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Offline Asid

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Deep Space Battle Simulator
« on: April 17, 2020, 12:16:20 AM »

Two teams of players control their capital ship in an epic battle. Customize your ship, control its movement, weapons, and energy distribution or go to one of the hangars to join the battle in a smaller fighter!


Single-player, Online PvP, Online Co-op

Deep Space Battle Simulator - Steam Early Access Trailer


Deep Space Battle Simulator is a round-based multiplayer first-person online game, where you play as a part of a capital ship crew and try to destroy the enemy teams ship.

At the start of each round, you can customize your cruisers turrets, fill your hangars with lots of different smaller fighters and choose between numerous upgrades to give you the edge in battle. Once the round starts, move your capital ship freely in all three dimensions, shoot the turrets manually or use the ships integrated targeting systems to just focus which points of the enemy ship to focus. Control the energy distribution of your ship, raise the shields of each section of the ship individually, or direct energy to the engines, life support or weapon systems. You can also explore the giant interior of your capital ship while running to a hangar to join the battle with a smaller fighter and board the enemy ship and sabotage their generators, shields or engine.

Current Features:

● two different teams (red vs blue) each controlling a huge capital ship trying do destroy the opposite team
● navigate your ship, manage its energy distribution and make use of a variety of different weapons options
● enter one of the smaller fighters located in your ships hangars and tip the scales in your favor
● board the enemy ship, sabotage important parts of it and fight its crew
● lots of different turret and fighter classes to customize your ship
● a huge amount of selectable upgrades like droids or gun lockers
● different personal weapons in case you want to board the enemy ship or defend your own ship
● full options menu with graphics setting and keybinding menus
● either play on dedicated servers or host your own private sessions ingame

« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 01:39:13 PM by Asid »
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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2020, 02:17:52 PM »
Update #24: Repair system rework, Heavy Fighter, and lots of improvements!
Mon, April 27, 2020

This update features a reworked and more in-depth engine repair system, a brand-new Heavy Fighter, and a lot more!
This update introduces a new repair system for the engine and a visual rework for the engine room. There are now multiple switches on the engine block, as well as an "Engine Status" screen that displays the current status of the engine, and how to fix it if it's broken or overheated for example. Fixing the engine now requires multiple steps, instead of just holding a key for a few seconds. The B1 droid and Barsk Security Guard got updated as well, so they are able to perform engine repairs with the new system,

In the new engine room, you will also find a new "overclock engine" button there, which allows you to double the output of your engine but puts your engine at risk for overheating, so use it with care!

You will also notice that there is a new fighter called "Heavy Fighter". Similar to the "Light Fighter" it is a very good allrounder, but it comes with even better stats and 6 dumb-fire rockets. This improvement will cost you 200$ of your upgrade budget per Heavy Fighter though, so you need to decide if it's worth it for your strategy.

There are also lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes coming with this update, there are new keybinding and setting options, for example, some of the older ones that had issues with saving now save correctly and the stealth fighter now has a cloak effect instead of turning completely invisible when cloaked. You can have a look at all the smaller changes in the changelog below!

Full changelog:
-ADDED: new engine model, damage and repair system that allows for different types of engine damage
-ADDED: engine status screen to the engine room, displays the current engine status and steps how to fix if it's broken
-ADDED: engine overlock from the engine room, doubles your engine speed but can overheat your engine
-ADDED: B1 droid and Barsk Security Guard can now perform multi-step repairs on the engine
-ADDED: support for fighters that cost extra money that gets reduced from your overall upgrade budget
-ADDED: "Heavy Fighter", costs 200$ extra, best overall fighter, comes with 6 dumb-fire rockets that deal lots of damage
-ADDED: cloak shader effect to cloaked stealth fighters instead of making them just invisible
-ADDED: part of the stealth fighter cockpit turns invisible from the inside as well so it's easier to see if you are cloaked
-ADDED: "invert mouse y-axis only for fighters" option
-ADDED: keybind option for opening the scoreboard (default is still "TAB")
-ADDED: "Rotate Left" and "Rotate Right" keybinding options
-IMPROVED: "Turn Input" fighter controls to allow for better smaller adjustments
-CHANGED: increased firearm laser speed from 20,000 m/s to 35,000 m/s to make it easier to hit moving targets
-CHANGED: engine exhausts are now only visible if the capital ship is accelerating instead of always as long as it was moving
-CHANGED: updated tutorial so it works with the new engine changes
-FIXED: smaller fighter collision sounds behaving inconsistently sometimes
-FIXED: hangar door shield not being visible after the hangar door got destroyed
-FIXED: players sometimes having weird view rotations after exiting a turret or fighter
-FIXED: FOV and Fighter sensitivity not saving correctly since the last update
-FIXED: turret zoom being hard-coded to "Right Mouse Button" instead of using the "Alternative Shoot Key" bind
-FIXED: "Turn Input" being the default fighter input settings instead of "Direct Input"
-FIXED: fighter input setting not saving correctly

