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Author Topic: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox  (Read 20509 times)

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Offline Asid

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Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« on: April 10, 2020, 01:10:20 AM »

A procedural co-op space sandbox where players can build their own space ships out of dynamically scalable blocks. Fight epic space battles, explore, mine, trade, wage wars and build your own empire to save your galaxy from being torn apart by an unknown enemy.

Home page

Single-player, Online PvP, LAN PvP, Online Co-op, LAN Co-op, Cross-Platform Multiplayer

Avorion - Launch Trailer


Several hundred years ago, a cataclysmic catastrophe nearly ripped your galaxy apart - an impassable ring of torn hyperspace fabric appeared in the center of the galaxy, which normal hyperspace engines can’t overcome.

Since this Event nobody has managed to get near the central regions of the galaxy. All you know is that the Event also spawned multiple untraversable hyperspace rifts throughout the entire galaxy, and that a strange race of aliens, the Xsotan, has appeared in the center. It looks like these aliens have found a way to cross over the torn hyperspace fabric, but so far nobody has managed to establish contact with them.

There are also rumors about a strange new metal called ‘Avorion’ which has appeared in the center of the galaxy around the same time as the Xsotan have arrived. Apparently the aliens use this material to build their ships.

Start out as a nobody at the edge and work your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more dangerous, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core. Avorion takes sandbox aspects from games like X or Freelancer, throws in co-op multiplayer and lets you build your own ships. It features ships made of freely scalable blocks that can be procedurally generated and that break into pieces where they're hit in space fights.

Equip your ship with chainguns, lasers and other weaponry to take on your enemies and enjoy the sight of completely destructible ships breaking at the exact points where you hit them.

Defend your allies from pirates, hunt down enemies for coin or even participate in wars between entire factions. Once you’re victorious, collect loot from defeated foes which you can use to upgrade your ship: new turrets with special abilities like autofire or repair beams, or system upgrades that allow you to install even more weapons. Build hangars and command squads of fighters in your battles or destroy enemy freighters to steal their cargo.

Fly through beautiful nebulas and dense asteroid fields in search of hidden treasures and meet the many factions that populate and control their portion of the galaxy. Each faction has its own characteristics, such as peaceful, intelligent or aggressive, and its ships and stations have a distinct look.

Explore the galaxy at your own pace to find valuable goods in old ship wrecks, undiscovered asteroid fields rich in resources, gigantic asteroids which you can claim for yourself, or clues about what happened during the Event a few centuries back.

There are no limits to the size or complexity of your ship besides your resources. But there is also a creative mode where you can just build to your heart’s content. You're not bound to the standard voxel style and while building an awesome ship in Avorion you won't get lost in lots and lots of micro-management.

You can focus on building a great looking ship, without having to worry about making it work. But always keep an eye on your ship’s maneuverability and energy requirements. Adjust your ship perfectly to its operational purpose: everything from light and agile explorers to heavily armored battleships with strong shields.

And why build only one ship? Hire captains to fly your ships for you, manage your crews, weapons, hangars and fighters and build your own fleet of spaceships!

Extend your ship with a cargo bay, find profitable deals and haul over a hundred trading goods across the galaxy to make a profit and buy your way up the food chain. Constructing a fleet of specialized transport ships with lots of cargo space will help you build up a trading corporation.

Extend your influence in the galaxy by founding asteroid mines and factories that attract NPC traders who will buy and sell their goods at your establishments. Install trading systems which detect trading routes and supply and demand over multiple sectors and become the richest commander in the galaxy!

Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Just raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods or become a headhunter.

You don't have to face all of these challenges alone! Avorion features co-op multiplayer, so team up with your friends to build stations together and destroy pirates and enemy factions!

Everybody needs a copilot, and you can fly ships together, with one of you doing the steering and the other one taking care of firing weapons. Work with each other to extend your influence in the galaxy and build your own empire.
Or, you know, blow your friends apart in large PvP battles. It's a sandbox, you can do whatever you want!

In Avorion you choose your personal playstyle. Haul cargo, find profitable trading routes and found factories. Or maybe you're sick of being the good guy? Build your own battleship, equip it with powerful weaponry and blow away your enemies. Be the aggressor that starts wars with entire factions, raid freighters, smuggle illegal goods and scavenge old wreckages. Find your way to the center of a galaxy that gets more hostile, but also more rewarding the closer you get to its core.

