraded to BTR-82A model with 30mm autocannon or BTR-82AT with a remotely controlled turret with improved optics and 2 konkurs ATGMs. It is also possible to add a cage armor to increase the protection against rocket propelled grenades but this removes the amphibious capability of the vehicle.
•   The MT-LB is a tracked transport also available to all troops. It is lightly armored, but can receive a cage armor just like the BTR at the cost of the amphibious capability. It is only armed with a single machine gun by default but can be upgraded with a turret similar to BTR-80/82A with KPVT or 30mm autocannon.
•   The BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle is available to all troops except the anti-tank teams. It is armed with a 30mm autocannon and a konkurs ATGM by default, but can receive an additional grenade launcher or be upgrade to
BMP-2M standard with better optics and 4 modern kornet ATGM that can be guided 2 at a time on the same target. It is also possible to upgrade the armor while retaining the amphibious ability.
•   BMP-3 is the next generation of IFV that comes with a 100mm low pressure gun in addition to the 30mm autocannon for additional long range fire support. The turret can be upgraded with better optics and shtora jammer or be totally replaced by the epokha turret with a 57mm autocannon, kornet and bulat ATGMs. The armor can be upgraded with explosive reactive armor that substantially improves the resilience against explosive damage.

Fighting vehicles:

•   9P148 Konkurs: An anti-tank vehicle with 5 konkurs ATGM mounted on the roof of a BRDM-2 chassis that can be upgraded with a new turret equipped with 4 kornet ATGMs.
•   9P162 Kornet: An anti-tank vehicle based on the BMP-3 chassis equipped with 2 kornet ATGMs anf be upgraded to the 9P167 Khizantema with better optics and missiles that can be guided on 2 different targets independently.
•   T-62M: One of the oldest soviet tanks still in service available in multiple variants with additional armor, optics, with or without ATGM…
•   T-72B: The workhorse of the soviet army is available to the motorized infantry specialization with the possibility to upgrade the armor with different generations of ERA and the fire control system to guide more modern gun launched missiles or rather remove this ability to field the tank for a cheaper price.



The Russian army in the game is globally support heavy compared to the USA and the motorized specialization is a good illustration of that:

•   2S23 Nona-SVK: A BTR platform equipped with a 120mm mortar. It’s wheeled chassis allows it to rapidly reach its destination and relocate after shooting but the loadout is rather low with only 30 rounds carried.
•   MT-LB based mortars: the basic configuration called “Deva” is a standard 82mm mortar transported in the MT-LB but it is possible to upgrade it with a Vasilek mortar shooting rapid bursts of 4 rounds or a 120mm mortar.
•   2S4 Tulpan: This is a massive 240mm mortar shooting 130kg projectiles. The rate of fire is low as a crank system is needed to reload it but the effect is devastating when the shell lands.
•   2S3 Akatsia: A classic 152mm howitzer. The low accuracy is compensated by the high availability and low price that allows you to buy multiple batteries and saturate the area. It can be upgraded to the M2 standard with better reload time and accuracy.
•   9K58 Smerch: A powerful LMRS shooting 300mm rockets with multiple possible warhead types. The rockets must be reloaded one by one with a crane after shooting which makes the process extremely long.
•   TOS-2 Tosochka: One of the newest equipment available to the motorized infantry specialization. This wheeled MLRS can shoot up to 18 220mm thermobaric rockets per salvo with deadly effect against infantry and light vehicles.
•   Ural ZSU-23-2: This is the most basic air defense system you can get: a truck with a twin 23mm autocannon bolted to the rear platform. The ZU-23-2 can be upgraded with improved optics and Igla missiles to improve its performance.
•   ZSU-23-4 Shilka: A self propelled anti aircraft artillery armed with 4 23mm autocannons resulting in a massive rate of fire. The basic variant doesn’t have any radar and is mostly used as a fire support vehicle but it can be upgraded with a radar to increase its range against helicopters and Igla missiles can also be added to threaten aircrafts as well.
•   OSA-AKM: This old surface to air missile system is the most basic anti aircraft unit of this specialization able to engage aircrafts in high altitude.
Its old radar makes it back at tracking low flying helicopters.
•   S-350E Vityaz: This truck mounted surface to air missile launcher is no laughing matter for planes:.Its 12 ready to fire missiles have massive range and deadly accuracy. The only downside is the inability to track low flying helicopters so you need to escort it with a unit dedicated to that.