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2020, 11:27:31 PM »
Update #25: Hyperspace preparation phase and lots of bugfixes!
Mon, 11 May 2020

This update fixes some of the most annoying bugs, and adds a hyperspace preparation phase

This update fixes some of the most annoying bugs, like lasers not appearing correctly if you would drive your capital ship far from its start point, which took quite some time to fix. Expect more content soon, now that these bugfixes are out of the way!

There is also a new 20-second preparation phase at the start of each round, where you are traveling in hyperspace to the battleground, you can't control the capital ship and fly out in smaller fighters while in the hyperspace/preparation phase.

There are also some smaller changes, like more camera shakes when your ship gets damaged, some extra lights for the engine switches so you can find them a bit easier, the AI now has better following behavior when driving the capital ship, as well as some minor bugfixes.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: more camera shakes when a ship part gets damaged and you are inside it
-ADDED: 20 seconds preparation phase, the ship will jump out of hyperspace into battle after it
-ADDED: hyperspace/warp visual effect and sounds
-ADDED: small light above the engine side output switches to make them easier to find
-CHANGED: increased engine sound volume slightly
-IMPROVED: AI capital ship following behavior
-FIXED: some server error spams
-FIXED: some cases where the ship would continue to fly forward after its engine was destroyed
-FIXED: lasers and other things disappearing or not appearing at all when the capital ship is far away from the center of the map

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2020, 02:32:50 AM »
Update #26: Fighter repairs in hangars, laser turret changes, and more!
Thu, May 14

This update introduces repairs over time inside hangars, changes the laser damage system, and some other things.
Before this update, lasers dealt the same damage no matter how far they traveled, and then just ceased to exist after reaching their maximum range. Now they will have a damage falloff at range, and deal only 70% of their normal damage. To compensate for this nerf in damage, I increased the damage of all lasers slightly, so you shouldn't notice a big difference in the total damage output.

Fighters are pretty strong right now, especially since you could just fly in a hangar and then enter the fighter again to fully restore its HP. Now, there are repair stations inside the hangars that repair your fighters slowly over time, to give damaged fighters a bit more downtime. The "Heavy Fighter" rockets also got their damage reduced from 150 to 100, since it was a bit too strong.

There are also some minor additions and bugfixes, you can take a look at them in the full changelog below. One bug that is still in the game that I am currently working on fixing, is fighters sometimes being unable to enter the enemy capital ships, even if the hangar doors are destroyed/hacked. I added a small debug number at the top left of the screen, if you experience this bug please let me know what that number said at the moment you couldn't enter the hangar, this will help me out tremendously. Anyways, expect this bug to be fixed soon.

Full changelog:

-ADDED: damaged fighters now keep their HP when landing in a hangar
-ADDED: repair stations to the hangars that activate when a damaged fighter is parked below and then start repairing it
-ADDED: "distance to enemy capital ship" info to ship controls UI
-CHANGED: laser weapons now lose some damage if their target is far away, instead of always dealing full damage and then disappearing if they reached their maximum range
-CHANGED: laser weapons now deal 30% more damage at point-blank range, but 30% less damage at their maximum range (this is a small nerf for double laser turrets)
-NERFED: reduced Heavy Fighter rocket damage from 150 to 100
-BUFFED: increased "Large Laser Turret" range from 120,000 to 140,000
-FIXED: capital ship hangar doors blue shield flickering through the doors sometimes
-FIXED: volume setting not saving correctly

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2020, 12:01:56 AM »
Update #27: Votekick option and hangar bugfixes
Mon, 18 May 2020

This smaller update adds a votekick option for players, and a potential fix for being unable to enter hangars sometimes
This smaller update adds a vote kick option, you can choose a player you want to kick in the in-game menu (Escape key), this will start a vote. After 20 seconds or if enough players voted, the vote will end. If more than 65% of the players voted "yes", the player will be kicked from the server.