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 12:08:01 AM »
Community Servers are coming!
Wed, 22 April 2020

Read everything you need to know about our community servers!

We are happy to announce that official community servers are coming! Due to the current Covid-19 situation, we are all encouraged to stay at home and we want to help you through this time. We have already made all the necessary arrangements and are currently working on the final touches to get the servers live.

After consulting with many server hosts, we have found out, that it works best if each community plays according to their own ideas. That's why we provide you with the servers for free and you can administrate and lead them the way you want! We only set some ground rules to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. You can decide how you run the servers, which community you want to build, how often the servers will be wiped and so on.

How is this going to work?
We have organized servers for you via 4NetPlayers, which we will provide to you for free. There will be several servers and it is important for us to work closely with you together, to get the best possible experience for you and to achieve improvements! The servers will be marked separately so that you can clearly see which ones are official and verified.
If you are interested in administrating a server, send us a quick application with the following content to :

- Your name
- A link to your Steam profile (must be public)

And please answer the following questions in your application:

- Are you already hosting a server or do you have experience in game server administration?
- How long have you been playing Avorion?
- Do you already have a community? If so, how big is it?
- How many administrators would manage the server?
- Please tell us, which kind of server you would like to have. For example, PvP or PvE?
- Why would you like to administrate a server, what is your motivation?

Please note that you must be a member of our official Discord Server, so please let us know your Discord ID in the email.
Here is the link to our Discord:

Short Q&A
Will there be a charge for the servers?
- No, the servers are provided by us free of charge. We host them, you can use them.

Where will the servers be located?
- We will provide servers in the EU and the US.

Will we be able to mod our servers?
- For now they will be unmodded.

Will it be PvP or PvE servers?
- Both will be available, we have not yet determined the exact distribution.

What are the rules?
- In order to provide a good experience for a broad majority of players, there will be some ground rules set by us. Server admins are free to extend the rules, as long as they don’t revoke ours.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and we hope that we can assign the first servers soon! :)

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2020, 12:04:31 AM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.0.2 - Patchnotes
Fri, 24 April 2020

Preparations for Official Community Servers

This small update is the next step in bringing you our official servers. For more details please read our previous announcement.

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

Official Community Servers
•   Official Community Servers are now marked in the server browser
•   Added "Rent A Server" button to the multiplayer menu which opens the website of our official server hosting partner 4NetPlayers

•   Added configurable motd to server.ini that is displayed when a player logs in
•   One admin can now join over the maximum player limit to enable better supervision

"Bug reports marked with [UBR] are user bug reports. Keep it up guys! :)"

•   [UBR] Fixed an issue that caused automatic miners and salvagers to get stuck
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where the tutorial wasn't playable in creative mode

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Offline Asid

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2020, 02:12:35 AM »
Official Community Servers now available!
Thu, May 14, 2020

Quick update about the Community Servers and further information!

We are happy to share good news with you today! Our official Community Servers are now assigned, and you can already explore the galaxy together with other players! The verified servers are clearly marked with a blue checkmark and are accessible to everyone without a password. The servers are provided free of charge in cooperation with 4NetPlayers and are managed by selected administrators.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the numerous applications! Unfortunately, we could not assign a server to everyone, so some applications are still on the waiting list if a server becomes available again in the future.
We will continue to work closely with both 4NetPlayers and the server administrators to ensure that you get the best performance from the servers.

We would also like to inform you that our friends from Stray Fawn Studio are releasing their game Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor! Today at 18pm CEST it will leave Early Access! 😊 For the launch there is a discount of 25% for everyone until 21.05.2020 9am PST! Take a look, because for all who love space games, it's definitely worth it!

Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor

Command the Nimbatus and craft drones out of hundreds of different parts. Survive unknown threats in a fully destructible, procedural universe, compete against other players in different arenas or enjoy complete creative freedom in the sandbox.