Only the oldest helicopters are available to this specialization:

•   Mi-8MTV-2: The classic workhorse of the Russian army in its oldest version still in service. This helicopter can carry a mix of troops and supplies as well as gunpods and rockets on 4 pylons.
•   Mi-24P: The famous attack helicopter armed with a fast firing twin 30mm autocannon attached to the fuselage. 6 pylons are available to equip the classic gunpods and rocket baskets but also Kokon anti tank missiles and R-60 anti air missiles.
The Mi-24 is able to carry a full squad of infantry even if this is not its primary role.
•   Mi-24V/VP: Similar to the Mi-24P but with a chin turret instead of the fixed gun. The turret is armed either with a Yak-B 12.7mm minigun (Mi-24V) or with a twin 23mm autocannon (Mi-24VP)
•   Mi-24K: This is the recon and fire support variant of the helicopter. It loses its ability to carry troops because observation equipment takes the space in the compartment. It also loses the ability to guide Kokon missiles because the aiming system has been replaced by a laser designation system


•   Su-25SM: This is a rather slow ground attack plane that can carry unguided bombs of different weight and types: general purpose, retarded, cluster, incendiary, thermobaric.
Rockets of different calibers up to the massive 340mm S-25 can also be carried as well as Kh-25 anti tank missiles, the massive Kh-29 missiles or Kh-58 anti radiation missiles.
Out of 10 pylons, 2 can be equipped with electronic countermeasure pods to increase the survivability of the plane or be equipped with short range infrared anti-air missiles to hunt down helicopters or as self defense against other planes.
•   Su-24M2: This is a supersonic bomber with variable-sweep wings that delivers a lot of unguided bombs of every type and weight.
Will you prefer quantity with up to 26 OFAB-100 (100kg) bombs? Or size with up to 3 FAB-1500 (1500kg) bombs?
•   Su-24MP: This version equipped with additional electronic sensors is dedicated to suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD). It hunts radar equipped enemy units and destroys them with its Kh-31 anti-radiation missiles.
•   Mig-29SMT: This is a light fighter designed to engage enemy aircrafts with short range infrared R-60 and R-73 missiles and medium range R-77 and R-27ER missiles.

The number of missiles it can carry is low and its autonomy is short even with additional fuel tanks so it is best used for interception rather than air patrol.
It can also carry rocket pods and small bombs but air to ground is clearly not the domain where this plane shines.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2023, 12:11:33 AM »
Broken Arrow Live Stream
Mon 6 Feb

Broken Arrow's Live stream with XTRG

In the Broken Arrow demo mission, players will be tasked to infiltrate a platoon of U.S. Marines Force Recon to destroy critical coastal defenses on the Baltic shore.

Clearing the sky of enemy planes, and escorting their landing craft and hovercraft to the shore, waves of powerful M1A1 Abrams and armored vehicles can be unleashed to dominate the battlefield.
The mission will see American troops fight block for block in intense close-quarter infantry battles against airdropped enemy paratroopers. Forces can be resupplied with heavy-lift helicopters from a carrier group offshore. Prospective commanders need to take care and repel the assault of a full tank company with the combined arms help of helicopters and planes.

We will be streaming the demo scenario live on Twitch on Tuesday February 7th at 7 pm GMT +1 and on Thursday February 9th at 5:30 pm GMT +1.

Upcoming Event Starts Thu, 9 February 2023

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2023, 12:10:13 AM »
New trailer for Broken Arrow & message from the devs
Mon, 18 September 2023

We’re back from WASD x IGN where we were able to showcase the latest version of the game with a playable mission. We were delighted to meet some of the Broken Arrow fans, as well as to introduce the game to many new players.

We have some big news today!