This update also deploys a potential fix for not being able to enter hangars sometimes.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: vote kick system
-FIXED: potential fix for not being able to enter a hangar sometimes

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2020, 12:19:49 AM »
Update #28: Team selection screen
Wed, May 27, 2020

This smaller update adds a team selection screen at the start of a new round
This smaller update adds a team selection screen at the start of a new round, you can choose which team you want to join, as long as the team is not full already!

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2020, 01:39:32 AM »
Update #29: New turrets slots, team selection improvements and bugfixes
Thu, 4 June 2020

This update adds two new turret slots to the capital ships and brings improvements to the team selection menu, and more

The new team selection menu will be improved in this update, allowing you to skip the 20-second timer if everyone has selected a team, so you have less downtime before you can jump into gameplay again.

Before this update, there were some blindspots behind the engines that smaller fighters could abuse to deal lots of damage to your capital ship without you being able to return fire. To fix this issue, there are now two new turret slots directly below the engines, by default they are equipped with double laser turrets to counter enemy fighters, but you can of course customize which turret you want there at the start of the round.

There are also some visual improvements to the capital ship engines, you will notice some heat distortion effects when they are running, along with some bugfixes for the engine status screen.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: heat distortion FX to capital ship engines
-ADDED: team selection now ends before the timer runs out if everyone has selected a team
-ADDED: two new turret slots below the capital ship engines
-FIXED: issue where the engine could get both broken and overheated
-FIXED: engine status screen displaying overheated and broken status at the same time resulting in them overlaying each other

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2020, 03:04:32 PM »
Update #30: Flickering lights and AI super laser improvements
Wed, June 17, 2020

This smaller update adds flickering lights to damaged ship sections, and improves the AI behavior
While bigger things like frigates are getting worked on, this smaller update adds a bit more immersion by making lights flicker or completely fail if the ship section they are located in gets too damaged. There are also some fixes to the AI behavior when they are firing super lasers, and new outlines to the engine repair levers so they are easier to find for newer players!

Full changelog:
-ADDED: lights flickering and failing completely if their section gets too damaged
-ADDED: outlines to the engine levers so they are easier to find for newer players
-IMPROVED: AI super laser aim, so they aim it at your ship more consistently
-FIXED: AI firing their super laser when it would not hit the enemy ship

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2020, 11:36:47 PM »
Update #31: Frigates, new gamemodes, tons of improvements and bugfixes!
Sat, 5 September 2020

This biggest update yet adds a new shipclass, different battle sizes, and a lot more new content and fixes.

This is the biggest update to the game yet, it got tested for months resulting in lots of new content, fixes, and improvements to the game.

The biggest new addition is the frigate, which is a new ship class that is quite a lot smaller than the capital ships and features fewer turrets but comes with more maneuverability. This new frigate will be available in the new "small" battle size, where each team gets one frigate, and the "epic" battle size, with each team controlling a capital ship as well as a frigate. The old capital ship game mode is still available by selecting the "medium" battle size.

The new frigate has systems similar to the capital ships, you will find turret and ship control seats, an energy distribution system, a generator, and an engine system. There also are new torpedo shafts in the engine room, that the frigate crew can load to fire high-damage torpedos at their enemies.

You can access the frigate through a gate from the capital ship interiors, and undock it with the lever next to the gate. You can also dock it again while being close to a capital ship, which will repair the frigate over time and allow you to enter the capital ship again. There are also 2 small shuttles inside the frigate, and you even can land in a frigate to try to board it.

There are also significant improvements to the AI, the bomber has a new screen that helps you pick your bombing targets, and the keybinding system has been improved, especially for controllers.

There are also lots of changes, improvements, and fixes that I didn't mention here, but as always you can read about them in the full changelog below.

Please let me know if you have any feedback!