Concerning an update, we would also like to inform you that we are working on it with determination. Unfortunately, we can’t give you an exact date yet. We ask you for a little patience and understanding. In any case we will keep you always up to date! 😊

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2020, 01:24:55 AM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.1 - Patchnotes
Thu, 4 June 2020

Bugfixes, QoL improvements, an improved tutorial, streamlined missions and better profiling tools for server admins
Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

"In this update we greatly improved the basic tutorial. It is now much more streamlined with less text to read and more to do. Wherever possible the new tutorial now features interactive sequences."
•   Added new Tutorial parts that explain missions, fighting and ship destruction (and reconstruction)
•   The Tutorial can now only be played in Singleplayer - set the checkbox to true while creating a new galaxy if you want to play it!
•   Player now starts Tutorial with a ship fully equipped to play
•   New missions that follow on from the tutorial to explain more advanced game mechanics

"The Story in Avorion has always been rather a loose thread than a real story. With this update we introduce a more streamlined approach that helps players to find and complete all story missions."
•   Greatly streamlined the story missions with more subsequent missions
•   Added additional "guide" mission for story missions
•   Added shortened version of credits that is played when the story is completed

Galaxy Map
"We completely reworked the UI for commanding ships over the galaxy map. Enjoy!"
•   Reworked the UI for commanding ships over the galaxy map
•   Ships are now listed on the right of the map
•   Routes of ships through gates and wormholes now have different colors
•   Fixed several issues when rendering routes and icons on Galaxy Map

•   When founding a station, the style of the faction it was bought from can be used to create a plan for it
•   Camera settings of different ships are now remembered
•   Military ships of AI factions now respawn
•   Alliance privileges are now checked when transferring content between ships
•   Repair docks can now also restore ships for a player's alliance and vice versa
•   Fixed persecutors not spawning correctly in sectors without players but with player ships
•   Optional ingredients now double production speed of factories when used in a production

•   Improved UI of trading upgrade
•   Squads in Hangar tab can now be moved around by Drag n Drop
•   Added text boxes for exact values to several sliders
•   Hire Crew UI now shows your current crew
•   FPS limiter combobox is now disabled when vsync is on
•   Display refresh rate can now be configured when using fullscreen
•   Added combobox to select the display to graphics settings
•   Common resolutions are now made available in windowed mode for convenience
•   Added a confirmation message box when disbanding an alliance
•   Added scrollbar to cargo tab
•   Alliance emblems are now shown in diplomacy tab
•   Added a bar to show how much cargo is on the ship
•   Fighters tab in Equipment Dock is hidden when player is outside Trinium regions and his ship doesn't have a hangar
•   Illegal, dangerous, stolen or suspicious trading goods now have a different color in the sales UI
•   Added tooltips for optional ingredients in factory config UI and what they do

"We added localization for Chinese (Simplified), Russian and Spanish. Additionally, we improved performance of several particle systems and fixed a few crashes related to those."
•   Added first official support for Simplified Chinese, Russian and Spanish
o   Some texts are still missing, but will be added over the next weeks
•   Improved performance of thruster particle effects
•   Improved performance of loot & wreckage particles
o   Particles are now no longer spawned when they would be too far away
•   Cargo loot changes size depending on amount of cargo
•   Loot packets that float around now merge together over time to improve performance
•   Improved visibility of rare turrets and upgrades floating around as loot

"In order to make administrating a (community) server a little easier, we added logging about which resources are being exchanged between players."
•   Added a "script-threads" command line argument
•   Improved logging of servers
•   Servers log when players enter the galaxy center for the first time
•   Server now logs the items and resources (not text) sent within mails
•   Server now logs when a ship from a disbanded alliance was claimed by a player
•   Server now logs boarding of ships
•   Server now logs alliance vault transactions, and other actions like joining, founding, disbanding, etc.
•   Server now logs which items and resources are exchanged in a player trade
•   Added option -t to /playerinfo command which prints last online time and total playtime of all players
•   Added option -p to /playerinfo command to display resources and other info of players
•   Added a /profile command that records a profiling benchmark for the next 30 seconds and then saves it to a file
o   Use this if your server / game has bad performance or lags and you want to help us fix it. You can send us the file alongside an explanation as to what happened.