First off, as promised, here is a new trailer featuring Deck Customization!

Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Furthermore, we just updated the screenshots on the store page, so let us know if you spot the new ones!

We also have a message directly from the devs, who want to give you an update on how development is going and what we can expect in the next couple of months.

Greetings Friends!

It's been a while since we brought you news about Broken Arrow, but rest assured radio silence is a sure sign that the team is working tirelessly, at least in our case. 😁

We are working on a beta version. The closed beta will start in the next couple of months and will feature multiplayer, unlike the demo released in February. The ability to play single player mode will also remain.

You will be able to sign up for the closed beta a little later.

We want to create a complete and polished gaming experience from the very beginning, so we are currently holding an internal testing, finalizing some details and of course creating a server infrastructure to handle many thousands of players simultaneously. Testing is designed to help us balance the game so that players feel they have a certain role and are not overwhelmed. It is planned to try out several game modes, from time-tested to truly bold and innovative.

Let us remind you that we set the task of creating matchmaking to be as fast and efficient as possible, so we are introducing one main multiplayer game mode and several secondary ones available in user lobbies.

Since the February demo we have improved the interface, made huge strides in optimization and stability, especially in 5v5 online matches with a large number of units, carried out balancing and improved ergonomics incl. airstrikes and aviation.

We initially distributed our efforts in such a way that in our game there was no bias in any direction and there was a balance between the popular single player and multiplayer. For the lion's share of players who avoid multiplayer we have prepared several ways to have fun, from full-fledged atmospheric single player campaigns to cooperative modes with high replay value.

The first two campaigns for the USA and Russia will be available on an initial release and will take place in the Baltic states. The list of campaigns will expand.
The Scenario Editor, which we use to create cutscenes and campaigns, will be available to players so they can create and share their own videos, scenarios, and campaigns.

Additional campaigns are planned as DLC and will come with new nations (and specializations for existing nations) and maps.

Regarding the release we think that we’ll get the clearest picture from the results of closed beta testing. Of course, we want to release it as soon as possible, but primarily do it in such a way that 4 years of our efforts are not in vain and the game reveals all its potential.

Thank you for your support and see you soon on the battlefields!


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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2023, 11:53:11 PM »
Broken Arrow’s beta starting on November 16 - Sign-up now
Mon, 6 November 2023

We’re well aware of the huge anticipation surrounding Broken Arrow.

Dozens of thousands of fans have been patiently waiting for the beta. It was originally meant to start a few months ago, but we decided to wait a couple of extra months. You can never be too careful.

Well, the wait is (almost) over. The beta of Broken Arrow will begin in ten days, on November 16

Can everyone get in?

For now the beta will be a closed beta, meaning that everyone can apply for the beta but we reserve ourselves the right to handpick those who will be given access.

How do I get in, then?

It’s simple, you can apply here. You will need to register a Slitherine account (which is free) and fill the form. Due to the sudden influx of traffic, the website might temporarily be unavailable. If it happens please bear with us, it will be back online soon. If you are having technical issues with signing up for the beta, please reach out to our customer service at

How do I know if I am chosen?

Slitherine’s producers will reach out to you by e-mail, the same e-mail address you used for registering your Slitherine account. The e-mail you receive will contain all the information you need to access the beta version of the game and on how to provide feedback on it. Furthermore, you might be selected even after November 16, as our team will look into adding more and more testers as the beta progresses.

Can I stream the beta?

Absolutely not. Everyone who gets in the beta is automatically under NDA. We’ll have options for making versions of the game available to all (players and reviewers alike) at a later date.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2023, 12:29:34 AM »
A new Dev Diary and one last message before the end of the year
Wed, 20 December 2023

Before we get to the dev diary, we wanted to thank each and everyone of the many, many thousands of testers who took part in the closed beta.

It was a terrific experience for us and seeing so many people enjoy multiplayer games while sharing their opinions on the game in the private beta channels only reinforced us with the conviction that Broken Arrow is going to be a great game.

The closed beta ends today: as mentioned before, we’ll be back in January with the intention of opening a public demo. We’ll reveal the actual date in early January.