Full changelog:
-ADDED: frigate with a small walkable interior, with respawn room, generator, engine, and a small bridge
-ADDED: "small" (frigate vs frigate) and "epic" (capital ship + frigate in each team) battle sizes
-ADDED: a system that warns and damages your ship if you fly too far away from the battle
-ADDED: picking up a weapon or tool will now automatically equip it
-ADDED: dumbfire rockets/torpedos now also explode when close to a target (but not directly hitting it, making them more reliable)
-ADDED: frigate docking to capital ship mechanics
-ADDED: radar table functionality for the frigates
-ADDED: frigate torpedo purchase station
-ADDED: interior and exterior explosions to destroyed frigates
-ADDED: mechanic to enter frigates from smaller fighters
-ADDED: two military shuttle spawn areas to the frigate
-ADDED: frigate "auto dock" function, that you can toggle to have your frigate dock automatically if it gets close enough, makes single-handed docking easier
-ADDED: frigate docking animation
-ADDED: frigates get now repaired while docked (10% max HP per minute)
-ADDED: torpedo targeting crosshair to the frigate if atleast one torpedo is loaded
-ADDED: targeting screen to the Bomber small fighter cockpit
-ADDED: server fps display on the scoreboard
-ADDED: red/blue space clouds behind the capital ships
-ADDED: red planet behind the red capital ship
-ADDED: more controller keybinding options
-ADDED: keyboard/controller toggle button to the keybinding menu (toggles if you get shown the current keyboard or controller keybinds)
-ADDED: "Toggle camera" option to the frigate, locks the camera and allows players to move it with their mouse, similar to the smaller fighters

-IMPROVED: keybindings system, now allows for one keyboard/mouse input and one controller input per keybind
-IMPROVED: some minor main menu UI changes
-IMPROVED: dumbfire rocket particle effects
-IMPROVED: frigate performance and performance inside the ship increased
-IMPROVED: lots of frigate improvements
-IMPROVED: lots of performance improvements, especially in larger battles
-IMPROVED: red team B1 droid now has a red light (instead of a blue one)
-IMPROVED: host menu game mode descriptions
-IMPROVED: increased planet size
-IMPROVED: replaced weird small planet in the center with an asteroid
-IMPROVED: server browser game mode display and font sizes to allow for larger server names
-IMPROVED: Interceptor Drones now target Frigates as well
-IMPROVED: AI turret targeting improvements
-IMPROVED: B2 Attack droids now fire at Sweepo droids
-IMPROVED: Commando Droid AI now needs to move to the energy station to adjust energy distribution (before he did it from anywhere, confusing players that boarded his bridge)
-IMPROVED: greatly improved frigate AI turret targeting mechanics, now attacks the capital ship more if it seems like the best move
-IMPROVED: bridge turrets now begin to smoke when getting below 50% HP

-CHANGED: AI now takes less damage from being out of the combat zone
-CHANGED: reduced broken interior lights sounds
-CHANGED: reduced AI frigate torpedo firerate
-CHANGED: B1 commander AI droid spawn location, so players can kill it on the bridge and have some time before he comes back
-CHANGED: increased distance between the capital ship starting points slightly
-CHANGED: AI now takes less damage from being out of the combat zone
-BUFFED: AI interceptors can now target repair drones
-BUFFED: increased Bomber mine drop speed from 1000 to 3000
-BUFFED: increased mine damage from 6-60 to 10-100 (based on distance to mine)
-BUFFED: increased B2 Attack Pod HP from 25 to 40
-BUFFED: increased Fireo Pod HP from 25 to 30
-NERFED: bridge turrets HP reduced from 1000 to 800
-NERFED: reduced Heavy Fighter torpedo range from 200,000 to 100,000
-NERFED: reduced "Heavy Fighter" rocket damage from 100 to 70