Profiling & Performance
"In order to fix some very annoying performance issues, we revamped our diagnostics system to a more centralized approach. You can help us greatly by using these easy-to-use tools and sending us the collected data!"
•   Refactored profiling to find performance issues more reliably
•   Client: Press F10 to save performance stats of the past ~30 seconds to a file
o   Use this when you got consistent FPS problems
•   Server: Type /status to save performance stats of the last ~30 seconds to a file
o   Important: Set profiling=true in your server.ini for this to work
•   Server: New /profile command that records a profiling benchmark for the next 30 seconds and then saves it to a file
o   Use this if your server / game has bad performance or lags

Scripting API
•   Added AllianceEmblem class
•   Added a onSectorArrivalConfirmed callback when the client finished loading a sector
•   When a player enters the center of the galaxy for the first time, a value visited_center is set
•   Added a fullLogId property to players that prints a string fully identifying the player
•   Added fullLogId to client Player, client Alliance, Faction, Player, Alliance
•   Added a tagDescription property to TradingGood
•   Added a color property to TradingGood
•   Adjusted Y sizes of labels that are created with only a vec2 and not a Rect
•   Added controlPressed, shiftPressed, altPressed, modifierKeyPressed to Input class
•   Added lookAtSmooth function to GalaxyMap

"Bugfixes marked with [UBR] are user bug reports. Thanks to everyone who reported! You can report bugs from within the game in the pause menu."
•   Fixed several issues in scripts
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where turret designs could get lost when merging blocks
•   Fixed an issue where the rotation arrows of the turret brush pointed in the wrong direction
•   Credits can no longer be scrolled back infinitely
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighter orders weren't applied when leaving a sector without them and then returning
•   Fixed several issues where turrets could be placed on blocks where they shouldn't be placed
•   Fixed an issue where turrets could get duplicated
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where the ship name could protrude from its texture
•   Fixed an issue where transform mode was disabled when clicking the block button or pressing its keyboard shortcut
•   [UBR] Exodus mission corner sectors can now be found even if the mission is not active
•   Fixed several issues with translations
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where flat corner blocks couldn't be placed back-to-back
•   [UBR] Dangerous transformations to holo blocks are now prevented
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where width and height were swapped in craft stats
•   Fixed an issue where the "You need X, Y, Z resources" message could contain negative values
•   Fixed an issue with refreshing the servers list
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where collecting cargo could crash the game
•   Fixed an issue where "loot collected" sound effect would sometimes be played when loot despawns
•   [UBR] Block brush: Fixed an issue where the block size was messed up when rotating in voxel grid mode
•   Fixed a crash when lots of particles could be seen on screen
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where no traders could spawn at first when founding a new station
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where trading overview upgrade could display wrong values for the first sector after first relog
o   Also fixes the "sell price: error getting supply demand factor: 3" error message spam (which was not critical)
•   Fixed an issue where AI factions would rebuild the wrong factories after they were destroyed

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2020, 01:47:20 PM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.1.1 - Patchnotes
Tue, 16 June 2020

More bugfixes and improvements to the new tutorial.

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

•   Added a frame draw selection to galaxy map
•   Added some cutscenes to tutorial
•   Engines now flicker when low on energy or on wreckages

•   Finalized Spanish localization
•   Improved readability of text of tracked mission

Scripting API
•   Added renderBorder function to UIRenderer

•   [UBR] Fixed issue where assigning too few power units in turret factory could result in turrets that never fired
•   [UBR] Fixed trading instruction quest not advancing after relog
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where cargo wasn't correctly transferred when founding a station
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where fighters that cost negative credits could be built
•   Fixed several issues in scripts
•   Fixed several issues in new tutorial
•   Fixed several crashes
•   Fixed several issues in faction name generator

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2020, 11:22:58 PM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.1.2 - Patchnotes
Mon, 22 June 2020

More bugfixes and getting ready for deployment to stable!

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

Galaxy Map
•   Added new checkbox to toggle if stations are shown in ships bar

•   Updated Credits

•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where players couldn't log in properly
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where map wouldn't work correctly
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where adventurer wouldn't spawn correctly in multiplayer
•   Fixed black bars of cutscenes not being displayed correctly
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where mails button wouldn't stop flashing
•   Fixed several issues with new galaxy map ship overview
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue with duplicated names when founding a mine as an alliance

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2020, 03:38:38 PM »
Story, Tutorial & Galaxy Map Improvements!
Tue, 23 June 2020

New features in the tutorial, story and galaxy map, and performance improvements.
Hi everyone! Long time no update! Sadly, gaming studios like us didn’t get spared from the corona crisis either and we had to realize that work gets done a lot slower at home office than at our official offices. But nevertheless, we’ve been steadily working on the game and we’ve got a new update ready for you!