We have one last dev diary for you for 2023, so enjoy the read and enjoy the holidays.

Dev Diary #7 - A sense of detail

Today’s dev diary will be focussing on the development team’s attention to details: the game is overflowing with nice visual details at every level and it is our intention to showcase that.

Textures and models
The first thing you notice when arriving in the hangar which serves as background for the main menu is how detailed the vehicles look. Each vehicle from the good old classics to the most unknown prototypes or the newest machines barely in service have received the same attention. Blueprints and in-depth photographic research are used to be as close to reality as possible.

Customizable elements also received a lot of attention to make sure they are perfectly compatible with the rest of the vehicle.

If you move the camera around and zoom a bit more you will notice even more details like the cockpits of the planes, the weapons they carry and the pylons holding them.

Helicopters are not to be outdone, with a level of customization equivalent to the planes.

Here is a MH-60M IDAP of the special forces equipped with laser guided rockets DAGR and stinger anti-air missiles.

When switching to the infantry tab you will notice that soldiers’ equipment vary from one squad to another to show their role, and each soldier is slightly different from the next with different body sizes and variations in their equipment.

The weapons carried by infantry and mounted on vehicles also received particular attention.

Time to launch a battle where all these units will come to life.
Here are just a few of the little things you can notice when you zoom in on the battlefield.

The 2K22 Tunguska is a short range anti aircraft vehicle equipped with guns and missiles. As in reality they can move independently. The unit is also equipped with a radar that can be deployed to increase the detection and firing ranges, it also allows it to intercept cruise missiles.

The 2S1 Tulpan is a heavy 240mm mortar. The shells are so heavy that it’s impossible to load them from the muzzle like other mortars, so instead the tube is lowered and the shells are loaded from the breach by a crane after each shot.

ATGM stands for Anti-Tank Guided Missiles. They are generally stored in tubes that also contain the cable used to guide them. Once the missile has reached its target the tube must be replaced.
Here, a konkurs missile fired from a BTR-90 reloaded from the hatch of the turret.

A Bradley carries 2 ready to launch ATGMs on the side of the turret. Once both missiles are fired they must be replaced using the rear hatch.

In some tanks, empty shell casings are simply dropped at the bottom of the compartment and discarded later. But vehicles with autoloaders generally include an ejection mechanism.
In the game you will see the casing being ejected by the autoloader just like in reality. Autoloaded tank guns are generally slower to reload than their manually loaded counterparts but have the advantage to maintain a steady rate of fire even when the crew is shocked.

The Derivatsiya is a BMP-3 chassis equipped with modern sensors and a 57mm gun shooting airburst rounds very deadly against slow flying aircrafts. It also provides efficient fire support against infantry.
The recoil of the gun is animated, the ejection hatch opens after each shot as a shell casing is ejected and bounces on the ground.

Speaking of recoil, the movement induced by each shot has an effect on the suspension of the unit dynamically depending on the power of the gun and the orientation of the turret. Vehicles in water also swing dynamically with the waves and the recoil of their weapons.

You have the possibility to activate the afterburner on planes that can do it in reality. When you do, flames spout from the engine, a thick smoke forms behind the plane and when the sound barrier is reached you can see and hear the sonic boom effect. In addition, on planes with variable-sweep wings this is accompanied by the animation of the wings switching to supersonic mode.

Some units like the S-300V need to be deployed before becoming operational. This cooldown is accompanied by the animation of the deployment.

Iskander-M deploying its 2 ballistic missiles before shooting. This unit can also be customized to carry cruise missiles instead in which case it is named Iskander-K

Finally the internal parts of the vehicles are modeled and their doors are animated. You can see the infantry filling the compartment when entering in a vehicle or helicopter.

Broken Arrow's maps feature dense, detailed urban areas that rival city-building games.

But suddenly the battle rages on and the enemy leaves you no respite. Bombs fall from the sky and hit a high riser which collapses from the impact.