-FIXED: Tactical Droid spawning inside the holo table
-FIXED: some ship status UI bugs
-FIXED: fighter purchases not reducing your resource points amount
-FIXED: Barsk Security Guard getting stuck in their spawn room
-FIXED: small delay before the victory/defeat screen appears in frigate only mode
-FIXED: bug that made the frigate energy controls UI appear when it shouldnt appear
-FIXED: turrets sometimes having messed up rotations (while still shooting in the right direction, was only visual)
-FIXED: potential fix for frigates sometimes not spawning attached to the capital ship
-FIXED: AI being able to move the capital ship and frigate while in hyperspace/preparation phase
-FIXED: frigate AI being able to shoot torpedos very fast
-FIXED: frigate not getting destroyed correctly in the capital ship + frigate mode
-FIXED: lots of minor frigate bugs
-FIXED: red frigate not having any fire extinguishers
-FIXED: capital ship double laser turret seats controlling the frigate double laser turrets
-FIXED: B1 Commander AI droid getting stuck in the radar table
-FIXED: B1 Commander AI droid not being able to shoot back
-FIXED: frigates not being displayed correctly on the bridge holo table
-FIXED: potential fixes for players sometimes becoming invisible in the frigate gamemodes
-FIXED: turret debug text being visible
-FIXED: frigate AI commander droid not moving
-FIXED: frigate AI undocking before the hyperspace/preparation phase ended
-FIXED: capital ship AI firing torpedos in the hyperspace/preparation phase
-FIXED: civilian shuttles spawning with 0 HP
-FIXED: multiple civilian shuttle spawner bugs
-FIXED: potential issue that resulted in players avatars still sitting on turret controller seats after leaving them
-FIXED: frigate being able to fly trough planets
-FIXED: frigate displaying zero distance to enemy ship when the enemy frigate got destroyed
-FIXED: frigate ambient engine noise not playing correctly
-FIXED: B2 Attack droids getting stuck near the hangars
-FIXED: B2 Attack droids having trouble shooting the generator
-FIXED: some frigate server errors
-FIXED: frigate shuttles appearing on the capital ship ingame map
-FIXED: Interceptor Drones not being destroyed when flying into a planet or ship
-FIXED: turrets trying to fire through the planet
-FIXED: fireo droids getting stuck in the tree room
-FIXED: hearing firefights inside the capital ship while being inside the frigate
-FIXED: tutorial UI text overlapping
-FIXED: unable to move in the tutorial
-FIXED: AI not being able to move to the bridge in some cases
-FIXED: frigate energy controls UI not getting removed when pressing escape
-FIXED: frigate energy controls UI not getting removed when player died
-FIXED: "waiting for players" screen getting stuck in the frigate vs frigate mode
-FIXED: AI frigate turrets not shooting at all in some situations
-FIXED: capital ship frigate attach arms not being up/down correctly at the start of the round
-FIXED: small gap in the walls in the room with the stairs to the bridge
-FIXED: frigate turrets not firing when capital ships weapons energy was 0
-FIXED: potential fix for fireo droids and repair drones to appear in the tree room (but not moving or getting damage)
-FIXED: increased capital ship collision size to prevent frigates from being able to get undocked inside the planet
-FIXED: fire extinguisher related server error spams
-FIXED: bomber radar display being visible in the other fighters
-FIXED: B2 Attack droids sometimes not spawning correctly
-FIXED: lots of bugs related to the keybinding system
-FIXED: some frigate control bugs
-FIXED: some keybindings missing after using "reset keybinds"
-FIXED: controller looking up/down being inverted

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2020, 01:19:37 AM »
Update #32: Pings, votes, keybinding fixes and more!
Thu, 10 September 2020

This update adds a basic ping system, makes it harder for intruders to infiltrate frigates, and fixes multiple bugs.
This update adds the first version of the ping system, allowing players that are not using the voice chat to still communicate with their teammates quickly. You can do basic pings anywhere, and there are context-based pings for things like generators, keycards, and droids.

The newly introduced frigates are now also harder to invade for enemy players, which are now forced to go through the new vent systems of the frigate, triggering an intruder alert and killing intruders that are not careful enough.

There is also a new voting system, which you can use to change the AI difficulty, restart the round, or toggle between PVE/PVP without having to host a new server, which should make playing on dedicated servers a lot easier.

There are also bug fixes, most notably for missing and not properly resetting keybinds, as well as the usual adjustments and improvements, all noted in the full changelog below.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: the ability to start a vote to change AI difficulty on a server
-ADDED: current AI difficulty to the scoreboard
-ADDED: players that died on a frigate will now respawn on that frigate (to be able to fight vs intruders)
-ADDED: players that dock on an enemy frigate will now have to try to sneak in through the vent systems
-ADDED: vents that kill players and stop from time to time
-ADDED: vent intruder alarm system for frigates, giving the frigate crew enough time to prepare to fight an invader
-ADDED: basic ping system (help, moving here, attack, protect)
-ADDED: context-based ping system for things like generators, engines, droids, ... that also sends team chat text message
-ADDED: keybinding support for number keys, right control/alt/shift, arrow keys and more
-ADDED: votes to change the game mode to PVP or PVE and vote to restart the round
-ADDED: frigate AI now will fly back to their capital ship to get repairs done
-ADDED: some lights now fail if the generator is down