In this update, we're mainly improving the tutorial and story. Additionally, we also have some performance updates for you, so let’s dive right into it!

Updated Tutorial
The tutorial originally dates back to the year 2017, when we first released Avorion into Early Access on Steam. The game has been updated a lot since then and the tutorial was in dire need of an update to reflect the current state of the game better. So we completely revamped it to offer an updated introduction into the game. It explains more things like adding upgrades to your ship, building turrets, and that getting your ship blown up is also a part of the game. We also shortened some other parts, like looking around and steering the ship, which doesn’t usually need lengthy explanations.

Story Improvements
The loose story of Avorion tends to have people lost at some point and searching for clues in forums and the Wiki. While we do think that a mainly-intended-as-a-sandbox game’s story should not hold hands too much, we don’t think that requiring players to regularly look for clues outside of the game is the way to go. We’ve added tons of inter-missions (get it, haha..? okay, sorry.) to aid you gathering the parts required to cross the barrier.

Galaxy Map
The galaxy map has received a major update as well! Ships are now listed on the right side and can be commanded more easily, without the hassle of sometimes clicking on sectors and sometimes on other ship portraits. It’ll also help you see where ships/stations are stationed (last one, promise).

We added Chinese (Simplified), Spanish and Russian as officially supported languages!

Performance Optimizations and Logging
We also improved performance on the client and servers (mainly for large servers) and we added some tools that will help us identify performance bottlenecks in the future. Particles are now less performance-hungry and we’ve fixed some crashes related to particle systems.
So things are looking up if you’ve been experiencing poor performance! Just keep in mind that Avorion was never designed as an MMO (and never will be) and hosting servers for dozens of people at the same time is still a challenge (which we intend to overcome though!).

Other changes
There are tons of other changes in many areas, like bug fixes, UI improvements, better station founding (use a station design of the faction you bought the founder ship from), visual updates to loot and wreckages, and many more! To get a complete overview, check out the complete patch notes here:

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2020, 12:06:33 AM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.1.3 - Patchnotes
Mon, 3 August 2020

A small patch fixing some urgent issue while we're working on the bigger things.

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

Please note: Some translations for some languages (Chinese, Spanish, Russian) are still missing and will be added over the week.

Scripting API
•   Added Player [Client]:onJumpRouteCalculationFinished() callback

"As always, bug fixes with [UBR] are User Bug Reports. Thanks for helping improve Avorion and keep it up!"

•   [UBR] Fixed several issues with translations
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue with the tutorial getting stuck when played on Chinese or some other languages
•   Fixed an issue where building mode buttons weren't correctly disabled during tutorial
•   Improved profiling on Windows machines
•   Fixed several issues in scripts
•   [UBR] Fixed a server crash that happened in large sectors after too many sectors were explored
•   Fixed an issue where some scripts were loaded more than necessary
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues in torpedo introduction mission
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where mining lasers didn't recognize asteroids as mineable after they were split into two pieces
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash when starting a singleplayer game
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash when connecting to a multiplayer game
•   [UBR] Trading Posts now no longer post resource shortage bulletins if they have enough in stock to fulfill request

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2020, 11:25:35 PM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.1.4 - Patchnotes
Mon, 10 August 2020

Another small patch fixing some urgent issue while we're working on the bigger things.

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.


"As always, bug fixes with [UBR] are User Bug Reports. Thanks for helping improve Avorion and keep it up!"

•   [UBR] Fixed some typos in new server.ini docs
•   [UBR] Fixed a hang when beating the MAD science lab
•   [UBR] Fixed a hang in torpedoes introduction mission
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues with localization
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where the sector overview window was too big on small resolutions
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where file sectornamegenerator.lua wasn't moddable
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where reconstruction of ships sometimes didn't restore turret designs
•   [UBR] Fixed a crash when transforming a normal block to a holo block

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2020, 01:21:04 AM »
Patch 1.1.4 now live on default!
Thu, 13 August 2020

After several weeks of beta, patch 1.1.4 has made its way to the default branch!

We're moving this small patch to the stable branch now after it performed well for several weeks on the beta branch. We are also aware of some issues that might be happening in relation to the torpedoes introduction mission; we're working on those!