That's it for today, we hope you enjoyed the dev diary. Merry Christmas and happy new year, see you in 2024.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2024, 12:03:09 AM »
Multiplayer Open Beta available on January 31
Mon, 22 January 2024

Last month we ran a large closed beta for testing multiplayer. We're now ready to top that.

Last month we ran a large closed beta for testing multiplayer in Broken Arrow. For a few weeks thousands and thousands of testers were able to face each other in exciting 5 vs 5 matches.

We collected amazing feedback and we were overjoyed to see so many players get their hands on the beta build and have tons of fun.

We’re now ready to top that: on January 31 we’ll re-open the beta on Steam.

[size=150]What is it?[/size]

It will be an Open Beta, meaning that everyone will be accepted automatically and immediately. It will also mean you will be able to stream the game, make videos of it and upload them, talk about it with your friends. Simply put, there will be no NDA restrictions. The Open Beta will be available until February 16.

It will be a multiplayer beta only and it will contain no single-player content whatsoever. The game at launch will contain single-player scenarios and single-player campaigns, but the purpose of this playtest phase is to test online play.

The beta build currently contains 6 multiplayer maps playable in 5vs5 with only 4 out of the ten specializations the game will contain at launch, for the two playable factions, USA and Russia.

If you pick the USA you will play as USMC and Armored and if you pick Russia you will play as VDV and Guard tanks. Each faction will propose 3 additional specializations at launch.

[size=150]Multiplayer challenge[/size]

We have decided to challenge the community with a contest: during those 16 days players will have the chance to climb two unique leaderboards: K/D ratio and Win/Loss ratio.

At the end of the open beta we’ll know who the winners and top players among the community are. We will also reward the most active player for the duration of the beta.

Victory will be rewarded with the possibility of taking part in a special live round table with the developers: those who manage to get in the first five positions of each leaderboard will get the chance to take part in this live event with Steel Balalaika and they will be able to talk with the developers, offering them feedback and opinions and asking whatever they want about the game. We’ll make sure to update you daily on Discord on who is leading each leaderboard.

[size=150]December’s closed beta in numbers[/size]

We have prepared some infographics to showcase some of the numbers from the closed beta testing phase in December. We’re really proud of them, but do let us know if there are specific stats you would like to know and we’ll see what we can do.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2024, 01:18:43 AM »
What is in the Multiplayer Open Beta of Broken Arrow?
Tue, 30 January 2024

As you all know the Multiplayer Open Beta for Broken Arrow will begin tomorrow, on January 31.

It will contain four playable specializations (two per faction, USA and Russia) on six multiplayer maps. They will be playable on multiplayer only
in 5v5 mode.

As a reminder, the game at launch will contain a plethora of single-player content including a lot more specializations (five per faction for a total of ten) and single-player campaigns, but the scope of this Open Beta is testing the multiplayer only.

We’ve prepared a post to showcase the contents of the Multiplayer Open Beta: both the four playable specializations as well as the six available maps. We hope you enjoy it.


Armored Brigade (USA)

The armored brigade gives you access to the heaviest and most powerful ground vehicles of the US army. This fire power comes at the cost of poor mobility and the total absence of air units.

The latest M1A2 SEP v3 is unmatched in tank vs Tank engagement and can be equipped with additional reactive armor and Trophy active protection system to intercept incoming missiles.

M109 Paladin and M270 MLRS open the way for your armored pushes followed by Bradley fighting vehicles carrying small mechanized infantry groups to hold the terrain.

Cavalry scouts equipped with Javelin top attack missiles secure the flanks and prepare a nasty surprise for any enemy vehicle rushed in response to your assault.