-IMPROVED: increased keycard respawn rates
-IMPROVED: removed red minimap icon color for teammates to avoid confusion
-IMPROVED: AI movement when trying to dodge the players super laser
-IMPROVED: keycard respawns, to make sure there is always one keycard of each color available in each ship at any time
-IMPROVED: AI frigate flying
-BUFFED: increased smaller fighter shield regeneration by 50%
-BUFFED: super laser now deals damage to everything in range, instead of only the first thing it hits
-BUFFED: increased frigate repairs while docked from 10% per minute to 20% per minute
-NERFED: Heavy Fighters and Bombers now get their rockets/bombs replenished over time in a hangar, instead of instantly
-NERFED: reduced Heavy Fighter rocket damage from 70 to 50
-NERFED: reduced Bomber mines amount from 8 to 6

-FIXED: minimap sometimes showing enemy ship interior while on your own ship
-FIXED: destroyed frigate explosions not disappearing correctly
-FIXED: Interceptor Drones not focusing enemy smaller fighters correctly
-FIXED: some fighter keybinding issues
-FIXED: player steam avatars sometimes not appearing on the scoreboard
-FIXED: gap in the wall in the cantina
-FIXED: sometimes being unable to dock frigate even though it was close enough to the capital ship
-FIXED: planets sometimes being invisible through the bridge window
-FIXED: potential fix for turret selection UI sometimes not appearing
-FIXED: parts of the fighter UI not being removed after exiting a fighter
-FIXED: multiple minimap bugs
-FIXED: "Reset Keybinds" not removing some of the existing binds
-FIXED: typo in the server browser
-FIXED: B1 droids not spawning correctly on epic battle size

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Offline Asid

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2020, 02:37:40 AM »
Update #33: Vsync, ultrawide screen improvements and bugfixes
Fri, 2 October 2020

This smaller update fixes a few bugs regarding turrets, especially the gauss cannon, adds a vsync option, and brings the first iteration of a work-in-progress ultrawide monitor support system, that focuses on the most important UI screens like the main menu for now and will be improved upon in future updates.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: V-Sync option
-ADDED: first WIP version of ultrawide support (for the most important menus)
-CHANGED: reduced gauss cannon explosion sound
-FIXED: gauss cannon shooting 2 projectiles when manually shooting
-FIXED: some smaller gauss cannon bugs
-FIXED: log spam when opening the energy control screen
-FIXED: frigate turrets not firing while friendly capital ships super laser was charging

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2020, 11:59:41 PM »
Update #34: Hangar rework, asteroid fields, and more!
Wed, 4 November 2020

This update adds a more immersive hangar system, asteroid fields, the ability to force open doors, and lots more!

This update brings a big rework to hangars and smaller fighters, you will now have to fly out of the hangar instead of just spawning outside. The hangar gates will open automatically when you jump in a fighter, allowing you to see the battle outside. The gates will also close behind you, but enemy fighters might try to fly in while it's closing, so look out for that!

There is also a new upper floor from which you can access the new hangar control stations, which allow you to have an overview over the hangars, and toggle the hangar gates manually. The fighters now also have a reworked interior UI, replacing the texts for HP, shields, speed, and laser heat with progress bars.

There are also new asteroid fields with destroyable asteroids of different sizes, you can shoot them or destroy them by flying through them with your capital ship, which will result in heavy damage on the hulls that get hit.

Additional changes that were widely requested and made it into this update include a class selection menu in the pre-game selection UI, and the ability to force open lockdowned doors which will take 20 seconds per door, and only half of that if you are playing as Engineer.