Here's a quick summary of the latest patch notes:


"As always, bug fixes with [UBR] are User Bug Reports. Thanks for helping improve Avorion and keep it up!"
•   [UBR] Fixed some typos in new server.ini docs
•   [UBR] Fixed a hang when beating the MAD science lab
•   [UBR] Fixed a hang in torpedoes introduction mission
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues with localization
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where the sector overview window was too big on small resolutions
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where file sectornamegenerator.lua wasn't moddable
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where reconstruction of ships sometimes didn't restore turret designs
•   [UBR] Fixed a crash when transforming a normal block to a holo block

"A small patch fixing some urgent issue while we're working on the bigger things."

•   Fixed some cheat- & security issues
•   Added a config option to server.ini to specify maximum receivable network message size
•   Server now writes out a server.ini documentation file

Scripting API
•   Added Player [Client]:onJumpRouteCalculationFinished() callback

"As always, bug fixes with [UBR] are User Bug Reports. Thanks for helping improve Avorion and keep it up!"
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues with translations
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue with the tutorial getting stuck when played on Chinese or some other languages
•   Fixed an issue where building mode buttons weren't correctly disabled during tutorial
•   Improved profiling on Windows machines
•   Fixed several issues in scripts
•   [UBR] Fixed a server crash that happened in large sectors after too many sectors were explored
•   Fixed an issue where some scripts were loaded more than necessary
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues in torpedo introduction mission
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where mining lasers didn't recognize asteroids as mineable after they were split into two pieces
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash when starting a singleplayer game
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash when connecting to a multiplayer game
•   [UBR] Trading Posts now no longer post resource shortage bulletins if they have enough in stock to fulfill request

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2020, 11:29:56 PM »
Beta Branch Patch 1.2 - Patchnotes
Wed, 19 August 2020

We're releasing a few quality of life features that came along during the development of the next big update. Enjoy!

"While working on the next big update, we also added a few more quality-of-life features. We're releasing a small patch with a selection of those features that are already done."

Beta Branch Note: These changes are currently available on the beta branch. The beta branch is for testing experimental changes and for finding and fixing errors.

This is how you get access to the beta branch (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):
Right-Click on Avorion in your Steam list, Properties -> Betas -> Select branch 'beta'.

•   Lights of wreckages can now flicker independently for each block & material type

Building Mode UI
•   Silhouettes of real-world monuments can now be shown in building mode for an improved sense of scale
•   Silhouettes can be modded
•   Block template brush's blocks are no longer all red while selecting a new anchor block
•   Improved controls for scaling blocks and shapes

General UI
•   The amount of goods of a ship is now directly visible in the fleet tab
•   Improved coloring of cargo overview in the fleet tab
•   When commanding ships, sectors reachable via gate are now highlighted
•   Claimed asteroids now show up on the map
•   Added sorting of DPS/Slot
•   Guidebook for captains and its introductory missions can no longer be abandoned

•   Added new game settings variables for maximum ships & stations of an alliance
•   Added file clustering options to server.ini
•   When enabled, packs small files into larger ones on shutdown of server
•   Added a notification for when a player is assigned to be the new leader of a group

Scripting API
•   All setValue() functions for objects now return the previously set value
•   Player.craftFaction now returns the player faction if the player is not in a craft

"As always, fixes marked with [UBR] are bugs that have been reported through our in-game bug reporting tool. Thanks to everyone who reported and keep it up!"

•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where directing ships over the galaxy map wasn't working correctly for bought maps
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash in building mode
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues in missions
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where alliance ranks with empty names could be created
•   [UBR] Fixed research satellites showing nil chatter after reload
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where upgrades would remain on ships after being removed from the game (ie. through enabling/disabling mods)

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2020, 02:45:31 PM »
News: DLC - Black Market coming soon!
Wed, 2 September 2020

Get ready for some shady activities in the upcoming Black Market DLC!

Hey everyone! Let's get the most important news out first. As announced in our Gamescom stream a few days ago: We are proud to announce our first DLC - the Black Markets! In addition to new content, we also added quite some improvements to the game that will be published in a free update at the same time as the DLC. Let's dive right in!