Marines Expeditionary Unit (USA)

The United States Marine Corps is a jack of all trades giving you access to a balanced amount of equipment. The Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) provide a mobile platform for multiple weapon systems: LAV-25 with a bushmaster autocannon, LAV-M with a 82mm mortar, LAV-AD with stinger anti air missiles and a GAU-12 25mm gatling gun, LAV-L transporting small quantities of logistics. The AAVP-7 have enough room to transport large 13 men strong Marine squads or multiple support squads. They also provide decent firepower with a M2 Browning and a Mk19 grenade launcher. The M1A1 FEP with its High Explosive Multi-Purpose round is more effective than other Abrams tanks to deal with infantry. HIMARS can fire up to 6 rockets with unitary or cluster warheads as well as ATACMS and PrSM ballistic missiles. Cobras, Vipers, Stallions, Ospreys and Venom helicopters provide anything you need in the helicopter department but you have a limited amount of points in the deck for helicopters so you need to make choices. Harriers, Hornets and F-35 provide good choices of loadouts for airstrikes and air superiority while KC-130J can airdrop troops from low altitude.

Guard Tank Brigade (Russia)

The elite guard tank brigade is equipped with the heaviest and most modern ground vehicles but no helicopters or planes. Everything is heavy in this specialization from the T-90M Razvedchik in the recon tab to the T-15 Barbaris in the infantry tab: a troop transport based on the chassis of the T-14 Armata tank equipped with a 30mm or 57mm autocannon. Many vehicles can be equipped with active protection systems (APS) that can intercept incoming rockets and missiles. The support category provides some of the best anti-aircraft systems available like the M3 Buk and the Pantsir-S1, but also deadly artillery systems like the TOS-1 Buratino or its upgrade the TOS-1A Solntsepek that can unleash a deadly volley of 220mm thermobaric rockets.

VDV Brigade (Russia)

The Russian airborne forces can parachute troops and vehicles to rapidly strike from any direction with light mechanized support. The small 5 men strong VDV squads are highly specialized and rely on their BMD armored transport to hold their ground against sometimes more than twice larger enemy squads. Use aircraft equipped with anti-radiation missiles to take control of the skies, drones to identify weaknesses, and Tu-160 heavy bombers to strike groupings. When enemy tanks start showing up it’s time to call helicopters like the Mi-28N or the Ka-52 and hunt down any vehicle wandering too far away from the air defense.



The seaport town of Baltiysk is the gateway to Kaliningrad Bay, home to Russia's Baltic fleet. Blocking this passage would trap the Baltic fleet. This narrow strip of land surrounded by water will be the stage for a merciless battle where flanking possibilities on the ground are limited. But commanders feeling too safe could forget to secure their rear and be surprised by a helicopter assault coming from the sea.


This city located in the middle of Kaliningrad’s oblast at the confluence of the Instruch and Angrapa rivers is home to an airbase and a missile brigade equipped with nuclear capable Iskander-M ballistic missiles. The battle will take place at night in the city itself as well as the industrial outskirts and the military bases. This large battlefield with many objectives will force the commanders to make good use of their recon to identify where it is safe to leave the front line empty in order to concentrate their forces for an assault.


The E67 highway is the only ground axis between Poland and the Baltic states with bridges strong enough to support the passage of 70 tons’ tanks. Holding this axis would be absolutely vital to carry reinforcements to the Baltic states in case of invasion. Each army starts at one end of the highway and the objectives are located along the trench of the highway, leading to a terrifying head-on confrontation. But the hardest-headed commanders are not necessarily the ones who prevail. If the large areas of farmland and forest on each side of the highway are left unchecked, you can bypass the enemy and cut their reinforcements.


The coastal city of Parnu in Estonia with its airport, harbor and large beaches would become a very important entry point for supplies and equipment in case of conflict. The battle will take place in the middle of the city itself, caught between the sea and a large swamp with a river zigzagging in the middle. Taking control of the central bridge will allow you to rapidly move troops from one bank to the other to put the enemy team off balance. Otherwise you must rely on the swampy fords to do so.

Ignalina Power Plant

The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant located in Lithuania less than 2km from the border with Belarus supplies the entire country with electricity which makes this place a very valuable yet vulnerable asset. The battle will rage in the swampy area surrounding the power plant, including the nearby city of Visaginas with its classic Soviet architecture, the power plant itself and the industrial area located in between. (note: the powerplant was decommissioned in 2009 in real life but stayed active in Broken Arrow’s lore.)