There are also more minor additions, changes, and bug fixes that you can take a look at in the full changelog below.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: new hangar system that allows the hangar doors to open from both sides
-ADDED: hangar lever that manually controls the hangar doors
-ADDED: hangar doors automatically open/close when fighter starts flying/flies out
-ADDED: new upper-level corridors and hangar control stations (for testing purposes only on the "Epic" battlesize)
-ADDED: ability to force open enemy lockdowned doors (20s duration, 10s for engineers)
-ADDED: class selection to pre-game selection screen
-ADDED: asteroid fields, asteroids can be destroyed by lasers or by capital ships driving through (capital ships take a lot of damage if they do this)
-ADDED: option to disable the battle zone limitations
-ADDED: new upper floors to the capital ship vs capital ship battle size

-IMPROVED: overall performance slightly
-IMPROVED: made bridge/hangar screens smoother
-CHANGED: increased hangar door hack open cooldown from 120s to 180s
-CHANGED: collision system changes to increase CPU performance
-CHANGED: small fighter cockpit instruments
-CHANGED: increased battle limit size by 25%

-FIXED: blue small fighters looking like the old blue-yellow design instead of the newer blue-white design
-FIXED: repairing broken doors as engineer sometimes not working
-FIXED: capital ship lockdown affecting frigate doors
-FIXED: players and droids being able to walk through the hangar shields
-FIXED: being able to fly through closed hangar doors
-FIXED: players sometimes getting stuck when spawning on the frigate
-FIXED: some minor turret UI selection issues
-FIXED: multiple bugs regarding turrets
-FIXED: multiple hangar bugs
-FIXED: UI scaling issue introduced in the last beta update
-FIXED: lights being very bright on "Normal" battle size
-FIXED: multiple frigate respawn issues
-FIXED: multiple hangar bugs
-FIXED: UI scaling issue introduced in the last beta update
-FIXED: lights being very bright on "Normal" battle size
-FIXED: planets sometimes not being rendered if far away
-FIXED: red team fighters spawning issues
-FIXED: stuttering when flying capital ships through the asteroid field

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2020, 01:59:20 AM »
Update #35: New class abilties like sentries, teleporters, drones and more!
Mon, 23 November

This update adds active abilties to all classes and fixes a few bugs.

This update adds active abilities to all classes, they have 30 to 60 seconds cooldown and can be used by pressing the key you assigned to "Active Abilities" (default: "R").

The Crew class can place a small sentry turret, that will shoot enemy players that get close to it.

The Engineer can place a teleporter, if he has two teleporters active, all players can travel between those two points. You can see teleporters on the map, and if they connect two points in the same ship, you can see where you are going to get teleported to if you look at the arrow on the teleporter.

The Marine (previously Ranger) can fire a small missile from his backpack, dealing great damage to whatever it hits, and decent damage to the surrounding area. Can be used to quickly blow up doors that are in lockdown mode.

The Pilot can spawn a drone that can be used for reconnaissance and comes with an energy beam that deals decent damage over close distances. It can self-destruct to deal decent damage to its surroundings.

The Officer class can now give their team orders like repairing generators or engines, killing enemy droids, destroying teleporters, manning turrets, or jumping in smaller fighters. If you use the ability, the map will open and you can click on the thing that you want to be taken care of. Once the order is followed, the Officer and the player that completed the order receive a resource point reward.

There are also some minor improvements and bugfixes like hangar doors not taking damage correctly, that you can take a look at in the full changelog below!

Full changelog:

-ADDED: new active ability system for each class
-ADDED: small sentry, placeable by Crew class
-ADDED: teleporter, placeable by Engineer class
-ADDED: small personal missile, useable by the Marine class
-ADDED: recon drone, useable by the Pilot class
-ADDED: new orders system that allows the Officer class to give orders to their teammates, both players receive a resource point reward if the order is completed
-ADDED: droids now can shoot teleporters and sentries
-ADDED: teleporters get shown on the map
-ADDED: sentries and teleporters now show their teams color

-NERFED: reduced sentry upgrade HP from 800 to 400
-NERFED: reduced sentry fire rate from 120 RPM to 90 RPM
-CHANGED: renamed "Ranger" class to "Marine"

-FIXED: sentry bugs that allowed the sentry to keep firing even when the generator of their ship was disabled
-FIXED: asteroid field always taking up server resources
-FIXED: bug that resulted in players appearing to sit inside turret control seats while they were not
-FIXED: rounds restarting when a player left and only 1 player remained
-FIXED: hangar doors not taking damage correctly
-FIXED: "Heavy Fighter" midround purchase not being greyed out when you did not have enough resource points

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2020, 02:57:35 AM »
Update #36: Capital ship shields impact effects, better droid patrolling + more!
Mon, December 7, 2020

This update adds new laser impact effects for lasers, better droid patrolling and more

This update adds new laser impact effects for capital ships, you will now see if you hit a shield, or if you dealt damage to the hull. The droid patrolling system also got reworked, the droids now move around more naturally and don't get stuck in some corners or in hangars anymore.