Did you know that in space, even a tiny little spacecraft can move something gigantic? Ships can now dock to something else and take it wherever you might want it to be - if the owners of said object have no objections. Move your own stations and those of your friends, dock ships and jump around or just grab the containers that you want to hack, but that are too well protected in their sectors.
And the best thing? Docking will be available for everyone as part of a free update!

Shady Business at Stations
You stole found a container that is protected by a good security system and can't hack it yet? Just take it to a Smuggler’s Market and they will open it for you - for a fee though. You should also check out the name-giving feature of this DLC: The new Black Markets. Discover the hidden identities of some inconspicuous looking stations and profit from what they have to offer!

Have you ever wondered what might be hidden in those large container fields that can be found all over the galaxy? Now is your time to find out! Get ready to circumvent the security system of the containers and access the contents. You only need a hacking upgrade that is stronger than the container’s security level and you’re ready to go. But beware: the owners of the containers might not look too kindly on thieves.

New Events, Missions & Bosses
Experience a new storyline in over 30 new missions and events! Your actions are relevant for shaping the future of the galaxy. Make sure that you choose the right friends and make the right enemies, and most importantly: Never forget keeping an eye on your own best interests!

There's also going to be a new server-wide late-game event with a convoy venturing towards the center of the galaxy - with its own missions and opportunities. You can decide for yourselves if you want to protect them from pirates or maybe do something more ... evil - provided you have enough firepower.

New Weapons

We don’t want to spoil too much here, but we've got a few legendary turrets ready for you!

Last but not least, we'll answer a few questions that have been coming up since our first announcement during the Gamescom stream:

Q: Will DLC owners and non-DLC owners be able to play together?
A: Yes! We don't want to split our community. Non-DLC owners will even be able to enjoy some of the DLC-only content while playing with DLC-owners.

Q: Will docking be part of the free update?
A: Yes!

Q: Can we jump around with objects or ships docked?
A: Yes!

Q: Will docking be a combat feature?
A: Docking will be a civil only feature. You'll be able to dock containers, asteroids, and the like, as well as your own or friend's ships. Docking other players (exception: alliances) will count as PvP.

Q: Will we be able to automate docking?
A: No. Due to a number of uncertain factors (AI, orientations, where to dock, which docks to use, etc), we decided against AI orders for docking. Everything else would result in finicky UI and would go beyond our scope.

Q: What else is in the update?
A: Together with the DLC content, we'll be releasing a free update for everyone which contains tons of performance improvements (servers especially!) that we spent a big portion of our time on, QoL improvements, and bugfixes.

Q: When is it coming?!
A: Fall 2020.

Q: What's the DLC going to cost?
A: We haven't decided on a final price yet, but it will be around 5 - 10 $/€.

If you have more questions, then you should definitely check out our reveal stream, where we're also talking about the DLC:

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2020, 11:55:39 PM »
Patch 1.2 is now live!
Thu, 17 September 2020

Patch 1.2 brings a few QoL changes fixes that we finished early while working on the big update.

We're releasing a small patch to bring you a few important bugfixes and quality of life changes that were already finished while we're working on the next big update.

•   Lights of wreckages can now flicker independently for each block & material type

Building Mode UI
•   Silhouettes of real-world monuments can now be shown in building mode for an improved sense of scale
      •   Silhouettes can be modded
•   Block template brush's blocks are no longer all red while selecting a new anchor block
•   Improved controls for scaling blocks and shapes

General UI
•   The amount of goods is now directly visible in the fleet tab
•   Improved coloring of cargo overview in the fleet tab
•   When commanding ships, sectors reachable via gate are now highlighted
•   Claimed asteroids now show up on the map
•   Added sorting of DPS/Slot
•   Guidebook and its tutorials can no longer be abandoned

•   Added new game settings variables for maximum ships & stations of an alliance
•   Added file clustering options to server.ini
      •   When enabled, packs small files into larger ones on shutdown of server
•   Added a notification for when a player is assigned to be the new leader of a group

Scripting API
•   All setValue() functions for objects now return the previously set value
•   Player.craftFaction now returns the player faction if the player is not in a craft

"As always, fixes marked with [UBR] are bugs that have been reported through our in-game bug reporting tool. Thanks to everyone who reported and keep it up!"