Central village

The small town of Lazdijai in Lithuania is situated at the key crossroad between national road 135, the second biggest road linking Vilnius to Poland, and national road 134, the shortest axis linking Belarus and Kaliningrad. The objectives for this battle are all located at key locations inside and around the town but many little farms, groves and fields separated by dense hedgerows surround it and can be used to outflank the enemy. Commanders committing too much into the town could end up surrounded there with their supply line severed.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2024, 12:09:00 AM »
The Multiplayer Open Beta is available
Wed, 31 January 2024

Get ready to play exciting online 5v5 matches. Everyone can join.

You've been waiting patiently, but the Multiplayer Open Beta is now here.

Get ready to engage in exciting 5v5 online matches, starting today and until February 16.

It is an Open Beta, meaning that everyone will be accepted automatically and immediately. It also means you are able to stream the game, make videos of it and upload them, talk about it with your friends. Simply put, there will be no NDA restrictions.

It is a multiplayer beta only and it contains no single-player content whatsoever. The game at launch will contain single-player scenarios and single-player campaigns, but the purpose of this playtest phase is to test online play.

The beta build currently contains 6 multiplayer maps playable in 5vs5 with only 4 out of the ten specializations the game will contain at launch, for the two playable factions, USA and Russia. If you want more information on what the open beta contains, please refer to this post.

[size=12]How to download and install[/size]

The Open Beta is only available through Steam. In order to download it, head to the steam page of Broken Arrow.

You will need to click on the green button which says REQUEST ACCESS. You will be given access automatically and "Broken Arrow Playtest" will appear in your Steam Library.

Then, all you need to do is to click Install and the download will start.

Please note that you might be required to close and relaunch Steam in order for the download to begin.

[size=12]Multiplayer challenge[/size]

We have decided to challenge the community with a contest: during those 16 days players will have the chance to climb two unique leaderboards: K/D ratio and Win/Loss ratio.

At the end of the open beta we’ll know who the winners and top players among the community are. We will also reward the most active player for the duration of the beta.

Victory will be rewarded with the possibility of taking part in a special live round table with the developers: those who manage to get in the first five positions of each leaderboard will get the chance to take part in this live event with Steel Balalaika and they will be able to talk with the developers, offering them feedback and opinions and asking whatever they want about the game. We’ll make sure to update you daily on Discord on who is leading each leaderboard.

[size=12]Struggling with the basics?[/size]

If you're struggling with learning how to play, don't worry. The game at launch will feature ways for new players to be gradually introduced to gameplay mechanics and they will be able to learn the ropes, but for now please refer to this .

It serves as a useful guide to get started and learn the basics. Should you still have trouble please join our discord channel: Broken Arrow has a big and helpful community and plenty of experienced players willing to lend a hand and teach newcomers.

Have fun!

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2024, 10:56:00 PM »
Live Q&A with the Developers on Discord on April 4
Fri, March 29, 2024

Join us on April 4 for a special Live Q&A session with the developers on Discord

During the Open Beta we ran a Multiplayer Challenge and we awarded a special prize to the top ranked players in certain categories.

The prize was the possibility of interviewing the developers on a special Live Q&A session on Discord. We're now approaching the date, so mark it on your calendars: it will take place on April 4 at 6 pm CET
on our Discord channel.

You can join the Broken Arrow discord channel here

Even though only the winners of the Multiplayer Challenge will be able to directly intervene and speak to the devs in the voice channel, everyone is welcome to join and comment in the chat. We'll also make sure to publish a summary of what was revealed during the Q&A session.

It will also be an occasion for us to give you an update on development and to let you know what the team has been working on.

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Re: Broken Arrow
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2024, 12:10:57 AM »
Q&A Recap
Mon, April 8, 2024

A few days ago we had a live Q&A on Discord, with the developers. Here's a recap of it.

A few days ago we had a live Q&A on Discord, with Felix, Creative Director of Steel Balalaika.

Winners of the Open Beta Multiplayer Challenge had the chance to talk and ask questions. We are posting a short recap of what was revealed.

    When is the game going to be released?

    We are still working on the game to make sure that it is a polished experience and it meets everyone's expectations. As such, the game is currently slated to release in the second half of 2024.