There are also new keybinding options and improvements to the keybinding menu, as well as lots of minor improvements and bugfixes you can take a look at in the full changelog below.

Full changelog:

-ADDED: shield impact effect when shooting at a capital ship section that has its shields up
-ADDED: explosion impact effect when shooting at a capital ship section that has its shields down
-ADDED: keybinding options for smaller fighter left/right roll

-REWORKED: droid patrolling system, to prevent them from sometimes just standing in hangars doing nothing and instead cover the whole ship all the time

-IMPROVED: asteroid field collision detection
-IMPROVED: asteroid field GPU performance
-IMPROVED: keybinding menu layout

-FIXED: droids firing at friendly turrets
-FIXED: fighter sometimes instantly landing again when flying out of a hangar and hitting a hangar door
-FIXED: fixed players sometimes respawning in a box outside the map
-FIXED: B2 Attack droids sometimes spawning in the wrong ship
-FIXED: Pitch Up/Down keybindings not resetting correctly
-FIXED: no AI Tactical Droid spawning inside the frigates
-FIXED: potential issue that resulted in shuttles from the frigates spawning inside the capital ship interiors
-FIXED: capital ship flying through the planet
-FIXED: hangar doors hitbox being wrong
-FIXED: hangar doors shield not being visible from the outside
-FIXED: hangar doors not showing flames on the outside when falling below 50% health

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Re: Deep Space Battle Simulator
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2020, 01:39:44 AM »
Update #37: XP/Level system, character and ship skin rewards, weekly playevents!
Thu, 17 December 2020

This update adds a xp/level system, character and ship skin rewards, weekly playevents, and bugfixes!
This update introduces the first version of the new XP/level system, for every 500 XP you gain for playing the game, your level will increase. How much XP you gain after a round depends on the game mode, AI difficulty, and if you managed to win it.

There are also new character skins you can unlock by leveling up, you can equip them in the class selection screen. The new ship skins can be unlocked similar to the character skins, you can equip them as a free upgrade in the ship customization phase. You can also see your current level progress, your unlocked rewards, and all upcoming rewards in the main menu!

There is also a weekly play event on Saturdays to make it easier for you to find other players to play with, you will also receive double XP while playing on public (non-password protected) servers during Saturdays.

There are also the usual improvements and bug fixes, most notably changes to the respawn system, respawning on a frigate now always takes 8 seconds instead of being dependent on the life support energy of your capital ship, AI frigates should no longer teleport back to their capital ship, the chat looks a bit nicer with players names being displayed in their teams' colors. The AI also received multiple upgrades, they won't shoot friendly teleporters anymore and have an easier time shooting smaller enemies like Fireos when up close.

Full changelog:
-ADDED: XP/level system, unlocking character and ship skins
-ADDED: players level now get shown on the scoreboard
-ADDED: players level now get shown in the main menu, hovering over it will show all possible unlocks
-ADDED: gained XP changes with AI difficulty level, PVE/PVP mode and based on if you won the round, gained XP gets shown after the round
-ADDED: Saturday playevent announcement to the XP gained screen after the round
-ADDED: playing on Saturdays on public (=non-password protected) servers will double your gained XP
-ADDED: team colors to chat messages

-IMPROVED: Barsk aim when shooting at smaller targets that are close to them
-CHANGED: respawning on a frigate now always takes 8 seconds, instead of being based on the life support energy of the capital ship
-CHANGED: reduced damage taken when flying into capital ships, so fighters don't get destroyed instantly on low-speed collisions
-CHANGED: XP is only gained for rounds that took longer than 2 minutes

-FIXED: potential issue that prevented players from hosting games
-FIXED: potential issue that resulted in the AI frigate teleporting back to their capital ship instead of flying there
-FIXED: multiple minor issues resulting in log error spamming and bad server performance
-FIXED: friendly droids attacking your teleporters
-FIXED: using a teleporter would sometimes result in the wrong ingame map being shown

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