•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where directing ships over the galaxy map wasn't working correctly for bought maps
•   [UBR] Fixed a rare crash in building mode
•   [UBR] Fixed several issues in missions
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where alliance ranks with empty names could be created
•   [UBR] Fixed research satellites showing nil chatter after reload
•   [UBR] Fixed an issue where upgrades would remain on ships after being removed from the game (ie. through enabling/disabling mods)

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Re: Avorion : A procedural co-op space sandbox
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2020, 11:29:21 PM »
Free Content in the Black Market DLC Update
Tue, 22 September 2020

This is the content which will be available for free!

In our Gamescom streams, we announced Avorion’s first DLC, “Black Market”. Alongside the DLC there will also be a huge free update.

Now, we want to shine some light on what’s coming alongside the DLC.

We put a lot of thought into the update and invested a lot of work to improve Avorion and to offer more content and features. In order to clean up some misconceptions about which features will be free and which will be part of the add-on, we’ve created a small summary for you.

Playing Together
First things first: All players will still be able to play together, even if some of them own the DLC and others don’t. Also, everybody will have access to a lot of the DLC content while they play with somebody who owns it. For example, the big Convoy Event can be played by all players on a server, as long as somebody who owns the DLC starts the event.

Ships can now dock to other objects and take them to wherever you desire - as long as the owners of said objects don’t disagree. Clever captains are now able to steal take containers to safety and they can even have stations open them to see if there is anything of value inside. You can move your own stations or those of your friends, and dock ships or asteroids to your craft and do hyperspace jumps with them.

Controlling Ships
You will now have the ability to interfere with illegal trade and even profit from it. If you catch somebody smuggling illegal goods, you can inspect their ship and maybe earn some bribe money.

Legendary Weapons
Starting with this update, bosses will begin to drop newer, better, awesomer, legendaryer turrets. We went a little crazy on some of those - and would like to apologize in advance.

Performance Improvements
We’re aware that Avorion may require a lot of performance on some multiplayer servers. Of course, we want all of you to be able to play without lag. That is why we reworked the server backend engine. For you as players, this means: If there is a single laggy sector with a lot of action happening inside it, it will no longer slow down the entire server. As long as you’re not inside the problematic sector, you can continue playing without being bothered.
But please remember that Avorion is not an MMO, and just because you can increase the number of players in the server.ini, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a good idea.

It is our goal to squash all bugs in the game so that you can have as much fun as possible. You as a community help us daily to improve Avorion by sending us a lot of bug reports, and we’ve been busy fixing those. We won’t be listing them all here (we’re still fixing as I’m typing this text), so you’ll find the list of fixes in the patch notes. By the way: bugs that we fixed because of a report from the community are marked with [UBR] (User Bug Report).

Many Small Features and Quality Of Life Improvements
We want Avorion to be fun for both new players as well as veterans. That is why we added tons of small new features and QoL stuff, such as improving the Strategy Mode to have better camera controls, asteroid fields have been visually improved and we’re allowing you to assign icons to ships. Those changes will also all be listed in the patch notes.

Your Wish is Our Command
Okay, but on a more serious note: We care a lot about your feedback and we try to add as many of your suggestions as possible to Avorion. Sadly, it’s sometimes not possible to include everything people wish for since some things simply contradict each other or are not compatible with our vision of the game. However, we are working on implementing some of the most requested features:

- Torpedo launchers that shoot straight ahead
- Improving the AI in several different contexts
- Edge blocks for crew quarters
- Ships share their scanner data
- Better RTS mode controls
- Scripting API requests (for modding)
… and more!

You can suggest features and vote for them here:

Server Performance Statistics
We’ll continue supporting our server hosters, so in addition to regularly adding new features servers now log statistics about the their performance. Those include information like the number of players that are logged on at a time, storage used, CPU and much more. This way, hosters can see how their server is running and act accordingly.

Outlook: What happens after the DLC?
We saw from some reactions here that we gave a somewhat wrong impression with the DLC announcement. We will, of course, continue to make and publish free updates. The next big update after the DLC will be a free update again, and it will have a similar scope as the DLC. But we’ll give you more info on that later down the line. For now, we want to concentrate on finishing the current update!

By the way: Features that are highly relevant to fights or PvP (ie. things like Stealth) will never be published in a paid DLC but will always be available to everyone for free.

That's all from us for now! We hope we could clean up some misconceptions around here. Now we'll get back to the update! See you soon!

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