    Will there be another beta?

    Almost certainly. Stay tuned so that you don't miss it!

    What about support to modding tools?

    The game is built in Unity and its files are in pretty standard formats. It shouldn't be hard for anyone with the right experience to create mods for the game.

    Will there be more factions added?

    Yes. None have been confirmed yet, as we are currently focusing on the base game, but we have lots of plans and ideas for future expansions and playable factions.

    Will there be VOIP?

    No, VOIP is currently not planned.

    What will the matchmaking balancing be done with?

    Broken Arrow will use the Glicko 2 system for the ranking.

    Is there a lot of elevation in maps?

    The game is set in the Baltics which isn't a very mountainous region, but some maps have more elevation than others with some hills and short mountains. We will focus on mountains and make them shine in the gameplay when we move on to other regions in future pieces of content.

    Will you add maps with a lot of open terrain?

    Not really - open spaces makes your units very vulnerable and lead to a very static gameplay. It's part of the level design of Broken Arrow to have a high density of buildings and cover on the maps.

    What are the five specs for Russia and USA?

    Still top secret.

    Will there be a standard lobby system?

    There will be two systems: standard match compatible with automatic matchmaking and custom match where the host can customize the lobby.

    Will you be able to mix nations once more nations are added?

    At the moment it's only one nation per team in standard match and the host decides for custom matches. We might change that when a new nation is added but it's not decided yet.

    What are the team's thoughts towards scoring systems (earning points while capping)

    A ticket system presures the losing team to sacrifice their reinforcements needlessly to try to stop the bleeding, resulting in their long term defeat.
    The system presented during the beta has the advantage to give time to the losing team to recover from a bad start and turn the tide. The disadvantage of this system being that inexperienced players don't feel the incentive to be aggressive and lose because of that.
    We are working on a game mode that would keep the advantages of the current system while mitigating its downsides.

    Were there some units which you thought were either underperforming or overperforming

    Planes with smart bombs were overperforming during the beta. We have already taken action to rebalance that.

    Will you make it easier for infantry to counter vehicles?

    Yes but not by a lot. Don't expect a few soldiers to stop a column of tanks. It is important not to make infantry too good against vehicles or you end up with a very static gameplay with artillery as your only tool to push forward. Infantry vs infantry combat was also very slow, we have increased a bit the damage they inflict to each other.

    What's the intended use of drones?

    It's aerial reconnaissance. You can cover a lot of ground with a single unit which is useful to check if there are no units infiltrating your rear lines. They are easy targets for long range missiles but you can use them as bait in combination with a SEAD plane/helicopter. We have also added low flying drones which are much more survivable close to the frontline.

    What game modes will there be in the game?

    There will be a single game mode for standard matches to keep a single pool of players and make the automatic matchmaker as efficient as possible. But it will be possible to create or download user made game modes created with the scenario editor and play them in multiplayer.

    Will there be a handicap if someone leaves?

    Losing a teammate is already a handicap. We're rather looking to compensate this handicap to maintain a match as fair as possible.
    First off both teams retain the same amount of income, just split among fewer players. Secondly, increase the availability in the deck leads to problems of roundings. So it's better to proportinally increase the speed at which units come back to the deck for the remaining players.

    What kind of post-launch support will there be?

    It will be a combination of new DLCs, adding new factions, maps and campaigns, with free updates consisting of new quality of life features and improvements.

    Will there be spectator mode?


    Will there be a replay mode?

    Yes, but possibly after launch. It is a complex feature and we're not sure to have enough time to finish it before the release. This is the type of improvement which would be part of free updates.

    Will it be possible to airdrop infantry transports like the BMD?

    Yes. Maybe we will limit the ablity only if you also buy the infantry with it.

    How many people in development team?

    Around 15, plus people like translator, voice actors etc. which are outsourced and all the staff of Slitherine helping us.

    What was the most rewarding or fun thing you had to do while working on the game?

    Felix replied that the aspect he likes the most is that it is an incredibly varied job. You never get bored and you end up doing so many different tasks.

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